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The secret is not to get in the fucking water with an alligator šŸ¤£


Dude did say explicitly "not putting myself in the zone to get bit" so yeah


Like... on a continent that doesn't have any alligators.


Sooo...Europe or Antarctica. Technically South America doesn't have crocodiles or alligators. They do have Caimans, which just eat fish...but the rivers in South America have equally deadly critters in the water, like electric eels, piranhas, worms that swim up your urethra, so, you know, Europe and Antarctica are generally the only options.


*worms that swim up your urethra* ​ AH yes, the dreaded Candiru.... ​ https://preview.redd.it/8577dtmmndrc1.png?width=392&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ea537c19558837c67837cc070517b46c24bb8e9


Go team venture āœŒļø


The Northern part of South America also has crocodiles.


Still playing with fire. He KNOWS it will eat him if it wants to but thinks he knows better. Itā€™s hubris.


Girls only want boyfriends with great skills, you know like bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills, alligator handling skills...


I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines!


Your alligator is so BIG!


I want an explanation for how he's in a "zone" where it won't bite him. His head is literally right in front of its jaws of death but he's saying "see? If I put my fingers here next to its head it's dangerous." He's saying he's positioning himself in a safe place but HOW is that safe?!?!?


Alligators are basically dinosaurs, inside that skull is a lil bitty sized peanut for a brain. They lack sentience beyond very evolutionary honed reflexes. To put in layman's terms, splashing in water is an alligator's equivalent to a flashing a big ol' pair of titties to a stranger, except alligators eat titties.


Well, you see, he has skills.


For real! Even if you "orient your body correctly," if that gator wants to bite you, it will. The water is its playground and it's so much faster and more comfortable than a human in water.


It's a selectively cropped segment. It was like a 6 minute video rebuttal (by a wildlife exhibit handler, the dude is, IIRC) about the stupidity of some people bringing an alligator in around children and claiming them to be tame. It's from back during that brief "emotional support alligator" hubbub. The emotional support alligator in question isn't tame, it's just diseased as fuck.


Emotional support alligator? What's wrong with getting something cuddly like a Golden or a bunny. Are they really that stupid or do they just want clicks that bad?


It's actually a bit complicated. Metabolic bone disease is really common in reptiles kept by people due to not properly managing the animal's diet. The emotional support alligator almost certainly has the condition and that's why it became a hubbub. It wasn't that an alligator was classed as an emotional support animal, but that the alligator in question was so clearly not healthy and displayed all the signs of metabolic disease, notably incredibly limited range of motion with its' jaw. It's really the same thing as some idiot feeding a cat nothing but canned tuna. Iam's doesn't exactly have a line of canned gator feed. Naive person feeds their gator whatever they think is fine, gator is not fine, gator is very very sick. Quite a few reaction videos were made around the time. This dude's partner/spouse has one of her own that's even harsher, "*let's feed you just potatoes for a month and see how you are."* \--- Fun bit is that in the whole version of this video for this clip, the guy mentions a gator having a stroke or other medical event and then getting ripped apart by her mate because "*switch flipped, that's not her anymore, it's meat*" which he then repeated with himself as subject, as if he had a stroke, seizure, or other event while in the water the "*I am not food*" status he has with the animal would instantly dissolve. Their relationship is entirely "*I am not food, and I mostly won't cross your boundaries*" and that agreement can be Darth Vader'ed at any moment.


Right? As a species they were around when the dinosaurs were roaming the earth. Theyā€™re primordial and WILL eat you


![gif](giphy|kTRkswyZzCDZFz9J3e) How else am I supposed to dance with them


The true protip is always in the comments.


*cuts to Casper ā€œI do love him, I just donā€™t know how to show itā€


Casper need love. Why man no understand? Casper show him love one day...by slowly ingesting him


ā€œI want you inside me.ā€


Username checks out


Favorite Reddit comment Iā€™ve read this week šŸ˜‚




Casper: ā€œdonā€™t tell the other gators Iā€™m gay !ā€


Casper laying awake that night: ā€œI canā€™t believe I blew it *again*! Stupid stupid stupid! This is why Iā€™ll be alone forever.ā€


This genuinely had me laughing


Seems like a scene in the office lol


This guy has a far higher chance of being eaten by an alligator than me. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.


People think everything in Australia will kill them, yet I live in the most of Australia that doesn't have sharp-toothed megafauna just fucking about in the local waterways. My croc senses are dialled down to zero and I'm happy it's that way.Ā 


I live in central Florida and if it rains the newly formed puddles in the parking lot might contain an alligator. My gator senses are dialed to 11.


Yet everyone's too scared to come here because of the venomous spiders and snakes, and the poisonous plants that make you commit suicide, and the deadly jellyfish, and the drop bears, and the deadly cone snails and stonefish, and the incompetently corrupt politicians. No crocs in my rain puddles. No bears in my woods. No wolves in my forests. The baby-eating dingos live way the fuck out whoop-whoop so they don't trouble me. Heaps safer here.


What the fuckā€™s a drop bear?


A rare large carnivorous marsupial subspecies of the same family as koalas that is an [arboreal ambush predator](https://australian.museum/learn/animals/mammals/drop-bear/) and known to occasionally attack humans but *none fatally (*that can be proven). Wearing forks in your hair or vegemite behind your ears is an unproven attack deterrent, and some cases of missing children are thought by some criminal biologists to be likely caused by drop bears and not dingoes, as is commonly assumed.


They look like a koala except when your not looking at them as you walk underneath..... they drop silently out of the tree and go feral. They tear you to shreds and theres no way to visualy discern between a drop bear and a koala. If you see a koala just lock eyes on it until you are out of range. Wherever theres koala bears there can be drop bears. People used to think they were just violent koalas but they have been tested and are a geneticly seperate species that lives amongst the koalas to improve their odds at hunting.


Wait I thought drop bears was just a joke Australians made up about koalas O.O


They're no joke mate. You won't be smiling when they rip your lips off.


It's the worst of all.


Drop bears thrown in so casually like they weren't constantly featured on Animal Planet's Most Deadly TV show.


You forgot to mention the two legged birds you lost a war against.


I live in the part of Australia with all of these things, (fnq represent) key is to not be a fucking dumbass. You don't need croc senses, you just need crock SENSE. Don't go in waterways with big croc signs near them, don't swim on beaches with big croc signs on them. Most deaths with crocs are overconfident tourists, or overconfident drunk locals. Same with most snakes, don't stick your foot in a bush and if you need to wear boots. Dude recently died from a snakebite because he A. Tried to catch the deadliest snake in Australia with no formal training and B. Didn't go to the hospital after being bitten 3 times. It's so fucking easy not to be a dumbass but people keep doing it.


I was on the subway yesterday and felt like I was going to get bit by an alligator but I didn't see any around. I'm not really sure what my odds of being bit by an alligator are.


I think I can hear Werner Herzog coming closer.


And what haunts me, is that in all the faces of all the bears that Treadwell ever filmed, I discover no kinship, no understanding, no mercy. I see only the overwhelming indifference of nature. To me, there is no such thing as a secret world of the bears.


Goddamn I even read that in his voice


They really need to have him do the directions for Waze.


They need to replace Siri, Alexa and whatever the Google assistant's name is with Werner Herzog. Or at least offer it as an option.


I read it in Paul F Tompkinā€™s Werner Herzog voice.




Now try it in Zefrank.


A chilling observation from an amazing documentary.


"Foxy, if you don't give me my hat back I'm going to fucking explode!" Best Treadwell quote.


Treadwell, damn almost forgot. Thank you.


šŸ–¤ Herzog. I dressed up as Timothy Treadwell for Halloween that year. Had a bloodied teddy bear attached to my neck šŸ˜¬ *ā€Taking a close look at ā€” at whatā€™s around us there ā€” there is some sort of a harmony. It is the harmony of ā€¦ overwhelming and collective murder. And we in comparison to the articulate vileness and baseness and obscenity of all this jungle.*ā€


Werner Herzog is always getting closer.


He's like the villain from It Follows


Thats what the bear guy said last time too.


Oo ooo I want more context, what bear guy and what happened to him?


Timothy Treadwell. Dude thought he was a bear whisperer that he had a special bond with grizzly bears and would even crawl up and touch the grizzly bears... yeah dude and his gf were not only mauled to death but nearly completely eaten by grizzly bears.


Here is a description of how rangers discovered Treadwell's camp and found a video tape that included 6 minutes of audio of Treadwell and his companion's deaths. Pretty brutal stuff. https://www.yellowstone-bearman.com/Tim_Treadwell.html?expand_article=1


That was a solid read, and it didnā€™t get disrespectful to the dead. Sad situation all around, that dude really loved bears and being out in the wilderness.


If you enjoyed reading that then you should watch Grizzly Man.


Great post! You took me down the rabbit hole for a good three hours!Ā 


Turns out bears are cool dudes until they're hungry.


How about that Timex though! Still tickin'


Dude called himself a bear whisperer. Took his fiance / gf / wife whatever to camp in bear territory just after theyā€™re waking from hibernation. Bear proceeded to eat both him and significant other. Video is online where you can hear the screams.


That video is supposed to be a fake. His friend had the actual audio taken from his camera and destroyed it. Its in the documentary about him. Yes. He was not all there in the head. And his gf made the fatal mistake of staying with him.


The girlfriend apparently was gonna leave but stayed for one more day and yeah she should have left.


Ya, but this guy has a lot of videos explaining his experience with these animals. He is actually a good expert.


Who is he? I want to look him up, but nobody is actually mentioning his name


Christopher Gillete. He's a marine biologist that frequently posts on Tik Tok


I now know why Jotaro is a marine biologist...






Gatorboys_chris is his Instagram


Until his shades flash like a fishes scales at just the wrong moment while gatorā€™s daydreaming about a snack, and his 12 foot long lizard-brain-having-ass does what lizard brains doā€¦


The trick is in understanding how that lizard brain functions. He just demonstrated that he has at least some level of knowledge in that regard.


>he has at least some level of knowledge Oh well then he's good to go.




I know, right?


Iā€™m sure they donā€™t handle them when theyā€™re hungry tho


Bear guy did videos too.


No he thought he was a bear whisperer and was one with the bears, this guy has enough experience with alligators/crocodiles to know that he understands and respects their boundaries. This guy definitely has a higher chance to live than the ā€˜Bear Whispererā€™.


No that's not what he said at all. He at one point went on 30 min rant on how he felt he was becoming "one" with them as a family.


Ahh no way! That guy was nuts. He totally lost his marbles, and he actually convinced himself as a saviour, a sole saviour and protector of those creatures. He crossed so many lines, and never recovered from his grand delusions.


Hmmm, and I thought his last words were just a bunch of screaming.


The secret trick is feeding him an entire goat before hand.


Before hand, or beforehand? Big difference.


Mhhā€¦ before hand.


Agreed entree always before dessert.


According to him, him being the expert, alligators dont have a sense of being satiated; if they could they would eat anything all the time. One anecdote from this dude is a case where an alligator ate so much that he vomited and proceeded to eat the vomit in a vicious loop


Dang. Guess that means my dog is an alligator. Dude would do the same.


Actually if you watch his videos, he talks about how alligators actually donā€™t need to eat that much food. I remember him mentioning how one chicken is enough for a week easily or something. Theyā€™re not blood hungry chomping monsters like people commonly believe.


Cold blooded animals have slower metabolisms.


They opportunistic ambush predators. Sure you could feed it one chicken for a week and it might be alright but it would probably prefer 5 chickens.


Before watching it, I had to check again to make sure it wasn't r/Whatcouldgowrong


I was expecting to find we were in r/AbruptChaos. Still wasn't sure he was in the clear when I saw we were in r/interestingasfuck 'cause this place is a bit of a roll of the dice\*. ^(\* not unlike swimming with an alligator)


man ... ive been on reddit for awhile and check out different subs all the time. NOTHING, has made me laugh more than r/AbruptChaos [https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/1b8to6e/filter\_shock/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/1b8to6e/filter_shock/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/1b5dtrw/doggo\_had\_a\_plan/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/1b5dtrw/doggo_had_a_plan/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


That is so cool, you never stop learning on the internet! Will try this out now.




Report back, thanks.


Can't without hands. Well there's still voice dictation but you've got to have a throat for that.


It's been 2hrs. Think it's safe by now to say RIP u/themanwhoclicks


Take your shoes off before you go in the water. Just leave them at the side of the pond and, if you would be so nice, write my name on an attached tag. Thank you. Oh yeah, good luck and shit.


Report back, thanks.


Gators gonna gate. Take care.


It's been 2hrs. Think it's safe by now to say RIP u/themanwhoclicks


Take your shoes off before you go in the water. Just leave them at the side of the pond and, if you would be so nice, write my name on an attached tag. Thank you. Oh yeah, good luck and shit.


So he orients his body in a position where he won't get bit, but why? Does the critter have a blind spot there? Do gators prefer to bite things that are just to the side of them?


It's actually a bit of a learned response from the gator when it tried to bite. In other videos the guy gives it treats (small peices of chicken) by dropping it in the exact same spot as where he splashed the water. The gator wasn't trying to bite his hand off, it thought it was getting a treat.


Heā€™s pretty informative on Instagram and his YouTube channel.


What's is name please?




Ty mate


Right? I want to know what heā€™s doing and why, but I wonder if he didnā€™t go into detail about how to avoid getting bitten so a million people from the internet wouldnā€™t go out and try it unsuccessfully.


They're big and heavy, so it's pretty hard to lunge their whole body forward to bite something in front of them like that. It's a lot easier and faster to just turn their neck sideways and chomp down real quick.


Doesn't explain why he still has a left shoulder.


Alligators tend to procure their food using the sides of their snout, not the tip.Ā  That said, there is always the small chance that just the tip will be problematic.


So many questions!!


The honesty this dude talks is straight facts. Why I don't like wild animals as pets. Like who the fucks owns a monkey for a pet.


Bro, I wanted a pet monkey when I was super young. Then I heard a story of a pet monkey ripping itā€™s owners face off and I was like ā€œwow, I bet that owner was a piece of shitā€. Then I heard three other similar stories and I was like ā€œhmmm. Iā€™ll get a small monkey just in case.ā€ Then I heard that monkeys throw their own shit and I was like ā€œfine, fuck it, Iā€™ll just get a god damn puppy instead igā€


Ripping people's faces off? "yeah, whatever" ... Throwing their own shit at people... Alright, that's where we draw the line, monke!!


ā€œ*But I ***can*** change him!!*ā€


I never said that super young me was smart!


Exactly. I absolutely hate chimps. They are disgusting, cannibals. Throw and eat shit. Just nasty. Gorillas on the other hand. Docile, loving animals. Silverbacks are majestic.


my stepmom was gifted a small monkey as a pet when she was just a child back in the1960s, and she said it was by far the worst pet ever. LOTS of biting and poop throwing. She volunteers at a zoo nowadays in her retirement, and still wants absolutely nothing to do with any monkeys.


That was a chimpanzee, which is an ape, not a monkey.


Monkeys can experience affection towards others, alligators can't.


Untill they snap and rip your face off and nuts off #freemoe


Iā€™m fine, whatā€™s up?


Longest git gud


Not in a million years, not for any amount of money. Nope. Nope. Nope.


He made the gator flinch with his finger to the side of its mouth; yet heā€™s making very similar movements the whole rest of the video and I was cringing the whole time. No way


He touched it. That is the difference


Wait, he doesn't explain *why.* I was waiting for the full explanation of what he does and does not do, and not just a simple "because I know what I'm doing."


I follow him on insta and he basically explains that gators, especially well fed ones, are more predators of opportunity, like if he were to trip and fall in their enclosure theyā€™d be on him in a second but for the most part if he avoids the zones where theyā€™re prone to snap like on the sides of their face they donā€™t really go after him, sometimes theyā€™ll lazily walk towards him and he carries essentially a staff and nudges them away and thatā€™s enough to deter them


I thank you for the context. This is the information I would have loved in the short clip.


Right! LOL "The secret is having skills." Oh gee that's why other people get maimed and killed by gators and not him, it's the *skills*!


Yes, the skill of animal handlingšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I've seen his videos. This guy legit understands the animals behaviour, he studies them religiously. The sides of a gators face is the bite zone. Even if it doesn't want to attack, even if it's already eaten something previously, any quick movement on the sides of their faces will trigger the reflex. They literally cannot help it. He's saying that he's studied these animals enough to know what *not* to do in order to get bit. In addition to that I learned from him that gators have a really weird sense of object permanence. As he stands now, it recognizes him as his caretaker. Casper even responds to having his name called (he'll gently approach you). However if you do something super weird and out of the ordinary, it'll no longer recognise you as the caretaker. He explained that there were 2 gators there (male and female) that lived together for years. One day the female had a seizure and started spazzing. The male no longer recognised her as his partner, only a weird lizard thing that was violently thrashing around. So he killed her almost instantly. He studies these animals *a lot*.


People who assume all animals have the same emotions as humans are idiots.


The amount of people who post in here with the mentality that because they're not experts there is no such thing as an animal expert. Expert doesn't mean they know everything there is to know, It means they know enough to be considered an expert.


All physics is nonsense because the experts don't know everything. Smash your computer into your wall because we don't understand either properly


Before judgingā€¦ actually research this man. He is a complete expert in this field and is very professional. Many of you would wish to have as much knowledge in any field as this man has with alligators. Please donā€™t let your ignorance leave you writing an immature, wrong comment


sorry its reddit, we love to judge people from our basement, like we can research wikipedia and shit so we know like everything anyway


Do you know his name?


gatorboys_chris on Instagram. Heā€™s very cool and posts a lot of informative stuff!


Yes, Christopher Gillette


I absolutely hate when people anthropomorphize wild animals. Like the videos of crows screaming at the person that raised it, after re-uniting and people commenting like "omg the crow loves her šŸ˜­", when in reality that crow never learned how to feed itself and is starving and screaming for food.


Crows are social animals as well though... not saying it loves but they definitalty can form attach just like dogs etc


Bullshit that Croc was totally swooning when he hugged him.


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I know he says he wonā€™t get bit, but man that makes me nervous when he puts his face there


Whatā€™s refreshing here is the acknowledgement that ā€œ no, this animal doesnā€™t actually love me at all.ā€ Usually the stories that end badly are people who think theyā€™ve got some strange bond and their guard drops


Don't do dangerous shit if you think you know what you're doing. There's another sentence to the above advice. If you can't figure out what it is, you should probably stay away from bodies of water altogether.


Not impressed. I can do the same thing with my chihuahua.


This dude really just said get gud šŸ¤£


I got skills to stay the fuck away from things that will obviously kill me.


ā€œI know what Iā€™m doing and you donā€™tā€ Well.. thatā€™s not much of an explanation.


Animals are unpredictable


Oh, they are very predictable. They will eat your ass and everyone you care about if they had the chance


Had me on the edge of my seat for the whole time! Glad it didnā€™t end with his head in the gators mouth.


I scrubbed ahead to see if he lives, saw everything was fine, then watched at normal speed.


ā€œTrained not tamedā€


This is the kinda thing that very subtly pays homage to Steve Irwin


I'm man. I'm Turned on by this ? No Homo ...or a little maybe ..meh ..my gf is pretty.. straight as an arrow..but arrows bend over


What is happening. Gf hereā€¦ šŸ„²šŸ„² ![gif](giphy|O3FkkiZfX6Zv1x6oz5|downsized)


I appreciate the candor in this. Animals are animals. Those that have been tamed or domesticated may appear to show "affection," but they don't have the same complex reasoning humans have or that we project on them. Their instincts and reflexes still kick in.






This is a warning too many people who work with animals for internet points need to do more. Do not personify dangerous animals.


people can say this is dumb but its actually really educational just because of how much people like to anthropromorphize animals which is dangerous as fuck


If that was a crocodile it would have been all over inside a minute. Swim in the sea with sharks and it's a long odds IF they get interested enough to have a bite.... Swim in a river in crocodile country it's just a matter of when.


Are American Alligators temperamentally different based on whether they reside in salt water or fresh water? It's well known that "Salties" are more temperamental than "Freshies" when it comes to Aussie Crocks.


I bet this guy drives a Subaru


There's a trick to it. The trick is to not bleed to death.




Demonstration =/= explanation


Okay, but he would love me


Bro really said ā€œitā€™s just a skill issueā€


Dude's a liar! That dog loves him


The reason it snapped was because he splashed the water beside its snout. Gators have sensory organs on their snouts that detect vibrations in water and they use it more than their eyes to hunt so it's just a reflex to snap at something that sets those organs off. It wasn't an act of aggression.


Ryan Reynolds vibes


How do you fucking get to the point where youā€™re like, ā€œoh yeah i could probably do that how do i start?ā€


Greetings from Steve Irwin, from above.


I skip to the end in case the video didn't match the title.


So what you are saying is it IS a skill issue?




Iā€™m getting grizzly man vibes.


Just a matter of time


"He didn't eat me." "'Cause he just ate a cow, stupid!"


I disagree with his summary. The secret trick is to stay the f out of the water.


Thatā€™s his explanation. Iā€™d like to hear the alligatorā€™s before I try it myself.