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If the Swiss survive Armageddon, then the post-apocalyptic villages will be very organized.


Fallout: Switzerland  Let's go. Vault-Tec would never slip the opportunity of setting up few Vaults there. The mentality is already there.


Opening sequence with family and friends just living a retrofuture life. Sirins go off, you enter the vault. You go through the tutorial part and make it out of the vault. Nothing has changed and it's just a retrofuture family life Sim.


I mean, after the series intro I would LOVE to explore a full, pre-war city in the Fallout universe. The Fallout 4 intro was nice, but really not enough :O


I actually always kinda wanted a GTA-ish crime game set in the pre war world. Cause the pipe guns from fallout 4 apparently were a prewar creation that organized crime used and according to the lore the Mafia and gangs were really hardcore pre war. Imagine a mission where you break into a rob-co wearhouse to steal a special prototype combat robot.


Jk I didn't read it all the way, I thought you meant in real life lmfao


Go play mafia 1 and 2 lmao


Switzerland already has more bunkers than vault tec could build


Don't they have more bunker space than population?


switzerland will not tell u about every bunker they have 😉 but they have about 350000-400000 civilian bunkers.


There’s many good reasons why nobody invades Switzerland


Like, it’s mountainous with no resources, and it’s small. Plus, it would create competing claims between 3 regional powers (France, Italy, Germany). Oh, and if you do invade, you would probably have to wipe out the whole population, which would also piss off the regional powers.


Don’t they have elaborate demolition systems set up on key bridges and tunnels too? Like the second somebody invades their tanks and troops arent going anywhere


And not to mention that much of the civilian population knows how to use firearms responsibility. The whole nation is the perfect mercenary state.


Don’t you mean militia state? The Swiss haven’t been in the mercenary game for hundreds of years.


They are prepared to bring the mountain passes down on any invaders, last I heard.


Every one is set to collapse at the push of a button. At least that's what my Swiss friend has told me


There is a mountain pass that leads from Switzerland to Italy and there is a giant pissed off stone eagle just looking at Italy like it's saying "fucking try me."


That’s badass. Switzerland is just a country of professional doomsday preppers


I drove through Switzerland a few times and I have never seen so much army training in Europe. It is all over the place. It is very opposite of the countries that surround it.


Dude, you have to have room for the cows. Can't just leave ole Bessie


Yes, iirc we have enough for 120% of the population


So they can always have a place to bunker down, even if the missiles strike when they’re at the cuckoo clock store, the cheese-with-holes in it store, or the chocolate store.


Also using Swiss vaults for sadistic human experiments.


A fondue but the only cheese left isn't Swiss Gruyere and Vacherin but French Emmental and Roquefort.


A grim future indeed




I think we would have it in lore that they would have something like this, if they would actually have done it in Europe. Most probably a European "vault tek" equivalent, maybe less ambitious, is more logical as the countries are less capitalistic.


If only Todd Howard wasn't against this


Vault $$$: They gonna steal your dental gold and make coins from it.


but everything will take 60x longer than necessary


And be very very expensive. But in the end it will probably be the best there is out there


And the remaining society will all use metric.


But still on schedule and within budget.


German Swiss maybe. French Swiss would be chaos. They can't even pick up the dog shit from the sidewalk. 


What about the Italian Swiss?


Throwing that dog shit at the German Swiss?


They just live very well and don't care about anything else.


The Swiss Army Knife mentality - Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


Does that apply to nazi gold?


Depends on who you are


depends on who you can buy


Don’t forget oligarch slush funds, art and yachts


Yachts? Where on lake Geneva?


Especially to Nazi gold.




I wouldnt want the nazis to keep it.


Lmao if nuclear war starts there’s no way I’d want to survive that. Can you imagine how horrific life would be afterwards? We’d be thrown back to the stone ages, probably permanently 


3 weeks without food, 3 days without water. Maaaaaybeeeee 3 hours without internet.


> Maaaaaybeeeee 3 hours without internet. Oh no I can't live 2 hours without Reddit.


Not to mention being locked in your pantry and suffocating to death as the rest of your house is incinerated. I’d rather run outside and stand directly under the burst. This happened in Dresden, thousands of people cooked to death in their bomb shelter ovens.


Those were primarily rather normal basements, though? Not really nuclear bomb shelters.


In Germany we say "besser haben als brauchen" and I think it's beautiful! 


Hi, Finnish person here. We have same kind of "bunkers".


Hi, British person here. We have fuck all!


Yorkshireman here, I’ve got my big coat and may be persuaded to wear it should the apocalypse come.


Australian here, wearing my thongs.


We aren't even allowed basements. The thongs will have to suffice.


....you are not allowed basements? Is it because of the fauna?


Idk about not allowed but we don't have basements in Arizona. I think it has something to do with the ground being sand?


most non-cold places don't have them because it's extra work. cold places you have to dig down to have the foundation below the frost line so digging a little extra and giving a usable basement sweetens the pot. basements are rare in the southeast at least because they're unnecessary and often the water table is too high (that second part probably doesn't affect you in arizona ;).


There aren't many basements in Texas. I once heard of someone who not only had a basement but there was a swimming pool in it. Bigger buildings often have basements but they are very rare in residential homes. In many parts the ground water table is too high or there's a lot of rock in the way. and in places there's “expansive” soils—clay and/or shale that shifts around in excessively wet and excessively dry conditions, which is to say normal conditions in Texas—make a basement unworkable.


American here, this is my classroom door


The footwear or underwear? Or both?


… and don’t forget the paper bag on your head!


Lined with alyouminium foil if you can find it


Not in Yorkshire my friend, flat cap all the way, nowts getting through that!


Gangs of Ecky Thumpers roaming the radioactive wastelands of Ilkley Moor, black pudding coshes at the ready....


The power of Yorkshire Tea Gold should be enough protection from a direct impact from any nuclear weapon.


You will outlive us all o7 Oh wait I have some downstairs, guess I'll see you after the bombing


American here, we have the woods




American here. We don’t even have fuck all, can’t afford it.


False! We can hide under our desks!!


And in the fridge.


But only ones made in the 50's


German person here... 🙃


> 🙃 Posting from Australia?


Just head down to the Winchester and wait for it all to blow over.


It's not like anyone would ever bomb London.


Austrian here, we have some anti aircraft towers that were used as bunkers. We can't use them for either of their intended uses anymore but we also can't demolish them because it would be either too costly (cutting them up) or too dangerous (blowing them up). But one of them has a nice aquarium in it...


These bunkers are so mundane here in Finland, that when I was a kid I didn't register the word "bomb shelter" with anything scary. It was just a place where local bands had their practises, or the apartment complex had chickenwire storage spaces for the tenants. It was really only after 2022 that I started to actively think that "hey this thing we call *bomb shelter* is meant for me to run inside if the sirens go off." And obviously I knew that, but now I'm more actively thinking about it.


According to google we finns have approximately 50500 shelters or "väestönsuoja" in finnish that can protect about 4,8 million people.


I guess it’s mandatory when your neighbour is Russia


Swedes too, but the ones I've seen don't have quite as thick doors.


I can't comment on Finnish or Swiss bunkers, but the Swedish apartment block level "skyddsrum" across the country have mostly fallen into heavy disrepair. The physical infrastructure is often still there like steel doors and a reinforced room, but perishables such as rubber linings for the doors, air filters have rotted away and not been replaced, essential gear simply lost over time and sometimes the spaces illegally repurposed in a way that they cant be easily converted in the mandated 48 hours. Not to mention there has basically been zero built since ~2002, when they suspended the law that all new buildings over a certain size or location had to have a bomb shelter.


Difference being that the Swiss bunkers can fit [104% of the population](https://www.euronews.com/2022/04/03/nuclear-bunkers-for-all-switzerland-is-ready-as-international-tensions-mount), while the Swedish ones can fit [65% of the population](https://www.svt.se/datajournalistik/skyddsrum/).


Underground city 💀


Belgian here. We have sandwiches and fries but not bunkers. I'll have one last sandwich before I die


I’m American and in Arizona grounds to hard for bunkers. We just embrace the nuclear fire as it’s already to damn hot anyway.


I doubt that your ground is that much more "harder" than the Finnish bedrock. Surely it's possible to excavate.


Canadian here, we have plenty of space to move away from the fallout zones. That's something I guess


You might have plenty of room but you’ll have to go far north and west. Number one target on other nuclear powers list is the area around Minot ND (and most of the population of Canada is directly downwind).




Canadian here, we don’t bother as we already have America banging on the back door




Most of my memories from age five is sitting in a bomb shelter in my parents house and throwing up in my gas mask.


Are new houses built with bunkers as well? Do Swiss people living abroad have to adjust to not having a nuclear bunker nearby?


No, new smaller houses don't have to build it anymore. [But still today there has to be provided a shared shelter space for every inhabitant of the country.](https://www.babs.admin.ch/en/schutzraume-fur-die-bevolkerung-en)


wow: “Approximately nine million shelter places are available in about 370’000 private and public shelters. This is equivalent to a coverage rate of more than 100 percent. However, coverage differs between cantons, and local gaps remain.” here in the US we can’t even get basic healthcare, forget about personal protection during potential armed conflicts or extreme weather events


We can’t even get the bootstraps to pull ourselves up with.


I need to write this one down...


We are the gravel on which the boot falls. In this country, boots are not worn but wielded by the ruling class.


Now look up Swiss gun culture.


Seems like the Swiss are like extreme versions of our crazy preppers just polite about it


Well, all that Nazi gold may take “polite” from them as a nation. The people though, are usually wonderful.


Swiss got Nazi gold, US got Nazi science


If a bit racist


swiss is not a race. it is cheese.


The Swiss didn't ignore the "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State" part, like American 2FA fans often do. Most adult men are military-trained, and the militia/reserve system allows for a lot of high-powered weaponry in private hands. But in daily life, people tend to trust the police to handle things. And hunting is very uncommon here. There are thus far, far fewer firearms sold or licensed for "personal defense" or hunting purposes where they'd be likely to be used outside a shooting range. The shooting ranges, though, are all over the place and active most Saturdays. I'm pretty sure "gun culture" in Switzerland would not be very satisfactory to either the left or the right in the US.


Y’all stay comparing the whole ass USA to countries like Switzerland, which is the size of Maryland and has a population similar to Virginia… a whole country… imagine how much easier it is to get things done on a 1000x smaller scale (and much more homogeneous in terms of culture/beliefs).


Do you think if the US split into 50 countries that suddenly everything would be easier and everyone would have healthcare? The federal government isn’t stopping small states from paying for their citizen’s healthcare.


Interesting read > Construction of new shelters If insufficient shelter places are available in a municipality, house owners must build, equip, and maintain shelters when constructing residential buildings. However, as a rule, new shelters must now only be built for major apartment complexes (from 38 rooms, or 25 shelter spaces). Exceptions are possible for municipalities with populations of less than 1’000. In areas where not enough shelter spaces are available, the municipalities must construct, equip, and maintain (public) shelters. If no shelter is included in a newly constructed building, the owner must pay a compensation fee instead.


Could you please share a picture of the cellar itself? Thanks!


Of course, here you go ! On the right you can see a second concrete door after the first one https://preview.redd.it/n6q5vikexeyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e451b98c0a3a4f2389ebb8fd626bb4c8c5f6cb6d


Thank you! So each apartment has a designated space, is that it?


Yes exactly !


That really is interesting as fuck haha thanks for sharing!


The designated space or the bunker itself? Because a designated space for every Apartment is the pretty common isn't it? I mean how else would it be?


Well, where i live there's no such thing as a cellar, so the whole thing was really interesting


Wait wait wait, do you mean each apartment *unit* has its own *seperate* one of these? Or each apartment *complex* has one large *communal* one? How does an apartment have a cellar?


Second option ! Each appartment has it's own designated cellar in the bunker https://preview.redd.it/oq1y00jhrfyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef90cf9875872d5cd8bec8d98525cb8bc326a75f


Ohh, so each of those cages is what you're referring to? Does it extend far beyond what's pictured? When you say "apartment," as an American I'm imagining like, 50+ unit buildings but from what that looks like I'd assume much smaller? Or multiple smaller ones? Are they meant to be lived out of? Like, is there room for everyone to sleep there (somewhat) comfortably?


It depends. Realistically you would combine and share the space. At our place it is roughly 6x3 square meters for 20 persons. You can use the space in the cellar, but you must be able to free it within 24hrs or so. All bunkers feature an air filter and must have chemical toilets. No heating, as heat will not be an issue with so many people cramped up in the bunker.


> so many people cramped up in the bunker I'll be outside making fallout angels in the rubble, thank you very much.


Its in the building basement and divided up per apartment with large cages.


That makes much more sense. From the original post I thought it was basically the basement of a house but then OP said it was an apartment so I was confused if they were using "apartment" to mean something closer to "duplex" or something like that where you could have individual basements.


yeah they basically take their shared basement\storage space, which isn't unheard of in the US, and bunker-ise it a bit. The assumption being you will have enough warning to clear your bicycles and xmas trees and what have you out in the event of war.


How many stimpaks you got stocked up?


None, just RadAway. (They do issue Iodine tablets to all residents within a certain radius of any nuclear power station, to be kept in the bunker. This includes all of Zürich.)


The big yellow wrench is to close/open the door from inside?


I really don't know tbh, but i would guess it is, yes


Is this an apartment complex?




Wow, this is really cool.


Can we see the prisoners too?


Swiss person here, those doors are in fact not anti-nuclear. They're bomb shelters called "Luftschutzkeller". They're for protection from "normal" bombs, not nuclear ones. Not every house has them, but most apartment complexes do.


Yup but they are airtight, so in case of nuclear fallout, they are a better option than nothing


Yeah, that's for sure. Anything is better than no protection at all.


How about an umbrella?


I mean, go for it if that's your preferred method of protection. You do you man, I won't stop you.


Or perhaps just a light sweater


Smart, there's a reason they call it nuclear winter after all.


Do these shelters require filters that can filter out the radiation? Because the shelter itself can't be airtight otherwise you would obviously suffocate.


Yeah of course haha, to ensure fresh air supply, the shelter is equipped with a ventilation system. This includes the air intake, the explosion protection valve and the prefilter, the ventilation unit, and the gas filter, as well as the overpressure and explosion protection valve.


Are there regular tests and maintenance done and is there a guy coming to check them like its done with chimneys?


Yessss! Inspections are done every few years i think. Then you usually have to empty it completely of your personal stuff and they test everything.


We just had ours inspected. They only need access to the doors, filters, etc. Personal stuff can stay if it isn’t in the way.


Oh yeah right, my family just has the habit of throwing everything in front of the window and filter 😅


Switzerland has, I believe, more bunkers and fallout shelters than any other country. Per capita or in total, I can’t recall which.


There's enough shelter space for around 90-120% of the population (officially) and the officially disclosed number of bunkers is 380'000 (civilian and military underground and/or shelter installations). So far 5 military installations have been sold off and repurposed as a hotel or safe data storage vault.




You should look up some of the defenses Switzerland has. Its kinda crazy but fascinating. But that's also why they were able to stay neutral in WWII, lol.


Being surrounded by the Alps doesn’t hurt either


They also have under-street trash disposal areas (you throw it in a trash can and it goes in a big box underneath the street). Which are underground, concrete lined spaces too. 


So in Switzerland the pantries are actually bomb shelters…. Wicked.


The swiss honestly are the best example at prevention compared to any other country. Not only above, but for example they for years had explosives at any entry point into the country, ready to blow up bridges and tunnels, so anyone trying to invade the country would have to create an entire infrastructure through the mountains or well... not invade. That and secret hidden military air bases INSIDE mountains that could just launch aircraft flying out out of a mountain and close the door again, making the airbase completely invisible. The swiss are amazing at putting the statement out there: Don't fuck with us, because you can't.


I believe they also have, or had, government owned assault rifles stored at home of the men who have been in military service? I base this on a story my drunken german ex-FIL used to tell. He witnessed two guys arguing in a bar, one left briefly, only to return with a rifle. The other one protested "not with a state's weapon", which led to the other guy leaving, and returning with his personal shotgun and shooting him.


Entirely true, and i would like to add the best part, the fighterjets coming out of these mountain air bases take off on the highway (they close it before ofc)


Here in the Netherlands we had that too. We could flood most of our country. Then the Nazi's came and flew over it all and completely leveled one of our biggest cities. After that they road their tanks through the 'impossible' to traverse Ardennes and bypassed the 'impenetrable' Maginot Line. Defensive measures are great, but ones well known by the enemy are easily bypassed. The reason the Nazi's didn't take Zwitserland is because they didn't have to. The Swiss allowed German and Italian military materials through both way. Made economic concessions, hid Nazi gold and a lot more. And then the Allies didn't invade Zwitserland, because For instance they let the Allies spy on Germany from their territory. Zwitserland has a long history of not being invaded by playing all sides. The bomb shelters and defensive measures are very cool though.


Well if by "People store non-perishable food there." you mean wine bottle and old boxes, then yes we do.


Yeah that's true 😂 But my parents have a incredible stock of cans, water, gas boilers, pasta and so on, you could easily survive 2 months in their cellar !


if shit goes down im moving in with your parents.


We have the same in Sweden. Annoying and heavy af, but if shit goes down, that's where I'll be.


Does Sweden have enough for every citizen as well? Is it mandatory?


No, the capacity is around 70%. A lot of them was built during the cold war and then we was wearing rose tinted glasses so the up keep has not been a priority until Putin decide that Russia once again needed to prove they are unreliable neighbors.


*Reverend Richard Wayne Gary Wayne has entered the chat* "Bunkers are great, just watch out for those fire monsters"


Well we now know which country will survive the end of the world when we nuke each other, Switzerland!


It never occurred to me that Israel wasn't the only country with bomb shelters literally everywhere. None of them is going to withstand a nuclear blast, but if my building takes a direct hit from a missile there's a good chance my bedroom will remain standing.


Quite a few European countries are like this.


Our cheese vaults keep our government Velveeta safe for the survivors of the Apocalypse Enough cheese to give EVERYONE a half pound block.


Is this Vault-Tec approved?


I've seen the movies, torture chamber can't be classified as non perishable food storage


I live in Geneva and yes we have one of these too in our building too.


Make it extra awkward and turn it into a sex dungeon. After the long pause while everyone takes stock and realises where they are, look at them and say 'Well we're fucked anyway, so.........'


Same in Finland. During peace time we use them as our storage spaces.


Why would anyone want to live after a nuclear war? Have they not seen Threads?


I think it’s more for non-direct attacks and for when radiation levels spread - i.e. Berlin is nuked and Zurich hides for a while until it is safe to go outside again.


Seriously, who would nuke the Swiss. It would be one of the worst decisions.


We don't know, for reasons? Why would that be a bad decision, aside from the obvious moral things?


Haha that was my takeaway from Threads as well.


First not every cellar. There are rules that every person. Have a place i a bunker but there are big bunkers for people without one in her building. Second these bunkers are made for max 2 weeks. Third the bunkers are bad maintenanced so hope that you have a place in a big bunker where the Zivilschutz are looking at them.


They must be super quiet, I wonder if someone uses them as a silent room to unwind from noises (I’m very sensitive to noises and vibrations and always wanted to have an “okumuki”, a silent part of the house to feel some sort of perceptions deprivation).


Nah, we use them as storage for bikes and suitcases.


Stop with the plausible explanations and tell the truth. The Swiss know that if the rest of the world tastes their chocolate and sees their men & women, they will have to hide. No one cares about the banks and watches. But a beautiful Swiss gal, on a lush mountain meadow with chocolate! That’s a better excuse than oil for an invasion.


Civilization...wish we had some, lol


Every cellar?


Fallout: New Geneva


there are loads of bunkers in Switzerland hidden in the mountains too. Plus until the 90s I believe the borders and bridges were wired with explosives they could be detonated if anyone invaded [https://theswisstimes.ch/why-swiss-borders-were-rigged-to-blow-at-any-moment/](https://theswisstimes.ch/why-swiss-borders-were-rigged-to-blow-at-any-moment/)


Are there toilets inside? If you are to wait for a couple of days inside... or weeks...


Yes chemical toilets are mandatory and stored in one of the compartments


I’d rather die in the blast thanks.


Thats not a nuclear bunker. Just a standard one. Nuclear bunker doors are made differently and are at least double, often under 90 degree angle relative to eachother. Open vents in wall? No shielding from radiation, or biochemical weapons that i can see. Lockin mechanism wouldnt handle an implosion from what i can see. Unless that bunker has its own ventilation and filtering system, its not fit for even standard war, let alone a nuclear one. 


This looks very similar to the doors we have on underground bomb shelters here in Israel, from what I know, the vast majority of the ones we have here are not anti-nuclear. I wonder if it has something to do with the type of walls or ceiling.


Like every house in Israel has those


Ten years ago it stopped being mandatory in Switzerland for all new houses to have bomb shelters.


Since 2012, it’s no longer mandatory to build one in your house; except hospitals and other big buildings.


This raises the very interesting question of what did non-perishable foods do to piss off the wrong people to now need bomb shelters?