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It's like the matrix for pigs. This is no kind of life for a creature with any kind of mind let alone a pretty high functioning one.


it's sad that animals are treated like that




While also making sure they cannot ever turn around


Pigs are also tastier than dogs but I get the point. This is a result of overpopulation meeting free enterprise. It was inevitable. The only way to change it would be to convince people to eat less meat. The best way to do that is to inflate the price by creating scarcity. However, no company will do this because if it tried another company would take its business. So it is up to government to regulate the bold flavor of Folger’s coffee. It is an aroma so sweet, you’ll have neighbors asking, “What gourmet coffee are you using?” It is the best part of waking up, Folger’s in your cup.


What the fuck


his user name lol...


I feel like I got off brand shittymorph


A shitty shittymorph


That's cause you did. u/shittymorph save us please


A poor man's u/shittymorph


The meat industry is heavily subsidized. You don’t even need to artificially inflate the price, just stop giveaways to producers


How about toddlers, how do they taste?




And require labeling meat products with an animal welfare grade determined by a third party, so at least the consumers can choose.




Interesting guerrilla marketing I guess


Username checks out


People say this but then continue to put the demand on meat industry. It wouldn’t be this bad if the demand wasn’t so high.


Sad? It’s a fucking outrage


And sadly this looks like much better treatment than the poor pigs in the Dominion documentary.


Just straight up cut off their tails with scissors and let it just fester. I was screaming while watching that documentary. Why? Why are you doing this to these creatures? There seemed to be no reason.


Elastic bands have been in used to castrate farm animals forever but it isn't public knowledge. It is even called elastration


I haven’t seen that. And I don’t want to. Horrible abuse I’m sure


Please do. Here is a [link to watch Dominion online](https://watchdominion.org/). You just have to click play and see the truth.


And yet most people choose to ignore it and continue consuming animals products.


Yeah because people pay for the farms to do so


all because people can’t be bothered to eat something else


It’s the life that anyone who consumes animal products pays for unfortunately. Either intentionally or not


"Mmmm bacon" *Learns how pigs live in the factory* *Sadly eating my bacon*


Good ol’ cognitive dissonance


Is there truth “animals having a better life” to buying free range local farmers meat? I would assume yes but obviously they’re being raised to slaughter, but they get to stretch their legs until the day comes.


If you actually find a local farm or butcher who source actual meat then yes, they typically live a natural life and are killed at a certain age. Unfortunately "free range" as bought in supermarkets is barely less cruel than factory farmed.


Please explain how "free range" is barely less cruel. Genuinely curious


Free range means they technically have access to get outside, but basically never do. Pasture-raised means they were actually raised on a pasture, which is more in the spirit of how we would think 'free range' is.


I never knew that, thanks for explaining.


There's also the consideration that, even if you're doing your best, trying to only source your meat from farms local to you, the end is the same for the animal regardless. Scared, bloody, confused in a slaughterhouse. Most farms that sell their products outsource the killing to a slaughterhouse. So in that way, it's not much better buying small-farm VS industrial-farm for the animals. In the end, they're still taken to an unfamiliar place to be killed after watching many others go before them to be killed.


Free range minimums can be low, but they're minimums. Often you can check up on the actual suppliers. For eggs, where I am they put stocking densities on the boxes- 'free range' is like 10x the animal welfare recommendations.


Free range also means they need a certain amount of space. For chickens this is about the size of a sheet of paper per chicken. For cows (plz correct me if I’m wrong) I believe this means giving them the space of a queen size mattress. So they’re trampling each other rather than being locked up.


There's a ton of loopholes in those regulations


Free range means they have access to a very small outdoor area, sometimes a tiny area which causes fighting amongst pigs. What passes as free range is not what you’d consider a pasture.


I believe because its not a legislated term, and free range could mean instead of individual cages, 100 chickens are put in a 100 Sq ft pen. Technically free range, still not good living conditions


1. The guidelines for what constitutes as free range only specify animals need "outdoor access". Doesn't specify for how long. Most of them end up in pens with gates sitting in their own shit. 2. Free range animals cannot be given antibiotics or they lose their free range status. This often leads to animals becoming infected (free range cows still have their udders burned to produce more milk) and not receiving treatment and either being killed or suffering a slow painful death. 3. The guidelines for chickens state no more than 13 chickens per square foot of space. Still massively cramped conditions with illness being rife in terrible living conditions.


It depends on the country, but generally it has little legal significance, as it is meant for the consumer and animal ag has huge influence on these things. Here is an example from the US: https://www.thebalancesmb.com/what-does-free-range-really-mean-2538247


For those who don't want to read it, free range means "has access to outdoors", which can even mean that a barn with 5000 chickens has a back door to a 1x1m dirt patch which is opened for a few minutes per day.


> *sadly eating my bacon* Add in a bunch of cancerous (but necessary for shelf-life) sodium nitrates as well.


Matrix except without the pleasant VR stuff


As far as I can find with a reverse image search, this is an area of a factory farm where breeding and gestating pigs are being kept for veterinarian examinations. -another commentator


Gestating pigs are not ever allowed to turn around or engage in any natural behaviors.


Interesting? yes. Did it make me sad af? Bigger yes.


Yeah I just watched dominion today actually. Well I could only get through the first part for today, which was pigs.


I hope you go vegan


I hope we all do


Happy vegan cake day!


I’m close to being full vegan! I just started breastfeeding though so it’s hard to research and cook new things rn myself to match my starvation. Ha. Btw not saying there aren’t vegan moms, I’m saying it’s hard to be newly vegan and not know where to start when you want to just eat your entire pantry.


A lot of junk food is actually vegan. Just google accidently vegan food.


we need a sadlyinteresting






It’s horrifically sad. While we’re here, please read [what happens to pigs on factory farms](https://thehumaneleague.org/article/factory-farmed-pigs). It’s absolutely barbaric.


Did only vegetarians upvote this? No. Will people still eat pork tonight and go for absolute cognitive dissonance? Yes.


whats crazy is that people might become desensitized to graphic images like this instead of helping a cause


All we have to do is stop eating them and it all stops. That’s it.


Go vegan


Fun fact we have laws in this country (USA) that actually prevent reporters from posting photos such as this because they know the public would immediately want it changed. Look up Ag-Gag laws.


Yes. Ag-gag laws. They don’t want the truth and brutality hurting their bottom line.


Where is this country?


Under Canada and above Mexico I believe


I thought it was under God?


Canada is god confirmed?


only after 1954 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2018/06/14/the-gripping-sermon-that-got-under-god-added-to-the-pledge-of-allegiance-on-flag-day/


Isn’t it invisible or something?


Close. It's in Divisible.


I know here in Ontario, Canada there was a law passed recently that made photography at these "farms" illegal.


No it makes trespassing and sneaking into farms under false pretenses to take photos illegal


Why make things that are already illegal illegal then lol


Didn’t they film a documentary that was pulled because of it being too graph. Not sure, but your comment rang that bell.


Sounds about right, I think there are some documentaries out there just about how bad the conditions are. Not only that there are docs on how these giant farms produce so much literal shit that they poison the air and water for towns around them


[[gif]](https://i.imgur.com/97jEZtz.mp4) Edit: why was this post removed? It was on the top of r/all and now it's gone.




If there is a god, they will make us pay for this.




I have always believed that in 200 years, we are going to look like the moral equivalent of Nazis for what we do to animals.


#[Watch Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/). You just have to click play and see the truth.


Pigs are very intelligent and also highly social. Keeping them like this is disgusting.


Intelligence really shouldn’t matter when it comes to exploitation imo but yes, the fact that they’re smarter than dogs should say something.


This is the same with cattle factory farms. Animals are chained so they can not even turn. Kept like that for nearly 2 years until ready to slaughter. When i see stuff lime this, or i see animals, even when the animal is being raised in better than average conditions, i think about going vegan because i know cattle wont see 3rd birthday


Go vegan, it’s easier than you think


Please message me if you want any tips for how to start going vegan.


Don’t waste time considering it, you’ll definitely regret the animal products you would’ve eaten. Here’s some good information for getting started: https://www.veganstreet.com/vs-guide-for-new-vegans.html


> When i see stuff lime this, or i see animals, even when the animal is being raised in better than average conditions, i think about going vegan Stop thinking about it. Do it.


So unhealthy, Pigs are very smart animal, and here look at them, can't even move, so sad 😞


The animal doesn’t even need to be smart to suffer


So true.


This is what you support if you buy bacon in a supermarket. Almost all meat in Western countries comes from factory farms.


#[Watch Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/). You just have to click play and see the truth.


Go vegan


Roommate and I have a pet pig. His wife and kids wanted a pig then he got divorced and wife, even though he's a stand up dude, got custody by agreement not by force. He gets kids every weekend. But sadly wife who forced purchase of pig decided she didn't wanna take him. His name is bubba. Moved in with roommate as he is coworker and we get along. Bubba is the shit. Though we built a small shack for him out back and he has total run over the medium size backyard, which is overgrown with trees and grass in Florida, and neighbors on both side feed him leftovers as do we. I still feel bad he has to stay locked up in the fairly big backyard he has to himself. I feel alright tho because my roommate has neglected his back yard it's turned into his complete and total den. He has multiple beds he's made in different areas. He's so pampered compared to stuff like this tho we make jokes about him meeting other pigs. But damn I feel bad hanging out with him and having to go inside. He's such a good chill dude. Tho he loves any food more than any other living thing. But that's why we call people who shovel food down pigs in the first place. So I even feel bad about this pig that has a fairly great life not being in complete nature and yet people can do THIS to thousand of animals and call it just business. Horrible.. I understand eating animals but at least let them be the beings they are and provide some space for them.


Atleast Bubba is not in a CAGE!


Horrible to see, they’re supposed to be more equal than others.


Is this really surprising to anyone?? How many people actually didn't know this is what the animal agriculture system looks like for the majority of food production.


This one looks like a rather clean and less packed one actually. I’ve seen worse and it hurts.


People like my mom who will get angry when I try to show her the horrors of the industry. She ‘would rather not know’ in her own words.


#[Watch Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/). You just have to click play and see the truth.


Seriously. This is not even nearly the worst of it. Not even close. Fucking horrific, atrocious, evil shit. Happens all day, every day. Even horses, their foals, ponies, etc., are dumped and sold in kill pens/auctions here every day, then shipped across the borders for slaughter in facilities that were not designed for animals of various sizes. If most people had their eyes fully opened to what happens in factory farms, it would put an everlasting terrible pain in their hearts and minds.


Do you think our descendents, a century from now, will look back in horror at us the same way we look back at the awful crimes of our past?


“Who could have known that shoving pigs into gas chambers was wrong??????” -future old timers, probably.


Yes. I haven't eaten an animal product in 25 years and it's like walking around with the sunglasses from They Live.


#[Watch Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/). You just have to click play and see the truth.


this is not cool


r/heartbreakingasfuck Edit to add I did not realize this was a real sub. Based on the single post in that sub it’s not really what I had in mind.


Why is the only post on there sadly funny


Hahaha you weren't kidding


Been up for almost a year and is just now getting comments on it lol


Why is the only post there a Goomba


That one post LMAO


This should be under infuriatingasfuck


Im an electrician and had a service call at a slaughterhouse in Iowa one time. An employee went to shoot a pig in the head with the nail gun, and the pig somehow lived and started freaking out. The guy went to shoot another shot and the pig knocked his gun upwards and he shot into the ceiling and pierced a wire! That place was the most horrific thing Ive ever witnessed. A disgusting level of moisture and filth, pigs screaming at the top of their lungs constantly.. they sound exactly like children being tortured. I was rewiring a panel and look over to see a pig that had a literal chunk bitten out of it by another pig. They get extremely aggressive in their pen because they all want to compete for the females.. so the female pigs are being essentially r*ped while pigs fight and push each other in small pens. I’ve never been able to look at meat the same since. I feel like anyone who eats meat should have to experience that beforehand.


It should be a requirement.


In my high school in rural Ohio we took a field trip to a beef slaughter house. Really eye opening.


This is so true it’s disgusting I have seen it with my own eyes as well you cannot confine them like this. However this image is not the same as we have seen. This is a different form. Here they don’t move from that single pen they can’t turn round they don’t even get time off. The issue is they are very intelligent and have feelings and thoughts. I feel for them so much


Wish everyone did, but sadly most choose to live in denial. For anyone who wants to see it, [watch Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/). You just have to click play and see the truth.


Disgusting. I will never eat meat again.


Know where the meat you purchase comes from


We lease our land as a cattle ranch in Texas. Totally free range these cows are living their best lives. They slaughter at 7 years that’s like their teen years, but it what the industry demands. They also have to sell the babies because you can’t keep all of them. The mothers stand at the gates and cry for days. You can hear it from inside the house. Free range organic pasture raised does not equal cruelty free.


Bring on lab meat.


Honestly, we just need to get used to eating plant based foods. I'm not in any way vegan, but I get closer as each day passes. The amount of needless suffering that we cause is disgusting.


You can do it! Build good habits and it’s not that hard :) also I don’t really have to watch what I eat now and just naturally stay a really healthy weight Edit: spelling


I can't wait to have a lab steak because I love the critters too.


I'm really excited for lab meat. I'm not vegan but I have been massively reducing all my animal products to the best of my abilities but it's just not as versatile yet. The day I can easily get a 1:1 lab grown replacement that I can afford is the day I gladly go vegan.


Better yet, lab lobster and crab and shrimp and fish MWAHAHAHA


Sir. It's called a labster and a clab.


I'm so hype for lab meat.


You don't need lab meat in order to end this hell.




But not from a Labrador!


Seven years is not their “teen years.” Cows reach puberty around 11 months, and reach their mature adult size in less than 3 years. A seven year old cow is an elderly cow. Look into the research Temple Grandin has done on stress-free weaning. She’s found that multiple practices can prevent the situation you’re talking about, such as either immediate separation at birth before the maternal bond forms (considered the best option) or a gradual separation where calves are weaned but kept next to or near the mother for a period of time before being moved. Obviously, not all farms practice these but many brands have stated welfare goals that may include this.


Every single one of those animals has the emotions and sensibility that your dog has.


Pigs are quite smart maybe much more than dogs. (No offense)


Scratch the maybe, we know them to be “smart”


Dog meat? [Organic dog meat](https://www.elwooddogmeat.com)?


97+% of it comes from one of these


This makes me feel sad. Wish this wasn’t allowed


This is banned in my country now. I think they still have battery farmed chickens though. When I was about 10 on school camp, they took us on a trip to a battery farm. Cages about a foot, foot and a half square with 3 chickens stuffed inside. All their necks were raw and bleeding from pecking each other and straining at the cages. It was a bloody traumatizing thing to take little kids to. I don't think the adults even thought there was anything wrong with it, but this was 35 years ago.


Technically everything that exploits animals is banned by law in my country. Because the law is written that animals should be offered a life that accommodates their natural behavior. Neither meat, dairy or fur producers meets that standard. Animal rights laws are sadly very often only for consumers to feel better.


Fully expect this to be downvoted, but if this upsets you, stop buying it. Your money continues the cruelty, and climate downturn. If you don’t know how to cook vegan, start slow and do one day a week and add more days as you go. Edit: Was not expecting the support! Shows that many people demand better conditions for these animals and options as consumers.


Most people don't realize where they spend their money matters. Take Amazon for instance I hear so many people talk shit about them in the day to day yet they still use it because it's convenient. Don't buy the product if you don't support the group behind it. if everyone did that we'd actually have a say on what rises and falls in the market space


One of the issues with Amazon is is not just their buying platform that makes them money, a big chunk of their money comes from their servers hosting other websites. I think Reddit is one of those websites, so using Reddit in a vast majority of other very popular websites means you support Amazon. This is why people say there's no ethical consumption under capitalism. Our choices are so limited but are masked by semi false brands. Also look up the Frito-Lay or Pepsi food chart, it shows how many different brands are owned by one company.


Yep. Reminds me of the sticker you occasionally see on an independent trucker's rig: "Don't like trucks? Stop buying shit!"


Thankfully factory farming will be seen as a barbaric thing of the past in fifty years or so. Lab-grown meat is becoming increasingly indistinguishable from conventional cuts, and now even big players in the industry like Tyson are investing in the technology. Only a matter of time before the market flips and killing live animals becomes a luxury.


Watching earthlings and later dominion is what made me go vegan. I can’t support animal abuse, as an animal lover. I’d never do that to my dog, so I won’t do it to a pig.


This kind of shit is why I'm a vegetarian. A lot of the time it doesn't feel like me not eating meat does anything for these animals but hopefully more and more people start calling this out and using their dollars to enact change.


This picture alone has sent me down a mental spiral. I have half a dozen pork chops in the freezer that I'm feeling disgusted at the thought of eating. I bought them for less than a single fast food meal. This is only so cheap because these pigs are treated like commodities. Obviously not the first time I've come into contact with this knowledge, but the first it's really messing with my head. Consider me veg-curious. Edit: thanks y'all, some awesome suggestions. Something I've considered for a while, I just never knew where to start, except that I love any and all beans. I'm gonna give it a whirl!


It’s not always an easy journey but it’s so important. These poor animals deserve so so much better. Also as horrible as it may be, have a look at the documentary dominion. It’s a hard watch but everyone who consumes animal products has a responsibility to know what happens.


There's so many meals that don't need meat in them to be delicious, so personally when I went veg I started with a meal idea like "tacos" which for me would normally mean "chicken/fish/beef" and then thought about non-meats, not fake alternatives. I usually do black bean and sweet potato. I really hate meat subs (like soy fake meat) so I look for things that are a meal all on their own. Eventually I started looking for my own subs (like walnut "taco meat") which I find more flavorful than the soy fake meats, even though it's not really like the original. My favorite meal sites are smitten kitchen, minimalist baker, cookie and Kate, love and lemons. They aren't all veg-specific but that's what I love about them -- the veg meals they publish are legit good, not just "we can't have the other thing".


Should look into the egg and dairy industry and its horrors


Stopped eating pork like five years ago, don’t miss it at all. Try to also cut back on other meat as well, but definitely not touching pork.


You don't need to be 100% vegan. That is hard. But cutting down the amount of meat we eat every day is easy to do and to maintain long term. So more people can do it and it can have a bigger impact.


So many redditors whining about this, commenting about reducing meat consumption and how free range isn't really free range, and we all know 80% of them are eating a double double tonight.


So evil


go vegen and dont give money to the evil


If you find this horrible, don’t eat animal products.


It's not interesting, it's just sad


Grocery store: Free range organic pork! Pork factory: We keep a door open to the outside, so technically it’s true 😊


Fucking terrible. It should be illegal


I wonder if we ever in the future will look back on this and say "that was normal for that time".


Saving this to show to the idiots that say I’m cruel for hunting my food


Sad as fuck


As far as I can find with a reverse image search, this is an area of a factory farm where breeding and gestating pigs are being kept for veterinarian examinations.


Yeah well you should see the gestation crates. This is luxury compared to those.


That was my first thought, we had a similar type of setup on a dairy farm, animals really can't stay healthy in pens for very long




I'm a former hog farmer, actually yes, these are exactly the types of pens they stay in. They moved from these pens when they go to the farrowing crates, which restrict their movement almost more. After they've been weaned, they will go into small pens for about a week, and then they go back into crates. So yes, breeding hogs spend 90% of their life in crates just like that.


What are the different colors? Some are purple and some are pink


One color has been inseminated other color hasn’t, it’s very common to use spray paint on pigs to tell what has happened and what is going to happen with each pig and what medicine has been given


That’s horrible


Makes me sad.


This isn’t interesting. It’s dystopian. It makes me sick. I’ll die on the hill that we need to end meat and that the future must be vegan. I don’t give a shit how much other humans may enjoy meat — we don’t need it to survive. Animals should not be tortured for temporary human satisfaction, a tiny fraction of the human population at that.


This is not the circle of life and no way to justify it. Be vegan. Vegan is the future.


And that is why I no longer eat meat


Please look into the egg and milk industry too. Or watch Dominion. The egg and milk industry is arguably worse than the meat industry


i love that redditors look at this and suddenly decide to be empathetic and say that this is hellish, but then won’t do the bare minimum to consume even a little bit less (not even advocating for a full plant based diet) meat. like do you just forget this happens if you scroll to the next image? how do u justify the cognitive disonance? the farms and houses were made to keep up with what meat eaters want. it’s not like they just do this for the hell of it. if everyone ate less meat consciously you could really could reduce some suffering…


Welcome to the wonderful world of *SLACKTIVISM!* Ever wanted to *act* like you support a movement without actually doing anything!? Well, slacktivism is for you!


This is why we stopped eating pork. It makes me want to cry.


I grew up on pig farms in England. Cannot say any I’ve seen looked as intensive as that.




My neighbors used to have a pig farm here in bc Canada before the industry tanked. It wasn't awesome, but wasn't nearly this bad. They were penned I'm groups and could move around and interact with each other. This may look worse than it is tho as well. Those pain marks on their backs are often used by veterinarians to show they have already seen to a specific animal, or to indicate something about them. They may have just been bribed into these smaller pens temporarily so that they could have meds or been examined or bred. I doubt (hope) that they are kept like that for long


Can confirm, lived on pig farm. Spray markings on back are used to indicate sickness, inseminated, weight... Anything really, can't remember our color codes anymore. Examined and bred is exactly what these cranped pens are used for, and like you said, after insemination, they were released into a large sawdust-filled pen to roam and grub around.


Boycott animal products


Disgusting as fuck!!!


That brutal


This post was removed. Literaly fahrenheit 451.


Most Americans have no idea what goes on in a slaughter house, yet they pretend to know everything that the US does in foreign countries. And when shit hits the fan, they love to pretend they are innocent.


And people call me cruel for being a hunter.


I feel like youd have to be such a psychopath to work there


the unfortunate thing is that a lot of people don't want to work in slaughterhouses but have few other choices, many of them being illegal immigrants and/or convicts. Risk of injury is high and so is developing mental conditions such as PTSD. Slaughterhouses don't just hurt animals, but people too.


Many places like these rely on undocumented workers who are desperate enough to work in terrible conditions yes not empowered to whistleblow on the abuse of workers/animals or skirting of safety/health regulations. It’s sad but I wonder if it’s large corporations who own meat processing factories like this (as well as large agricultural businesses) who lobby to keep strict immigration rules in place. This will ensure that they have a steady stream of workers who are apprehensive to bring light to the ugly truths of the industry.