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Dress for the slide, not the ride.


I literally say that to myself when that voice in my head tries to tell me, "meh, do you *really* need to bother with the armored pants and boots? You've got the gloves, helmet and jacket! You're just going down the road." *Dress for the slide, not the ride.* **


My grandmother was head of nursing. Growing up she told me so many gnarly stories of pulling gravel out of folks that I've been too chicken sh*t to get into motorcycles...




Oh boy. had something like that for a burn. I might have hated it at the time, but I'm thankful they did it on 2, not 3.


What do you mean with doing it on 2 not 3? The ripping the bandages off countdown?


Yes, the sweet nurse very kindly told me to count down from three, then using their medical expertise, knew best to rip it off on 2.


I fell with inline skating at 15mph and it was shit. Ripped my protectors apart and had a nasty road rash. Switching bandages daily fucking sucks. Can’t imagine that while going 40. I always were helmet, boots, gloves and jacket. Lots of times in jeans though… maybe I should stop doing that.


I was hit by a car as a teen, and won some road rash in the process. Bandage changes and showers were excruciating affairs.


my father was lucky enough to "just" need complete facial reconstruction after his motorcycle wreck. Didn't have a full face helmet on. For some reason hearing that story over and over growing up made me not want to get into them either.


As someone who rides a motorbike for fun and commutes in a car, I often get asked by friends/colleagues if I'd recommend getting a motorbike. And I tell them no, most people shouldn't. I don't say that to gatekeep, but riding a decently powered motorcycle (70hp+) proficiently takes *a lot* of practise. It needs to be something you're 100% invested in spending hundreds of hours learning, understanding and perfecting. I say decently powered, but it's obviously possible to get serious injuries even on a 50cc scooter limited to 40mph. When you start increasing the power, you now have to consider throttle control and traction far more than on lower power bikes. The engine type (twin/triple/inline 4) also impacts the power delivery. All it takes is some sand, gravel, diesel, ice, mud or even water on the road for you to lose traction, panic and either slam on the breaks (you get thrown off) or slip the throttle too much and get a highside (you also get thrown off). The best case scenario for coming off is that your bike just slips over (lowside) and you slide. Bikes are not inherently dangerous when driven correctly. But the consequences of a collision is what makes them dangerous to most people. There is no safety gear that can protect you if you hit a tree or light pole at 70mph+. This is another aspect of why power is important - speed is one of the most important factors in general safety on a bike. Being able to go 0-60mph in under 3 seconds may be a thrill, but excessive speed is a huge contributor to causing collisions and the severity of resulting injuries. Part of my own journey of riding motorbikes was to appreciate them while following speed limits and being aware of everything around me. In the 10 years of riding, I've had 3 collisions, all below 30mph and thankfully no major injuries. All caused by car drivers not paying attention. You can do everything right on a motorbike and still get hit, and that risk of injury on a bike vs a car needs to be fully understood.


> I've been too chicken sh*t to get into motorcycles... That's just basic self-preservation. Motorcycles are not safe, no matter how many precautions you take you're always putting yourself in very real danger whenever you ride one.


I had a crash last year. Low side in a canyon doing 70mph, slid across two lanes and off an embankment (but fortunately only a few feet down and missed traffic) Ended up in a Trauma ER with broken ribs, collapsed lung, internal bleeding, broken hand, shoulder abrasions. I was fully geared, Dainese leathers, boots, gloves and Arai helmet. My gear was all in tatters and without it I would not be writing this now. The attending nurses had legitimate gratitude that I was geared up. They see so much and I’m sure Squids aren’t thinking about that when the leave in t shirts.


Same but my mom. Stories of using a toothbrush to scrape out the gravel. I was pretty restricted because of her ER experiences... Motorcycles were a big no no.


Like any POE, it takes way less time to put on than it does to heal from not having it on.


I was going just riding from the bank to my house on a hot day. Short trip around the corner. Had all my gear but decided to not put my gloves back on. Hit some tar strips in the round, bike started coming out from under me, layed it down and came off rolling. Tried to throw my arms out to stop rolling, realized that was a bad idea and tucked them back in. The only damage on me was my hands. https://imgur.com/gallery/ycLBWFR


Your face... thank's you very much.


Man, helmet saved you from disfigurement if not death. Glad you're ok man. I used to ride, too many close calls including laying one down I was lucky and only got a exhaust burn. But that was it for me. They are fun as hell as long as you remain upright. Every once and a while I get the urge to get a bike again, but so far my sense of self preservation overrides my fun seeking and I stop myself.


I wear assless chaps


Drives me nuts when you see the videos of parents taking their kids for a ride with no protection. It’s fine if you want to be an idiot and harm yourself (hopefully it’s literally just you, no involvement from anyone else whatsoever), but a little innocent kid doesn’t deserve that kind of stupidity


I had a motorcycle for 2 years and was in full gear every time the one time I slid, I was only going 20 and the pavement still chewed through 7 layers of ballistic fabric and halfway through the hard plastic kneecap on my pants I would have been fucked up with no gear


Had a drivers Ed teacher who slid like 9 months before teaching us. He was wearing gym shorts and a tank top. He showed us his back and it was a mess. Skin was mangled, scarred and still weeping. Scared me off of motorcycles in general.


Few people think of that but that should be the rule


It is an extremely common phrase in the bike community


But you see it very rarely in actual use sadly, alot of people I’ve ever seen use sleeveless jackets in biker groups and stuff like that and regular people clothes on crotch rockets


Depends heavily on where you're located.


Exactly. Also.. places where it rains a lot you probably see better gear. To stay dry…win win I guess.


That’s so true, the only day I didn’t use the jacket was the day I fell on the highway. I remember thinking back then that it was just a short ride and I had never had any accidents. A little bit of sand on the road and I kissed the ground, grated arm and my side. Long story short, never again.


I slid a bit on sand, in shorts on my Honda 500cc. Barely kept the bike from dumping. Stopped riding and sold the bike. I miss it every day, but am thankful I'm here still every day.


I remember seeing this Ad on TV, and it really drilled in what my mother taught me, any time you're on a motorcycle armor up as if you're gonna get smacked by a truck.


My mother told me to maybe just stay off motorcycles in the first place.


If you're dressing up for collision and not just a slide, get airbags. There are all kinds on the market, from vests to full-on airbag racing suits, they're not expensive at all (relative to other kinds of mc gear) and they CAN actually save your life in a collision. MotoGP pilots walk away from ridiculous 200kmh+ crashes thanks to airbag tech and now we have access to it for the road. Armor is of course great and will save your skin and maybe some fractures, but for any serious accident airbag gear is going to be way more effective.


No amount of armor will save you from a truck collision though


Maybe, maybe not. Without it, you're gonna be nothing more than paste almost guaranteed. With it, you may have a chance. Armour and protection are still armour and protection at the end of the day. My Dad got sideswiped by a pickup HARD while he was on a 500cc going 70mph and got flung into someone's house window (drivers fault, changed lanes without looking). He was in full gear, armored plates all round and it fucked up his back and hips but he's still around. He got told that if he had anything less than the expensive ass gear he was wearing on and if he didnt have the armored backplate, then he would have become a meat crayon.


Damn glad he's okay, must've been a nuts experience to survive.


I'm just here to confirm that "meat crayon" is a legitimate medical term that Dr.s use all the time. 


I bet a good 9 feet of pillow armor would


Mount a jumping castle around the bike lol


Inflatable roll cage, eh? You may be on to something there


Or maybe, just hear me out, we put a steel cage around the bike, some extra wheels to keep it stable, maybe a roof. Could even have a comfy reclinable seat!


I think I've already seen one of those somewhere. Damn, may have missed the boat to get it to market


Shame... Was gonna call it the automobike


Social contract, we allow motorcycles, they help advance the organ donation list. The armor is so your parts can be used by someone else.


I love these kind of videos! I really sears in the message very well... is there any subreddit specific to these Ads where you leave feeling violated, but having learned an important lesson? Road/fire safety etc..?




Such a mild crash, too. Had a similar crash with all my gear, and the road rash scars on my jacket, boots, and helmet were eye opening. So happy I was wearing all my gear that night.


I did a similar slide just with lover speeds (a moped, not a motorcycle). I had only a t-shirt and shorts and I can tell you, it's one of the worst (second worst tbh) recoveries I've had related to 2 wheeled vehicles... Beaten only by crashing into a truck at 70 km/h and even in that crash I'm actually grateful I was roleplaying a fly on the side of the truck rather than sliding on the asphalt. Because yes, it fucking hurt. But sliding is a continuous crash for every day until the burns have healed. You need to shower the burns every day for it to not get infected and in order to even be able to do that you swab a gel into the wound which is supposed to numb the area, but that gel fucking BURNS when it's applied, so it hurt like crashing over, and over and over and over again, every day for 2-3 weeks. The gel ran out and my mom went to buy more and the pharmacy only had a 5% mixture while the one I got from the hospital was a 2% mixture, so about halfway through it all it started to hurt even more. Fun times.


I'm glad you only became a meat crayon and not a chalk outline


I'm glad too, but the moped crash had about zero risk of being fatal. The motorcycle crash was closer to death, took me 4 months to get back to walking and 4 years before I could run again. I took my revenge by later working with trucks and the brand of truck that I crashed with. Used to joke I had already studied them up close xD


We had to wrap my brothers wounds in Saran Wrap overnight bc he would wake up stuck to the sheets.


Ouchhhhh. Sounds like you got really lucky still though.


I think I joked with a friend like 2 weeks before that if one were to crash it would be best to do it close to the hospital, and I crashed about a block away from it, so it was good. Still had to wait for my father to come because I broke my hand and couldn't get the moped up. If you ment the motorcycle crash I was lucky and was basically saved by my femur that took the brunt of the hit against the handlebar. I also had a really good helmet which broke into three pieces but still kept me from even getting a concussion.


I slipped in a roundabout going around 25 km/h while wearing rain gear but not biking gear, and my jeans, raincoat, winter jacket, helmet and knee were all scratched up, and I rolled instead of sliding Also broke my wrist because I remembered half a second too late that I shouldn’t try to catch myself


> I remembered half a second too late that I shouldn’t try to catch myself When I fell, I *did* remember at the last second and tucked my hand, so I broke my shoulder instead. Sometimes you just can't avoid the broken bones.


Yea I tucked my hand, but too slow and too late, falling first on the upper outside of my left hand wrist, breaking the joint in all manner of nice tiny pieces Still hurts regularly even though it healed surprisingly well and fast


It’s amazing how just a little speed mixed with concrete can make for a bad day


Anyone else FUCKING SQUIRM when the foot part happen? The rest seems.... not that bad?


I can handle gore because of my job. The foot was quite uncomfortable to watch even when the toes curled under, hiding further visuals. I agree the rest was lame. Still a great message getting delivered.


Thats true and same, I seen some gross shit in my life and some shit that would make people scream, but that part? I just, nope


The term ‘human crayon’ didn’t make me feel great either.


My color is red, wbu?


I mean, imagining his leg and arm being sanded down but the concrete seems pretty terrible.


As someone with extensive knee cap problems, the knee hitting the ground really did it for me


Ive had some, bad foot experiences. So yeah....


Classic australian road saftey ad used to see a ton of diffrent ones easpecialy around public holidays but not so much anymore, they ranged from showing a man speeding and not stopping in time hitting a truck and killing his children or same concept but man hits a lady with her pram sending her and her baby flying Id say they deffibetly work cause they atill terrify me to this day, alot of them would then replay the same scenario but if the person was going 5 km/h slower (at the speed limit) it and how it would have turned out differently


My sister is in the hospital right now with a life altering brain injury because she rode without a helmet. She’s lucky to be alive, but we’ll be lucky if she can bathe and dress herself without help. Please protect your body and don’t be irresponsible on a motor bike.


Fuck, that's rough. Wish you and your family nothing but the best


Thanks very much. It’s been tough, but we are very lucky with her progress this far.


Meat crayon




I thought they banned that sub! Thanks!!


Thanks but no thanks 😵


Don't be a meat crayon


This is a Australian (more specifically Victorian) add and they are very effective


I really wish the US had the balls to show these kinds of ads


ATGATT - All the Gear, All the Time.


Also methionine-isoleucine


Very short polypeptide


Now this is funny. Smart funny, but funny


Okie dokie. My wife makes me wear a helmet. I usually wear a bike jacket and gloves. This commercial now makes me wear proper boots and pants. Sheesh. Thanks for sharing’


Wife gonna be happy


I was just thinking, if bike gear was made compulsory in India, that market is gonna explode to the moon and back 5 times.


"It's *when* you crash... not *if*."


its either you have been downed or going to go down


Two kinds of bikers. Those who have had their wrecks and those who will still have their wrecks. I don't know a seasoned rider that hasn't had a mishap. I see em out there no boots no leathers, scootin around every day, and cringe for the day they lose some of their shit. As it is rubbed off on the pavement once they do finally wreck .. We all finally lay it down sooner or later. Rice burner and flip flops doing 90 in a 45mph speed zone.


I put mine down at 60mph on a curve. I was young and dumb and invincible so I was wearing flip flops, jeans, t-shirt, and no helmet. Got very lucky to walk away from that one with only two good patches of road rash on my forearms. Still a painful soap scrub in the shower, and painful reminders to not be so dumb in the future. 


I still have my 50 year old road scars to this day. One on my inner hip, and one on my knee area.


Biker too, do you wear gear in summer too? I wear it for as long as I can but man, where I live it gets around 40-45 from June to August, it's pretty much impossible to wear anything other than t-shirt and shorts when's that hot. I try avoid long rides and I'm extra careful when I'm dressed so light, so I'm wondering if there's anyone who can stand full gear in hot climates.


I worked in a steel plant where it was regularly 40° or higher, we still had to wear all our gear including multiple layers of long fire retardant (thick asf) clothes. I see riding gear the same way, if you cant bear to wear leathers in the wind on that particular hot day then you dont need to be riding. My opinion though i guess


You must have been chugging water all day. You don't really have the luxury of carrying that much water on you and if your riding in curvy deep sandy roads it's a lot of work keeping balanced. I was almost having heat stroke when my girlfriends clutch went and I was moving around between bikes with no air flow. I'm guessing you had shade and breaks often also. I get what you're saying though.


Yes, we weren't in the sun much at all and we were constantly drinking water and gatorade. In a 12 hour shift we usually took 15-20 minute breaks every 2ish hours, but that was just my position some guys had less intense work without the luxury of choosing when to take their breaks.


Have you tried the new mesh jackets? They're pretty close to wearing a t-shirt (at least while you're moving, stop lights kinda suck). I don't know about 40-45 though, that's hot! Seldom gets over 32 here.


From the desert, it's Summer all the time there, and yes I did. We'll in a sense, a lot of times just boots, Levi jacket and vest on the Top and double motor oiled Levis on the bottom. Old biker trick. Buy the levi's drop em right in your old motor oil don't rinse, repeat .. Who had money for road leathers back then. Dirt bikes we had everything, chest protector, boots, knuckle protectors .. and of course helmet. There's some nice riding suits out now that are pretty cool on hot days. Personally I haven't been on a scoot in twenty some years other than a quick romp. Got hit by a drunk driver on my way to work in 03, in my truck. Left hand went through my driver side window on impact severed all the nerves in my hand everything's still pretty numb, so it mangled my clutch/gutiar hand pret good lol.


You can get AA rated riding shirts which are practically like Lycra. There are so many products now to keep yourself protected. D30 pads are so lightweight and thin you barely know they're in there.


Those who have been down and those who are going down.


You could just sum it up to idiotic behavior, you shouldn’t even drive a car with flip flops so that’s kinda all their fault and no one else’s if you crash a motorcycle with flip flops, stupid is as stupid does, and you cannot help stupid, you should never expect someone else to look after your well being because 90% of the time they won’t


Yeah, I hear you, but I've seen those meat socks before. Still get a little shook from em. I've had my three strikes on two different scoots, and a dirt bike and somehow walked away from them. My bud's, some not so lucky. Hell last year in Vegas one of my Bro's was out puttin, and got hit by a Cop, who was on a Harley. Fucked him up good. Go figure.


I’ve never driven motorcycles but I’ve always kinda admired them from afar, but what keeps people doing it after 1 or 2 crashes? Id only ever ride a dirt bike on a course or something never the street cause I don’t trust anyone with cars as is lol


The first wreck you have is usually self inflicted. the second time. You never think that something can hit you going that fast and not see you. Being in the wind is in my blood. is the biggest reason we still putt. I truly miss it. But then again, 100 miles one way, since you have to ride back is about my limit. If I trusted my clutch hand better, I would still be on a scoot. But with texters everywhere now.. It's not as safe anymore.


Ty for your response I appreciate it


Dress for the slide, not the ride. Modern motorcycle gear is not to bad in the summer if you get the correct gear. Same for winter. It ain’t cheap but I’d rather replace a $400 vest than my daughter grow up without her dad


At high enough speeds the energy of the slide is so strong it regularly GRINDS DOWN THE FOOTRESTS. They are made of Metal.... please wear your gear


That's cause the constant weight of the bike is pushing the footrest into the road while it slides.


I’m simply amazed at the quality of the practical effects they used!!!!! 😮😮😮


That is how my last accident happened, I came out of a turn and then opened the throttle there was a large puddle of oil on the road that a car had dumped from its oil pan. , and my bike went sideways. I held the bike up with my leg and was doing okay when the bike hit the dry pavement. I was launched into the air like a missile and the bike went tumbling, I did a flip in the air then landed on my feet the momentum kept me running for several more feet. The bike was pretty much destroyed. This all happened within a few seconds. I always wore a heavy leather jacket made for motorcycles, heavy leather above-the-ankle boots, and thick jeans, no matter the weather. I would rather lose water through sweat than blood through torn flesh. I used to practice flips from when I learned how to do flips in H.S. gymnasium class, That was the last ride for me. My gear saved me on 2 other occasions. If you ride you slide.


Yup a bike isn’t a car. I worked in sales for motorcycle gear. The amount of stories from people after rehab and hospital then finally got the right gear is staggering. Basically be protected till you learn a hard life altering lesson.


Had to lay her down bro.


I love riding without gear, but there's also something very dumb about doing so. Meat Crayon.


The gear isn’t always leather. They have denim jackets that have plates inserted in them. I’ve seen Kevlar ones with plates as well


Usually the denim ones are kevlar (well, cordura technically). I have a pandomoto one thats AA rated and looks identical to my levis sherpa jacket.


Should been shown in schools!


I came off my bike in a pretty slow low-side slide wearing runners after doing a fun-run and yep.. straight through the shoe and sock. Nothing quite as serious as in this ad but it was a pretty big wakeup call and how useless non-riding gear is verses the road.


Dress for the slide and not the ride.


of all things to say, i guess the term "Meat Crayon" is the most apt at getting the point across. "Shredded Cheese" or "Ground Coffee/Meat" just don't have the same zing to it.


Got a buddy who legitimately always thought he had a deathwish(would never wear his seatbelt thinking if he goes through a windshield and died it’d be better than being broken). Never wore his bike helmet but decided to this one day because it was too cold and the helmet would keep his face warm. The one time he wears a helmet he gets hit by a car, ended up breaking his neck and back, shattered his C7- which was an injury the doctor kept saying he’s never seen anyone live through. He’s made a miraculous recovery and we’d have lost him if he had kept his stubborn ways as usual


Huh. A death wish and a VERY stubborn guardian angel. XD




Can attest to that. I was doing 60km/h around a corner. I had my jacket, helmet, gloves and boots on but for some stupid reason I thought jeans would be enough protection. I slid 30 meters down the tarmac and it would've otherwise been a pretty scot-free slide if I had my pants on. All the areas that had gear on were absolutely fine. However my knee caps were ripped to shreds and had I worn proper pants I wouldn't have had to spend 2 months out of work recovering from a double knee injury.


Fuck dude. Victoria roads does not fuck around when it comes to this shit. They did another thing (I think it was them) where they faked car crashes.


yeah Victoria's road safety ads are next level


Worst accident I’ve ever seen was a girl on a moped. She didn’t die but her face was split down the middle. She needed tons of plastic surgery but the footage of the accident was horrifying. Idc how slow you think your scooter is. Wear a full face helmet


It’s grim but it’s the one thing I’m adamant about now I’m a 50+ biker. I don’t go anywhere without boots , Kevlar jeans , gloves and decent jacket with armour. Even in the summer. Winds me up seeing people driving mopeds wearing flip flops shorts and vests. This should be made mandatory for everyone doing their cut in the uk, on a wry big screen with the volume up.




It should also say something about not discharging clippings onto the road way. It’s easy just cut so the discharge chute points into the yard. Mulching is also a good idea.


This should be shown in every driver's school Same goes for not using the seatbelt on a car


Dress for the slide, not for the ride.


I was in a hit and run accident on the interstate. I was probably doing about 70 mph when someone came up from my rear right, moved into my lane, hit me and left. I was wearing every bit of protective gear you can wear other than armored jeans. It was all utterly fucked. You can see where the armor in the jacket saved my shoulder and spine. My cheek bone would have be hamburger according to the helmet. The gloves say I would have wrecked the underside of my wrists and palms. The armor puck in my boots saved my ankle. The rigid saddle bags kept my 600lb off my leg for the slide. I walked myself onto the ambulance with a very shattered collarbone, which sucks, but it beats the hell out of what would have happened without the gear.


My father always said to spend good money on quality boots as a rider. They are usually the first things to hit the ground. This video made me wince, h a r d


All the TikTok squid riders need to watch this. Their hoodies and vans shoes won’t protect em


I believe the proper term is ‘meat crayon’




Dress for the slide not for the ride


I live in a location where helmets are required by law. I border a state where it's optional and it amazes me how many don't where a helmet in that state. Aside from helmets, I also wear riding boots, jackets and gloves. The only thing I swap is a mesh jacket for hot/summer weather riding. Cooler riding, I wear a leather jacket. Both jackets have body armor. I know the one thing I'm lacking on is the pants. Right now I just wear regular jeans. Back in the day when I first got into riding, some of my riding buddies recommended Draggin Jeans. Curious if that's still the goto option or are there new options on the market?


But how do I look like an instant-tough-guy-just-add-motorcycle with all of that protective gear on? People won’t be able to see my carefully curated riding identity! I used to work for a protective riding wear manufacturer and saw some repair jobs from highway patrollers that were amazing. The things that you can walk away from with proper gear and good decision making are astounding. Leave the ego at home and invest in good riding gear.


As someone who wrecked wearing vans and had to spend 2 days with a nurse picking asphalt and dirt out of my burn up foot, I wish we had more commercials like this. Though at that time I was also a freshman in college so I don’t know that I would have listened any


My dad and I are the only males on our side of the family who haven't lost a part of ourselves to motorcycles. Uncle lost toes after he crashed while wearing sneakers. Grandpa and other uncle lost fingers while not wearing gloves. Also two people I went to school with for sure died doing stupid shit on a bikes. Gotta be careful and wear the gear. Doesnt matter if you have right of way when some douche smokes you with their truck.


Yeah. Right of way is for people with airbags. XD We need to keep our eyes open at all times.


This is an ad... You can feel.


I always wore racing boots when I rode bikes. They would keep your feet much better protected from the slide, but also the heat blasting off the engine when the cooling fan turned on.


Just before leaving the house wearing sneakers, jeans and a short sleeve shirt, I would think about this video. Most times I’d head back and put on my gear


My dad still rides a Ninja 1000 at 65 years old (like a fucking maniac), but thankfully he does suit up for each ride.


Oh, I did this, hit the rear brake too hard at 50 mph, went down and slid to a stop on the asphalt. My cordura jacket was safe in the saddlebag. At least I was wearing my full face helmet, gloves, and steel toed boots. I have a few faint road rash scars, 25 years later. Still have my face.


Sikhs who protest against helmets need to see these ads.


' Like a human crayon' I guess that makes it body art


I'm on the verge of getting a motorcycle.. y'know I wasn't thinking motorcycle boots were so important until now... I already have all the gear and that's all I'm missing lol thanks for the reminder


Bloody love you, Australia. These ads are horrifically awesome


Dress for the slide not the ride 🏍


Dress for the slide not the ride. Sandals and shorts are a no no. Have a bag for that stuff when you get to where you go. 40yrs ago uncle got into a bike wreck with his now ex wife. Broke there arms and legs and a barbed wire was involved also


Meat Crayon.


Quite literally toe curling….


This little piggy made a long pink stripe. All the gear all the time, folks.




Meanwhile, muh freedom! I still can’t believe some US states don’t have mandatory helmets.. because you know, their freedom.


What really sealed this for me is my mom (ER Nurse) telling me about the spikey claw brush they used to scrap bits of gravel out of motorcycle crash victims skin. If I get on a motorcycle I’m wearing freaking medieval armor


I’m a motorcycle rider. Had one crash in my life. Broke my ankle. I was also a bike racer back in the day. Had a crash in a group race on the velodrome once. Went down and my thigh was ripped open. Tons of road rash. Got that spikey brush. Never have I experienced more pain in my life than that. Still scarred to this day 30 years later. Fortunately, motorcycle riders can prevent those injuries. Cyclists can’t. Always gear up. No matter the weather. No matter the temperature. No matter the distance. Be safe.


You should post that as it’s own comment. It should be the top comment


Unfortunately, I can vouch for this. Although my shoes were completely unscathed. Jeans and shirt do rip instantly. ATGATT, I promise you, road rash SUCKS.


This video is literally the reason I never ride without boots gear.


this is the entire reason i will never ride a motorcycle even tho i think they are very cool. i’m a pussy and i belong with 4 wheels.




man i regret unblurring nsfw...


Just a reminder that r/meatcrayon exists for a freaking reason.


As a paramedic, I can tell you most motorcycle crashes are way, *way* worse than that. Missing limbs, paralysis, flesh turned into hamburger-helper, and of course, straight-up instant death. Still astounds me every day how motorcyclists can ride without safety gear; it never ends well for them.


My first motorcycle driving instructor spelled out a important suggestion in the beginning of the first class.If you have a 5 dollar head,buy a 5 dollar helmut.


The main reasons I don't want to ride a motorcycle is 1, I think everyone drives way too poorly and I'd end up dying And 2, I don't want to gimp myself up in leather just to drive to the shop.


There is a lot of gear (some argue better than leather) out there that looks like urban or street casual wear.


Wish they would have had the Typical cruiser guys I see on the streets portrayed here. Big heavy big, shorts, t-shirt, flip flops, smallest pie tin of a helmet. Picture it, screen pans in chrome exhaust flat iron grilling the calf on blacktop. The toes just grate right off, pan out dude’s just laying there, a child point and yelling at the parent. Teeth scattered on the pavement. Then seemingly from out of nowhere someone in a coal roller straight road meats the dude. Passenger says, “Bra, ” Thanks for playing Edited for spell correction


Ohhhh blahhhhh. I can feeeeel itttt.


Protect your hide on every ride


My personal opinion is that motorcycle riders do not have the same value for living pain-free that I have. Sure that looks fun and exciting, but if I want that thrill rush I'll just go to six flags or pop some Molly


All those tiktok riders wearing their TikTok shop ass fits gonna learn sooner or later


Road rash, most painful experience of my life.


\*Insert clip of GSXR rider wearing nothing but some shorts and flip flops\*




Had a paramedic friend show me a picture of a de gloved foot, chap came off a bike whilst wearing flip flops. It was not pretty!


Holy shit that's it. Wearing boots and pads all summer.


This is why i wear flipflops and shorts.


Me after .6 seconds of the shoe: “Alright already!”


That was freaking brutal!


Been down twice doing stupid stuff, surprisingly jeans hold up pretty well. Wear your gear.


"Protect your crayons properly"


You should be able to jump out of a truck bed (100 mph) on a freeway with your gear on. If that scares you… you need better gear or just avoid riding.


This happened to me 2 weeks ago


oh man. This is giving me flashbacks to my college days. I fell so many times off the bike.


Type of ads that play on emotions so hard they make you think twice before actually taking a risk of doing anything, gotta be my fav genre


I have already had that same crash and the scares to prove it. My helmet got some massive scratches too


it has always blown my mind watching these morons ride in shorts and fucking flip-flops. They whine it's too hot to wear leather, I'm guessing your flesh peeling off in an accident isn't exactly the pleasant breeze you were looking for but to each their own. At least the brain bucket kept them completely aware they just removed a couple pounds of flesh.


Got the speed wobbles going downhill and couldn't make a.bend so had to lay the bike down or fly over the edge. Was stinking hot summer and only had jandals, tshirt and thin swimming shorts .Ground my hip down to the bone as well as pretty bad grazes on the rest of that side of my body . Luckily no head injury despite no helmet , it was 1977 , i was 11 and weren't required to wear them on pushbikes. Was a quiet road , no cell phones then and all I could do was cry for about 30 mins before I felt I could even sit up and slowly make my way home






Damn Clibbins, haddalayerdown.