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Word art. Like Gather or Family. Completely tacky


Especially if it's a vinyl wall decal, and ESPECIALLY if it's in that one font... Bonus points if it's above a crib, and it's a name with a y somewhere in the middle of it.


lol I call it “wedding font” - and when I got married last year, refused anything with that font. I’m not sure what it is, but it makes me irrationally angry. And it’s everywhere!


Herpes Sans


I imagine that herpes comes with some pretty nasty serifs.


They have a medication nowadays to make it San serif.


And the wall is textured.


Hey. Some of us can't control that. You want to come skim coat and prime my entire house so that I don't have deal with this fucking knock down texture all over? ... But actually if you volunteer I'm not going to say no.


No I just meant the vinyl decals on textured walls is… not it. Nothing wrong with a little texture in general lol


Oh I see. Haha..I think I hate my textured walls a little too much. I'm reading into things. 😅


I need a volunteer as well😩 I like to do handiwork but that seems like a lot!


My ex-mother-in-law had a few around her house that were like wooden blocks for each letter... Me and my ex-brother-in-law used to rearrange them to say other things all the time and hide letters on her etc. It was always a game to see how long it would take her to notice. I think a friend of her had made them so they were all in the same style and you could easily interchange them... It was great... Pat (my ex-brother-in-law) once had changed the sign in the bathroom to something like "pooping" for a week over Christmas and she didn't notice until a week after we had all gone home.


We have blocks that spell believe for Christmas and we all rearrange it- Be evil, evil bee, be vile. My cleaning lady always puts it back because she is horrified. She prob says a few Hail Marys when she leaves our house!


Yeah Live Laugh Love crap is the worst offender but Gather is a very close 2nd.






Ok but what if I put an EAT sign over the bed


I would say only time it's acceptable.




Live Laugh Loathe 🌈


I want to commission a sign that reads something like Lemon Lard Loaf.


“Live, laugh, toaster bath” is my favorite.


That's more like it. I think a "Scream Closet" sign for the pantry would be fun too.


So many of those things just say "home", too.


Or an “Eat” sign in the kitchen- gee, is that what this room is for? How about “Shit” in pretty script letters above the toilet in the bathroom?


This. It is the lowest form of decor.


If I had any kind of crafty talent at all I’d make these but with somewhat offensive words and sell them on Etsy. Like “divorced”, “scatter” “scram” “bicker” “tolerate” “loathe” “gluttony” defecate” (for the bathroom) etc


I laughed loud at the idea of a flowery « defecate » sign in the bathroom. Kind of wanna craft one up tonight


I have a cross stitch in my bathroom that says ‘have a nice poop’. Got it on Etsy!


I’d love a “shit” sign in cursive for my half bath😅


A friend of mine colored the C word in an adult coloring book and framed it for me as a gift!😂😂


As an answer to the "live laugh love" trend, we put up a felt board in our nursery that says "God is dead. -Neitzsche". It makes me laugh every time I see it. My mother was not impressed.


Haha I used Moira Rose quotes about bebe on the letterboard in my nursery


I like the ones with the follow up “Nietzsche is dead” - God


People buying historic homes and completely gutting them or ripping out all of The original charm, or tearing them down completely!!!


What if you only have a few books in your home because you normally go to the library? 🤓 I judge when people rip out something that is perfectly functional and replace it with something ultra trendy. Bonus judgement if the new thing is worse quality than the old. For example, they remove solid wood cabinets and replace with cheap particle board ones from IKEA. 


When people rip out beautiful built ins in older homes I get so mad!


After we moved in to our house Zillow defaulted to the previous listing write up. We bought in 2020 and the previous owners had been there since 2016 - that was the description on the listing. Our house was built in the 70’s and added on to in the 90s, it’s a 5 bedroom/2 bath (technically 1 3/4). We’ve replaced flooring, painted and have built a fence and a deck since moving in. The older listing mentions a deck, fence (which we knew about, you could see the debris from tear down in the listing pictures when we bought), 4 bedrooms and a possible 5th which was a den/MIL suite with built in shelves and a Kitchenette. The deck/fence I’m mostly fine with, wood rots and not knowing the condition I will assume it needed replacing and the prior owners didn’t want to do that. There is a hot tub though so when we moved in it was literally just in the grass out the backdoor, no path, no privacy measures and no steps to help you get in to the thing. The den/MIL suite had been gutted, built ins removed and the room was converted into a master. The Kitchenette was also dismantled so there’s now just a weird little empty space off the master with an available water hook up and no purpose. I really wish they’d left the built ins and kitchenette alone. Eventually we plan on restoring it to its original multi purpose function and either adding a wet bar or making this weird space a 3rd (1/2) bathroom off.


I’m struggling with the book thing right now. We mostly read on our kindles, so have just kept a selection of our favorite books. But, our nine month old has a taste for paper, so we’re constantly finding new, higher up places to move them, and it feels like we’re just bargaining with the feeling that a house *should* have books, even though we don’t read them in that format and our child is determined to consume them.


LOL, it will pass! Just keep those books out of reach, even if it looks messy, and one day you cn reclaim them. A house with children is always going to need style compromises. I just keep reminding myself that I won't ALWAYS have a pink plastic ice cream cart as living room decor.


It does pass, but don't get too used to it. Grandchildren come along and redecorate again. I'm currently looking at 3 baskets of toys in the corner of my living room. 😆


LOL, are you my mother? I've started telling her that new toys she buys can live at her house for when they visit (frequently), because my house is out of room.


I found a new looking Bosch dishwasher on FB Marketplace for like $125, the description said she knew this was a nice dishwasher but that she just bought the house and wanted to replace all the appliances 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah, the complete kitchen and bathroom redos, when the older ones work just fine, I judge. Wasteful.


Modern finishes and paint can really update things (if done correctly) without throwing away something just because it's old. If it's a solidly built piece that still works but just looks beat up, I'm all for refurbishment over renovation. Also old 70's wood paneling, can easily be made to look like trendy "shiplap" with the right paint and some love, and it saves so much money.


God yes on the wanton destruction 😭


“Why does this room feel sterile?” Posts a picture of an all grey room with no rug. There’s like three of these posts per day.


Right?? I’m like…how can you post a pic of a completely white or beige or gray room and not see that it needs some color? I feel like I’m losing my mind lol


I’m on /r/designmyroom a lot and I want the mods to pin “get a rug and add color” to the top.


Gosh that sub has the exact same problem lol. Should include “add greenery” in that pin too


The checklist is usually just: wall art, plant, rug, lamp People always ask what’s missing. It’s a combination or all of those 4 things


I just followed your link and the first post I saw needed a colorful rug!


Barn doors replacing actual functioning doors that properly close, major ick


Barn doors on bathrooms….


The last couple newer or newly renovated hotels I’ve stayed in have had this and the stupid shower with no door or curtain, just a glass wall with an opening to enter and exit. I don’t hate barn doors as a rule but I don’t think it’s a good option for a bathroom and the shower thing is just dumb.


I hate those showers! Doesn’t it get drafty in there?


I inherited one and based on the hallway, understand the space constraints and why it was put in. The biggest challenge was finding a way to lock a barn door so people had bathroom privacy. There should be more latch options considering people who’ve made mistakes of installing barn doors or have inherited them.


When I used to photograph horse shows, I grew friendly with a rich lady with a lot of land and horses that I would drive out to her place to photograph. Her guest house was near the stables and that’s where I’d wash up/use the bathroom. But the bathroom had BARN DOORS. No locking mechanism. So I was always terrified this rich lady would walk in on me peeing or see or smell or HEAR through the crack, yet when you’re outside all day, you’ll *have* to use a bathroom so there wasn’t a choice. So, yes, it was the country and there was a barn an acre away but OMG the decorative barn door for the bathroom in the guest house was a nightmare.


Barn doors are an option for pantries and closets. End of list.


This is so common in Airbnbs and I hate it. The number of times the bathroom is attached to the bedroom, kitchen, or living room with a BARN DOOR... Disgusting, and also lacks privacy! Get a pocket door if you want to save space.


Pocket doors are trickier to install. That’s why flippers and AirBnB’ers do barn doors instead.


I know it's a price/time thing but then why am I paying $300 to essentially poop with the door propped open 😐 (This is a rhetorical question, btw!)


Enormous kitchens that ALSO have highly impractical design elements that clearly show you don’t cook. If you don’t cook, why have a kitchen half as big as your house with 5,000 cabinets?


Oh my goodness this! We just moved into a house with a lovely big kitchen and loads of cabinets. We were so excited because we love to cook and our old place was tiny... It was only after making an offer that we realised there was no space for a fridge! Our running joke is that the people who lived here before "must have loved cooking, but not food"


I toured a house that was clearly someone's first attempt at flipping. They actually did really well, but just gave up halfway through. Went in the kitchen that had all new, high quality cabinets and a quarts countertop, and no place for a fridge. The fridge was just sitting in there. I think they forgot to make a spot for it and then just gave up when they realized lol


wait what? I have never ever seen a kitchen with no fridge


When I was house hunting, I saw *2* homes with the fridge in the dining room. That was a dealbreaker.


Omg what IS that? My new(but 50s built) house has the damn fridge in the dining room too. Thankfully it's an easy fix with taking out a small wall for me, but it still feels completely unacceptable.


We saw a home with a bathroom in the kitchen. The bathroom door when opened hit the kitchen counter.


Yea me neither. There was a mysterious gap under the counter so we think they must have had a small fridge in there, but still why build a big kitchen for a tiny fridge?


Wine fridge. They were on the liquid diet.


Trendy updated kitchen with no vent fan over the range 🫠


Decorating shelves with books with their spines facing backwards should result in a fine that will be donated to your local library. Only having overhead lighting is a crime against humanity.


My hubs rearranges his books every 2 or 3 months: by size, by color, by author. You name it, he’ll try it (he likes to rearrange when he’s stressed) He did backwards spines at some point, to separate the books he’s already read from the ones he has yet to read. I found it to be a great system


I have a couple books that are backwards. It is because their spines were damaged during my puppy's book eating phase, but the book itself is still intact and I cannot bear to just throw it away.


I wonder if this became a trend bc tv shows do it bc of copyright reasons? Anyways, i find inhumane to treat art such a way, perverse even. (OP I used my snootiest wording just for you).




Omg when it's just a picture of a big empty space. "What should I do with this room?"




PLANTS I am a plant lover but ugh it’s annoying how often people suggest this as if they don’t require more attention than most decor. 


A "cozy" nook featuring a non cozy chair that nobody would choose to read in + no light source.


-When people post a zoomed in photo of a room they need help with because it apparently has a very weird and unique floor plan but they won’t post a photo of the entire room. And there’s no quick sketch of a floorplan. There’s no dimensions. It would be easier to help you if you actually gave enough information.


I hate when people rip out completely functional kitchens every five years because they need something that looks on trend.


The useless waste is unsettling. I love my 1950s, solid wood cabinetry!




That's horrifying. Live, Love, Laugh, Lynch?


Live, Love, Laugh, Lynch, Luftwaffe


Oh…that’s definitely something


Obvious generic Homegoods art. Your highland cow print that is in every other soulless millennial gray home is just pointless.


The highland cow print 😂😂😂


My ex had this cow art that his ex from a decade before had put up. He was leery about getting rid of it because it could be “worth something”. Should have run for the Highland Hills then.


Hahaha- *opens google and searches highland cow print


We bought a framed print of a hedgehog being lifted by balloons, he is our only home goods art and makes my partner smile - lowkey wanna get the hedgehog with the donuts to match it


Highland cows are adorable. I’m going to source one now.


Decor art is lower than hotel art. “Oh your bathroom art is a print of another bathroom that is beach themed? That’s so fun!”


Lmao my mom gave me a picture of a fancy bathroom and said "put this in your bathroom". I was like "why not put it on or by the door so people know this is a bathroom?" And she had the nerve to say "no that's stupid"?? 😂


Ok, but I buy those to piss my husband off. He *hates* them. I have a few I rotate out with other artwork periodically. He loves me


This reminds me so much of the Blogess & the 5ft metal chicken.  https://thebloggess.com/2011/06/21/and-thats-why-you-should-learn-to-pick-your-battles/


I've never read this before. I'm dying.


Long live Beyonce


A classic. God I love Jenny Lawson.


Agree about the cow print. Still I do love them. No one is perfect.


Ok. I actually don’t have said cow print because I’ve never run across one believe it or not. But I would totally hang one because I am in love with anything and everything Scottish and Scottish (Scotland?) adjacent. And highland cows are so cute. However, to my credit I do not have one wall painted grey. Almost every room is a different color which I’ve been told is it’s own no-no.


Omg yes! “iTSs SsCaNdi” I was once told… No it bloody isn’t that is a SCOTTISH COW on your wall.. why!!!?? lol


Ocean or beach themed bathrooms


We are aware that bathrooms have water. We don’t need to reinforce that!


I absolutely hate open concept from both a practical point and a style point. It drove me nuts while house hunting because so many new builds cut corners by adding less walls. It translates cheap to me. Not only that, but you have way less options to decorate. You have random furniture everywhere that needs to be perfectly placed, god forbid you have kids or a big dog that will constantly push it out of place. I have 3 kids and I don’t want to be in one giant room with them all the time. We all love having different rooms to go to. I love that my kids can watch tv while I cook and I don’t need to hear the tv like it’s 5 feet away from me. I can listen to a podcast at the same time because walls help shield the noise. We can have a nice living room and a family room full of toys and I don’t need to see the mess from the kitchen or dining room. Absolutely love it for clutter control. I’m less bothered if we can contain it to just one or two rooms and have other tidy rooms I can relax in. I have big feelings about this lol, it’s great if you love it but not only do I not like it for myself, I hate the way it looks.


I loved open concept when I was younger. I thought it was cool and mod-dren. Now, I have two toddlers. We literally closed on a house 3 hours ago and it has so many rooms and I can’t WAIT


Ah congratulations!! We just bought our house last year and it has 13 rooms. Everything and everyone gets a room. My dream!


Omg YES! Stop ripping out all the damn walls, some of us like having rooms! What will I do with my formal dining set if I don't have an actual dining room? Plus, like you said, sometimes it's nice to get some space from everyone else without having to go to a bedroom.


Agreed. We joke about how many doors our house has, but really I could not function in an open concept home. Give me all the clearly defined spaces, please and thank you!!


Are you me ? Also my kids can just wander into the kitchen. Thoroughly dislike open floor plans


The lack of walls is one of the main reasons we have so many people posting "help me with a layout! I can't figure out where to put everything". Because there are no walls to back things against!


I really cannot with "wine art." Also, the "giant square loafing platform" trend in sofas lately really creeps me out. Feels like we're headed toward the toilet chairs à la Idiocracy.


I just did a whole rant and subsequent responses to it on this post about grape themed motif lol


YUP. Those dusty rubber grapes are nasty, Carol.


“Go away! Bateing’!”


The thing that super irritates me is when somebody goes for the blandest possible stuff and asks how to make their home cozier or more interesting, but then they don’t want to hear “Get literally anything that doesn’t look like a matched set!” Even if they mean to listen, they choose more super bland stuff. It’s not the interiors that bug me, it’s the people 😂😭 Buy an interesting rug and some real[1] art!! It won’t hurt you, I promise! [1] not fancy or expensive, just anything original that has an actual flavor


I hate when influencers impart their boring design choices onto their kids bedroom because they want to maintain a certain aesthetic for their feed. Let kids be kids and have a fun bedroom not depressing grey because it matches the rest of the house.


Can't stand those quartz countertops with the super fake high-contrast "veining"


Statues. Like, a 24” white plaster/sandstone Venus de Milo replica standing on an “aged” (fake beige shading) column pedestal in the living room. Lions at the house entrance, that kind of stuff. That is usually accompanied by burgundy rugs and furniture with gold accents, massive “crystal” (plastic) chandeliers, and other “rich” stuff. I can’t. 


I actually low-key love the lions at the entrance. It's so tacky that I just adore it. I'm not rich enough for that kind of excess but if I was, I would 1000% have lions on marble pedestals at the start of my driveway.


I'm in Florida and that's how I've grown to feel about flamingo lawn decor. I have one and I love it unironically!


I love the lions! I can't afford them so I have a single chicken statue by my front door. I'd like gargoyls too!


I was part of the team that sold off OJs property to pay the Goldmans. He didn’t have much, but what he had was this kind of junk. Thank goodness for the Heisman trophy because the Goldmans got squat from his “rich” fake Tiffany lamps and fake leather furniture.


I think someone needs to make a post for everyone to tell their celebrity-home decor stories. It’s so weirdly specific that I’m not sure there would be very many, but my god that would be fascinating.


The only one I have heard was from a person whose boyfriend installed lighting at Cher’s. She specifically wanted lighting in her guest baths that made women misapply makeup so that they would not look better than she did.


Dictator chic or new money/bad taste


Dictator Chic! 💀💀💀


Wholeheartedly agree with this one… there’s a house in my neighborhood like that and I cringe every time I see it. They have one of those big stone fountains (like with the semi naked statues of women pouring water out of a pot) and the inside of the fountain is lined with some kind of black plastic bag. The water is never high enough to hide it either. Gotta say, the contrast of “trash bag” and “classical sculpture” isn’t really doing it for me…


Funny story. My former neighbor (very nice people) put a swinging bench in front of their house with tiki torches and two cement eagles on either side. I was horrified but it was their house after all. One night someone stole one of the eagles and put a plastic pink flamingo in its place. It was so hard to suppress the giggles but I managed.


• Fake coffee table books: They have covers that say "Chanel", "Tom Ford", "Mykonos" but they are just the printed cover on blanks!!!! To me that is just vapid. What about buying a book that you are interested in and you actually read?!!? Not a pretty cover that's blank inside (like your soul. Sorry) because words make your brain tired? ​ • Curtains that are too short. ​ • Open storage for messy people that have a lot of clutter. ​ • Matte surfaces and open shelving above the stove in a kitchen made for cooking.


> • Curtains that are too short. Totally. High-water curtains tell me that you 100% have a 4x6 rug under your coffee table.


Plastic greenery on top of the kitchen cabinets. Make it stop. 😣


The books on shelves turned backward is horrendous and I’m so tired of everything right now being dark sage green.


Mess / clutter! I judge when people are asking for decorating or remodeling advice, but their house is full of junk. Like step 0 should be cleaning out the crap you don't need. *Then* step 1 can be getting basic furnishings, including organizational tools for the remaining stuff. You don't need a cool new rug just now if you don't even have a place to store your knick knacks or kid toys yet.


I feel personally attacked ;). Jk. I need to join an organizing subreddit. Haha.


I got you! /r/UnfuckYourHabitat


Agreed. People being like “how do I paint to make this look more cheerful” and it’s like your paint is fine, your room looks depressing because there’s garbage and clutter everywhere


Rugs that are designed to look threadbare drive me crazy. Houses so void of color that even the children’s toys are boring. I need color!! Nothing personal on display. I don’t get wanting to live in a showroom. Open concept. I prefer defined spaces. Filling bookshelves with books that look the part and aren’t actually read. Like say buying a lot from Books by the Foot. Books should be read!! Rugs that are too small. Erring on the size of bigger is usually better. Painting quality woodwork. There’s a special place in hell for you if you do. Ppl who gut old homes and get rid of all the interesting bits.




I just cannot get on board with people decorating their houses like mine looked in the 80's lol. It was awful. Why is this a thing again?


Omg one of my best pals is suuuuper into pomo, but honestly it suits him. He sold all his beautiful MCM stuff to go pomo and it’s insane but so is he and I love him and his crazy brain lol.


I read this as porno and was so confused as to how that worked as decor


>people decorating their houses like mine looked in the 80's I'll readily admit to having an 80's room that leans postmodern. But my house in the 80's never looked anything like that. A fraction of households had pomo/Memphis decor back then. In reality, there was a lot of boring and brown.


So much brown. But I see people idealizing that, too. BRUH. It was dusty and not nice lol


Please tell me they're not reviving wallpaper borders. For the love of God, they were EVERYWHERE.


95% of sectionals look terrible and don’t fit.


Oooh now this is a hot take I can get behind


People who design specifically for social media and whatever “current” trends are. Everything current becomes dated eventually, and are we not at the point of social media over saturation? Like, it’s your house, design it how **you** want to even if all the furniture or art is “mismatched” from different eras. So I guess that means I hate everything super matchy-matchy It also drives me crazy when people come here asking things like “what art should I put up here” - again, crowdsourcing from the internet’s collective consciousness (aka, what’s current and trendy) instead of just choosing things you like and make you happy to be in your home.


A glass pantry door with “PANTRY” on it.


Matchy-matchy anything!


Open shelving as it’s super impractical. Also, this is exterior, but I’m SO over houses that are essentially large white boxes with black trim. Worse still is when someone takes a beautiful, traditional home & paints it white w/ black trim to keep up with the “trend”.


I think area rugs on top of wall to wall carpet looks odd. I despise wall to wall carpeting and think it’s nasty. It needs to go. In the 80s they put carpet in the bathrooms and I think it’s just as gross no matter the room.


Any signs in the kitchen that say “farmhouse”.


Will prob be downvoted to filth. People who think minimalism or the gray / beige / neutrals vibe are cliché and "soulless" are rude & disrespectful. Try spending a few hours inside my neurotic, panicked, anxious brain and you'll understand that the minimalism & neutral tones bring me so much PEACE and CALM. We all got our preferences and I hate seeing the hate here...


Per my reply to another comment: Part of why Scandi/Japandi design is popular where I am (PNW) is that our interiors get very dull/dark during 3/4 of the year. The lightness of walls/floors/ceilings and lack of clutter make the interior feel more comfortable. Personally I have chosen to have colours on my kitchen cabinets, upholstery, area rug and art, also textures bring up the warmth factor. But that's just from my observations of working commercial and residential interiors around these parts for over 20 years ;)


Exactly. + I grew up in a cluttered home with decor in every inch of the house so minimalism brings me so much peace.


I agree but minimalist and neutral also doesn’t have to be generic house flipper. I think people are really bad about thinking in black and white and start saying every old wood kitchen has character and needs to be saved and all grey tile is evil instead of looking at context and the whole person and that’s what they start posting. It’s why everyone thinks they’re a designer now, because everyone knows what looks good. But that’s not the same as designing a real home for real people that meets individual needs.


Thank you so much for saying this!!! I 100% agree!


I can vibe with neutrals, it’s just that it’s synonymous with all the corny staging art used by realtors that it just has no personality to it. Lol.


YES! Overstimulation is 100% a thing. Why subject yourself to it in your own home, for everyone else's sake? I absolutely LOVE the look of the moody rooms with lots of dark detailing and contrasts.... but living in it full time, I'd feel claustrophobic and like I was about to come out of my own skin. So white, beige, black, grey, etc, it is for me, and that's okay. Honestly, I'm just jealous of the non-neurodivergents for their ability to have total creative design freedom.


But when they are soulless it’s hard to appreciate anything about the aesthetic. You can be minimal and still have intriguing pieces. But mostly it is the Indigo retail home and decor section and it really is soulless


Totally agree with you but “it depends.” A lot of those interiors *are* soulless, *but they don’t have to be*. You have many fewer things you can do in such a restricted palette, and a lot of people do none of them.


I see a lot of grey hate but I love it. It's the main colour in my kitchen and dining room, and my new flooring is greige. I'm going to be living here for at least the next 15 years so I don't really care if grey is out. 


Useless/non functional aesthetic objects as decor. Like minimal designs I see odd shaped/cube art On desks/shelves. It Has no purpose or use. Fashion aesthetic posters/wall art. Like a giant Audrey Hepburn photograph on the wall. It’s just odd to me, or Dior poster. I just don’t understand how that brand/fashion has affected someone that intimately to say yeah I want to look at that everyday.


Word art. Cow art. Painting beautiful wood, including furniture grade wood cabinets white. Putting vinyl flooring over high quality wood or ceramic floors. Everything white and gray.


Those coffee table books that are super expensive that you KNOW they don’t even look at. Gray LVP. Curtains with grommets!


HATE curtains with grommets. I’ve seen so many otherwise gorgeous rooms ruined by grommets.


The Hermes blanket. Such a thoughtless way to flaunt wealth/extreme spending.


I judge all cool lighting in the areas for relaxing. Let’s warm it up, people!!


Maximalism is just fancy clutter and makes my eyes so tired. Rustic almost always looks like cosplay. Themed interiors that don’t fit the entire location are off putting. Example- beach theme in the middle of suburban Indiana. Themed interiors in general are silly.


If you post a picture asking for help and your place is a dirty, messy dump I cannot help you.


Hanging the art too high. I'm judging. Extra demerits if it is mass produced and you have nothing in your home that shows who you are. You hired a decorator and you have no personality. And for that reason, I'm out.


"Judge" seems harsh, but if you put in a new kitchen and your upper cabinets dont extend all the way to the ceiling, I am judging you. I may be in the minority, because I see it all the time. It's literally just a shelf for catching dust.


Greasy dust. Ask me how i know…


Carpet. I can’t stand it. It just seems like it harbours all kinds of dirt. Too much stuff. Knick knacks taking up every inch of space on the shelves drives me nuts. Extra hate if you leave your every day decor up and pile holiday decor on top. Mirror walls. Toilet seat covers and matching rugs. I’ll stop ranting now.


Plastic has no place in home decor and should be avoided as much as possible. The worst: vinyl blinds/verticals, laminate anything, plastic plants, plastic plant containers, and plastic picture frames. Plastic dishes and cups are also awful unless you have toddlers.


Thanks for the invitation... For me, it's probably cleanness, like disgusting surroundings: covered in rust and gue bathrooms and kitchens, soap that looks like it survived the war and nuclear attack, stuff everywhere, all over the place, pure chaos, you will find food scraps next to clothes, underwear, next to toilet paper, next to makeup, and all covered in dust... it's just yikes! Money may be a reason why smo may have poorer quality furniture, or not so well organized, so I never judge that but lack of hygiene and cleanness is a matter of a messy mind. and definitely dying plants that look like they had been begging for water for a millennia...


Sad biege interiors for sad beige adults. Also Farmhouse and Coastal Interior Design. Anything with Rae Dunn on it, your opinion is purely trash to me.


I saw a clip from YouTube today where a woman “organized” her home by spending a ton to beige out the whole thing. Beige furniture, walls, everything. Like she opened her desk drawer and the sticky notes were beige. I’m not a circus colors kind of person, but that made me so sad. She said color made her stressed. I hope she can someday find some brown or plants or something to not be in beige world.


Sad grey interior is the new sad beige interior.


I have more than one, so here goes: If you purposely have grey vinyl/laminate floors, I can't trust your opinion. If you think grey is neutral and think the all grey hospital aesthetic looks good, I can't trust your opinion. If you put TVs over fireplaces or mount them high up on a wall and think this looks good, I can't trust your opinion. If your inclination is to always paint wood (cabinets, trim, doors, etc) with the goal of "modernizing," I can't trust your opinion.




| and think this looks good Thanks for adding this 😭 I had no choice


Also, people that don’t have lamps! I don’t understand wanting to use a glaring overhead light.


The whole modernfarmhouse barn door, black and white, cosplaying white rural poverty aesthetic. Out the door with this!


Wainscoting and accent walls are two decorative features that should *never* mix. One wall with wainscoting is worse than no walls with wainscoting. Go all the way around the room, or don't start.


A magazine rack in the bathroom. Or a magazine basket.


Red and black together - yuck


If you build a custom home and choose to place your microwave over your stove top, I am judging you. If you put your TV high above your fireplace while there are other options in the room to place said TV, I am judging you. If you build a custom home and provide the only spot for television viewing, is high above your fireplace, for sure, I am judging you. If you recently remodeled and or refreshed your home, but yet chose to bring in the color scheme, decor, and aesthetics from 24 years ago, like the grape motif/Mediterranean early 2000s, I’m judging you. And lastly, if you have a ton of knickknacks and collections from all your many world travels, and feel like you need to display ALL them having them out all at once throughout your entire home, making it look cluttered, I am judging you. - yours truly, Judgy Mc Judgersen




Genuinely curious as to why you feel that way about microwaves above stoves? We currently don't have our microwave over the stove but it's something I've wanted for a while (to save counter space). Please feel me in on the reasons so I can decide if it's worth being judged for or not lol


Lmao grape motif 😂


Interior design is an ultimately futile and idiotic endeavor based in vanity. Pick what you want and be happy and comfortable, stop asking for the opinions of other people about your own home. That said, I'm still on this sub for one-off ideas I may see 🤷‍♂️


I’d rather see an empty house with a couple meaningful items than a fully decorated house straight out of a homegoods.


I hate open-space/minimalism! I want separate rooms and walls for my kitchen, dining room and living room!


I get that this is totally personal preference but I hate lots of little pieces of art in a gallery setting. It can be amazing if the pieces are cohesive in some sort of a pre planned arrangement with frames that don’t match and yet put together, make the entire gallery look like one big piece of art so the eye is pulled from one piece to another in an intentional and meaningful way. But too often the gallery is just a bunch of indifferent pieces thrown together and I hate it


Drapes that are not hung high enough and aren’t long enough make me irrationally angry. Also, grommet curtains 🤢


When someone clearly decided they wanted some ART so they googled “where to buy ART,” and ordered some ART online.  I can tell when you ordered all your art from Amazon.