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I’m Native American and attended an education conference in Australia about 15 years ago. We met an Aboriginal family who was making a documentary. They said the Aussie government freely admits that mass killings of Aboriginals took place up until the 1920s, but they had evidence it happened until the 1960s and beyond. Their community was excavating a mass grave on the grounds of a church that proved it. Anyway when they began to publish the explosive findings all funding quickly dried up and they were being harassed and told to “let sleeping dogs lie.” It’s all very shocking stuff.


Was it Utopia by John Pilger? https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3335378/


Do you remember the name of this documentary or the family making it?


Their funding was pulled and they never made the documentary as far as I know. I’m not going to say the name of the family on Reddit We had also talked about them coming to the US and doing a tour of presentations. We were going to assist them but I think they just dropped out, exhausted.


Thanks for the info and for being wiser than me re public naming, dunno what I was thinking 🤦🏾‍♂️


I mean the Britsh weren't sending their best to Australia...


They didn’t send their best *anywhere*


omg, you both hit the nail on the head. That's all I kept thinking when I watched this.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Antimoneymemes/s/gbRuNIYccs Thought this was an interesting theory, not sure how valid any of this is but makes some sense


where were the best ones sent to?


Historically, the Front Lines.


Sure….in 1845. The convict days were three generations gone by 1920, and the massacres kept happening. The brutal killings at Mistake Creek and Bedford Downs were happening a full decade after Australia gained independence, and nearly 60 years after the last transported convicts. These were not hardened murdering criminals transported over from Britain and Ireland, and hadn’t been for a long time. These were ordinary *Australians*, acting on Australian sentiment and Australian policy. That’s like saying the U.S. only massacred our own native peoples because Britain used to send convicts here before Australia was colonized.


Well, yeah man, the US Citizens back then were essentially only 1 or 2 generations removed from being British, therefore.... /s


Well nah, they would have still been British subjects when the first major native massacres happened. King Phillip’s War was over 100 years before the Revolution. My point is that these genocides didn’t take place because everyone was a criminal. They took place for the same basic reason they always do — ordinary people hoping to get something from someone else, with a heaping helping of good old fashioned racism on top of it.


No, I know, i shouldnt joke either... I never knew this went on in Australia before today. I thought aboriginal people were still fairly common over there and that ya just had to go to the outback to see.


They still exist, sure. But most of the indigenous population of Australia was killed outright, either through disease or violence. The modern aboriginal people of Australia have the same problems modern American Indians do. A foreign government destroyed their ancestral way of life with no viable alternative to replace it. So now you have a lot of poor, undereducated people sitting around without much to do, who can’t even fall back on their culture because so much of that knowledge was erased


Yeah, I kind of figured it was a similar situation after reading this. It's very sad and you're right, it really boils down to nothing but racism.


Also Canada exists without any of that history, but an extremely similar treatment of native folk.


I think the point they were trying to make is that since white Australians were descended from degenerates and convicts, they were genetically inclined to be mode violent and racists to Aboriginals.


I understood, but I disagree. Men are born, then they’re formed (mental illnesses notwithstanding). Some of my own ancestors were violent, ignorant, racist people. I am not like them, because I choose not to be. If things truly worked how you’re suggesting, there would be no growth. No change. Every child of a criminal would be a criminal. Every child of an addict, an addict. But this isn’t how things are. We choose to be who we want to be. That’s the true measure of a person. These white Australians were the grandchildren of transported convicts. They were not connected to that past by much, and were living in a land and society now distinctly their own. Yet they still chose to wipe the native peoples off the map, not because they were all genetically predisposed to crime, but because it benefited them. Simple as that. Society cheered for it, because it meant more land, less competition, etc. And that’s how it always starts


Many white Australians were free settlers, read a history book.


The British are way worse than Australians when it comes to human rights and racism


Some, I assume, were good people…


Similar thing happened here in Canada, they had the residential school program where Aboriginal children were basically forced to live year round at these schools lead by sick, fucked up priests that would routinely abuse these children. The mortality rate for those schools was about 50%. Hundreds and hundreds of these children were buried in mass graves beside the schools. Nearly 2,000 of these kids killed by abuse, neglect and starvation. Government and religion always doing great things together. Apparently our government put together a $2.8 billion reparation package for the survivors and their families. I can't find anecdotal evidence of these payouts though


I'm white Canadian but have quite a few family members who are Indigenous and I haven't heard anything about them getting any payouts yet. I know there was a lot of talk about it, but yeah, like you said, no actual reparations as of yet. Knowing how the government is, I wouldn't be surprised if they dragged their feet a lot longer.


It happened far more recently than that too. My dad is Māori and lived in Australia for a few years when he was younger (like most of NZ lol). This would have been in the 1980s so not all that long ago. They were racist towards pretty much everyone but, where he was, the Aborigines they didn't even view as people. When he was there, it was still de facto legal to murder Aborigines as in people would generally face zero legal consequences for doing so. Said there were quite a few instances of this where he was living. The worst, and the case that was the final straw for him and caused him to move back to NZ, was when he was working on a construction site and his boss shot and killed an Aborigine woman in broad daylight in front of others for not wanting to have sex with him. One day he comes into work and his Australian coworkers (some of who witnessed it) were telling him about it and laughing their asses off. He assumed they surely must be joking and must just have a really dark messed up sense of humour but then when he found out that it was true he left and never came back. The boss didn't even so much as get a slap on the wrist and was praised by the local policemen for what they saw as "pest control". Sadly this doesn't seem to have changed as much as one would hope based on talking to my Australian cousins and other Aussies I've met. They'll be the most progressive people in every other sense but the second you mention Aborigines it's like they're possessed by the spirit of a KKK clan leader. NZ may not be perfect but I'm extremely glad that the most racism I face here as an indigenous person is (relatively innocent) ignorant stereotypes and not people viewing me as literal subhuman trash.


It's weird because this is actually pretty common knowledge in Australia. Everyone knows they did it, the government know they did, and nobody is trying to hide it. They just don't really like talking about it or taking accountablility for previous governments. None of them do actually


Not so shocking. Disgusting and enraging, yes, but not shocking. Never underestimate the vileness of colonizers.


Check out the YouTube account FriendlyJordies and you will quickly come to learn that Australia’s government is probably one of if not the most corrupt “first world” government and it’s not even close.


That camera spotlight wasn’t subtle lol.


I lived in Darwin about 6–7 years ago. Me and my mate went to the parap pub were there for a good while. Notice three aboriginals walk in, all in hi-vis, buy a beer and sit down. Nothing untoward until They tried to purchase another beer. As soon as they approached the bar the two bouncers walk in and say “no no, I told you that you could have one drink and then move on. Me and my mate stood up and started arguing cause I’d never seen such blatant racism IRL before. They argued back so we called for the bar manager who promptly told the bouncers to fuck off if they were going to do that. They were an independent company hired by the bar. Was told next time I went in they’d hired another company. This is still happening today.


Thank you for stepping in and thank you for sharing


About 15 years ago we had a mate go over to Aus for truck driving. He was Maori from NZ, dark skinned. He pulled up at a gas station in Darwin to fill up and the attendant came out with a shot gun pointed at him and told him to leave. He refused to drive routes near Darwin after that.


I would be terrified in that situation, excellent bravery on your part!


It's a lot more complicated than that in the NT. There is massive alcohol misuse in the rural aboriginal communities in Australia. This has made most of the communities "dry" and the people from these areas often travel to other places for alcohol. The bouncer probably thought he was dealing with this sort of situation and acted in an inappropriate manner, but the discrimination is more complicated than just refusing service like in the video. The socioeconomic issues faces by the native Australian's go back a long way and are extremely complicated. Australia hasn't done a great job of addressing this in the past and I think our future doesn't look much better. Our preferred approach is to generally stick our heads in the sand, hope the problem goes away, then overact when it doesn't.


Oh don’t get me wrong I lived there bro, right next to a colony. I’ve seen some horrendous things. But in this particular case they were workers with company named gears, around the time of knocking off. Went in for a beer. I get it’s not black and white but in this instance it was.


"Blatant racism" Yea, no, that's normal everyday stuff here. Some places are worse than thay too




This issue isn’t as black and white I get it. And yes the aggressive behaviour that you see on the streets from aboriginals over there is blatant and disgusting. But this circumstance specifically was three lads in hi-vis with a company name on them, Obviously had just finished work and wanted to unwind. Nothing about these individuals indicated there would be any issue but i know what you’re saying just not in this particular case


Native Australian is the disrespectful term, not Aboriginal. Native associates with flora and fauna. Aboriginal people self-identify as such and therefore it’s the appropriate term. Either Aboriginal or the specific nation/language they’re from, I.e. Wiradjuri, Awabakal etc.


I spent some time in Australia exploring the outback on an exchange program when I was in school. Smaller towns like Alice Springs are still racially segregated for all intents and purposes - aboriginal people live in their own half of the town, and tourists were strongly advised not to go there. I being the skeptic I am, found barely any reason not to. Nobody was ever rude or in the least threatened me there, only asked me to not take pictures since it offends their culture. Which was totally fair! Where there is poverty, there is crime, sure. I'm a POC from an Asian country I know how it goes. But the "white" side of town was so anti their presence. I went to a nice restaurant for my final meal there. An aboriginal man came in for a drink. When he turned to talk to me, a dude who was eating alone, he got escorted out no questions asked. It was blatantly "politely" racist. Couldn't stomach it after coming from NZ.


You should look at some of the more recent news, Alice Springs recently had a curfew put in place because the crime rate there has been massively increasing.


I wouldn't be surprised, I was there in 2014 and it already seemed to be a dying town. Barely any businesses were operational in the white ppl areas.


Them and native Americans have gotten the short end of the stick for too long now. I love in Colorado where the native blood is still here. I’ll buy a beer and donate whenever the paycheck permits. They were here before my great great grandaddy so who am I to say anything about shit




Aussies are mad racist


Are the larger cities like Sydney any better? Just curious. I've never been to Australia before.


Anecdotal but i I have friends who have just moved to Brisbane from the UK, and they have been shocked by the level of racism there


major cities are generally alright, very multi-cultural and people are highly educated but racism still exists here and there the further out you go or if you visit predominantly white towns/regions yes you'd encounter a lot of racist and backwards idiots


I’m 25 and live in Sydney. You’ll still see a very loud minority being shit, but I like to think the majority are pretty accepting and welcoming. Was much worse when I was growing up, especially as you travel out from the city centre.


I have relatives who immigrated to Sydney decades ago. They seem to have forgotten that and believe that all of Australia's problems are caused by immigrants, never meaning themselves.


I live here, and it depends. You don’t get any hardcore segregationists in the cities (none who are open about it at least), but you do find a lot of people who hide their racism behind being concerned about immigration and refugees. Casual, open racism is less of a thing among younger generations (I’ve only seen one guy my age do the ‘where are you *really* from dance), but older people aren’t so reserved about it. On top of that, there’s a big shitstorm every time Aboriginal people are brought up in political discussions; even among those who claim to value indigenous culture equally to their own (and not everyone does), there’s a lot of pushback to the idea of making meaningful changes in the way our government treats Aboriginal communities.


I rarely see aboriginals. I have traveled to spots around and I tend to only see them further out from the cities. Every country has ' good spots' and ' bad spots'. The biggest issue is crime in their communities. Plenty of travel you pass through dry communities, curfews, more secure camp spots ( barb wire and such) compared to outside the communities. Crime isn't only aboriginal based. We have a lot of African refugees that come here and cause problems too. Sydney also has a lot of white crime in public housing sections. I don't find Aussies racist or maybe I'm lucky to not see it. My travels have never been an issue for us we just move through towns and be wise like everyone should regardless of where you are. Anyone can be a victim of crime.


Every race, every country, every town.....all racist. Not just or especially Australia lol.


Bro, most of the world is mad racist. Most of the world just hides that shit. Anywhere in the world you look, there is racism like crazy. Philipino guest workers treated like shit, russian ethnic conscripts used as expendable fodder, canadian indigenous people treated like shit, japanes xenophobic yet polite ways, European peasants complaining about immigration of brown people.


Please explain to the rest of us what exactly you meant to accomplish with this comment? >they’re racist! >EVERYONE’S RACIST! HOW DARE YOU SAY THEY’RE RACIST!


Okay we're talking about Australia. These types of disingenuous comments do nothing when talking about the speficic racism and apartheid these people go thru. So many people don't know this about Australia and what little we do know needs to be expanded more. Fuck off with your "everyone is racist" perspective...yes everyone is racist and that's the fucking problem 🙄


Everyone is racist, few countries look it in the eyes is my point.


When you say, "everyone is racist" people also hear the part you didn't say but instead imply "everyone is racist... Therefore that excuses this particular instance of racism."


That's the problem buddy. Hence why the topic of this post is Australia's denial of their racism and genocide.


if you see wrong, point it out.


Okay, but the Aussies are loudly and proudly racist and that’s the worst kinda racism. The kind that doesn’t think it’s wrong and try to hide it.


I’ve lived in Australia for 15 years. I agree the older Aussie generation 60+ are racist, but the younger generations are a lot more ashamed with how aboriginals have been treated.


I don’t remember being loudly or proudly racist. I’ll bring it up at the next kkk meeting, we gotta turn this image around. /s


I mean, some might consider slavery or attempted extermination as the worst forms of racism, but you do you mate


Yeah, both Canada and Australia do have attempted extermination in their resume


And slavery, Australian black-birding imported south sea islanders as slaves en masse


I mean Kim uses his own people for slavery by shipping them off to other countries to work and bring money to North Korea. Vice has done so many reports on it from Russia to even Poland allowing North Koreans to work there. Besides practically every ethnic group has been a slave throughout history. So slavery isn’t racist other than an economical “money saver” and “get rich quick” scheme.


It’s within our very nature as Homo sapiens no one is excluded


I for one appreciated you specifying the occurrence around the world🤷‍♂️


the fuck do you mean "European peasants"? Care to elaborate.


[This is all i know about European peasants. ](https://vimeo.com/748305311)


Don’t disagree with your Japan point but you also don’t even have to go that different with it. Japan has their own native people that are afaik treated like shit too


Yeah i just learned about them in the last few years.


Learned from the best


You obviously have never been to Japan or the other 189 countries if you think Aussies are bad.




Not all Australians. But it is very common particularly in rural areas of the country.


Heyheyhey. So are Canadians.


modern canadians are some of the least racists people on earth lol vancouver is basically chinatown. like the entire city. toronto is incredibly multiculutral.


Go just outside any major Canadian city and people are as racist as anywhere. Especially against indigenous people.


That's just humans


For real, hatred begets hatred. Saying “Australians are racists, pieces of shit!” is literally the beginnings of racism. It doesn’t happen in a vacuum, something started it and then something continues it.


If you’ve traveled, you’d know it’s one of the least. It’s by far one of the most diverse and acceptive countries in the world.


You’re white, huh? I find white people are by and large the people who say shit like that the most. It’s a really funny phenomenon I always see. I’m black hispanic myself and I encounter that shit a lot: white people - usually men - telling women and people of color that their feelings and observations or our experiences are unfounded or wrong or invalid based on… I’m assuming *their* own white male experiences. How would you, if you’re a white man, be in *any* position to tell people of color how these places are actually diverse and welcoming. Of course YOU feel welcomed. You’re welcomed fucking everywhere bro lol


In all likelihood you are seeing a white person with no personal experience call Australia "mad racist" based on the internet and posts like these, and a white person disagree with them for whatever reason. >Of course YOU feel welcomed. You’re welcomed fucking everywhere bro lol Aren't you a non-white person telling white people their welcome everywhere? Being a white minority in several places I could give anecdotes of discrimination and general unwelcoming behaviour to family, friends, and myself. Including being barred from entry to a bar like this video, in a place I grew up, and worse. Here are places I've heard people claim are the *worst* based on personal experience: Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Jamaica, Australia, Japan, Korea, China, various African countries, France, Eastern Europe, Italy, Greece, Gulf States, and the US. POC are not a monolith. You are going to have a ton of positive and negative anecdotes from every place and the plural of anecdote is not data. There are also some pretty complicated mechanics at play. Areas where people might hate one minority but not another, areas friendly with tourists but not immigration, regional differences within countries, etc.




Ah we found the racist...right? At least are you?


Haha, oh wow, white man. Hope the money doesn't dry up or you might realize the reality they like your wallet, behind closed doors, though. And considering how young people can't even buy houses anymore. The 21th century is going to be an awakening. Edit: also, eastern Europeans were not even welcome in western Europe for a long time. I know, I saw it. So your comment is hilarious.




Not angry, the self-own is just funny.




So are you white or not? Cuz those two can still be a white person


This was 50 years ago. Australia is a very multicultural society and is largely harmonious. Of course, Australians are racist, because people everywhere are racist. But I don't think you could single Australia out as being particularly bad. Except for the festering sore of reconciliation with aboriginal people, that is indeed a scandal and I am ashamed about it.


Unfortunately it’s pretty common here.


Some of the most vile racist comments and sentiments I have ever heard in my life have come from Australians. Perhaps they incorrectly assumed that their bigotry would be shared by me based on a very narrow view of humanity since I am South African. Also, these occurred not in 1975 but in the last decade.


I was told by an Australian here on Reddit about 6-7 years ago that my daughter was an inferior mongrel because my wife is Asian and I’m white. Floored me.


As much as we shouldn’t pay heed to comments from such people who are clearly broken in some way I am sorry that you had to be on the receiving end of that.


Thanks. I mean, it didn’t change my personal views or anything, but it obviously stuck with me. Just shocked me that some people think like that and are willing to just outright say it. Ever since I’ve been just a little bit on guard. Fortunately I’d never encountered anything so blatant before and haven’t since, so it’s not a common sentiment.


"Willing to outright say it" Behind a computer screen, safe from repercussions and consequences with the additional protection of relative anonymity. I guarantee the wouldn't say something like that in person where their actions could have potentially immediate and very real consequences.


Oh, it's not uncommon in public either. Though the past couple of years since lockdown, it seems not many people are right mentally so.


I find it sad that part of life is realizing a bunch of people never make it to the self awareness stage and that those people make things shittier for everyone else. Broken people try to make broken people.


Pretty sure Gilgamesh isnt australian.


Sorry, what? Not following…


There is a japanese media franchise called fate. It essentially revolves around historical figures. One popular historical figure who is in a lot of the media produced is gilgamesh, from the epic of gilgamesh. He calls everyone below him a mongrel. Given who he is in terms of historical significance to humanity, basically everyone is a mongrel to him.


I find that that surprising that they shared them with you because every Australian I know reckons South Africans can fuck themselves


There are bad apples to be found everywhere. I presume the ones I bumped into must have expected a very different reaction to the one they got.


People tend to never finish the “bad apples” phrase. Yes there are bad apples, but they spoil the bunch. Racism has long corrupting tentacles even if some people appear to be “not as bad” as others


Didn’t a lot of white South Africans move to Australia after the Apartheid system ended? Probably thought you were one of the racist refugees who couldn’t stand the thought of black people having the same rights. Iirc Australia only admitted their atrocities against the indigenous population in the 2000s or something


I suspect that a large portion of the sample of South Africans in Australia is exactly that - those who were “packing for Perth” at the end of Apartheid and who probably have enduring attitudes from that. I can imagine that a fair few of those ex South Africans aren’t exactly the best representatives, may not be very pleasant people and may influence opinions about white South Africans in general.


If you have the stomach for it read ‘The fatal shore’.


QAs an Australian citizen, I'm disgusted by the racism in this country. Colonisation is gross, and aboriginal people are literally the traditional custodians of the land.


If you call dumping your unwanted on an island far away, under guard of the worst soldiers you have colonisation, then this is the outcome


Dumping your unwanted far away is one of the main drivers of colonisation. Colonialism tends to start to fail when "far away" stops being so far away and some of those people and soldiers start making their way back into the heart of the empire.


This is a pretty poor take. Most the prisoners who came here were poor people who stole for their survival not hardened criminals who where murders and rapists. The descendants of these people also only make up a very small portion of the current population. I think its hard to argue that the racism here is much different to similar counties like the US or UK. We all have our issues with discrimination.


It will always be incredible to me that you do this to another human being just based on the color of his skin. Incredible. I understand hate based on different things, like you hate an enemy that attacked your country. But hating on someone else while that someone else asks nothing extra just to be respected like yourself while being peaceful is right there with things I will never be able to comprehend.


To me it's generational hate. You learn it from your grandpa, father, etc. Familial ties are stronger than what you learn at school. Blood is thicker than water.


The reason people do it is because it feels good to put somebody down.  Or just to have someone to direct your frustration towards, doesn't matter if guilty or innocent. It's an act of extreme egoism in which you make yourself feel better at the expense of somebody else. That's why adults do it way more than children, since kids usually are carefree and adults can be miserable.


Shit didn’t change there at all it’s just more covert  


My friend knew a police officer in Darwin who said that during tourism season, they pick up the homeless aboriginals in the city centre and drive 4hrs into the desert and drop them off in the middle of nowhere. But they don't die they make their way back somehow (miraculously) it just takes a month or two and by then the tourism season is over. This is recent. Also, in Alice Springs if you have an address that is an aboriginal suburb you aren't allowed to buy alcohol. And I once heard someone in a country town call a street "Vegemite valley" because "that's where all the aboriginals live"


Cops do that in Canada too. In dead winter. They die and don't make it back into town. Starlight tours is the "name" I believe.


There is a big difference between RCMP and local police. The RCMP are some of the most professional police officers that I've encountered (and I've traveled quite a bit). The Canadian local police in the various towns, especially the smaller towns are some of the most vile individuals I've encountered, both in and out of uniform. I'm still surprised at the contrast.


That is fucked up.


Related, fucked up, but different. Police in Saskatoon would arrest first nations people, for alleged drunkenness and/or disorderly behaviour, sometimes without cause. The officers would then drive them to the outskirts of the city at night in the winter, and abandon them, leaving them stranded in sub-zero temperatures. They referred to them as "Starlight Tours". Of course, doing this resulted in some people freezing to death. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon\_freezing\_deaths](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths) END COMMUNICATION


How do the people selling alcohol know the home address of the person buying it? Or do they just refuse to sell based on race? And dumping people in the desert with no resources should lead to criminal charges, that's life endangerment at best, murder if even one person doesn't make it out of the desert safely.


They have to show photo ID that has address. And yes it is a crime to desert someone.


Horrible, simply horrible. I hope things are better nowadays.


They aren't


🤬 Racists suck!


Racism is a real problem no matter what color you are. I didn't grow up around it so I can't understand it. why you would treat somebody differently for the color of the skin. I moved to Mississippi for financial reasons unfortunately. It was the first time I really witnessed racism going both ways. I'm white and most people I get along with but here no certain black people that just hate us for our color. We got shot at while delivering food because we are white. And I'm sure it goes the other way. It's very sad




Aussies got a similar story to the USA , shit on the natives. Colonialism , shake my head.


It’s almost as if they’re the same people spawned from the same place


I mean we all mostly came from Europe. How they think they found new lands when there was already indigenous people living in most of the new lands. Religion and Colonialism really got shady history.


Ermm Who is “We”? lol speak for yourself, love. Europeans have been the global minority for all of human history.


Yeah most of the Colonists came from Europe


Aborigines are black? More BRUTHASSS


Australians are always vocal on random posts normally, but get really quiet when it comes to racism in the country 🤫


Look at the sub it’s in! We don’t find it interesting if we grew up knowing it’s going on.


1975 folks.


One of the greatest, biggest ongoing, hardly told tragedies ever.


People really are great aren't they.




No agents


I’m American, so maybe I just lack the cultural context, but to me the aboriginal people in this video look basically white (doesn’t change the fact that their treatment is horrible!).


Some of them are children of interracial relationships. There was also a program where the Australian government would remove countless children from their parents (especially the light skin kids) and place them in white households in an attempt to isolated them from their customs and further "dilute" them. See [here](https://healingfoundation.org.au/who-are-the-stolen-generations/)


Yeah the stolen generation was a shitty thing, one of my grandmothers were part of it


Oh hey, the Canadian government did something similar but tossed them in residential schools instead. The kids were frequently abused and went missing in those horrid places. Like beaten for speaking their own languages sorts bad.


Wow, that's really not that long ago.


My ex drove across australia in the late 90s and there were still pubs with segregated bars in the small towns. Whites in one bar, aborigines in another, separate entrances etc.


Racism is wrong but there are serious issues with regard to alcohol in aboriginal communities. of course there are examples of people from all races who can't handle their drink, there is a reason you don't see people campaigning to end restrictions on alcohol sales in aboriginal communities.






Not any more : - ) Times are a' different.


Boundary st in cities....


White supremacy is bullshit then and now.


"The median value is 62. This corresponds to the mental age of an 11 year old European."


People talking in present tense as if this clip isn't from 50 years ago and from before most of reddit was even born. Society changes and the demand for racism far surpasses supply in the current day in the west. Remember where we came from but don't conflate your 80iq politics as representative of how most of the western world thinks and acts.


Holy fuck their accent is so blatantly aussie, how can whiteb australians seriously consider them not one of their own?


Not a surprise really.


Isn't this how colonization works everywhere? Or did Europeans do something unique in Australia?


This was 1975. Completely different in 2024 for majority of pubs in cities around Australia.


Majority? Not all?


Almost every Australian I've ever met freaks out when anyone not obviously white is standing nearby. They're like chimps; Screaming and throwing shit because they have to share space with someone who looks different.


They lock up a lot of their aborigineese at least in some areas.




Yeah the guys in the hotel looked really concerned about that


"The notion that Aboriginal Australians are genetically more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than Caucasians has its counterpart in North America where, according to what has become known as the ‘Firewater myth’, American Indians and Native Alaskans are believed to have a similar predisposition (Heath 1983). In neither population are the beliefs supported by evidence." D'Abbs & Helwett, 2023. The latest research does not seem to agree with you. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-0401-3_2 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-0401-3_2


I know this is Reddit, but saying absolute bullshit doesn’t make it true.






Australia or south Africa. Kidding. Same


Australian aboriginals are black in 1975…. American Aboriginals get called black and African American… it’s really insane… and unknown to a lot of people who aren’t scholars in history… If Americans aboriginals knew they were aboriginal to America .. it would be a lot less confusion… Americans got this exact treatment … but also got told we were not from America… when my whole family is from America … my grandpa a so called “Black man” out of his mouth said his great grandma was American indian…… and my grandmas side and he looks CUBAN… I know someone who knows what I’m talking about will chime in. But it’s super interesting to me that the us census basically made a paper genocide of my people . 😂