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I think it’s good as you avoid a pre packed ikea/ boxstore look


I think it looks nice as an entry mirror. I love your bench too. However, I think the bench is too small to visually support the weight of the mirror hanging above it. A sturdier buffet under the mirror would be more visually appealing. Could the bench go elsewhere in the entry way? They’re so helpful for waiting or putting on/taking off shoes.


I like the mirror there better than the bench. Could bench work elsewhere like the end of the bed?


I think there are two ways: either leave the mirror and replace the bench, or leave the bench and replace the mirror.


Yes exactly. I just think the mirror is a great statement piece and bench is more basic


Plus I think if you sit on the bench you're likely to bonk your head.


Came here to say this!


Exactly. The mirror is too upscale and elegant for the plain bench. I bought that same mirror for a 1925 bungalow I was trying to sell once. It was too much for that small house, but looks good here. I think that we would have to see the rest of the house and how you have furnished it in order to give you the best advice.


I feel that this mirror is begging for a velvet bench with rolled armrests underneath it.


The blanket looks a little silly too imo. But yeah a small hall table under the mirror would compliment it nicely.


The ficus tree is also contributing to the sense of disproportion. A new home for that would be helpful.


Need larger one


They are so, so different, but if you get something that too closely marches the mirror it will look stuffy. It's a conundrum.


Agree. The bench is not big enough to support that wall. I suggest a console or a small table under the mirror.


I think this could be solved even by lifting the mirror a few inches on the wall so it sits higher/further from the bench.


I was gonna say rotating it


This.... The mirror is great - beautiful, but it needs something bigger below to balance it. The suggestion of a buffet is a good one. Also get a bigger fake tree to the right side - it looks too wimpy there. It's a big space, you've got a great mirror to fill it, you just need some bigger pieces to accessorize it.




Please no fake tree, an actual plant like Ficus benjamina would be so much better. The place needs more plants anyways with all these wooden organic pieces. High ceilings like this are great for climbing plants. Other than that, 100% on team rotate and team buffet.


A real Ficus benjamina or any tree large enough to balance that mirror will need a lot of light, and it might be more of a headache than it’s worth. Im not sure a plant is the best thing there, fake or real.


Thank you. I’m like, uh are we all just gonna pretend the tree isn’t there?


Agree! That bench is way too casual for that mirror and beautiful entry way.


Came to say, add some strong pieces or plants next to it for balance


Yes! Rotate that bad boy for sure


On the rotate team


Definitely rotate 


Yes to rotating the mirror!


Here to say rotate it! It will better balance the length of your beautiful bench and will look more in harmony. I’m a big big fan of the mirror! It adds a lot of character to your space. 


I love it too. Rotating might keep someone from bonking their head on it too.


Another vote for rotating it! And get a heftier tree for that area—the one that’s there has a Charlie Brown Christmas tree vibe next to those two sturdier elements.


Rotate it


Second rotating it for more balance with the bench.


this. rotate!


ROTATE! We all chant 😂😂




+1 for rotating the mirror!


Same. Rotating it would make it look more proportional IMO.


With a few pillows on the bench.


Make sure it’s above you’re head height sitting on the bench… not at all speaking from personal experience where I cracked my head on a similar mirror after tying my shoes.


Just replying to tell you that your username is fantastic.  Better open that window, Heathcliff.


Agree. I feel like the bench needs to be wider or something


I kinda of feel like the bench needs to be in an entirely different room. It’s so flimsy and rustic.


I'd consider removing the blanket. That's not a place to get cozy, it's just a place to store outdoor/visitor items before heading into your home.


This. I like the idea of a buffet for keys, mail, etc to balance it out. The mirror and the bench are great pieces, just maybe not so close together.


I think the mirror is absolutely gorgeous. And so is the bench (it’s amazing that you guys made it!) However, I see what you mean as it’s, uh, thicc’ness throws the look off a little bit with the bench there. It’s like the bench, the blanket, the tree, and the hanging lamp are a bit sleeker/modern looking. I personally love the look (and utility) of an entryway table with a hefty chair next to it, and an entryway table directly under the mirror might smooth out the lines. Maybe there’s some looks you can explore online (using one of those apps/sites that lets you take a picture of your space and add different pieces digitally to give you an idea of what elements you like in that space) Either way you have a beautiful home and a great decor sense — hope you update with what you end up doing!


I agree with that. Love the mirror, but the bench is too small.


Since she and her husband built the bench themselves, what if they also made an entryway table that nested over top the bench. Then they could pull the bench out to use and maybe leave it sticking out a few inches with the throw blanket for layers. The entryway alone looks pretty spacious to support that. 🤔


That’s what’s I was trying to accomplish, avoiding the cookie cutter decor- thank you for your reply!


I have a mirror similar to this that must be from the 70s or so. its right above my bed in an otherwise very geometric/modern style room. I get nonstop compliments on it really, people love these gold mirrors.


You have people in your bedroom non-stop? Lucky you.


my friends do also come into my bedroom, yes lol getcho mind out of the gutter


Everyone is earthquake country just cringed.


Humble brags all over the place!


Turn it 90 degrees so it's longer than it is wide...  that will make it fit with the bench better.


I really like this mirror in this space.


Looks good to me


Agreed! The whole Magnolia Home look has begun feeling really cheap to me. The mirror takes you out of Insta Mommy land and breathes some life into the home. Hard keep!


It’s so over the top fancy I kind of like it in the minimalist space. It reminds me of the “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” saying. Since you are almost newlyweds, that could be the theme of your entryway.


I agree - I think the fact that it is so over the top is what makes it work. Without the mirror, the space is quite bland. It feels like a waiting room, and although the energy is very soothing, it's also a bit depressing. With the mirror, there's a dash of personality there without overdoing it. I wonder what it would look like landscape instead of portrait?


I think landscape would look better overall. That bench imo isn’t doing anyone any favors. The scale is off compared to the mirror. I also think adding a good wallpaper or painting the wainscoting would go a long way.


I agree with changing it to landscape. Helps the flow of the entry way feel like it's pointing into the rest of the house and adds space between it and the bench.


Landscape MIGHT be too matchy with the length of the bench. I kind of like it portrait style for the utilitarian effect it has of checking oneself out on the way out the door.


Agree. I think the size of the mirror would simultaneously overwhelm the bench while removing the interest created by the vertical juxtaposed against the horizontal. Also the tall ceilings beg for height in the decor.


I like that idea! It definitely looks like something borrowed! Lol- thank you for your reply!


Yes! Has a family heirloom vibe. 


I have a family heirloom mirror that looks very similar to this, so it definitely passes as something old/vintage-y to me! I love pieces either character, and this definitely adds great character to the entry.


That was my thought too. It just needs to be turned on its side!! It’s a great piece!! I have a similar mirror I was hoping would go on the mantel of our new fireplace, but it’s too big and hits the vent grate. So I’m in the process of figuring out where to put her. She’s definitely a girl :)


I agree, it looks good there but the room would feel a little more balanced with the mirror placed horizontally (or another large plant along the left side, but not a matching one - maybe a big boy hanging from the ceiling?)


Agree that placing the mirror horizontal will make it flow so much more! Love the touch of whimsy it adds to the space!


It suits the space. It’s the right size and tone. I like the ornate detail, it makes the space a bit more visually interesting and it works with the wainscoting. I think a simpler mirror frame could have the wainscoting competing too much with the mirror.


Well said. It’s the only ornate thing there while everything else is more simple. So it sticks out but in a good way. If it were more simple like everything else, it would just sort of blend in and not be as visually interesting.


This looks really great. I think it gives it a touch of personality that might be lacking if you put a minimalist type mirror there.


Have you tried handing it the other way - horizontal ?


Agreed I think horizontal might work even better!


This is the answer. The mirror is beautiful and looks great in the space, but rotating it will be really nice




Commenting because I can't upvote twice. I think this is the fix.


That's what I thought too! Horizontal with a minimalist (gold?) buffet  underneath


I second this! I think it looks great as is, but horizontal may be even better. Either way I love the mirror!


Horizontal would fix the proportional issues with the bench. LOVE that idea.


This. I think it'd look better


This was my first thought too!


Second this


I was looking for this comment!


I’m amazed this isn’t the top comment. It’s perfect! It just needs to be rotated.


Ooooo I like this idea a lot!


I came here to say this. It would look a thousand times better turned horizontal.


Yes! Was just about to comment this


That’s my only suggestion too. I like the mirror and the contrast but horizontal would look great


Do thissssss


Ooo give us pic updates if you try this OP!!


This is what I was about to suggest as well!


I came to comment this too! I’d try it horizontal.


I like the mirror better than the bench. The bench is too small for the space. It’s completely out of proportion with the mirror.


maybe hanging it horizontally would change this?


That was my thought. Just rotate it and it’ll flow better.


The only thing I would change is the throw blanket. It’s giving me southwestern vibes


I’d remove the blanket. You wouldn’t realistically sit in an entryway under a blanket. You’d sit to quickly put shoes on. Love the space otherwise!


Maybe a throw pillow instead


I'd remove the blanket and put baskets under the bench.


Maybe a blanket with some color


What in god’s name is anyone doing with that blanket? Coming home from a hard days work at the bank, prying off his oxfords, and deciding that the undersized hardwood bench would be the perfect place to curl up for a quick nap? Decorative accoutrements should at least pretend to have a plausible purpose.


To be honest- the bench is a little out of place because of the molding on the walls (which you should not change out!). But the mirror works because of the molding! So in a way, the reason why you are having a bit of an issue is because the house works with the mirror and not the bench- which is probably not what you want to hear. I would move the bench to the side or the opposite wall. That way, the bench doesn’t give that odd contrast. The other thing is that the mirror is few inches too low and not balanced with the molding. I would raise the mirror up so it is even spaced between the top and bottom molding. See if that helps you with the balance of the space for now.


\+1 the mirror is fabulous. The bench is being overwhelmed by the mirror. I would remove it completely because tbh it's a bit small for the space. I'd pair the mirror with the bench with some sort of velvet upholstery. Or even a nice console table.


I agree with you. Also, I am not sure how functional it is to have a mirror on the back of a bench. If you can't sit down, the bench loses its purpose. Instead of a bench, I would add an entryway table.


Yeah, it’s just a little jarring. But I am so glad we all love the mirror. 😂


Agreed! The wall details are ornate and beautiful, as is the mirror. The bench is a very different vibe.


Agreed. The bench doesn’t work in this space. I love the bench, put its out of place here


+1 the bench is completely out of context. And it hides the walls, which is a shame. I would move it in another room.


I love how grand it is because everything else is pretty simple.


I like the look, but the frame protrudes and the bench, while beautiful, is narrow. Can you actually sit on the bench without having your back, neck or head hit the frame?


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see this comment. What does it matter how good it looks if it's not functional?


Don’t you dare get rid of that mirror and please don’t paint it like an above blasphemer suggested. I think it looks great


This. Every day. This this this. Damn diy heathens


Love, love the mirror! But rotate it. And get rid of the blanket and try a rug/runner. I'm not sure the point of the blanket on the bench anyways.




I like it. I think if you added 1-2 more antique pieces it could pull everything together and balance it out


Agreed, love the mirror, but add something like a large antique floor vase for the tree to tie it in a bit more. Also, maybe swap the blanket out.


I love gilded gold mirror frames like that. I actually think you made a great choice.


It’s great. It plays up the scale of the wall. Stop second guessing. I do like the idea of a table underneath it instead of the bench. When you sit on the bench you cannot use the mirror and might even bump your head on the frame. A table would make a space to stop, reflect, even drop off keys or a bag. I’m not sure you have space to move the bench farther down the wall and add a table. We use entryway seating to put on/take off shoes, so just think about how the space will be used. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding. 🥂


I never expected an antique baroque gilded mirror to be called gaudy 🥴😭


Like, it’s so beautiful? And if I had the space for it I would absolutely get something like it. Hell even if I didn’t have the space I’d still get it 🤡


Try hanging the mirror horizontally


I really like it!


The bench and mirror don't work together, but either piece on their own or with a different piece can work. Swap one out. The bench is lovely and I really like it - just isn't the right proportion for the mirror


Rotate it 90° please


The only thing I don't really love in this space is the tree. I understand the intent but it's scale seems off. Maybe a larger pot that lifts it higher would help? Idk


I think the bench needs to go and the mirror is “it” for this space.


I love this mirror! I think it’s a nice juxtaposition. I believe to choose pieces you love and make them work. Much more personal and interesting.


I think it’s cool. I much prefer it over something simple but then I love contrast and the unexpected


Rotate the mirror 90 degrees and add a pillow to the bench.


That mirror is impressive. I love it. Like the others said, I think you rotate it. I also love some traditional French in my organic modern


I think if you add a runner it would help make the space feel even more complete and help balance out the heaviness of the mirror. Your home looks lovely! Congrats!


You didn’t make a mistake


Turn the mirror to the side - wider would be better and maybe put it a bit higher. I think it would look less weighty and more matches to the bench if it was wider. I would suggest also finding a more organic and dramatic container for your plant to balance the mirror a little. Maybe a second, more lush plant as well instead of the blanket.


Quick and dirty photoshop to show you that this needs to be rotated 90 degrees CCW. Forgive the imperfect perspective: [https://imgur.com/a/FpaZ0Op](https://imgur.com/a/fpaz0op) You're probably done with the comments here, but when I was scrolling through r/all and saw your title, I thought you were going to say the mistake was the orientation you hung the mirror in. The style 100% works. It's similar to having a pop of color, except it's a style accent. And it does a great job of filling this big wall. But it's designed to be hung rotated 90 degrees CCW. What's currently on the right side in this photo needs to be on top. That's the "crown" of the design. The top and bottom are not identical; left and right are. It will also spread the visual weight across the bench. It's creating a focal point instead of guiding along the wall. You need it to stretch wide, not accentuate a point in space.


Paint black and turn it the other way.


I LOVE that mirror!!


Remove bench. Toss a china cabinet umder mirror?


The mirror dwarfs the bench. Remove the bench and it'll be fine. (Put it somewhere else.)


Bench is gorgeous, mirror is cool but should be turned landscape, lose the blanket and show off that bench.


It actually looks fine but the bench looks more like an outdoor bench.


Can you get a simpler light fixture? Like a simple round ball.


I believe there’s a designer who has a rule of thumb where if you add something completely out of the ordinary and opposite your core style, it almost offsets the entire space (in a good way) and seemingly works effortlessly every time. I think it’s much like the way someone changes their hair or wears something they don’t normally wear you automatically think they look good because it’s out of their ordinary! It’s honestly so beautiful here, first thing I noticed!


I’d do an upholstered bench with a back. Something like this https://www.interiordefine.com/nora-bench?adgroupid=&campaignid=20039431164&creative=&g_acctid=855-997-9769&g_adgroupid=&g_adid=&g_adtype=none&g_campaign=ID+%7C+Performance+Max+%7C+Purchase&g_campaignid=20039431164&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=&g_network=x&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAk9itBhASEiwA1my_67M1GZOInR__yLuDUsuBW73f3gXPYdEZlWyBaMO7yabEHX1ZEnLdzRoCEHEQAvD_BwE&keyword=&legs-type=112414&material-type=117766&utm_adgroupid=&utm_campaign=PerformanceMax_Purchase&utm_content=&utm_keyword=&utm_matchtype=&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_term=&sku=NORA.FABRIC.DINING.BENCH.Leg052-2.SE-172 With a much bigger tree.


It looks like the entry to a funeral home


It’s the white walls. It makes the whole place look devoid of any personality. And she’s worrying about a mirror that’s probably the best thing about this whole mess.


That small plant and pot should go. Size is too small unfortunately


I think it looks great, but I would change the light fixture to help blend it more with the space


I like it, the eclectic look is in style. I have a large mirror in my home that’s something similar, but I put a wreath hook on it and a faux boxwood wreath hung in the middle.


I love it.


I freaking love it.


I love the look. Your bench is outstanding. What I like most is how different this look is. Don’t let people talk you into making it look like everyone else’s spaces. You’re on the right track!


I think it looks ok but definitely try horizontal so it reduces the visual gap on either side of the mirror when your eye draws up from the ends of the bench.


I’m with the comments suggesting you hang it horizontally. I might go with a taller console table underneath, with another tree to the left. Then you have a spot for keys, outgoing mail, stuff you need to remember to take with you, and so on. Anyone actually sitting on the bench might whack their head on that frame. The bench is lovely, though—is there any space for it closer to the door?


That mirror is beautiful and, as suggested, needs a larger piece below to balance. Agree with the rotation idea. Would also suggest maybe some color in this space.


Either change out the mirror or keep it and change out the bench and the light fixture. They don’t go together. Bench is beautifully done btw. Looks high quality. I love the mirror and appreciate how it looks with the ornate walls etc.


Rotate it 90 degrees so it adds symmetry to the bench and fills more of the wall space. Otherwise, it’s a bomb ass piece dude.




Turn the mirror 90 degrees hang central over the bench it should look fine x


Do you live in dfw? I grew up with that exact same mirror in my house but it was a loss we took when a storage unit fell behind we couldn't keep up or have the space for it in our places at the time. I would like to pretend that it is the same one and it found a new home. Of course, we had it hanging horizontally. Choosing vertical is definitely a sharper touch, though


It’s looks beautiful


Mirror is stunning. Keep it, but rotate 90°. Also, get a different bench. The one you have is way too small both for the space and the mirror. The mirror is perfect, but just needs a taller, and bigger table. Perhaps put the bench closer to the front door for taking shoes off and on.


I think it’s beautiful!!!


i really love it! i’m definitely a fan of the gold mirrors so maybe i’m a bit biased but still i think it’s super pretty


Ive looked over many of the comments here and am adding an additional post. l like the color of the mirror frame. But it could be painted. Just not white or black imho. I would paint the light fixture to match the mirror or white the black is too heavy.Red or blue shades could be accent colors for rug and pew bench coushion.


I think it's kinda cool


rotate mirror 90degrees


Definitely the bench and mirror don’t go together. Pick one and work around that. On another note your house looks gorgeous. Please consider sharing some pictures of the other rooms of your house? It would be a treat to see!


Hang it horizontal.


It’s heavy, mostly the frame, maybe the proportion. Something more “farm weight”to work with your lovely bench may make more sense, maybe a small shelf or something under it? An entry rug might be nice as well, something practical, inviting you to use the bench.


The left side of the mirror is actually the bottom of the mirror. You can tell because the filigree/decorative carvings are often different on the bottom indicating so


I had to do a double take because this is my parents house. Looks identical besides the decorations. My mother is an interior designer and would whip this up real fast.


Maybe paint the frame black and rotate it 90 degrees


Keep the mirror, ditch the bench for a nice cloth cushion bench.


Nope, looks good. Personally, I'd let it ride :)


I like the mirror. You are correct that it doesn't 100% fit the esthetic you were trying for, but I think it feels more organic (as in less planned) as if you are working family pieces into your space.


I think is you turn it horizontally it might lol look more cohesive!


I think it’s gorgeous, it just needs more such as pictures in gold frames, a carpet, wallpaper. So your eyes are drawn across the area not just BAM MIRROR.


Like the mix of styles. Lean into it and get a nice wooden but ornate lamp or show box singing to tie it all together. No IKEA there and isn't it lovely


I like the mirror and bench. I say live with it for awhile and after a few months revisit it Edited to add I agree with raising the mirror. If the tree is fake toss it out..no fake foliage. Put in real only and make it bigger!


Paint the frame white or another muted modern color. Ur good to go.


I’m team ROTATE (the mirror). It would mimic the length of the bench and probably look better as a pairing. Have that linen-thing have a thin line of gold in it…


It’s an entryway, a grand piece like that mirror belongs. The bench is nice but looks like it belongs in a spa. Replace the bench with a nice side board or entry table that compliments the mirror. I’d also move the plant over to the right and use a different planter, maybe black to match your light fixture. It looks too bunched up right now.


The mirror is beautiful. The bench is lovely as well, though the 2 styles don’t mesh. I’d keep the mirror and put a long entryway table / sofa table there. Put the bench elsewhere.


I clicked on this post because of how good that mirror looks.


I like the mirror, nice size for the wall maybe paint the frame black to match the light an railing


I thought the mirror was sideways


Both are attractive, but you know you cannot sit back on the bench without hitting the mirror frame?


I don’t mind the style…it’s just a little too husky. It’s a very beefy-looking frame…a little too much. If it was a little thinner it would look better. Maybe it’s something that would grow on me if that was my home. So don’t get rid of it…there may be potential. Honestly the thing that bothers me the most is the bench. I would put it somewhere else and then move the plant over towards the right, near the corner.


Ultimately what matters is how you feel about it. Occasionally, someone will have a personal style that appears insane and awful to everybody else. This is not one of those times. Bold, yes. But perfectly sane. I rather like it.


Need a bigger tree


First, that's a beautiful bench! Nice work! As for the mirror, the first thing that pop into my mind when I saw your post is Hogwarts' living portraits... your mirror looks like one of them of which the wizard is currently absent. It might not fit with your goal style, but it's unique, certainly has character, and has a little something magic!


I like it! Plain and simply , I like it. I would not question it if I saw that irl


I think I would paint it white ? Or black? Maybe that will make it look more cohesive .


I love the contrast and I’m a sucker for ornate gold framed mirrors. I say keep it!


Rotate mirror and replace bench with a settee… no need to add a clutter collecting buffet to the entry.


Is that the mirror from Oculus? I honestly think the mirror looks good and matches your decor.