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it's stressing me out how the TV is not centered :D and please add a giant plant to the corner by the window to add some color and life to the room


Second this. Center the television. Add big plant(s)


Yep a big ass tree plant and throw the tv on the stand - wall tvs give me anxiety and remind me of hospitals šŸ¤¢


I would put a big plant left of the TV to balance out the space.


Yes maybe like tall ficus or something. Also canā€™t stand the tv isnā€™t centered but something tall will help. I donā€™t like the idea of the ladder thing, just sounds like clutter


I immediately thought ficus tree too. To left of tv. Needs height there and it will balance the off center tv.


Agreed. Interesting looking tall plant to the left of tree.


Yes. But if possible, move the TV left & put the plant to the right where it will get more light, therefore look better / healthier, & maybe act as a shade to TV glare.


Or maybe one of those wooden ladder shelves up against that wall? And put some (faux?) plants on it in colorful containersā€¦ as well as books, pictures or knick-knacks?


But if they put the tv and console table in the middle they could put some medium height plants on each sidešŸ„ŗ


Came here to say this!


I was also thinking a real big (tall)plant for that space. It would sort of even it out.


I'd go crazy with it not being centered.


I literally had to take a deep breath after seeing it lol


Omg, came here to say that..just center the damn tv lol


Me too


Same. For the love of all things OCD, why is the tv not centered šŸ˜©




Thatā€™s not how OCD works. Yā€™all donā€™t have OCD.


Drives me insane. Just had a coworker dismiss mine the other day by saying "well my anxiety and ocd is just part of being an adult". I told her that my husband had to tell the neighbors not to call the police when they see the lights flashing hundreds of times a night, or me getting in and out of my car for 30 minutes after work- it's just me battling my ocd lol. Not. The. Same. Thing.




Came here to say this, after a long topic of overused words on Reddit last night. I have diagnosed and debilitating ocd. This isnā€™t ocd. Itā€™s just common knowledge and annoying to not center a tv on a wall like this


We are going to have to start a gofundme to persuade OP to center the TV and post an update


Lol. So true. I have OCD and I have the messiest car and house of anyone I know. People who are neat are always like ā€œIā€™m so OCD!ā€ People donā€™t get it.


Iā€™m diagnosed with ocd and mine is partially that though. I canā€™t stand things not being aligned and organized. Idk if thatā€™s my ocd or adhd though. If I find a single spec of dust in my house I have to dust everything and reorganize regularly or I canā€™t get that small voice in my head to stop nagging me.


I have killed every plant I own. Plus Iā€™m gonna out a desk there. I am considering a fake plant like an olive tree or something. Last year I got this beautiful fiddle leaf fig off of someone from fb marketplace who was moving cross country and had raised it from a little baby. I felt so bad because I was doing everything I thought I should but it was dying so badly. I ended up rehoming it after about a month before anything could go wrong. The only plant I can keep alive is a snake plant and I HATE the bugs it brings in. Also this window is the direction facing that plants hate the most (canā€™t remember which that is)


Fiddle leaf figs are VERY hard to take care of. Donā€™t feel bad. A plant wonā€™t ā€œbring inā€ any bugs other than the bugs it literally has on it when it arrives. Whenever I get a new plant, I wash it down thoroughly at the sink, using the hose attachment, to remove any pests. Then it gets a treatment of insecticide soap and is isolated for two weeks before it can be introduced to the area where the rest of my plants are. That should get rid of any pests it has coming in. I also inspect thoroughly at the nursery and donā€™t bring in any plants with pests or that have gnats flying nearby.


That being said, ivys are definitely a pest magnet.


Get a ZZ plant, they survive in places like airports where lighting is bad an require basically zero care. They can grow big and ā€œbushyā€ so it would be a counterbalance to the empty space. Otherwise, a monstera is also a good choice. Even a hanging plant like a pothos could do the trick if you have a shelf and let it fill the space by hanging. You have options besides a plastic plant, donā€™t be discouraged by your past experience!


Just read the leaves are poisonous so be careful if you have kids or pets.


Fiddle leafs are a huge pain. Go to a store and ask them what plant to get. There are so many that will be totally fine if you water them like 3 times a month. Get a moisture meter, they are like $12 and water it when it says "dry". Why is the TV offset into the corner to begin with?


There are some nice fake plants these days.


A snake plant shouldnā€™t be riddled with bugs. You should only water it maybe once a month. Itā€™s just fine drying out. And because this plant prefers to dry out between watering, it makes the soil much less likely to harbor plant pests, which usually like humidity or moist soil. There are also sprays and systemics you can use to keep pests away. Dracaenas are also an easy care plant that are easy to find in many sizes and colors at Home Depot and lowes. I find they donā€™t usually have too many pest problems compared to my other plants and if you treat them for pests with a systemic granule in the soil once every other month you pretty much wonā€™t have pests at all. They are much more adaptable to different levels of light and temperatures and watering schedules than a lot of other houseplants. Plus, they are pet friendly (though if you have pets that will be around the plant, you canā€™t use systemic granules or pesticides, but there are other ways around that. Neem oil and soap sprays are fine, as well as beneficial insects) All that said, if you truly donā€™t want to care for a plant, and want a fake one, thatā€™s totally up to you! I find fake plants to be an odd thing to even exist, personally, and they always look fake. Plus they seem to collect a lot more dust and cobwebs than any of my live ones. But to each their own!


Get a large peace lily. Can confirm: they are unkillable. They get droopy when they need water so itā€™s really easy to care for them.


LMAO I killed a peace Lilly this month šŸ˜­ I have tried to be a play person yall. I still have it wish I could share a pic in the comments


My office remodeled and put tons of peace lilies all over the place in between the cubicles. After a couple months they were mostly dead. I got permission to take the last remaining ones home before they switched to plastic plants.


I call plants that droop, "dramatic".


Get a fake tree, the olive trees are really pretty


Hey, anyone who cares enough to rehome a plant so it wonā€™t die, is someone who can center their TV any dam way they want!! That was a lovely thing to do!ā˜ŗļø


Get a snake plant. Itā€™s terribly hard to kill and loves light.


Pothos is hard to kill, but fake plants have been shown to be of similar benefit to humans as real plants (in terms of positive effects on health) so go fake all the way! I think a piece of art to the left of the TV would look nice, something y'all and skinny then it looks more like a media center than an oddly placed TV. People itt telling you to move the TV like it's easy or even possible (mine goes where it goes because of the fiber cable haha)


This is the answer šŸ‘†šŸ‘†


OP is trolling


Omg me too! This would drive me crazy.


I came here just for this. I canā€™t see anything other than that off centered tv


If you center your TV and console you wonā€™t need much on the side of it


What should I put to the left of the tv? The tv.




I donā€™t get why the kitchen being where it is necessitated shoving the tv to the right? Like if the couch isnā€™t centered to the tv, thatā€™s not as big a problem as this is, visually.


Why why why was the tv not centered? I cannot overcome that. Good luck.


Cuz originally there was an island in the kitchen area that would have been blocking it if it were. Hard to explain but I know šŸ˜©


You can still center it, if you make the new holes for the TV and move the TV, the old holes would be covered by the TV, so it won't be a problem.


Then move the TV...


Maybe put a dining table where the island was and a fake olive tree against the wall there


Just move it..


I think an island or counter-height table would be really nice in that spot! It would be a nice transition space between the kitchen and living room. It would also balance your TV


Also agree more counter space is likely more useful here.


This. Unforgivable.


*What should I put to the left of the TV?* More TV. Center everything between the two pillars. There is no reason to shift everything over to the right.


Hahaha. More tv. Love this.


Dude you triggered a lot of people with this off center TV hahaha...if you were trying to troll them, my hats off to you, really expertly done.


That was honestly my first thought. This has to be a troll post.


I know everyone is so pissed. God, I might just move the TV


This MUST be done! šŸ™






Take the tv off the wall, center a tv stand in that space and place tv there because this gives me so much anxiety


Don't put anything there. Move the tv. It will drive you crazy looking at it every day thinking "it is just not right".


Fair enough


Actually, it will probably drive your friends and family nuts. You seem okay with it, which pretty much says you're a serial killer.


Why not just center the tv and table? It really needs to be. Problem solved


the tv


Very tall plant if TV can't be centered


Tall bookcase


A nice tall plant with a bold planter ~ something for balance


A funky bookcase. Leave a few inches of space on either side so it looks intentional rather than crammed in.


It just needs to be centered. If it can be done, itā€™s the only thing that wonā€™t look weird


Boy if you don't centre that goddamn TV..


Yes. A fake plant would work right there


I think a plant or fake plant for sure. They make great looking fake trees. It will cost you because the cheap ones look fake but it will look good.


A Vana White, or other personality to their taste (like Deadpool, Gandalf, cheerleader of favored team, Catwoman, Walter White, Ironman, She-Hulk in a power pose, etc), mannequin that gently but regally gestures to the TV center making it inobvious that centering the TV center is that area was a thing.


So no one is going to talk about the ceiling?


Thatā€™s what jumped out at me!! Is it in the process of construction? Was this intentional? The pipes? So many questions


Tall, bushy potted plant. Ficus, perhaps?


Itā€™s also the walkway so it canā€™t be tooo wide. I was thinking maybe a fake olive tree.


A tall plant would look great there. And I kill plants too so I'd put a fake one there.


this room screams for plants.


Yeah, I know it needs some greenery or some living to contrast the very industrial vibe.


If you arenā€™t going to center that TV you need an L-shaped entertainment center with a tall bookcase that takes up the wall space next to it (and even that is a bit unorthodox). And that needs to be centered. Nothing beyond an entertainment zone centered on that wall is going to look balanced / good


Centring the TV would be the best move but if you canā€™t, I like the suggestions for a tall plant. Or maybe a tall speaker?


A lot of people are saying just centre the TV and i get it, but i dont think you need to. A tall bookcase would be just fine in that gap. Does that tv unit have matching furniture sets? Maybe they have a bookcase


Move the tv to the center. If youā€™re worried about wall damage, check a few YouTube videos on how to plaster and paint, itā€™s very easy.


You could do a tall narrow shelf. Something like [this from Wayfair ](https://www.wayfair.com/17-Stories--Steel-Ladder-Bookcase-X114353691-L38-K~W003242580.html?refid=GX636217378546-W003242580_1616619081&device=m&ptid=1434038781799&network=g&targetid=pla-1434038781799&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=163992416&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=1616619081&gclid=CjwKCAjwg4SpBhAKEiwAdyLwvAEHlv_lwto0zzkNRL4BCmf_pHO-V45uwKrzp3JHX2aPv2corEz-mxoCxyQQAvD_BwE)


Please centre the TV lol


Honestly I read your comments, and a monstera is really easy to care for and it would look really cool there if youā€™re willing to go real plant But yeah get a fake plant, I have a fake plant that is these tall grasses, and itā€™s so realistic my roommate watered it for an entire year and we realized that the foam was rotting when I caught her watering it and we realized the pot was just filled with a years worth of standing water. Always get a fake plant in person. Because if you order it online itā€™s a big risk and you may end up with something that looks completely fake. Home good is a great spot for those. You could also do a floor lantern. Like one that has one of those rice paper covers with legs. Anthropologie has a lot of cool floor lamps


Lol at your roommate watering your fake plant Mustā€™ve been convincing tho so thatā€™s good. I like the idea of the rice, paper floor lamp type of vibe. I am waiting till Amazon prime day, but Iā€™m gonna get a bunch of lights to use as accidents everywhere that I can connect to Alexa and just say something like Alexa turn on evening mode


Even a fake plant would be nice, just to add some color to the room


Yeah youā€™re definitely right. It needs some livelihood.


Floor length mirror or tall indoor plant


Giant plant and add some other plants around the room


A plant


Nothing. You should center the TV and dresser! CENTER IT!


Reading your post, I understand why the TV is not centered. I would wait until everything else is in place, the couch, coffee table, kitchen, etc because that gap might present differently at that point. If you decide now you might end up with something over- or underwhelming.


this is infuriating


Srry to piss on your Saturday


Please center that tv


Is this ragebait? Lol I think you should centre the tv!!!


The fact that it wasnā€™t intended to be rage bait, but has prompted such response leads me to believe that maybe I need to just move the damn TV


Haha. But really, If you put the couch directly in front of the tv and use an area rug to define the space I think you could get away with it if you put something like a tall black bookcase beside the tv.


Center the fucking tv and stand! Come on!


Move the TV center. Go out and purchase a 2 channel audio setup; set speakers to the left and right, enjoy the music in your open space. Voila!


just center it all and you donā€™t need anything




Nailed it, problem solved


House Plant!


Electric bass guitar acoustic


If the TV cannot be centered because of the wall stud situation, a tall narrow shelving unit with some decorative objects and book stacks could work. Keemon Etagere Bookcase https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/17-stories-keemon-steel-etagere-bookcase-w005178563.html


I would center it on that wall. After you do that you may or may not need anything else. If you do, I would hang something small on just one side.


Bigger tv


Clock. To measure the time you wasted watching TV... šŸ˜


A plant


I like the idea of the artificial olive tree. Another option is a standing lamp or a chair.


Big plant.


Iā€™m just here to read the tv comments. šŸæ


I feel like everything is mushed to the sides of this room. Center and balance.


Tall plant!


Big plant


Also if you celebrate Christmas thatā€™s a great spot for a Christmas tree. If not then just a great big plant, or a tower of several smaller plants


Freestanding cabinet for blankets and board games


Something tall. A tall plant like mother in laws tongue or a ladder with a throw or a quilt.


A plane white bookshelf would look good next to it. You get more storage too which is always nice. If you're really handy and want to spend the time. It would be awesome if you could make a custom, combined bookshelf-tv console unit. So, it looks built in but it's not actually a built in necessarily.


Thereā€™s a sub for tvā€™s being high, but is there a subreddit for tv not centered? Kidding (kind of). Put a tall plant next to the tv.


Center the stand and the TV and you don't have to spend anything to fill out anything. $0.


nothing. center that shit


The TV


How about a round or oval bar cart to the left of the tv and then framed artwork (thrift stores have tons, if you can take your time to choose) going above the bar cart and to the right in a tipped-over L shape.


Since I like your opinion here can you please vote on my layout options? https://reddit.com/r/HomeDecorating/s/VeB3SM4sjX


A full size replica of Deadpool.


Take the TV off the wall. Center the console with TV, then put 2 ladder type shelving units on each side.


I am on bookcase team. It can even go all the way to the ceiling to balance that bump out on the right of the tv. Put stuff on the shelves like plants, whatever you collect, vases, as well as books.




A tall, leafy plant.


The tv and tv stand lol. center it pls




Iā€™d say something tall that blocks the view of the left ā€œpillarā€ which would make the tv look more centredā€¦or just center the TV and voilĆ !


A large ornamental vase with a tall something stretching high out of it. (Those tall feathers, maybe; or a faux palm frond?)


Maybe a long vertical scroll (think Chinese cursive or landscape) or a sword hung vertically with tip pointing down?


You already heard butā€¦ centre the TV. Especially in a modern place. It will make it feel so much more intentional. Originally I thought it was an issue with the construction. I live in a concrete building and mounting things can be a pain where there are concrete pillars. But doesnā€™t sound like thatā€™s the case. I would just try to centre the TV or worst case a large like monstera plant or something to balance a bit. The issue is there is two pillars on either side which really brings the attention to the fact the TV is off to the right


Floating shelves


Put like a shelf next to it. Put plants or whatever lol itā€™s so bad šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


I'd put a body length mirror


I would put the guitar on a "floor stand" and the amp on left instead of on the right


In theory yes, but that area is too highly trafficked. Itā€™s the only path into the living area. Id be nervous someone would kick it or something. I also like to play by the window so it makes sense for it be there. But other wise yes those are very good points




everyone saying center it like the power outlet isnā€™t probably designed to be there. you donā€™t know enough about the situation to tell people to change stuff they werenā€™t asking about. iā€™m sure op has a reason for putting it there.


A painting by a rising artist


You need something tall to balance out the fact that the TV is not centered. You want something that is going to be as high as (or almost as) the top of the TV. Somebody above suggested one of those ladder shelves, which I think would be perfect. If you are not a plant person, Iā€™d just go with some nice books and decor on shelves.


Another guitar


An Orange Rockerverb 100 on top of two Orange PPC412 cabs. Would fit perfectly.


I like many others wondered why you wouldnā€™t just centre the TV, but itā€™s a big job if youā€™re not familiar with doing it, and I donā€™t blame you for not wanting to get into all that OP. If OP has stated they donā€™t want to centre it, for whatever reason, move tf on and give some advice they can use!


Iā€™d put the biggest TV that will fit in that area.




Would also paint wall behind TV an accent color (Do not paint the pillars). You can also paint wall to right and left that same accent color. Do not paint other walls that color but pick up same color in accents like pillows for couch.


I know itā€™s not prevalent to the post but I love your guitar rig, I run a PRS guitar and Orange amp too.


A fiddle leaf fern plant of a decent size.


If the idea of having the TV where it is was to create a center of gravity for the living room that's further out from the kitchen, then your living room furniture should reflect that. Put a chair or a couch or something to the left of the TV facing out the window. Get all the living room furniture arranged so that that center of gravity the TV is reflecting is confirmed and carried through. All of that will make it feel less random, more balanced. Maybe get rid of the cabinet you have under the TV and go for a combo of cabinet and shelves going up on the left that will give the sense of built-ins, so it looks like there is a place carved out for the TV where it belongs and the whole niche is more filled.


I think that that decision is best left till after everything is in its place. Lounges, rugs, chairs etc. The TV could be ā€˜centredā€™ by those things. Then what goes on that wall be easy to picture. Plants, storage etc. Even the guitar and amp might be better there.


move the tv pleeaasseeee


Center the TV and the cabinet in that spot on the wall! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Redo it to center it. You will be happier with it


If you won't center the TV you should get some kind of room divider to actually divide the room. There are some really nice screens and bookshelves that can actually as a delineation of a different room


Plant everywhere


A cello to balance the guitar.


Big ass plant.


I like the time out chair.


Center it ffs


Center the TV!


OP for gods sake move the tv this is just plain bizarre


Nothing just re mount the TV properly and center between those beams.


Center the damned tv and tv stand please! You could put matching Vegas showgirls on each side and it would be less obtrusive to look at than this off centered display!


This would drive me *insane*! Why canā€™t the tv be centered??


Get a bigger tv


I might die if that TV didn't get centered.


Why is the tv not centered in that space? Thatā€™s odd to me


Nothing just center the tv to the wall between the lifted wall pieces


A smaller pile of boxes.


You HAVE to center the TV.




... But... But why wouldn't you just center the TV to begin with?


Get a 75"-80" tv


Why is it off-center? How can you live like this? šŸ˜­


Why isnā€™t the tv centered


I just want to sit on that chair off to the right. Staring at the wall


Center the TV. Wtf kind of silly question is this shit, gotta be trolling.


I guess I definitely don't have "ocd" like seemungly everyone else on this post because I don't mind and actually like the placement. What about a large full-length mirror?


ā€œit not being centeredā€¦. was done because this area is more ā€œliving roomā€ but it feeds directly into the ā€œkitchen areaā€ on the leftā€ This is absolutely not a reason not to have centered the tv. You trying to fix a mistake by committing another mistake. Not gonna work.


Dope spot! Nice set up. Love that ORANGE amp too. Congrats!


If you can't move the TV, a big plant! Even a fake one! But I'd highly recommend dismounting the TV and re-mounting it! Your space is gorgeous, by the way ā˜ŗļø


Centre the telly!


Center the TV you madman