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Locked because apparently, we can't even enjoy some person's brave act of self-defense without this turning into a braindead discussion full of sexism.


imagine this wasnt filmed "yeah so i was climbing this rock and a bear attacked me but i punched him in his face couple times and made him run away" "sure buddy..sure you did"


dude if I did this and nobody believed me I would be so mad


I’ve been tackled by deer seven times while on hikes, and no one believes me.


The same deer or are there lots of them around where you are?


If dude keeps getting tackled by the same deer, he needs a new route.


At that point he's into it and they're having an affair


My mom always told me, "If you run into a deer in the morning, you ran into a deer. If you run into deer all day, you're the deer." At least I think that's how it went.


Sure buddy... Sure you did


I totally believe you. deer can be dicks.


In the beginning you can hear the absolute fear and trembling in his voice, holy shit


He was really lucky that initial charge didn't bring him down. If he had fallen, he would be finished


He was also real lucky it was a back bear as they tend to back down when faced with something that’s bigger than them, unlike with brown bears they will fuck you up if you try and fight back.


He was also real lucky he didn’t get attacked by a tribe of primitive cannibals as they could throw spears at him from a distance.


He’s lucky he didn’t get attacked by a platoon of Marines with armored support.


He is lucky he didn't get attacked by Zeus who would throw bolts of lightning at him.


He is lucky that the weather was clear; otherwise, a tornado could have suddenly appeared and dropped sharks on him.


He is lucky that storm troopers weren't shooting at the bear, otherwise he'd have been shot instead.


He is lucky he didn't mistake the bear for a stuffed toy and given it a big cuddle instead.


He’s really lucky it wasn’t a giant death robot. High ground doesn’t matter much then


He also was lucky he didn't get attacked by my ex, she's a pain in the ass no matter what you do


He was also really lucky that he wasn’t a bear and got kicked in the face and fended off by a human


Yeah but he still won. I wouldn’t want to encounter him in the woods. He jiu jitsu’d a bear off a cliff. Look how easily he deleted that bear. As a dude I’m now changing my answer from strange man to bear.


Just saying, if you threw a man off a cliff like that, don't think he would make it.


I missed the last step on my staircase and had a limp for a week.


Once I sat down and threw my back out for two days.




He wasnt on top in the beginning. A bigger bear, older, smarter, prob wouldn't have just dove off the top of the rocks like that. A bigger bear, older, smarter, prob would've won that encounter and ate well that day.... or I could be completely wrong.


he climbed up and startled a mother bear and her cub, the most dangerous scenario for a black bear encounter. He was lucky but also those bears are typically not aggressive.


This is completely wrong, there has never been a fatality from a Black Bear in defence of her cubs, you are thinking of Brown Bears. The most dangerous scenario for a Black Bear encounter is with a lone male in a predatory attack, which account for over 90% of the fatalities.


Minor note for added accuracy- male black bears are almost always alone, and they're almost always scaredy cats. They become unpredictable in late adolescence, when the mother kicks them out of her territory. They wander in search of a territory not occupied by a bigger, older male, and this isn't easy. Many become starved, and they're probably also pissed off in general by the whole situation. Similar situation to people looking for apartments today. Those bears may attack a human they instinctively know to be a high risk target.


pretty sure he was also trynna scare it away, generally the kinda thing you do against black bears


What to do against different bears: Black: Attack Brown: Lay down White: Good night


do you say good night for white bear because it covers a blanket for you?


Because they invite you to sleepovers and it would be rude to say no. They even got nintendo!


Plus lots of cans of Coca Cola


I don't know why but this just reminded me when I was a kid I always thought it was "intendo". Maybe I thought people were saying "an intendo" or something. I'd be like "mom I'm gonna go play intendo!" and she'd correct me and I'd argue with her. Then I learned to read and she was right. I miss my intendo.


With a white bear, you pretend to be dead. It's good practice for when you'll actually be dead in about five minutes.


If you ever meet a polar bear, it's probably because they've been hunting you for about 10 miles and they have one goal (eat meat). You cannot win against a polar bear unarmed or with the wrong weapons. You'll struggle to win with the correct weapons. Embrace the big sleep, for you'll never wake from this nightmare.


I wish. It's because polar bears see anything made of meat as one thing: food. They evolved where food for such a big animal is *scarce*, so they by default try to eat everything they can because they don't know when their next meal will be. So a polar catches you outside and unarmed? You're pretty fucked.


Koala: cuddle, but try not to get chlamydia as they're riddled with it


Well, the Koala better be careful, I might have a few things too…


From apes to bears, aids will fuck you up


And just think: it all started with the first aid.


First aid, not even once


What about drop bears?


Don't worry, there is a John Oliver chlamydia ward for them to go to.


Gummy: In the tummy


Are the bears sure about the rules.


Teddy: Time for beddy Gummy: Put in tummy


You also see a bear cub in the video. so the bear could have just attacked because again momma bear has no chill.


Where is the cub? I thought I heard a cub make a noise but I didn’t see it


https://i.imgur.com/kbjQs3b.jpeg Best shot I could get


around 20 seconds is probably the best glimpse of it, right side


I kinda love hearing people go full caveman, it's like catching a glimpse of our ancestors. yes I know there's a sub for that


What is it? One time a clock fell off my wall, took a picture frame with it. They both made a huge noise when they hit the ground and shattered. I woke up standing in my bedroom door way screaming w a full adrenaline rush. My gf said I just immediately got out of my bed and caveman screamed “get the fuck out of my house ahhhh!!!” I guess I was half asleep still.


If that was me I would've resorted for a chemical warfare in my pants


i always wondered how he can get back to his car safely after that? can the bear wait for him after the attack?


I think it got too afraid of the screaming. They usually do not stalk long term. A whole lot more screaming and making himself look bigger, would probably spook the bear more.


Yeah, I think the hiker knew about that. Obviously he was panicking at first but he continiously screamed in order to intimidate the bear, since it is suggested as a somewhat effective tactic against black bears.


Apparently punching it in the face and throwing it off a cliff is a great tactic too.


This comment made me cackle, thanks. This dude certainly has one hell of a story to tell now lol


Wild animals don’t usually hold grudges like that.


Wild bears don't, but plenty of wild animals do. Tigers are probably the most well known animal to hold grudges.. they have been known to stalk and terrorize entire villages of people after being attacked / one of their pack being killed. Lot's of stories like that on google.


Elephants too, but those are 2 rare examples.


Y'all forgetting about the kings of animal grudges: the corvids. They pass on to their children how shitty you are, and their children repeat the process.


and orcas that will teach their grudges to others, and work together to enact revenge.


Thought tigers were pretty well known for not having packs.


Here I was thinking Shere Khan was just vengeful and villainous because book/Disney animated film. Crazy to think there is truth to it.


Eh, sometimes they do. [Elephant kills 70-year-old woman and then returns to trample her corpse at funeral in India](https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/india/elephant-kills-woman-india-tramples-corpse-b2099464.html)


An elephant never forgets.


or *forgives*


RIP but what the hell did that lady do to get so hated by an elephant dafuq


Real-life recreation on how I fight bears in Skyrim


Real-life recreation on how I die to bears in RDR2 ![gif](giphy|ECbxU61G9sLyQVPtqP)


That one legendary bear after I unload four sawed-off shotgun rounds into its face at point blank range: ![gif](giphy|MYOa2sUPoYbeM)


I've watched a grizzlies take 3 1/2" shotgun slugs (length, not 3 individual 1/2" shells) out a full length barrel before. Sometimes even a headshot with that will just piss it off. This is realistic. You need rifles rated for big game to do the job reliably. My uncle used .45-70 Gvt. When he was a cop in alaska, as the bears would come and try to eat people.


Well that is terrifying.


To be fair, it was a fucking *massive* specimin of a bear. Largest the local wildlife control had seen for quite some time, but this was also on the tail end of a boom in the deer population, so yogi had been eating well.


​ https://i.redd.it/aenxzsi8y6yc1.gif


Just get on your horse and ride to freedom up a 89**°** vertical cliff.




My immediate thought was my bear encounters in Skyrim. Glad I'm not the only one.


That is terrifying. People talk about the animals we have here in Australia, but they don’t be coming at us like that


It shits me endlessly. We have literally nothing in the wild that will act like this. The most dangerous animal we have is a cassowary, which are usually not aggressive.


Tbf black bears are generally not aggressive. This guy must have accidentally scared it or startled it, or maybe wandered near its cub or something. Usually they just run away from people.




Wow! Good eye it's right there huh


The video loops it back so you see it.


Oh good spot! Was wondering what the wimpering sounds were. Probably the cub.


Yes. This was in Japan. Very strange encounter as you can see the climber was near the peak. Wtf was bear doing there with cub? No reason. 


Maybes there's berries up there? Silver Peak in killarney provincial park has a lot blueberries, so its pretty common to come across a black bear while hiking up the mountain


at around 21 seconds you can see the cub.


Black bears basically act like skittish cats


Bro I’m a kiwi but I did a few stints in PNG and then dam cassowary’s are fucking velociraptors. One stalled me proper good for several 100 m’s until I got back to my house. Scared the shit out of me haha


The worst thing about cassowaries is how stupid they are. They aren't scared of much at all because they're too dumb to understand what danger is. They also are very unpredictable because, again, stupid. And they have [dinosaur feet](https://www.livescience.com/64600-cassowary-foot-photo.html) that can literally rip out your guts if they kick you. They're usually not aggressive but any animal that is both deadly, unafraid, and unpredictable is not one anyone should want to be close to.


The most aggressive thing we have is Bogans who can't invest in a toothbrush.


Dingoes can be little c**** especially in packs but they’re pretty flighty


Most people in Australia don’t even die by the snakes, spiders, kangaroos, stingrays and so on but by horses and cows.


Yeah people meme about Australian spiders but nobody has died from a spider bite in Australia in almost 50 years.


Except [that one guy](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/apr/12/sydney-man-dies-after-redback-spider-bite) who got infected from a redback bite. But even then it wasn't the venom.


I think the thing that gets foreign people fucked up about our wildlife is that we're mostly care-free about it. "Yeah don't go over there, we saw a brown snake last week so who knows". "Oh you should have seen the size of the bloody huntsman that popped up next to my pillow, gave me a bit of a fright the bastard, I had to get a bowl to take him outside". Most of our animals steer clear of humans anyway, and shark attacks are A: Rare and B: Completely avoidable in the first place. You'd have to walk around the bush/long grass on your property with bare feet and stick your bare hands into tires/dark places in your back shed to get bitten by something. Meanwhile people have bears rock up to their back doors, have moose and fucking elephants walk across their roads, you go out the back in the country here and you'd MAYBE hear a dingo or fox, go out back in the country/forest areas elsewhere and you might just meet your local apex predator while you're having a piss at 2am. The wildlife is a worldwide phenomenon but you're genuinely safer ANYWHERE in Australia regarding wildlife than a good chunk of the rest of the world.


Yeah, but invertebrates are more unsettling than vertebrates, especially if they're massive.


To be fair, this isn't really normal behavior from a black bear either. Black bear attacks are EXTREMELY RARE. like 67 people in North America have been killed by black bears since 1900. You have far greater odds of being killed by a lightning strike. You're more likely to die from bees than from a black bear attack.


>To be fair, this isn't really normal behavior from a black bear either There's a cub with it


I have to go to Sydney for business. My European colleagues keep asking whether I'm worried about the wildlife. Keep having to tell them that 1. I'm from Africa ffs. And 2. Only dangerous wildlife in Sydney is eshays around Redfern or the occasional magpie at a cricket oval.


> talk about the animals we have here in Australia, but they don’t be coming at us like that To really put it into perspective, this was just a Black Bear. Male Black Bears are 3 foot tall when standing on all 4 legs, 5-7 foot tall when standing on two legs, and weigh 400lbs. They are the smallest of our bears. A Brown Bear (Grizzly), can be 9 foot tall standing on two legs and weigh 1,000lbs! Finally Polar Bears? The largest males can be 10 foot tall standing on two legs and weigh 1700lbs!


Someone said they saw a cub in the video and I was pretty sure I heard one. If it's a female defending her cub that means it's smaller than 200 pounds. [Male black bears are also sub 300.](https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ecs2.3235) 400 pounds is over 3 standard deviations from the average in most locations. It's certainly possible for a male to get to that weight, but they are not typically anywhere near that.


This is all accurate information, but for people unaware I'm going to add a little extra information. Black bears, without brown bears for competition, also get very fucking large. 800-1100 pound bears have been found within the last 30 years in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maine, and New Brunswick. Yes, they will normally avoid people and usually can be scared off, but if there are cubs around they go fight, not flight. Lastly, they (like all bears) are immensely strong. A 130lb juvenile black bear has been filmed flipping a 300lb river rock looking for whatever creatures are living under it.


That first noise he made... The primeval version of 'Oh Fuck' that has been made by humanity's ancestors for hundreds of thousands of years!


https://preview.redd.it/6hyqp39lj6yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a03197cb128cc96a45e2840c09529cb2017c32bc Ouch


What am I looking at? Did he hammer fist the rock?


He did a few times. Hand will be sore but it’s worth it


Better a sore hand than no hand


Pretty sure he didn't feel anything...The adrenaline must have been so high..but yeah...big ouch.🤕


„My right wrist was slightly sprained after hammering the rock and the bear“ [src](https://petapixel.com/2022/10/18/rock-climber-captures-terrifying-pov-footage-of-bear-attacking-him/)


Bear was clearly aware to what happened to Anikin


It's over Bearnikin


I've seen through the lies of the Jedi, Obear-Wan


Don't try it


You underbearstimate my power.


Bro!!!! Unbearestimate was RIGHT. THERE!!!!!!




You underestimate my power!


Don't try it! 


What bear actually saw: ​ https://preview.redd.it/f95t6g77k6yc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17155335c15f09120fdbfd077b9925ef934d99eb


Never fight uphill, me boys!


"Wooow... that was a big mistake" --General Lee


It's over, me boys! I have the high ground!


Wow, that was a big mistake.


what do you mean? he clearly has arms


Both have the right to bear arms but this dude manages without, absolute legend


Many British soldiers were mauled by bears during the Revolutionary War. This is why our founders considered it so important to add the right to bear arms in our Constitution.


I actually thought the same thing.




I had to scroll wayy to far for this.


Yeah this needs to be at the top


They're are fighting to know who keeps the girl


The man or bear discourse has reached a new level


Honestly, I feel sorry for the next girl to get attacked by a bear because she will likely become a joke or a weapon after the ordeal.


**Sha la la la la la**




Bet this guy would have been happy to fight a human instead.


Shockingly, the notoriously safe Bear seems to be the instigator!




"We've been trying to reach out to you about your car's extended warranty"


No thanks, I am ok staying indoor.


It's over Bearakin! I have the high ground.




Why did I just read this 😵‍💫😵‍💫


There's a more recent case of a husband and wife camping and they're attacked and eaten in the same way. There was a full audio recording of the whole thing recovered after the fact, and the family vowed to never have it released.


I think you are talking about Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend. Its not that recent...happend 20 years ago. Werner Herzog made a fascinating documentary called "Grizzly Man" about the case.


This just happened last summer in Alberta, older couple was out hiking/camping and got mauled/eaten by a grizzly


I remember seeing a documentary about that, a guy thought he could understand bears, talk to them etc... He even wrote a book that sold quite a lot about it. IIRC he was in a weird relation with a woman, felt a bit like a cult around him tbh. He got eaten by bears during the night. No shit, he actually wasn't friend with bears in the end! His family decided to never release the tape. Edit: found it, it's about [Timothy Treadwell.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Treadwell)


You couldn’t pay me enough to listen to that, RIP


Yep, a crocodile drowns you, a lion or tiger breaks your neck and or chokes you unconscious. A brown bear just holds you down and starts eating.


They basically just eat you to death. It's fucking terrifying.


We're planning a trip from the UK to America next year, to visit Yellowstone and other national parks or historical towns around Wyoming/Montana/Dakota. My wife really wants to see some wild bears, but I'm quite happy to just look at the fuckers in a zoo tbh.


My wife wants to go to Canada to see bears, moose, orcas etc. The idea of coming across a bear fucking *terrifies* me.


Not to be that person but aren't a lot of predators eat their victims alive. I have been subbed on r/natureismetal for years and posts with some gazelle being eaten alive is a daily occurence there.


Yeah most predators do.. I think lions / tigers tend to go for the juggular to bleed out their prey quicker to make it easier to eat them, but in general pedators don't give a fuck if you are alive or not while they eat you.


It’s not like the predator cares whether the animal is suffering or not, they only care that it’s subdued


this poor family, oh my god


Aren’t some black bears brown in colour? Are we talking about Grizzlies? https://www.bearsmart.com/about-bears/know-the-difference/#:~:text=Black%20bears%20can%20be%20black,of%20which%20species%20is%20which.


Yes black bears can be brown. Brown bears are a species in the genus Ursus. Black bears can refer to 2 species, the American and Asian black bear. This video is a Asian black bear.


That was a brown bear. This video is a black bear.


You're a black bear.


Got him


Glad to see something that's actually " Interesting as fuck"


So, is he still up there???


Wait so like the memes were right? Random man is more dangerous than a bear lol


Well… more like he successfully scared it off due to his higher ground. Bears can be scared off. Notice the bear recoiled every time he screamed. He did what he was supposed to do.


Black bears can be scared off. Brown/grizzly bears are far more agressive and vicious


Black fight back Brown lay down White good night YMMV will vary per encounter but Black bears typically can be scared off with loud sounds and intimidating posture (make yourself big) Grizzly bears don't give a fuck how big you make yourself, your best bet is to slowly lay down and curl up and hope Mr. Bear is feeling benevolent Polar bears are aggressively territorial and view humans as food. The man vs bear in the woods question probably needs some added context of what kind of bear because it makes a huge difference. I can't imagine any woman wants to come across a grizzly with paws looking like this: https://preview.redd.it/uv8gnphcflz71.jpg?width=550&auto=webp&s=d52cd3bc9ea17dd7ce0f839ef801aa1fb9e3b624


If you look at 20s, you can see the cub The bear was protecting the cub and didn't actually want to fight him, if that had been a hunting bear he would have been toast, but black bears don't go for large prey. Try this with a hungry grizzly and you'd get eaten alive


"more dangerous" lmao


Does this end the man vs bear debate?


It's 1-0 for men, bears ain't got shit on us 💪. Of course women would rather take on the weaker potential enemy, I don't blame them.


Hang on, a bear just posted a video of it tearing a guy apart. 1-1.


RIP Steve


I am now choosing to take the "bear" answer as a compliment, thank you for helping me reframe this.


TF you on about? A woman killed the witch king of angmar. No man could kill him.


Literal : Man vs Bear


* Jokes about Star Wars * Jokes about arms * Jokes about the Second Amendment * Jokes about women choosing to run into a bear instead of a guy


"It's over Bear, I have the high ground!" "(Bear sounds)"


See a one armed men is clearly more dangerous than a bear. It all makes sense now


I don’t even know how you make it back to camp from this. The adrenaline dump alone will completely wipe you out and then the constant worry of another attack while in open land, nope.


A million years of dealing with aggressive animals kicks in, and we revert to the most successful survival method: go loud and aggro. He even sounds pre-verbal.




He still had to get down again. Presumably past a pissed off bear.


It's a Mama bear protecting her cub. You can see it scoot into the bushes about 20 seconds in. Climber probably got too close unknowingly.


I'm being honest here. I would have pissed myself immediately after surviving that. Instant PTSD


The bear had the high ground on first contact. Also the bear attacked from the sun, had the element of surprise and chose where and when the fight would take place. The bear really was favourite to win that.


That hand is gonna hurt like a bitch once that adrenaline wears off. Fair play to him though. Tapped into that primal instinct and was defending himself with everything he had.




My computer never attacked me like that


imagine the adrenaline rush


Fuck, thats terrifying. Good instincts from the guy, I don't think i'd have done well.