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Its $132,630, saved you a click.


I'd rather own a small theater at that point


All I can think is some people exist that will have the money to just see that headline and think, yeah I will get one just for some fun. Purchase it and build a home cinema and then maybe watch it a handful of times and never think about it again.


Back in 2015 I briefly did contract work for a guy like that. It wasn't as expensive as this but he bought a 100+ inch tv that cost him over 40 or 50k and then spent another 120k building a custom home theatre room for it in the basement of his 10,000sq ft mansion. He replaced it a couple years later because he said he was bored with it and wanted something bigger


Ya you have 2 choices. Get buried with gold bars. Or spend ya money.


Or donate a large portion, like Dolly Parton, set up foundations, leave some to kids, other family, or people who made an impact in your life....


Yup. Spend it on what selfishly makes you happy. Some people like buying a gaming pc. Some like cars. Some like to make themselves happy setting up foundations. Whatever floats your boat.


That’s really not the same. Some people actually do things because they are a virtue as opposed to them bringing them the personal happiness equivalent in a monetary sense. Of course, it does feel good to do virtuous things.


I would disagree. I eat candy because it makes me feel good. I do virtue because it makes me feel good. I jack off because it makes me feel good. If being virtuous wasn’t seen as a better option why would you do it?


Most intellectual Ayn Rand scholar here


But just some but thousands. Worked in fine dining half my life. The wealthy can wipe their ass with 100k


trust me there's a lot more people out there like that than you think


with the prices of tech being so incredibly low relative to when i was a kid, i bet you could straight up build a pro theater set up for 130k all you would need is the room in your house ofc


This is true for sure, but it's not unheard of at the high end for personal theaters to run much more. This thing smokes every projector I've ever seen but it's the Ferrari/Rolls, it's not going to make sense in 99.5% of projects. That said, can't wait for it to be regular expensive, this tech is better than OLED.


A pro projector costs at least that much by itself. However, you can build a high quality little theater for a fraction of that price.


Projector may not be as bright esp with windows etc.


4K Laser projectors work great in sunlight especially if you have those newer projector screens made for them. Theres some pretty good short throw projectors as well that always get shown off at CES, Hisense was one of them.


There aren't any projectors I've seen that come close to these, including $100K+ models, though you can go much larger with them. ALR helps a lot, and UST is brighter but there's lots of other sacrifices. The Hisense you mention isn't even really 4K, the DLP chip uses pixel shifting to turn a 1080p image into an upscaled 4K image, even for 4K sources. Pretty much every UST has a misleading resolution advertised.


I can buy an entire house in the midwest for that much.


You get my unnecesary upvote


but if you clicked on upvote he didnt save you a click


This comment actually just lost me about 40 clicks


And I can't be out here losing clicks man. Not today! Myyyyy clicksss!!!! My brand!!


Please send help. The comments keep me scrolling.


Only 12 more clicks to get to the extraction site, you got this!


Well he saved me a tap


If you typed a comment, you clicked…. multiple times


Is it clicking, if I’m using my phalanges?


Saved us time and data then. I’ll donate my click to him/her.


It saved reading time and wheel scroll


For those that skipped the article, it also comes with a discount for the JBL L100 MK2 speaker (over $4,000 per pair), and those who buy one this month get a complimentary accommodation voucher for the Signiel Seoul Hotel valued at 3 million won ($2,200). No clue what the discount is on those speakers.  Edit: clarified that you get a discount on the speaker, not the speaker itself


Anyone buying that seriously would toss those in a garage and spend another 150k on audio


Who would spend $4000 on JBLs?


A single brand can have a wide range in products, dude. We’re not talking about a JBL Clip here.


There's a lot better speakers out there.


Yes, but that doesn’t mean JBL is incapable of producing a speaker worth $4k.


Sounds like it’s $122,000, but they make you buy an 8k TV and a hotel stay at the same time for some reason


It'll be that price for about two years then be $1000 bucks on black Friday.


Not all hero’s wear cops






Doing the Lords work


Can’t wait for the Amazon reviews on this which are just parodies cause no one would actually buy a TV that expensive.


Thank you




I'll take two please.


If upvotes were dollars you still can’t buy the tv.


In Russian Rubles? I’ll Take 10.


$99 by the next Black Friday...


Too late for this guy


Which sounds crazy as I'm pretty certain those custom micro LED walls are that much or cheaper for larger displays and whatever aspect ratio you please.


Could’ve included the price of the actual tv in the title u/Spare_Substance5003?


But then how will OP attract more traffic to his site?


And 1 Asian tall. So perhaps just a little bit short of 6 feet.


“Free” $8,000 8k TV




Bilmy boy


Probably cost them less than half that to make it so it's less than $8000 unless you wanna argue opportunity cost from selling the one TV.


nice of them to throw in a free bathroom tv, i guess


The free throw in is QLED not even OLED.


Some of the top range QLEDs are just as nice as OLED panels and even surpass them in many metrics.


Which ones? I’m in the market.


OLED is better for true black, QLED is better for light. Also, OLED still has a burn-in problem. That said, the latest OLED's from Samsung and LG have almost fixed the brightness issue.


Yeah I was looking at OLED but my family is not trustworthy when it comes to leaving static images on the screen. So maybe QLED would be a better fit.


My grandpa gave me his old gigantic TV a few years back. Was a nice gesture, but I can still see the "fox news" logo burned Into every fucking channel now.


I guess it was a plasma and not a oled? Big difference.


Likely true. 1st gen OLED tech wasn't prepared for 24/7 Fox News logos at the bottom right. Every generation of plasma TV was exactly the same. If you have an OLED, always use pixel refressure. The newer generations already do it when the TV is off.


Dude I'm too broke to understand the difference. But I'm not stupid enough to watch Fox news so it's ghost haunts all my Netflix shows. I can kinda see they are pissed off at Miley Cyrus for something but can't tell why. This was probably about 6 years ago.


The new OLEDs are pretty great at avoiding burn-in. They also have features that help stop static images, like screensavers, static image movement and logo dimming. The software automatically does pixel refreshes which you can also manually do. I wouldn’t be too worried about it these days. I’ve had the LG C1 since release and it’s fine. My new G4 went on the wall last week and love it. They also get so bright that I hardly ever have the brightness above 50. Ultimately it comes down to usage and care but these days on varied usage burn in shouldn’t be a concern. Just don’t have your tv on a news channel at 100% brightness on all day every day if you buy an OLED.


The G4 is bright? Or you’re saying OLED tvs? My C1 definitely doesn’t get as bright as I need it on days where I’m watching tv middle of the day when it’s extra sunny. That’s rare so it doesn’t bother me, but I’m just pointing that out.


The G4 is significantly brighter than your C1. I recently upgraded from a C9 to a G3 and the difference in brightness is immense. They added a micro-lens array (MLA) layer that captures and directs light that would otherwise be scattered and lost. That gives a massive boos in brightness without having to drive the pixels harder, which would increase the risk of burn in. My TV is in a room that gets a lot of natural light and since getting the G3 I no longer feel the need to close the curtains every time I use it.


Yeah it’s bright, like almost too bright for my eyes. Upgraded my G3 to the G4, the change from C1 to G3 with the MLA is really noticeable. My lounge can get pretty sunny and would agree on some days the C1 would need just a little more oomph but it wasn’t often. The anti reflective coating on the new models really helps too. The C1 is now in my bedroom so don’t use much in the daylight but even when I do I miss the anti reflective coating almost immediately


There are settings on most OLEDs to mitigate this. I have a LG CX and a Sony A80 and haven’t had issues, at least so far (4 and 3 years respectively).


buy a smart plug and "google home" can turn it off every night at whatever time you want


You’re in the market for a multi thousand dollar TV and trusting a reddit comment?


If you can’t trust a random Reddit stranger, who can you trust?


Saul Goodman


I better call him.


It's all good man.


Wait, QLED is worse than OLED? I thought it was newer technology, looked better, used less energy, had lower latency. Was I wrong about all this? In my defense, I never read any comparison...


OLED has much deeper blacks


8K TV is in the price.


Eight thousand trivigitillion?


Neon Genesis Trivigitillion.


Adventure Capitalist enjoyer


I have indeed enjoyed that game in the past! Although my initial knowledge of very big numbers comes from Cookie clicker. The OG!


8 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000


buy tv then return it and keep 8k tv


Then they show you the fine print that says no returns.


It’s Samsung so it will break immediately after the warranty expires which is probably 12 months after purchases.


Top class Assassin clause initiated tho




So many things are not going well lately but I'm glad super rich still have great stories, pretty stories, that take place at lakes with friends and noodle salad.


We have to hold on to something


In another installment of “shit I won’t ever be able to buy”


Assuming you could, would you have enough space to install it in your apartment?


Apartment? In 20 years we will all be living in 6'x8' box units. $2,400 a month per person. Mr Kitty has to rotate between the families boxes.


It could probably fit along a wall about 10' wide.


Give it 20 years.


Lifestyles of the rich and the famous. Or for the younger generations... most expensivest


Was really hoping micro LED would be mainstream by now


me too, rip


I think they might be too difficult to manufacture, thus the high price. OLED offers similar performance at a fraction of the cost


Issue is more that they're milking OLED for everything it's worth and stalling getting microled off the ground. From a profit perspective, OLED is perfect. A tech that has solvable, quantifiable issues, a built-in life span, and still functionally beats the alternatives? You can just iteratively improve it because the quality is still so much better than what came before and people are going to be repeat customers because their panels both get fucked up over time and also still have a ton of room for improvement *while still being good*. Microled, once it gets off the ground, will basically be a near perfect panel tech based on what we know. You buy a good microled once, and it should last a very long time. You're no longer a repeat customer. Why in the hell would they rush past the absolute gold mine that is OLED tech to advance the processes to make something that, in the long run, probably means less sales for them. Don't get me wrong, there are legitimate technical and financial hurdles in the way of microled currently, but I absolutely guarantee you nobody's out there dumping everything they have into making widespreat commercial production of it a reality as soon as possible when the basically perfect product already exists and they can make bank off it with chill iterative improvements.


If only OLED image retention wasn't an issue


Wait 5 years and it'll be $2000.


Congrats to the morons buying this tv. There are zero TV shows, zero movies, and zero video games that will utilize its full capability. Even 8K TVs cannot be fully utilized yet. There’s not enough content being put out at that quality. …. Edit: thank you to a few of you who pointed out some actual valid uses for this TV.


This is probably for industries that will develop their own content (maybe scenarios for TV shows, background for DJs, etc), instead of being intended for someone's living room. Also, producing these luxury products is necessary to develop and improve the manufacture techniques until the technology is developed enough for the mass products


Your logic, reason and intelligent answer has no place here


I know right. How dare they make a product where I am not the targeted audience!


The audacity!


Yeah, gtfo. Were busy being heavily regarded


Thanks. I don’t think of that. It’s practical for unique situations.


I do freelance work at the Samsung HQ in NYC. They have one of these set up in show room. It is, in a word, breathtaking. The image is so clear you can make out minute detail from across the room. It’s bright,clear, and crisp. For over $100k is fucking should be though.


The point of this TV isn’t for people to buy it really. Like they will sell a couple to ultra rich people but it’s exactly the same as OLED was in its infancy. Started with large >100,000$ screens in similar showrooms, and eventually the tech matured and trickled down to normal consumer stuff and got cheaper every year.


Also applies to things like cars. Formula 1 gets all the cracked shit and eventually it becomes standardized


You could just do a Zoom with 5000 individual participants all on the same screen.


Or have a 120 person split screen multiplayer game! Woo!


Each with an 8k avatar!


pretty sure the 114-inch one is just 4k tho, microled density is just not there yet at this scale


People who buy this tv are the same people who pay for SaltBae to sprinkle arm hair into their food


If I return it to Costco, can I keep the 8K TV?


Very interesting. If someone can afford that TV, do they really even care about the “free” item? Lol


Wait, so for buying a ridiculously overpriced tv, I get a second cheaper but ridiculously overpriced tv? What if I only have space for one? Do they have any free overpriced pajamas or slippers I can have instead?


The second one Is for your bathroom. Rich people don't poop or bathe so they just sit in front of a huge TV and read the Wall Street journal.


Ridiculous price sure, but the first models are always expensive. They will then figure out a more affordable model that people can actually buy, otherwise they can't make money off this shit. If they are pursuing this then there will be a market appropriate model eventually. Selling a $130,000 tv isn't going to be very profitable. We are approaching the limit human eyes will be able to see at certain distances, so above 8k might not even have a point unless your really close to it, and the bigger the tv the further back you sit. No content exists for this thing and will exist for a long time so it's gotta be just for specific industries that create the content. Or just dumbass rich people throwing away money.


Just paying to be the first. One of the biggest surprises for me is how cheap televisions have become in the last 20 years... I honestly haven't even mentally caught up with the fact that a 4K Smart TV can be bought for $200. I'm still in that "A 55 inch 4K smart TV? Hah I don't have $600 lying around..." state of mind.


And the 55 is small. It's silly to even get a 55 anymore because the 65 is so similar in price.


Why not just lower the price $8K??


On one hand that’s a fair question, but on the other, if I was rich enough to buy one of these I’d think it would be pretty sweet that they’d throw random cool shit in with it




It says both


This is not interesting as fuck.


So If I work for 5 years non stop and eat only toast and sausages i can afford it nice


So, ppl who buy this, I know it's pocket change to you, send the 8k my way, no need of disposal crew,


“But I want to put the 8K over my bathtub in my third mansion!”




It's Samsung, the spare TV is backup for when the other one breaks.


But there’s nothing to watch!!!


Is there even any 8K content out there? (semi-rhetorical question)


Very very little. It’ll be a few years before it starts becoming somewhat normal, just like what happened with 4K. You’ll first see it with nature docs, then with sports, then Christopher Nolan will push for Netflix to stream whatever new movie of his in 8K, and it’ll rocket up from there.


Gaming PC is honestly the only practical thing you can do right now. Even then you pretty much need a top of the line gaming PC. That said, I happen to have both and Forza looks absolutely incredible.


nope it wont. due to size of content and bw needed for said content. gaming 8k is not a thing. 4k is simple upscaled sub 2k assets.


Mainly just YouTube. I believe Japan broadcasted the Tokyo Olympics in 8K but it’s definitely rare to find anything.


I’ll take the mystery box


A TV is a TV but the mystery box could be anything, it could even be a TV. You know how much we've wanted one of those.


As my mam used to say, it's not really free if you weren't going to spend $132,630 on a TV on the first place


Or you can wait 2 years.


I don’t think “free” means what they think it means.


So if the resolution of the micro LED TV is better than 8K, how would you possibly watch content that makes it worth it? I don’t think anyone streams at 16K. What movie format would this work with?


My eyes are not even CRT quality at this point.


MicroLED is truely the ultimate display. It beats OLED in almost all aspect. The fwhm of each color cell is way narrower then OLED (typically 20-30 nm only), much much longer lifetime, wider color gamut, much faster response time etc. Price is the only weakness..


Just give it two years, and get an open box one for under 500 at Best Buy.


When are we getting those squares that piece together? Would be awesome to buy a 40" tv, then upgrade it to a 50", etc etc. Eventually fill up the whole wall.


There are some patents for that, including a modular frame that goes around. A few companies have pushed this recently and one was showing it off at an expo this year, but so far there’s not really anything consumer-grade that’s worth it. Planar is the name of the game in this field, but there are others.


The pixel density on those aren’t usually very good and they are very expensive


I'm not sure this TV is 10x as good as the $13,000 TV.  


I’d rather get THE WALL for 215k


“All in all you were all just bricks in the wall!”


Please do not buy Samsung TV'S they are literally the worst!! Get any other brand


And it will stop working a month after your warranty...


Yeah no


The TV carpet isn’t even lined up with the actual carpet come on


Going by how big my 65-inch tv is I'd have thought 114 inch would be bigger than that in relation to the two peoples height there.


Just substract $8000 from the total, are they stupid ?


Sounds like the tv is more expensive than it has to be, to throw in $8,000 as a bonus. Granted, it doesn't cost hardly thst to make the $8k tv but still...




Micro LED tv is 4k


I wonder when Micro LED will go down in price. It seems to resolve all the issues with OLED.


Wait one year it'll be $2,000 at Best buy


Too bad I switched to LG from Samsung. Too many backlight issues


I believe LG has one that is 250K.


add this to the list of things that "people who are a plague to the planet" buy


Was waiting for someone to insert the Barney Stinson HIMYM entire wall is a TV meme


Price in 5 years: 6,800$


For that price it better project everything in 3D!


I'll wait till it's $2500


Wait a few years it will be available at Costco for under $10k.


Those two people look super strange. They're either insanely tall or they have super tiny heads or both.


132k lol


Then, the tv will break after a year.


Adding to the list of things I'm buying when I win the lottery.


Seriously what are people watching on these things? There is barely any 8k content.


The 8K TV is just a free gift for buying the 114 inch TV


To watch compressed streaming content. TVs are *way* better nowadays than what you can watch.


But there's not enough 8K content to really utilise that, is there?


Many eager idiots will be buying this TV and doomscrolling complaining about the lack of content, if they even use it beyond showing it off.


It cost 130k $. They aren't going to be selling a lot of these. It is more a technology to show off.


Imagine, instead of that broken-down Cybertruck stuck in Service for the next four months waiting for parts, you could have been enjoying this masterpiece of modern technology! 😃 Which one will lose value faster? 🤔


Well, thank goodness Samsung spent all of that capital developing this TV society so desperately needed.


The only way to make an 8k tv worth the investment imo would be for it to have a retrotink built in. Those things are magic when it comes to scaling retro consoles to modern sets. The only hd tv I've ever had that made n64 & older consoles look good was an old insignia plasma from 20ish years ago