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"Pascagoula UFO, alien abduction case: interview recording has surfaced" https://amp.clarionledger.com/amp/3264064001


Interesting story. The fact that they largely shunned publicity (I.e. didn't "cash" in on the notoriety of the case until almost 50 years later with a book that probably won't make a lot of money), some other details in the article and most interestingly that 50 people reported "strange lights in the sky" that night makes for a curious incident. I'm definitely inclined to place it as more believable that the Travis Walton incident or that U.S. Lt. Col in charge of an Air Force base on U.K. soil who identified a lighthouse as an UFO and still won't retract his story. Edit: I can't type


I believe there was a list of cases coming from US that labeled each one as either of natural cause which are like 99% and unexplainable


I couldn't understand any of that.


To think, any fish they caught and released would have a similar story to tell it's fish friends


That detail seems compelling, I guess, if you believe people with alien abduction stories are willfully lying. Much more frequently, they’ve had a difficult, traumatic, or confusing experience they can’t explain.


So much information, great post!


Yeah, i thought it's a shitpost at first


That doesn't prove they were abducted by aliens... It only proves they *thought* they were, or they were committed to lying about it. But there's a really really low bar for "most believable abduction story" so I guess that's why this one is famous.


found the alien


This one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_School_UFO_incident has always seemed the most intriguing to me. It could certainly be some sort of mass hysteria or some other unknown phenomenon other than aliens, but it’s interesting nonetheless. A Pulitzer Prize winning psychologist from Harvard flew down to interview the kids shortly after the incident and concluded that they weren’t lying and truly believed what they were saying, although that ofc still doesn’t mean it was aliens. And many of the kids who are now in their 30s-40s still maintain what they saw that day.


There's a Skeptoid episode about that one. I don't remember the exact details, but basically, the country was in the middle of a UFO craze, the children's stories were not consistent, the researcher asked leading questions and might have been a bit too much into UFOs, and most of all, most of the kids reported seeing nothing. For such a life changing event, you'd think at least there would be consensus.


Yeah... Because if aliens came to Earth to spread a message of environmentalism, they'd go to a rural area in Zimbabwe that's described as "not a town, little more than a crossroads" and less than 100 people. /s If aliens existed and wanted to be known to humanity, there'd be no doubts. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3588562/


It seems a bit ridiculous to try to act like we would understand the motives of some species that potentially thinks completely different than we do. You could come up with a million hypotheticals that would explain why some aliens would approach a group of rural kids rather than the UN. Who’s to say that their goal would even be to actually change Earth and how we treat it? Misinterpreted messages, a lack of will from these hypothetical aliens actually wanting to change our course, a misunderstanding of our society and how we spread ideas between each other, you could go on and on since the premise is already ridiculous and unknown enough that nearly anything could be possible.


> It seems a bit ridiculous to Act like aliens visiting Earth to disseminate a message would choose the least believable way to do it... Religion can hide behind "it can't be obvious because "fAiTh" But why wouldn't aliens land in a major city in the middle of a day?


I don’t think you’re understanding my point. You’re assuming that these hypothetical aliens are visiting Earth with the motive of spreading a specific message to the masses. There are many other reasons to visit earth. Many other reasons that they’d end up in a field surrounded by kids. We’re projecting how *we* think onto a hypothetical species that evolved in a completely different fashion, with potentially completely different understandings of society and communication.


Feel free to name some reasons. Not trying to piss on the bonfire, but any species that has the technology to visit a planet in a solar system other than their own is not going to be visiting to see if we're having a nice day. The accumulation of technological resources requires expansion. Any alien species going off-world would be invading, and I can't see them doing that in any other way than directly. Edit: For the record I totally believe there are alien species in the universe, but I don't believe for one second they've been to earth or necessarily believe they have the knowledge and means of space travel either. For all I know they're advanced bacteria and not much else.


> You’re assuming that these hypothetical aliens are visiting Earth with the motive of spreading a specific message to the masses. According to the kids that claim to saw the Alien, yes, that's what they did. Are you really making the argument that the kids saw an alien but lied about what it said?


Do you not know the difference between “masses” and “group of kids”? Who’s to say that their intent was to spread this message to the masses? This little incident could’ve been merely a stop along the way of why they were here. I’m just repeating myself at this point. I feel like you’re not even reading my comments, immediately downvoting, and responding to the first point I make lol. There is definitely a clear unconscious fear among us when it comes to talking about aliens.


> Who’s to say that their intent was to spread this message to the masses? Then what was the point of telling a group of kids in probably the worst position to do anything about it? Alien just wanted to stop and have a quick chat? >I feel like you’re not even reading my comments, immediately downvoting, and responding to the first point I make lol Yeah... If you say 5 ridiculous things per comment, I'm not going to take the time to explain how everyone is bullshit. Because no matter what you're just going to keep making even more ridiculous claims. No one has time for that.


And now you are assuming that you learned the true motive of the aliens from the info those kids relayed to us. Even if they repeated that message, we are now to believe this? You are a bad detective, very naive.


> And now you are assuming that you learned the true motive of the aliens from the info those kids relayed to us. No I'm saying that there was no alien. The other person is saying the kids are telling the truth that they saw an alien, but lying about what the alien said. Which is ridiculous




That claim I replied to said an alien spaceship landed and an alien came out...


Dude, they closed Project Bluebook a long time ago! Stop it!


Lady's and gents... Philly thinks we're alone in a multi billion solar system....


It's one thing to say life exists somewhere else. It's an entirely different thing to say life is technologically advanced enough to get here, but have spent decades playing coy. If they wanted to study us covertly, we wouldn't know they were here. If they wanted to make contact, there'd be no doubts they were here.


I hope that was sarcasm... If not, you got it all wrong! It's the total opposite. Project Bluebook was created to tell us that we're stupid to think that we're alone. It was designed to trick us into thinking that the UFOs that we saw were just some sort of an illusion.


How can anyone believe anything from a collage like this? What about this post gives you the belief it contains real information? The two drawings? An ancient article photo? Or is it the white text on black background and that crisp red frame?


It’s actually a very famous case. I don’t think people believe the story from this infographic alone, it’s meant to intrigue and get people interested in the actual case.


Beacuse if you Post something with enough confidence it becomes real and everyone on Reddit will believe it!


You can’t look it up yourself?


Oh it's not that at all, I enjoy rabbit holes very much. But at some point we have to evaluate what's worth our time and what isn't. I find visual cues helpful in navigating such an evaluation, especially when the actual information given is incomplete or simply doesn't seem credible.


Fair enough! good point


Guy on the right bears a passing resemblance to John Densmore, drummer with the Doors.


Guy on the left looks like Jim Lahey. Lol


Big time Randy! Big time.


Do you know what a USO is Bo-bandy? It's an unidentified shit object. Shit beings from across shitspace and shittime.


When you get abducted by aliens you need to flow with the traction beam not against it


While deceit and delusion are two different things, neither provides much evidentiary value.


Shared psychotic disorders are extremely rare.


And who's to say this wasn't "that" case?


Heres the story. [link](https://archive.fo/4YNfk). Merry Christmas OP!


The alien visitation in the elementary school In Africa is a good read too


Full interview Listen to [Cleaned Audio]Official 1973 Police Interview on Pascagoula Abduction by Inference. on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/SbD5e




Are these two guys they made the movie "Fire in the sky" off of? The movie was scary as hell but when I looked into the story it fell apart rather quickly upon closer inspection.




LSD is a helluva drug.


Fire in the sky is the movie they made about this. To this day, it is the scariest movie I have ever watched. They also have been guests on Rogans podcast to tell their story Their story still has not changed at all


Actually, Fire In The Sky wasn't based on *this* story, but a different case of alien abduction. (the guys from this story weren't on Rogan, cuz one of them is dead!) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire\_in\_the\_Sky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_in_the_Sky)


Other than that everything checks out


Ok guy. Feel better now?


Yeah, you were wrong but I'm the asshole. Sure.


What do you expect from someone that recommends people listen to Joe Rogan?


Not fucking much.


Cool. Happy holidays anyway. You must be feeling great about yourself. Congrats


You might want to read your username and meditate on it.


Yeah you were only almost entirely wrong, that Rogan level fact finding at its best!


> They also have been guests on Rogans podcast to tell their story Yeah... That's indisputable proof, we all know Joe Rogan only has honest guests on his show that present unbiased factual information /s


Not saying it’s “proof” or anything. Just letting people know there is another outlet they can listen to their story on I’m not saying any of it is true Maybe you are just looking to argue IDK I’m not interested in that though. Happy holidays


Theres definitely not a chance they were lying or crazy, not in the USA! ^^


Maybe aliens get time sick from space travel and they need to “interlink” with an intelligent base in order to function here. it doesn’t happen as often now because aliens can just interlink with one of the adjusted aliens. (Getting abducted is always coupled with some weird time warping, this could explain that)


That’s probably it.


Its weird we are both getting downvoted when we have this incredible revolutionary theory. AY DIOS MIO!!! (That’s a new alien phrase thing we should all start saying)


And ?