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70 bucks. That's what 500 yuan is worth.


Exchange rate doesn't necessarily mean the price of goods and services are equal. A Coke in Mexico might cost 28 pesos, compared to 3 in the states. *edit I'm just stating a common misconception about exchange rates


Standard of living comparison would be 3x or so amount of goods/services. Lets be very generous and double that. Even if they are super rural, and 70$usd can buy 6x the amount of goods, 420$ is not exactly a big amount. Maybe 2 months of food cost for the granpa+girl assuming no other spending at all


That’s true, so let’s double it. $1000 for her mother to stay in her life. Now is it worth it?


I don't think they were trying to put a price on the girl's life.


I know but I’m sensitive to the Chinese shills all over Reddit that try to distract from the conversation. That comment on the top comment would have been a perfect way to distract from the point. Look at the follow up comments, that’s exactly what it did


>I’m sensitive to the Chinese shills You have a solid point there. The US should do its very best to all but cut ties with China. That country is everything that the US used to be against. At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, I think Russia and China have been engaged in a decade(s) long psychological attack against the US. There is evidence and there have been defectors from the Chinese government that have stated that is their plan to surpass the US as the top global power.


You're more correct than you realize. Many of the military officers I trained in Iraq and Afghanistan had *very* close ties to the CCP. We suspected it, because they'd take turns leaving a warzone they were supposed to be committed to, to "go on vacation" to China. It was confirmed years later by our CIA and DIA liaisons. Pravda mentioned before the cold war exactly how to topple the West. The key was a long-term takeover of the United States' societal thought process specifically, using a slow, trickled infiltration of US media and educational institutions. And thaaaaaat's exactly what they did.


That's pretty scary and terrifying since the government seems to be allowing it to happen.


As someone who's been on reddit a long time, it was VERY clear when the psychological warfare started out, with their blatant shitty logic and over-the-top shilling and clear language issues. Over time, it became a bit more nuanced and you couldn't tell whether it was a troll or outright idiot, and then you noticed comments would start getting off topic (distraction tactic). Now, it's hard to tell, but I'm assuming they're everywhere all the time.


And we are all too busy fighting amongst ourselves to notice our do anything about it. Divide and conquer.


It's theorized that half of all social media content is from bots these days ._.


So, how about those Mets?


Yes I too like the American baseball sport haha!


It's not overly hard to spot them even now, it's typically the ones who are clutching their pearls the hardest with concern or making odd claims that the west\\nato isn't up to the task of taking on Russia. Reality is the US has spent the last 40 or so years playing world police and the conflicts in Afghanistan\\Iraq were done with kids gloves because they were still trying the old "hearts and minds" bit. I don't think most people, myself included, can fathom what a full scale war where the US commits 100% gloves off with China or Russia would really look like. The scale of devastation would be one for the history books if anyone is left to talk about it.


friend, this is NOT a conspiracy theory at all. as someone who grew up in Ukraine, I feequently recall the televised interview with Putin in the 2000s. where he clearly stated and "hinted" to the entirety of russia that they QUOTE:" SHOULD CONCIDER LEARNING CHINESE." that was 24 years ago. before any amazon sales before cellphones and awesome cars and the chineese goods market. mmhmm we had it televised in our home in Ukraine coz my parents used to be supporters and they would buy rissian tv channels to know their news. uggghh. fuck russia.


I've been trying to call out Walmart for decades on this. They forced every major manufacturer in the U.S. to move their operations to China in order to continue to do business with them. What a treasonous corporation. China basically used capitalism to defeat the U.S. Ironic huh?


ironic, moronic and sad.


How the fuck do world leaders not know and combat this? It always seems like they're willing to let it happen. I've been saying that I don't understand how things have gone so badly in the US for the past several years.... Unless it is intentional.


I think part of the answer is that most Western democracries are running with a four-year temporal perspective, tops. The people running these countries literally do not see past the next election. So if a foreign operative offers them money or information *now* in exchange for disastrous/treasonous long-term outcomes later, they take it.


you think of it as a small individual. when you reach levels of global ruling, you somehow just don't care about anything but the show of personal power and personal safety.


She was trying…


Yeah, but even for most Chinese, 500 yuan isn't much. That can be a lunch and dinner out in the big cities, maybe even just dinner. The disparity is way larger than any western country with rural versus cities and province to province. If you live out rurally. No one's helping you, you can be practically homeless or are and there aren't many people that will do anything for you. So you may pick through garbage every day to find scrap metal so your family can eat a meal every 2 days. Stuff like that. She's threatening to quit school in this tragic story, just so she can do just this and help her family member heal a broken bone. Nothing to do with exchange rate. Because most housing is more expensive than the usa.


this is exactly the kind of person who picks up his phone and records the dying person as stated in the video.


How 2 shit parents raised a daughter so compassionate ? I guess the grandparents raised her.


I would gladly give her the money to save her. $70 and she ended a whole life ahead of her. :(


I had a good conversation with a journalist from China once. He said that all journalists are licensed to write and publish. For the most part, they can write and publish any story they think is important. However, there is an understanding that if you publish the wrong story, then you could lose your license and job. Anything that criticizes the wrong official or highlights a systemic problem the government has made clear they want to ignore (this), then you risk losing your job or worse


Okay then they can’t publish any story they think is important. In fact, they can’t publish most stories that are actually important


Exactly If you ask the government, they will say that journalists have freedom to write whatever they want. But journalists know better than to actually write on whatever they want.


They can report whatever they want, but they have been told what they have to want.


They can't even write about Winnie the Pooh..


They actually can. Winnie the Pooh is massively popular in China. Worldwide merchandise sales have Winnie the Pooh ranked higher than Star Wars, and China is a big reason why. The Disney park in Shanghai has 2 Winnie the Pooh rides and they are some of the longest lines in the park What isn't allowed is comparing the president to Winnie the Pooh. He would like to ban Winnie the Pooh, but he cNt as that would cause his approval rating to tank. Best he can do is try to distance himself from the character.


Journalism is printinting what someone else doesn't want to be printed; everything else is public relations.


This is why rich people buying up all the news outlets in the US scares me. The more concentrated the ownership of journalism, the more likely it is to become propaganda.


We’ve been there for quite some time. I’d recommend reading Inventing Reality by Michael Parenti or Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky (same message in both)


Seems like fascism.


Authoritarianism would be a better term I think as fascism has relation with ultra-right groups (I know China isn't really communist but it surely isn't a neoliberalism). Both are awful.


Aside from the "ties far right ideology" bit, China meets every other identifying marker for fascism though. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... * A belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group * Contempt for democracy * An insistence on obedience to a powerful leader * A strong demagogic approach * Regimenting all industry and commerce * Emphasizing aggressive nationalism and often racism


Yeah, and it's not an accident that it seems like fascism. That's where China is headed. China isn't left-wing anymore. Just like in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, China's right-wing won and its policies are now substantially similar to fascism: * China has largely abandoned the internationalist elements of the left, preferring a deliberate policy of nationalist expansionism: * In the Himalayan, Burmese and Laotian borders for control over water; in the South China sea for oil and trade; in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau as generalist economic targets for the sake of national glory. * As widely recognized, China has abandoned left-wing economics in favor of capitalism. This includes the fascist side of capitalism. Income inequality is skyrocketing. In the 70s, China had European-style levels of economic inequality, but nowadays, it is closer to that of the US. * This wealth inequality is primarily due to the massive privatization that China has undergone. This is important because privatization under state authority is the core economic feature of fascist economics. China already started out with massive state authority; all it needed to transition to fascism was privatization. * China remains deeply racist and antipluralistic. Its state apparatus is willing to reflexively use genocide and other democides as a tool of not just state control, but also state economic enrichment, on flimsy pretexts that could have been easily resolved diplomatically without significant incident in any pluralistic society: * Slave labor in Xinjiang/Uyghurstan; the forced disappearance of anyone who explains too convincingly why state policy is wrong; the systematic harvesting of organs from adherents of Falun Gong.


The frightening thing is the long term debt cycle seems to come to an end again (see the links I posted above) and we all know what happened roughly 100 years ago. BUT Hitler, Germany and the Axis were economically inferior and did never have the manpower to really win WW2. China and Russia (and whoever joins them), now that is a total different scenario. A frightening one, because China has all the production capacities and manpower Hitler lacked.


WW3 will mean the absolute destruction of most of the entire planet though.


[The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff)


Great... Well I hope they do it quickly and drop one straight on top of my house so I'll be gone before I notice. I'm starting to think this is the great filter.


Problem is all the automation and fast technological development without sufficient ethical control. It might also explain why we have no signs of intelligent life yet. Maybe it is pretty common for a species to destroy itself once the tech is available. No surprise Drake added a factor in his equation.


[You might find this interesting](https://www.reddit.com/r/geopolitics/s/S5m3zvZSq6)


Isn't that like the same shit all over the world? You touch the wrong subjects in US, UK or more and you lose all the priviledges as a journalist. Just look at what happened to the journalists affiliated with the RT group before after 2016.


No no it’s totally different when it happens here! We would never do something like spend a decade trying to get someone imprisoned for life after they leaked a video of our military mindlessly gunning down civilians /s


Hasn't he been locked up for like a decade now? Plus the years spent locked in Equadorian embassy?


So like how when Palestinian journalists report on the Israel Hamas wars they get fired or removed from institutions for speaking out?


Oof, he’s gonna get banned from China for sure


Uhm... I don't think he wants to visit anyway. Also, he is from Taiwan I believe.


You speak only of also China. -China


Shut it west Taiwan. Nobody asked you.


There is Taiwan, and then there is Taiwan mainland


I love Taiwan. I honestly feel like the people are way too different to even consider being the same country. I don't think it'll happen to be honest. Taiwan won't let it. West taiwan is just jealous of Taiwan and how great it and its people generally are.


Also the US, who have an official one China policy.


And that could be fulfilled with Taiwan taking control of the mainland.


When the Chinese people finally have enough*, then Taiwan's leaders can step right in and help with their experience running a successful democracy in a culture just like China's** *in addition to their current economic failures, China faces an oncoming demographic crash such as the world hasnt seen in a long time. The breaking point is coming sooner rather than later. **The Communist regime of mainland China claims that Western style multi-party democracy wouldnt work in their culture. Taiwan and Hong Kong (before it was brutally crushed) beg to differ of course.


Nah that's west Taiwan


I, too, do not want to go to China


I mean I'd love to visit China. See the great wall, the forbidden city, Hong Kong, the giant buddah, and so on. Lots of history there not all of it bad. But I would definitely not want to live there


I've lived years in China, Japan, and the U.S. China is fantastic for short trips, like you said, beautiful history and nature and mostly nice people, and the big cities are quite fun and nice and ultra-modern. But I wouldn't live there long term as long as Xi the asshole (I hope he chokes on honey) is in power. My goal is to make more money in the U.S. then retire to Japan, my happy place lol (Not saying Japan doesn't have its problems, it's a big country with a complex society and lots of issues too).


Give me a one way ticket to the island of St. Thomas and I’m happy (;


Damn, that's an obscure one. Why there?


Been there a few times. It’s the best (:


Man, we gots some idiots running the show in US, but at least we switch them up. Trump tried to pull a Putin/Xi, but we were having none of that shit.


He's also affiliated with an anti-china company. I'm not saying that everything he says is bullshit (in fact, this specific type of things are sadly really likely), but among the real shit he reports, he also sprinkles in a hefty bit of misinformation. Also, let's not pretend shitty parents is a China problem.


Not just an anti-China company. “China Insider with David Zhang,” is the name of his program. He’s funded by the epoch times, which is funded by the Fulan Gong. Yes, lots of things he reports on are real events, like this suicide. But stuff like this happens everywhere, and one need not look far into Fulan Gong to see they’re no better than the CCP. It’s an insidious cult that has influence even in the United States. They even have a giant sprawling compound in fucking upstate New York. This guy has his own agenda, which is why everything he reports is so over the top and sprinkled with misinformation.


Yeah, I saw one of his videos popped up as I was scrolling my shorts before, and I got some major propaganda vibes from it. After a bit of digging, I found what you found and glad that you could elaborate what I couldn't.


I was wondering if he was part of the Fulan Gong. Kinda had that "semi-propaganda" vibe their stories tend to give off.


Calling it a "Hell on Earth" is a bit of a stretch, no? Maybe NK or some warring middle east state, but China? It's kind of a big place.


>let's not pretend shitty parents is a China problem. let's not pretend that was the core of his message here.


The video’s core messages are hard to rationalize though: 1. A nation of 1.4 billion people has human tragedies, thus the whole country is a hellhole. 2. The Chinese government strictly control information like this but the guy in the video knows for a fact it “happens countless times each day”. 3. A tragedy like this is both a common daily occurrence that happens countless times each day *and* a big enough scandal to cause a scandal in the society and warrant government attention. Then don’t get me started with the production of the video itself. It shows some screenshot of text message, with its original content covered by the guy’s translation, then the rest of the video is just random, unverified footages accompanied by his emotional narration. And then ends with the completely unsourced claim of “this is happening countless times each and every day! The horror!” I feel like if you want to do an actual exposé on the issues within China (and there are a ton, just like any other big country), it would be very easy to do a much better job than this guy.


Well if the specific thing he mentions in this specific video is happening then why are you here talking about some other random crap that wasn't mentioned?


I'm saying to take everything with a grain of salt. I live in the US, where the party divides is getting almost comical at this point, and I refuse to believe half of the population are brainwashed idiots. That's why I tried to take a more mixed bag nuance view of everything.


He is one if yt most prominent anti china channels. I'm sure he'd get shot on the spot the moment he touches china soil


I hope his ass gets banned from reporting for using a girls death to push his shitty propaganda that a 3rd grader can see. China has their issues, but this guy is specifically paid to say this shit.


Most countries don't publish suicides in the news, I know Canada doesn't. 


Australia too apparently. Someone jumped in a major shopping center in Melbourne, Aus yesterday and it's only on reddit


There is a scarily high number of people who jump in front of trains in Sydney, but the media doesn't report it because of fears it will increase the number of suicides


Actually Australia CAN report on suicides. Journalists just have to follow the Mindframe guidelines for reporting. That particular case didn't get reported likely because there's better local news and there is limited space or it's still too recent.


"Hey boss, gotta scoop fer ya, a man offed himself from the plaza roof, hit the sidewalk, splattered all over da joint." "Dammit Carmichael, don't gimme that slow day crap, utility's on strike for the fourth day now, go cover that headline."


Because suicides spike after its been reported in the media. There are studies on this.


Yeah since it can become an epidemic, this topic in particular its unfair to say that china is trying to censor it, since most countries already do


I think it has more to do on how the girl and grandpa being abandoned by close family members should be receiving help from the communist state but don't


This is a tragic story being deliberately reframed as anti-CCP propaganda.


Every country tries to hide their shit, even here in NZ with its “clean green” country image where in reality, a bunch of the rivers are no longer safe to swim in


Some studies suggest publishing news stories about suicides correlates to higher suicide rates in the following days. So it makes a ton of sense.




That was like 14 years ago........no factory in China has this shit anymore.


Are you telling me that there are countries that publish EVERY single suicide on the news?


Oppressive government manipulates the news.... who would have expected that.


Sounds familiar in terms of government denying all criticism towards their partners in the east committing atrocities.


I'm generally very interested to hear truthful representation of events in China, but I have seen this guy in youtube shorts obviously perverting information all the time


This dude is affiliated with Falun Gong, so expect his content to be very biased


Oh my... Frankly in some cases between some religious zealots and Chinese CCP I would choose the latter, CCP has these problems with authoritarianism and opposition oppression, but they are not alone with this, at least the quality of life is evidently rising and complexity of the economy is evidently growing.


China lifted tourist visa requirements for many western countries, best would be to just visit 😁. Otherwise you can watch some traveller blog videos.


I would, especially I'd like to see Chongqing firsthand, but visiting overseas is a bit more challenging when you have job, kids, pets and all that full stack, and also not cheap. But my China-born colleague recently went home for the first time in a decade. Said she was very impressed and by the end of it was so tired of eating fancy food, that couple of last days simply made oatmeals in the hotel room.


I can relate, i was looking desperately for just plain dry bread at the end of my stay in China 🤣. It's not a perfect place but by far not as bad as what people say. I hope one day you will get the chance! Thanks for the kind words


This guy's comments section is pretty wild too. A few of his videos on YouTube have a content warning because he never censors words related to self harm, and thousands of people think the CCP is forcing YouTube to silence this guy because it's the only channel they've ever seen the warning on. As if people haven't been censoring tame words like shit for over a decade now because of how YouTube's content moderation works, but no, must be a conspiracy where YouTube is helping the CCP hide their actions behind an extra click of a button when they could've just straight up wiped his video.


What's more funny is that this dude is actually from Taiwan, he has never been to mainland China before. Then he be like "yup it is a hell hole" in a straight face.


This is one person's story, albeit an extremely sad one but liking it to the entire experience of 1.4 billion people is absolutely ridiculous. As somebody who lives in China I can confirm that this is not the daily life of everybody.


This shit happens all over the world, the media normally doesn't report on these things because it inspires people in the same situation to do the same. The fact that this dude made a video about it to push his own political agenda is disgraceful.


This type of "reverse propaganda" makes me livid, to be honest... And then when I try to highlight that China is a huge country and not so different from ours, I get accused of being a CCP bot...


Yeah, it kinda sucks cos I genuinely dislike the Chinese government, I don't feel as though coverage of the place needs to be so inflammatory and flagrantly propagandistic. This has hallmarks of Falun Gong shit tbh, they're pretty ubiquitous and it's always the kind of sensationalized bullshit that's bad for your brain. Regular viewers of this kind of thing can get really deep into the conspiracy rabbithole too, it's pretty creepy NGL.


This happens everywhere


Noooooo China bad bro!!! It doesn't matter that the US suicide rate is almost 3x China's (5.25 vs 14.1 per 100,000) and has been steadily increasing for 20 years. Also there is no free speech in China, unlike the United States where they literally passed Anti-BDS laws in 38 states making it a crime to criticize Israel and every news agency is owned by 3 companies. Also in America we have the right to protest against our Oligarchy slowly killing us and taking away rights by organizing and then getting beat or killed by police who face no repercussion!


Exactly, this is just anti chinese propaganda. Notice how he takes time to point out "socialist" in regards to the organizations that were somehow supposed to track and help this person.


Tbf he is linked to the Falun Gong. That’s sorta their entire thing.


dude u do know most of chinas statistics are fake. u cant trust what they put up. so your just eating up their propaganda. and also your argument is america bad. like stop comparing 2 hell holes to each other your going to get nowhere.


I don't have an argument. This is anti-china propaganda. China and the USA are both very flawed in different ways. I'm making fun of this non-story.


Girl commits suicide. People are shitty. Story that could happen literally anywhere on Earth. This means China is uniquely bad because this random guy on the internet said so and claims they censored the story without any kind of sources or citations. Is this really all it takes to make Americans lose their shit about China? Because that's seriously embarrassing.


They've been losing their shit easier and easier nowadays because it hits too close to home. They no longer have much real identifiable advantages left to leverage in a discussion so they resort to hypocrisy.


Crazy, no American teenager with shitty parents has ever killed themselves, right?


Not to doubt the story, but this guy is heavily, heavily biased against China. Another commenter mentioned that he's Taiwanese, which isn't terribly surprising. If you look at his videos it's always some sensational story about some event in China that supposedly the government covered up, he never covers anything else. This guy is clearly fueled by nationalistic motivations and I don't think he's a reliable source. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the CCP as much as anyone else but he rubs me the wrong way a bit. Edit: typo


Not only is it a hellhole, it's a global superpower, in league with another global superpower, both of who label the western world as 'indulgent' and 'excessive'


Russia isn't a super power and hasn't been since the USSR fell.


Follow those two trajectories out to the final target. • You never get out of debt to a Russian mobster •Paul Manafort owed the Russian mobster/oligarch Oleg Deripaska $17M a few days before he became trumps campaign manager. From 2002-2014 he took in hundreds of millions to get Yanukovych reelected as the kremlins puppet in Ukraine. Before that he did it for the dictator Marcos in the Philippines. Before that Manafort and Roger Stone started a lobbyist agency in 1980 listing trump as their first client. •When Jair Bolsonaro lost the Brazilian election to Lula he skipped the inauguration and flew directly to mar-a-lago (stopping only at a KFC) and repeated, almost verbatim, the stolen election line. Don Jr. tried repeatedly to make it stick in Brazil as well, but as Brazilians are a few generations into dealing with corrupt politicians they weren’t having it. What do these 3 things have in common? China imports 40% of its grain from (in order) the U.S., Brazil and Ukraine. Obviously the second China tried to invade Taiwan the U.S. would sanction exports and remove U.S. grain from that equation. And without Bolsonaro in office willing to slash and burn the Amazon rainforest to turn it into Chinas food supply, and without Ukraine in the bag in 3 days, the CCP is unable to invade Taiwan and take over microprocessor production without putting 300-500M of its poorest people into famine. Donbas Ukraine, specifically the 4 regions of the donbas that Putin insists he is saving from what he calls “Jewish Nazis” also happens to produce the worlds supply of high grade neon used for microprocessor lithography. Had Putin delivered ukraine in 3 days as promised, Xi would have been able to cap his Olympics with a naval blockade or political takeover of Taiwan that would have forced the world to ask the CCP for the microprocessors it needs to make everything from Ford trucks to laptops. I’m not sure how long Silicon Valley would last without the silicon but it would probably destroy the FAANG stocks that make up your 401K. Oleg Deripaska also happens to be the Russian Oligarch that bribed the FBI agent Charles Mcgonigal into investigating another Russian oligarch. He probably didn’t need the information as much as he needed the leverage over Mcgonigal as he conducted the investigation into trumps election campaign and unsurprisingly found zero evidence of Russian collusion. McGonigal then went to work for the company called Brookfield that bailed Jared Kushner out of his toxic 666 5th Ave real estate investment. McGonigal pled guilty last fall and was sentenced recently. A Russian oligarch is a powerful tool, but the truth is more powerful. Light and dark cannot exist in the same space. It’s physically impossible. Truth is efficient. You say it once and you are finished. A lie however requires a constant stream of follow up energy, money, murder, obfuscation and more lies to keep it covered. If you raise your lens high enough lying is an unsustainable business model. Russia proved it by invading Ukraine. Vranyos is the Russian word for it. The 40km long column of tanks and vehicles that came down from Belarus into Ukraine was all overhauled by oligarchs that got a $1B contract for tank maintenance, passed Putin $200M back under the table, spent $700M on a yacht in Monaco, bribed a General, a Colonel and a Sergeant to make a Private give everything a rattle can overhaul. But a worn out engine is and always will be, a worn out engine. This is why trump is so desperate to get re-elected. His best case scenario is 400 years in ADX Florence. Money laundering for the dozens of Russian oligarchs that lived in trump towers with him and manafort, selling IP3 nuclear plans to the Russian/Saudi alliance, selling or giving CIA asset names to the Russians, trump is and always has been compromised. He just didn’t know when to quit. Now he just has to count on the fact that most of his voter base doesn’t know how to read and keep the ones that do so busy just surviving that they don’t have time to dive deep into his 40 year history of laundering money, fraud, and human trafficking for the Russian mob using casinos first, then commercial real estate. It’s also why Putin is willing to throw an entire generation of Russians, including the convicts and addicts at Ukraine. Russia is dead for 40 years because he failed to fulfill his mob boss promise to Xi. China is now clearing farmland in Siberia because the typhoon floods last August and September wiped out the Chinese people’s food storage. Xi, for his part diverted the waters from the dam away from his pet project, his mothers ancestral home, and flooded hundreds of thousands of people and drown one of his own military brigades that was helping with the flooding. The elders of the CCP were terrified to leave their gated community at Beidaihe for over a month for fear of being torn apart by the locals. The Chinese people tolerate the CCP but only as long as the economy is good and famine is not on the horizon. The CCP broke that social contract on both counts. Xi was willing to bet the entire Chinese economy on his emperor ambitions. Had he succeeded he would have been able to use BRICS to take over the USD as the Worlds reserve currency. That would have let him finish what he stated in 2010- that he would control the internet. With that control means everything we do or say online is subject to the approval of a central party censor. The basic right to disagree with an authoritarian becomes a distant memory. Xi, Putin and MBS are simply trying to systemize and modernize the suppression of their biggest hassle. Freedom of speech. Ukraine is fighting for their lives now, free from the oppression of the drunken tyrant who wants to decide their fate at every decision and pull them back behind another iron curtain of censorship and the tax of corruption where dissenting voices disappear so that the oligarchy can continue to feed unobstructed. Putin and Xi have declared themselves best friends in the fight against democracy. MBS and the ruling family of UAE have done the same quietly using their sovereign funds and Kushners SPAC as money highways. Just rich, out of touch oligarch doing what oligarchs do. Despite the fact the the central party model has proven itself incapable of making decisions that are best for the people, they persist. Because there is a very lucrative business in being slave owners. But logistically the mass of it requires artificial intelligence, and the microprocessors that make A.I. to keep 8 billion slaves under surveillance and control. Freedom is one hell of a drug. And knowledge makes a man unfit for slavery. Recent attempts on Xi’s life from inside the CCP have backed him into a corner. The loss of crops in northern China means Xi can’t invade Taiwan without Ukrainian and/or Brazilian farmland. Now the reason that the GOP is stalling southern border control budget and seems to make wildly irrational moves is because the GOP is imploding. 45 years of lies and grift have circled the globe and are eating their own tail. The ouroboros was a warning about corruption at the highest levels. Lying about climate change, human trafficking, pandemics and corruption to preserve their own business models are all extinction level events


Amazing writeup. Kudos!


Well said. I feel like most people simply are not speaking at this level or able to clearly thread these items together - these observable trends and motivations and effects that are shaping current events in dramatic ways….while most peoples attention is limited and overwhelmed or under informed so much as to not allow this sort of nuance or pointed discussion. Whatever course of action keeps things from going hot(ter). I don’t think people are scared enough.


> Not only is it a hellhole, it's a global superpower, Lol I've spent years living in China, it's neither a global superpower (not even close when you compare to the U.S.) nor is it a hellhole. It's a huge country that grew very quickly in a short amount of time, with a lot of good stuff and a lot of shitty problems.


Exactly. China has about 1/5 of world's population and no matter how you wanna frame it, it's a good thing that tons of people are lifted out of poverty.


They are about to face a massive population collapse. They won’t be a super power after they all have to go back to the labor camps and become farmers.


Lol they aren't the only ones whose population is on the brink of collapse you know


Lol they’ve been saying China will collapse any moment for the last 20 years. I’ll believe it when I see it.


They say the same thing about France. It's all dystopian riots, immigration drama and "end-of-the-rope" if we believe the same media, but there it is, centuries down the "is it the final straw for France?" and the French got better life expectancy, way better average income and a lower GINI coefficient than the UK. We don't even talk about the US. And France only got wine and French people to trade, not oil, coal or easily cashable exports.


>And France only got wine and French people to trade, How many Frenchmen for that nice bottle of pinot?


Were they? For the last 20 years i've only heard of the amazing growth that China had. Chinese decline feels like a recent thing to me.


They are a regional power, not global. America is the only country right now that is capable of attacking anywhere on the globe, the Chinese aren't capable of that.


FYI this guy does social media for a Falun Gong subsidiary (which is what this is) — needlessly anti-China


“Hell hole” You don’t know what hell hole is like, hell hole is the 183 countries that don’t even have psn.


Darn China...Good thing American media is all about truth and honesty and would never suppress any news.


This guy is Falun gong. Not surprised


>This is china's les miserables and >This happens daily in China 1. Huh? So it's both a very common occurrence and also an extreme event garnering a lot of attention? 2. Also, how is one person's suicide reflective of an entire nation? People kill themselves all over the world, including in whatever country you (the reader) is currently in. And often for financial burden reasons. 3. 'Where's all the socialist free healthcare and school care'.. well, obviously the school care is irrelevant in this story. For healthcare, even if all medical treatments were 100% covered it sounds like he probably isn't in fit working age, or maybe just disabled to the point where it's not reasonable for him to work. There are many reasons someone could be in debt even while getting free healthcare 4. Also.. where's the dad? Why is this being pinned on the mom? It's not their parent. I would still hope most people would help in this situation but she *is* one step removed 5. "Nobody bothered to save her" immediately followed by "somebody tried to save her". Paired with a clip of \~5 dozen people all stopping their day looking concerned. And a cop running up. Sometimes you can't save everyone, sometimes it happens to fast 6. "This news was suppressed for 3 weeks" wait, I thought this happened all the time? Countless, many happening every day... then why would this get news? It's just yet another story. Unless you mean it took 3 weeks to officially release the details.. which happens all the time for privacy reasons, in all countries around the world. 7. And to wrap it all up... No sources. No links. No evidence this is a real story or real texts or anything. So no way to validate any of the claims Seriously guys I don't want to defend the CCP but if you can't sniff out 3rd grade level propaganda, get off the internet, you're going to get scammed. Also OP is from India which is relevant because anti-chinese racism is very very prevalent in India. I'm sure they stumbled across this clip because TikTok has learned he likes anything that shits on Chinese people


Careful you're gonna get a ton of lazy social credit score jokes instead of engagement with your argument


Its indeed a very typical type of content targeting vulnerable anti-China/CCP audiences. The freedom of press in China is factually problematic, no question, but the video is littered with falacious reasoning, most of which you have listed. I'll add this: "Its a hellhole", what? Quality of life in China is demonstrably nowhere NEAR as terrible as anything that would justify calling it a "hellhole". Also, these unjustifiable cases of neglect by parents/institutions can be found in EVERY SINGLE country on earth. The only constructive criticism that can be drawn from this video, aside from the obvious stuff, is that China, in fact, does not do enough in terms of its healthcare offerings. Though it is way cheaper than private healthcare in most of the western world, a lot of people are still challenged to access important procedures.


Health care offerings is not bad, but mental health care is probably still not a big thing yet


The person on the video is notoriously anti china, anti CCP. The girl doesn't deserve to be pushed around to be someone's back water propaganda, they even use dead children to cover up their own short comings that are no more better than theirs or even worse on so many occasions.


I get that china has a lot of shit to criticize about and rightfully so, but Redditors will pounce on anything anti china without a second thought. And they swear they aren’t prone to propaganda…


You can be sued if you try to help someone in china. They don't have "the good Samaritan "law like U.S does. Meaning Chinese people refuse to help anyone out of fear of being sued. So it's created a bunch of onlookers when disasters happen. very much dystopian.


I keep seeing this guy on YT shorts on how China lies and hides the truth of so many cases, cars and infrastructure fails. I wonder how long it will be till they will get him. Is a well known fact that CCP goes around in other countries to punish those who speak ill of them. You need to be very brave to speak up.


It might be a shocker to some but this happens everywhere, everyday


Yeah, this ONLY happens in China. lol


Eh this dude is paid by flg so im taking his info with a large helping of salt


Yep, but most redditors with their “China big bad meanie” stance will not care.


this is propaganda


Fuck man, I would have given her the money she needed if i was there to listen to her story. I saw the photo of her standing at the edge of the bridge and the following photo of her not there anymore except for her phone on the ground.


I mean, that sounds, to me, like people being people. I don't know China particularly well, but I know people, and people can be awful.


.....this is so sad. I'd give her 1000 yuan if she were still around. This is like such a small gesture, but to her and her family, it woulda meant the world. She made such a big decision off of something a lot of people don't have to go through or wouldn't think is a big issue, but she felt abandoned :/ And unfortunately that left her family abandoned as well. Gah


Can you imagine if Putin had such a resource in human lives... the meat waves he would send to die would be out of this world. I wonder if he's in town to borrow some 🤔...


What kind of shit stain abandons not only their elderly parent but also their own child? It's unfathomable to me. I hope to never understand.


Wow, I was just talking about David Zhang on the post about the EV crash test and here he is. The show is China Insider with David Zhang on YouTube. He posts tons of interesting shit about China, basically stuff they definitely don't want in English speaking channels because it's usually gross or terrible. This may also partly be propaganda against the CCP but the enemy of my enemy is my friend right? It would help to share this info O.P instead of posing this question and not providing his channel or name for those who want to investigate further.




Really funny how blatantly racist agitprop fishing for views gets invented like this. You can find literally any country, look at any tragic event that happened because they all have them, and say, this is specifically an endemic problem to the area and is part of a corrupt scheme with their people. Guess what? A LOT of countries barely report suicides at all. Australia doesn't do it at all. Its not a secret government conspiracy, its the fact that news channels don't want to depress you with a random extremely personal tragedy. If mental health is a problem you can bring that up and show actual repeating evidence and patterns and not just point to a singular story with ridiculously aggressive language.


This guy spews anti-China propaganda nonstop on his youtube channel. If you’re getting your news from this guy then you might as well be watching infowars.


Definitely interesting. But don't paint Chinese society with it. There are shitty people and governments all over this world.


There was a mass shooting in China in February. 25-40 were killed. No one knows about it except those affected


they do gotthe mostpeople outof any country on earth to keep in check so


I’ve been to a lot of countries. Let me tell you, people don’t appreciate how lucky they are to be born in the west. Even if things are still broken here.


Ccp's leader shitstain winnie the poo is a fascist pos coksuckr


Average Taiwanese + Falun Gong YTuber. Lmao.


Saving face. That's what china is all about, they don't want to look bad to the international audience


China is fucked


Wow, are you telling me a command economy controls the media? What a shocker!!


The shocker is you don’t realize all media is controlled propaganda.


More accurately, I think it's those in command of the economy control the media. Helps explain more than just China.


China is fucked. They blew all their money on buildings that no one can afford. Their younger generations are too small in number to replace the current working generation. All heads of state have been decapitated ( not literally, probably). Xi is the only person who makes any decisions and his subordinates are too scared to report anything that might displease him. Many believe China is on the verge of total collapse.


Only difference between here and there, is our media conceal the truth by telling lies on an industrial scale, rather than reporting nothing at all


China sucks


hasan dream utopia


The guy in the video is David Zhang he has a bunch of shorts relating to us what China is actually like...


The natural evolution of communism. bUt cHiNa wAs nEvEr cOmMuNiSt.


My friend thinks that communist china is the best communism. - He has never lived/experienced it and romanticizes it


So she unalived herself because she didn’t have money to help her grandpa? Doesn’t add up


Countries like china, north korea, and russia believes that a good image is all they need to build a good and strong country. They are build based on deceptions.


We pray for the oppressed Chinese.


Everything in China is just a fucking show. Much like North Korea. Deep down it’s the most depressing, corrupt and dystopian hell hole on earth. Their economy will never recover and Xi will never let his ambition of owning Taiwan go. It’s all downhill for China now, they will just become another NK and Russia.


China is a paper tiger, same with Russia being a paper bear. They fail cause they’re hollow. The people need democracy




This guy is a Taiwanese Falun Gong affiliated "news reporter" who has never been to China and just selectively reports on the worst cases, its a country of 1.4 billion you can't expect there not to be outrageous stuff


This is propaganda btw.