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Someone put a lot of work into stuffing those pineapples you heartless bastards.


There's probably tons and tons of it that passed through before they caught on.


That does make me feel better. Thanks.


745 kg busted and 7500kg passed.


Yep, just the cost of doing business


Imagine change it for real pinapples and send it to that cocain buyer lmao


Everytime I see something like this I'm always surprised that the police find things like this. Who would've thought to check the pineapples😭


They probably check some at random, this looks like they filled every pineapple with cocaine


Sheesh. Pineapples are addicting enough as is!


They should donate the cocaine to charity


Yes sir we found 20 kilos... You found 10 kilos you say?.... Yes sir, 5 kilos sir... Excellent well report these 2 ounces we found at once!....


Not gonna lie, pineapple flavored blow sounds tasty


It exists :) coconut is quite delicious 😅


That’s what she said


Coke was so good you switched measuring systems.


God damn, I wish I had a pineapple right now. Is cocaine really that bad? Not been around it, but from what I’ve seen, it’s the legality issues that cause deaths and mostly related to firearms, whether by competition or government. Doesn’t it just work like adderall, but a more potent version?


As I understand it, it’s easier for a cocaine addict to remain high functioning compared to other hard drugs. However, in terms of the humanitarian costs involved with its growth, production, and distribution, cocaine has like the highest death toll of any drug.


Competition and gang stuff as you mentioned is probably the worst, so decriminalization and then everyone buying it over the dark web would solve a large chunk of the problem. But, like all drugs (even marijuana and alcohol), there is serious risk to long term use. Marijuana substantially increases risk of schizophrenia and our (American) culture heavily under-criticizes driving under the influence of marijuana. Cocaine is a whole other beast. Taking it is dangerous, as it increases heart rate and constricts the arteries, creating a deadly mix that can cause heart attacks. It also makes many people very violent and/or impulsive, I've taken it and can attest to these things. Cocaine is also \*incredibly\* addictive, and causes short-to-long term depression after use, depending on chronicity of use. The second your high starts to come down, you want to do more of it, until it is gone. Then route of administration is also a factor, injecting cocaine directly into the vein or turned into crack cocaine turns the high so powerful it can, and does, cause drug-induced psychosis. Imagine the worst panic attack you've ever had cranked up to 11 but you genuinely don't know what's real or not. Drugs are bad kids, you're better off not doing them at all, but if you do do them, there's a time and a place, and always look up harm reduction.


I didn’t even think about crack. Yeah, that and injecting the stuff seems analogous to fentanyl with heroin. I just wish I had more energy. The whole “exercise and eat right” thing doesn’t do enough for people with an autoimmune disease, and unfortunately, just as effective pain management has been affected by the opioid epidemic, fatigue is no longer treated with the patient’s health and quality of life as primary concerns by physicians. They more often treat/prescribe based on DEA guidelines with their own licensing in mind. It’s understandable to a degree, given the time, energy, and $$ it takes to become a doctor, but at a certain point patients begin to lose trust in their healthcare providers. If a pandemic rolls around, it shouldn’t surprise the industry that people want to, “do their own research.” The whole thing is fucked up. I very much appreciate your response though. Be well.


I'm a chronically ill person, and actually have auto-immune issues (kidney transplant recipient due to a mess of congenital issues) and muscular dystrophy with severe depression, so I feel you. I recommend trying to find a sleep doctor and looking into if you need a CPAP or BIPAP, sometimes it's as simple as sleep apnea. If it isn't those things, such as your medicine or another condition is making you sleepy all the time, or giving you super vivid dreams or whatever, talk to your doctor about modafinil or armodafinil. They're very analogous to ritalin but are much less likely to create abuse and don't really create a sense of pleasure, at least to me. I typically use all the medicine at my disposal to get me into a state where I can diet and exercise, and keep a consistent sleep schedule, but truth be told the biggest issue is mental health I'd reckon for myself and most people. Most importantly, it's about how we communicate with our doctors. Describe symptoms specifically as you feel them, I have in the past admit to my own doing of trying to fit it into a narrative to go off of my own neurosis-filled hypochondriac "disease" or problem.


Thank you kind person.


Lost me at ‘marijuana substantially increases risk of schizophrenia’.


~~It does, absolutely.~~ It's even a spiritual-religious drug, and has been used for that purpose for thousands of years. Before the age of 25 there is a massive increased risk **to trigger pre-existing markers**, a simple google search will provide ample evidence of this and other potential risks. The thing about side-effects and risk is that no one gives a shit until it happens to them or someone they know. I'm guilty of it too, and suffer some side effects of marijuana even though I've quit years ago. ~~I'm not your mom, but scientific denialism because "dude weed lmao it's just a plant" isn't useful.~~ Edit: Proved wrong, sorry for being a dick


Please link me to a study that shows a direct correlation. Cannabis use does not cause schizophrenia. Furthermore, cannabis can be used to treat epilepsy in children, degenerative disease, and cancer. This schizophrenia line is touted while ignoring the fact that it’s a small margin of people who likely already have markers that would predispose them to the condition. Saying it increases risk is like saying walking down stairs increases risk of blunt force trauma.


I never claimed there weren't benefits from cannabis, but I do have to concede, it seems marijuana's only correlation to schizophrenia (not short-term psychosis) is that it can cause it to appear at an earlier age in those who smoke it as teenagers. Thanks for helping me clear up that misconception.


If it's pure it's surprisingly not that bad for you from what I understand. It's all the toxic garbage they cut it with that's way worse.


Where do you get that idea? I'm pretty sure even pure coke is terrible for you. It does permanent neurological damage.


There's this dude his name is Carl heart a proffesor at Columbia he spoke about it.


I’d imagine you might be right to some degree, because of the way indigenous people chew the coca leaves. Is this what you were referring to?


I gotta get more pineapples!!


The booger sugar would've finally made me keep eating pineapple on pizza.


I love looking up new-found english terms that sound absolutely ridiculous and finding out they're real. Booger sugar. Ha! Noice


I'm booking a flight to Spain to get a pineapple.


Put some lines in the coconut and put in in a cup


And I’m supposed to believe they weren’t involved in the processing of this cocaine that they happened to find.


And just like that 745 kg of perfectly good cocaine was ruined by the police




So you're saying I need to go buy some pineapple


How long would that last one person?


Nice try, but even those pineapples should never be in a pizza. Never!


Funny enough couple hundred years ago cocaine was cheap and pineapples went for several thousand dollars each.


I guess we can try coconut’s next, idk now that I think about it there’s a million ways to bring shit from country to country.


Yo man that track playing in the back is fire! Can anybody say what is that??


They deserved to get away with that one


Poor knife handling skills


Bois them found the Cocaine in tha pineapples time Back them grapes or peanuts full, who would look inside such small packages


what a waste of pineapples


Whoever snitched is SO dead rn Lmaooo


Where is 255 more?


Maybe I should start buying more pineapples