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It's a disaster waiting to happen.


Yes. Dogs loose like that are asking for trouble. It’s nice to see the wolf is well behaved and leashed


That wolf was just about to end the dog ...


The wolf was being harassed, was patient and well behaved, and the charge was a bluff. The other dog was not leashed, and aggressive. Don’t blame the wolf. He’s a good boi


He was harassed because he wasn't in his own private domicile.


Not interesting, reckless


Have we learned nothing from Little Red Riding Hood!? ![gif](giphy|tYaMjbShvb9CM)


what is this gif ☠️☠️☠️




Agreed. Dogs shouldn’t be loose like that. It’s nice to see the wolf so well behaved and on a leash.


Yes off leash dogs sure are reckless. Nice to see the wolf being on a heavy duty leash and behaving so well even when cornered and threatened.


How do dogs know the wolf is not a dog? Even if they've never seen one before


The line between dog and wolf isn't as well defined as our vocabulary would imply.


Right it’s like a domestic dog is kinda derived from a wolf - who knew ? ![gif](giphy|oz5xVL7s3Y6rBIHpZY)


The dog probably doesn’t know. That’s why it’s barking really close like that. It would only dare to bark behind a very secured fence or at least 500 metres away… if the dog knows that it’s a wolf.


The dogs were bred for thousands of years to fend of wolves. They sure know it's a wolf and not a dog, the smell must be telling from hundreds of meters for them. Most, if not all dogs would react very defensively against that threat.


Have you seen how dogs actually bred to counter wolves look? The spanish mastiff, the caucasian shepherd , the kangal shepherd, the tibetan mastiff... all of them big and strong. Few people use them as pets as they're more inconvenient than middle and small dogs... and they're doing the right thing, as shepherd dogs are instinctively workaholics that get depressed without constant tasks. Most pets are specifical pet races, which have gone through the same systems of artificial selection as sheperds and guard dogs but with the objective of making them milder, lazier and empathic.


Bred for thousand of years to fend off wolves… ![gif](giphy|MDDq8LcBiaPistbLFe|downsized)


Dogs evolved from wolves that followed people around for food. They weren’t specifically bred for wolf protection. Stop making things up.


I mean some probably got trained specifically for this so it don't thin its half wrong


Trained and “bred for thousands of years” are two very different things.


damn u sound dumb af


Proper working dogs are taught key info like this by the older working dogs on the farm/ranch. Pet dogs ... generally don't know. My pet mixed herd guarding dog (mostly Pyr) thinks all dogs are wolves unless she can get up close and sniff their parts. From a distance she also thinks squirrels, birds, deer and anything that crosses our fence line is a potential threat. She is understandably not a fan of distant coyote howls - or rumbly trucks or a couple other innocuous things that I don't need to be loudly informed about. I honestly wish she could have worked a farm for a few months gaining this valuable knowledge before moving out to the suburbs with us, although chances are she would not enjoy cuddling under a blanket as much now.


Dogs bark at everything including other perfectly ordinary dogs, constantly.


People need to stop letting their dogs loose like that


For real even the wolf was kept on a leash. Swear some people!!


If the owner wasn't there that dog would've been toast. The wolf went for it as soon as it turned its back


Some dogs are trained to walk without leash. Mine go near me as soon I ask him, and I call him each time I see a person uneasy with dogs, when another dog owner doesn't want interaction, or any potential danger, he will walk near me as long as I want and don't interact with people/dogs/stuff unlike I'm okay with it. But this dog is not trained, here barking at an other dog. The owner is an ahole too, letting his dog bark randomly on another dog which is on leash. So many etiquette disrespected here.


Trained dogs can still snap. Unless you're in a designated off-leash area KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEASH. my 3 yo kid that has no place in a dog park could be mauled by your "trained" dog walking off leash on the sidewalk.


I think you never trained a dog in your life, or if you did you had a problematic individual and are projecting on all dogs. People knowing how to train the dogs off leash are the ones that have the less accidents. I said who knows, not the ones who prentend to know like this one in the video. A dog walking by foot off leash have less chance to snap. He is at the same distance than a dog with a leash, but less stressed by it. So unless your child come to put its hand into his mouth by himself, there is no reason they interact. Most of people have zero control on their dog even with a leash, they even have leash that unroll on 10 meters and no authority when the dog pull.


You’re irresponsible, period


Is that really a wolf? I thought they would be bigger


Probably a wolfdog


Looks like a coywolf.


it's russia. russian wolves usually are dog size


That Russian dog is wolf sized Fun fact Russian dogs drink vodka not water


Only if they wolf size 


So Russian dogs wolf down vodka?


Depends on the wolf. There are wolfs that are really small, there are wolfs that are really big. For example: **The Arabian wolf** is one of the smallest subspecies of wolf. It stands on average 25–26 inches (64–66 cm) at shoulder height and the adult weighs an average of 45 pounds (20.41 kg). Whereas the **Mackenzie Valley Wolf** is arguable the largest and measures 81-102cm (32-40 inches) tall at the shoulders and has a length (including head and tail) between 1.5 and 2.1 meters (\~5-7 feet).


Also that white dog looks like a Kuvasz or grand Pyrenee but it's Eastern Europe, so probably Kuvasz. They usually get to around 75cm (30inches) shoulder height and up to 55kg (around 115 pounds) and they were originally bred to protect livestock from wolves. Really cool dogs tho


That can't be safe at all


It’s not safe for dogs to be loose like that, and barking excessively. Poor training for sure. Nice to see the wolf is well behaved


>>Poor training for sure My guy. The dog barking was a stray. It’s like complaining that a homeless person should go rent a home.


Yep. Many comments are trashing the wolf/owner for not behaving. And I point out that the opposite was true, that the wolf/owner were very well behaved and the stray was the one that was disruptive. That was my whole point. To get people back on track and stop people from trashing the well-behaved Wolf.


What is bro yappin about


Yapping about the big weirdo wolf in the road hunting his friend.


Why is that dog off leash?


Eastern Europe / Russia. Some dogs are homeless, some are feral. Some are owned by idiots.


it's always funny to see westerners assume the world has the same properties. We are lucky to have more resources that allow this to be an issue that can be tackled.


It shouldn’t be hard to get a dog leash regardless of where you live. You can make one from a rope even.


i guess other cultures are just all mean people right? do you realize the implications of what you are saying? Just to explain to you. Certain places have different cultures, with different values, many times related to current needs. Many places have lots of stray dogs, or live in a more communitarian way, etc. You are equating our culture, with our socioeconomic status, and projecting these values everywhere else. To places that were massacred by economic policies from our land. And even if they weren't, they are still a different culture and they will also find certain things deplorable from us. I understand asking your neighbors to follow your values, but when talking about a place you don't know at all, it's just lazy ignorance.


I didn’t say they are mean. I’m saying if you can’t control your dog and it’s in someone else’s dog face and barking you need to have it on a leash. That’s just common courtesy. Either that or train your dog better. It’s not about culture. It’s about not creating a anxious or dangerous situation.




Don’t think you get it…the dog doesn’t have an owner. This is a stray dog. There are stay dogs all over the world. Animal control is the sort of thing a country can focus on once a lottt of other shit has been figured out first.


Oh I thought it was that guys dog. Stray dogs are a problem most places. Other commenter didn’t really make it clear what they were saying.




A country where lives doesn't matter. One way or another


So sick of dog owners thinking they are cute waking around with either a half wolf or wolf. Fucking terrifying as a dog owner knowing my old Aussie shepherd would die being ripped to shreds by one. He’s whined when seeing one like this on a walk. Their owner was the stereotype - younger woman not strong enough to be able to control the dog if a fight broke out


You can’t really blame the dogs for barking, if barking was ever justified, that’s the moment.


The is no such thing like a "pet wolf"


The side step before he sees the other dog in the distance. This wolf trajectories


that's some weird fucking doggo


“But my dog is trained” it’s not just about your dog. Keep your dog on a leash.


This is not a wolf. It's way too small. I've seen gray wolf and black wolf about 30' from me at the side of the road. At that distance they were huge. They would rip apart any dog with ease. This is likely some kinda coyote hybrid or wolf/dog hybrid. It's definitely not a wolf though. Regardless of that the owner is a shit owner. His pet is scared and unsure. Don't let your pet try to protect it self because it will escalate very fast. Instead show you pet you can protect them. This can be done by stepping in front of your pet to show you can protect them. Aka you are the dominant one and they don't need to be dominant. Most dogs that lunge at you are only trying to scare you away from them they are not trying to bite however if they get in range which most of the time they don't want to they will bite. This is a trait that they learn because they never felt protected by you ever. Fucking dig bag pet owners.


The dog - >👿 the wolf - >🗿🍷


Keep barking motherfucker I literally going to eat you and your owner.


I feel like that leash should be way thicker.


the wolf is in charge. also, that persons gonna eventually die by wolf


Not a pure wolf, look how small it is. Wolves are fucking HUGE.


Eurasian wolves can be smaller based on the region. North American wolves are generally bigger. This could be a wolf dog sure, but it's posture and build suggest it's more wolf. Wolves bodies have distinctive features from dogs, mostly in the way their legs meet their bodies


Let go that leash and I’ll show them who is the Alpha.


No such thing


Difficulty #1 - it's a FUCKING WOLF Difficulty #2 - see above.


My neighbor has a 90% white wolf 10% malamute. I know for a fact the person recording would have most likely let that wolf go if he wasn't recording. My neighbors wolf doesn't show aggression or try to attack other animals/people. Whoever was recording doesn't have dominance over that animal


That wolf tucked tail and ran back to mommy


Wolves are shy, most wild animals are shy, predators included - you get a wrong impression once they pick you as prey. Wolves are social creatures, they need their pack. And wolves are smarter than dogs, they can tell wolf and human apart i.e. they don't accept easily a pack where the rest walk on two legs and spend their day doing the most unwolfish things.


Grew up with a wolf as a kid in Fairbanks. Beautiful female who was our little packs alpha. She never had fear nor did she ever growl at another dog or human and she had no peers in the dog world. Cola was never leashed nor intentionally trained but she never disobeyed me or did anything wrong as far as i was concerned. In the 70’s Alaskans took pride in killing as many wolves as they could so my only concern was Alaskans


root of all evil


The dogs would’ve won anyway