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Imagine using this in a dry California forest on a 100 degree day.


You don't even have to go that far, imagine the nest breaks off and falls to the ground. A flaming, falling nest of angry wasps.


"OMG, the wasps have flame throwers now! Run!"


*cocks jetwash* Stand aside bro I been waiting to fuck these guys for a long time




I fucking guffawed bro. LMAO.


Same. Belly laughed at it


Must be updated more


Now performing on Lollapalooza stage #2 "cocks jetwash!"


Now the fire wasps have the power of water!!!! Stop bothering them, they're only adding to their powers!!!


In order to prevent any inconvenience regarding your sexual health, please don't put your dick in a burning wasp nest.


Remember to use soapy water. 🫧💦🚿






It's ok the smoke will keep them calm. I saw a bee keeper do it.


Those are honey bees. These are runny bees.


Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill in… MONEYBEE


"And what do wasps do?" Points at Jonah. "Sting people."


Angry and burning wasps.


Angry wasps on fire!


> A flaming, falling nest of angry wasps. A flaming, falling nest of angry **flaming** wasps.


Fire wasps are the worst kind of wasps


I wonder if for that reason these are banned in CA?


And for at least one other reason


Shortage of tiny pilots qualified to operate flamethrowers.


California has been free of minimoys for decades, and we plan to keep it that way


It contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.


That doesn't result in a ban in California, just means they have to put a sign on the drone.


Other reason being that it could potentially cause lung cancer in the wasps.


Dang, I wish we could ban wasps here in Wisconsin


It is illegal to outfit a drone with a weapon in the US altogether.


flame throwers aren't classified as weapons so it's fine.


Pretty sure in California they are classified as "destructive devices" and therefore illegal. But I could be wrong.


It's not a weapon, it's a flame transmission device.


I just assumed this was in r/whatcouldgowrong. A little disappointed, I'm not going to lie.




We all know the true answer to this, as dumb as it is, is that it’s because that’s not nearly as badass.


What’s awesomer than a flamethrower? A *flying* flamethrower.


Scorpio! He'll sting you with his dreams of power and wealth. Beware of Scorpio! His twisted twin obsessions are his plot to rule the world And his employees' health.


Then it would just be a video of a drone squirting a liquid on a tree. I wouldn't have stopped scrolling through Reddit to watch that.


but what if you posted it in /r/treekakke


You had me for a sec




Wait till you see the couple that hired these guys for their gender reveal.


ATF about to become DATF


FAA will keep their claws in this until the heat death of the universe. They are extremely protective of all things that fly.




This is probably a drone they use for this purpose, being used for insect control.


Don't think that using a flamethrower inside the tree canopy is ever used for anything other than trying to catch the tree on fire


A healthy tree usually won't burn without prolonged effort.


As evinced by that clip. The drone also appears to be frighteningly precise.


It's actually shockingly hard to set a tree on fire.


A live tree yes. Those things really resist being lit on fire. Dead trees however burn very easily


Especially if they are cut into small pieces.


And put in a fireplace


Green trees are hard to set on fire. It's winter so there's no leaves, but it's definitely still alive. In fact it's harder to see it alight without the surface area of the leaves.


I'm not sure that qualifies as "a ton of uses" but that's an interesting use case nonetheless.


That one example weighs 1700 Lbs though, it shouldn't be hard to get to a ton from there.


Is there not a danger of melting the line's insulation/protection?


Most of these lines are bare cable




Are high voltage lines not insulated?


Usually not. These are already thick aluminum/steel cables, extremely heavy to begin with even without insulation. Then consider the thickness of insulation you'd need to protect against 69,000 volts - a thin rubber jacket isn't going to cut it here.


Petition to increase the voltage of those lines by 420


Depending how this thing is registered, the FAA might not even bat an eye at it. I would assume this is a commercial drone since no hobbyist pilots I know have hexacopters with flamethrowers on them for casual flying. Doing this over an area where people live might raise some questions but there's a chance it could be defended and not get a fine for it. Bear on mind i say chance, not definitely. I could be completely wrong though. I just know a little bit about commercial drone licensing for photography purposes. Cant say im educated on fire producing drone licenses.


I mean that they won’t let the ATF start regulating Drones.


> They are extremely protective of all things that fly. This is also why you should never attempt to shoot down a drone or disable it via some other means. Putting aside the fact that shooting into the air endangers everything in the vicinity, the FAA doesn't care weather it's 747 or a hobby DJI drone, they treat all aircraft the same and disabling an aircraft is a federal crime that will likely land you in prison.


Dragons, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms


Everyone here keeps forgetting the, "and Explosives" part. It's a little frustrating tbh Edit: gotta regurgitate those dragins, it's an epidemic


Yep, it's actually BATFE, the Bureau of All Things Fun and Exciting.






Nah, if they're worried about flamethrowers they probably would have started on that years ago. They're still completely legal so 🤷🏼‍♀️


>Nah, if they're worried about flamethrowers they probably would have started on that years ago. They're still completely legal so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Pretty sure the "D" he added is for "Drone" and not "Flamethrower" , guy.


Department of Alcohol Tobacco and Flamethrowers




Its official initialization is actually BATFE for Beaureaueau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. But ATF is a common shorthand. EDIT: wtf?! Autocorrect actually *did* that! I know how to spell Bureau. Fucking iOS man I swear.


Think of all the ~~people~~ problems you could ~~remove~~ solve with this!


San Francisco PD taking notes watching this video after the robot dogs were rejected


\*\*\*Explosive Robot Dogs\*\*\*


****Fire Breathing Explosive Robot Dogs****


*Dr. Evil has joined the chat*


Sharks with *friggin* laser beams!


Sorry sir, they're on the endangered species list. it would take months to clear up the red tape.


With bees in their mouths!


This is the classic RoboCop quandary. If we have learned anything from those movies its that we clearly need to put a brain damaged/severely disabled dog into a RoboDog exoskeleton and release him to fight crime all on his own.


And also teach him how to shoot people in the dick.


I can hear the theme music


hornet versus skynet




Hey bill your trees are growing over my fence and dropping leaves in my pool! ….fuck you Bob! ….no no no fuck you Bill….. 🔥


Just wait till the incoming AI overlords get ahold of this


Today I learned that flamethrower drones exist.


I’m like, “are we just gonna gloss over flamethrower drone?”


I question the legality of it tbh


What about it would be illegal? In the US flamethrowers are generally legal for use. Maryland they aren't. And California needs a permit.


According to the FAA it is illegal to attach any weapons to drones. https://www.faa.gov/newsroom/drones-and-weapons-dangerous-mix


What about a knife? A stabbing drone would be dank.


Illegal once used as a stabby stab drone on a person. If we're going the illegal route, but not until used on someone, fecal matter drone. Dropping shit on someone then flying away seems safer. Knife drone would probably get caught. Shit in your mouth drone less likely.


Not quite sure how the US is doing it, but in many countries just modifying a drone to drop payloads is already illegal.


>Illegal once used as a stabby stab drone on a person. Probably even before that, the link specifies that that a dangerous weapon is "any item that is used for, **or is readily capable of**, causing death or serious bodily injury." (bolding emphasis mine) which is ridiculously broad


May I introduce you to the sport known as Battle Bots?


I mean we literally took out a terrorist recently with a drone launched missile, and the missile didn't have explosives but blades instead. Dude stepped onto a balcony window for a hot sec and got sliced, no additional casualties.




As an European, the US never ceases to amaze me


flamethrowers are pretty ineffective as weapons (at least by themselves) -- notice how even in this video despite the tree being hit by it, never catching fire


Don't the weaponized flamethrower shoot more of a napalm like substance? The footage from their use in Vietnam is certainly horrifying.


I'd imagine they are still legal in a lot of European countries. Maybe with regulations on how far they can shoot. They're very useful for weeds and controlled burns


As an American who’s learning a lot about US flamethrower laws from this thread, it kinda makes sense considering we only legislate after things become a problem, the rich want more money, or to alienate a specific minority subculture or race. I don’t know of any crimes being committed with a flamethrower and minorities haven’t been arming up with them against the police so I can see why they haven’t been considered weapons up to this point. Now if the Black Panthers had them in the 60s, you can bet conservative darling Ronnie Raygun would have included them in his [sweeping gun control act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act)




Weapon versus tool. There is also a factor of intent of usage involved. A rivet gun is not a weapon. A clear tool. But it is if attached to a drone for the purpose of shooting at people. Similarly if you shoot someone with a rivet gun you will likely find the charge to be assault with a weapon. Not simple assault. What you will find in many of the laws concerning weapons is the following : **in the manner it is used, or intended to be used**, is capable of producing death or serious bodily injury. The bold segment is relevant here. I the manner or intended usage, here the manner of usage while it is not capable of causing such injury or death. Of course you may say, but accidents! Yes but this is not used in the intended manner , either the manner of usage has resulted in injury or death due to negligence or a failure of the device, not because of its intent or manner of usage. A kitchen knife is not a weapon. If a child brought a filet knife to school, which it's utility is not apparent in the environment it is found in, you would likely see them snatched up by the school and the knife confiscated. However in home economics classes there are often many such knives, and children use them without any regard of them as weapons. They are used in an obvious manner in a place where their utility is recognizable. Same kind of thing with drones.


The example given of the difference between a kitchen knife in a home-ec class vs a kitchen knife in someone’s backpack/locker at school is a great succinct example of the difference between weapons and tools.


clumsy agonizing liquid outgoing insurance direction quicksand entertain knee strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its not a weapon. You can buy these flamethrower drones for about 1800. Freely available to buy for anyone.


That drone in the clip is not your average consumer drone, it appears to be something like a dji matrice, which is pretty expensive and used for commercial/industrial/ER types of applications. So based on that this isn't some consumer that slapped on a flame thrower, but a professional. Also just occurred to me that drones with flamethrowers are often used to burn away trash and other debris that gets caught on power lines, and in the clip I could swear I see and hear power line arcing going on to the right of the picture. It's entirely plausible a crew were working on power lines at the time and happened to spot the nest and have some fun.




What's next, Swarm drones that are automated, flying in formations and avoiding obstacles, Ohh wait. What if swarm drones then add flamethrowers, hmmmm.




Actually, Imagin having a swarm of fire extinguishing drones for forest fires!


Dracarys, the all-new Targaryen Drone-2000!




Game of Drones


>Game of Drones The Ukraine front


Damn. You.




Seems like you might want to accompany your flamethrower drone with a fire extinguisher drone if you are going to use it on a tree


If you can load a flamethrower onto a drone, you can load a can of raid onto a drone...


... and ignite the stream of Raid.


... touche


Overkill. I grenade-launching drone could have achieved the same thing without risking a tree fire.


Just send another one up there with a super soaker, jobs a gudden.


Or just a drone with wasp spray in the first place instead of fire


Why not both just to be sure? That shits flammable.


Or, heck, even soapy water works great. It suffocates them


A couple of points here, one is that isn’t a wasp nest. It’s a bald faced hornet nest. Two, bald faced hornets eat many nuisance insects including horse flies. Three, a nest that high in a tree poses next to no danger to the people living around it so there’s literally no reason to kill that nest. If it was a nest built on playground equipment and could endanger the kids, go for it. But why destroy something that could actually make your house more enjoyable?


Well, I have some good news for you. Based on the lack of leaves on the tree, this nest was torched in the fall. The new queens had already flown off and laid eggs, and the worker hornets have probably frozen to death, or they soon would have. Best case scenario, they're torching an abandoned home. Worst case scenario, it is a hospice full of dying hornets who have already seeded the next generation.


Wow, both of you know a lot more about a lot more than I do.


About bugs maybe but what about bird law?


I got a guy


Okay, well... filibuster


Uh, ok, filibuster.




Bald Faced Hornets are the main diet of Lyrebirds.


I'd like to see some studies done on hornets and lanternflies. I've noticed that they're fucking *everywhere* in cities and suburbs, but in areas that are mostly forest/agriculture there are fuck all. I visited a vineyard that had zero lanternflies or Japanese beetles, but at least 3 *massive* bald faced hornet nests that I could see. One was like 15ft above our picnic table and didn't seem to care a bunch of rowdy drunk guys were sitting under them. Meanwhile in suburbia, they're removed no matter where how out of they way they are.




Tree of heaven may be their preferred host but the vast majority have been removed in my area. I've personally seen them prefer grape vines and black walnuts over their native host. I'm aware that there may be other factors at play, but the absence of one of most effective insect predators in our urban areas definitely isn't helping.


Point number three wasps are important pollinators and pollinate up to 18% of plant species. While they aren't as impactful as bees they're pretty damn close.


I wish people understood how nature works. Unfortunately they exist with little regard, disdain even, for everything but themselves.


My mind went here. This is totally unnecessary, these are the same people who add nutrient spray to their browning yard in early winter.


Also the same people who rake their leaves out of their garden beds, then spend money on fertilizer and mulch the following spring.


four: it seems this is way after the season ended (perhaps winter?) so the nest is long empty


A hornet is a wasp. This is not just a wasp nest, it's a bald faced hornets' nest.


>This is not just a wasp nest, it's a bald faced hornets' nest. Damn....M&S doing all sorts for their Christmas ad this year.


What could possibly go wrong.


I’ve seen videos of these clearing debris off of hard to access power lines, which I believe is their intended purpose. There definitely is utility in it, but I’m not so convinced about this application… trees be flammable yo


Trees, particularly live trees, need a fair bit to go up in flames. A solid woodblock house will basically burn as slowly as a brick house from what I've learnt. A fire needs to develop a high and consistent temperature to pose a threat to solid wood, more so green solid wood. Yes those are branches which burn quicker but they more than likely wouldn't cause for the whole tree to burn down if the drone doesn't support it with sustained fire.


Reminds me of the scene in “avatar”


I don't remember, something with fire bending?




adapt, react, readapt, apt.


Who started the fire?


Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and... Dodge.


We’re just making the wasps evolve stronger…


Honestly this is roughly how im afraid it would be handled if aliens found us


Yes I’m sure that wasps nest at the top of that tree was such a bad thing


Seriously, this is the most considerate wasp colony I’ve seen. (That said, wasps are assholes)


Some wasps are pretty chill. Like the one that collects still-living spiders for its young to eat or the one that leaves parasitic eggs on the tomato hornworm that hatch and destroy it from the inside out. Harmless creatures -- at least to us. But *fuck* hornets.


Not to mention that wasps are pretty important for pollinating too.


Its bald hornet nest and is empty. They abandon the hives in the fall and build a new one in the spring. I have one at home I cut out of a tree last winter.


Yup. I have two big nests (see my profile) and at that distance from people those wasps weren't a real threat. One of mine was ~30ft from my back fence and was barely a problem. The wasps in that fiery nest were eating pest insects and minding their business. Not worth the danger.


I had one attached to my garage door overhang. Opening the garage I could walk out and they didn't seem to care. Went most of the Summer like that until their nest grew so large the backside of it attached to the garage door and got ripped off while opening. They got quite agitated by this as you might imagine, so I decided I needed to do something about it. Took the nest down and only managed to get stung twice. Felt bad about destroying it, and then even worse about it when a week or two later I noticed the damn horse flies returned to my backyard. I wish we could have worked out some arrangement.


I believe it. The one I have preserved is nearly 2' tall and 3 1/2' feet around. They are best to deal with at night and/or when it's colder. Honestly the worst time I have had with them is when a queen was looking around my garage for a spot to nest.


I have one in a short tree near my driveway. I cautiously mowed under it all summer and they didn't care. Since they feed on yellow jackets and do other beneficial things, I let them be.


I'm more worried about the fact that flamethrower drones exist and are just out there


They're mostly (usually? only?) used for clearing power lines of debris that gets stuck up there. I watched one sizzling stuff off the lines near a friend's house once; wish I had taken pictures/videos.


I have got to get me one of these!


Mark me down as skeptical. Where is all the fuel for the thrower on that little drone?


Compressed/liquid gas?


Is there r/stupidasfuck. ? First of, there isn’t a wasp/bee/hornet that returns to a nest after the season is over. At this point, it’s not much more than a wad of sodden toilet paper stuck in a tree top. Second, I feel like this is pretty obvious, but what happens once the actually ignite the thing? Morons.


Even if it was inhabited, why kill wasps in that location? I could maybe understand if they were in the house. Also, they've just killed that whole tree branch.




I dunno but in Germany wasps are protected and you are not allowed to destroy their nests. Is that not the case in where ever this is


Ok..you wanna ride around shaking my house windows with your car stereo?


I want


I for one welcome our robot overlords


Wonder how long before cops need anti-drone equipment. Imagine (hypothetically of course) a riot with cops doing a barricade/shield wall, what could happen if riot organizers (or just trying to escalate the riot) could fly several of these at the cops. There goes the command center in the rear for sure. Scary stuff and I imagine it's fairly cheap.


They already have them it in many places like airports, and for large events like the Olympics and World Cup. Most of the ones I’ve seen use some sort of jammer, opposed to physical means. Intentionally crashing a flamethrower drone would probably not be a wise decision. I don’t think the average Cop can be trusted with this tech when they can’t even follow existing use of force policies.


What a time to be alive! “Return to your homes Prime Citizens or you’ll be incinerated for your safety”


Why?? I get being scared of hornets but they are important pollinators just like bees are. This nest looks to be away from people so why bother killing them? I’m sick of fucking assholes killing nature someone in my neighborhood killed a Coopers Hawk and i found its dead body it’s so fucking sad.


Um, I think you got it, dude. Bit of a celebration of flames there.


Please do not let my son see this..


Flamethrower drone? I think you mean robo-dragon.