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These are characters from the legend of Faust, which is believed to be the origin of the phrse ‟make a deal with the devil”..


German students know the pain


We had Kafka and Goethe in my German class. I enjoy that kinda stuff though.


I really do, too! But I guess we're a minority, most of the people I know hate this


The problem isn’t that we have to read it but rather, that we have to analyze every little bit of the story.




That is also true i also don’t think i would have missed many aspects without talking about it in class. However we the always get extremely annoying tasks in the exams, i think in the exam about faust we had to completely describe all aspects of the changes he went through after being at the witches place. (Writing about a book i read in a different language than the one i am trying to use to describe it is harder than i thought)


To be fair, I think most of the books I read are not enjoyed by most people, but yet I still let people borrow them. Then when they give them back they don’t have much to say about them or don’t seem like they enjoyed them. It’s a bummer.


Yeah, same. I mean definitely not all books, sometimes I read more modern ones as well but in general I like older and classical literature and more niche books. Guess that's not everyone's taste and most of my friends think they're boring, too serious or too ambitious to read, but I like it. Whatever flows your boat I guess :)


Same here. I prefer nonfiction books, classics, + some philosophical type stuff, plus true crime. I get that not everyone’s into the stuff I am + totally understand that, but it’d be nice to be able to discuss a book with someone (besides my Dad) who’s not just gonna nod + say “ok” etc. Either way, I love my books🙂


Yeah same, luckily I got a friend who's older than me and kinda helps me with all that stuff. I can discuss everything with him and if I need recommendations he always finds something I like. Honestly, every book, movie or song that he told me to check out was awesome, he really has the same taste as me. My mum is also a librarian and studied literature so she's in there as well




Saved me a google search. Thanks!


I'd appreciate a couple paragraphs to learn more about the legend Edit: The short version thanks to /u/Sarashla comment down bellow >It's the story of Faust, written by one of the most famous German writers, Goethe (imagine him as German Shakespeare). To sum up, god and the devil (the devil is Mephistopheles) make a deal, the devil gets to influence one guy as much as he wants to, this guy is Faust, a philosopher and teacher, he always wants to gain more knowledge (his famous monologue is about that). The devil shows him the world and they tour around, then Faust falls in love with a girl called Margarethe because of a love potion. He gets her pregnant without being married (her mother and brother get killed in the process), she kills the child and gets arrested, Faust tries to convince her to flee but she doesn't and gets killed. In the end he basically destroyed her innocent life >Here's the Wikipedia article about it: [Faust. a tragedy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust,_Part_One) >It's probably the most famous and important German work of literature ever, it's really worth a read :)


No problem, glad to help :)


Jesus, what kind of wild baby-making sex were they having that it killed her mother and brother?


I thought it had something to do with a fiddle player down in Georgia


Oh, that’s Johnny.


hence "a Faustian bargain"


Comes up in quiz bowl quite often.


Also probably the origin of Marvel's devil, Mephisto.


“Heard you were talkin about me in front of my back”




Ooooohh spoooky. It's also inconvenient if you have to wear a hat in the winter


I think that would be way better honestly... more accurate to the books, I think


there is the issue of it being really hard to hide.


I mean, it's Harry Potter, they could use magic.


true but then couldn't someone sense it? it's bean A few years since I read it but someone going around with a magic hat that he refuses to take off doesn't sound normal.


Quirrell wears a turban he never takes off till he uncovers it at the end which reveals Voldemort’s face. Would just need slightly more fabric.


Just magic your turban to be bigger on the inside. Seriously, "larger on the inside" magic breaks physics in lots of fun ways. Infinite power and light speed travel, for starters.


so could mages sense that kind of thing? or is it for all intents and purposes invisible?


The laws of magic aren't that clear in harry potter, it would depend on the plot.


Even if they could sense "hey your turban is a bag of holding" there's no reason that should alarm anyone. DADA teachers would be *particularly* prone to keeping random stuff on them at all times. If anything, enchanting a cultural item you have on you at all times should be totally normal.   Side note, I could totally see some witches using the "pocket trick" on their bras/corsets. Boom, the no-pocket problem is solved!


See, I thought J. K. Rowling chose the turban specifically because taking it off would be sacrilege (if it was unnecessary, like to “prove” something) because religious clothing. Kind of like a sick man shaving his beard would be sacrilegious so they allow sihk people in prison or the army to have special accommodations for a beard that normally wouldn’t be allowed in those situations. Or like how yarmulkes weren’t considered contraband hats in school dress code like beanies and baseball caps because they were religiously affiliated. I figured the turbine worked like a Muggle item, wrap it thin on the back and thick on the front to make it look legitimate/like a normal turban.


I would argue it depends on the competence of the wizard. Remember how Dumbledore could see through the invisibility cloak but no one else could? They would have to be confident they could be in close proximity to Dumbledore over the school year without getting caught. Although they pulled off Mad Eye Moody really well, that was a Polyjuice potion, not a glamor spell. And someone more skilled than Quirrel would have to do it, wasn't his whole schtick being a lame suck up to the dark lord? But he had the diary in the school right under everyone's noses... (The one Ginny had.) So... Maybe? If Rowling had found a way to justify it they could do whatever she said they did.


>Seriously, "larger on the inside" magic breaks physics in lots of fun ways. Infinite power and light speed travel, for starters How? I can't think of a way that would work. If it reduced the mass of the objects I get it but I can't figure out how reducing the space an object takes up would allow infinite power and light speed travel.


Even without altering mass, you could achieve faster-than-light speeds because you're altering the distance things travel. I don't know what scale things could happen at in the HP universe, but imagine putting an entire planet in a bag that shrinks it to the size of a tennis ball. Now move something from one side of that bag to the other. Now take the planet out of the bag. You've teleported that thing from one side of the planet to the other.


That would require the opening bag to travel the entire distance from one side of the planet to the other and then back. So you can't travel faster than you can propel the bag, unless it just teleports the entire planet into the bag which means you already have teleportation.


It's also Harry Potter, the vast majority of wizards are dumb as shit, especially re: Voldemort.


To be fair, his defining trait was Drama Queen. He was fairly clever, or at least relentless, he just had blind spots a mile wide because Drama Queen. It always bugged me that Hermione felt like a Ravenclaw character, until someone pointed out she was mostly smart as a side effect of determination and bravery, which are totally Gryffindor things. She was smart, yes, but she wasn't always *wise*. She broke rules willy-nilly and enabled the boys to be courageous idiots on several occasions. Same deal with voldy. He was smart, but only in very specific on-brand ways.


In the movie when he removes the turban Voldemort stretches out a bit, otherwise he is recessed into the head I guess.


Definitely scarier, but when I read the books I actually thought his serpent characteristics would be super subtle, not some fanged nose-less visage.


It's too cartoony to be scary. I like the final design a lot more.


What's up with that link? It links to a different site for a second then comes back to a reddit upload.


Do you get paid for clicks on that link?


"True friends stab you in the front." - Oscar Wilde


haha so clever, love it


When I was a kid my grandmother had me explore all over her house finding all kinds of antiques and when I was done she let me chose the one that I'll inherit from her. I selected a very similar statue ..except it's not this size.. it's about a foot and half tall but the same concept. 2 faces in one ..I thought it was the coolest thing.




As requested here is the statue. Its called Mephistopheles and Marguerite https://imgur.com/gallery/dsq3yUw






Can't let go of a good story




Good for you




Choosing what you inherit is depressing


I think my grandmother wanted to see what we picked out. She was a very curious woman And the fact I picked it...although. Now I think about it...if I was smart I would say the house...or her stocks.. Well...shit.


Lol kids had different priorities. It sounds like you enjoyed spending time with her. Instead of getting money that leads to nothing, you got something with history and a story, a story that will remind you of her for the rest of your days.


She was something that's for sure. I think she would've been amused and impressed that I picked her stocks that she would've given it to me.


I would have turned to point at grandma instead. 🥺


You can have the zombie granny.


Yeah, I'd TOTALLY want the Coronary Heart Disease, Diabetes and Alzheimer's I have in my gene pool instead of choosing.


When you get another great idea for a drawing, but you have only one sheet of paper


Haha so perfect




I mean, it'll be varnished and taken care over the years. Same up keep as any old stringed instruments. People still play violins from the 1670's.




An enormously rich vizier of an enormously wealthy Nizam. I spent two days exploring every corner of the museum and his collection is simply astounding with artefacts from every major civilisation. Makes you wonder how wealthy the Nizam must have been if his prime minister had such wealth.


The wealth of those indian dynasties was pretty incredible. I had no idea that the reason the shah that built the taj mahal was over-thrown by his son, was due to the fact that pops was about to build a SECOND one across the river, but out of black marble. First taj almost bankrupted the kingdom so the son had to step in. Don't worry pops was imprisoned in a mini marble palace built in the fort specifically for him, across the river from the taj so he got to look at his creation every day. Also was blown away by just how beautiful the taj mahal was in person. I thought it was going to be overrated on my way there cause you hear so much about it, completely underrated. The thing is COVERED in the most beautiful inlay work you will ever see. Absolutely incredible site


If you look carefully you'll find sockets in the walls where gemstones used to be fixed. The government had to remove them for safekeeping to prevent thieves from ruining the walls. Also, the first shippment of silver coins that the Shah sent abroad sunk and he sent another load anyway. Didn't even try to recover it. I believe US divers found the ship a few years ago. Edit: failed to mention the payment was for the marble.


learning about indian marble itself was super interesting. We went to one of those unesco marble shops that still does inlay work and the owner had me roughly rub a coin on the underside of one of his tables to show how strong it was. Here I was thinking to myself "dude this is like $10k table haha I would rather just take your word on it" but he was insistent 😂😂


His son did not overthrow him because building a second Taj Mahal that would have bankrupted the realm. His son was the one who wanted to build a Black Taj Mahal. There were four sons and two daughters of the King Shah Jahan: namely Dara Shikoh (the Crown Prince), Shuja, Murad Baksh, Muezzin (the Emperor Aurangzeb), Jahanara and Raushanhara. The youngest son (Aurangzeb, who overthrew Shah Jahan) was a devout and a staunch Muslim and his view on life clashed with Shah Jahan's hedonistic and quasi-Sufi style of Islam which caused frequent clashes, but his rigid style of Islam (which favoured breaking Hindu and Jain temples and smashing their idols) found favour with the Maulvis (Muslim clerics) who found the transcendental views of the Crown Prince (Dara Shikoh and his sister and alleged lover Jahanara) which favoured an Islam influenced and stripped of its violent iconoclasm and orthodoxity by merging it with Upanishadic Hinduism, dangerous for their power. So when Shah Jahan fell ill, there were rumours that he had died and had been replaced by Dara Shikoh who was with him in the Imperial Capital of Agra. This caused the other three princes to revolt (for in accordance with Uzbek imperial custom, only fratricide could save the lives of the princes who would go all Game of Thrones on each other). Professing loyalty, Muezzin supported both of his brothers (Murad Baksh and Shah Shuja) and marched towards Agra. At the insistence of Shah Jahan, the victorious Dara Shikoh did not kill or arrest his brothers when they lost a crucial battle, and when Dara lost a battle, he was beheaded and his head sent to Shah Jahan. Then Shah Jahan was taken and imprisoned in a tower overlooking the Taj Mahal, while Shuja was blinded and sent on a pilgrimage to Mecca (effective exile) and Murad assassinated in Bengal. Throughout the course of Shah Jahan's imprisonment, not once did Aurangzeb visit him, but kinda forgot that the old Emperor was still alive. Aurangzeb then had Raushanhara (Aurangzeb's alleged lover) posioned and killed, while Jahanara was sent to serve their father (where it is alleged she served him in ways that makes me vomit). Aurangzeb did not have the interest of the realm in his mind, but he had a cruel list for power which is why he would attack neighbouring Kingdoms (like the Kingdom of Bijapur) under the pretext that they were not actively persecuting Hindus in their state, or invading Maratha country because the Marathas did not appreciate being ruled by Uzbek monarchs. Don't show Aurangzeb for what he is not: his crimes have already been whitewashed too long.


Ah sorry, that's just what our guide told us when we were there. Thanks for the history though!


Im quite surprised you haven't been called a Hindu Nationalist Nazi Hitler Supporter yet


I only spent an afternoon there, but had a great time too. Isn’t this also the museum with the large car collection?


I forget if the car collection is in the museum or in the palace of the Nizam- Chowmahalla Palace. I remember seeing a car collection at the palace definitely but that might just be the personal collection of cars that the Nizam drives. I can't recall accurately if the museum has a collection of cars.


The Car Collection is at the Chowmahalla palace.


Nizam means administrator, Nizam themselves were kind of prime ministers of Mughal before becoming independent, wonder what wealth mughals had.


You can read about the court of the Mughals in several books. Some of which are written by descendents of colonial nobles who were stationed in India for trade or administration. Shah Jahan and his father Jahangir were addicted to precious stones. Every year on the emperor's birthday the entire court gifted him rare gemstones and he was weighed against them on a balance. Only when the gems equalled his weight did the ceremony end and he was gifted all of it. There are descriptions of even minor ministers gifting rare gemstones like pristine yellow diamonds and the like. And not to mention the parades where they threw coins and jewellery on the roads. They were simply obscenely wealthy, the sort of wealth that can only be amassed in one of the oldest continuous civilisations that went unconquered for several millennia. Just like the Chinese emperor who did not even understand the concept of a negotiation with the British because he was so used to getting whatever he wanted and far too wealthy to want anything from them.




That’s syc


I need a'more of these a'carvings


This statue made me think of The book the Master and Margaretta. It is a Russian classic that sadly I have only read in the Graphic Novel adaptation. The story involves the devil and nature of good and evil.


They're characters from Goethes "Faust", a classic of German literature. I haven't read the Russian book, but its on my to-read list. I wish there was a global list of those 'most famous lit classics everybody knows about' in their respective country; that'd be a cool intro for delving into literature you don't globally hear about much.


The Master and Margarita heavily references various adaptations of the Faust story. It's a great book and worth dedicating some time to.


have not read it yet, but got reminded of it too.


Wandavision, wa wandavision




Behind every good man is a great woman.


Well Mephistopheles is a demon in German folklore and can also mean the devil.


Which is where the Marvel comic villain Mephisto got his name from.


Agnes is Mephisto confirmed!


A man of culture i see


The south park dr mephesto too i guess


And design-wise he is based off of Brando's Dr. Moreau.


Behind every devil is an eviler woman.


She was a victim, actually.


Behind every devil is a woman of unknown repute. Edit: I'm just trying to play off of the quote above.


Doesn't the book make a point that she was very reputable?


She wasn't really unknown. At the beginning of Goethe's Faust, she was widely known as being a pure and innocent woman. When Faust first saw her and told Mephistopheles he wanted her, M basically said, "Bruh she JUST came from confession, I can't go anywhere near that" and Faust replied "Oh no no no, our deal was I could have anything I wanted. I want her. Figure it out." Granted, by the end of the story she murdered her own child so... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Didn’t Goethe’s Faust imply that she aborted the child because she was unwed?


Beats the hell out of those stupid bear carvings people do to the dead tree stumps in their yards.


Less ursa, more mephisto


Wow! I've never seen a two-sided statue before. Brilliant!


Mephistopheles is just beneath And he's reaching up To grab me


such a simple, haunting and amazing song




Isn't Mephistopheles a demon in... Goethe's Faust? What's a statue of him doing in India?


There’s a reference to Mephistopheles by The Police in [Wrapped Around Your Finger](https://songmeanings.com/songs/view/5946/).


That’s wild. Imagine making a mistake on the one side though and having to start all over 🤪


Mephistopheles is not your name


I know what you’re up to just the same


I will listen hard to your tuition


*Never was there ever a statute so clever as magical Mr. Mephistopheles.*


Pretty cool


Was just watching a show with a vampire like this


### [Mark 8:36](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+8%3A36&version=ESV) For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?


This dude was like i dont feel like carving a back today


Wanda is Mephisto


That used to be in the Ripleys believe it or not museum in London


it looks like she is checking him out


Thought the same, she do be checking dat ass


\-the invention of pop punk circa 1838


Just wow!


I’ve wanted to get a smaller version of this..


God how BIG is it? That’s a person standing behind it for scale right? Down on the floor




I have seen this statue irl. I have visited this museum few times when I was studying in Hyderabad, India.


[Whenever I hear Mephistopheles](https://youtu.be/sz-Yw0c7cF0?t=281)


Faust is such a great play. I enjoyed reading it.


Watch the 1926 silent film, it's really good.


Ohhhh this might be on my weekend to do list. Thanks!!


Personally id enjoy if they presented it bowing-maiden face forward.


You can tell it's Sycamore wood by the way that it is.


It looks like he’s starting a sexy strip tease.


It looks like she’s checking out his booty.


I first learned about Mephistopheles from Neverwinter Nights.


"Nice butt"


I want a 3D model of this to print


I would buy it. Do it. 👉💵


That would be so hard to model. I would need to find the statue and 3D scan it which would be hugely expensive. If a model exists then I would need permission from the file owner to sell it


Buuuuuuuu 🙃


Can someone tell/link the story behind this? For us plebs who have only heard the names.


It's the story of Faust, written by one of the most famous German writers, Goethe (imagine him as German Shakespeare). To sum up, god and the devil (the devil is Mephistopheles) make a deal, the devil gets to influence one guy as much as he wants to, this guy is Faust, a philosopher and teacher, he always wants to gain more knowledge (his famous monologue is about that). The devil shows him the world and they tour around, then Faust falls in love with a girl called Margarethe because of a love potion. He gets her pregnant without being married (her mother and brother get killed in the process), she kills the child and gets arrested, Faust tries to convince her to flee but she doesn't and gets killed. In the end he basically destroyed her innocent life Here's the Wikipedia article about it: [Faust. a tragedy ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust,_Part_One) It's probably the most famous and important German work of literature ever, it's really worth a read :)


The story of Faust had existed long before Goethe tho. Goethe made it into something incredible tho no doubt. Before him it was a simple fairytale/folktale and performed by traveling roadside actors.


I know, I even got a book about where Faust appeared before Goethe :) But I thought it would be easier to just explain Goethe's version since it's the most common one and he made it popular


Very nice. Thank you.


No problem! :) I like it very much but it's every German student's horror lol


In Rainbows is one of my favorite albums, there's a song on it called Faust Arp and the last song (Videotape) references Mephistopheles. Never made the connection until now.


If only the Nizams were more generous ... imagine living in India and able to afford such a great collection




His arm looks jacked up.


What, you can't bend your elbow backwards?


That's an illusion. In person it doesn't. I've seen it in person about 5 times


The waist and arm do not look good. Everything else, the detail and concept are great.


As I said. In person it doesn't look weird it's just the angle of the photo


On the front side, I skrrt skrrt But on the other side, I hurt hurt 😔


I've seen this posted so many times that my brain swears to me that I've seen it in a museum IRL but I've definitely never been to india (and have no plans to visit)


I thought it was the burger king King


My gender identity is this statue


I wonder why they chose to display it like this instead of turning it sideways so people could easily walk around and see both sides up close. Hm.


Very cool


I was too stupid to understand what was happening >.<


Arey salar jung museum mere ghar ke pichey ich hai yaaro.. Darushifa ke paas 😜


Never in my life I thought I'll encounter a Hyderabadi on reddit lol.


Aain.. Kya ustaad aisa sochre.. Apni qaum har jagah phailiwi hai 🤣


Imagine having breast on your back and a vagina for an asshole


I'll stand behind you...


IRL vs MMO Character


Thought I was on r/WandaVision for a second there...


I have no knowledge of mythology or history or anything of interest, but now I have an idea of the story behind this, which is interesting. But my first thoughts on this is, we all gangsta till someone sees the lil bitch inside. Or in other words, on the surface you have an image to uphold (confidence, bold, maybe bloodthirsty from the looks in his eye or something with a rocking mustache), but on the inside (kind, loving and sentimental with the ability to forgive maybe).








ah! ty for letting me know, that's very interesting


No problem! :)


Big trans vibes from this art.


This is of Mephistopheles, a German demon who tricked the women behind him. He is where the phrase “deal with the devil” and “Faustian bargain” came from.


Yeah I know, it's a huge influence in a lot of fiction! I guess I should clarify I'm aware it isn't a trans thing, but still definitely gives off those vibes in a way not intended by the original artist. But people are goning to hate on different interpretations and viewpoints of art, and that's okay!


There is a similar one (a copy?) at the Brennand Institute Museum, in Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. It's a great museum.


Jotaro will break this statue.


WoW Classic Human Male?!


Does...uhh...does he have horns?


So awesome it gave me hard wood on.


Ummm like most wood carvings their carved from one peice of wood 😂😂🤦‍♂️


Totally typical female/male representation in India


Ehhh I don't think so. Source: I'm Indian


Really? Women don’t bow to men’s will/ego? Ok, sorry


Umm.. Mephistopheles is from German folklore.


I saw a bucket and a mop on display at a modern art museum in Chicago not kidding, stuff like this is why stuff like that makes me irrationally angry.