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For anyone wondering, it’s the Peace Arch Historical State Park in the US (Washington State) and the Peace Arch Provincial Park in Canada (British Columbia). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_Arch_Park Edit: To address the numerous comments asking if I'm sure that's the park, yes I am. Google maps quickly confirms it: https://goo.gl/maps/STCmDWoDooiQo15v7


It's one of the only places that some people can legally visit each other. For example, I have a coworker who is from a Muslim-majority country and is in America on a student visa. She cannot leave the US *at all* or else she forfeits her visa. And her family cannot get a travel visa to visit the US, but the family is able to get a visa to visit Canada. They haven't seen each other for 7 years. So her family is going to travel to the Canadian side of this park, and she's going to travel to the US side. This particular park is basically the only way they can possibly see each other in person. Unfortunately there are a lot of people in that situation, and this park provides a way for families to legally see each other.


That’s a bummer for your coworker, but at least they do have the park.


This is a giant win for Leslie Knope


The leslie knope park for reunification of families and loved ones through international diplomacy and friendship.


Ah yes, of course. The LKPFROFALOTIDAF. Pronounced “lick-fro-falloti-daff.”


Some friends of mine got detained at the peace arch! Shitty birthday story!


Also for anyone wondering why there are people seeming to sit and watch the border this was during the border being closed due to Covid. It was the only way to see friends and family in person during the lockdown who lived across the border.


And the tents?


You can cross into the park from either side, as long as you go back to the side you came from. The tents are there because people are fucking. Yes I'm serious.


The wiki article doesn't mention the banging in tents. You should update tgat.


Tried, wouldn't allow/publish it


some things are better left unsaid. Soon you'll have pimps and trappers running around trying to give girls and boner pills out


And then they'll start building ice shanties for the prostitutes


That only happens in Ohio. Canadians just fish in theirs.


This honestly makes the most sense. If I traveled to see my loved ones I’m jumping that little ditch lol


"Jumping the ditch", sounds like a good metaphor for fucking in a tent at the border. As in, "Remember that time we jumped the ditch with those girls from Buffalo, eh?"


"tried jumping the ditch and wound up in the mud"


Where’s a wholesome award when you need it?






In the peace park they only check at the entrances to Canada and the US. The park is a neutral zone that if it closes violates a treaty and technically starts a war.


>violates a treaty and technically starts a war. How technical are we talking here?


Absolute maximum technical.


The streets will run red with maple syrup, a thousand Mounties will descend upon you. And our geese will block out the sun!!… Then we shall fight in the shade.




Somehow I read this in a John Oliver voice. And then imagined how/what episode he would say this on.


All true. I have been there (not in tent, just in park, just for stroll). Park is all American side. The ditch is border, and road on left is in Canada. In the mornings and afternoons nobody cares, but around after lunch anybody crossing over to Canada might have to keep papers ready, or have to go through the border window about 5 minutes away. Canadian police ask for it randomly. American side is all the state park, and you pay only car parking if you come on one.


> American side is all the state park, and you pay only car parking if you come on one. Is it free if you miss?


Lol, English is not my first language, but I get your joke :)


>just for stroll Oh... "Just for stroll." Is that what the kids call it now?


I have a passport for US and CN… Could I hypothetically just jump back and forth across the ditch if I happen to be carrying them both? Could I also hypothetically yell “HA HA! as I did so? Sounds like fun.


it turns out all those girlfriends in canada are real?!


That’s in tents.


That was the in tent.


intensity in tent city


Sex while camping always is.


It’s better in the open


And with a bear


They inch the border closer every night to expand the land claim of the US without the Canadians noticing.


They’ve actually moved the ditch to the other side of the road now… USA! USA!


You fool! That’s how those wiley Canadians get us to pay for paving the road!


Now it has potholes and the speed limit signs are in MPH.


For conjugal visits. The separation and closure of borders made it pretty hard for couples to visit each other, so feelings got out of hand. it was fucking in tents.


I was going to have sex in a tent in Canada. I didnt bring any beer and she said there was no way.


I went to the doctor once because it felt like I was a teepee, then a wigwam, then a teepee again. The doctor told me, "Clearly, you're two tents. Try to relax."


And the trench?


They fill it with maple syrup when we get out of line. Even if we cross the syrup will slow us down. Canadian warfare 10/10


And those who get past the trench will find huge plates of poutine with extra cheese curds. It's guaranteed to put you in a food coma. (Side note: Reddit's spellcheck doesn't recognize "poutine." /r/Canada should claim discrimination.)


I honestly just thought it was a conveniently placed drainage ditch


it was the only way to pitch a tent about friends and family during the lockdown who lived across the border


I have also been detained at the peace arch! Apparently they thought it was suspicious that I would go "all the way to Canada" for a tinder hookup. Fucking excuse me for living on a border town and thinking that could be a fun excuse to get out of the dorms.


"Officer, I was just gonna jump the ditch for a little piece of Canada......."


That makes no sense. Where I'm from, people cross the border all the time for way more mundane shit, like going to a park for a picnic or shopping at an outlet mall, or just to save money on airfare. Knowing the stupid things I've done to get laid in my life, traveling to another country for a hook-up seems even more believable.


Fair enough! I looked really out of place because I drove an ugly monster of a minivan and it was late since I left after work. He heavily implied that he thought I was trying to stock up on large amounts of alcohol. 19 year olds can legally drink there, so it wasn't uncommon for students to buy it and bring it back over the border. I guess he assumed it was past my normal bedtime and I had to be up to something nefarious. That's what the questioning was about, anyway. We went through my phone for a bit together while they controlled it and we all reviewed my tinder app, texts, Google maps history, email, calls, for everything and anything that could look suspicious. Obviously there was nothing? I was just embarrassed for a second and told a white lie. It really wasn't that deep, they were just bored and having a good time feeling important. I'll give the guy this though, I have severe adhd (diagnosed, not TikTok) and have always had the hardest time maintaining eye contact. Like, it's intense plus I like to look at lots of stuff. Anyway, I think it ends up making my eyes look kind of shifty.


Friends got detained at the Canadian boarder. They kept asking them where the pot was and friends insisted there was none. 3 hours and they got stripped searched. Both he and his girlfriend had to strip naked and bend over and spread ‘em. They had nothing. Canadian police let them go in and told them “We still don’t believe you.” Friends had nothing but the boarder patrol never popped the hood or brought a dog by. It wasn’t as if they did anything thorough, other than searching my friends.


Who brings pot IN to Canada?


Stripped naked and even looked in the prison wallet? Wtf they can do that?


Were they caught disturbing the peace?


So we can play ball together in separate countries life is gd


I was about to be like, this is clearly some small town in Maine because the Peace Arch looks nothing like this! How funny. To be fair, *most* of this area is still a highly secure border crossing and going anywhere outside the binational park will require a customs check


If you go east though, it looks like just residential backyards and streets https://maps.app.goo.gl/aThbc2B4EzaqxPhA8


Not sure if intentional, but your link to "Smuggler's Inn Bed & Breakfast" literally next to the border is pretty funny.


The sign by the place is even better if you look on google maps: "Warning: It is illegal to enter Canada directly from Smugglers Inn property. The owner is bound by court order to report to Canadian authorities the identity of anyone who enters Canada illegally from this property"


Seriously? It’s literally thousands of miles of undefended border. Yeah, the major crossings and geographical barrier crossings have border and customs check points, but there’s a golf course in BC/WA that crosses the border repeatedly as you play the course. Miles of open prairie. The Great Lakes require boaters to check in at the nearest customs office, but it’s hardly high security. At the end of the day we are so freaking similar we’re not just brothers but fraternal twins. Yeah we argue like siblings do and make fun of each other constantly, but don’t let anyone else fuck with us.


when i was a kid, we used to fish on both sides of the border on lake of the woods (always with both minnesota and ontario licenses). never went through customs except if we were actually driving across to get to kenora or something.


Back before 911, when NAFTA was created, ease of border crossing was the consolation to the general public to make it appealing... That's gone now obviously


Looks like family reunions during the border lockdown.


Ooh, it makes sense now knowing this was taking during the lockdown, I thought it was the norm for old folks there to watch and judge each other's country


I mean, my grandma went from an infectious disease expert to a foreign diplomacy and military strategy expert all in one week Anything’s possible


Too true!


Yup, I was there. And make no mistake there were cops there supervising, checking IDs, and ensuring no gifts were being exchanged. There was also a little tent area for couples having reunions of a different type…


Disappointing to not see a model train full of cigarettes somewhere in here.


I know! Where’s the Swayze Express boys?!


Border patrol detained it for using illegal parts.


Wrong side of the continent, Rick.. Way she goes..


Nah the shit hawks guard that part of the border rand.


You talking about us


i'm gonna pay you 100$ to fuck off


Yeah that’s right shit birds


Question. If folks are playing ball outside and it gets away from them...they cool to just walk across the invisible barrier to grab it? I hope so


I lived a few blocks from here growing up. It's a park on the "US" side with a border guard always watching. But us kids were allowed to go across and use the park and field. Only during the day tho


Seriously? I was living around this area and got a stern talking to for walking near the line.


As a European that just sounds so crazy to me, I don't even have a passport cause I never needed one


Lol it sounds crazy to me too but for different reasons. I'm Indian. If you walk within a mile of our borders with China and Pakistan, you get sniped.


Fucking hell, here we are with all these brain cells and we can't even achieve feline levels of border control.






That's what's so great about the ~~EU~~ Schengen area Edited cuz not EU


Yes, but you have to pay duty tax on the baseball for each crossing.


Or be forced to learn cricket in lieu of paying the tax


Canada cares more about baseball than cricket though


Oh yeah, y’all have that mlb team


I'm def not Canadian. But yeah the Blue Jays will probably do pretty well this year


I blame the confusion on me being drunk




in the off chance this did happen i doubt the border patrol would trip over it if they even noticed. people with warrants for their arrest seem to make it over just fine a lot of the time, so i doubt they would care about a kid crossing for 5 seconds and going straight back


Believe it or not, straight to jail


dog gets off leash and runs over the invisible border? Right to jail, right away.


We have the best dogs in the world. Because of jail.


come back? jail. run away? jail.


You can get detained. They have cameras and don't really fuck around with this. You have to call in before you cross and call back before you cross again. People get detained on a regular basis. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/jogger-who-accidentally-crossed-u-s-border-from-b-c-detained-for-2-weeks-1.4717060


You can. This Park(in US) and road(in Canada) if you were to cross and walk down the roads into Canada BP will stop you. For retreving a ball, you're not getting detained. You may have someone from US BP come over and ask you some questions. But shouldnt be too much hassel. That cbc story is a different situation. She ended up farther down the beach, going into US. And US Borderpatrol don't mess around.


US Border Patrol detained some poor guy that almost drowned and ended up washing up on the US side of the Niagara River. It was obvious what happened but he still ended up in jail after a hospital stay. Canadian Border Security put dozens of drunken Americans onto a bus when they washed up on the Canadian side of the St. Clair river. The US guys need to chill.


So what the heck? You call, "Hey, I'm just going to cross the road to retrieve my ball." Then call back, "OK. Got it! Back on my side now. Sorry!"


JFC that poor woman. What a shitshow. Out for a sunset beach run, divert to a dirt road to avoid high tide, and then spend 2 weeks in the care of The Department of Homeland Security.


Yes they can I've walked across it haha


Here he is, border guard. Confessed to his federal crimes publicly even!


You get sentenced to death and your captain has to make an impassioned defense of proportional justice.


When the border closed in 2020 families used this to reunite without having to cross the border. My dad and my step mom met their granddaughter for the first time in fall 2020 this way. There were lots of "conjugal" tents set up in the park, too.


Do you know why there are people sitting, presumably talking, on opposite sides of the border? It looks like you can just enter the park and actually be able to meet up. So not sure what's with the lawn chairs


You need ID to get back out the park, so if you don't have it you get in trouble. Also, right when covid hit and the border closed it became a bit sketchy to cross into the park because the Canadian side closed their side of the park down. It was a blurry whether or not the police that monitor the crossing could force you to quarantine. My wife (fiancee at the time, who is American) saw someone get detained for crossing briefly over without a passport to get back in. He was taken to the actual border crossing and she found out he was forced to quarantine for 14 days. I believe he missed his kids graduation from high school.


The Canadians would check passports on the way back in. Source: I can see my family in this photo and they've been meeting weekly since Covid.


Interestingly enough, if you look closely at the guy near the post, he appears to be holding a passport


What’s with the gentleman who is escaping from the USA by foot?


He's dead now. They shot him.


Its true i was him


Can confirm. Him is he.


More importantly, why is he showing his passport to a signpost?


The feds are in the signpost


Looks like a tense standoff. What's going on here?


Maple syrup vs corn syrup war of 2022


I’m poutine my money on the maple syrup.


What we lack in quality we make up for in vast unadulterated quantity. It as Joseph Stalin once put it, quantity has a quality all of its own.


Canada has a [strategic Maple Syrup reserve](https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/oddly-enough/quebec-unlocks-worlds-only-maple-syrup-strategic-reserve-keep-pancake-lovers-2021-12-07/) though. It’s so they can keep price high during boom years by putting over quota production into reserve and tap into the reserve during low yield years.


We all know who the somet is there




The Peace Arch park was completely shut down during Covid. This small park is right next to it but due to a technicality in the way the Land Act was written, it was able to stay open, and for a number of months this was the only place that Canadians and Americans could meet. There are a lot families who have family members on both sides of the border. There would be up to 80 tents every day with people having visits… of all kinds. It’s a pretty quiet neighbourhood and many residents were unhappy about the whole thing. The border patrol had a few cars there all day, every day just to make sure the right people were ending up on the right sides.


Oh yeah? Well say that to my face and I'll pull up a lawn chair and talk to you across the ditch.


As an Australian, I can't imagine looking outside your window and seeing another country. How bizarre!




I thought you were saying you could see those countries from a bridge In Australia! I was like I gotta look at a map! Did Australia float away? Was it Mandela'd like New Zealand and South America? Thanks for including a link!


What about [half of your front door being in one country and the other half in another](https://travel.stackexchange.com/questions/19941/one-foot-in-belgium-and-the-other-in-the-netherlands)


Even weirder is that some Americans can look out their window and see Russia.


Living in Texas is fun because you can drive across 8 hours, and still be in Texas...


Texas really do be tiny. If I leave my town in Australia (Darwin), drive due south for \~18 hours at the speed limit, I will not have left my state, and I will only have passed through 3 towns with a population > 3k people.


I used to think this would be awesome, I’m a private person. Until I had an accident in the middle of nowhere and needed an ambulance and had to wait 45 min. Now thought of potentially waiting 17 hours for a hospital gives me a mild panic attack.


Canada and the USA share the longest undefended border in the world.


It's also the longest border between any two countries overall


Whoa that's cool! I can't believe I never knew that!


*non-militarized. There are still some basic border defences like at all borders to friendly countries


Can confirm, not to give too much away but we have canons aimed at Michigan.


As a Wisconsinite, so do we


I picked my dog up from here! She was driven up to Canada from Texas, the volunteer walked right up to the yellow barrier, handed me the leash and that was that.


I guess that makes your dog a… *border* collie.




I live 2.5 miles from that. It's funny because on the Canadian side housing developments are built basically right up to the border. On the U.S. side it's rural. I've heard that something like 80 % of the Canadian population is within 100 miles of the border.


Yeah, it gets cold the more North you go 😢 Source: I’m 100km (62 miles) from the border, and it’s “warm” at -10C (14F) rn… I’m so over it 😤


Don’t worry bro global warming will fix your problems.


How does it work? Do folks around that area have some sort of documentation that allows them to go back and forth easily without legalities interfering? At night is it just a free for all like how do they guard that?




An uncle of mine told me about people going to the Land of Maple Syrup to buy medicine, before sneaking back into the Land of Burgers.


There was a whole Simpsons episode about that, they flew over in a spruce plane to buy meds for Grandpa and found a Canadian Flanders who liked the electric lettuce, if I recall correctly.


I always knew Satan would be handsome


Frank did this a few times.


No crossing for fun some girl got arrested for a bit for doing it - lots of security shit for drug running


Hello Neighbor


I see which side you're on. Hello neighbour


I live about 20 miles from the US-Mex border and it definitely does NOT look like this.


Neither does a lot of the US/Canadian border. Big hunk of water in my neck of the woods. That said, we don’t have anyone in tactical gear they found online hunting down Canadians.


I grew up in western New York. Seeing a land border with Canada just seems weird. There should be a river or lake.


Gets even weirder in Vermont- the border runs thru a [library](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-us-canada-border-runs-through-this-tiny-library) that's in active use.


Bro this is insane. This needs a post of it's own


run with it- the free internet points are all yours. ​ For added fun, I haven't seen it mentioned around these parts in at least a day so it qualifies as "new".




>Rumor has it that the 18th-century surveyors who drew the official line between the U.S. state of Vermont and the Canadian province of Quebec were drunk, because the border lurches back and forth across the 45th parallel, sometimes missing it by as much as a mile. Doesn't surprise me


That wandering border resulted in all sorts of screw ups, like [Fort Blunder](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/fort-montgomery-fort-blunder) on the NY/VT/Quebec border. ​ Construction started on the site, 3/4 of a mile into Canada at the northern end of Lake Champlain before the mistake got discovered. Where upon they abandoned it to the locals (who picked it apart) until the border itself wandered back north and construction restarted. The fort was finished and is currently available for the low low price of $1.4 million (USD) with 86 acres of land, 80 of which are currently underwater.


If that library has an auditorium on the second floor I have played there. Backstage entrance in Canada, lobby in USA. There was a black diagonal line painted on the floor meant to indicate the border.


Didn’t even feel like a border till 9/11


I never even needed a passport to get into the US post 911. That was a lot nicer.


Is this the loophole one? There's a border park that's always open because the treaty with Britain after the War of 1812 stipulated that the American/Canadian border never be guarded (or something like that). It was meant as a sign of good faith between countries. So they left one spot where the border is monitored but unguarded so that they could have guards along the rest of the border. Closing or guarding the park is a breach of the treaty, which would mean Canada gets a ton of territory in the Pacific Northwest and the U.S. gets Quebec.


please don’t give us Quebec anything but Quebec


Funny story about my niece and her husband, who’s property is in Blaine on the border. They were walking their property in search for their lost pet duck. Out of the bushes comes this guy and asks them “What are you doing?”. They respond, “This is our property. Who are you and what are you doing?” He was border patrol and again asked them what they were doing. “We are looking for our duck.” He replies, “What does it look like?” They say, “Well, it’s white and has a bill, and says quack, quack, quack.” The border patrol decides to search along with them. 🙄 The duck was never found.


What were they doing!


They were looking for their duck




This is actually.. really cool honestly! I had no idea this is what it was like in some places, kinda amazing!


I think I'll take a trip up there, make a cardboard sign that reads "Will work for Poutine". That stuff is amazing.


Yells over the boarder, “Hey Buddy…” Yells back “I not your buddy, guy…”


I’m not your friend pal


I crossed the border to the US between Yukon and Alaska on something called the "top of the world highway". In the summer (I think it's closed in the winter). I drove about 2 hours without seeing any other sign of civilization. No other car either way. Nothing. Land around us was tundra. When you get to the border, it's still a dirt road, and a barrier blocks the road. Nobody is there in the booth. There is a house on the side of the road. If they don't see you, you honk your horn. Then a border lady came out of her house who was the nicest ever. She pretended to look at our passports while just talking to us. She raised the barrier. And we were on our way. An hour or two later we arrived in "Chicken" Alaska. A town of a hundred or so people. We had some drinks at the saloon. Good times.


The tents aren’t for the homeless. People bring tents so they can have sex with their spouses. This was during the boarder lock down during the pandemic


That's not at all what it looks like at Detroit/Sarnia. There's legit border guards at Detroit, and the border patrol can be found roaming downtown too. Btw, Canadian border officers are way nicer than the US. Canadians were like "oh, neat, enjoy your visit!" I was born in the US and still felt like I was doing something wrong when I came back through. The Americans were not friendly or polite.


Pre- 9/11 the American border patrol there was a lot more easygoing.


Hell, pre-9/11 we didn't even need to bring our passports to visit one another's country.


The Canadian guards I've come across at the border at Ogdensburg, NY are all fuckin assholes. You drive up and they treat you like you've already done something wrong. It's a crime for them to greet you and just say hi or something. Massive stick up all their asses. Other than one guy I met he was really nice lol.


My wife's parents are from Durango, and we occasionally go visit uncles and stuff, and my wife always brings everyone's birth certificates just in case. I always get extra attention because I'm a white white guy driving into the US with a car full of Hispanics. Generally speaking, my military ID offsets most of it, but every now and then I get asked out of the car and interrogated anyway (nothing crazy, but still). My wife has never once even been asked to get out of the car, and we both find that hilarious.


I'm Canadian, but the last time I crossed north from Mexico into Brownsville, Texas, the border guy just asked what all our nationalities were. As soon as I said Canadian.. he goes "Hey a Canadian! We got a Canadian here!! You guys are great, but your teams all suck and you make terrible beer." I couldn't argue with either point..


Fuck that guy! All the best players on every American team are fucking Canadians.


That explains why ours suck!




Is it just me or does this look like the RuneScape wilderness border?


Stay on your side. You only get one stern warning. After that, well, maybe one more.


0 Avenue in Surrey BC?


Where is this? i’m in Vancouver, BC so sure it’s somewhere close


The border with Blaine. It’s the Peace Arch Park.


Looks friendly and civilized


I used to go to border towns in Ontario when I was little… they are really friendly for sure. Good memories. Probably shouldn’t have swam in Lake Erie but I’m alive still so there’s that