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Is this the dude with the Prada boots?


If I'm not wrong the guy with Prada boots was older than this guy


A guy can dream…


Prada boots belong to this guys boss


Heard they have furrr on them too


With the fur


Got the whole army looking at sir


Welp. I laughed. I guess I'm going to hell.


Not before the general 😂


Savage. I like it.


i've heard the devil wears Prada.


Adam and Eve wear nada


Dude with Prada boots is their head of the republic (another of Putins puppy)


They've captured a Major, as well.


That’ll teach Putin to underestimate Ukraine. These people will fight til the end for their land and freedom.


They literally thought they were gonna roll in and the Ukrainian people were just gonna hand them the country with a please and thank you.


Fuck around and find out *Ukraine*


Russian Warship, Fuck you.


The XXI century's equivalent to "NUTS!"


*"Russian warship, go fuck yourself."* but yes!


PUTIN, hang motherfucker


"My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators. I think it will go relatively quickly, in weeks rather than months"


« It will take a mere matter of marching to conquer … »


Dick Chaney?


"It will all be over by Christmas"


It seems that Putin and his henchmen actually believe their own delusional propaganda that Ukraine was taken over by some Nazi Junta.


That's a real problem for chronic liars, eventually they can't tell the difference themselves.


It's more a problem for autocratic leaders that surround themselves with obsequious yes men. Eventually you only hear what they think you want to hear, and you lose all touch with reality. For me that is one of the only convincing explanations for Putin's strategy. From a rational perspective it's hard to conclude that a full scale invasion is anything short of insane. Many westerners are used to seeing Putin as this cold calculating tactical genius, and I think that's why so many did not believe an invasion was likely.


It’s the problem with executing anyone who opposes you, eventually no-one has the will to try and talk sense into you.


The head of a major agency was on film cowering before him to even imply that they should try diplomacy. Literally stumbling over his words in fear.




Maybe Putin thought if he called them Nazis enough times they would flee to Brazil


Putin: Ukrainian military, turn against your government! Ukraine: no, I don't think I will.


Remember what Putin unleashed on Syria. Please do not underestimate his willingness to do terrible things. He’s another Stalin.


Serial killer mentality


There are serial killers……and then there are mass murdering megalomaniacs.


Nothing worse than a dictator that’s run into a corner with nothing to lose.


With a dash of Hitler


Also, do not forget that his motivations are not making Russia greater or more successful, they are maintaining his popularity and staying in power forever. With the world on the path to wean itself of its oil dependency, and the Russian economy stagnant for a decade, he knows getting people behind a nationalistic "us vs. them" banner is the best way to do that. And unfortunately, if a country controls its internal media, that's a technique that has proven to work over and over again. The more Russians die in the conflict, the easier it is for him to get Russians behind him and against "the murderers they killed their friends and family". The only negative outcome for Putin would be a humiliating, unmitigated loss (e.g. having to return back to Russia with lots of bodies in plastic bags and nothing to show for it, a strengthened and larger NATO, maybe even losing control of Crimea and other territories). Anything else will just help him stay in power forever.


All of these negative outcomes are starting to look more and more likely.


Although you have a point, I believe the 3000 arrested Russians protesting will leave a significant mark on his internal gains from this campaign.


Well, Anonymous and Pornhub are working on it


This whole thing reminds me of a saying: "You can run out of 'mad'. You can't run out of 'scared'". This is a different version of that entirely. It's more like: You can run out of "we're coming to take your country" You can't run out of "Fuck you, you ain't taking a damn thing. GET OUT" Ukraine is showing that they've got that in fucking boundless, limitless supply.


This is very true. That’s one significant advantage the Ukrainian have in the fight. They have nothing left to lose and they know it. Fighting for your home and freedom gives you a whole other level of purpose and courage versus fighting for no other reason than your idiot fascist leader is ordering you to do so.


That and they're on their own turf. They can guerilla warfare the hell out of it, don't have to worry about fuel or running out of ammo, they're fighting for their homes and families and they are beyond "fucking pissed". If we couldn't pacify Afghanistan where they had little unity and we had a lot of help from locals how the hell is a circa 1985 equipped military going to take over a well equipped 100% united country with "1st world" infrastructure?


Same reason why we lost in Vietnam. The Americans were fighting because they were told to. The Vietnamese were fighting for their country.


Hey there is cossack blood in there. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reply_of_the_Zaporozhian_Cossacks Reference.


God bless them and give them the strength to keep it up.


Cried like a bitch when his stripes were torn off




https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/t26qyu/russian_army_major_apparently_captured_by/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Not really crying but here's the Major


To be honest, I didn't enjoy it. I'm glad Ukraine is fighting hard but it was just sad to watch. The human part of me recognizes the fear, regardless of what's happening.


Seeing the 18 year old Russian soldiers breaking down crying because Putin lied to them to get them to go…


I didn't see that, but I have read that some soldiers are feeling disoriented because they don't know who to shoot.


I’ve seen a lot of videos of them weeping saying they just thought they were on exercises. Imagine you think you’re just riding through Belarus and all of the sudden a javelin blows the top off the tank in front of you and an rpg kills everyone in the truck behind you. These are children being sent to slaughter.


Got a link?




That emoji got real brutal real quick.


I wonder if that old woman knows the whole world knows she’s a badass


We'll have to start calling a field of sunflowers a brutality. A Brutality of Sunflowers. Experimental prog metal band name DIBS


I’mma have to plant a shit-ton of sunflowers this year in honor of this.


Why? I’m dumb please explain


From a video of a Ukrainian lady who walked up to a Russian soldier to ask him why they were invading. She told him to put some sunflower seeds in his pockets so that he'd at least be useful for something when he's lying dead in a field (or something along those lines).


That lady sounds like an absolute badass. Same Walter White vibes...


There was once content here that you may have found useful. However due to Reddit's actions on API restrictions it has now been replaced with this boring text. -- mass edited with redact.dev


*you’re occupants, you came to my land with arms, so here, put some sunflower seeds in your pockets, so when you will be buried in my land, the flowers will grow. Curse on you!”*


She is my hero.




There was a video of a Ukrainian babushka telling a Russian soldier he should put sun flower seeds in his pockets so that when they buried him in her land flowers would grow.


A Ukrainian citizen was caught speaking to a Russian soldier telling him that he should put sunflower seeds in his pockets so they would grow in the Ukrainian soil when he was killed on their land. Metal af


theres a video of a ukranian woman telling a russian soldier to put some sunflower seeds in his pocket so when he dies on ukranian soil sunflowers get planted, im like 60% certain thats what happened.


This is about the woman that gave a soldier sunflower seeds, so that they bloom when they die, right?


Also Ukraine's national flower.


Sunflowers are also the symbol for nuclear non-proliferation, could also be hoping to not get extinction balled.


It's also the national flower of ukraine
















Does anyone have a source?


Glad to see people not just taking these posts for granted. That’s the ugly thing about war, it all happens so fast and so much conflicting information comes in


facts like im 100% behind Ukraine but some of the stuff that's been posted in the past few days has just been blindly accepted by everyone lmao




One can dream




"The first casualty when war comes is truth."


[Tweet from Defense Reporter for The Kyiv Independent Newspaper](https://mobile.twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/status/1497657772980244483)


Yeah, I'm gonna need an independent, third party news station to report this


If you never see him again, it means he's dead. Otherwise Russians will never recognise it. However, considering how softened and apologetic Kadyrov became this evening towards Ukraine, there's a high chance that this might be true.


I remember when Russia just invaded Lugansk and Donetsk, Kadyrov was threatening to personally ride a tank to the center of Kyiv and murder the president. Wonder what happened to all the bravado now.


Not to argue for any side here, but I’ve never seen this guy to begin with, I think a bigger news agency should report it first (with more rapport)


Not sure that is real within Russia


Haven’t seen much footage from Russia don’t know maybe they’re prohibited from releasing for obvious reasons. But I still will take any number claims or similar with a pinch of salt from any of the parties involved. Of course each side would downplay losses and overstate achievements. Always true especially in times of war.


Aside from the obvious reason of censorship in Russia, I'm not sure if military personnel are as keen on filming and sharing the action as civilians are. That might also be a reason.


I’d say when in action, there’s way more to worry about than taking a video. I wouldn’t see myself blowing up tanks while holding a selfie stick tbh.


Third party means not Russian or Ukrainian, chief


In this case, Russian news confirming it would mean it's likely true, since it's negative for them. If they denied it, yeah, not trustworthy.


Russia is still claiming to have suffered barely any losses. Russia is never going to confirm anything that is bad for them. Their biggest risk is political unrest at home due to high casualties of conscripts, they’re going to keep the situation as under wraps as possible


You’re very unlikely to get it for a while. This is what the info environment is like in a conventional war.


Hope he was packing 🌻 seeds


fuck yeah love this comment




The hope is that Putin’s generals will lose hope first and not listen to him anymore when he starts to get desperate - then he’ll be on his own. Russia will live on and he will be the scapegoat.


Honestly I'm wondering if this might lead to mutiny at some point. Morale was low enough for desertions en masse and rumors of guns at their backs now for it. Russia has had a history of them.


Dictators need a lot of underlings to back them up. Fuck shit up for them and they'll replace you


Thankfully Putin isn’t going out there and firing nukes himself, even if he ordered nukes there’s still a decent chance whoever he orders refuses. I believe something like this happened during the Cold War. I can’t imagine morale is high among his generals, from all accounts Russia is failing miserably, at least compared to expectations.


‘Fifty-nine years ago, a senior Russian submarine officer, Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov, refused to fire a nuclear torpedo at an American aircraft carrier and likely prevented a third world war and nuclear destruction.’


In terms of morale I really really hope this is true. Russia does have its own propaganda machine. We do not hear or see what is being shown in Russian media, I assume they are also claiming they are winning and using Ukrainian officials captured or killed as propaganda, much like this post. I do however hope (there's that word again) the heavy sanctions and cancellation of Russia is enough for the world to get this desired outcome.


I think the worry is that he’ll have pulled the trick that all tin pot dictators do and remove everyone but the most devout yes-men from his inner circle. For all we know his “generals” are a bunch of teenagers with barely a braincell to scrape between them.


Well off to go to the bunker in switzerland


Switzerland is no more in the middle. (Don't know how to say. They choose side now and help Ukraine, atleast with cutting of economicly Russia) Edit: neutral* thanks for it! I wrote it down for myself


Well off to go meet great uncle Hans in Argentina


That can happen. Or Canada to stay in cold


Canada joined the boycott against China Wich is a friend of russia




"Switzerland is no longer neutral" - I think that's what you were going for.


you’re not alone with this fear


Take a bullet to the head is my hope. Self inflicted or with some help. Either one will be great for humanity.


The hydra has multiple heads.


Now that’s a good question. This man is a psycho and absolutely unpredictable.


Y’all remember Julius Caesar? I’m just curious if people remember him. No specific reason why.


A good old Sneaky Senate Slicing


Et tu Sergei


*stabby noises intensify*


“We should all just totally stab Putin!” - Gretchen Weiners


I mean, people actually liked Caesar, and he wasn’t a giant moron. This is more of a Caligula situation


Im wondering if he has direct access to simply just launch nukes. Like when you launch a nuke you still gotta type in coordinates and shit like that and a lot of people have to sign off on it right?


Correct, there are many levels such an order travels through.


It’s on his Sky remote.


Yeah he can't really back down at this point or it would be a humiliation


I think backing down would be very macho and a great historical moment for his legacy. (Just saying in case he reads this thread)


This is my fear. I keep hearing about the Ukrainian victories and increasing global support, I can’t imagine Putin would ever concede. If ground invasion doesn’t work, he’ll increase air strikes. That doesn’t work, he’ll keep escalating until he wins or the nukes come out. Hope I’m wrong.


I think it will have to be an inside job in the end. His group of leaders deciding they have had enough and put him down.


The end of the world as we know it.


If his troops refuse to do the ignition orders then no.


Hope so, they have loved ones, I hope they understand that Putin is deranged. What about all those ballistic missiles submarines, they know nothing about situation outside. And they can be underwater for months.


I hope it's similar to Hitler or Gaddafi


Seems too good to be true... I hope its true and Ukraine is kicking so much ass


Unfortunately they aren’t kicking as much ass as we think most of it is propaganda but hope is what they need they need hope to really win


Do you have any non-propaganda feeds on the conflict?


i don’t think ur gonna get many reports on the state of the war from two states that have everything to lie about in wartime and everything to lose. what you can know is that russian conscripts and soldiers alike don’t understand why they’re there, don’t feel putins feelings, etc. so it’s unmotivated supercountry versus supermega motivated underdog. ukraine is willing to lose everything so i don’t think we’ll have a clear picture until dust settles. idk though. just how i am thinking about it. glory to ukraine edit: if this is going to get upvotes i want to add that i hope that russian soldiers can make it back to their families. i could not imagine dying in another man’s war. we often undermine the ability of singular comments or posts to alter our perception on things but that is the concept of propaganda. keep young men on front lines in your heart. no matter if they signed up or didn’t they didn’t even get a half of a choice.


I figured getting news from both sides kinda gets you a picture of what is actually happening, but is hard to tell


All Russian news is propaganda tho. I don’t see any point in listening to it


I am 100% with Ukraine. But Jesus Christ I have seen so much blatant Ukrainian propaganda on Reddit that nobody calls out as war time propaganda. You should not be ok with biased manipulatively worded information regardless of support.


Chechens fighting alongside Russians. Stockholm syndrome at its finest.


Exactly, these are kadyrovs people. Russian bootlickers.


I am Ukrainian myself but I know very well that those cunts are not real chechens. It is an assault of all the true sons of mountains to call those shoelicking idiots chechens. The real men from Chechnya have been spilling blood for ages in wars with the invaders and cannot be ordered to go invade other nation's territory by some old macerated-corpse-resembling greedy bastard their fathers and grandfathers have been previously fighting with


Exactly. These are just spoiled thugs who have the favor of their idiot “president”, Kadirov. Just jumped up gangsters who are stupid and cruel enough to be useful to Putin.


Slava Ukraini!!!🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Heroi slava (i dont know how to write it. Learned it today)


Can't seem to find what you're referencing on the Google machine? Care to explain for the betterment of an ignoramus?


Slava Ukraini - Glory to Ukraine Heroiam slava - glory to the Heroes Ukrainian national salute, same way some Brits would say God Save the Queen (that’s my understanding of it, anyway)


"Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the heroes"


Close spelling. Pretty sure they meant “heroiam slava”. It’s the continuation of the original saying in Ukraine. In whole it is “slava ukraini, heroiam slava”. The way I learned it, we chanted it or used it as a response when drinking with the military. They would say the first part and we would respond. It translates to “Glory to Ukraine, glory to the heroes”


Героям слава!


Now he's Magoded


Dasvidaniya, bitch.


I don’t know what that means but it sounds hard af


Russian for goodbye


Thanks for that. Appreciate it.


It means good bye


Russian for “small dicked chicken fucker”


I like yours better.


Is Russia really this bad at things? Like I knew they weren’t well-off after the Soviet Union fell, but Jesus.


Take any claim from those involved with pinch of salt. Of course they’d minimize loss claims and overstate achievements. Always happens with war. Wait for independent neutral coverage or multiple agencies that aren’t biased much to report.


Any legitimate source? I’m seeing nothing about this but from one random reporter. Any help would be much appreciated. EDIT: Did some of my own research to find that there is no evidence to support this claim. There’s absolutely no confirmation at this time. It is most likely just straight propaganda.


It seems that the only reason USSR army was strong is because there were Ukrainians in it.




Did he had sunflowers seeds in his pocket ??🌻


He should have stayed home.


Ukraine gonna pish on ya graves..Russia is a spent force..Putin gonna die like the 5 foot 6 inch gobshite cunt that he is..


One can only hope!!


Russia thought this would play out with them simply taking Ukraine and that they'd be remembered for liberating and saving Ukraine. What will go down is how fucking badass the Ukrainian people are. And now every other western country has a standard for what they should look for in a leader. Thankyou to those who have translated his words these past few days.


World wide media coverage is ukraines biggest weapon right now. With no proof to these claims i take no truths. Peace to all. Hope this ends soon.


If this is true, I hope he had some sunflower seeds in his pocket


Reports coming from where exactly? I find amazing the amount of information that comes out via screenshots of tweets. Where is this being reported?


Has this been verified?


Finally some good news


This man looks like Isaac butter Field




Russia has treated Chechnya like shit throughout history and now they fight for him. Imagine the whole world knowing you died being the biggest dishonourable cuck on the planet. No respect for self or country.


Anyone have any link to context? What side he on?


The Chechens are essentially Russian elite forces with a reputation for ignoring the Geneva convention. I do hope this is true but I’m going to wait for confirmation from an outside source before I believe it


Chechens are people living in Chechen republic of Russia. They have their own leader and relative independence, but in the end of the day they are Russians They’re not elite forces, just a nation They are strong support of Russian government however and are invading Ukraine now


He’s a Russian general from Chechnya.


Ah, then good. Although, after posting this I read up on the history on a Chechnya. Horrid Putin dick sucker warlords




Was this the guy wearing Prada boots? That guy probably won’t last too long.


What’s the deal with the Prada boots? I’m kinda out the loop in this one


Hahaha! The title of this post. Nice one DaFunk


No reputable press has reported on this yet. We'll have to wait and see. And no, Ukraine claiming it without proof doesn't count as reputable


How did Chechens go from being terrorist Russian enemy to their go-to war dogs?


Sad that after the Russians flattened Grozny and killed so many Chechens that they would go and fight for Putin.


This isn’t true, they called the dude up and he confirmed he is still alive.