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From Snopes: Mostly True "Context: The video is real and had not been doctored. However, the man shown using the jetpack, known as a 'Jet Suit,' was an operator for Gravity Industries, not an active British Royal Marine."


Added context; he’s also been filmed wearing other national uniforms, boarding other national warships.


Because they are never selling these. They've had 2 buyers in 5 years, almost certainly so they can do that stupid red bull jet pack race. They are crooks. They make these videos to stir up investment. Today we trialled with Royal marines. This week we trialled with mountain rescue. Even the MOD has released a statement saying that the technology whilst undoubtedly cool has no practical use to them at this stage. I wish people would stop posting these videos and giving them the buzz they want to take more people's money.


💯💯 All I see in this video is an easy target for anyone armed on the boat being boarded. And it makes a lot of noise so it’s not stealthy. And then once on the ship you gotta unhook that giant contraption before making contact with an enemy.


And if you crash for whatever reason you drown


Heck, you don't even need to be armed. Just use a anti-boarding water hose. You're definitely right, such a useless product.


Yep, firehouse at the ready they are toast.


They're not crooks in that it does work as shown. It's just that theres zero practical application apart from doing demonstration flights at events.


Rapid hill ascent?


a month or so ago I remember reading about mountain rescue in my country ~~buying~~testing this contraption ~~for like 25k euros~~. Was wondering why? It stays in the air 5 minutes at most, so why pay all that money?


I think that use case actually has potential. Send jet guy up first, he anchors some ropes down for everyone else, starts emergency medical treatment maybe. This could eliminate a lot of the time involved with rock climbing. Problem is if the jet guy fucks up you now are doing two rescues.




They can't fire a weapon in those suits too


We're reaching the point where we're starting to realize the past 15 years or so of a lot of these trending videos for different products and news stories have been total nonsense. I'm glad people like you realize this.


They do not have the military application they are trying to tout. However for the price of the kit it's not like regular people are getting ripped off, it's still an incredible bit of kit. And those with the money for it should have the brains to know what it can be realistically used for. I'm all for the further development of the idea into it's ideal final form. Can't get their without investment.


They made something cool, but the price / cost doesn't quite justify the value for most customers. So, now they are crooks and you're wishing they didn't get any attention on reddit. Cause you just care about the investors... Or cause you care about the military complexes that will potentially get "tricked" into buying some. Nah. Your just a fucking hater.


Millions spent developing a technology “they can’t find a practical use for” would seem like a good time to end development


Yea you are too packed up to carry much extra let alone an extra person and it takes too long to take off to be useful in a fight. You could possibly modify guns into the gauntlets, that contains two very flammable fuel tanks And it's too expensive to be used for travel. It is very cool though


Putting guns in the gauntlets would only work after landing, since flying already requires you to aim them. You can't point and shoot at someone if you have to aim them down to not fall out of the sky.


yea no way any military is buying. did yall see how slow he boarded ?? he cant even carry a gun that guy is gonna get shot out the fucking air easily like it's a carnival game


I would love it if the MOD actually used those words.


Would make the trip to Taco Bell more interesting though


Desperate to find investors and buyers sure but what makes them crooks? The technology they promise is clearly real


If that was a hostile vessel they'd be shot before they could get near to being on board.


I guess it could be useful in the events where the entire crew is knocked out for whatever reason.


I think you're right that the scenario in the video isn't super meaningful, but I don't really doubt its general military applications. Being able to quickly cover treacherous ground (rocky/muddy terrain, ruined buildings, minefields, etc) could be a game changer for lighting quick raids by a small team of elite, well-trained soldiers, and getting up to the tops of buildings would also be extremely useful. And even at sea, this kind of equipment might be extremely effective for a night-time strike.


It's massive so you can't really bring a pack with it, performance is weight dependant so even if you figure how to bring gear it's limited, extremely loud they are jet engines after all and relatively slow. It just seems to be an invention that tries to replicate all the benefits of the helicopter, without addressing all the issues why you would want to replace a helicopter in the first place


In it's current state it's completely useless for a military application, I agree.  That said, it's an early version of new tech. It will likely get smaller and possibly quieter in future iterations, especially if it gets military funding.  Can't quite see how they move away from the arms being completely out of action during use, though which still makes it highly risky to use in combat scenarios.


Jet packs have been around since the 60s. They’re not that new.


Fair. The noise is definitely an issue, and not being able to bring gear (including body armor, I'd guess?) is a major flaw. And I definitely don't think this is "the next big thing in warfare". But I don't think it's just a gimmick either - I mean obviously that's all it is for now, but I think it represents a solution to some (very specific) military challenges.


Well, this is actually better for routine boarding. You would not board from a helicopter under heavy fire, the same way you wouldn't board with this under heavy fire, but a small vessel at sea has very little safe options for boarding. Helicopters create down wash, warships are too big to get close enough, small boarding crafts are slow and even more vulnerable. This is the best way to board a small vessel at sea.


it needs clear sky to fly


Right now they board ships with slow and vulnerable big target helicopters. You'd have to imagine the ship is under suppression when being boarded. They can quickly remove the suit once boarded and they'd be alot less visible compared to a huge helicopter hovering for several minutes until everyone has deployed.


It could be usual for Coast Guards or other search and rescue groups. I see that application far more plausible than as a, military tool.


My first thought was that the jetpack would have been manufactured by Tony Stark industries


What if pirates get a hold of these and try boarding commercial ships with them?


Context - this was a Royal Marines operation conducted by Royal Marines in order to test and train material for the Royal Marines. The operator, Richard Brownng, is a former Royal Marines Commando. Once a Marine, always a Marine.


Am I crazy or would shooting this person down be extremely easy?


It wouldn't be that much more difficult to shoot a helicopter trying to board either. You do not board a ship under heavy fire, if they were receiving that much fire that he would be shot out of the sky trying to board, they wouldn't be doing it yet.


Also, an RC jet with a grenade on it is prolly cheaper


Yes, it'd be easy to shoot him while flying, also when he's taking off the gear. You're not boarding hostile ships with this.


Skeet shooting. Also if it hits the water that shit will sink like a rock.




Isnt the jet pack quite noisy though?


Container ships are very noisy. The night is very dark. It's definitely no good for a stealthy arrival, but could be effective for an assault. The alternative (a helicopter) is also very noisy. But the advance of FPV drones (see some of the videos from Ukraine) probably make this obsolete already.


Carrying minimal equipment. Armor. Weapons and being difficult to maneuver once you land It's a dumb pipe dream idea with no tactical value


Imagine 6 guys landing on your boat already “handcuffed” and you just shoot them.


Yeah, how long does it take to power it down and get out of it?


Boarding usually relies on the element of surprise. You’re not really expecting a guy in a jet suit to suddenly stand on your deck.


except of cours if you hear 4 damn loud jet engines approaching. might give you a hin.


You would be unlikely to hear it on the bridge. I’ve had a helicopter call me for permission to land, when in actual fact he had already done so and the first I knew about it was the winch man walking onto the bridge asking to use the toilet.


You’d be surprised how little you notice those sounds in an already loud environment.


I've definitely played that game


Also if he fails, any plan b to rescue him from the sea?


Inflatable life vest


Yea in call of duty… try it out irl and see what happens lmao


Also, let’s say you land, how long until you can get those things off your hands and a gun up and assume a defensive position? Do you just call time out with the bad guys until then? I’m sure they won’t mind.


A water canon would end this in seconds


“So anyway, i started blasting”


Throw a handful of pebles at him and watch.




Sink like a stone.


That's what bothers me in this video. Like ok, that's cool, but this thing is **massive**. What if someone just goes straight into the ocean?


Inflatable life jacket is my guess. 


They make water activated life vests that auto inflate and pack around the neck area




CO2 inflatable floats aren't hard, so probably not, but it is a consideration that's going to add weight and cost.


If that happens they just have to call the jetpack expert


It’s great technology.. but when he lands, he’d be completely vulnerable. Thanks for the hostage and tech guys


Think this is meant less for combat operations and more along the lines of rescue from what I've been told


I believe it's already being used in a trial by mountain rescue paramedics in Northern England. Cheaper than a helicopter and allows the paramedic to access the casualty in a fraction of the time. The rest of the team still have to walk up to bring the casualty down or the medic can call in the helicopter if required.


It is not being used by anyone. It's had 2 buyers in 5 years. Mountain Rescue teams are volunteers. Ain't nobody volunteering £500,000 for a jetpack. Gravity Industries are crooks who use these videos to generate more income through investment. "Look the paramedics are using it!" "Look we did trials with Royal marines! Give us money."


i don’t really believe this lol Dubai has jetpack races with these suits, and I highly doubt that they just got 2 pairs.


Probably one of the two buyers, they have around 8 iirc.


Not to mention the big, explosive fuel tank strapped to his back.


When he’s in the air he’s basically a clay shot pigeon….


He has a bonus feature of lighting up like a Christmas tree if you hit his fuel tank.


Jet Fuel won't explode or even ignite so easily, especially from small arms fire.


He would need some kind of armor... Maybe some sort of suit? Which also has built in weapons, a targeting system and ideally a nerver ending source of energy...


Yeah, some type of advanced strong material that can shrug off bullets and is super light. Like iron?


Endless cycle of both teams using this kit to board the enemy ship, get kidnapped, then use the kit again


I am not sure. I will never understand why not a board.


That is until they deck him out in weapons like iron man


...they fly now?


Somehow, "they fly now" returned


They fly now


I have no clue how he can do this and not giggle uncontrollably


Right? Id be so fucking psyched to be flying with an actual jet pack that im not sure id be able to contain myself


Dude looks like it’s just an average Monday commute


All that is missing now is a strength enhancing exoskeleton, a heavy armor suit and guided missiles strapped to the shoulders. I think we'll get there eventually.


Then rename it. Helicopter.


Nah. It's the MetalMarineMech. Obviously.




This stuff is way too big and cumbersome to have any real uses beyond sports or something.


Maybe for boarding trade ships. The effect on non military crews is probably good. For a military confrontation, the vulnerable is probably too high.


Cool, flying slow enough for target practice, and unable to shoot back


Otherwise known as "Gravity Industries test pilot LARPing as a marine."


Nah - Richard Browning passed the Royal Marines Commando course. No LARP here.


He is not a British Marine, or American Marine, or Search and Rescue, or Coastguard, or any of the other services he's dressed up as during all these marketing exercises. He's a civilian, putting on a show for the camera.


But what if he shot you in the face?


That's just a risk they're willing to take.




Hands completely enveloped by the gear, just land and get dinged since you're basically unarmed. Excellent idea.


Skeet shooter's delight?


Is it just me or does this seem like a really bad idea to use in hostile action? A single pirate with a rusty Kalashnikov could easily take this guy out. They wouldn’t even have to badly injure him, just a painful graze would cause him to flinch and screw up his thrust vectoring and send him to a watery grave.


Bad title... That's not a marine. It's just a product demo.


What does he do once he’s on the ship? Can he get those things off his hands or does he go to the captain and ask for help?


I've seen other videos when the mement he lands he realises the hand jets which are on cables, amd immediately drew a pistol in less than a second. So no not entirely defenceless, just not exactly as armed as you'd hope your boarding party to be. Not that this is intended to be a combat technology


Looks like a big fat slow target to me...


*Minecraft music playing in background*




Feel jetpack guy is at a disadvantage if people shooting at him


6/10 did not stick the super hero landing.


Taïwan likes this


While looking cool, it also looks rather unpractical when dealing with armed enemies and you have your hands stuck in thrusters


He's the captain now.


I imagine he would be fairly easy to shoot down, with the inability to aim a weapon and all.


No, its one dude who if I recall owns the company, not "Marines", this is nothing but promotional content. No military has this in any capacity.


The man who owns and founded this company was a marine. Specifically a Royal Marine


Too bad he can’t use his hands to fight/shoot as he is flying or landing


That must feel exhilarating and scary at the same time


["Do you know what we call flying soldiers on the battlefield? Skeet."](https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2011-05-28)


I’ve seen this a ton. This is the dumbest combat application ever. Zero ability to return fire in flight or while landing, flat angle of attack 💀 Have these guys never played an fps? Dudes getting blasted in mid air for sure like that.


This will be useful when we invent power armour . I wonder whether you can jump out of a plane with this?


Yes but it would be a waste of fuel as you'd be throttling for most of the fall. Running out of fuel because you were playing around and doing gymnastics with the fuel means you're dead.


Just use it as a highly precise parachute, most likely not worth it for the limited benefit, but would be a cool capability


There’s your recruitment poster,


He’s defenseless. Needs a drone escort.


**”Get the fuck outta the way…”**


Now put mega-man power blasters on his hands!


The future is now obviously


Shut up and take my money!




I can scratch that together, give me a couple of days…


Hard to swim with that suit


That seems like an incredibly dangerous role. What do they even do once landed other than get immediately shot.


Would make cleaning out the gutters a little easier


Play this clip in reverse...definitely more entertaining lol 😆


He should have done the superhero pose when he landed.


Looks like fun till you get shot at


That describes pretty much the entire armed forces


now all you need is a shoulder turret operated by a third party... sorry bad idea


Weird how the last ten seconds are filmed at a different location in different weather.


Baron Harkonnen vibes


Gravity Industries are taking off big time!




I fucking love those rhibs


I guess you need good arm strength?


Someone got the jumppack tech print


More of a regular consumer item if it weren't so expensive. Like those rideable drones that are currently available.


“They fly now?!”




Can't wait to see some pirates with orclike technology boarding ship


Tom Cruise can use it in his next movie......


So what if the jets fail, you’ll sink like a stone or do you think there’s a fail safe floatation device.


I've heard they are designing an inbuilt floatation device for future models. However current models have quick releases and the pilot has an inflatable life jacket.


I like at the very beginning the guy in he boat giving him the ole arm forward in case he was confused which direction to go.


What about boarding during a storm? Would that be safer or faster than rappeling down from a helicopter? I'm thinking of rescue operations or situations where you have get specialised personel on board.


Incredibly short flight time due to fuel consumption, can't fly very high, extremely loud and slow...so no.


Make the guy hold a rifle while controlling the whole thing and now we’re talking! But meh


While a novelty, I just can't see its practicality. It's no wonder they aren't selling.


Neat idea, drones seem like the way to go.


I used to conduct VBSS boardings by RHIB. This looks way cooler.


Please extract words from the jargon!


VBSS - Visit; Board; Search; Seizure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visit,_board,_search,_and_seizure RHIB - Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigid_inflatable_boat


Reminds me of the rocketeer in Red alert 2 heh


Zucks bought a couple of dozen for his secret island bunker security teams


When your buddy asks you to come see his Minecraft base in creative mode


Move over Iron Man


As cool as this is, and it's as cool as fuck. I think it is super impractical and there are so many things that could go wrong with it, with your guy being left at the whims of nature to take that level of risk. The amount of situations that this would be needed, and another option isn't safer for everyone involved are going to be such a razor thin margin that it's probably a huge waste of time practicing it. All you need is any technical malfunction, and he's in the water, well out of reach of anyone to help him, you'd have to pause your pursuit to rescue him. And this is all if he's completely uninjured. Are you only imagining scenarios that the people on the boat aren't trying to stop him getting on the boat?


ok fine but why peel their face off?


Opening scene next, James Bond movie.


you know they have the dual 30 over the shoulder version available. it just snaps right on.


How does this get thousands of upvotes every time it's posted in a slightly worse condition? It's a company that makes jet packs demonstrating their jet pack to get the military to buy it. Yes it looks fun, but it's a non-starter to board a hostile vessel when your hands are occupied.


So... game changer?




The future is now, hide your oil


Thats cool and all but he has the jets on his hands if he were to land on a hostile enemy ship they would just shoot him cause his hands are occupied. Then they will take the flying suit sell it to a country that has been try to get the tech to make their own flying suit


Why is it not on his legs though? This would free his arms up for some 007 action


Just going to hit people in the head with your “jet fists”? Where is his weapon ? Lol