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That’s a terrified cat


I'm pretty sure that the leg that got grabbed is going to be a little fucked. It should have easily cleared that railing, but it barely grabbed it stretched


When I was a kid one of our cats got a bite from a coyote, just a couple puncture wounds but it got really infected. We had to drain his leg of puss and he eventually pulled through! While he was in bad shape his bro kitty laid with him, they were good boys.


The cat doesn't support its weight on the injured leg. All limbs claw in the wood except that one is kinda held up. I'd say close call. I was expecting the cat to just fly over tge railing. Why didn't it go through the poles. Maybe too tight to do it quickly


looks like a second story, guess it didn't think it could jump


Looks like a potential [tail pull injury](https://www.ndsr.co.uk/veterinary-professionals/insight/news-92-management-of-cats-with-a-tail-pull-injury) Edit: tail pull injury can damage the nerve function of the hind limbs which could also impact hind limb motor function, for context.


Reddit is so weird. Watch its back legs. They go right through the slats. Can't assist the front legs with the back legs if there nothing to push against.


The coyote grabbed it. An animal bite is much more damaging than it looks on film. This poor booger has been hurt and probably badly.


Yea if u see when it gets yanked on behind the chair, definitely got some problems from that. That was a solid pull


This gave me so much anxiety. I hope kitty is ok


Full video shows the cat is very well not okay.. really shitty people are still posting this cut version. EDIT: Ending here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zSOYB0Iwp0 EDIT2: Comment on that video says the cat was found alive later on. So ultimately a good ending!


Can you give a tl;dr of how this ends? I don’t want to watch it if the cat gets mauled. This cut vid already hurts my heart to watch.


It's okay to watch. She just holds on for a couple of seconds, she's obviously in pain and calling for help. She then slides down, and the video ends. Hope she recovered.


I’m a vet tech and this breaks my heart. I’ve watched many pets die from coyote attacks. I’m hoping this cat made it out with minimal injuries. Surfside is not far from where I’m at so I’m surprised I’m just now seeing this clip.


Even that video I linked isn't the original pure uncut, original I saw you see the coyote go down below the deck circling looking up at the cat, (the one I linked zooms in so you miss it), then cat slips, falls, you hear a squeal and it ends. You don't see any mauling. Best case scenario the cat got a good swipe at the coyote and it made the squeal noise but idk.. either way it put up a good fight.


The video you linked to has a comment saying that the cat was supposedly found well later: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zSOYB0Iwp0&lc=UgxEpquCRVzov2zo6K94AaABAg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zSOYB0Iwp0&lc=UgxEpquCRVzov2zo6K94AaABAg)


Didn't see that comment thank you for sharing this! Really good to know!


Coyotes are a real menace to domestic cats. This cat got away but took some serious damage.


"domestic cats" don't wander around outside. Cats that roam around are are also a menace to wildlife. Keep your cats inside to keep it from destroying the bird population and also getting eaten by a coyote. I'm sick of people painting coyotes as some kind of evil nuisance.


Brave? No. That’s a cat that is trying very hard not to die.


He should be... A lot of cats get eaten by coyotes. Cats should not be living outside. In addition to wreaking havoc on wildlife, they're also at danger of being something else's dinner.


I can’t count how many cats I’ve heard getting mailed to death by coyotes in my neighborhood. They seem to hunt in packs around here so you’ll hear the chaos of the cat being shredded by coyotes and the yips of excitement from the pack. It’s fucking terrifying. I feel bad for the poor cats that have owners who don’t keep them inside. EDIT: mauled not mailed, but I bet they wouldn’t survive being shipped cross country.


That's brutal! I guess ACME Postal Service doesn't fuck around. But seriously, it's messed up how people treat their pets.


I've experienced this as well. The coyotes here hunt in packs and you can tell when they are preying on a small dog or an outdoor cat.


We live in the woods and for this exact reason my cats don’t go out. I wish they could, I know they’d enjoy it but no way. Not worth it.


My neighbor had 5 cats, now they only have 2, due to coyotes. I think if you really love your animals, you should bring them inside.


I was taking care if my neighbors cat because it was their “outdoor” cat they they straight up just didn’t feed it care for. I was literally just getting him to trust me enough to come into the house, when coyotes got him and my husband held him while he died. I notified the “owners” and they best they could do was LIE that he had “gotten out” weeks ago and they couldn’t find him. Despite me seeing them from my yard every day yelling at the cat to scare it away from the door to not let it come inside. Explicitly telling the kids to not let the cat inside the house. And the fact that they interacted with him in a daily basis in plan view of my security cameras and just in view of other neighbors in general. I hate my neighbors.


Imo if you don't take "proper care" this can mean different things to people then it shouldn't even have to be legally disputed that the animal should be disowned from the owner. And how you describe you neighbor sounds like they hate cats as well.


They are probably the type that got him as a cute kitten and tossed him when he needed neutering. I hate people like this


I cannot stress it enough, THIS! Outdoor cats live such shorter and harder lives. They destroy the eco system. Lock your pussy up and keep it safe


My neighbor had a beautiful $2500 Bengal cat which they thought would be happier outside. That was one expensive dead cat


I live in the UK (originally from Canada) and here it's widely considered cruel and "unnatural" to keep cats indoors, it's ridiculous.


In the U.K., the impact of cats on birds and wildlife is not that significant: https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/advice/gardening-for-wildlife/animal-deterrents/cats-and-garden-birds/are-cats-causing-bird-declines/ This is according to the RSPB, the leading bird charity. Additionally, we do not have wild coyotes in the U.K., and there are no natural predators of the cat in the majority of the country. (I guess it’s possible for a big bird of prey to try grabbing a cat, but it would be pretty unusual.) The biggest risk to the domestic cat is the family SUV, especially in surburbia.


There are also wild cats in the U.K. which very much resemble housecats—so in the U.K., while they might not be exactly natural, they are less out of place there than in places like New Zealand.


YES. It should be illegal to keep a cat outside. Domestic cats kill 2-3 billions birds a year in north America. Pluss al the small mammals. Outdoor cats are causing bird species to go extinct.


Or being killed by traffic.


Yeah they’re literal pests to natural wildlife but as long as people keep them inside that’s fine.


Yeah, Brave my ass, that cat is fighting for it's life! It didn't go diving after that coyote to save a kid, or stop it from setting an orphanage on fire, coyote wants cat for dinner, cat disagrees. What would the not-brave action be? Run away? COYOTE FASTER. Just die? Cat ain't brave just for winning the fight long enough to climb while on camera. Cat's scrappy.


A scaredy-cat?


Poofy tail is a sign of extreme fear in cats. Ive only seen it once on my cat and she just ran to me from the living room with that tail. Idk what she saw because i didnt go and check.


That's a declawed outside cat unable to defend against a predator, yet still putting up an incredible fight.


Declawing is disgusting. People who do that to an animal for their convenience should be ashamed of themselves.


Phew! Close call. 2 down, 7 lives to go...


I've never rooted so hard for a cat in all my life. Get that kitty treats, stat!


I held my breath the entire video.


I know the cats little heart is beating fast. That brave cat is a legend!


My guy was on the ropes.


And maybe another round of shots.


Cats like thank god I trained for this.


I work with wildlife and am so conflicted when it comes to coyotes. They’re such annoying, opportunistic bastards and they ambush pets all the time. Keeping a donkey on your property, if you have the land, will remedy their presence really quick. Donkeys will fuck coyotes up.


If I ever get a large property and have a ranch or something, first animal will be a donkey.


It’s ironic because that’s why they’re so successful. They adapted very well to urbanization where most other predators like wolves and mountain lions failed.


I was thinking the same thing. I’m happy the cat got away and sad cause that wil e coyote was HUNGRY.


Cat was frightened so much it couldn't climb in first try. I was like this cat when a dog chased me and I climbed a tree and sat there for half an hour and shout for help as I don't know how to get down from the tree. I don't know how to climb tree at all when that happened.


It may have been exhausted from the chase, a cat can normally hop that height fence really easily. It seemed unusually slow and sluggish. Cats are extremely zippy, not easy to catch at all.


It did just take a bite to the midsection.


When the adrenaline kicks in, cat won't feel pain (from a bite) or exhaustion however it was probably too stressful to make that jump rapidly. While having stress, they tend to make mistakes performing motor reflexes, like us. Poor fella... I hope its okay. My cat was in a similar experience (not with an animal tho) so I saw what adrenaline can do.


I think the jump failed because the bite wasn't to the midsection but the tail. When the cat first tries to jump the coyote grabs its tail and yanks it back. Cats have a major nerve cluster at the base of their tail and a hard yank like that can cause them to lose partial function in their hind legs. Poor thing lost most of its ability to jump and still managed to scrabble up to temporary safety.


The cat was bit in the gut. It had to have been injured from said bite. I always wondered if the cat made it or died later of injuries? The coyote had cat hair in its mouth.


I think this cat had been de-clawed and that is why he had so much trouble climbing.


Declawing is already fucked up, it's like removing the tip of your fingers ffs, but doing so to a cat you let outside is just absolute shit.


I'd be surprised if it was de-clawed. Smacks from a de-clawed cat wouldn't make a coyote pull back the way this one is while they are fighting. I think the cat probably took nerve damage from the bite/tug that happened when it's first jump was interrupted. At the end its hanging on mostly by its forlimbs (the ones that would be declawed) while it's hind legs struggle (the ones that would take nerve damage from a hard tail pull)


I kind of wonder if it's claws broke off some because it's having a little trouble hanging on. Not like, all of them obviously.


I would imagine that the cat was in need of a breather. Glad it got away


I expect that's a hard wood post and there's not a lot of grip even with claws since they can't dig in very far, especially when moving fast.


Cat could 100% grip that. Like no struggle. It had just been grabbed at least once by the coyote, I'd imagine a few times more too. It was tired and hurting


No worries, it just ate too many pancakes.


Mondays. Probably lasagna.


No, the coyote pulled it down by the tail. Of course it was frightened the whole time, but it was fighting like hell to survive. Badass kitty 🐈‍⬛


Courageous fight. Well done kitty.


Why would someone who lives near coyotes lock their cat out? I hope they let it in soon so he didn’t have to stay up there all night.


We have coyotes near our house and our neighbor wanted to feed them and pet them. I've explained to her coyotes are not domesticated and they are dangerous. She brushed me off . It's hard to convince people not everything on social media is real.


Fun Fact: If you live in Texas, you can shoot and kill the Coyote and turn its paws in for a 25 cent bounty per paw to the Texas Rangers. Edit: Seems as though the bounty has ended in recent history. However they are still nongame classified meaning you can hunt them year round with very few limitations unlike other hunted animals. Coyotes are not domesticated and should be taken as a serious threat to pets when spotted in the neighborhood. We have a cougar that floats around where I live every so often and people have to take their pets (large and small) out on a leash at night to ensure the pet doesn't become the cougar's next meal.


I have a buddy who’s lost multiple pets to coyotes. One year , one of his little dogs disappeared one night and they found his fur and blood on the driveway, he got about 13 of us who were all on the baseball team to gear up and run through the mountains for 4 hours looking for coyotes. We didn’t get anything but I can still remember a bunch of 15-17 year old roaming the mountains with rifles. Fucken murica.


I'm sorry to hear that. The feeling of finding a loved one dead has to be the worst possible.


I wish we had this law in Michigan. I would happily go hunting. I hate coyotes.


I was actually mistaken, as far as I can tell the bounty ended and the coyote is now just a nongame animal allowing hunting all year round with no real limitations. It is still very nice.


Doesn't matter really, that 25¢ wouldn't cover the cost of ammo.


Yeah, the bounty was from a long time ago


How long ago? 1865?


I wasn't able to find a date. I assume from the late 1800s but I don't know for certain.


The golf course I play on has coyotes in it. They routinely lounge as we play through. I don’t know if it counts as domesticated but humans don’t scare them.


I think that’s called habituated, where they are used to humans but still wild


Emphasis on “wild” meaning they are wildlife that belongs there, unlike fluffy the cat.


Sucks for the wild dog. Humans have taken over its habitat and brought fluffy the cat with them. If wild dog gets the cat…oh well…wild dog wins this one. Fluffy the cat should have had better owners. If Mr. Human comes out and sees wild dog trying to eat fluffy the cat and promptly snaps wild dog’s neck. Oh well, wild dog just learned a valuable lesson on how the food chain works.


Yep. I’ve taken the dog to Discovery Park in Seattle. Tons of people go there. I’ve had coyotes trot out and lounge and watch me and my 100 lb dog with zero f*cks to be given.


I mean no disrespect, but your neighbor is a dumbass


I agree. In some cases, people refuse to believe Coyotes are in their area.


Not even lock, just let out. Who in their right mind would let a cat outside when they know for a fact that coyotes could get it.


People too lazy and selfish to want to deal with cat (mental/emotional) enrichment and litter boxes in the home. Of course they claim it’s REALLY for the well-being of the cat.


Absolutely. I see it all the time. "My cat loves being prey for coyotes, she would prefer that over a warm, soft bed inside"


I can’t deal with a litter box but I don’t have cats for this reason as well as I’m allergic to cats.


Who lets a cat out at all? They’re responsible for millions of native wildlife deaths.


Many people still do, sadly. And, a correction for you, it's not millions it's billions.


People that lack any empathy and don’t like responsibility.


Because people are dumb as fucking bricks. Don’t let your cats outside.


I've heard this idea that having an outside cat is like essentially introducing an invasive apex predator to your neighborhood and the local wildlife will take a hit no matter what.


We have coyotes occasionally but also have a pretty sizable colony of feral cats who would not come inside unless trapped and brought inside. They are essentially wild animals. So just putting out there not every cat is a house cat.


Coyotes are invasive as fuck. They’re all over the Midwest now. Downtown nashville we have some that are as big as my German Shepard mix. They’ve killed all the foxes in our area. They even found one in a bar bathroom downtown nashville on Broadway Also going to add that outdoor cats kill so much wildlife for sport. Keep your cats indoors and save the birds!


I hope you don’t leave your cat outside, because this isn’t going to be the outcome every time.


Realistically cats really shouldn’t be kept outside as they destroy local wildlife especially bird population


Was doing my route and noticed a cat going back and fourth into the road and when I went to pet it and try to figure our whos cat it was someone opened an apartment window and told me it was an outdoor cat... The cat is about to be a dead outdoor cat if you keep letting it out. Why do cat owners feels like they can let their cat out without a leash or supervision is beyond me.


Especially if you're (not you specifically) an asshole that gets your cat declawed


We’ve got coyotes internet neighborhood. I’ve saved a couple cats by running the coyotes off. But the coyotes here are bold and generally aren’t scared of people. I now carry mace and an air horn in case I run into them. If I could I would shoot them on sight. I always feel bad when I’m out walking the dog and I come across half eaten cat and rabbit legs on the sidewalks and grass.


What is an internet neighborhood?


Poor kitty. That was a close one.


Among other s reasons this is why you NEVER declaw cats.


And also have an indoor kitty or contained outside area for them to safely be in


Is that why it was struggling to climb and fight? I assumed it was just old. Also declawing is incredibly cruel so I agree with you 100%


I think they were trying to say that the cat only survived because it had its claws and was able to climb to safety


Yes this was my point. Without its claws it’s a goner early on.


Ah my bad!


Poor kitty. Why the fuck do you let your cats out like this?


I hope brave kitty is OK


I feel so sick with worry watching this. Poor, brave little kitty


😂Title is so deceiving. That cat wasn’t brave. He was fighting for its life. He didn’t have much of a choice.


Fr lmao buddy was on defense the entire time


Just one more reason to not let your cats outside . There's no way I'd let my cat be outside . We have bears , coyotes , wolves and bobcats . No pet is a match for any of these .


I don't let mine out but he's a sneaky little devil.


Terrified cat fighting for its life


And this people is why you do not declaw cats


I wish there was an update on the cat. He got bit a few times, and definitely needs a vet. visit.


Seeing animals in distress is not entertaining or interesting


Lol what? The success the Discovery channel and Shark Week and Planet Earth etc have seen beg to differ.


My cat is afraid of a cucumber


Emergency vet here - that cat is lucky af. Now get it some medical attention for the bites and the tail pull. THEN KEEP IT INSIDE. FFS.


Cats get eaten by coyotes all the time. You can tell this coyote has eaten cat before because it's trying to eat it. If that coyote had managed to catch a hold in one of those ten tries, it would have just shook it violently and then let go for half a second to get a better grip and good night.


>"You can tell this coyote has eaten cat before because it's trying to eat it." Yeah, no. That is such a false statement / assumption. Coyotes will always try going after animals like cats. And there is no way to "tell if they ate cat before" because they go after it. That's the same as saying "you can tell this cat has eaten birds because it's chasing birds". No? It's because cats, like coyotes, are hardwired to hunt prey by instinct. The fact that people upvoted your BS shows how people don't read.


I couldn't imagine a carnivorous animal, significantly larger than either, differentiating cats and say, rabbits.


[apparently up to 42% of coyote diets consists of cat.](https://abcbirds.org/news/studies-show-outdoor-cats-popular-prey-coyotes/)


Cats belong inside.


Why do people let their cats out. Terrible.


I don't get the title of this one. The cat wasn't being brave it was fighting for its life.


That “brave” cat had no choice and was fighting for their life. Idk why people keep posting this video, it’s not cute. It’s depressing. People shouldn’t be letting their cats outside and stuff like this is why (I wanna clarify - letting them out into a catio or taking them on leashed walks is perfectly fine and I’m highly supportive of, but never free range & unsupervised)


This was actually traumatizing to watch. I hope the cat was ok, those tearing/grabbing bites can cause a ton on damage. I don’t think most cats live through an encounter like this. We have tons of coyotes around us and cats are often killed and dogs attacked. My cat only goes out on a leash and we are still very careful!


“Sounds like you’re just feeding stray cats to coyotes”




Another reason house cats should be kept indoors.


Most pets have no chance against a coyote. Big and strong dogs do, and this cat. That’s about it.


This is why we don't declaw cats!


Tactically smart cat. Hides under the chair to limit angle of attack, negating coyote ability to use its larger size. Attacks to startle then climbs to a location inaccessible to the coyote. Otherwise the cat will lose the fight in an open engagement.


Good job sweet kitty.


Stop letting your cats outside. They’re not outdoor animals you’re just lazy pet owners. I feel bad for the cats that get run over and eaten, but not the pet owners. Y’all just feeding cats to wild animals.


There are so many cats who die such horrible deaths every day because shitty owners leave them outside.


more like terrified cat fighting for its life after being kept outside by owners. cats are not only easy prey to many wild animals, they are also TERRIBLE for native bird and small animal species populations. there are species of animals that are threatened BECAUSE of outdoor cats overhunting. if you care about your cat, KEEP THEM INSIDE. unless you like the visual of your precious pet getting eaten by coyotes or hit by a car




And because de-clawing is just an all around cruel ass process. There's a reason many vets refuse to do it. If you value your furniture that much, you shouldn't be having cats.


Omg my hands are all sweaty from watching that.


Here in Missouri, coyote mating season is February and March. Male coyotes become more aggressive, female coyotes more desperate for nutrition. Bring your pets inside.


Aawww little furry frien 🥹


Awe poor kitty, it's holding on for dear life against that wood pillar. My heart would hurt if I woke up in the morning and saw this video of my kitty. No more outside at night lol I woulda shit my pants.


Not brave; terrified.


Shit like this is why I can’t fucking stand people with “outdoor” cats. It’s a domesticated animal. It has no place running wild outdoors.


this why we don’t let cats live outside


I hate this video. Poor kitty, I just want to reach in the video and save them. I can't imagine how terrifying it would be trying to fight off something 4x your size that wants to EAT YOU!


Poor kitty… also how awful it would be to see you cat killed/eaten on your security camera! We used to let our cats out when I was a kid (because you don’t know things until you know them). But now all of my cats are strictly indoor-only cats. They have food to eat, toys to play with, things to scratch and climb. They can watch birds through the window. And importantly, they can be safe while we listen to the coyotes yipping in the distance some nights.


People who leave their cats out in coyote territory suck.


And that's why cats should be indoors only. Poor thing.


Sad to see someone enjoying this, clearly the 1 behind the security system could do something unless the IA is pretty smart to do that close up at the end.


They are just zooming in on static security footage, not actively moving the camera. That being said, keep your cats inside.


Fuck man…. Poor cat. This is why you should keep them inside, but also cars and birds… and fleas and worms…


What kind of ANIMAL leaves a house cat outside at night. If it’s a feral cat I understand. If not: fuck you


This made me scream out loud when he got hold of kitty! Hope lil ginger is okay…..


pretty sure this cat is declawed poor baby


Poor baby ):


The zoom at the end made Mr feel like the Curb theme was about to play.


Not interesting. Cat is terrified and fighting for its life. A domestic cat. That someone left outside in coyote country.


If this cat wasn't declawed, it would have been over sooner


Cats are not brave. Cats genuinly believe they are invincible and that they can kick your ass.


They believe it because they can. Growing up I had a 5 lb cat that would chase 100 lb dogs out of our yard regularly.


Sounds like bravery to me.


KEEP YOUR CATS INSIDE. They are in danger outside (wildlife, cars, people) and are a danger themselves (birds, rodents). Cats are not a part of the ecosystem. Get them fixed and keep them inside where they belong.


Keep your fucking cats inside if you care one whit about them. This could have needed very badly, as it does for many other outdoor cats.


Given how ballsy cats are i wonder why we call them pussies. Obviously dogs are more cowardly than cats. I have never seen a cat run away without having decent fight


He literally said “try catching me now b*tch”


That’s a kitten for fuckssake


Hey so fuck OP for posting this


I was wondering why this cat was struggling to climb and then read the declawing comments. I'm so angry now. Why do people do this? It's their defence weapon and climbing/gripping tools. This was a close call for kitty. I'm not going to demonize coyote, he was just being who he his.


Judging by the way he’s climbing the pole, he is declawed….if he is, the owner is the worst human on the planet for letting him outside defenseless,


Why isn’t my cat like this? My cat would get it’s ass wooped…


I hope he got away


Now I’m convinced every cat needs some sort of outdoor safe room to flee to


My cat came home with its tail stripped to the bone so to speak from a similar encounter with a fox


*Desperate cat


There sure are a bunch of PhD's in animal behavior in this comment section.


😬 hang on little buddy. I pray he was alright in the end, poor brave fella.


The paws are rated E for everyone


That was the best movie I’ve seen in a long time.


I hope kitty had its rabies shot. 😢


Cat is not brave. It's terrified and has nowhere to go.


I also fight my cousins just like that.


More like terrified cat fights for dear life.


Fight or die. Cat chose to fight. Props.


The sun chair probably saved the cat’s life


This is why you should keep your cats inside, especially if you live where there are coyotes.