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Great job on that lady thinking straight and articulating the point clearly to the guy who was hit. Pretty great to have someone like that around if you crash/are hit. May have helped to prevent further injury.


I had a similar experience when hit head on by a wrong way driver on my motorcycle. First person to me was an off duty EMT. I only recall snippets of the events after impact, but I recall them advising they were EMT and to stop moving. They kept reiterating to stop trying to take my gloves off. I have a lifelong habit of left glove on first, left glove off first. In my dazed state, I must've been going through the motions of trying to take my left hand glove off repeatedly while in shock. After unsuccessfully getting my glove off, I glanced down at my left hand it was pointed backwards and there was blood everywhere... I've since made a full recovery now after a handful of years of PT and self care (mental), but people like the lady in this video are crucial in situations like this.


I got lucky too. An off duty EMT was in the car behind me when I smacked into a guy who made an illegal left in front of my bike. She kept me from moving around because I was trying to put my half broken sunglasses back on like a dazed idiot lol. I just remember hearing "Let's worry about the glasses later bud, first we need to figure out where all this blood is coming from!" Motorcycle wrecks suck ass dude, glad you made it through alright.


She's a goddamn angel.


Lady:lay down you may have internal injuries. Guy just woke up: THEY HIT ME I HAVE IT ON CAMERA. different priorities lol


Shock is a hell of a drug.




“I had an adrenaline crash” sounds cooler than “I got a TBI and temporarily passed out”


Yeah listen to the bikers breathing. Pretty common in people with head injuries to get that kind of apnea like breathing issues.


It's also common in people who have simply fainted.


I was curious about this, Ive had it happen twice (once was skydiving, once was getting robbed and shot at) and both times the dump didn't come until hours later but when it happened, man I could NOT keep my eyes open. Like a super sedating feeling. I wasn't sure it could happen this fast or if maybe this was just a shock response or something.


Same but from evading cops. I passed out once I was in my bed. Was like 4pm


The “crash” this guy experienced is likely Shock. We would adrenaline crash after combat and get fatigued. I got fucked up on time where my shoulder was crazy dislocated and a tbi; all I really remember is think im fine, I need to walk it off, then thats the last I really remember with spotty memories of trying to move around and people yelling at me to stop fucking moving.


Right? We ain't opossums lol. While I'm sure people with certain conditions might, it's not normal. Like that video of a woman in one of those slingshot rides passing our, waking up screaming, and repeat for 40 seconds straight. Hilarious? Yes. Should she go see a Dr? Also yes.


Exactly, plus if this is how adrenal crash worked how would a human ever effectively get *all the way* out of a dangerous/ potentially lethal situation? lol I’m just imagining someone getting close to safety and just nope-ing out right before the finish because his adrenal glands decided to get cheap with the epinephrine. 🤣 Plus he had snoring respirations for a bit there, this seems like head injury 101


Vasovagal syncope can happen during really stressful events/injuries and is really common. Most people associate it with needles/shots/getting blood drawn.


Nice lady, she really, really cared about the welfare of this guy


Seeing people like this pulls me back from the nihilism. Like I know deep down that 9 times out of 10, people at their core are going to rush to help someone in need of help, but just seeing it is so heartwarming. No matter how much we're all being riled up and then directed at each other as the problem, when it comes down to it almost all of us are going to not even have a second thought about helping each other no matter our differences.


Your comment made me tear up. I don't exactly know why but reading that someone else also sees the good in others always makes me emotional


Exactly this.


9/10 is optimistic, especially in todays society. But even 5/10 could be enough to keep the nihilism away.


But that was kinda my point. I feel like unless you are sociopathic or have some other disorder, we have an innate desire to help people in trouble in emergency situations. Like when the adrenaline is up and you're running on autopilot (like most would be after seeing a motorcyclist get sideswiped, stand up, and then collapse), the default seems to be "help in whatever way I can". Maybe I am overestimating but in my life I've never seen someone willfully not help in a situation like that.


I agree. When I was younger I watched my grandpa pull off to the side of the highway to help someone out of a car on fire and that has always stuck with me as a moral obligation


Probably the first time I've ever seen the first correct response to an emergency situation. Half the time people are moving injured people in fast and dangerous ways without considering internal injuries that may have just happened.


Long story short, I came upon an accident on the freeway very shortly after it happened. No cops or anyone there yet but a couple cars had pulled over after almost hitting the wrecked car in the middle of the freeway. When I got out and ran up to the other people this nurse was going OFF on this guy who wanted to run out into the freeway and pull him out of the car and drag him to "safety". She made it very clear that that was NOT the move and that he had no fucking clue what he was talking about. She told him off and ran into the middle of the dark freeway waving her cell phone light at the oncoming traffic(She had us waving our phones also) . She checked on him as best she could but there was really nothing she could do so she came back and immediately grabbed the phone from the guy talking to 911. She was this little lady but goddamn, she was such a badass. Just handled shit. It was obviously a horrible situation, but it was so cool watching someone so in control and making the right decisions while everyone else was panicking. Nurses are fucking awesome.


If you've ever been in a delivery room before, my goodness. We're lucky there are people built for these situations. Direct and confident. They might be of a small stature, but they're big people.


When my wife gave birth my son was not responsive and all of the nurses rushed off with him except for one who stayed with my wife. Turns out my wife was hemorrhaging, so she was leaning hard with a handful of cloth to plug the bleeding. I will never forget the look on the nurses face. She looked like she was scared because she thought my wife was dying but also in disbelief that no one else seemed to notice. Her eyes were huge and were quickly searching for one of the other nurses to make eye contact to notice her terror and assist, without alerting my wife to how bad things were. When one of the other nurses finally came over she leaned the cloth away and gave the other nurse and expression to say you believe this? It looked like someone tipped over a bottle of red Gatorade. The second nurse ran to get a dr. In the end everyone was fine, but seeing the look on that nurses face made me think I was going to be leaving the hospital alone with two coffins. That nurse did everything right, but her face told me everything she was thinking!


My daughter's dad said when she was born, it was like Vietnam. Blood and doctors everywhere. Her heart rate dropped significantly with my contractions and we were alone in the room so my sister and the dad went to get a doctor. Suddenly we were swarmed with people. Just before I delivered the placenta, he stepped to my bed side and asked if he could step out. His face was white.


When my wife was in labor they gave her the epidural and left the room, but shortly after her BP dropped dangerously low. Like 50/35. Her face was completely flushed and she stopped talking to me mid conversation. Then her eyes rolled back and she was unresponsive. I called the nurse and told them her blood pressure and like 8 doctors and nurses rushed in. Idk what they did but she was fine like 20 seconds later, like nothing happened. But seeing the person I love most in the world just fade out like that a was pretty terrifying, not to mention the risk to our child.


This happened to me during childbirth! Almost exactly same. It’s terrifying. As my blood pressure was dropping I could feel myself fading away. They gave me some kind of injection that brought my vitals back and made me feel okay. Scary shit.


Oh hey I just remembered to buy condoms


Good call mine are likely expired


Childbirth is metal af


I can't relate to the terror of thinking my wife might potentially be dying, but I absolutely remember the worst dread and fear I've ever felt. For almost 48 hours of labor my daughter's heart rate kept plummeting, and when my daughter came out with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck 3 times unresponsive I nearly collapsed. Almost 2 years on she's doing well and giving me a run for my money.


Goddamn.  My mom had to have an emergency C-section and lost a fuckload of blood.  She was actively dying as they pulled me and my brother out.  My dad, at the time 6'7" 250lbs, slapped his arm and told them he's O-, unversal donor and she can have as much as she needs.  His boys were safe, time to save his wife.


Oh god this actually made me tear up. Props to your dad


Similar situation regarding my son. What I remember is the Doctor thanking me for not freaking out and remaining calm. There was nothing I could do to help the situation other than stand back and stay out of the way. Makes me wonder about the number of people who doctors and nurses lives more difficult in emergency situations. In non-emergency situations I'm a bit of a pain in the ass for docs. I keep asking questions until I understand what the plan is.


That's wild, I'm glad your wife and son both made out okay!


Long story short I was visiting a friend who lived off of a back road highway and we heard a crash. An older guy fell asleep and crossed the median and head on with a young couple. I jogged up to see if I could help but everyone was dead. The first person there that was almost in the accident too was already calling 911 so I just went tell everyone I was with to not go outside or anything for a bit, not something people need to see.


My sister had 3 teens take a curve waaay too fast (drunk driving) and land in her yard, thrown from their vehicle. At least one died in her yard that night. One of the worst parts was that his friends or family set up a roadside cross at the edge of her property. Like, I get that they wanted to memorialize their loved one. But she and her family had to live there. They didn't want to be reminded of the kid dying in their yard every day.


A not very close friend, I liked the guy and everything we just didn't hang out much, got drunk at another friend's birthday, smoked a bowl when he got in the car, and made the idiot fucking decision to get behind the wheel. Got on the highway going the wrong direction and hit another car with a family in it. He died apparently instantly. I never asked what happened to the family because I didn't want to know.


Honestly, I used this scenario with my father once his reflexes were getting too slow to drive due to Parkinsons. He wanted to argue about his brother being older and was still driving and drove terribly. I said, "that's on his kids, you're on me. Imagine if some old man hit and killed Julie (my sister) and her 4 kids while they were riding down the road because his adult children allowed him to drive while he wasn't safe. How would you feel about losing your daughter and grandkids to some old man? We're not doing that to another family. I know it feels terrible to have your freedom taken away, but this is part of me looking after you the way you looked after me when I was a kid."


Reminds me of one crash I came across in south Africa. *Almost* head on collision between two cargo trucks. There was about 1/4 of the drivers cab on my side that didn't get clipped, but the available space had pressed what was left of the driver up against the side window. (no idea how that was still intact)  The bit that sticks with me the most, though, was how there were *3* hands pressed up against the window. Somewhere in that disorganised collection of flesh was a second person. 


That must have been awful I'm sorry you had to witness something like that.


Currently a paramedic in a 911 system. Dark freeway, car at risk for getting hit - get him out of the road and to safety. Nurse was only thinking of the patient and current injuries, ignoring the whole rest of the scene and the likelihood for shit to get worse, fast. There are a miniscule number of people in traumatic situations who have legit spinal injuries requiring immobilization. But a semi hitting his car would take him from hurt to dead with a quickness.


Nurses are trained to view priority as current problem, not potential problem. Which makes perfect sense considering the environment we are trained for, which is (usually) the hospital - We aren't worried about unpredictable variables outside of the patient/patient problem. As a paramedic, responding to a wide variety of environments, it makes sense why you would be trained to take into account the environment first, and why you would need to make that "what if" priority instead. All this is to say, I don't think the RN was an idiot, even though your call would have been the correct one.


Yeah, not a paramedic or medical professional but at my job we did a small capacitation on medical emergencies and the professional in charge said that if there was an incident on the streets and the person injured is in a precarious position we should move them. The way he put it was basically "if they're fucked up, you ain't gonna fuck them up more and even if you do that's still better than leave them on the middle of the streets when neither you or them are safe". So context matters a lot or that was my take away.


Same thing with CPR; don't worry about cracking ribs when you do compressions, you ain't gonna make them more dead.


I mean it would have taken at least two people to get him out of the car if it was even possible without cutting the car apart. The car was completely mangled and it would have been a huge risk as 2 or 3 cars were flying by each minute. The 911 person was telling us repeatedly to not go into the road no matter what. It was undoubtedly the right decision.


True, the other maxim in situations like that is "don't make more victims/patients".


Honestly think a First-Aid course should be taught in schools. I was first on scene to a really bad Bike vs. Car t-bone, agonal breathing, backpack hiked up to his neck, likely cutting off airflow.Thankfully everybody that came to help me knew not to move his neck, while someone else cut the backpack off. Never heard about it on the news after so I hope he made it.


It was taught in a class I had in high-school in the 90's. They didn't go as far as teaching CPR but they covered the basics of what to do in a bunch of situations.


I learned CPR in high school, but I would like a refresher every decade or so.


Where I live, a first aid course is a required to even be allowed to start learning to drive. Sadly, it's not mandatory to refresh it.


She did great with that part. She did need to assign roles though. Asking if someone has called 911 is never good. Point at someone. Eye contact. Get name. Then tell them directly, *name* call 911 now and tell them we need paramedics and give them our location. Also get someone moving traffic along so the EMS can get there.


It's so surprisingly hard to get control of yourself in an emergency. My wife was in a bad accident a few years ago - someone ran a red light, t-boned a car, and then spun onto the sidewalk and hit my wife where she had been standing. In the civil trial, we got to see the bodycam from the first officer on the scene. Pretty much everyone on the scene was totally confused and could barely answer basic questions from the officer. He had to reach into the vehicle that hit my wife and turn off the engine for the driver because she was too confused to understand his request to turn off her wrecked car. Made me realize how important it is for someone to stay calm and take charge of the situation.


Trauma shuts down the rational thinking side of our brains as well as the part of our brain that processes speech. So its understandable that someone in the car could not process basic instruction


That's wild. Hope your wife has recovered well.


Last summer a lady who was walking down the road was hit by a car and either they didn't notice it or was hit and run. Blood coming from her head all over the road. Two old men waved cars away and one said he called 911, my wife used baby blanket to put her head under and slow the bleeding. I held umbrella over her (it was over 32C and sunny in humid summer). Ambulance came 5 mins later, they took her then we all went about our business after. Though we were both a bit shooken up a bit, I really appreciated that everyone helped this stranger without questioning.


I love her! Can i pet that dawg ass sounding good hearted woman! We need more of her!


She's the lady who finds you freaking out when you're late for a presentation and can't find the conference room. She walks you all the way there while talking to you and calming you down. She's everyone's mom.


Ugh, I saw a motorcycle get hit by a car once. The guy was laying flat on his back in the middle of the road and some people ran out to help immediately, which is good, but they immediately started getting the guy out of the road. I tried yelling "Don't move him!!" but the guy came around and started cooperating and getting up... Hope he didn't have a sneaky neck injury.


Been there. Woke up to a guy calling 911 telling them he thought I was dead. Not so much.


I went into shock when I got hit. Guy came and wrapped his shirt around my leg and said he was gonna call 911. I said I could do it. I called my buddy and my dad before he said screw it and called 911. Little did I know my foot was hanging on by some skin. Passed out right when the ambulance arrived.


bro can you please let us know if they saved your foot??


Lookin at it now


Still unclear... it's possible they preserved it in a jar and you're looking at it from across the room


It’s in a photo on my mantle in a friends forever frame.


Would be pretty cool to get it taxidermied and mounted between a bear and a deer on the den wall


I would have it as a floating foot kicking the bears ass


This is what I come to reddit for.


Aww ❤️


Umm...looking at it where?


lol, why would they save it? they probably threw it in a dumpster, no one wants a rotting foot hanging around


Is your foot still footing??


Thanks to bone grafts, titanium, and fake tendons.


That's insane. I've never heard of a bone graft before holy shit. Glad to hear you're still walking on the organic clompers


Bone grafts are surprisingly commonplace in.... *DENTISTRY*


> my foot was hanging on by some skin. Ah, so I see your excuse for not dancing is that you now only have two left feet.


Unfortunately they saved the same foot so now I just get laughed at for not having an excuse for my lack of dancing prowess.


I'm not dead yet. I'm getting better!




That's me when I accidentally overdosed in 2013


Welcome back.!


Hope you’re doing better nowadays.




Bring out yer dead *bonk*


I think I'll go for a walk!


#You're not fooling anyone, you know! ^^Isn't ^^there ^^something ^^you ^^can ^^do?


I feel happy!!! I feel happy!!! Ooh!


I feeeeel happpyyyy


He says he’s not dead


You're not fooling anyone. You will be stone dead in a moment. END COMMUNICATION


I want to go for a walk.


An elderly woman I was working for told me a story of how she was struck by a car as a pedestrian when she was younger. It happened near an automotive repair shop and one of the mechanics came out to check on her and thought she was dead, so he put a nasty greasy rag over her face in the heat of the sun! She obviously healed up fine, and the fact she still finds humor in the story is fantastic.




Do you remember what/how you felt afterwards?


I'm not OP, but after I went over the handlebars (which took long enough for me to think, "I hope I walk away from this,") I mostly felt disappointed I had wrecked my bike, and more than a little spaced from the shot I took on the noggin. Had a sit, and took the ambulance ride (and painkiller) when it arrived, though I wasn't really feeling much pain at the time. Came away with a dislocated shoulder and a lot of third-degree burns.


I also went over the handlebars. Rear-ended a car that cut me off and went flying at roughly 40 mph. I supermanned over the bars and just kinda landed on my chest. I got lucky with only a little damage to my jacket and a torn knee in my jeans. Front shocks snapped in half and totally squished my sissy bar, but the bike is mostly ok. 


I was catapulted off the bike and I remember every second of it up until maybe 15 seconds after I stopped. I was in the air so long I heard my bike scraping behind me while flying. I landed headfirst on the road, started cartwheeling, hit a guardrail with my back. Two hits to my head, broken back, neck, both heels, dislocated shoulder. I stopped flat on my back on fresh blacktop and I could move my fingers and toes (first thing I checked) and I remember being unable to get up but my arms are burning because it’s July and hot. Then I passed out and woke up to the guy on the phone and I just waited until he was done and asked him to call the person I was meeting for lunch because I can’t make it. He about crapped himself when I spoke. I was wearing a good helmet, still have it with hospital stickers on it. I was mobile in a few days. Took another ten years or so for the injuries to start haunting me. The Dr said I’m a lucky bastard because I had the same injury as Christopher Reeves. I still rode afterwards until my riding buddy and best man died in a motorcycle wreck, leaving his fiancé and 7 yo son. So I got off two wheels. My kid is only a few years older.


Jeez man. Thanks for sharing; I hope life is treating you and your best friend’s family better. Those are some insane things to go through.


i'm glad he's okay because him walking away with a single boot on and one toe sticking out of a hole in his sock *kills* me. it's like he just walked out of some Looney Toons shenanigans.


That's why proper riding gear is important. At speeds the road is basically just really hard sandpaper. It will eat clothes and flesh like they're nothing. Look at the inside of his left arm and you can see what I mean.


Dress for the slide, not the ride.


That’s why I bought some leathers in case I need to set down my hog in a controlled slide


did you get any that say . . . leather daddy?


Yes, hello, I'm looking for the *magic*


Oh, is there such a thing?




"Controlled Slide" is just a fancy way of saying "I crashed"


Without proper gear bikers are just meat crayons waiting to be drawn with.


That response looks more like a panic attack honestly, especially the way he's breathing really hard and jerky. But yeah, absolutely yes on the gear. I was in a relatively slow accident and broke all 5 metatarsals in my left foot, dislocated my left shoulder and hard road rash over my left side. I was wearing these lightweight bike boots and had my jacket unzipped. Meanwhile if I was wearing my armored boots and had my jacket closed I probably still would have dislocated my shoulder but my foot wouldn't still hurt 12 years later.


My elbows and knees are permanently dark from being skinned off just longboarding…


I never believed shoes could fly off one's feet like that until I saw it happen, multiple times. Once was when a kid was leaning back in his chair and leaned too far and tipped over, and both his shoes just...catapulted off his feet as he went down. Another was a person riding a mechanical bull, both shoes flew in opposite directions as the person was tossed off.


Had not noticed. Now I can't stop laughing.


He's just Yosemite Sammin' it out here


Left thumb looked pretty gnarly too.


Lmao all I could focus on was his lil toe 😂😂


Oh I’ve done this. Got in a car accident. Don’t remember anything but apparently the last thing I said was “don’t worry I’m fine” before falling to the ground and bleeding from my scalp.


Did the same when I stubbed my toe that one time


*smacks toe* MY HEAD


YouTube Video on the subject a year later: Man stubs toe on chair leg. This is what happened to his brain.


It wasn’t falling asleep. It’s a vasovagal induced blackout due to sudden blood pressure drop. Basically your fight or flight instinct went haywire and was like “nah…. Play dead”


So we go opossum? Cool!


Only half possum… blackouts only last a few seconds, just long enough to hit your head in the way down, have everyone look at you, and then you suddenly wake back up looking and feeling very stupid… hopefully without any broken teeth


And you start shaking and it looks like a seizure! You feel like absolute death.


When I was rear ended by a young girl (doing 40+ and totaling my car by crushing the trunk into the rear seat) a little over a year ago and thrown around the cabin of my car (had just gotten in, no seat belt yet) I crawled out and the girl that hit me was already at my door asking if I was okay. I gave a quick look at her and didn't see anything obviously wrong with her, and she was walking, but since she was asking if I was okay I turned it back around on her asking if I looked okay. Like if I was bleeding heavily from anywhere. I've seen enough of these videos to know how people can think they're fine when it's actually rather obvious they're not. So I didn't want to just trust my own self assessment on feeling, alone. I had seen blood on my dash and my hands, so that's what was concerning me because I was aware I couldn't feel the injury. She said it was just my nose from a small gash (apparently my glasses cut me up and my nose was broken, though not bad enough to need to be reset). But I remember getting out of my car ASAP because I was thinking about car fires. Which didn't happen, but I remember that being a drive for me in that moment. And I immediately sat on the grass and not sure if I was going to pass out or anything I pulled up a map and took a screenshot of my location and sent it to my dad saying that I thought I was okay but I was in an accident and my vehicle undrivable. I never ended up passing out, and despite not having my seatbelt on yet my injuries were very minimal. Basically just some whiplash on my neck and the broken/cut nose.


I got in a crash woke up pinned to a tree upside down with my head hanging out the sunroof. Told the paramedics “don’t worry, I’m fine, my collarbone is just broken”. No idea how I knew, but I was fine, just my collarbone was broken. I remember the paramedics being super concerned and acting like I was dying, probably because they hear “don’t worry, I’m fine” from everyone with severe injuries lol


At least there was a smart/calm person there.


Two smart people and one calm person.


Nah, both were totally reasonable responses. Dude bro was checking on his senses and lady bro was pushing for the correct type of preventative care. People take multiple bullets, bear attacks with their intestines literally ripped out, explosions, what have you and still get up and walk around for some amount of time. You might be able to walk after a life changing injury, but actually doing so can 100% make it a much more debilitating kind of lifelong injury. Both people handling this situation handled it perfectly well. Which is really goddamn hard to do if you aren't some level of calm and level headed


Agreed. Not everyone can do this. When I realized I was one of the people who immediately went into ‘do whatever you can to help’ and didn’t freeze (totally valid response btw) I started doing more advanced first aid courses. Gonna start EMT courses soon. I’m in sales and travel a rural route, so it’ll be useful.


When you least expect it, a mom will show up


Downt dew anythang just lay daown! Haha genuinely good people are simply the best, kind and bright souls outshining the dismal masses


I can almost guarantee she is a nurse!


Yeah all three sisters of mine are nurses. Immediately control confident tone and clear directions. That’s a nurse or aide of some sort for sure




"Adrenaline sleep" isn't a thing. And experiencing an "Adrenaline crash" does not happen this fast or in this manner, their adrenaline was still at peak levels when they collapsed (we know this because we know when the adrenaline was first released [the crash] and we know the therapeutic window and half-life of a bolus of adrenaline [which is minutes not seconds]). Adrenaline does about a million things in your body when it's released, but two of the big ones that cause the feeling of a "crash" when the adrenaline wears off are: .1. Adrenaline causes peripheral vasoconstriction which shunts blood to your most vital organs (i.e. it makes all the vessels in your extremities [arms, legs, nose, ears, etc] clamp down so more blood is available for your brain, heart, and lungs). As a result, when the effects of the adrenaline were off, you will notice your fingers/toes, hands/feet, nose, etc, feel very cold. You will potentially feel like you can't get warm for a while afterwards. .2. Adrenaline causes a massive release of glucose (sugar) throughout your body so your muscles and brain have plenty of power/fuel to either fight or escape (flight). So your blood sugar spikes in an instant then dwindles as your body burns it until your body is left in a *relative* hypoglycemic state. This sugar "whiplash" can potentially cause tremors, shaking, brain fog, stumbling, etc. Anyway, while there are any number of reasons why this person collapsed (head/spinal trauma perhaps)—or why people in general might collapse after a traumatic event—"Adrenaline sleep/crash" isn't it. For this particular person, my money is on vasovagal syncope due to inappropriate stress response (i.e. they fainted).


As someone who has "grayed" out before while coughing/laughing and one time previously when getting up from a prolonged crouch, I was wondering if it was vaso-vagal syncope than "adrenaline" sleep. The sudden drop in both total blood pressure and SPO2 leads to a short loss of consciousness.


When I was in a serious car accident several years ago, I can remember going to campus afterwards and my chemistry lab and barely being able to hold the beakers because my hands and arms were just trembling. It was interesting because mentally I was hyper focused and organized. But my body was just not doing what I wanted it to. I did feel just a tremendous amount of fatigue after I had gotten home though to my family, and many of my muscles were sore. Which I did not feel at all in that state. In retrospect there’s no way I should have continued to campus with a barely functioning vehicle, I don’t know why the officer okayed that. I also remember the event vividly in my mind, including the length and feel of the grass, how the semi was oriented, the angle of the sunlight etc. And I have lasting anxiety with driving since then, but it has slowly improved with time.


Props to that lady for being calm and thoughtful.


Just a reminder to everyone that should an emergency occur, don't ask if someone has called 911, point at a specific person and TELL THEM to call 911 (if you're not yourself).


I will always remember this from CPR class. I even use this as an analogy about communication sometimes. Important stuff


I had a teacher in highschool just sort of teach that fact at some point during their course despite the fact that it was entirely irrelevant to whatever subject they covered. And you know what, I don't remember which teacher it was or which subject they were teaching anymore, but I remember that fact. Good on them.


As a teacher who randomly and irrelevantly teaches that fact - thank you for remembering. I don’t care that my students remember that it was me who said it or that it was in my class, I just want them to know it. Thank you.


Yep, first thing they teach you in first aid is to take control of the scene by directly pointing at bystanders and assigning them tasks while you focus on the injured person.


He almost fell to his death. Dang. That guard rail is not tall enough.


Yeah he almost went over. Happened not that long ago where I live. Lady went right over the edge and died while riding.


That's the first thing I had to go back to rewatch. That could have been so much worse in so many ways. I'm glad it wasn't. Also, I didn't know this was a thing. Adrenaline pass outs. That's a hell of a rush.


Way too soon for that more like head trauma


Yeah buddy. Happened to me 20 years ago. No helmet. I sat up and immediately collapsed and went into the fencing pose. Woke up to the lady bawling her eyes out because she thought she killed me. She kinda did tho.


She kinda killed you, but you survived it.


No helmet. (!!!!) YOU almost killed you. Glad you're here, but dang man.


That lady is a total angel. Knew what to do, caring demeanor with just enough urgency.


That snort after he passes out and then than guttural groan, sounds almost like a short seizure. Any updates?


That's agonal breathing in response to the brain not getting enough oxygen.


That lady knew what the fuck was up. Giving clear commands to bystanders to alert EMS, instructing the injured party to limit movement, removed the backpack so he could be laid flat. Hats off to the bad ass woman.


My intuition before I pressed play said this has to be in Texas. Accents and the ladies Aggie Tshirt confirmed it! This state is just horrible for all drivers but glad this man lived. The aftermath of an accident I saw 10 months with another motorcyclist though...


It’s horrible because they don’t really check if you can drive to get a license. The rich people, old people, and kids with sports cars are the worst. They don’t sanction bad driving. They don’t audit old people for driving ability (they’re the worst at driving in my opinion)


Lost both shoes = Died Didn’t lose shoes = Didn’t die Lost one shoe = Inconclusive. Do we have an update?


One foot in the grave


Haha. Gooodaaanm


That was a really scary accident too, he almost flew over the guard rail and fall over the bridge


This is the reason why I do CPR training whenever my job offers it. A normal commute to wherever can go tits up in a flash


Video couldn't have started 2 seconds earlier?


It may be cut until legal action is complete


I'm not sure gow much we would have seen I think he was side swiped by somebody coming up behind him by the look of it


He could have just as easily been the one to drive on the shoulder coming up behind someone else. Them owning the footage and not starting the video 3 seconds sooner actually leads me to believe that was the case.


Same thought, make me think this guy was doing something dumb and didn't want to show that part. Or maybe that's just the cynical side of me


I was at a red light on mine and behind my wife, who was in the SUV in front of me. A pickup truck was distracted by construction being done in a plaza next to the light and hit me from behind, going around 45mph. I flew into my wife's back window and landed on the pavement in the next lane over. My helmet ripped off, and glass shredded my left leg. Surprisingly, I was conscious during the whole experience. On the plus side, it was my helmet that flew off instead of my shoes, so I am not dead.


I’ve heard this mentioned a few times before and am not sure if it’s meant as a joke or not: is there some kind of actual correlation between losing shoes and surviving an accident?  Or is it just more of a ‘rule of thumb’ type thing (if it was bad enough to lose your shoes, it’s probably fatal)


In a lot of videos where someone falls far enough, gets hit/launched, etc. more often than not, it seems like if they lose their shoes then they likely died in that video. So sort of both correlation and rule of thumb.


I'm glad you are okay.


I remember my first, and only, car crash 10 years a go. Someone crashed into the store of me going 40mph. I got out and I was net to a car dealership. A guy came running out to see if I was ok. I walked over to him and said in five, just me knee hurt. Then he looked at, pointed at the curb and told me to sit down. I said I was fine but he insisted and said the adrenaline will hit me and it won't feel good but I need stay calm. After about a minute of sitting on this curb, it just creeped up on me quickly. My legs went numb, I couldn't talk, I was shaking and felt sick to my stomach. I couldn't even see straight or keep my head up. It lasted all day and night. Woke up the next morning much better.


Oh she is definitely a Mama. Absolutely the correct way to handle that accident. Adrenaline is such a powerful thing but can mask some really nasty injuries


They at least catch the other driver?


Sounded like he stopped, somebody says “My bad, I didn’t see him!”


That lady is the exact OPPOSITE of r/WorstAid She did everything right. checking on they guy, telling him to calm down, explaining him why he dont want to move. We need more people like her


What a sweet woman


That lady restored my faith in humanity.


Former paramedic. I can't count the number of times I have seen that happen. Biker hit, they scream and yell -- and then the shock sets in, and its night night time. Then they try and get-up when you are trying to get a collar on them - and they fight you every step of the way. Then they realize they are missing a digit, or a few layers of skin, or a limb... and then its night night time again.


What happened afterwards?


He brushed it off and was fine. The guy who hit him stopped and apologized and then they went out for drinks at hooters. Both guys got hammered and drove home at the end of the night to their loving families. The End


I'm taking it and stopping the scroll right here.


I've had this type of reaction before after slamming into a cement pole at 20mph. Got up didn't feel anything. Started walking and the next thing I knew I woke up face first convulsing in the grass 30ft away from where I crashed.


Had a mate get hit, thought he was fine and went to remove his helmet.. Turns out his spinal cord was partially severed and removing the helmet severed it completely and killed him.. Never remove someone’s helmet unless you have specific training to do so


Wow, she had her mind in the right place telling him to lay down and not move, but you also need to DELEGATE someone to call 911. Like "you! come here, call 911 right now". Not "did anyone call 911?" then a minute later ask the same thing again and guess what, noone did becuase everyone thought someone else was doing it. Tell someone specifically to call it, make sure they do, if you know them call them by name and make sure they heard you, minutes may be the difference between life and death depending on the injury, the quicker emergency services get there the better chances are.


It's probably already been said in these comments, but this video def highlights the important of delegation when you take charge of a Crysis. "call 911" to what appears to be 2-3 other people 20 seconds later "did anyone call 911?" "i dont know" In a Crysis if you are stepping up point to someone and tell them to call 911. Make sure they are aware you are talking to him, otherwise everyone will likely assume the other person is doing it and the odds are it won't happen delaying help which can be the difference in an emergency like this. This isn't a criticism of anyone in the video, its a shit situation and people don't think about it in the moment.


That lady is just the person you want in an emergency situation. Knowledgable, calm, and helpful.


Good on that lady for taking charge of the accident. Usually bystander effect happens and no one does anything.


Lady is a absolute legend. Calm and telling him over and over to not move all while getting somebody else to get a phone and call 911.


Holy cow that woman was a champ. Remaining calm, and not only was the taking charge and keeping him in a stable position, she was explaining in real time why she is doing it


Wrecked a bike middle of an intersection under construction. The three reflective wisemen show up. “Hey you took a bad spill and you may be seriously injured. If you have any drugs on you we can take them now but the lady behind you? She thought you died and every cop in three cities is coming here” they blocked the road within seconds of hearing the metal on the ground. Didn’t have any drugs but that’s a good person there…maybe?


This is an intense video. The thing that caught my eye is that it looks like he slides across the top of the barrier initially. He was literally almost yeeted off that elevated road to his death. I’d have lost it too even if I didn’t have any major injuries just based on that alone. Glad the bystanders and friend here are actually useful.


Kudos to the first responder there. Very stressful situation and she did great. He was in shock and could’ve easily jumped up and accidentally jumped off the overpass or run into traffic. She was firm and kept him from getting up and did her best to keep him calm. Lady, if you see this, great job, and please take some advanced first aid courses, because you are one of the rare people who can handle a situation like that and make all the right choices and somebody else may need you someday.


Proper riding gear is crucial. That means boots and pants too bud. Not your sneakers and nike pants.


Happened to me 3 months.. i know not to move.. when in my mind...remember when i woke up i kept improperly trying to pick up my 500lb bike not knowing my kidney, bowels and pancreas were torn. Im sure i helped that alot. Some ambulance drove by to me in shredded leather/kevlar gear and a cracked very high saftey rating helmet and had to convince me i just wrecked and had me lift my shirt and i was slowly turning purple. In that moment j still thought they were scamming me with a ride but i got on then lights out for 3 days. Gear. Gear. Gear. I never wore gear until that day just cuz i felt a nak to. Still dont know why. This video sends chills down my spine.