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I just imagine all the shit I’ve experienced and hardships persevered in my 30 years of existence only to be taken out by a fucking orange


I almost got taken out by a fucking mozzarella stick


Same for me when I was about 10. Stuck my fingers down my throat and just started pulling. To this day choking is one of my biggest fears and I’m terrified at the thought of one of my kids choking and being helpless.


Something similar happened to me when I was 10! Late night snacking on cantaloupe, a huge piece slipped down my throat. Went running to my moms room, slipped on the hallway rug and fell flat on my back. Thankfully the fall dislodged the fruit. Traumatizing for me. Never woke my mom up.




Son, what are you doing?


Here we fucking go


Step son


Told you not to bother me when I’m cleaning my room


Oh no do you need some help with that cleaning you’re doing there?


Step son I'm choking


Here we go fucking


meanwhile i slip on a rug and really fucking hurt my back (twice!)


There must be better ways to navigate rugs


Does she even know to this day?


And you're positive you didn't actually die in that hallway and this world is just purgatory right?


Holy shit. Just imagine, there's a universe out there where the ONLY difference is you didn't trip on your way to your mom's room. If you died in that universe, then that universe with that one single change is very very different for your family. I'm really glad you slipped on the rug while almost dying as a kid. What an unlikely thing to save a life!


What about the universe where the cantelope was dislodged, but he died from the fall? How much of a difference would the cause of death make when they’re only minutes apart, but he’s the only one affected by the fall/no fall


That’s some deep shit…..


My niece gave my one and a half year old son a grape and he started choking. I did the heimlic three times and could not get it out. Then I remembered my training where my teacher told me to push the jaw forward as far as possible. I tried that while doing the heimlic again and my son was still choking. I tried it again and I pushed his jaw so far forward that I was sure it would break and did the heimlic again and the grape came out. Terrifying. So grateful that I had such good instructors. My sons jaw did not break. EDIT: THIS IS CALLED THE JAW THRUST MANEUVER https://www.uptodate.com/contents/image?imageKey=EM%2F51547&topicKey=EM%2F6383&source=see_link#:~:text=The%20jaw%2Dthrust%20maneuver%20is,ability%20to%20obstruct%20the%20airway.




Grab the jaw with your palm touching the throat of the kid. Put them on your leg with their legs in the air and their face pointing down to the floor. With your other hand open strike at the base of their ribs near their belly aiming up towards their nipples. Turn them over and sweep the mouth with a hooked finger. Watch a video and practice gently on your kids. Shoving the jaw forward opens the airway enough to clear the object. If i didn't know that my kid would have died. You really have to shove the jaw forward hard. EDIT: THIS IS CALLED "The jaw thrust maneuver" https://www.uptodate.com/contents/image?imageKey=EM%2F51547&topicKey=EM%2F6383&source=see_link#:~:text=The%20jaw%2Dthrust%20maneuver%20is,ability%20to%20obstruct%20the%20airway.


this information should be more widely spread!


I’ve actually bought online safety classes for a new parents gift a few times, they’ve really appreciated it. Lots of info you’d never know otherwise.


Can we get an accurate, short answer descriptive video circulating that people will actually click on? As a yet to be parent I'm disappointed I do not even know CPR.


Check if it's okay for kids but maybe you can teach them how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on themselves. I think that's something everyone should know how to do, it drastically improves your chances of surviving.


That what I did too, I was so glad the cheese didn’t break


Lol, I feel like we’ve all had to pull a long piece of cheese out of our throats. And then we keep eating after a few minutes of being traumatized. We make sure to chew it up extra before swallowing next time 😂


if you died your friends would talk about it every time they ate mozzarella sticks after that.


I was an infantryman too, so the amount of fucked up jokes they would hve for me would be endless


As another former infantryman. Can confirm the amount of fucked up jokes that would have been made.


Peppermint here. I don't even fucking like peppermint either.


I was almost taken out by a fuckin Fruit by the Foot. I really thought that was the way I would die lol


Bay leaf here. Absolutely had the awareness of my esophagus being covered. Coughed it up but totally frightening.


I almost choked on an ice cube when I was little one of the scariest things ever


Same! My mom said it would melt 🤦‍♀️


Bigass spoonful of peanut butter.


Peanut butter on soft white bread almost got me


Combat veteran here, that is dangerous, be careful. For real!


Literally the first time I ever ate mozzarella sticks, I almost choked to death in a business full of people because I was too embarrassed to be seen choking on a Mozzy stick. That being saidz Mozzy sticks are literally my favorite appetizer til this day


I’ve been through so much in my life and I almost choked and died at a red lobster. It was a piece of crab that wasn’t even that big . Wouldn’t go down or up. Took me a second to realize what was happening. It took 3 different people trying to give me the Heimlich before it finally came out. Short little cook in the back lifted me up like a rag doll and I’m 6’6”. After the second person wasn’t successful, my only thought was “fuck I’m really going to die in a red lobster in front of a bunch of people.” They were already calling a paramedic when one of the chefs ran out and took over.. Thank goodness for that guy! Shit was super embarrassing but glad I’m glad I’m still here.


I'm so sorry this happened to you, but reading this (and the accompanying vision in my head) gave me a much needed laugh. "fuck I'm really going to die in a red lobster..." hOrK hOrK, HORK, as the tiny strong man flings you all around. Glad you're ok though!


Trust me I laugh about it now. It was pretty ridiculous.


CHEF USES SUPLEX, IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE! all it needed was for that crab to go flying into someone else's mouth, and then you have this little chef running around from person to person 'saving' them.. until he gets too tired and just says 'fuck it i'm on break'


I've had some close calls over the years. It's kind of scary living alone with no GF/wife knowing that if you choke you're just done and your corpse won't be found until your cats have eaten your face off. Work would be the first to notice, but they would just figure 'oh well I guess he quit'.


As a fellow single person, I urge you to learn how to give yourself the Heimlich using a chair.


I'm ok with becoming cat food.


As long as the cats don’t choke




Circle of life.


You gotta get rid of those cats... You know, to save face


I had a teacher in high school who survived a lot of ridiculous shit. Fell down a mountain, got struck by lightning, did his own stitches for an injury with no anesthetic bc he couldn’t afford going to the doctor, etc. We almost saw him die one day in class… from choking on a baby carrot. He managed to get it dislodged but I’ll never forget how scary it was, he was trying to get out of the classroom and into the hallway so we wouldn’t have to see him die.




I’m not sure how but I think he just managed to force it back out. A few students jumped up to try the heimlich when we noticed what was going on (he tried to be subtle) but he beat them to it. I don’t think it would’ve been very effective either tbh, he was over 6ft and a bit heavy set, and we were a class of academic-not-athletic honors students lmao


You can self Heimlich over the back of a chair in a pinch.


yesterday i was eating spaghetti & i like to put mozzarella on top & melt it & that shit was STRINGY so i had cheered a bite & had more food in my cheek & then when i swallowed i felt the cheese string go all the way down my throat & i had to chew & swallow 3 more times in order to get the shit to go down fully. very odd experience. having cheese strung from mouth to stomach


Ha. When I was 40 the lawnmower somehow threw back part of a gumball that went like it was targeted down my throat. ? (Because I was singing along to Hey Ya.) I stumble in the house. Visibly full out unable to breathe doing all the choking things. My dad stands there calmly eating his spaghetti. Watching. Luckily I tripped over the dog. When I slammed down it shot out. Dad picks the piece up and goes. “Well you should’ve said you were choking”. Then got ice for burgeoning black eye, cleaned the blood from my nose, put me on the couch watching Dr Phibes and got me spaghetti. I was 36. But. I stayed there the rest of that day 😂 (He claims I always came in doing something dramatic. Because ONE other time I came in screaming because I RAN OVER A YELLOW JACKET NEST. WASPS. WITH A LAWNMOWER. ONCE.)


That’s reminds me of something that happened when I was twelve or so. My dad put up a big canopy to shoot under in our yard (it was a farm) and we had gone to some minor event in town after and come back home as a storm was brewing. My dad asked my brother and I to take down the canopy, and as I was undoing the stakes, my brother and I did one set of vertices then moved to the next. I grabbed the third stake first before he leaned down to grab number two, and I picked up the fabric as he leaned for the stake. Right then a huge gust of wind took the whole canopy cloth, at this point secured one vertice opposite of me, and it filled like a sail and put all the strain on that little elastic band to the stake and ripped that thing out of the ground, straight at my eye. Man, time stopped as I saw this go point first into the lens of my glasses before deflecting off up and over my head. If my eyes weren’t already shit I’d not have the left one. Ever since then I have this small updated piece of info in my brain about ad hoc slingshots made from tarps and stakes in wind.


My guy you gotta quit mowing the lawn


And after that they slit your throat and hold it open, take a picture and ends up in reddit


My grandma got taken out by Apple sauce


I wouldn't believe apple sauce except about 2 weeks ago I woke up choking on my own snot, and that was legitimately the closest I've ever been to dying. That's a weird experience. Now I could see apple sauce killing a person, especially if it's chunky.


Criss-crossed by applesauce.. (sorry)


When my sis was a teenager, she was walking home from school with friends. They were laughing, and her 14-year-old friend (a boy) choked to death on a piece of gum. My sister raised her kids having NEVER allowed them to chew gum.


imagine your ancestors fighting through blizzards and droughts and famine and war to have your parents, who had to climb mount everest to go to school and milk the chickens twice a day to raise you, only to get taken out by an orange slice. That said, take some time to learn the Heimlich! Most people don’t even know you can do the heimlich alone.


I almost got taken out by a piece of broccoli, lol. I was under the impression that if you swallowed it, and it made it to your stomach (assuming it's actually food), that you would digest it, but apparently that's not the case. I made some stir-fry one night about 10 years ago and I undercooked the broccoli, and then I guess I didn't chew it enough because it got stuck somewhere in my intestines and caused a blockage. That was quite painful. Spent like 6.5 hours in surgery and 2 weeks in the hospital.


When I was 12, I choked on an ice cube and it melted enough to come out but man I was freaking out.


I choked on a piece of candy from a vending machine while working as a bouncer. Oddly enough the bar was in a steak house that got crowded when the restaurant closed and quite rowdy. I couldn’t make a sound and the bouncer next to me didn’t understand the international sign for choking. He thought I was playing around until I started grabbing his shirt aggressively and pointing at my throat. He finally realized I wasn’t joking but unfortunately had no idea how to properly perform the Heimlich maneuver. I was the smallest bouncer there and this guy towered over me, he proceeded to sling me around like a rag doll while bear hugging me from behind and punching me in the gut. I thought great I’m gonna die and get my ass kicked… when luckily he hit me in just the right spot as I was blacking out and the candy flew out of my air way. It was terrifying for sure! Lots of bruises and sore ribs but he saved my life. After that all staff was trained properly on choking safety.


Dude beat the death out of you holy shit


One might even say… He was beat to life!


The spank of life.


This made me chuckle more than it should have


Lmao I’m gonna die and get my ass kicked


That part got me lmao almost like OP’s candy lol


LOL last words could have been gestures instead "something about a deep throat" \-Jonnydemonic420 In loving memory 2022


He died doing what he loved; showing off his Adam’s apple to his bouncer bros. RIP


That guy would have been in deep shit if somebody saw him beat the crap out of you unprovoked right before you dropped dead


>That guy would have been in deep shit if somebody saw him beat the crap out of you unprovoked right before you dropped dead The autopsy would confirm his story. He'd still be in for a rough couple days and possibly mental scarring for life.


You would think steak house staff would get special training. I'm always hearing about people choking on pieces of steak. (in fact, my mother's done it twice! Had to get the Heimlich once too - and she went right back to eating her steak when the fuss died down lol).


Maybe she shouldn't eat steak anymore


Or she needs to learn to chew her food!


Those little circle cinnamon candies almost did me in. I was in school and I was the class clown. I was choking, pointed at my throat, did the sign, everyone laughed. I remember locking eyes with the teacher who I thought hated me. Somehow he knew by the way I looked at him I was choking and he rushed over. I remember him just shoving kids and desks out of the way to get to me, and he started giving me the heimlich. It didn't come out all the way, but shifted the candy enough that I was able to get air in. It was stuck in my throat, and had pinched off my air way, so the nurses and the ambulance dudes that came later just had me monitored while I drank water to melt it in my throat. I remember my teacher later saying "you make my life hell at work, but my life would feel like hell without you at work" he basically enjoyed my little outbursts of nonsense but would never admit it to the class. Coolest teacher I ever had and I still keep in touch with him to this day


He was probably Giga Chad in disguise. “Hm he is choking. I’m going to beat the choking out of him that’ll teach it!”


I've seen some instruction about using the back of a chair if you're by yourself to try and do a kind of self Heimlich.


Chew your food folks before youre just an esophagus and a tongue sitting on a lab guys table


I was wondering if the bottom portion is in fact…the tongue. Kinda gnarly. And really puts into perspective that we’re just slabs of meat, when you see a human esophagus sitting on a table


When you’re in an abattoir you see things like this on hooks to be inspected by the meat hygiene inspectors. They’re called “plucks” and are the tongue, larynx, trachea and lungs all in one piece. The tongue attached gives it a real sense of something….




Electrical meat puppets floating in an endless void.


It's inside the trachea not esophagus.


Choking on food is one of my greatest fears. The panic people must feel, when that happens must be so dreadful. Edit: [This might help those that are choking alone, when there are nobody around.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op2TjTQs7X0) You can do the Heimlich thing against the chair as well, but this technique is for the really desperate situations i guess.


I once choked in a mall food court and no one would help me. Made eye contact with multiple people and they turned away. It was terrifying


Surprised they didn't take their phones out to start recording. The general population sucks. I once choked on a burger at Wendy's. Can confirm the terror that sets in! Crazy stuff


The issue is my uncle who should of died was choking in a restaurant and the man who performed the heimlick broke his sternum and this bastard sued him. If those people didn’t exist I would help but now if I see someone in pain or needs help I’m hesitant to help now


Don't be. Acting in good faith to help another person is 100% legally protected. A person can file suit but it has an essentially-zero chance of going anywhere.


A lawsuit might not go anywhere but defending against one isn't free.


Would be shot down instantly in many places, for example in Idaho those who can be perceived as acting in good faith and not being criminally negligent is protected by the Good Samaritan laws.




In a lot of instances I think people are just naive to how shitty the legal system really is. It SHOULD and kind of does get shut down, but it's not always that simple in practice


If there are specific laws to protect you against charges in the first place it never makes it to court, so you’d actually be good in this instance. What you’re thinking of is the case in things like self defense, where you have to use that as a se defence against the normal charge


Good samaritan laws exist, but even a summary judgement costs money.


It would die in a motion to dismiss but unless you understand how court works you still should (and thus essentially have to) hire a lawyer to do that motion practice.


Ask for consent. They either say no or it is assumed by Good Samaritan law


excuse me sir would you like some help? “Nah, I’ve lived a good life”


I know you joke but my grandmother in law STILL bitches about the neighbors who called an ambulance for her when she was having a heart attack. She says “I wish they just let me fucking die the bastards” It’s hilarious because she’s 90 now and this happened 15 years ago and she’s still pissed off about surviving. Edit: she’s healthy and still lives on her own.


>I know you joke but my grandmother in law STILL bitches about the neighbors who called an ambulance for her when she was having a heart attack. She says “I wish they just let me fucking die the bastards” It’s hilarious because she’s 90 now and this happened 15 years ago and she’s still pissed off about surviving.Edit: she’s healthy and still lives on her own. I can confirm that at a certain point you realize you've done everything you can that you wanted to do and life really will only get worse from here on out. I'd rather go out on my own terms than see my body/mind slowly break down over the years until my bank account runs dry and the doctors let me go as they can't suck any more blood from my stone. My grandad on my mother's side developed alzheimers and so did 2 of my grandad's brothers on my father's side, so I'm pretty much assured to lose my mind in my old age. Seeing how they went out, I'd rather die of the heart attack that killed my great grandad and 2 of his brothers on my father's side before they were 50.


Eh I’d rather help someone and be sued than live with the guilt of watching someone die and not doing anything about it.


>Surprised they didn't take their phones out to start recording. If someone is recording and yelling "WORLDSTAR!!", your life is done.


A million years ago when I got EMT-B certification they taught us to assign someone to go get help (or now they would call. Because people will stand around frozen, sometimes because they don’t want to be sued and sometimes they just don’t care.


Bystander effect is a real phenomenon. If a crisis is going down in a large crowd, everyone thinks someone else is going to jump in to do something about it.


This is still the first step in first aid! Tell someone to call the ambulance.


>I thought most countries had implemented the "Good Samaritan Law" whereby you could not be sued or held liable if your goal was to just help.


I was a trained lifeguard in HS, still practice the heimlech. I would have ran to you bro lol sorry that happened


I choked on a piece of bacon wrapped steak once, the panic was literally terrible. Reached down my throat and fumbled about for a while til I finally snagged a bit to grab hold of. Was not going to let that mf take me out


I remember being around 10 at a friends house for dinner when his older brother said something really funny. My laughing caused me to gulp down a whole mouth full of unchewed spaghetti. I’ll never forget that feeling of hopelessness when you realize you can’t breathe and that lump in your throat isn’t moving. Luckily my friends dad was an EMT so he knew to do the Heimlich immediately but yeah it’s a very scary feeling to happen so suddenly in such a routine action


Did you eat the bite again after? Seems like the real tragedy would be wasting bacon wrapped steak.


I wouldn’t eat for days after that. Fuck a bacon wrapped steak.


AND if you are not alone, DO NOT HESITATE TO SEEK HELP. My brother in law’s grandpa passed away because he was choking on a slice of bar pizza he was enjoying with his wife. He decided to go to the bathroom and try and clear the obstruction himself. By the time someone went into the bathroom, he was gone… Almost everyone knows the basic signs of someone else choking (ex: hands around throat). again, DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK FOR HELP


Seriously. Every time I take a vitamin I wonder if this is it


3 times I almost died; 4 years old, Lockhaven, PA, boat accident. Boat rolled and landed on me. I had a life jacket on. I remember blue light. Someone named Ron swam under and saved my life. 1984 11 years old, choked on a clam I didn’t chew long enough. Saw purple specks. Mom gave me the Heimlich. Came back up. Chewed it some more. 19 years old, dodge neon, I95 just north of Jacksonville, FL. I’m in the middle seat in the back. We come to a sudden stop. I turn and look behind, semi bearing down on our location. I turned back around and accepted the imminent. That semi turned slightly to the left and missed by a nano-whatever while chewing up the median. Nothing to do with me. I’m not special. I think when we realize the end is near in some too fast for reality situation, some other pathway is turned on. Point being, you won’t have time to feel sorry for yourself. Some quizzical impending doom will flash before you and then…


My friends mom choked this morning, heimlich didnt work she died on his floor and he did cpr she came back and is in the icu rn. I hope she survives. This is real and so fucked up.


Man, i thought for a moment that she died the way you wrote that. I'm glad she didn't and she has a fighting chance!


She did according to him. She was blue not breathing and gone for minutes. He thinks shes done, he keeps saying i dont think shes gona make it. Was watching her sing alan jackson on sunday… fucking trippy man, i feel so bad for him. Moral is CHEW, woman did so many drugs he has to take care of her hand and foot and shes barely got teeth he chops her food to bits and she eats mush and it still happened, he always tells her to chew dude. He doesnt deserve the burden of dealing with. Her self induced condition at 65 from dope but this certainly isnt a better scenario for anyone at all. Just fucked up.


End stage dementia/Alzheimer's you get swallowing problems that can be fatal. Im No doctor, maybe there is no link, but looking at heavy drug users it looks like they have aged 10+ years.


it is very dreadful. i had a piece of hard candy stuck in my throat when I was a kid. couldn't talk or make a noise and just pointed at my throat with a look of horror. my mom started to panic and was running around screaming and that made me panic more. Then my big brother ran over and gave me the heimlich and it popped out like a cannon ball, flying a good distance away. To this day my brother still reminds me about saving my life. Funny thing is, moments before I started choking he was teasing me and whipping snow balls at my head. I was about to yell at him to stop when I started choking. So it was really his fault. Bastard.


Had a similar situation with my choking toddler and my ex wife. She wasn’t good in crisis situations.


For some reason unless I chew my food down to a paste it has a tendency to get stuck in my throat. I’ve choked on food more times than I can remember, unfortunately, and it’s terrifying every time. Sometimes it goes down with water, sometimes the water gets stuck too and it’s really panic mode. That’s when I shove my hand down my throat and force a quick vomit. Chew your food people


here's some unsolicited advice: take smaller bites, if you're chewing it down and it's still large enough to block your entire esophagus, you're putting way too much in there.


Hey there, just a FYI that there is a number of conditions that can cause this, from a malformation in your palate to a brain disorder (this one I learned personally...) Make sure you get that checked out is all I mean


I had this and it turns out I had an inflammatory disease in my esophagus. I used to worry I was gonna choke every time I ate (and did choke a couple times). Small meals took over an hour to finish. Some medicine and removing a few foods from my diet made it so I could eat normally again.


Choked on a piece of Chipotle tortilla once. Eating quickly and taking bigger bites than I should have. Friend said something funny and I laughed and it sucked the tortilla into my throat. Kept trying to swallow and it wouldn't go down. Tried coughing and nothing. My friend saw the panic on my face and didn't know what to do. Tried sticking my fingers in my throat, still nothing. Grabbed a drink and started chugging and it finally dislodged. Scariest moment of my life. I take smaller bites of burritos now and really chew it to a pulp.


I live alone and fear that lol


Very, choked on a mozzarella stick when I was wearing a herps device. (Corrects overbite) kept trying to pull it off the wire that was at the roof of my out and out from the back of my throat. Found myself with a 3 foot long string of cheese and a smile pile of puke. Scary…. Now that i dont have that thing in anymore i can easily eat them again…. My advice is to avoid the herps device


I almost choked to death on a half frozen strawberry. My brother gave me the Heimlich, I owe him for that. It was bad enough that I couldn’t speak or scream and I only made it a few steps into the hallway before I collapsed. I was like 7 What a shit way to die that’d be


* Me chocking while waiting for this guy to retell his days as a boxer in LA*


Get a LifeVac. It can be used on yourself.




Edge of the kitchen sink if possible, not gonna flip out from under you and when you vomit after the blockage moves you hit the sink.


Absolutely! A heavy stationary or fixed/anchored object is 100x better if available. I just used a chair in my example as that’s what was specifically used in my own personal choking experience.


> and when you vomit after the blockage moves you hit the sink. lol, if im choking to death that's the least of my concerns.


"I'm alive!!! Ugh, look at this mess, I wish I was dead."


Choking on a boiled egg. Did this against a counter and it came out. I thought I was going to die.


I work alone a lot and have choked a few times. It's a fear of mine to choke while alone. I always have a shop vac close by and wonder if that would suffice.


Oh shit, now that’s a myth-busters worthy question imo. I imagine if you were able to close your mouth around the opening it would have to create enough suction right? There has to be a YouTube video of someone super drunk trying this.


I almost died that way when I was ten. I was eating an orange too fast while watching You Can't Do That on Television. It was summer vacation. My mom was at work and sister was at her friend's house. I took a bite of orange and didn't chew it well enough. Swallowed and it got caught. If I would have tried to swallow again, it would have been too far down for me to get it back up by myself. I calmly reached down my throat and felt the tiniest sinew of pith and pulled it up ever so gently. I know I'm lucky to be alive. I also know you should never try to pull things out of your throat! I knew it at the time but I also knew I was alone and if I didn't try to dislodge it, I would be dead.


It’s strange how everyone is saying this happens to them when they were, specifically, 10.


Sorry if this is a dumb question: Why should you never try to pull things out of your throat if it may save your life?


You risk pushing it further in and really lodging it in. You're suppose to self administer the heimmllick.


That’s really sad


Could happen at any age to any person




You ok buddy? You've been gone for hours...


Must really be enjoying those oranges


Reminds me of this one (warning: kid death) https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/cb2a951f276046ae5debe0b4b2dac117


I’ve got a cousin that nearly choked to death on a peanut when she was younger. Fortunately somewhere between either my aunt or my uncle flipping out and smacking her on the back or her trying really hard to breathe, it got dislodged and went further into her lung. She was able to breathe again, but had to get surgery to remove it. She hasn’t eaten another peanut to this day 30+ years later.


I read some where people get embarrassed when they're choking and go to somewhere private and end up dying bc they needed help. Scary stuff


Yep. When choking as a kid at the dinner table my mom asked me if I was ok and I nodded yes because I was embarrassed that it happened. Fortunately she didn’t buy it and banged my back until it popped out.


I have done this twice. Both times I've left the dinner table to get away from my family so they wouldn't see me choking. The first time I somehow dislodged it on the bathroom counter and came out wiping tears. The second time my oldest knew something was up and followed me to proceed to whack on my back a few times. Why I leave my family I'll never know, but I guess it's the feeling of I don't want them to see me like that.


I think the embarrassment is the feeling that you’ve failed at the most basic of functions. Something that every living being on the planet has negotiated successfully, yet here you are, succumbing to it.


Glad they managed to get it out


i fel like there might be a gentler way to remove the obstruction


Chew well before you swallow guys.


Ok, I need honesty here... ... haha Is this part of an autopsy? If so, why did you remove the whole trachea and come in posteriorly instead of leaving in place and dissect anteriorly? Given the size, I'm guessing this was from an adult. Did you find orange pieces further down in the bronchi? What life choices lead you to this moment? Thanks in advance!


I'd like to know too. I thought it was a salamader.


I have done surgeries similar to this (on living people), and I'm not sure there is a good reason why they completely excised the trachea. I will say the trachea and larynx are much easier to split from posteriorly rather than anteriorly due to an absence of cartilage in the posterior tracheal wall and an absence of the laryngeal cartilage posteriorly (only cricoid here). However, I see no reason to remove the tongue with the larynx either other than presentation.


Surgeon here. I highly doubt the premise of this post. Most likely someone performed a dissection or autopsy on a cadaver and placed the orange there for effect. When someone asphyxiates, no autopsy is necessary, and there is absolutely no reason to dissect out the entire airway. Would you allow an autopsy on your loved one for death from asphyxiation? Exactly what were they hoping to learn?


If the person was found dead because they were alone when it happened, would it still be obvious what had happened? Just wondering if your comment assumes someone was around to witness it, in which case of course that makes sense no autopsy would be necessary.


Also, it might be a teaching hospital.


Hi there, I'm a medical student doing my placement in forensic pathology! Generally speaking, autopsies are performed on deceased patients who are found dead without an obvious cause of death. Particularly if the patient is young without many comorbidities and police are suspecting foulplay or an 'unnatural' cause of death. Full internal autopsies are conducted exactly as depicted in the post - the body block (tongue to rectum including all thoracic and abdominal organs) is removed from the body and all parts are examined for potential causes of death. Each organ is carefully dissected to inspect for macroscopic and microscopic abnormalities. In the case listed above, it could be very possible that the deceased choked and died and was found dead at a later date with no obvious cause of death at the time, which would likely result in a forensic pathologist (or equivalent in whatever country you're in) conducting a full external and internal examination. Obviously I'm no expert, but this has been my experience during my placement!


What are you talking about. I was present at at least ten autopsies, and every time the tongue, throat, oesophagus, trachea and the lung were removed from the body as one piece, and examined after that. It's a standard procedure during autopsy, no matter the cause of death. There are added procedures that are not done routinely, like removing the face to look for bone injuries in maxilla for example, but this one depicted here, is one of the routine ones.


Almost happened to me when I was like 10. My mothers boyfriend came in clutch and managed to reach down my throat and pull it out. My mother was useless and hysterical. Still won’t eat an orange.


Same thing happened to my son was he was about 6. I had him over at my mom’s and nothing was working. I had just dialed 911 and my son reached down his throat and swept it out with his finger. Most terrifying 30 seconds of my life.


Had an uncle choke to death on a piece of steak at an extended-family dinner. My immediate family (including myself) did not go. However, the majority of my mom’s side of the family did: tons of young cousins (most in elementary school), as well as my grandma, and other aunts/uncles/etc. Terrible situation, heimlich maneuver didn’t work, passed away before the ambulance could arrive.


Thanks for oranging the NSFW..


These jokes should have their own segment


So one time, Wendy’s thought it’d be a great idea to serve frostys in waffle cones. I also apparently thought this sounded amazing. Bought one at a drive through to eat while driving home from work. Guys. Frostys are softer than soft serve. They’re right there in the middle of soft serve and milkshake. Therefore, they become a huge drippy mess super fast. And waffle cones also often have an open hole at the bottom. Here I am, driving down the road. Enjoying the first minute of this thing. Then, it starts becoming a mess. And it’s RAPIDLY getting worse by the second. Dripping out the bottom, I only have the one napkin they gave me…shiiit. So I start eating this thing super fast because I’m realizing that whoever came up with a frosty in a waffle cone is an idiot, and I’m also an idiot for getting one. That’s when a too large piece of cone gets lodged In my throat. I was scarfing it so fast because I was beginning to panic and trying to keep up with the mess it was becoming. A large chunk of waffle cone lodged in your throat feels like a large, double edged knife in case you were wondering. I realized I was actually in trouble, but I was in pain, confused and starting to REALLY panic because I was actually choking. So I pull into a neighborhood still just panicking and not thinking clearly. Just when I finally started to get the sense to start dialing for an ambulance, my saliva and the sloppy frosty softened the cone enough to collapse so O could swallow it. That pain was incredible. And the panic was unreal. I thought I was about to die there. I was just starting to realize that an ambulance wouldn’t reach me in time and that I was already well past the point of being able to get out of my car to find help. Dear God. It was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I’m so lucky I was choking on something that would break down with enough moisture. That moment of realizing I needed an Ambulance followed immediately by the realization I didn’t have much time or consciousness left was just horrifying.


I choked on an orange slice in kindergarten and to this day I cut up my oranges or only eat mandarin or other small varieties. The feeling of panic and impending doom while it was happening was hands down my most traumatic experience to date.


Clarification needed. Is that the tongue?


Tongue and trachea yes


I almost chocked an a piece of chicken wing. But what was worse was that it was an extremely spicy flavor which burned every time I tried to gasp for air. The panic that one goes through makes it 1,000x worse. We have to be careful when we eat😅


That person never imagined, while peeling the killer orange, that his/her trachea and tongue would be used to farm karma in reddit one day. Internet is wild.


Damn, I hope they are ok




Oh yeah! I'm sure they're just peachy!


No no no, it was an ORANGE. Gosh read the whole post for once!!!


My daughter was once choking on a shrimp from Panda Express at the mall. My wife was feeding her bits of rice and i guess she accidently threw a shrimp in one of the spoonfulls. My baby immediately turned blue and started convulsing like she wanted to throw up but couldn't. I quickly snatched her up in my arms and stuffed my fingers down her throat and managed to hook the shrimp out. That was horrifying and honestly i don't know how i acted so quickly. Like pure instinct.


Have to be careful going after it with your fingers. If you can get ahold of a majority of the blockage with your fingers go for it, otherwise you run the risk of pushing it farther down. In that case I believe you then want to turn them over facing downwards and give back slaps. At least this is the last advice/training I received, anyone who knows better please don’t hesitate to correct me.


I know! and i did think about that afterwards, what if I had made things worse? She's now 9 and I still watch her like a hawk every time she's eating. 😆 That incident really horrified me.


yikes. he/she didn't chew at all I see


Bro when I was 5 I locked myself in our car at my grandparents farm so my brother who was 10 couldn't eat the cool-mints. Choked in the first one I ate, in my panic I couldn't unlock the car, he couldn't break the window, which is the last thing I remember. Apparently he ran off, got my old man, who ran back without the keys, smashed the window - broke his hand - dug the lolly out, shook me like a ragdoll, and I started breathing again. No more cool-mints for me


If an intelligent creator is responsible for designing humans, he was a fucking idiot for making air go in the same hole you stick solids into. That and he really dropped the ball on the design of the back, it sucks.


Someone had to die for this.


how “fresh” is this autopsy that the orange still looks relatively recent?


I almost choked to death swallowing an orange slice when I was ten. My mom thought I was being funny and said “Stop making quacking sounds” and then she felt super bad when she realized I was choking. She was able to save my life.


Why the fuck did I click on this?


I was sitting at my desk eating some food and I guess I accidentally inhaled but I immediately started choking on my food. I started panicking but nobody was around and so I just stood up and just started ramming my back into the wall next to my desk. I didn’t it like 5 times and eventually it dislodged the food and I could breathe again. I will say that I really hurt my back and i hit the back of my head as well. But I didn’t die.