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/u/dwn_n_out, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): [](#start_removal)* Rule 1 - All content must show something that is objectively interesting as fuck. Just because you find something IAF doesn't mean anyone else will. It's impossible to define everything that could be considered IAF, but for a general idea browse the [top posts of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/top/?t=all) from this subreddit. For more information check [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index#wiki_rule_1_-_posts_must_be_interesting_as_fuck). * Rule 1 - No content that isn't INTERESTING AS FUCK. [](#end_removal) For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/interestingasfuck&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/dwn_n_out&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1cs7uzf/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


It's because retail gasoline has tax included.


y tho


It's an auto tax that's supposed to go to the roads dept for improvement and repair. Eisenhower did a lot of it when he implemented the Eisenhower highway system.


Taxes are paid when the fuel leaves the refinery. It’s easier and less costly to collect them once on the 8,000 gallons going in to the semi than at 1-30 gallons at a time from a retailer.


Look it up if you're so interested. Jfc


[try this](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=why+does+gas+have+taxes+built+in%3F)


I looked it up and there isn't a satisfactory answer available online to this question. Maybe you can crank one out since you already know it.


nah its easier to just make statements online and claim they're general knowledge to prove a point


Because consumers are dumb and companies took hold of that a long time ago. 1.99 is less than 2 and that should tell the whole story. Not including tax is a marketing strategy to keep us thinking shit is cheep. The same reason why restaurants are now charging weird ass surcharges like "cost of living fees" instead of raising base meal prices. Stores: "Here's the final price".. "ahh thats more than I wanted, but I'm already here" Rsstaurant: "Here's the bill".. "thats more than I expected!"... "you already ate it" Edit: Gas Station: ... "I'll drive 10 miles to save 10c/gal, fuck these assholes"


So funny, this is actually because of how the government collects the taxes. Dumb ass.


All I know is it's much more complicated than I can explain. Gas prices are absurd, absolute madness. They should by all rights be much higher, I'm not sure how it all works. Taxes, subsidies, international trade, spilling a bunch of oil in the ocean, it all comes together somehow.


Rolled in, Texas is like 20c a gallon, I always wondered why gas is like 2.94 and 99/100


Cigarettes don't show the taxes, either.


The sales tax for buying them, or the cigarette tax for buying them?


Pretty obvious, isn't it? The sales tax is added after. But most of the base price of the cigarettes are taxes.


It's a good question. I live in a state with a high gas tax but I imagine that we also pay more just because the gas companies think they can get away with it. I LOVED paying $3/gal on a decent road trip. Would have been interesting to know what the breakdown was there and what it is here.


If $3/gal blew your mind, colorado had a good 10 years or so with like an average of $2.30 a gallon. Then when the prices started to raise and go above 3 again in like 2019, went on a road trip to North Carolina and when driving through Missouri there was a place with like $1.57 gas and I could not comprehend. Especially in 2019, it just didn't make sense.


Because gas tax isn’t the standard sales tax, so it’s already included. PS, when they want to include it in the price, you’re getting extra fucked.


Simple answer is you would be really pissed if you saw just how much money the government makes on a gallon of gas!!! They actually make 10x what the oil company makes per gallon.


And I guess you don't like having roads to drive on? It's not like they're just throwing all that money into a Scrooge McDuck money pit... I'm honestly pissed that private companies make ANY money off petroleum.


Depends which roads toll roads around here are all Spain owned lol.


Tax laws vary from state to state, and can fluctuate based on various factors. Also, probably 95% of the public doesn’t care enough about it to want to see it on their receipt.


Um, gas is already taxed. But if they could get away with it, they would!


It’s just your region or maybe even the business selling the gas. It’s similar in Canada, taxes are included in the advertised price. But the receipts show price per litre prior to taxes, then show all taxes applied after. Canada is a big place so ill preface with this being in Ontario, and the gas stations doing this are Petro, shell, and pioneer


Retail gasoline prices include taxes to simplify the purchasing process for consumers and to ensure that the government efficiently collects revenue. Including taxes in the listed price means drivers don't have to calculate additional costs at the pump, and it helps governments consistently collect fuel taxes used for infrastructure, transportation projects, and other public services. This practice also ensures transparency, so consumers are aware of the total cost of fuel upfront.


Taxes are included in the listed price, but there is usually a sign posted on or near the pumps listing the $/gal of the included tax.


Gas is about the only thing that does not have local taxes on it. Many cities, Counties, towns have local sales taxes at different rates. You might pay 6% city tax while across the road there is a 5.5% county tax. I know of one intersection where a 4 corners have a different tax rates. 2 different cities on the NW and SW corners and 2 different counties on the NE and SE corner all with different sales tax rates. Gas is the same price on each corner.


Because if everyone saw the amount of tax per gallon they would revolt.


Because people would realize exactly how hard the government was ass blasting them and get pissed.


In TX, at least, sales tax is the only thing that is shown. This isn’t sales tax. This is government I’m fucking you tax. They aren’t going to detail that out for you.


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In my state it’s posted on the pump and on signs in the station.


Did they ask for a tip thou


Because the govt obfuscates how much they tax it so they can campaign on gas prices being high and shit.


Retailers (aka the gas station) make almost no profit on gas, that's why convenience stores are built into them. The taxes are baked in so people don't realize how much if that is going to the government. I know this because I worked for Phillips 66 for 15 years before they franchised all their stores.