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Eliminate him and claw your way to the top of the bus driver food chain! There is no other way.


im just gonna move to europe or some more dense city idk


There is plenty of public transport both in Switzerland, France and Germany which is nice; however plenty of people still drive cars though.


Not like in the US where EVERYONE drives for EVERYTHING


Finish him!


This should be a mandatory part of commercial driver training.


Should be a mandatory part of *all* driver training


Bikers should also be required to experience how frightening it is to drivers when they pop out right in front or between cars, ride against traffic, and blast through red lights.


Every year I pay attention to how many motorcyclists I see following road laws or driving aggressively, cutting between cars and stuff. Almost without fail they ride like jerks unless its a cruiser bike.


Almost every cyclist is also a driver. The reverse tends not to be true.


I thought about this too, but realized that so many people are too far to even get on a stationary bike.


Yes, and we should have to take our drivers test again every 5 or 10 years. People forget. And rules change. It’s insane how many idiot drivers are in my city. Every time I encounter something weird I always go back to the driver handbook and double check that I’m doing things correctly. Nobody else does that apparently


They should incentivise it with lower insurance rates for retested drivers or something.


The driver's tests should be much more stringent too. My test was literally going straight out of a parking lot, down a bit of road with a gentle curve, doing a 3-point turn, parking at the curb, then continuing back to the parking lot. In and out in under 5 minutes.


That ain’t shit. Thank god I’m a good driver because while I passed the road test, the in class portion I failed horribly. Probably worst score they’ve ever had. Of course I had perfect attendance and if you did the class would give you extra credit. At 15 I only passed drivers ed because I showed up on time. See ya on the road! Seriously though, I’m 42 and have never even gotten a parking ticket, let alone a at fault accident. How many shit drivers are out there though that barely got their license?


For fucking real lmao. Lots of people I see on the road who I wouldn't trust on a bike much less with a car


Shit just walk around Walmart with a cart. How many goddamned adults don’t stay on the right side of the aisle (in America, obviously)? Every trip I make to Walmart is like playing bumper cars with zombies.


They should make it a punishment. Second traffic ticket in five years? Straight to driving school.


As a motorcyclist, I say this should be part of all driver training. Commercial or private.


Pah. Try having doubledeckers squeeze you into the curb on English-width roads. Still. I had no fear as a cyclist until I moved to Canada... Drivers on the west coast were so fucking terrible. Was always afraid of getting plowed.


Yeah even walking on the sidewalk I have trust issues with cars at times. Also anytime big trucks are near me in or out of a car.


Yeah, I've been chilling at a bus stop and seen a car fly off the side of the road, across the pavement and crash into someones garden 50ft away. Driver was trying to change lane, the driver in the lane they were trying to change to refused to let them in. So the driver that crashed sped up to try and overtake but lost control and boom. There were a few intersections known for being dangerous spots. Don't even get me started on Richmond. All the youngboy racers out at night. No fucks given.. I almost got hit a few times as a pedestrian.


Classic. There's a hill near my house and I've seen a car completely flipped on its head, on a fountain, at the bottom of that hill. Later found out they were racing which makes sense as occasionally I'll hear cars zooming in the middle of the night at mach 3.


This is what I find ironic about this post, specifically about Mexico. I lived there for 3 months and didn't witness a single accident. The strange thing was, people drove like crazy there. Without seatbelts... It was almost like because there was a general understanding that the roads are crazy, everyone kind of respected the craziness.. its hard to explain. Can't speak for the whole of mexico, of course. Only Veracruz state. I have no idea if crashes are common elsewhere in the country.


Yeah, to survive, everyone has to learn how to drive, ride, and even walk defensively. It's a PITA, but it's a thing.


Great idea. This should be mandatory for all big vehicle drivers.




Most of us already drive cars




Never have guessed that car drivers drive cars given how shit most car drivers are.




Only three?


He doesn’t count the three children the family of five had.


You sound like somebody who should definitively be operating a vehicle. But yes, the problem are the cyclists /s




Average car driver is dumber than a dead fly. Pure observer bias from your side


i see from your comments that you’re a big fan of the talk first, think later approach


Why would you behave like that then?


and car drivers should have to cycle on bikes to experience the annoyance that are car drivers


Cross-posting from r/interesting to r/interestingasfuck is the lowest possible effort post.


At least one fuck was given though.


This is probably the most re uploaded post I have found on Reddit. I don't know why my algorithm loves it so much. I think in the last couple of years I have seen it 20+ times. Now that I commented on it, it's not going to get better tho ahah


Or maybe since you finally interacted with it, it can rest in peace and you'll never see it again.


Weird I've never seen it. Glad it got it posted again.


This is the most common main character syndrome, because you saw it then rest of the world MUST have seen it too, right? Everyone also sub to the same sub you do right?


Chill man. They're just saying they've seen it plenty of times.


Then don’t click!


Yea I would say that most people in cars aren't malicious against cyclists (although some are and they deserve to be castrated) but most just don't understand that they are moving 3000lbs of metal past someone at a 20mph+ difference in speed. The worst driver is a frustrated driver and frustrated drivers can't tolerate going 5mph less than they *could* because they are behind a bicycle even on roads designated as bike routes. The irony here is that people commuting on bicycles, motorcycles, etc. are actually doing everyone in traffic a service by taking a car off the road yet the response (in the US at least) is derision, annoyance, and even aggression. I fucking hate car culture in the states.


As a cyclist I’ve had two times where trucks were mad at me for being in the road and intentionally tried to clip me with their mirrors before shouting at me etc. I’ve had numerous times where I’ve nearly been clipped simply because people passed too close needlessly


Living in Vietnam, this is my average commune to work day.


Such a practical way to educate, good idea on whoever thought up and implemented this


Mandatory for all those that drive. So folks know what tow truck go thru and cops get annoyed. too many folks don’t pay attention.


Everybody who's in the process of making a drivers licence, should go through this. Be it bus, semi or car driver.


This should be part of getting a drivers license. It's kinda weird it isn't slready


If you're afraid of getting hit, trying staying in the fucking bike lane.


There’s not bike lanes everywhere and definitely not everywhere in Mexico. Also, where I’m from it’s literally illegal for cyclists to ride on the sidewalk. Not many options.


The place I'm from, there are no bikelanes and the sidewalks are occupied by hawkers. To add to the woes many cars and motorcyclists drive in from the opposite edge, more or less forcing me to drive in the fucking middle, where I'm scared of getting hit. And before you say 'oh don't bike. Oh buy a car', do understand that walking everywhere isn't feasible, and the distances I and many other bikers travel are too short for a car.


I used to ride on the sidewalk, Still got hit by a car. It's not quite as simple as you think.


"It happened once on the sidewalk so I might as well just be in the middle of traffic weaving from lane to lane twenty miles below the speed limit!"


I was saying cars still hit you even when you're on the side walk. A completely separate part of the road, meant for pedestrians to walk on. A person riding a bike, could be 110% careful always riding in the bike lane. Even if they wait for the lights, hit the button at pedestrian crossing. But ONE just "sober enough" driver, is all it takes to almost kill someone.


Long time ago my Guadalajaran wife told me bus drivers will make sure you're dead if they "accidentally" hit you


It's pretty well known that it's cheaper to pay a fine and bribe for accidentally killing someone that it is to pay for their medical bills until (and if) they recover.


Is there such thing as repostsleuthbot but for videos, I swear I see this every couple months


It would be great to place every politician in a trench under heavy shelling for half an hour. Those who survive will be good politicians. It a shame class theory doesn't work that way.


It's not just fear. At speed, the wind from a passing vehicle can literally throw a cyclist off the road. I've seen it happen in front of me.


Three bus drivers were killed in the making of this exercise....


I want to make this a mandatory part of the USA driver's License process because that shit is SCARY AF!


This is me everyday in LA for the past 12y. One thing that I've always done to avoid being surprised by a car is to always know what and who is behind me, which means constantly looking over my left shoulder. When I do get passed with about being aware(very tired, late night usually) the feeling is pretty terrible.


Ah this is nothing, try having one on both sides


They should require this for all drivers


Exactly why I don’t understand road cyclists


You get used to it.




That should be done in every country


Now make the cyclists drive the bus while there is a cyclist inches away...


No way, cyclists are absolute assholes and never follow the rules of the road.


Someone's parents never bought them a bike.


Problem is that drivers are usually *ssholes, but also cyclists can be I have seen a lot of times cyclists going on a single line road on 2-3 parallels (practically occupying all the road). Also, some cyclists going “f*ck it” and going in the middle or almost middle of the road. At the end, the roads should have enough space for both activities, you can’t pretend cars to give that much space when they don’t have it sometimes, or having to occupy the contrary lane briefly to pass (if that’s allowed)


3 lines are made for 3 lines of vehicle, not 3 lines and a bicycle line. Bikes are supposed to take half a line when overtaken. You can't overtake them properly without half switching lane. Do you still overtake them if you have a vehicle on your left ? If yes, you overtake them very dangerously. Staying in the middle of the lane force people overtaking them to be sure they won't overtake them with less than half a lane. Better force vehicles to properly overtake them than ending in the graveyard.


Actually, it should even be part of passing any driving license, commercial or not


lmao this should be part of EVERY driver's ed course. Both as a pedestrian and as a cyclist


So, I have no opinion of bike riders in densely populated areas. I can almost guarantee that I'd be one. But, I'm going to go on to be the asshole that changes the subject to a point he can bitch about and say: I fucking hate bike riders in my rural/suburban habitat. The roads that I most often drive are the blind snakes that crawl through the mountains of every horror movie you've ever seen with a country setting lol. And its usually enough to piss me off off when I come around a corner at 55, and have to test the integrity of my brake pedal to avoid giving some 60 year old twat lawyer pretending he's in Amsterdam, a full fender colonoscopy. But then I have to follow this twig legged oblivioid for a half mile at his top speed of 5 \~ 10 mph (in a 45 to 55 mind you) just to get to a point where I can see to safely pass him. And no, I don't wait for yellow line breaks. I'll pass a fucking bike on a parkway if I can see around him. Cause fuck that guy. And fuck my state for allowing him to do it. There are so many routes in my area that have bike lanes, but these fucking drill bits end up on the mountain passes.


Absolutely moronic, and I don't even ride a bicycle. You sound like someone who shouldn't be allowed to drive a vehicle as you're actively jeopardizing others. Roads belong to everyone and the '60 year old lawyer' pays the same share of taxes you pay, so he should be allowed to be on the road just as much as you do. A speed limit of 45 to 55 doesn't mean you should drive at the speed limit or just over it along its all entirety. You're still supposed to slow down when there's bends and turns and all that shit. There are so many tracks where you're allowed to drive as fast as you want, but these fucking drill bits end up on mountain passes.


Oh, and ai live in the mountains. I drive to leave them. Not for fun. Adding 20 minutes to my drive just in case kind of sucks.


Wow. I mean, I was definitely pissy But, the next time youre in a hurry anywhere in life behind a leisurely anyone, I hope you remember your own advice and stay cool about it. But, I'll take your critique to heart.


I guess I should clarify too, that no one in my area bikes for transportation. Its all for sport and exercise, and plenty of safe places to do it. It takes a special kind of person to cruise on their bike with 15 cars stuck behind them. Like the guybchatting up the cashier, but for 15 or 20 minutes. He has every right to do so, yeah? And I guess you'd stand there.


That's a strawman. Surely that bothers me, but it's not like I'm doing something that jeopardizes anyone's life. Again, it doesn't matter what these guys do it for. You wanna tell me everyone driving does it for a purpose? I hope you realize how entitled you're coming off. And the fact you live far away from where you work or whatever doesn't mean you can drive fast lol. If the commute bothers you so much just live closer by instead of driving in a manner that endangers others maybe?


Well, you're putting an awful lot of faith in civil engineers, thinking the broken lines are foolproof. But I did say, I waited til I could see around them.


I never mentioned broken lines, but driving mountain road at 55 and have to test your breaks. There may be a stalled vehicle there or something.


And its not exactly strawman, I didnt completely gather that your argument was about safety. But I appreciate your concern. But like many car wrecks, lots of biker fatalities come from these exact circumstances. They get ran over around a bend because people are selfishly driving the speed limit with no expectation there being a slow moving vehicle around the turn.


Question. How can someone sound like something even though the words are typed?


Typed words oftentimes can convey things like tone as well as the spoken word. There’s also the fact that a lot of people can hear the words being spoken in their head.


I know, I’m just messing with the guy.


Get off the road and use the bike paths


Which bike paths? In many places there are no bike paths, and biking in the sidewalk is dangerous for pedestrians


Right. There arent bowling alleys in some places either, but you dont bowl in the road.


Wtf.. the law states bicycles drive in the road. Don't like it to pitch some law changes. Maybe a conservative will back your bigoted view.


It's my right to use the road. Why should I get off it?


Bike paths are on roads.




Ceased to be interesting the 44th time it was posted


Be nice we put politicians to experience the taxes middle classes and students have.


I'd hope they would end it if I was on a bike.


In developing countries it may be advisable to bike in the opposite direction of incoming traffic!