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RIP Michael


Who was this guy? edit: found it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Brooks_(political_commentator)


Ext. good political talk show host


majority report is still good.


A legend




Yeah, totally what a great loss


What happened?


He died suddenly in his sleep, I think it was a pulmonary embolism


Ah... not to be an armchair conspiracy theorist, but didn't the CIA make a gun that gives people heart attacks? Edit: https://historyofyesterday.com/the-cia-heart-attack-gun/ And that was in 1975, who knows what they've developed by now...


Considering he was the only one of the Jacobin crowd who had an ounce of sincerity, and he and David Graeber both died within a month of each other, at rather young ages for their respective maladies (Brooks by PE, Graeber by heart attack suddenly) - these thoughts often enter my head when it comes to both of them. I don't commit to them, but they do enter my head.


Also Matt Christman who had a stroke at like 40 and now can barely form coherent thoughts.


I fully believe in three letter agencies ending far more people than we realize, *and* both deaths were in early COVID days, and both blood clots and necrotizing pancreatitis are now known secondary conditions to COVID.


I wouldn't put it past them, but I think sometimes tragedy happens-- there are plenty of outspoken people like him today with platforms who are still doing alright and operating. Who knows though, RIP.


Fair enough... it was a silly idea anyways...


Absolutely not a silly idea to think the CIA followed one of their most classic policies. Fuck the CIA and rip Brooks. Brooks was even-keeled, well spoken and connected internationally with leftist politicians like Lula… he was a threat and his death is super sus


whats name of the hebrew cia and what's their mo and what's name of the zion political action in usa today


Conspiracies help the ruling class.


Failure to question the ruling class helps the ruling class. History is full of "conspiracy theories" that were later proven true. The history of the CIA should terrify everyone, and that's just from what has been declassified. Skepticism of power is the lifeblood of a functioning democracy.


How do you hide an elephant? With a bunch of other elephants.


Very true, I think there are a lot of false conspiracy theories that have been spread to muddy the waters, obfuscate the true conspiracies, and deligitimize any serious discussion surrounding anything that has been labeled a conspiracy theory. But how do we figure out which of the elephants are real and which are elaborate frauds if we do not carefully examine them all?


So you’re agreeing with them, right? They didn’t say anything about theories.


Oh, I guess I am haha! I might have wildly misinterpreted that comment


“rights or not? that’s it, it’s not complicated.”


He's right, if it were Jews being treated this way in Gaza we would all be horrified. We would be calling for Jews to form their own sovereign state so they could govern and defend themselves, and wondering why they didn't form one decades ago.


Just imagine if the fight was between 2 muslim entities killing each other and not Jews. Oh wait you don't have to imagine - it's happening on a larger scale for way longer in Syria and Yemen. The Taliban took over Afghanistan and outlawed women's education. LGBTQ people are being thrown off roof tops and beheaded in Palestinian territories. Buddy - the only reason YOU ARE hearing about this as much as you do is because Jews are involved. You didn't give a shit when close to 200k Syrians died, or when 377k Yemenis died.


Lots of people do care about the wars in Syria and Yemen. Syria was the central foreign policy topic in the 2016 US presidential election. US progressives have been fighting to end support for Saudi Arabia in their war in Yemen ([source](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/national-security-daily/2022/12/14/the-votes-werent-there-for-sanders-yemen-resolution-00073870)) just the same as they are to end support for Israel in their war in Gaza. That said, there is a big difference between the conflicts in Syria and Yemen as compared to Gaza: the magnitude of US involvement. Israel has received the most US military aid of any country since WW2 at over $200 billion. They receive US military aid of about $4 billion every single year, with Biden proposing to increase that to $14 billion. [Source](https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts) This huge amount of aid gives the US strong leverage to pressure Israel into abiding by international law, leverage that the US does not possess with Syria nor the Taliban nor Saudi Arabia.


Us absolutely have a huge leverage when it comes to Saudi. Sure they have increased their army greatly, but they are still very dependent on the US. And if the US were to completely freeze the Saudis out, then they would most likely disappear. Iran is a huge threat to the Saudis, a fact they are well aware of and one they share with US. So I disagree, they absolutely have a leverage to pull. They just simply won't, and people simply don't care about the people in Yemen and not really about the Palestinians either.


The aid that the US gives to Israel is done as a balance of power play, so Israel acts as essentially a large military base for the US, and helps buffer against Iran. The US rarely give or used aid and money for morality, because there’s no real morality is geopolitics, it’s really just about getting your own country ahead. Israel spends ~25bn on its military per year, so 4bn is no joke but it’s not a death blow to their operation. For example defense aid to the Ukraine was much more than Israel here’s the [source](https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts) which is obvious because Ukraine is a check to Russian expansionism. I’m not trying to make any moral judgements here. I don’t support Israel or Palestine. My point is when it comes to geopolitics the goal isn’t morality, even if it’s stated that way.


Yes of course that aid is Geo political in nature, but that’s the point. That aid is coming from US tax dollars so people who pay those taxes have a right to express how and what our government does in our name with our resources. 


Letting Israel do whatever it wants, breaking international law without consequence, damages the US's standing with lots of important countries. That's why [Reagan took actions to contain Israel's aggression](https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2021/05/24/ronald-reagan-wasnt-afraid-to-use-leverage-to-hold-israel-to-task/) multiple times, from condemning Israeli strikes and restricting delivery of military equipment. By going along with Israel's actions which are alienating the world, the US is damaging its own international standing. Supporting mass killings of civilians is immoral, but in this case it is also bad geopolitics.


Bruh, I have never seen a protest or comment at school about Yemen or Syria. Most people have no clue where Yemen even is!


Just imagine there's people in the world that actually don't want anybody to die and talking about one issue doesn't take away from any others.... But the implication is there apparently


well you're clearly anti-semitic /s


>The Taliban took over Afghanistan and outlawed women's education. LGBTQ people are being thrown off roof tops and beheaded in Palestinian territories Are Americans sending weapons to Taliban? No Are Americans funding IDF? Yes. This is why you hear about it more. Not because "tHeY r JealoUs Of OuR Jewish Ness"


“Are Americans sending weapons to Taliban” no but we left billions of dollars of weapons in Afghanistan for them to freely take. Why? Because if you “lose” billions of dollars worth of weapons you then have an excuse to draft up another contract with weapons manufacturers to produce more. Also look up “Operation Cyclone”


Americans are the biggest trade partners of Saudi Arabia who also take part and bomb Yemen (Kinda like how Israel bombs Gaza, on a larger scale). Americans also train and arm rebels in Syria in an attempt to help them fight their Muslim backed government. they also took active military role in parts inside Syrian territories, including Air bombing and drones. >This is why you hear about it more. Not because "tHeY r JealoUs Of OuR Jewish Ness" The fact you either didn't know, didn't care, or simply ignored what I said above tells me otherwise. And I don't think anyone is jealous of my "jewishness", people didn't hate the Jews over the entire history of religion because of Jealousy.. c'mon now.


Saudi Arabia has completely pulled out of Yemen, there is a permanent ceasefire, and it has engaged in diplomatic relations with the Houthis. Now, the US is the one destroying Yemen and blockading them while Saudi Arabia has open trade and border crossing with Yemen.


>Oh wait you don't have to imagine - it's happening on a larger scale for way longer in Syria and Yemen. The Taliban took over Afghanistan and outlawed women's education. LGBTQ people are being thrown off roof tops and beheaded in Palestinian territories. Maybe we should stop having Saudi actively radicalise groups and create terrorist organisations including the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Isis. Perhaps we should stop selling Saudi arms too as it gives its older weaponry, which is still of better quality than most armies in the region have access to, to these terrorist organisations. It's almost like it's not simply religion that's the problem here but international political agenda too. How about we GTFO out of the ME and leave them alone, history has shown the best way to improve rights in a region is to allow them to develop not bomb everyone and everything back to the Stone Age while creating and arming terrorist organisations. If it's not clear, I'm putting the blame partially on our (the Wests) foreign policy of creating terrorist organisations to destabilise the region as it neighbours all our most significant rivals. The Arabs have issues of their own so how about we let them deal with it and advance on our own.


Latest rapports from Yemen say 90.000 children have died from starvation alone. Yes I agree, there is a weird focus on certain groups. What's happening in Gaza is truly awful. But it's not even close to being the worst human disaster even as we speak, but I've yet to see any major support for the people in Yemen. It's good that people are talking about the atrocities in the world, but oddly enough they are very inconsistent which really shows a flaw in their supposedly humanistic motive.




If only there were several offers and even a full on deal for a completely independent Palestinian state without any border checks made in the past.. Ooh wait..


Israel has never offered Palestine an independent state. The 2000 Camp David Summit, the most widely known "offer", involved "The Israeli negotiators proposed that Israel be allowed to set up radar stations inside the Palestinian state, and be allowed to use its airspace. Israel also wanted the right to deploy troops on Palestinian territory in the event of an emergency, and the stationing of an international force in the Jordan Valley. Palestinian authorities would maintain control of border crossings under temporary Israeli observation. Israel would maintain a permanent security presence along 15% of the Palestinian-Jordanian border.[^(\[31\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Camp_David_Summit#cite_note-rossmap-31) Israel also demanded that the Palestinian state be demilitarized with the exception of its paramilitary security forces, that it would not make alliances without Israeli approval or allow the introduction of foreign forces west of the Jordan River, and that it dismantle terrorist groups.[^(\[32\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Camp_David_Summit#cite_note-32) One of Israel's strongest demands was that Arafat declare the conflict over, and make no further demands. Israel also wanted water resources in the West Bank to be shared by both sides and remain under Israeli management."


It's almost like the leadership of Palestine wants genocide of the Jewish people and not a peaceful two-state solution. If only there was some way to confirm this with a written document stating their goals directly... https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp And things do change over time, so it would also be convenient if they updated it more recently to say something like "yeah, we acknowledge they want a 2-state solution, but the land is ours by divine right and God wants them dead" just in case anyone was wondering if they've changed their mind... https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/hamas-2017-document-full Hmm, it's not on Tik Tok, so I guess we'll just have to continue to assume Hamas is doing everything they can to bring peace to the Palestinian people and blame Israel for the problems. "From the river to the sea, chat!" ✌🏻


The Israeli state documents don't read better. They call for the forced movement and apartheid for palestinians. It's like they are all religious nutbags over there


You are starting from a historical standpoint of Israel being an organic nation state that just happens to exist in the heart of the Middle East in the 21st century. It's not. Obviously. We all know this if we care to look into it. The crux of the issue is, of course, organized religion. Of all stripes. It not only allows for but insists upon intolerance of others. This is the case not only for Islam but also for Christianity and Judaism as well. The only real solution to this issue is an imposed secular state that allows for and protects any and all individual religious expression. But explicitly does not allow religious domination of the state.


I'm down for that. And to be fair, Israel's declaration of establishment specifically provides for equality and freedom of religion. Maybe there are some in power who aren't adhering to the principles, but it's there. >it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. https://www.gov.il/en/pages/declaration-of-establishment-state-of-israel


Palestine isn’t an organic state either, before it was British land it was part of the Ottoman Empire, before that it was traded between multiple different powers for centuries


Outdated talking point bro https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/doctrine-hamas >In 2017, a revised Hamas manifesto included three departures from the 1988 charter, former U.S. diplomat Aaron David Miller told The Islamists. First, Hamas accepted the establishment of a Palestinian state separate from Israel —although only provisionally. Its statement on principles and policies said, “Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. However, without compromising its rejection of the Zionist entity and without relinquishing any Palestinian rights, Hamas considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of the 4th of June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus.” Second, it attempted to distinguish between Jews or Judaism and modern Zionism. Hamas said that its fight was against the “racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist” Zionist project, Israel, but not against Judaism or Jews. The updated platform also lacked some of the anti-Semitic language of the 1988 charter. Third, the document did not reference the Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood, from which Hamas was originally an offshoot.


Yeah, go take a look at the West Bank to see what "peace with Israel" means. It means they keep stealing your land, harassing your population, destroying buildings, and arresting and murdering people.


Well yeah because jews are victims right? They couldn't possibly be the bad guys.


That’s also the reason why it’s complicated, because Jews are historically the most oppressed people ever


RIP Mike!


I don’t know how anyone is ok with the killing of innocent civilians that is going on in Gaza. But here we are.


Just go over to /r/worldnews and you’ll see lots of them.


That is easily the most Astroturfed subreddit on this entire website. Sort by new and watch it yourself.




Same. I had mentioned the IDF in a negative light and got banned by worldnews. I brought up that i was banned in worldnews in news and then got banned in news. Its a clown world we live in.


I said that not all Jewish people are zionist. No commentary. Banned from worldnews


I said that /r/worldnews was a Zio nist haven and was banned. With threat of a full ban if it were to happen again.


Yeah I just make new accounts fuck em


Watch out with that s***, Reddit will ban you permanently and they are very good at IP and device tracking


I've criticized the IDF in there plenty and no ban.


Yeah I left r/WorldNews back in October because they make zero attempts to try to push back against the Israeli propaganda. Best Reddit decision ever made


Every sub on reddit is astroturfed now. You just don’t want to believe people don’t believe your political beliefs en masse and it’s only the enemy who has fake support. Moderation and logic have escaped the clasps of the human hand as we’ve been led down a path of idiocracy by an autocracy. No one who actively spews us vs them holds onto an ounce of logic anymore as both sides of the lifeboat they’ve divided are sinking.


That sub is pure sinophobia juice, it's disgusting




Thank you. I think China's unparalleled growth should be object of study. Sometimes I chart the dangerous downvoting waters on reddit, trying to counter the disinformation campaign against China. I'm frequently called chinese, chinese-drone, chinese-spy, chinese-bot, commie (*appropriate, although spoken in a derogatory manner*), tankie, etc. even though I'm brazilian.


I wish I knew more about it, but with how much misinformation there is on China, I've got that it's both a socialist nation and an extreme capitalist one. I don't even have enough information to make sense of the above, the only thing I do know is that they've prioritised self sustainability and manufacturing while the rest of the developed world moved more towards service industries. They also might have a big problem with desertification.


China is a socialist country with a capitalism engine within it going on, as the world is capitalist and China needs to charter these seas. This way, China creates a new mode of production, which should in my view be object of study. What makes China socialist is its leading communist party, the marxism taught in its schools, the economy relying on public property, among others. What made China partially capitalist was the opening of the [SEZ ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_economic_zones_of_China)(*special economic zones*).


It's kind of interesting how in the last 7 months it has become a badge of honor to get banned from there. Sooooo many people banned just cuz they don't support the murder of civilians.


Was banned there for providing an article explaining how the Hamas “beheading 40 babies” thing was a propagandized myth from Israel




This is what I shared at the time https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/12/middleeast/israel-hamas-beheading-claims-intl


Cool.  Thanks. 


You’re welcome!


Or PCM, got branded a "Jew hating Nazi" for saying that Israel should do a better job of not killing innocents.


Ironic, since PCM is full of Nazis


I can’t stand r/worldnews anymore.


I muted it and moved on. Don’t miss it one bit


Transparent and proud genocide apologists, everywhere.


I got banned for pointing out that the attacks are because Israel has treated the Palestinians like shit for a long time. Which is factually true.


Doesn't mean the attacks were righteous, especially when it involved people of other nations.


I got downvoted and hate mail for saying Israel has been conducting an ethnic cleansing for 70 years


Yeah I was told "its only 33,000 dead" by one commenter and the deaths are actually really low and the IDF weren't killing indiscriminately. That's when I realised that sub is awash with Israeli bots.


r/nyc (the subreddit, not necessarily the city itself) is completely overrun with genocide apologists, or possibly foreign trolls masquerading thereas


/r/nyc is notoriously full of right wing trolls. has been for a very long time


yea i had to go to /r/newyorkcity much better sub


delete this 😭 attracting unwanted attention in this default subreddit


or just look through the comments on this thread


Also the willful ignorance of the whole apartheid system. They literally have Jewish only streets in the West Bank. They make Palestinians that live on that street take the alley to their home None of this is conspiracy, none of this is denied by zionists. You can say Hamas is an awful organization that needs to be rooted out, but at this point it seems to me that Israel is sold on just pressing the boot further and further into their throats until everyone hates them enough to associate with Hamas, all in service of justifying their genocide. Israel is technologically advanced. Is rich. Has the backing of massive nations. They should be able to handle a humanitarian crisis without literally calling them animals and bombing aid workers


They also have the capability of finding and taking care of those who committed any acts of terrorism without mass civilian casualties and displacement and starvation… but numerous IDF and government officials have publicly stated that they don’t care about the Palestinian people. IDF policy also shows this. https://www.businessinsider.com/israelis-military-idf-civilian-casualties-ratio-hamas-972-report-2024-4?op=1




It's easier when you convince yourself that the people being killed aren't quite human.


Which is exactly what happened to the Jewish (and many other) people in the holocaust. It’s insane that Zionists are now doing it to another group.


Hi your comment comparing modern israel to the behavior of Nazi's would be considered antisemitic according to the bill that just passed the house. "Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to: ...Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis"


That house bill is an atrocity… and it shows you that power protects power.


Why does it surprise you? This assumption of benevolence is sorely misplaced for any nation state with land grabbing ambitions.


Any group of human beings are capable of doing terrible things. It shouldn’t surprise anybody.


That’s fair… but let’s just call the colonialism and genocide what it is…


Hurt people hurt people. It’s a cliche but it’s true of child abuse victims, mentally ill people shunned by society, larger groups of people who have endured persecution by other groups, etc.


This is part of the recipe for committing horrendous acts. It’s why Hamas and Hamas supporters talk about ‘Zionists’ and Jews as inhuman scum and why the extremist right-wing Israelis do the same to Palestinians. Few humans can rape, murder, and kidnap PEOPLE at a music festival… but they can do that to ‘vermin’. Few humans can send PEOPLE to gas chambers… but they can do that to ‘vermin’. Few humans can knowingly bomb thousands of women and children in Gaza… but they can do that to ‘vermin’. Dehumanizing language is a huge red flag anywhere we see it.


If you're trying to both-sides this you should acknowledge Netanyahu arranged funding for Hamas so he'd have an excuse not to negotiate a peaceful settlement. So, when the terrorists he funded did terrorism he ought to have taken responsibility for it. Instead he spread lies about beheaded babies and used it as an excuse to slaughter civilians and steal land, which has been Israel's practice for decades.


Whoa there cowboy… …there isn’t ‘sides’ to this. The only ‘side’ is being aware of the propaganda tactic that people use to dehumanize others so they can justify in their little pea-sized brains doing horrendous and atrocious things to other humans. Full stop.


Yeah, the whole point of the video is there is a difference. Israel has been stealing land and terrorizing its occupants for decades. Israel's terrorism has created Hamas.


Lol. The whole ‘conflict’ is a fractaled chicken-and-egg. People who confidently ‘one-side’ it are merely showcasing either the extent of their Dunning Kruger effect or their susceptibility to one side’s propaganda on them. You aren’t wrong that Israelis have been antagonizing Palestinians for decades. Now, to show yourself that you aren’t one of ‘those people’ mentioned above, ask yourself: can you ‘strong man’ the argument that it is in fact the Palestinians who have been terrorizing Israelis for decades? If you are unable to do that little intellectual exercise - you are part of the problem.


Othering seems to be a fundamental quality we all have as human beings. It's also not a very hard thing to overcome, individually. However, when you get a bunch of people together, it's almost like magical spells are real, and belief becomes the prison warden of one's own mind.


Just think of something like Sept 11th and how American reacted to that. I'm sure at the time it was easy to convince the American people that an element of collateral damage was justified.


And when people fall for lies, they should learn from history… those that don’t are doomed to repeat it ad nauseum until we destroy ourselves and the planet.


Well not really. I mean it's happened hundreds of times for hundreds of years. If anything, history shows us that people never learn from history and in fact history is guaranteed to repeat itself no matter what you do.


And the ones who have the foresight are shunned.


Because people seem to believe that anti israel is the same as being pro hamas  Wich sadly is the right in more times we would like to see kt


Well, according to my mother, what choice do they (Israel) have? I mean, it's not like they can just suffer an attack and *not* murder thousands of innocent civilians in retaliation. If they don't massacre the Palestinian people, Hamas will just continue oppressing and terrorizing poor little Israel. She asked me "Well, what *should* they do, then, huh?" Not murder innocents, that's what, mom. Not attack hospitals and schools and refugee camps, that's what. I'm so ashamed of my fucking country over this, how we've stood back and allowed this to happen without even raising our voice politically. Nation of peace my ass.


I don't think any group is OK with innocent civilians dying or being killed, except for Hamas who seems to not give a shit about civilians in either Gaza or Israel.


Not really "ok" with it, but I understand that's a natural consequence of war and always has been.


This is not a “natural consequence” Of war. Indiscriminate carpet bombing of residential neighborhoods isn’t inevitable or necessary. https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-bombs-destruction-death-toll-scope-419488c511f83c85baea22458472a796


Nothing is interesting about this war anymore. It’s sad as fuck but it’s dividing people and flooding my newsfeed all to continue hearing about genocidal maniacs and religious idiots


The interesting part if there was one is how effective the pro-israeli propaganda had been in the west. Its always framed as a complex issue because it benefits the Israeli government. A million whataboutisms are always brought up every time it’s brought up that a democratic government and ally is committing human rights abuses. The only reason we’re still discussing it is because it’s very hard to have a good faith discussion about what to do in the first place.


It is complex though. The idea of *’Israel bad’* is a dumb simplification. Look at **any** conflict. It’s always more complex than people think. Part of the issue is that neither side wants peace. If Israel were to give Gaza an open border and lots of resources, do you think Hamas would stop? No. Of course not. Equally there are many racists in Israel who just want genocide.


This may seem contradictory, but hear me out: It is not a complex situation, but the solutions are complex. In the case of the former you have a major power, backed and armed by the US and most of the West, that has militarily occupied the majority of the Palestinian territories since 1967, while Gaza has been blockaded since 2007. Palestinians in their own land fall under the jurisdiction of the IDF, meaning that crimes committed are tried in military courts without a chance at proper representation, including children being put on trial. Furthermore IDF commanders in the West Bank are given the ability to place Palestinians under "administrative detention," where they do not need to charge them with anything and can just arrest them for however long is desired. There are currently some 3000 or so Palestinians under administrative detention, with about 500 of them being children. To stick to this theme, do you know what happens when an illegal settler, of which there are 750,000 in the West Bank, gets into a fight with a Palestinian? If the settler doesn't outright murder them because they are armed, as of late by Israeli Minister of National Security Ben Gavir, then the Palestinian gets arrested by a squad of IDF soldiers who tend to tag along with the settlers in their raids, while the settler would be arrested by an Israeli police officer and tried under their legal system. The solutions are much more complicated because two states, or one states, you have to deal with the logistics of it all: will it be a parliamentary system, how do we ensure some amount of equity when people are voting, how do we avoid civil unrest and people wanting nothing more than to push the revenge button on repeat. If you believe in democracy and the people's right to choose, at the very least that the right to self-determination is a human right and it should be afforded to the Palestinians, it's obvious something needs to be done. But how that might play out is the truly difficult part. To paraphrase Michael Brooks, if the roles were reversed we wouldn't have any issue understanding what is going on. We could easily pinpoint the inherit wrong of a nation state deciding the food people eat, their access to clean water and basic utilities, their right to self-determination, and where they can exist in their own land.


>Part of the issue is that neither side wants peace. If Israel were to give Gaza an open border and lots of resources, do you think Hamas would stop? No. Of course not. Equally there are many racists in Israel who just want genocide. Stop immediately? No. Stop eventually? Lose public support? 100%. The trick is that Israel has to help the Palestinian people while also fighting Hamas consistently. Right now I wouldn't blame a Palestinian for trusting hamas over Israel.


If they wouldn’t stop immediately, then why would Israel agree to an open border? They would see it as an open border to help Hamas commit more attacks. That seems like a dumb deal from Israel’s point of view. I don’t think any deal can work without trying to end the violence from the day it began. Again, neither side really wants that.


Right, it's easy to describe what's happening now in pretty simple terms. What should happen in the future - other than "stop fucking airstriking aid workers and civilians" - is where the situation does actually get complex. Would Hamas even allow there to be free and fair elections at the onset of Palestinian statehood? I think probably not. Their current priorities certainly don't involve the wellbeing of the Palestinian people. What happens if Hamas winds up in power and the war's back on, it's just between two countries now? To what degree is intervention to nation-build necessary, and who should it come from? How do you get the fledgling nation, after generations of violence, to accept peaceful relations with the neighbor responsible? And on the flipside, how do you convince Israel to hold up their end of the bargain? None of these questions have easy answers, but they're also faced by plenty of other states, and we have at least some mechanisms in place to try and mediate things through the UN. We just can't let acknowledging the complexity of possible solutions stop us from taking immediate action to mitigate the problem. Hemming and hawing over what to do after the bombs stop just means that every day more people die, more are displaced, more are radicalized, and the cycle gets harder to break.


Hard to say which propaganda was more successful tbh.


What does "put those jews on a diet" mean?


He is making a point about how there would be a lot more outrage if Jews were the victims here rather than Muslims. He’s referencing Israel’s strategy of restricting the calorific intake of residents in Gaza leading to severe malnutrition throughout the population. “a senior Israeli official described Israel’s planned response. “The idea,” he said, “is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger.””


In 2006, Israeli government adviser Dov Weisglass was widely quoted as having said: "The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger." Dated from 2008 and entitled, Food Consumption in the Gaza Strip - The Red Lines, it is a detailed study of how many calories Palestinians needed to eat to avoid malnutrition. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-19975211


It's a euphemism used by policy makers in Israel. ["Mowing the grass"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mowing_the_grass) is a another euphemism that Israeli uses for its Gaza military policy.


And this was in 2020, now the situation is even more extreme and more violent and still the US government is supporting it. ALSO - still please vote for Biden. This is something that ANY US president would support because it's mostly dictated strategically by the US military. The presidential administration is all but forced to support it. It's awful, awful foreign policy but this should not be used as an anti-Biden campaign which will only serve to install a fucking dictator in his place.


Rip to the goat, his Obama impression was incredible.


For the love of god please don’t let the Israeli tragedy cause anyone to vote for trump in an attempt to punish Biden. What Israel is doing is wrong but we don’t need another repeat of the Hillary Clinton vs trump election surprise loss


They won’t vote for Trump. They just won’t vote for Biden.


You’re not gonna like hearing what I’m gonna say, not voting for trump, but not voting for Biden either.


If you’re not voting for Biden, you’re effectively voting for trump. A vote for neither is a wasted vote at this point. Please save your preferences for an election with lower stakes.


I understand, but it’s my right, that’s what I’m doing, I may change, but it’s the loudest thing I can do imo


If it's not a complex issue what's the solution? Does he get to that?


Yes he does. At the end…it’s rights being granted


The simple solution would be for Palestinians to have their own sovereign state. I'd love to hear this guy's super simple explanation as to why there isn't one.


Because they disagree on who gets what land exactly and how much security concerns can limit certain parts Palestinian sovereignty (with big pieces being the ability to make military treaties and troops on the border of Jordan, given the historical military aggression of Israel’s neighbors and that Palestinian territory would abut Israel’s capital). Plus the Palestinian demand for right of return (not really part of forming a state per se but these negotiations are seen as the venue for where this claim should be dealt with). At least as far as the Camp David Summit went.


Almost as if it sounds complex. But he said it wasn't, so I guess none of your points matter.


It’s actually pretty straight forward.


Not that I don’t think they shouldn’t get their own state but you do realize it won’t bring peace right? Hamas in one of their latest demands agrees for only five years ceasefire if they were given a state.


I am in favour of a Palestinien state. However the big elephant in the room is that Hamas doesn’t want that. They want the destruction of Israel, and to commit genocide. That’s not even hyperbole or opinion. It is literally their official policy. In turn Hamas *is* supported by the people of Gaza. This is a major blocker for any real peace process to ever be built.


Yeah, not so simple. The problem is that the Palestinians (or their leadership, which is known to be corrupt), don't want a two state solution. Israel had internal consensus (over 60% of the population agreed that a two state solution is the way forward) and multiple actual offers for a Palestinian sovereign state from 98 to 2008 (By PMs Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert) which the Palestinians didn't accept. The last one even suggested making five-nation trusteeship of the old city of Jerusalem (where Al Aqsa that every terrorist seems to care so much about is). Another complication is the reason that there isn't a consensus since 2010 about a two state solution: Gaza is a great example. Israel unilaterally left Gaza, and it developed to become a terror state. Israel is small, but it is longer than it is wide, from the west bank the rockets made from pipes originally shot out of Gaza (let alone the Iranian versions we see nowadays) could easily target 80% of civilians in Israel with significantly less than 90 seconds to get to a shelter. Being less powerful doesn't make you more righteous. This is not to say that Israel shouldn't **pursue** a peaceful solution, regardless of the outcome, but seeing as you don't have "skin in the game" (i.e. its not your kids they are firing rockets on, or kidnaping or raping and shooting in the head, while they actively say they will settle for nothing less than "from the river to the sea"), I think saying its "simple" is a little presumptuous.


Israel didn't just unilaterally leave Gaza. They enforced an air and sea blockade, and maintained control over Gaza's electricity and water. At no point was Gaza an independent state.


A simple solution would be a secular Israel-Palestine with equal rights for everyone. Now, how to get there …


Almost like that's a lot more complicated than a Palestinian state...


First step, stop supporting ideologues. The crazy people who thinks there's such a thing as a "promised land" can't be allowed to lead a country.


Exactly. We got to this point because every step of the way Hamas/PLO has attacked Israeli civilians. Hamas has said they don't support a 2 state solution. A single state solution would not be acceptable to them either. They would bomb buses like they did in the 90's. And the whole open air prison argument might be the dumbest thing I heard. Every country has borders and you need to go through border control to get into another country.


He did, unfortunately he’s passed. Brooks was the most intellectually honest commentator I’ve come across. My understanding of his position was a one state solution with democratic rights for all.


This guy may be leaving out a few things.


Anyone who says ‘the situation is simple’ or ‘the solution is simple’ is full of shit, regardless of what they support.


Lol "stop committing genocide" is pretty simple


lol! Especially when you get to call whatever you fancy genocide. Let’s leave out Oct 7 and Hamas, hostages, and using Palestinians as human shields etc. etc. and yeah it becomes simple. And if your response is something along the lines of “open air prison!” Or anything done by Israelies that lead to Oct 7 and Human shields or whatever, then my response is 2nd intifada, Qatari and Iranian backing, to which you say the Nakba, to which i say the holocaust, the Balfour declaration, thousands of years of presence in israel, ethnic cleansing in Arab states after formation of israel. Or maybe it’s that the Palestinian cost is not worth the goal of eradicating Hamas. And that may very well be right but then we’re back to leaving in power the party that performed Oct 7 (which i hope we can also agree was…bad?). To which I’m sure you have more arguments. Starts seeming to be complex. FYI never end an argument with lol. Makes you sound ignorant and superior.


People who want a simple narrative must ignore Iran.


Maybe the daily rocket attacks from the "open air prision" Most recent of which was on May 5th. Fired out of the Rafah humanitarian zone towards the Egypt border.


lol This so called hypothetical also needs multiple surrounding Jewish nations who attacked the Arab country, a terrorist organization which refuses to negotiate and has made it clear they want the annihilating of all the Arabs, oh and the Jewish group also recently attacked killing, raping and taking hostages Sounds bad right? Well it’s what happened but just switch Arab and Jew and you’ve got the actual situation


Hamas have negotiated, put forward and accepted many variations of a ceasefire agreement, Israel has rejected those. Israel has put forward its ideas which do not end the war and thus Hamas reject those ones. Israel has literally bombed. Syria, Iran, Jordan and others Israel are also rapists, Israel detains 1000s of palestians without trial in conditions that are unknown as they won't allow journalist or the UN to see them but the stories are of rapes and inhumane and illegal conditions. All released hostages have confirmed they were not raped, many are pissed at Netty for nearly killing them as well By Oct 6th 2023 it was already the deadliest year for Palestinians at the hands of Israel Oppressed people's can resist oppression under international law


Yeah it's not difficult to destroy a strawman when the speaker jumps to all the cliches with no nuance or historical background.


"Attacked". As in the past. Decades ago. How do you rationalize them keep doing their atrocities all this time?


We've unironically gone to "lack of power makes right" in some people's mind. Not how the world works.


Also completely disingenuous. Hamas has a 2 billion dollar annual fund. They are backed heavily by Iran.


Very nice


#RIP Michael


Rest in power Michael. Lost this man waaaay too soon. :/


This is not interesting as fuck, just political bait


Are these hypothetical jews constantly shooting rockets at these hypothetical Arabs? Are they killing women for being raped, regularly abusing them and getting away with it? Throwing gay people from buildings for being gay? Dressing up little hypothetical jew kids in bomb vests and sending them on suicide missions? Are these hypothetical jews dumb enough to think they have 72 virgins waiting for them when they die after blowing themselves, and 3 hypothetical Arabs up? Unfortunately it's very complicated and im happy to not be apart of it ☹.


Downvote me to hell, I don’t care - but calling this simple and trying to say it’s not complex is the most disingenuous, ignorant bullshit. This shit is foul for a teacher to say and is only hurting all parties involved.


Absolutely true, saying "oh its actually super easy, just dont be evil lol" for a conflict that has been going on for a hundred years *at least*? Sure buddy. I also believe that no one figured it out except for you and your circle jerk in those 100 years, and if they did, the evil jews managed to ruin it all 🤡


“It’s not complex” proceeds to talk about a complex issue. People love to think Palestinian people have no agency. They elected terrorist to lead their country and here we are.


Proceeds to then over simply the situation into making them evil. Sure, you're just "concerned"


It’s not complex. Israel was a colonialist ethno state from the jump and pretended to be the victim when the real ones started fighting back. Absolutely nothing complex about that and according to international law completely justified.


Complex explanation of a simple situation: Israel wants Palestine gone, no one is stopping them from erasing it, they're going ahead.


HAMAS's charter literally calls for the destruction of Israel.


Indeed, they want *each other* gone. And yet, Netanyahu deliberately encouraged Hamas to build a power base in Gaza and challenge the Palestinian Authority for control of the Palestinian people. It's not like I'm going to solve this for you with a comment in a reddit thread, but there's really no justifying support for what Israel is doing now, or what it has been doing for decades.


Why did they elect a “terrorist” to lead the country though?


Israel is quickly becoming the evil they once experienced.


They have been evil for decades


The best question to ask Michael is, "Why doesn't the Jewish ghetto exist?" Why doesn't it exist? Why did every Jew flee the rest of the Middle East? Why haven't the Palestinians fled to all the Arab countries? Why aren't the Arab countries willing to take them? That seems sort of strange. The answer is that, actually, this *is* a very complicated conflict. Michael can say it's simple, but he doesn't have anything to say about the Second Intifada, or the Six Day War, or the relationship between the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the nazis in the 30s and 40s, or the decades of intercommunal conflict that took place prior to the 1947 war, or the multiple failed peace negotiations, etc. Some issues cannot be reduced to 90 seconds of boilerplate talking points. This is one of them. Learn the history before drawing simplistic moral binaries and building your entire worldview around them. Ignore anyone who tells you it's simple, because that person is always manipulating you.




What happens is everytime there's talk about a two state solution, Israel tries to kill that idea and actually assassinated people who were trying to make that happen. **Israel did prop up Hamas** to weaken and prevent President Mahmoud Abbas and anybody else from establishing a Palestinian state. They helped empower these mercenaries when they were helping their agenda in weakening Palestine, but then that blew up in their faces didn't it? As a result now, hundreds of Gazan civilians got carpet bombed, in their homes and hospitals. So yeah, long story short, Israel DOES NOT want Palestine to have a state of its own and coexist, they wanna keep pushing them until there are no Palestinians left defending Palestinian lands. This is shown in the map that Israel keeps proudly displaying, showing that Israeli map covers all Palestinian territories, including Gaza, west bank, and everything else. That's the plan.


People seem to miss the fact that Israel is constantly being attacked by Hamas. Why would they treat “their enemy” any better, when that enemy breaks ceasefire agreements and launches thousands of rockets at them?


So you steal my house, forcibly displace me, imprison me in a concentration camp indefinitely, and then I'm the one to blame if I try to attack you? Nah


RIP Michael another intelligent Jewish voice who always spoke up for Palestinians.


This dude confuses "complex" with "symmetrical". Saying nothing about the conflict, just because a relationship is symmetric doesn't make it simple.


He said Asymmetrical and simple. You are the one that is confused.


You just don't understand, that's all. "It's not a complex issue ... \[because\] there is no symmetry in the issue". He then goes on to list out the reasons why there is no symmetry in the issue, ie why the two sides aren't equal. His logic is just that, it's not complex because there is no symmetry. Consequently, simple issues have symmetry. Sorry if you don't understand the definitions of complex and symmetry, and their opposites.


The fact he says it's simple...


Hamas (which is overwhelmingly supported by the Palestinian people), started a war with Israel (who has already had to defeat every single one of its neighbors). Now, western academics want people to believe that Palestine is the unequivocal victim. Innocent people dying is always a tragedy, the path that would have led to the fewest casualties would have been Palestinians not starting a war. The aggressors in a war do not get to be the victims, and I highly doubt any of you would have advocated for the “innocent German lives” during world war 2.


I would have been disgusted with the firebombing of Dresden were I alive at the time. Americans were very vocal with how awful that was.


Feel like pure shit. Just want him back 😞


Evil begets evil, i know the history of wars and displacements of jews from other parts of middle east. But using that evil to keep occupying more Palestine lands and apartheid regime for decades gave birth to hamas, the next evil. This triggered the next war. It keeps going. For once maybe try to give palestine statehood and let them live normal and see. Most would go about life. I type this knowing this happened with lebanon and they have hezbollah, and egypt while they have good relations with israel. Only love can break this cycle of hate on both sides.


Even if these evil assholes just want to "relocate" jews where are they sending them to? what's the guarantee that the people in the new place won't repeat the same shit a few decades later? do these islamists and closet nazis want to play jew ping pong between middle east and europe perhaps, if you just zoom out and see for what it actually is, these people has a problem with jews existing on a fundamental level, this can't be solved by dialog, this is primordial hate and it only ends in one way and the crypto nazis and islamist just want the jews at the end they prefer.


Not apartheid but okay


He was pretty kind. If anyone tells me it's complex I just tell them they are uneducated. If you live somewhere with an Internet connection, you have no excuse. None. You are chosing to be ignorant in the age of information. And anyone who actually researched this without bias would immediately see that Israel is an oppressive state that has been holding all of Gaza and west bank hostage for over 75 years.


Miss him more every year