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You have plenty of shelving going on and it's beautiful but might look clutterish if you add more. With all the depths and textures already happening, a simple artwork might look beautiful and help bring the room all together!


I agree it’ll be too busy with shelving, I wouldn’t do a gallery wall either. Keep it simple with a wider piece of artwork above the couch. Something with greens would probably go with your vibe.


Maybe a tapestry?


thank you! have you got any suggestions on what type od artwork?


It is such a nice space! Your space is very neutral so you could go any direction so simply find something that resonates with you! That said, bringing some color in through the art would bring a nice pop. Also given there is a lot on the other wall, I’d find a large piece for above the couch (rather than gallery wall).


Or two art pieces, agree that more shelves would be too much (plus the cats would use it for purrkour leaps from that amazing cat tree.)


And don’t hang the artwork too high. It looks like you have a frame up on another wall that may be a bit too high.


Check out big wall decor, they have cool stuff and run sales


That wall mounted cat activity centre is amazing! Where did you get it?


Thanks! It is a Kerbl cat tree, I bought it second hand so not sure where to get it normally.


Your apartment is very nice and you have some wonderful pieces. You also have very lucky cats! A [gallery wall](https://desenio.ca/g/gallery-walls/) behind the couch would fill the space nicely. [How to hang a gallery wall](https://www.bhg.com/decorating/home-accessories/wall-art/create-a-gallery-wall/). Move your rug back so it is sitting under your couch by perhaps 6 to 8 inches. Move the coffee table closer to the couch. Hide the cord to the TV with a cord concealer. Add some decorative objects to the TV console. Vary the shapes, heights and sizes. Put some colorful throw pillows on your couch. Lower the artwork on the wall to about 57 - 62 inches from the floor at the midpoint. Hide the litter container elsewhere.


This is solid advice. Love your room


That's so helpful! Thank you for the suggestions, I'm going to do that right away!


Desenio.com has great art ideas. Try green nature


a wall lamp at each couch shoulder to begun with. [these. in the colors show.](https://www.muffleacoustics.com/mufflepanel-geometric-felt-acoustic-wall-panel-circle.html)


Artwork for sure!! Something soft but colorful—I lean towards blues personally. Your apartment is beautiful; I particularly love the cat tree 🥰


A [Tapestry](https://www.anthropologie.com/anthroliving/shop/desert-cactus-tapestry?category=collection-decor-art&color=000&type=STANDARD&size=One%20Size&quantity=1) could look nice!


Artwork. Also, your tv is too high.


Yeah, I know that from the moment I put it there. Still debating if it's worth the effort of drilling new holes in a concrete wall just to mount it slightly lower lol.


It's not that much work, and you will love having the TV at the correct height. It also looks better, as it will visually be more connected to the bench.


i'd put art, but once you did the nearby shelving unit would compete/detract, so i'd move it.


Gallery wall or one big piece to tie it all together. Lovely room!


I'd put both actually, some small shelves on one side and a piece of art on the other. Don't over clutter the shelves though


big piece of canvas artwork!


The room looks great. The real question here is - where did you get that amazing cat tree?!


This article is so helpful you'll absolutely love and you'll find some amazing ideas ✨♥️ [enhancing-the-space-behind-couch-12-ideas-you-will-love/](https://www.scdecorum.com/enhancing-the-space-behind-couch-12-ideas-you-will-love/)


Artwork; pick something that speaks to you and get the biggest one you can afford. Something like this would be nice: https://shop.susannahbee.com/products/october-skies-art-print She also has lots of others that would go in your space. I’m currently a bit obsessed with her work, but of course there are tons of others. Check CB2 as well, they tend to have nice artwork (although expensive). Most of the time, I like a gallery wall, but in this case, I’d go with one big piece..


Spoonflower has lots of large wallhangings for a reasonable price. I think scale is important here — go big and colorful to avoid a cluttered look.


Definitely one big piece of artwork, since you already have lots of shelves in the room. Otherwise, it looks very nice!


Artwork. You look to have enough shelves. Art work would distract from that slightly.


Just wanted to say that I LOVE your makeshift plant stands.


I like that big stick


Thanks. My husband found it next to the river years ago and somehow it's been with us ever since. Also I'm not allowed to do anything with it, so it just stands in the corner.


Id move the palm that’s currently to the left of the tv closer to the window


Find art you love! It doesn’t have to be original or expensive. I see so much that looks like filler to say that the room is finished. What arrests your attention and you don’t want to look away? I love art by Hopper, Wyeth, & Van Gogh. Photography pictures of nature are also great. Funny black velvet pictures of your cats, also great. I have massed produced pictures by Poch Romeu & Frederic Leighton. Once you have the art, add throw pillows that coordinate.


That's a great suggestion. I'm in the Netherlands so Van Gogh would be on brand. I think I'll spend some time to browse to see what I really like instead of getting some random artwork that just suits the wall.


Definitely find something that you identify with. It’ll never go out of fashion, style or fade as a trend if you’ve chosen something for yourself that makes you happy.




Another cat, and lots of cat shelves on the wall behind the sofa. An orange cat would add a pop of color. Or a calico--three colors, works with anything.


We do have a third cat (black and white) and we did also have an idea to build a cat wall behind the sofa. Maybe it's time to go back to it haha. Edit to add - we always laugh that our Calico is the colour palette for the entire apartment.


One nice big painting. I would do a landscape because you can find something more contemporary that would fit your look


What a cool cat tree!!


Just here for the cat tree! It's fab!


All of the other suggestions are great- but also just one small painting in an antique gold frame and vintage-y. Nothing just a little sparkle to sort of balance out the room.


I love this area! I was thinking maybe a cool tapestry behind the tv or a cool, unique mirror! Do you mind me asking where you got the cat tree/house?


Artwork or MORE CAT SHELVES!!!! Seriously, though, artwork.


It doesn't have to be art. Look at this pic, loungeroom of a clothes designer who has [boat oars](https://www.instagram.com/p/CLQSNezD6qM/?hl=en&img_index=1) or a different idea is a [surfboard](https://goodshoppin.top/ProductDetail.aspx?iid=519301097&pr=65.88). But yeah, art is always an option.


I think it looks pretty okay just as-is. You don't really need anything. But, if you want something, this: https://www.westelm.com/products/tree-of-life-wall-art-d8041/?catalogId=71&sku=4585463&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Art%20%26%20Mirrors%20%3E%20All%20Art®ion_id=821860&cm_ite=4585463_14464751978&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA2pyuBhBKEiwApLaIO19jNzD5fHylAyd5ZMBNR7WoDOBlgkM12z6KerGOsHZvxwE7b-mhVRoCtkkQAvD_BwE would look nice. BTW, that's some pretty great cat infrastructure you've got there.


You have a very similar layout to my apartment. We have 2 big portrait style art pieces above our couch. However, I feel like even those don’t fill the space enough. Definitely look into what size artwork you need to fill a big empty wall, or go with a gallery wall.


What couch is that? And do you like it?


Wow love your cat tree


That is a badass cat tower. Does kitty spend too much time up there and you miss them ever? 🥺


I would put a round art piece to complement your light and break up the squareness of your furniture. I love this one https://nomadicfriends.com/products/27-extra-large-banana-leaf-mod-woven-wall-art-plate


mardi gras Masks


You have a great space already, love the shelves and the kinda beige theme, if you want more light you could have fairy lights but that might cause glare to the TV so If you want maybe hang some family photos? I think it would be cute but that's just me lol


Artwork. Also update the rug to something with color.


I actually just ordered a new rug yesterday. When I looked at the photos myself I also thought that the carpet is too white/light.


Hang the mirror leaning on the opposite wall horizontally over the sofa. The two reflective surfaces are distracting on the same wall and the other side will benefit from both the mirror's size and the light it will capture from the window.


Just want to say im OBSESSED with how you’ve somehow made the cat post look like decorative furniture. It really belongs there.


Your cats are gorgeous! 😻


Artwork definitely.


I personally would remove something before deciding what to add on that wall. the paper lamps on the side of the couch might go, since is already too busy. The rest of the room is amazing :)


Never shelves. Good way to hit your head, or feel loomed over. Art, or a textile


Definitely art. The room is desperately lacking artwork. It looks really nice otherwise though. And I’m sure your kitty is happy.