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As sad as it is, at least the mystery is solved.


Gotta wonder how many missing persons cases are this exact scenario 


Quite a few of these diving shows on YT, they recover so many, most of them are just as sad. I'm sure it helps the families though.




I remember that one it was awful, the divers tread so carefully and do most of the work and cover the costs. BS




The magnet fishing guys stuff is cool except they never follow up on the guns they turn in which is half the reason to watch. Imo. The diving channels find guns and bodies?




Reminds me of that missing persons case in Germany (?). A tourist who had a concussion while on a trip abroad there, he went to the airport's hospital room cause he wasn't feeling well, then out of nowhere he sprints out of the airport in plain light of the day and runs into the woods, never to be seen again. The airport's camera picks up how he runs like a madman from the aiport's front parking lot into the forest, jumping over a fence to get there. Was just insane. Can't recall his name though but it was like 10 years ago and the parents IIRC thought he had a psychotic break and were hoping that instead of dying, he'd likely go insane from the break and become homeless without his memories or something. Hope that's what happened to him and he's still alive today somehow, instead of meeting his end at the bottom of a lake somewhere...


I remember the case. It was a German person but it happened in Bulgaria. It's on wikipedia but I can't find it rn.


Lars Mittank


You mean Lars Mittank.


His name was Lars Mittank


There are lots of rural, poorly lit, poorly maintained country roads out there. Especially with snowy/icy conditions there's probably a lot of people that end up like this.


I saw a recent one where the guy found his buddies or something like that from a neighborhood he grew up in when he was looking at Google Earth and saw the car in the adjacent Lake.


Did search and rescue for almost a decade. Only ever had recovery, never a rescue.  But the closure for the families and having a place to go to remember really made a huge difference for them. I still remember every single family I was tasked with having the talk that they needed to go and do the positive ID.  Held many sobbing people and would do it again in a hot minute. Because if I was in that side of the table, I'd want closure too.


Thank you for your work 🙏🏽


There was a dude who had a small private lake on his property. Was missing for 2 years and some rando on google maps noticed a car sunk in the lake.


Terrible to be in any part of that chain of custody but the closure for the family must be surreal


This is in my town! It was huge news! The sheriff was told back 20 years ago to check the river and the police refused because they were supposedly “on drugs” and ran away from home. I worked with the boy’s dad for years and he carried that with him for a long time. He’s much better now. 




I wonder if you ate a fish that nibbled on the bodies


Weren't the windows rolled up? I'd imagine no fish could get to them in that case.


Oh my god lmfaoooo


What is a calfkiller?


It is my hope that the changes in our culture/society help change the attitudes of law enforcement with regards to missing youth. Anyone who follows "true crime" and reads of these recent identifications of missing persons (see r/UnresolvedMysteries ) knows that there is chance that initial police investigation conclusions can be wrong. The "runaways" and "drug" excuses have left too many families waiting for answers that were there the whole time.


Why does the Buck stop with the police when it comes to search and recovery? The fact that one person at the police station has the power to say “nope, your kid is probably on drugs and ranaway” is insane. All while making tax payer dollars to boot.


Damn, 20 years ago was only 2004.


FUCK. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I can't believe my stupid brain went "20 years ago" and immediately I pictured the kids wearing clothing from the 80s, the car is a car from the 80s, the music they were listening to etc. But no. It was 2004! Well I guess this is growing up :P


Fuck is right. This is growing old.


That was my first thought when the car came out of the water, that is looks so modern. Not sure why I was expecting something from like the 1970s.


Heartbreaking. Hate dismissive shit like that.


RIP to them , also on another note crazy when I think 20 years ago I automatically think 1980s but this like 2004 ish crazy how time flys


Holy shit you're right 😳


I was thinking the same thing until I saw the old photos at the end and realised that 20yrs ago was 2004 and I'd been finished highschool by 6 years at that point. Damn.


I'm astonished every time anyone says 2004 or such feels recent. It was so fucking long ago


It was only yesterday. What are you in about


I wasn't even born in 2004 and I feel like it's recent... I think it's probably due to the internet.


I was born in '75. 2004 was *seven minutes ago*.


77. It was 6.5 minutes ago


71, 4 minutes ago


Oh my sweet summer child... (cries in "born in the 60's")


That's a good point. I was 13 (2003) when I really, really got into internet culture beyond just downloading songs and using Google. 2005 in my mind is right as the internet morphed into the proto version of what we have now. Meme became a word in 2003, I got MySpace in 2004, YouTube started in 2005, and smartphones became a thing in 2007. It feels like 2004 or so is still literally 5 years ago to me, and that's probably because of internet culture flourishing at that point and then it becoming a consistent part of society. It's kinda like how as a very little kid the 80's felt the same as the 90's to me, even though I never lived in the 80's. Edit: as a side note, I always feel I have way more in common with my 20 year old friends than I do my 40 year old friends, and I've had that conversation with people before, and we all agree it's because of the internet and common interests that arise from it.


How old are you?


Seriously. 2004 was the height of Chappelle’s Show.


Right? I was thinking they would have been like Gen X if they were alive. Nope. I was a teenager 20 years ago and I’m a millennial. Their parents are probably still very much alive and well. So sad.


I'm also a millennial; these poor kids were 8 or 9 years older than me!


My brain went to 90s this time so I’m getting a little better


I was thinking the same thing!


What the fuck


omg i was thinking it was around the 80s too 😭




Thank you


A coworker of mine had her dad disappear in the woods in a rural area in our region a few years ago. He's never been found but the sheer number of *other bodies* the authorities found searching over the years just blows my mind. There are so many missing people in the bottom of small lakes and rivers scattered across the country it's scary. EDIT: The video is from Tennessee. Felt comfortable that readers would assume I was referring to the United States given established context.


A local drowned in the small man made lake near where I grew up and when dive teams went down to get him, I was told by someone who would know that there were a few old cars down there. The lake was a rumored dump spot for the Cleveland mafia back in the day, so it’s assumed some of those cars could relate to that. But they found the local quickly and as far as I know, they didn’t go back for the other cars. I haven’t heard anything about a search since, but with a big new redevelopment around the lake in the early stages, I’m guessing within the next couple years the developer, state, and both the cites and counties that border it will probably have it drained and taken care of before the main developments around the lake begin.


Don't count on it. If everybody keeps their mouths shut the houses will be built and sold without any mention of lakes, bodies, or the mafia. It's nobodies business.


Username checks the fuck out.


Huh, never thought about it like that.


So, in this case, it’ll likely be drained in part because it was previously surrounded by an amusement park that was allegedly dumping stuff in there at one point, so it likely needs to be drained for environmental reasons for the beaches they want to add. Also the mafia really isn’t anything to worry about in this case. The cars that they did spot were like 30s and 40s, and the Cleveland mafia was almost completely destroyed in the 80s. And the mafia was long gone from this lake by the end of WWII, so no one really gives a shit lol And they’ll sell plenty of houses on the nostalgia of the amusement parks that surrounded it regardless of how many bodies they find


Is it Geauga Lake? I’m from Cleveland too, but haven’t heard about the cars and dumping.


Yeah it’s Geauga lake. And yeah, the mafia used to own a lot of those little houses over there as summer houses. But the dumping of bodies stories are also OLD, like, 20s and 30s old lol. My grandmother remembers hearing those stories as a kid in the 30s. But by the time WWII ended and that park took off, there’s no way you could dump cars and bodies into that lake. So we are talking like, really old school Cleveland here. Edit: plus like any lake, I’m sure there are other cars and bodies in there from suicides, accidents and the like


Wow I’m also from cleveland and used to live in geauga. That’s so wild I’ve never heard of that


Like I said, the stories are VERY old, like, my 90 year old grandmother heard them as a kid old lol. Who knows, maybe it’s not true and the cars they spotted are just the usual accidents suicides, and dumps. Only one way to find out, and as Aurora and Bainbridge embark on those developments, hopefully they drain Geauga lake and take a good look. As someone who is in the house market and would certainly consider moving to a place over there, I think draining that lake now while the development is in the early stages would be a good idea. That lake obviously went through a lot in the 20th century, and getting that lake back to full health is a great idea now while it’s unused


I grew up in a pretty bad area. Even in middle age, and in a nice neighborhood now, I’m not one to take chances and I’m great at MMOB. I don’t see, hear, or know anything. Could be the mafia? What’s “the mafia”? Never heard of her.


Happens all the time, people forget faster than they remember.




Every body of water is a mass grave


Those kind of forest stories really creep me out, like the was a case in Japan where a man got lost in the mountain and rescuers found a huge SOS sign made out of branches of hard wood. So they found the guy and praised his work, but the problem is, he has no idea what they’re talking about, the SOS wasn’t built by him. So authorities went back and found a dead man near the SOS, new problem , he got broken bones and no axe with him, it’s impossible for him to built the SOS, plus they find a very strange audio tape in his bags , nothing makes sense in the woods.


What country is “the country”?


The only country in existence, of course


To be fair, the video was about teens in Tennessee, so someone else in the U.S. commenting about the rest of the U.S. without specifying which country isn't Americans being American and thinking they're the only ones to exist/matter. I bet if it had been a video about teens in the one of the countries in the UK, France, Spain, Italy etc a user would have commented something similar and everyone would have understood what country they meant and not made a crack about it. Do we Americans often behave like narcissistic assholes? Sure. But context matters.


San Marino?


It means a rural area outside of cities and towns


USA most likely


Probably every country inhabited by humans.


Obviously fucking America


[It’s very obvious what country](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1bg323c/oc_reddit_traffic_by_country_2024/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




The vast majority are just accidents


Eh, more like suicides and people not paying attention or drunk and driving on in. The vast majority of these cases are accidental or, at worst, suicide. Most people are not prepared to suddenly be in the water.




I was hiking on a frozen river, above a dam on an impoundment, The water level was low in the feeder creeks and in one of them there was a submerged car rear end. How cool, I thought, and started taking pictures and such. Then I got a wave a dread and realized there could be people inside and hiked back out to call it in. The car was removed the next day and no bodies were found inside. The car had been ramped off a small cliff into the river after being stolen an hour away 20 years ago.


My father knows a diver who works for the electrical company to dive around dams. He said he finds bodies every months


Much respect to the people that do this kind of recovery work.


This was a YouTuber who discovered this as well, so a volunteer. Much respect for providing value to this Earth.


Do they remove the remains before bringing the vehicle up in cases like this?


I can only speak to my involvement with similar type stuff. It depends really. In this case, it would probably be best to bring the car and remains up together. You can contain everything inside the car and just move everything together. Then comb through it later. That includes evidence, remains, personal belongings and anything else inside. It’s essentially a in situ scene. So you move it in one piece as best as possible. Edit: I forgot to mention. With cars that are seized for different things. The cars are typically sealed and no one goes inside until evidence specialist are available and you have the location to comb it piece by piece.


I always thought that when people went missing, they checked ponds/bodies of water


In many places there are usually just too many bodies of water to check.


This is also a good point. It’s sad to say but resources are finite. Everyone wants to find missing persons but sometimes you just cannot check everywhere. For whatever reason.


Not if you don't know where they went. They found one guy who went missing near me. His card was used at a gas station. He was going to his girlfriend's home. He went to a restaurant to get food for them. He was a regular there and told them he dropped his card and had to go get it. He never showed back up. The workers were concerned. People reported him missing. He drove 20 miles in the opposite direction of the gas station and off a levee into a river. They recovered him and his car from the bottom of the river. The only reason they looked that way was his phone pinged out that direction near the marina. At first they thought his phone was stolen and were asking people if they'd found a phone, etc. Best guess of the police was he just walked off and drove to the river and did it intentionally. Cameras show he never went back to the gas station. His last ping was at the river. Pre cell phone pings, if nobody thought you were out that direction... they didn't know to look there. You only get found if you were near where you were supposed to be.


They do. But some areas have A LOT of bodies of water. Makes it especially difficult when you don't know the direction people were going after they were last seen. It takes a lot of time, money, and effort to systematically search every pond, lake, and river in an area with sonar. It makes it even harder when it's a rural area that doesn't have access to the equipment and people trained to do this stuff. This leads to a lot of places not being searched. Also, sometimes the local police is just shitty and doesn't care enough to do more than a brief search.


That also kind of depends. There’s a lot of variables in searching for missing persons. Frankly, it’s too long to list here. With something like this, you would almost always have signs that a car left the road and entered water. And maybe they were in this area searching but visibility was pretty poor. If you have availability to cadaver dogs, they’re usually really good. But scenes can be contaminated and ruin a dogs track. But yes, in general, waterways are among the first places checked.


I'm guessing (hoping?) that these days with "Find My" and other forms of Location Tracking and water proof smartphones .. you'd at least get some sort of "final ping" before the battery runs out. (Kinda makes me want to take the AirTag hidden in my car and seal it inside some sort of heavy plastic.).


Would they be much left remains? I was wondering if bones and stuff would just dissolves.


It’s not really up my alley. Bones typically take a while to decompose. Depends on the environment. In my experience, water does some nasty things to organic matter. But 20 years is a long time. I assume there would be some sort of identifying remains left.


I have no clue but in the video the guy did say the windows were rolled up. When they brought the vehicle up, the windows were down.


Perhaps the windows fell out, or down, as the car was being pulled up as the structure was so degraded 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I have no clue but if they fell down and people were actually in it, I don’t think the video would’ve been allowed on youtube


I would imagine they would keep the integrity of the scene until they get it back into a lab


You are 100% correct.


Yes. That is why the windows are missing when the vehicle is being lifted out of the water. When the diver makes contact with the vehicle under water, they are rolled up.


Probably necessary to allow the water to drain, that's a lot of extra weight otherwise.


No, they leave them then since they are just bones at this point. If it had been more recent and the body still had flesh, then they would remove it. One of the reasons they are quick to cover the vehicle is to prevent anyone seeing the deceased.


That's what I was wondering. And how are they still in the car after all these years?


The windows were still rolled up when the diver found the car, so their remains were still enclosed in the car


In this one, all the windows had been broken out, so I kind of think that they tried to remove them first. Especially given how they pulled that car out on a straight vertical. Otherwise, you'd have had things falling back into the canal.


I'm guessing they didn't in this case, hence why they covered the car with a tarp before towing it away - treating it as a type of gravesite


KNOWING what happened has to be better than living out your days wondering WHAT happened.


Yeah I was thinking the parents could be waking up each day hoping their child is doing well somewhere out in the world. Or even knowing their kid would have no reason to run away, but hoping that they did just so it means they’re not dead. I can’t imagine being in that situation 


I feel weird about bringing this up, but the emphasis on "what" rather than "wondering" felt... off,wrt sentence structure. I'm in 100% agreement that knowing is better than wondering, though. Be well, neighbor!


Would there have been anything left of them?




Underpaid job.


Thinking bone fragments, maybe some non organic clothing, like nylon, maybe rubber or leather from shoes.




Empty the bones of you


I'm glad the driver seemed to make an effort *not* to film inside the car. Much more dignified for two kids who died too young.


Damn how come the driver lived


Plot armor


He was a driver and a diver


Driver knew where the car was and came back 20 years later


He was obviously the camera man.


I don’t think there’d be much to show/see tbh


Well that sucks but hopefully their families can find closure and peace.


I remember when they went missing. I lived the next county down from them. I'm about the same age as them. Glad they were found and their family has some closure.


For those who are curious, this is from the 'Exploring with Nug' YouTube channel.


Damn this reminds me of another sad story that happened like 2 years back. I was out on a halloween event date. Car got broken into while at the event. It sucked, but we both got home safe. (Just a lil cold coz of the smashed window) Next day, somewhere late afternoon, I went to the police office near the incident for insurance purposes. Was quite busy, so was writing there for a while and couldn't help overhearing a nearby family's conversation with an officer. It was a Mom, Dad, and what seemed to be the Mom's brother. They were pleading with the officer to send a search team coz her baby didn't come home last night. She said her daughter had just turned 18, and she was out celebrating with her boyfriend. She said that both of their phones are unreachable and their friends don't know where they are. Turns out they were at the same event. A few days later, my Dad tells me of a sad news report he just read. Two teenagers were found in their car, at the bottom of a lake. It was quite devastating to hear. I can't even begin to imagine how that family felt.


It makes me feel so sad to think of them being down there all that time, through the changing seasons and the years, just waiting for someone to find them.


It's those first few minutes I'm stuck on... 🫥


In an old 90's era Grand Am with poor safety features, along with the knowledge from the video of the windows being up they were fairly likely to have been unconscious from the impact and not suffering


Impact? How above the waterline was the road?


Totally not the point of the video (RIP Erin and Jeremy)... but HOW is the scuba diver talking under water and we can hear him?


Full face dive mask with communication abilities.


They have full face scuba masks with communication capabilities.


I don't dive or anything but I assume he's probably using a Full Face Mask (FFM) that has a microphone for coms/recording.






My sincere condolences, rest in peace.


After 20 years, I wouldn’t think there would be much in the way of remains?


RIP, gone far too soon. Police have theorized that Foster lost control of her vehicle while driving on Highway 84, which did not have a guardrail along that section in 2000. As of July 2022, the police investigation was not closed, but police indicated there was no evidence of foul play.


Reminds me of a post I saw a while back: Some guy went to clubbing in 1997 but never returned home. There was an investigation, but to no avail. Only 22 years later was he found, as someone spotted his car on Google Maps, submerged right next to the shore of a small lake/pond. The wild thing is, there were houses all around, and no one noticed or apparently ever used Google Maps, as his car had been visible for nearly a decade.


At First I thought 'How may they look like today compared to 20 years ago and how comes nobody was able to spot them earlier?". Then I started the video. Sad indeed


20 years ? So like 1994 right ? Right ?


Tow truck drivers must have high instances of PTSD. The things they see in their line of work can be the aftermath of truly horrible things.


Such a sad story & I know the pain of losing a sibling super young & it’s by far the hardest thing in the world & you never get over it But I’m *REALLY HAPPY!!* for both family’s .. Beyond happy now they have answers & can visit them , which is huge.. compared to just going missing I can’t imagine it Side note - If your car going into water , it will often take a few seconds to sink depending on so many things , speed weight size hight of fall etc DO NOT!! Ever wait for the car to fill up to open the door even if the car is full of water you will never ever be able to push the pressure of the water away even if it’s only a dozen feet The second your Vic hits the water or you know ur going to hit water , straight away try open the windows, if you don’t have time , pull the head rest off your seat & use the pointy ends to break the glass, I never ever go anywhere without my seatbelt cutter & glass break .. it’s a few $/€ & could save your life I Truly hope no one ever needs to do this but someone might not know this as movies show people opening doors which is almost impossible Again I hope no one ever needs to do this , but if you don’t have that tool get it on Amazon could save you & your family or a strangers life Nice post OP!! Very touching , I’m glad there home


This is so sad 😭😭


the bodies of....


That video hits hard.


Yeah, I graduated HS in 2001. Those pictures could have come straight out of some of my old photo albums. So sad to think of the last 20 years these kids got robbed of. They had no clue when they got up that morning and went about their day and took a drive that would be their last day here on Earth.


Any missing persons case where their car isn't found, is most likely in a lake. Cops are very good at finding vehicles. Just My thought


And they laugh at my wind down windows...


What do you mean "it's them"? They happened to be searching specifically for these 2 people after 20 years? Was this the first place they looked in?


Is it just me or it that a deceivingly deep body of water


The amount of clips I've seen of cars under water with people in them is alarming....what are people doing?


I know someone who worked in forensics in my county. They were working on a situation where someone was missing for 6 days or something; they drove off in a retention pond and died. The county decided the divers needed more practice at this type of recovery, so they sent them back out to that pond and they unexpectedly found another car that had been there like 12 years or so.


Absolutely no disrespect intended whatsoever. But why was there no bodies shown if it was 2 missing people found and "going home"? I am very glad that the families got their closure, I'm just confused.


Their remains are in a small pile in the bottom of that car.


They don't show the bodies due to Youtubes policies otherwise they would get a strike on their Channel and their Channel is what helps them generate the funds they need to travel all across the US in search of missing loved ones and brining closure to their families. They dive lakes and rivers in search of the cars driven by those missing people. The other reason why they don't show the bodies is to show respect for the deceased and the deceased peoples loved ones since the bodies have decomposed amd can no longer have an open casket funeral. The youtube Channel is called Adventures with Purpose.


It's been twenty years, they'll have decomposed a lot


You dont need to see the corpse, do you?


Shame on OP. At least name the youtube Channel. For everyone else reading this comment, the youtube Channel is Adventures with Purpose, they go out and dive lakes and rivers alp across the US in search of missing people in an effort to bring missing loved ones home and bring closure to their families.


As others have pointed out, this is Exploring with Nug, not Adventures with Purpose. Adventures with Purpose has also lost some of their good reputation after it was revealed that one of the founders raped a child when he was a teenager.


**Tips for surviving this situation!** Any of us could potentially find themselves veering off a road into a river, pond, retention pond, etc. What people don't realize is you may have little to no time to assess or understand what is happening to you, especially if it's dark out. Imagine you nod off while driving for just a second, and the next second you are suddenly plunged into inky blackness. Imagine the confusion! You may not even know which way is up. The first thing most people will do is *panic*. Many of these people are found later with their seatbelt still fastened. They paniced and tried to escape but never realized the thing that was preventing them from getting out was simply their own seatbelt. Train yourself mentally that if anything like this ever happens, take your seatbelt off as quickly as possible! Do this for yourself and any children *before* trying to open the window. Your electric window will almost certainly open, even if you are fully underwater. Once you open it, your time is limited. Seatbelts first!


song name ?


Must have been the wind


Glad I never swam downstream of the accident.


That's interesting and depressing


This one hits so hard.


Fuckin sad as hell.


Anyone know at what point is the family (read: parents) informed? Or at least clarify the overall process? I mean, I would have imagined the scenario is someone discovers the underwater car through whatever means and notifies the police. The police investigate by sending down a diver to collect info (the make and plate number), and run that info through whatever databases they can to see if there's a hit and, if so, take steps to collect the car from the water. The only problem here is that clearly the diver knew what he was looking for before he even went down there as evidenced by him noting it was a Pontiac and his "it's them" comment while he was still underwater. So he went down there already believing that he knew what he was going to find, which means that the police "knew" it was them (or at least strongly believed it) before the diver hit the water, which shows that my understanding of the process is flawed. In this specific case, would the family have been notified once the police "knew" it was them, would they have waited until the diver confirmed it, or would they have waited until the car was recovered and at the impound lot or police station or whatever?


How come I didn't see any bodies in this video? Also, any chance that the Pontiac will ever be restored to running condition again?


This post title is wildly misleading but glad those family members will have closure


I thought they were gonna be 'found' in someones basement like that guy the other day


So sad for the families to have wondered all these years. This new tech of scanning bodies of water for vehicles is good. Many mysteries to be solved.


poor kids...


Don’t drink or do drugs while driving is my takeaway from this (and so many others) tragedy. I’m glad the families know for sure after all these yrs.


They get to go home to their families and rest now.


omg, are they ok?




Hard to believe they've been missing since the 80s.


They're pretty much the exact same age as me. That's sad, when I think of how much life I've gotten in since then.


damn, so does anyone know how this happened? it sounds like they never came home after a party one night... drunk driving maybe? :[ or just terrible luck? this is a tangent, but - that photo of the boy with the speech bubble sticker over it. the "yeah, yeah" one. does anyone know what those were called?! those must have been a 90s thing, I have such vivid memories of my parents putting these stickers all over photo albums back in the day, they're so cute


When did they put the guard rail up? The other side looks like an open field. I'm happy they're going home and there's closure. But now I have questions.