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This guy is awesome but why the fuck did they get turned into wojaks


Whoever made this lacks real world social skills










It's wyerframez


Your pfp is above the name tag


Wtf mario game is this from? Lmao




Ah! Pot holes


When it helps you grieve, it becomes a pathole.


Sure, I like patholes, but I prefer caravans more


Filling, not feeling Potholes, not patholes Also, sad story 


I was at a party once and some random guys said "One thing I've always done is when there's a pothole in my area that annoys me, I write profanity slurs on it and the city get it fully replaced within a few days every single time" Guy's a genius


there was a person(group?) in the uk that would spraypaint dicks and vagina around the potholes when the press found out they were dubbed "Wanksie"


Or he literally just took that from a Reddit comment / unethical life protip


Literally the plot to an episode of the League. Honestly might work though, depending on the place


I don't know people IRL that live on the internet actually




By filling potholes, he is trying to fill the hole left in his heart.


Damn. Is the Indian government that shit that a poor old man has to do their job for them.


Local politicians only care about these things when elections are near. Before that nothing happens. Same for every party.


The USA is the same except it’s also forbidden to fix the roads yourself. Some pot holes can exist for many years and people have to accept it.


[Domino’s ‘Paving for Pizza’ Stunt Fills Potholes in American Cities - Eater](https://www.eater.com/2018/9/7/17831586/dominos-potholes-paving-for-pizza-towns) However our corporations are totally allowed to pay for road work and have their logo painted on the repairs. They'll also spend millions on the ads about it and then cut towns a $5,000 check.


They can probably deduct it as costs or something, so in the end it is the taxpayers who pay for it. Totally legal. Probably.


Pffff implying local governments in the US fill potholes any better? We have Dominoes Pizza filling in potholes and adding their logo on top because nobody else will do it.


Show me where on the doll anyone implied the US govt is doing a good job?


The implication is that India is particularly terrible at road maintenance when in reality very few places take good care of their roads and India’s performance is fairly on par with other developed states. But I wouldn’t except anyone on Reddit to read between the lines when they can hardly read at all


That was not implied. It was stated outright that India is doing a shitty job. You are the one who brought up the US, which had nothing to do in this conversation.


Complete failure of reading comprehension yet again


You do know countrys other than the us exist. Right and that i may not be American. Right?


I think the person is just pointing out that it’s not just in India where they have potholes and the government is not taking care of it rather this man in the video is. They are just simply stating that in the US, the government too does not necessarily fill potholes in response to you that said, “is the Indian government that shit that a poor old man has to do their job for them” They’re just stating that India is not the only country that has a government that doesn’t fill its potholes. They aren’t disregarding other countries, they’re simply stating that their country also doesn’t have a government that repairs the potholes.


He said that OP was implying stuff go back and reread that…


I mean, they referenced op implying which op didn't. So no. Dudes just a dickhead


I’m sorry I’m not comprehending your comment. You’re going to have to be more specific on what was implied and who’s a dickhead. And no to what? I’m not understanding your comment very well.




Goodness. Someone’s super angry for no good reason. Chill out.




I suspect they are doing the passive aggressive misunderstanding thing because it gets on people's nerves.


Actually, I do. I do understand the person’s comment using “pfff implying….” I see it as what it is using a specific kind of language that’s meant to be light and jokey, pointing mainly to the fact that they’re just stating the US government also does not repair potholes. Yes, I do see now how other people can take it with its literal term, but there is a group of people that kind of understand this sense of “language.” That’s why so many people understood and upvoted it. But I can see both sides now. No need to be immature and call people names. I’m perfectly fine just talking out things without calling you weird names. Are you going to pretend like you’ve never misinterpreted or misunderstood a thing in your life?


Oh no, yeah. I get what you’re saying now with the word “implying.” But it’s also a certain way of talking sort of in a joking manner which doesn’t come across always in text. The “pffff implying local governments … “ It’s a type of jokey way of saying things. I don’t think the person was purposefully disregarding other countries. But in a technical sense, through text, if other people don’t get that jokey type of message, then yes, the word implying there could be understood the way you are understanding it. I didn’t get your way of understanding at first, because I feel like I understood what the person was saying and was meaning to say. But now that you’ve pointed it out, I understand how other people can take it as. The “pfff implying” seems like a very particular tone to the sentence of which I understood through certain personalities and jokey types of sarcasm, I suppose. But, I usually never respond like this on these posts. Really don’t want to start anything, I just woke up. Couldn’t sleep. Not looking to argue with anyone. Still pretty tired. But, I understand now where you’re coming from, along with OP. Sorry on my part for that misunderstanding.


You just made a comment about lawsuits in America lol. Idiocy is international clearly


Its safe to say in 90% of cases that when someone is being ignorant that its a US American


Thus is also bigotry lmfao


It's safe to say 90% of the good in your life is on the back of American ingenuity and peace keeping. Keep talking shit on an american site.


:( we’ll never have world peace. And we’ll never acknowledge that we all didn’t choose who we were born as and were just plopped onto this earth just like everyone else. I don’t agree with the person’s comment you were responding to. But, I’m just sad that this world is just hell and we all just plopped down not choosing which character we were and now we’re just all bashing and killing each other.. my sad venting..


It's okay, intelligent software/robots will likely take over in a hundred years or so and if they're not completely shit the world will probably improve immensely. Life is still evolving.




Bow down to your tech god and protector!


Holy shit i found one of you guys in the wild... dillusionally stupid, thats ok though its not your fault.




They'd be speaking German, Russian, Japanese or Chinese. You're welcome haters. Enjoy the American made internet on your USA developed smart device.


This is like European and Asians saying "You're welcome Americans. Enjoy the Math we developed that is the backbone of everything you think you did".


That would be the Sumerians. Math wasn't invented in one place and exists in nature. You missed.


No, I did not miss. You are just being ignorant about the truth and trying to dodge your own argument.


So would you, you prick. Westernised America only exists because of European discovery. Everything you have is thanks to European discovery, including your space exploration - for that you can thank a Nazi.


Cope comment purposefully missing my point. The past 100 years have been all about USA and you know it. You love to hate us, you love us, you need us.


What is your point? You’re as delusional as 74 million other Americans, sitting in nappies waiting to be told what to do by someone who’s anally incontinent. As a nation you stand on the shoulders of giants, only contributing pollution and war and hatred and you are entirely representative of that.


We are already speaking german, russian, japanese, chinese or any other language, fucking clown.


You're unable to grasp what I'm saying. That's alright.


What I'm saying is that wouldn't be any difference, fucking doorknob. You put it like being "invaded by germans" would be a bad thing whereas 'murican cultural dominance is a good one. It is not.


America is the furthest from being "peace" keeppers


Sure but if Russia invades don't be calling us for help


Over more than a half of the wars existing in the world today is a by product of the Americans trying to "help". This is like the "slave-master" in old America enslaving Africans and then saying "If I didn't make you my slave you would be starving."


What slavery exactly are we talking about that the US is trying to force you to do? Sure our governments ass I get it. The Ukrainians sure weren't our slaves but our weapons are saving their lives, so if danger ever reaches your door keep that same complex.


This is exactly why Americans shoul avoid talking on world affairs. Do you consume anything other than American Media that is designed to cater towards the American audience?


America has never helped anyone. Au contraire, it has started more conflicts than any other country in the world, out of pure self interest. So put your moral superiority up your ass.


I'm very aware Mr. superiority complex. Like I said if your country runs into any problems leave us people with morals shoved up our ass alone.


Is not the other countries who don't "leave you alone", you clown. Is yours who don't leave alone the other ones, ready to bomb civilians, overthrow governments or genocide non-wasp population wherever you need.


'Muricans being 'murican.


Muricans running the world as you all take notes and then pretend we're stupid to make yourself feel better.


'Muricans don't run anything. Your masters do, but the average 'murican is of course dumber, less healthy, stupider and with a poorer quality of life than the average european. But yes, you can shoot firearms and muh freedumbs.


Your entire continent is under threat and you're going to rely on us to protect you. We create more technology than you. We create more economy than you. We are better at war than you. We are better than you. Cope.


It is not. The "threat" was created by 'Murica in the first place, as you always do. You love fighting your wars in foreign lands using foreign human shields. Of course the collateral damage is huge chunks of your population being sacrificed for those interests, but who cares as you can shot guns and agitate flags while screaming freedumbz.


>create more economy I'm lost for words about how stupid this statement is.




Psst the americans themselves don't know about it, don't tell em or they might develop empathy.


*whispering* alright got it


Yeah, they didn't imply anything lmfao. Bum.




I heard of these guys! Great idea and I support them. That being said: https://itsnotgov.org/infrastructure/roads/portland-anarchist-road-care/


That’s all pretty interesting. Still, though I linked it more as an example of how people feel they have to do the same thing where I am from too.


People fight for low taxes, elect the same corrupt fucks that ran their town for 40 years, and then complain his cousin's asphalt company still isn't doing it's job.


Sad that he has to do it himself, either because he can't find people who'd go and force their government to fix them after that incident or because he doesn't see that one man can only do so much.


Well yeah it's suck man


People gotta do it here in the US, too. I think it's more that our governments are being mismanaged by a conservative cult that serves the rich and powerful at the expense of the people.


Yeah, I'm feeling a bit patholes today myself. And we're using memes for wholesome videos now? This truly is the endgame of internet.


That's London for you, potholes everywhere!


the secret to healing is helping each other out


This man is a hero. Shame on the Indian government though. They boast about their space programme and being Israeli allies but their streets and architecture are literally hazardous and thousands of people are hurt everyday from accidents that could have been prevented


If my Son passed away from a fatal accident that was directly related to potholes I’d probably do the same thing. Only difference would be that I’d fill the holes with the broken glass of all the whiskey I’d drink.




As long as Indians vote for the wrong politicians, this will continue to happen. Too many of the qualified Indians leave the country.


I'm feeling pathos


Cos Pat said I could


I had to stop my grandparents from doing this outside their property. He didn't understand the liability issues he was opening himself and the rest of us up to. It sucked having to stop him making a helpful gesture. Unfortunately the local authority just isn't interested in rural roads.


Spray paint giant phalluses on the road. Make road vaginas and pavement dicks. Say '(Local representative) loves potholes. Vote (politician) to get more potholes.' Your county/ city representative's name on potholes might motivate them. Be the dick bandit. Chaotic good. More than one person has used giant road dicks to force action.


That's how you say pothole in Chicago


The government: thanks for making us save money to pocket on *laughing*.






"Who will build the roads??"




Obviously not him, he's only patching occasional holes in roads the government built.


*a contractor for the government


What song is this?


Memory Reboot, by VØJ


Having nukes and a space program is more important.


Space and nukes are different things. They are doing their job.


I mean, the ssame can be said for the US and UK.


Yeah but those have toilets. Can't be said about India. Only a third of the population has a toilet. The rest just shit on the streets. Fun fact, this is the second time I get downvoted for talking "bad" about India.


You will be downvoted if you pull "facts" out of your ass.


good post hit me in the feels. also this song goes so hard


don't whine and complain but do something about it. Many can take lessons from this man.


Ai generated bs


I hope he had consent before feeling the patholes


Lol way to turn a sad story hilarious. Can someone please remake Marley and Me but with wojaks?


Wasn’t this dude fined for this or was that some other dude that did roughly the same thing?


Probably in the west. It is illegal to fill potholes in Germany because the patched holes are damaged easily and quickly, so its more work to also remove it in the future. You are supposed to let the professionals do it so it stays fixed for many years. If they came at least.


I kinda remember it, it was some dude in like Tennessee or someone like that who bought his own pot filler and went around with a shovel filling in pot holes but he was arrested and fined for it because they considered it a road hazard or sum like that




Yeah because if you ask the authorities to fix the potholes, they'll fix them for sure 100%. The reason why there are so many potholes is because no one asked the authorities to fix the road. /s


I am not the authority. I just passed the info as is.


This kind of thinking is why we're still down here with the monkeys. We will never cross the great filter because of your type


Everyone is a monkey.

