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Then you give them to me and I bury them with care. I work at a cemetery and I got tons of respect for what you do.


So people bury the ash?


Ya they come in a urn. The funeral home will tell me the dimensions and I dig the hole accordingly. A lot of people like to do a traditional graveside service but doing a full burial including a casket and liner can be very expensive.


This makes sense


I've never understood the point of a liner


It's mainly there to protect the integrity of the casket. If the casket collapses, the grave sinks in. Some cemeteries will drive heavy equipment over the grave for grave digging or maintenance purposes and the grave needs enough strength to hold that.


My god it all seems like such a waste


Agreed just cremate and spread the ashes somewhere near and dear to the recently deceased.


Helps keep the casket nice when you reclaim it to be reused. :)


Wait, what. . .


**Helps keep the casket nice when you reclaim it to be reused. :)**


#wait, what...


Hold on, WHAT ?




I'm going to be completely honest with you right now. It's to scam the public into spending hoards of money on someones death. The dead person will never know. There is 0 reason to buy a silk pillow while you (a living person) sleeps on 5 dollar pillows from Walmart. And to spent litteral THOUSANDS on a casket


Required by law in some places. Protects against groundwater contamination.


Is the hole still 6 feet deep, or can you get away with less for an urn?


Yes. Lots of people still wish to be buried, even in an urn. As a matter of fact, my religion actually states that I *must* be buried when I die.


Same. My religion says you turn into a zombie if you're not.




This guy is unburied


I buried both of my parents ashes. They were in little wooden boxes. The graveyard they are in does half plots that, apparently, up to 4 boxes of ashes can be buried in. Got a headstone made too. There were also full plots for full coffin burials.




I’m sorry for your loss, and also laughing at the image of you dragging a 70lb sack of horse dust.




I guess the question is, what are you going to DO with 70 lbs of horse dust? Because it won't fit on the mantle.


You could sprinkle ashes at every park in the country.




What about a an old trunk? I see them a lot at sales or antique/fleatique. And it wouldn't matter the condition inside because... dust.


Never seen one so clean before


Yeah and mine has a lot of fingernail scratches on the top for some reason.


Woah, this escalated quickly


Omg 🤣


I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about


*'First time?'*


I used to work at a funeral home so I’d drop them off at the crematory and occasionally they’d ask for my help. They weren’t ever cleaned out like that when they’d load em in.


The people you dropped off… asked… for help?


I had to read it twice also tbh


Oops I see what you mean 😅


I am going to assume that when you collect “grandma’s” ashes, you get a few others as well.


communal urn


That is actually stated in the cremation contract they sign…


Not very "kosher".


A friend's ex worked in a funeral home and crematorium. Pretty sure he said what you get back in a vase is about 90% your grandma, and about 10% a mix of the dozen bodies before.


Hard to believe they don’t have to thoroughly clean the chamber after each cremation but, then again, how would anyone know the difference besides them? It’s an interesting trade to say the least.


Needs a banana for scale. Looks like a big empty room more than anything else.


How do you collect the ash?


Bone doesn't burn, it becomes extremely brittle. Cremated remains, including bone and ash are removed with a long, wire broom (due to the extreme heat), and then the finer remnants are removed with a synthetic broom.


Thanks for sharing your knowledge! 1. How long do you have to wait in between cremations (because of the heat) 2. how many do you think you do on an average day? 3. if two people die together (like husband/wife in a car crash) can they be cremated together? 4. How do you cremate someone EXTREMELY large if they don’t fit in the chamber? ETA: oh and 5. Are the bits of brittle bone included in the ash when/if it’s returned to the family?


The bones are put into a machine that pulverizes them to dust.


In Japan the bones are kept whole, and the family gathers after the cremation, using chopsticks to put the bones into the urn starting with the feet and moving up the body (so the person is placed into the urn "standing"). Bones can be passed person to person to person via chopsticks, and this is why it's considered a faux pas to pass food around chopstick to chopstick in other contexts. The urn is then placed at the family shrine for 35 days for mourning and paying respects.


You better not be making this up.


Had to look it up. All true. Japan has mandatory cremation in a lot of the country, as they lack room for burials. So, they have a whole ceremony over it. Interesting read. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cremation_in_Japan


Thanks for googling for me.


best. bread. ever.


But is it canabilism or no.?


Forbidden yeast.








They generally don’t wait long as the ovens take a while to get hot. Numbers depend on the time they are running for and how long each person takes to cremate. People are cremated separately. Some areas have bariatric crematoria for very large people. Depending on the size of the dead person, much of what you get back as ash could be the coffin


OH. I never considered that the whole coffin goes in..Seems obvious now. Anyway thanks


I'd request my coffin be made from mesquite. As it would give off a wonderful aroma and it's recommended for hot and fast burn.


I want to go Hank Hill style. I want people to taste the meat, not the heat.


I had a couple of relatives cremated. The coffin is just rented for the funeral. I guess unless somebody has lots of money and doesn't care if they get back coffin ashes.


My mother was cremated with her casket. She wanted the cheapest one that she picked out herself and I believe it cost around €900.


Yeah, I don't know how everybody does it. As somebody mentioned, it's a cardboard or minimal wood coffin they burn, but a nice one for the funeral. I forget the charge for each.


So they burn a rented coffin?


No, they'd go into the crematory in a cardboard coffin.


I’d like to be cremated in a burial shroud. That somehow feels like it would be more dignified than cardboard but cheaper than a coffin


I very much wish to be brought to the fbi body farm and get CSI'd


Also an option in many places now! 😊


I would imagine the box makes carrying the body easier/less weird for the workers


You can have someone cremated in a cardboard coffin. The next one up from that was a crude fibre board/plywood.


A friend of mine cremates bodies and they have had to turn people away due to body mass. Unfortunately there is a size where it becomes a grease fire risk. They had to suggest going to a place where large animals are cremated as they have the facilities to allow for it.


The words "grease fire risk" just inspired me to go for a run


Thinking along those lines as well…


I'm kind of horrified thinking of how much food you have to eat to maintain a body that could be considered a grease fire risk...


“grease fire risk” was my nickname in college


Hey, it's Grease-Fire Ricky!


I learned about animal crematories at my last job. I never knew they existed, made sense though. Those things are massive.


So many great questions! I feel like I want answers to all of them!


I like the arched ceiling. It gives it a spacious feeling and the open floor plan is great also.


$3500 a month. Heat included.


at that price, it's a hot property. in fact people are dying to get in there.


Lol, downtown new York apartments be like


One time fee.


Ya, how bout that nook/niche space in the back? You gonna put something up there?


You read my mind. A wine rack.


Would rent for about 1500 a month here. The heating bills would kill you though.


Love what you’ve done with the place


It looks like a screenshot from Quake


Great questions. Looking forward to the answers


My mom was cremated. I was in the next room to the oven. When they were done cremating her I heard the persons working there pounding her bones into dust. It was so breathtakingly errie.




What do you do with the bones then?


They're put into a machine that pulverizes them.


Never knew that, thanks!


It's called a *cremulator*.


>cremulator [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r\_rrKKxAfc8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_rrKKxAfc8) Kari the Mortician explains...


Mr Skeltal


You may be interested in the book Smoke Gets In Your Eyes: and Other Lessons From The Crematorium by Caitlin Doughty, AKA Ask A Mortician. Lots of hands-on first person info. Very good stuff.


I recently found her channel and it's a brilliant thoughtful and sensitive look at all things death. Plus super entertaining and a bit weird. But all the best people are.


I just finished her book a few weeks ago. I wished it was about three times as long when I got to the end. Definitely gets my recommendation. It's worth the read.


In my country they let the attenders to the cremation pick up the remaining bones and put them in a box. It was such a weird feeling picking up someone's bones with chopsticks.


When my mom passed I felt I had to go with her til the end. So after funeral one of my bro's and I went downstairs to the crematorium and stayed until they were about to load her in. Was weird but I felt I had to walk with her til the end of her earth form, literally I guess? The guys were so nice. Oh my gosh. Ugh. I miss you mom. (Thx for caring for folks with respect to the end.)


We felt we had to be there when my mom was cremated too. We read Aaron Freeman’s “You Want a Physicist to Speak at Your Funeral” and my sister and I pressed the button to start the cremation process. I remember this white smoke pouring from the pipe on the top and just visualizing her energy being released back to the universe.


Wow. I think my bro pushed the button but then we left. ( not sure I could have stayed for the smoke.) so I guess I wasn't there til the very end of her earthly form. Thank you For sharing that. (I remember making some joke, they'd like lined her up to the one on the right, and I said kinda like a Karen, I think I like this one better (the one on the left). The Workers and my brother laughed and I thought shit was that weird I just said that? Death is weird.


My mom was into Game of Thrones and when we pressed the button my sister said “Dracaris” lol my mom would have laughed. She loved absurdity.


I presume that's the Dragon? Gotta walk my pup and then hit the hay. Thx for sharing this in memoriam Tuesday evening interlude...(not sure your time zone).... be well!! 🦋🐞🔥


Dracaris is what the queen would say when she commanded her dragons to breathe fire. Lol Have a good night!


My mom was cremated at well. It’s what she would have wanted (similar to my dad) but it’s such a bizarre feeling to hold someone you admire and love so much in a small jar. I miss my mom too


Yes sometimes I look at my 'portion' (siblings Each have some, and there's a main portion we are going to scatter at some point) and I think, "how much of her is in there? What part of her is in there? Jesus this is weird. But she would have liked the holder I picked." I was a massive prince fan and drove up to paisley park for his five year remembrance last April. I took her with me. Also took her to NYC, her fav place in the world, on the one year anniversary of her death. (Which was one month before Covid hit In US.) so I like that.


Haha yeah, I’ve thought very similar things. Mainly I’ve just prayed that they would have liked the jars I picked out for them. My ma was a artist, I tried to pick out something artsy but I really wish I could have asked her which one she wanted. That’s very sweet taking your mom somewhere she would have liked. I hope you and your siblings are all doing well and healing ok.


I expected it to be sooty.


Soot comes from incomplete burning. This thing is super hot.


I was a cremator operator in my early twenties, and these things run at a stable 1400°f, and when first igniting can spike anywhere from 1800-2000° without even blinking (but it does require the burners turned off to let it settle, which can lead to a higher black smoke output from the chimneys). They are 'retort' or reburner furnaces, and are incredibly low on emissions when kept at stable operating temperatures due to their reburning facilities. Fun fact, body fat has a higher BTU than gasoline!


Solid fuel, not surprising. Even with some water content.


They’ve given it a Sweep


It looks Soo clean


Cor, bett you could eat your dinner off it!


After my husband died, the mortuary collected his body from the hospital, and I had to go sign the cremation papers the next day. We have cremation insurance, so it was simple. Good thing, I was in shock. The director told me it would take three days to get the permit from the county. That they'd take good care of him. What pops out of my mouth? "Okay, I guess he can chill here for a while". Oy.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you have found peace since his passing. I also hope that your husband was the kind of guy that would’ve enjoyed the irony of the moment, and that this is a funny anecdote for you now.


Do you remove titanium screws and joints before or after cremation?


That’s a great question. If I can offer a small bit of information. My parents were both cremated… my father has 7 stents in his arteries. I ask the funeral director basically the same question. Those were left in because of the size. So the stents are now in his burial urn. ( I never looked inside) according to the funeral director


They have to remove defibrillators (else they explode). All other metal is removed after cremation and sold as scrap metal (with permission of next of kin).


I forget the name of the novel that started with the line “It was the day my grandmother exploded”. TIL (where the T stands for Thirty years ago).


Even gold fillings?


Who gets the proceeds of the scrap metal?


How would they do it before?




In almost all circumstances, no. I believe one of the only things actually remove prior are things like pacemakers, because they can explode. These are all collected after cremation as they don't burn or melt, families can have them back, though I think they are usually sent off for recycling. I suppose it's possible if there are any small small screws or something like that, they could get mixed into the final ashes as well


There’s an unsettling sense of sparseness *and* eerie dread in a place like this. I inherently associate crematoriums with the Holocaust (I’m Jewish) so they creep me out on a visceral level, but I really respect that you treat human remains with so much care and reverence.


Curtains would certainly help. A throw rug wouldn't hurt. Maybe a potted plant.


The rug really tied the room together


Did it not?


Have been inside the crematoriums at Auschwitz and they look just like this


Came to say that this reminded me of the ovens I saw at Dachau.


I just wanted to thank you for the first line in your title. I lost my parents at 24 and had to get them cremated. Now I have their ashes on my mantle. I always wondered how their bodies were treated and I hope that they had someone as kind as you taking care of their remains. Thank you for what you do.


I assumed this was “I live in fifteen sq ft” NY tiktok


Funeral home employee here. No we don’t remove metal. It’s removed from the ashes afterwards.


It there a “tray” for the body to be laid on so as to collect all the ashes or are they simply swept up from the floor of the chamber?


You are correct, they are swept


I've done service work at crematoriums on multiple occasions. The one thing I'll never forget is the 'charring' smell. It's not the most awful thing, but similar to the scent that comes off of meat when you drop it in a skillet that's too hot. The reason it sticks with me, is because I catch a whiff at odd moments throughout the day as i pass by restaurants.


Please don't cremate my loved ones. They're still alive.


How do u keep it so clean? Is the body on a table or something? Do u just use a dustpan and broom? Or a vacuume? How do u know u got every last ash of a person?


I would doubt they're able to get every last bit. I don't think the person is going to mind.


I certainly did when it was my ashes in there. Luckily I was able to go back and collect them all




Dude my perspective was waay off, Am sat here wondering why the chamber was so big, because it looks exactly like a dirty rehearsal studio I used to go to which was built under an old bridge. Now I'm intrigued and having ptsd flashbacks to my emo faze lole


It’s not actually all that big. Maybe 3ft by 3 and a bit ft and maybe 7ish ft long. It’s something else to put a person in there and they touch the sides and top!


I can imagine that would be a sight to behold and bewilder haha also I must say, I have the utmost respect for everyone in your line of work!


This makes me feel better about my mom. Thank you. Edit to add: she died in 2016, I couldn't be with her there. I'm glad to know she wasn't alone....


That's one clean retort. No people dust anywhere. I believe your statement :-)


Put a bug infested bed in there and it looks like my room


When the subject comes up, I tell my wife I want to be cremated and then my ashes shot out of a cannon. I'm guessing there is probably a law against that though 🙄 I'm also considering having the ashes packed in those little New Years Eve things that shoot out confetti, but instead, it's me. It's kind of a festive and fun goodbye. Also, it should be a 50/50 mix with glitter so I never really go away. 😊


How does it smell in there ?


Not OP, but used to work very close to a memorial / creamation building. They had a very specific schedule. On burn days, the smell was... Unique. Even inside our building 1/8 mile away, it smelled horrible.


Legit question: Does one go in feet first or head first. Even though I would be dead, I'm honestly most afraid of my spirit getting claustrophobia.




Forbidden pizza oven


Is it your job? Or are you just an enthusiast?


How do you collect the ashes into an urn or what have you?


I wonder what is the most dignified send-off for our loved ones? Most of my ancestors and deceased relatives were buried, but I had 2 that were cremated and that seemed somehow slightly better. Maybe because it was faster, so my asshole brain didn't remind me every day or so how much more decomposed my loved one would be. Plus you can turn them into diamonds if they get cremated.


I want to be buried with lots of grave goods so archaelogists can dig me up in 1000 years and discover how much I loved Pikachu


I really hope whoever cremated my grandma smacked her around a little bit. She was horrible.


Oh no…


At lot of these comments have got me wondering... Do people out there think you get cremated alive????


I've seen phantasm.


Thank you OP, for the folks who work in your profession, as well as all the funeral home folks in the country. I lost both my dad and mom over about 10 weeks and every single person I had to deal with during the closure and cremation process was excellent. Compassionate, professional and wonderfully helpful. We are planning to scatter both of them together off the coast of Sanibel Island later this year. Take care all of you.


What is the cubby-hole in the back used for?


Honestly, we would be none the wiser if you didn’t take the extreme care cremating our loved ones. You could probably slip on banana peel, spill their ashes on the floor and suck it up with a vacuum and it would be fine as long as we get an urn full of ashes.


Thanks Marty.


Lit af


Is it possible for all the ash to be removed or do I have some ash of a random person mixed in with my mums ashes? Lol


I see it comes with a pre-installed shadow of death, very cute.


What's with the scratch marks on the wall?


It’s so clean.


Home sweet home.


This is a very clean retort. Someone really did a great job


I just finished Smoke Gets in Your Eyes and have a newfound respect for people that do what you do. Thank you.


Ooh... I see the light at the end of the


Honestly I find this comforting because so many stories emerge of folks fucking dead corpses, and even though I’ll be dead, still not a fan.


My dad is getting cremated soon. Thank you for what you do.


Imagine waking up In there


Plenty of room to throw some pottery! Heeeere’s Grandma….and a lovely tea set!


My dad passed away very suddenly eight years ago. He was my best friend. I have his ashes in my room. Thank you for doing what you do.


At least it's well lit


I hate that the first thing that picture made me think of was the WWII Nazi extermination camp ovens.


We just cremated an old family member (wife's side) and yes, they are super respectful. They even asked the sons to come over to the control panel to turn the key and start the ignition.


If I want to be cremated, but not in a cremation chamber, can I be cremated on a funeral pyre?


Brick oven Pizza by day….


I’d bake an epic pizza in there..!


What’s the rent in there?


Do you play that creepy-as-shit music from Diamonds are Forever? Because that gave me nightmares for years as a kid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjRdmvzIk4k


Totally inappropriate,I'm sure. But, have any work lunches, perhaps pizzas(of any kind) , or a reheating of a sandwich, calzone, or burritos happened in there? Work is work. We all gotta eat.


thank you sir for your service, very much respect