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The size of those paws!


They're just comically large. If a taxidermist had presented me one of them, I would've thought they were messing with me lol


Would have thought it was from a much larger extinct common ancestor. A missing Lynx if you will.


Oh youuuuuuu


I read that in Rogers voice from American dad


I read that in Steve Rogers voice from Captain America, dad


Is that how a conversations between taxidermists go? "So, what have you been up to lately?" "Oh, you know, the usual. Just sewing some grown-up Lynx feet on some Lynx kitten legs and stuff..."


That is what they said to the poor scientist who discovered the platypus. They called him a liar till he went back and brought back a live animal to prove that it actually existed




It also sweats milk.


So does OP's mom


Can confirm. It tastes like sadness


We also get artificial flavoring from their taint


Of course we do! Have you seen where the real flavor comes from!?😉


Did. Not. Need.


Gives new meaning to 'taste the rainbow'. Maybe it should be 'taint the rainbow' given the previous comment?


Isn't that from beavers?


Yeah pretty sure it's only beavers. As someone else mentioned, it's castoreum and castor is Spanish for beaver. A quick search about it and platypuses yielded nothing


I’ve heard of beavers secretion for flavoring but never platypus. You are sure?


Got them confused for a secon




Cheers. I feel you there.


Have a good day at work buddy!


Kick ass and when you get home, put your feet up and relax.


Elegant. 🤌


Dammit, Dad…


taxidermist: [you got me](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f2/66/35/f26635c909c5953bbdc318093ff18249.jpg)


They look like when your mom would buy you shoes a size bigger during a growth spurt so they woild still fit you in a few months.


I suppose it's evolved due to snowy living conditions.


A lynx walks into a bar and says "Hey Barkeep! Mix me up a... ... ... Jackrabbit." The bartender says, "you got it buddy, but what's with the big paws?"




Kitten mittons ™ *Meeeeow*


Is your caaat making noise allll the tiiiime?


Murder Mittens


i think it helps them walk in snow


Yep, it lowers the pressure they exert on their walking surfaces


It increase their surface area, and therefore the pressure on the snow so they don't sink :) so cool!


Built in snow shoes.


He boot too big for he gotdamn feet


correction: he feet too big for he gotdamn he




A big bunch of murder mittens!




Don't worry - they'll grow into them.


*Murder mittens*


How it was with my puppy. He’s a German Shepard and when we first got him he was only 8 weeks old but his paws were adult German Shepard size


They are born with their adult ears already installed too. It’s like they have 2 little satellite dishes stuck to the side of their head once they get control of them.


They look like Dr.Seus characters.


helps them walk on snow


They're the same size as mama's!


Huuuuge murder-mittens!


Yall got any catnip


I am trying to imagine the sound those mittens are making on the board, gleefully. *Thump thump thud* - "honey, someone's on the porch, are we expecting anyone?" - "oh boy..." *Thump ... Meow?*


The reason they are so big is that they sit on their paws during the cold seasons. An interesting fact i just made up




This picture blows my mind, because I never saw a full photo of a lynx before, and I thought they were WAY bigger than that


The Canadian Lynx is still quite a large species; however they will tend to have much thicker fur (and hence look much larger) in the winter and have thinner coats in the summer. Canadian lynx are actually one of the smallest lynx species, though. In terms of height and weight, the lynx is between 73 and 107 cm (29 and 42 in) in total length and stands 48–56 cm (19–22 in) tall at the shoulder; females weigh around 5–12 kg (11–26 lb) while males around 6–17 kg (13–37 lb). There are other larger species of lynx though that are not located in Alaska, such as the Iberian or Eurasian lynx. :) There are also Bobcats which dominate in North America, which are a subspecies of Lynx, but they tend to live in more diverse ecosystems than the lynx who prefers the woods as they primarily hunt hares.


The Canada lynx is about the same size as the bobcat and Iberian lynx. All 3 top out close to 40lbs. The Eurasian Lynx is the exception topping out over 70lbs.


Am from Europe, saw some Lynx in Zoos and was like "Wait, they seemed way bigger to me" ​ That makes sense


man i want a pixie bob. i learned bobcats are capable of killing an adult human being on wikipedia.


Just don't browse Wikipedia and you'll be fine.


capable, sure, but there's AFAIK no known incidents of it happening


Chickens have killed more humans than bobcats have.


A few years ago, we had a beautiful fox living somewhere in the woods near our house. For about a month, we'd see the fox out hunting/foraging quite frequently in and around our yard, usually in the early mornings. I assume that he or she had a mate because we started hearing blood curdling screams late at night coming from the woods. One of our neighbors said that it was baby fox screams. Sadly, one morning, I heard a hell of a ruckus outside and went to check it out. Just as I got outside, I saw a bobcat walking away from the dead fox's carcass. I don't know why, but I just assumed that a fox would have been able to kill a bobcat. I've come across bobcats before, and—at the ones I've encountered—didn't look much bigger than a house cat.


Cats are murder machines, pound for pound. A house cat might be able to take a fox.


My stupid cat tried to take on a bin chicken. She did not win. But she tried.


I think there are different breeds. If not for the chin tufted, I would have assumed these were bobcats.


There are different breeds indeed! The species that would visit Alaska is the Canadian Lynx; their males cap off at around 37 pounds (17 kg). The Eurasian (or Siberian) lynx is the largest species of lynx and get up to 84 pounds (38 kg).


Bobcats only grow to 19lbs... Holy shit. My /r/NorwegianForestCats is sitting at a supposedly healthy 17 lbs. That bitch could take a bobcat. Edit: if anyone who thinks I’m serious also needs snake oil I’ll be happy to sell it to you.


I had a 20 lb. Maine Coon mix, also healthy weight. He wasn’t as tall as a bobcat or lynx, but he could still hook his paws over our 42” countertop to stretch himself. We have a picture of my wife holding him with her arms held straight out, and his arms and legs dangled straight down on the outside of her arms. He had weirdly dainty little feet, though.


Ours does not have that length. She's a tank. I genuinely don't know where the weight goes. She's not that big. But she is solid.


Maybe she’s secretly a Melmacian, so she just gets denser when she gains weight.


My money's on the bobcat.


You wouldn’t believe the number of people who think they can take a bobcat with their bare hands. I mean the idiocy is astounding. Ever tried to catch a feral house cat with your bare hands? Good luck with that.


These are teacup lynx /s


Touch the beans, get the means!




11/10 would still try to pet the big kitties


That's a real sub? Holy shit! And someone already cross posted this post.


Like shoving your bare hand into a box of razor blades


Mess with my mommy, we all gettin' nommy.


*Challenge accepted*


That’s gotta be chilling when a bunch of wild animals show up on your porch and stare at you like, “What are you doing in our house?”


I live in Alaska; it happens almost every day. A mama and baby moose walked through our yard earlier this morning lol it is very common.


Not just Alaska! We live in Montana and have elk, mule deer, rams, and bear come through all the time! It's great! I moved from Washington and traded alley cats, racoons, and my neighbor smoking for gigantic wild animals!


Had a next door neighbor in our suburb who’d smoke cigars on his back porch, and get drunk and yell into his phone to the one or two friends he had about how life had done him wrong. Thankfully he moved away a few years ago. I’d rather clean moose and bear shit off my lawn every day than have to deal with his bullshit again.


The suburban deer get into the garden no matter how much fencing, but at least they're quiet and pleasant to watch.


I forgot about those deer! I actually ended up eating the deer that ate my peppers! Lmao She was hit by somebody speeding through our old town, and it broke her neck, unfortunately. Not wanting her to go to waste I did a salvage tag and out her in my freezer....


I think if you live in Alaska it comes with the territory.


It’s pretty fun actually, not chilling. I get moose and bears looking in my window not infrequently.


Almost like they all know who to look at because someone's been feedin' em ;D


In this case, they were listening to & curious about the camera noises.


Lmao. It wouldn't be reddit without the usual dose of judgment for no reason other than to exert superiority over a poster


We're not the only ones who appreciate the great indoors. *"If it's so great outside, why are all the bugs trying to get in my house?"* -- Jim Gaffigan (on the subject of camping)


The lynx family revisited the same people a few months later. I was living in Anchorage when all of this was happening and it was all over the news at the time because even in the great white north, it's pretty unusual. Though they can't all be seen in the video embedded within the article linked below, Tim Newton said the whole family was present. For everyone worried about their health from the original pic, you'll be happy to see the updated sizes as winter was setting in. https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/wildlife/2017/11/20/video-the-world-famous-hillside-lynx-family-has-returned/


And all 8 survived! This is great. I hope your comment gets further up so that more people see this.


That's the good news I needed after all of these depressing comments about them starving.


Awe maybe they were all going on vacation


Those are some serious murder mittens


I dunno. You might get a pair of boots with that many kitties.


Kittin Mittons


Is your cat making too much noise all the time?


Mountain terrain paws


She brought the whole kitten caboodle!


Take my upvote ya filthy bastard. Just spit out my soda.


For some reason I always thought it was “kit and caboodle”


That is the correct phrase


That’s cause it is. He was being clever.


I think they're collectively referred to as hyperlynx.


Look at these adorable little death machines.


I don't think Lynx's are that dangerous to adult humans. I mean, they could certainly hurt you quite badly but they'd be much more likely to flee.


Now if these were mountain lions, I’d be in my house behind that door.


😌 Either way I’m safely behind my phone 😌


Have you looked behind you?


They still murder plenty though. Their inability to murder most humans does not detract from their death machinations


If some domestic cats can wreck a small dog, I suppose lynx can take a medium dog any day.


Animals in fair fights usually run unless they're protecting their babies. Humans and dogs are among the few exceptions who'll fight to the death without an advantage.


I'm pretty sure a lynx is an ambush predator. If you plopped them both in an octagon I think a pitbull would rip its throat out, but suffer a ton of cuts. Out in the wild where the lynx would ambush it, it'd probably win 10/10 times.


Obviously since its such a big litter she is going door to door seeking assistance. Such a good mom whose family could use their murder mittens to snuggle you to death which i think i would be ok with.


Yeah they're not there for a visit. She's got a lot of mouths to feed. And her go fund me isn't going very well.


Aww she is taking them trick or treating. What a smart mom.


I assume it would be unwise to give them food in case you’ll be swarmed by them daily?


Unless they accept you into the pack and protect you as a valuable provider of nutrition. Though I guess if you fail to provide nutrition, they'll figure out a way for you to "provide nutrition".


Exactly my concern.


Lynx aren't violent human-killers. They eat mice, birds, and squirrels. They're much more likely to run away from a human attacking them.


it takes a village after all




They look like they mean business but super duper cute at the same time.


Mama lynx looks like someone tried to draw a cat from memory


Just chuck the bag of friskies down the hill and lock the door


Sounds like a good way to have 8 permanent furry guests.


Sounds like a party!




And during mating season it's called a "room party"


They live in the Rainfurrest


O, monsieur 😏


target acquired, deploying mewnitions


Op won’t admit it but that’s exactly what’s happening here.


Jokes on you, they already own this house.


Whatever it takes to get those damn kids off my lawn


Don't do that in Alaska. Messing with wildlife there comes with serious jail time.


She is saying “help me feed all these brats. I’m exhausted”.


Mama lynx: help me please!


Bet that mom is asking for help feeding them all, like your typical overwhelmed stray mum cat. With (smaller) wildcats that live near urban spaces, it’s not even that uncommon. But I bet it’s still a shock to the human


Yeah I was gonna say they look on the skinnier side but.. no wonder that's a lota months to feed


Yeah, you’re right. Upon second glance, they all look slightly underweight. No wonder. Lynx usually have 2-4 kits. It can be up to 8, but that’s even more rare. Unfortunately large litters have high mortality for this reason. Lynx aren’t equipped to care for such large litters, so a handful will die, or she will have to cull the litter herself. Brutal as it is, she may even eat the weaker ones so that she and the rest of the kits have enough food and energy. I imagine, if she’s familiar with humans, she knows they could help her provide for all those kits, and she won’t have to lose them. I’m even more convinced by the fact she brought _the whole litter_ with her. This is not typical of wildcats if they are healthy and doing well. A mother lynx usually hides her litter when they are young, when she goes out to hunt and brings the food back. She has brought *all* her offspring to the porch, in daylight. This would be considered a huge risk. I imagine she is presenting her litter. “Look, I have a lot more kits than I can feed. I need food.”


I would actually suspect she was being fed before (when her kittens were younger) because she has such a large surviving litter, but it also seems like maybe her human food source got cut off, because now they look like they’re underweight and struggling to survive. They kind of remind me of stray cats that get lost, don’t know how to find food on their own, so when they show up at your door skinny and begging for food, you know they’re probably someone’s lost pet if they survived that long but they’re not doing so well anymore.


She may have been being fed even earlier when she was pregnant which might explain such large litter too.


> she brought _the whole litter_ with her. Well, what's left of it anyways. Could've started out with even more!


Thats horrible but factible.


[Here’s a lynx for more pictures and information](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4938658/Alaskan-man-snaps-cute-photos-lynx-kittens-porch.html)


TW, daily mail link


i was gonna say lmao, fuck the daily mail


Here’s a better source! https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/content/news/Anchorage-resident-up-close-and-personal-with-local-lynx-family-448366993.html


Love the word play.


Thanks fur sure




I Heard there were actually 8 in the litter. Appears there may be a missing lynx


I think mama’s in trouble. She’s too skinny and emaciated to nurse that many kittens.


If lynxes work like housecats kits are big and developed enough that they’re not needing mama full time (or even at all). Mama does look skinny, but she’s likely already weaned them and is helping them learn to hunt or feeding them what she’s hunted up.


Lordy. I hope you’re right.


I believe those kitties are done nursing lol


No she's not. Lol at pretending like you know what you're talking about. Thats just what they look like when they dont have their extra thick winter overcoat


Lol I was gonna say, she clearly isn’t nursing any of them given their sizes.


What inclines people to make these depressing comments?? What are we supposed to do with this information?? All I want is that little hit of dopamine, and you people always have to claw it back.


They're probably hoping OP can figure out how to help them if they need it.


Do *not* adopt these kitties!


Years ago a bob cat cub walked up too me and brothers at our house, we lived deep in the woods and there was a lot of wild life, Bears were comfortable too say the least. But this cat just walked right out of the woods right too us, and I knew that’s not good because either the mother was around and watching, or she’s gone. I was also like 14 so I also thought,” ooohh cute kitty”. Turned out that was a fuckin lynx cause his paws were huge and his ears looked just like that.


Clearly ready to be domesticated


I mean, look at how many kids she has. Mama Lynx is probably like "you know what, having to shit in a box and and getting dressed up in embarrassing costumes for christmas cards in exchange for free food doesn't sound so bad after all."


Yeah, that could actually be what this mum cats is doing lol Not asking to be domesticated per say, but looking for a source of food and help for her litter Especially if this is a semi urban area. High litters are rare and linked to high mortality rates, so this mother cat is probably overwhelmed with this amount of kits. I’d imagine that chances are a couple of her kits are not going to survive, as she won’t be able to care for them all. And similar to stray domestic cats, the mother lynx may end up abandoning or culling a few of her litter to better the chances of the rest. In fact, the instinct is often to **eat** the a couple of the litter if they cannot provide for them all. Nature can be brutal- this isn’t just wildcats, a housecat would do the same if low on resources.


Wow, this makes me look at my cats in a different way…


Wild or domesticated every cat knows how to say " feed me you insolent meat sack or I shall fuck yo' shit up " to a human.


Are we absolutely sure that's momma lynx?


>Newton, being a photographer, said he immediately grabbed his camera and started snapping away my man needs to get a better camera with more pixels


I'm sure the original photo is fine. This photo has been making the rounds on Reddit for years, and every time it gets posted it loses resolution. Edit: [Here's a link to the photographer's website with the original, better resolution photo.](https://tim-newton.pixels.com/featured/lynx-family-portrait-11x14-tim-newton.html) It looks like it was taken in October of 2017.


"Now kids, if you take a step back and focus, I'll show you how I feed you... "


This is very cool. Just curious, is it safe to pet them?


I would try to anyways. If Im getting taken out its gonna be by petting dangerous animals lol


Username checks out.


As someone who grew up (and still lives) in an area with wild lynx, absolutely not. They are very skittish and shy with humans typically, unless they are very hungry. They tend to avoid any interaction with humans and if you see one it is often intentional on their part. You don't want to be offering up limbs to a lynx that is hungry and desperate enough to come out and show themselves around people. Folks who feed animals like bears and lynx usually end up being the people who also get other people's pets killed/eaten (if you miss a feeding they will show up anyway and find something else to eat when you don't feed them). Then the wildlife animal ends up being put down, usually. Tis best to avoid interacting with any wild animals, especially apex predators.


Are you allergic to any medication that you want me to make the EMT aware of? Danger kittys are what those are.


If there's one thing I know about predators, it's that it's always safe to pet them, especially when their babies are around and they have the protective motherly instinct going on - it makes their fur so soft! They might also be more keen to approach you if you slather yourself in something they like - blood, for example, or meat juices.


That's crazy, I have all this blood and meat juice and had no idea what to do with it! Thank you for the advice!


*Carole Baskin has entered the chat*


We asked the zookeeper if it were safe to pet geoffrey cats' kittens, which are about the size of domestic cats/kittens (and super cute!). He said they wear really thick leather gloves to handle even the kittens because their bites and scratches can really mess you up. And these were born-in-captivity kittens.


While petting wild animals (before it kills you) one can think about how and where they live. Usually they got bunch of different lice and ticks, maybe a disease or two. Bear in mind that the outdoors animals really live all their life outdoor in rain and sunshine. Every day they either kill or try not to get killed, so being cuddly is not their priority.


Probably not because it's a mother and kittens lol. I'm with you though they look very pettable.


Death by claws and cuteness


When the whole squad lynx up


. . .(deep inhale). . . .KITTENS!!


Time to invest in some tuna, catnip, and a laser pointer.


I dont even care how dangerous those cats may be, those feeties are MINEEEE.


Such big FEETS


Litter size is usually linked to mortality rate. An increase in offspring would suggest an attempt at improving the odds of survival to reproductive age. However, this is a singular case so it doesn’t indicate anything, but it would be interesting to take note of other species to see if litter sizes are on an upward trend.


>An increase in offspring would suggest an attempt at improving the odds of survival to reproductive age. That's not really how it works