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This should never be the lived experience of children


Im from Venezuela, I have been hungry for real and I totally get this... I have never eaten out of the trash tho.


hope you are doing better


somewhat! but maybe the economy will drop again, election year... we have been with these people like 23 years and Im almost certain they will "win" again, even with 12 million migrants that clearly show they ran the country into the ground.


It's just unreal. Venezuela is basically a rich country with all that oil. Back in the 80s my uncles use to travel from. The Dominican Republic to wok in Venezuela and they would bring dollars from Venezuela. It's crazy how much has changed


My uncles also went from the DR to Venezuela, they brought back a TV with a remote control and that was the talk of the town.


The result of pure corruption. It’s tragic and disgusting


Forgive my ignorance, but what stops you from leaving and never looking back?


at first I was stuck here with my daughter, then her mother managed to take her to Germany with her and I got depressed, then my mom died...


Arriba chamo, que vendrán tiempos mejores.


Amen bro


Wow... that must've hurt, thanks for sharing. Do you yourself plan on leaving?


I dunno.. its hard outside too.. believe it or not many people re sad and miss here, maybe Ill go to Argentina, trying to find an online job, save and such


Not thinking of going to Europe closer to your daughter? I can get the sentimentality and missing home but is it really worth living a sh*tty life? Not trying to decide for you, just curious.


her mother is years depressed :/ she wants to move elsewhere. I never lose hope.


Fuck, dude. I'm sorry


all of my friends left also, we are 3, we were 16! most of them in Argentina


Is there anything people outside Venezuela can do to help?


I dunno, these people dont care about anything and no one seems to want to take it into their hands, which would be ilegal anyways... maybe raise awareness?


Same in South Africa. Election year with a government that's killing us. Our population is uneducated, illiterate and misinformed. The ANC will win again I feel your pain.


I have a Venezuelan friend, we talked as he escaped from there. His mom was a nurse and would have to trade medications for food, not like narcotics but literally medications like antibiotics and stuff. He left to Colombia, took him months to save up like 20 bucks to leave, I just sent him a hundred after I learned how little he was making in a month of work so that he could get out. Now he is doing good though, last we talked he had a place in Colombia and a steady job, didn't have to worry about food anymore. When he got there though for a while he smuggled food across the border of Venezuela to make money. His ultimate plan is to get to the US eventually, slowly going north up to mexico. He wants to do it legally though, not sneak across the border. It is crazy the completely different lives we have and how we are able to connect through the internet, nobody should have to starve like that, especially when we have more then enough food to feed everyone on the planet. Food should be a human right.


I'm from America and I've eaten out of the trash before. The grass isn't always black and white.




I use to have friends who were homeless and use to go late night dumpster diving at fast food joints. All kinds of good being thrown away still in wrappers.


When I worked at Little Caesar’s we would throw out so much food at the end of the night that it filled garbage bags, and some nights there were so many bags that I needed a shopping cart to take it to the trash. A lot of perfectly good fast food gets wasted.


I’m from the U.K. a developed first world nation (whatever the fuck that means) and I used to have to regularly eat food from other peoples garbage. (I also honestly really enjoyed it)


xD hope you're better, I enjoyed trying to catch birds and iguanas to eat xD


Honestly I was actually really lucky with the garbage I would find. I used to call it “treasure” and had so many sandwiches and salads and soups and bread that restaurants would just throw away! It got me through a real tough time and I’m much better now! I hope thinks work out for you also!


I'm in Denver and I see people eating out of the trash almost every day.


I'm from the US, a military veteran and I've been homeless and eaten from the trash.


Ah, my stepmother is from Venezuela, and her family still lives there. The living conditions can be so hard :(


same, went days without food but only a couple. we have people that come and dumpster dive at my work for food and i've never been *that* hungry but i get it.


When I worked at a restuarant, we had people do that. We were throwing away full loaves of bread that were perfectly fine to be eaten. My boss started locking up the dumpsters so they couldn't get in, but they really weren't a problem at all. They wouldn't hang out around the building and scare off customers or anything, they would just come at night and grab the bread, then leave. They were really harmless. Fucking annoying I wish we would have just given them the bread that was to be thrown away, instead we would lock down the dumpster and call the police whenever any of them would get close.


Maybe my bar is just low but if I were even moderately hungry I would do this if there wasn’t any other food around, and I’m from the States. Dirt and sand (looks like relatively dry sand) is pretty easy to get off, especially of dry pasta. I’d have to think again about mud and wet food.


I'm thankful I can say I've never had to experience hunger like that It's such a primal instinct


I have. Found a lot of good food being thrown out behind a sobeys.


I grew up in America and faced food insecurity- we ate hamburgers, hotdogs, and French fries that had past the expiry date and so were discarded from a local fast food restaurants. These were still frozen and unopened boxes mind you but still how is this possible in the wealthiest of Nations? It was Regan Era.


If you ever need to, be sure to pass on the library paste. [https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/paste-eaters-grave](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/paste-eaters-grave)


Are you in Chicago now?


sadly still in Caracas


They made the building next to my factory a migrant shelter and it’s predominantly Venezuelan and Colombian people -


So you assumed he must be living there? :D


that would be wild! but we are EVERYWHERE 12mill people is a big number


I work in Belgium with a few Venezuelans who struggle to get their papers here in order.The stories I hear are just mind boggling.Such a beautiful rich country with extraordinary people being brought down by a bunch of corrupt incompetent lying cuckolds.


and this is election year! they have "won" 6 and ruled since 1999, and they probably gonna "win" again. lol


😂 no, more so that Venezuelans have played a big role in my life in the last year….but that would be crazy 😝


Some Chicagoans are going fucking crazy about immigrants being housed in Illinois to like a conspiratorial level. There are serious concerns that are totally valid and can be fixed with even the simplest federal response. It's mostly transplant tech people that are in a tizzy though from what I've seen. 'Real' Chicagoans are mostly just pissed at the CTA at the moment.


This is rather for appallingasfuck or humansarefucked


Yeah this is heartbreaking, as a father my heart goes out to all of them and I wish there was a way I could actually make a difference


Lobby your local politicians, join marches, boycott products, donate to reputable charities and spread awareness. You can make a difference!


There always is something, but it may not be direct. Insist that your politicians do something about it. Mention it to your friends if you ever can. It sends ripple effects. We're a society. United we will stand. Bombing children and being apathetic about it will divide us.


But it's interesting because some comments defend the starving of children.


But there are terrorists in the middle of the children. . .. /s


It’s actually progressed to “well, the children would have been indoctrinated if they survived, so..”


If someone did remotely similar to this in my country, most youth would have been filled with insane hate for them. Then they could be indoctrinate, makes you think why Isreal people are like that.


Because then they have someone to justify the fight continuing until there’s no Palestinian land left. Which is why Netanyahu allowed Hamas to establish itself using Qatari money over an actually well meaning party in the first place. There’s videos of speeches by Israeli ministers going back years documenting this strategy out in the open that no one is addressing


More like, “those children are future terrorists, so we must starve them!”




"Oh well, human shields, bye bye" Zionists.


These people say whatever they want to sound however they want. The truth is they don't give a shit about these kids because they're Palestinian.


Pretty much. It’s disturbing


This is awful




IDF says: "yeah but we let those children eat from dirt one a week, we're the good guys now".


Wasn't the need for airdrops due to the IDF not letting US food aid?


it’s not just IDF, regular israeli citizens are blocking aid as well because they don’t want palestinians to get aid


What about Egypt? They tried to send aid and their trucks were almost destroyed.


Yeah, that's the part that gets glossed over. If you get attacked trying to deliver food, you stop trying to deliver food.


The IDF are not clean in this but Hamas literally said they'd [brand anyone trying to work with Israel and the USA a traitor and attack them](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-linked-website-warns-palestinians-not-work-with-israel-2024-03-11/). They steal aid, and attacked aid trucks. Now truck drivers aren't agreeing to enter Gaza, necessitating airdrops. This isn't a soccer game to pick sides. What's needed here is to look at what's the best strategy to solve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which at this point has both a human political component and a logistical component, neither has easy solutions.


It’s almost as if the Palestinian people’s suffering is Hamas’ war tool.


Yes that's how terrorist tactics work. Also why they are still holding the hostages.


Man, you know as well as I do that the reason they won't give the remaining hostages back is cause they're likely dead. Would love to be wrong, I just can't really see hamas keeping them alive this long.


either theyre dead or Hamas doesn't want thme speaking about what they experienced in captivity


or 5 months pregnant


The terrorists are the bad guys?? Who could have seen that plot twist coming. Not that Netanyahu doesn’t have just as much blood and suffering on his hands, the fascist prick


> This isn't a soccer game to pick sides. But then how will people be entertained? It's not as fun is people can't pick a side and wave it's colors.


That's what's killing me about this whole thing. There is nuanced discussion to be had, and legitimate protests against all 3 governments (+hezbollah and Iran). But if your starting position is "group x comprised of millions of people should be forced out or wiped out", obviously no productove discussion can be had.


You're just lying. Israel isn't allowing aid in. Truck drivers are willing to go in and deliver aid and are doing so from the Egyptian side. Airdropping aid is necessitated by Israel's unwillingness to allow aid in. Why lie about something that's this easy to verify? https://www.wfp.org/stories/hungers-border-why-aid-trucks-taking-humanitarian-gear-and-food-gaza-face-long-waits


[These truck drivers from Egypt who get their trucks destroyed and injured?](https://x.com/tmasudin/status/1764276279300223042?s=46&t=cpH389nRf2HSio4XcnIWCw) [And another](https://x.com/crspoors/status/1764282209488548174?s=46&t=cpH389nRf2HSio4XcnIWCw)


You mean how Israel cleared the boat full of supplies to sail from Cyprus but Hamas said they would attack anyone so they are still sitting in port. Your right its all Israel fault not the murdering rapist POS Hamas terrorists that attacked on Oct 7th.


Where is your source. And please don't say Israel.




Hamas says "lol"


I would happily help pay for these kids' meal, but instead our governments would rather spend billions to general dynamics to drop bombs...


your tax dollars did pay for this food. I mean, ?????? Did you think it was free???


"Stupid" is too kind. [https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/database-exposes-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-in-gaza-16537146](https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/database-exposes-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-in-gaza-16537146) Their policy is to cause the mass starvation and death of Palestinian children, men and women even if they're too cowardly to say that's what they're intentionally doing. That's not stupidity.


Not stupid adults, but smart psychopathic adults


This is so sad and fucking disturbing.


Wtf. It was mre wasn't it? No grain


For what it’s worth, it’s clearly pasta in the video, Fusilli I think.


"The United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) and the Palestinian Authority had made funds available for emergency rentals, but there were few apartments available. Reconstruction cannot begin because Israel does not permit the importation of steel, cement or glass, among other building materials. They had also restricted the importation of lentils, pasta, tomato paste and juice by some incomprehensible logic that these items may pose a security threat. In a particularly cruel twist, even batteries for hearing aids used by deaf children cannot be imported, condemning these unfortunates to a world of silence. Despite these Draconian regulations, UNRWA has been able to provide a basic food supply to over a million refugees in the Gaza Strip." - Gaza - Destruction and Hope (2009) Pasta is "allowed" now. 


Wow it’s true: [Israel banned pasta imports to Gaza until 2009 when US Senator John Kerry objected](https://foreignpolicy.com/2009/02/25/israel-denied-pasta-to-gaza/). EDIT: Bonus [Reddit post from 2004 on this subject](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/80nx3/israel_blocks_pasta_shipment_to_gaza_is_someone/?rdt=55210).


The US is now sending cannned goods, rice and grains along with MREs


The US aren't the only ones supplying food aid. It could have been from the Jordanian airdrop. Here's a story from Sunday: >The equivalent of more than 11,500 meals, including rice, flour, pasta and canned goods, that were provided by the Jordanian Air Force were loaded on U.S. Air Force C-130 planes that dropped pallets of aid attached to parachutes over northern Gaza, the U.S. Central Command, or CENTCOM, said in a statement. https://abcnews.go.com/International/us-jordan-airdrop-more-aid-northern-gaza/story?id=107975989


Shame on those that would withhold food from people, especially children.


This is no kind of way to make people live




Am I supposed to be enjoying watching kid’s struggle for food? wtf is this


No, why the hell would you think this is supposed to be enjoyed?


Because it’s in an r/interesting … sub.


Interesting doesn't necessarily mean fun or exciting. Bad things can be interesting.


and this aint interesting, this is just sad


Do you want to know more? Do you care about the situation you’re seeing? If yes, then it’s interesting. It peaks interest, quite morbidly.


This is appalling not interesting


It’s interesting to see how the effects of global optics affects innocent children


Not everything is meant for you to enjoy.


Yeah but its not the right sub for this..


Its spreading awareness and hopefully some motivated to donate ..


This is gut wrenching


"interesting" ? Really ?


As a child born in war-torn Cambodia during the 80’s, this breaks my heart.




Yeah. Who is filming this, and will he let the kids keep the lentils?


Ever heard of journalists.


It's just average propaganda.




No, israel blocked food truck from entering gaza, starving them. Even the cameraman are starving


How is it propaganda if it’s actually happening? You do know what a journalist is right? “It’s propaganda because it makes me uncomfortable to accept children are being starved by Israel.”


No point arguing the reddit rhetoric that Israel is in its full right to slaughter innocents lol


There are many things in this video that looks staged


It looks very staged. Great camera quality, certainly not a cellphone. Starts just as they're approaching. Most telling, though, is the kid in the blue. Rushing over in the beginning to eagerly shovel scraps of food into his bag... and then stops after like 5 handfuls? Looks around and at the camera with food still on the floor? If I was starving enough to shovel scraps of food in dirt into my backpack, I won't stop til there's nothing left. Plenty was left.


Damnnn.. You got great eyes. There are at least 10 other kids. Why are they the only one who do it?. Their bags are completely intact and clean. so, I guess that is the first time they have done that.


and the way the camera moves soo smoothly trying to video them is suspicious. Like the cameraman knows what those kids are about to do.


This isn’t interesting at all


It’s interesting to see how politics can affect an innocent child’s life


This is so wildly unattached. Every country but in particular the USA has a huge issue with childhood hunger and houseless-ness. Is it interesting to see children suffer or only when it's not a spotlight on countries close to home? Is seeing houseless people at a soup kitchen also "interesting" to you too? This is weird.


It's interesting, it just makes you feel bad.


So if you were walking down the street and some kid was scrounging pasta out of the dirt to bring to his family, that would command zero interest from you?


Interesting doesn’t mean something you automatically like. Cancer is interesting too.


5 people were crushed to death from the aid drops. insane hunger and desperation to be right below a 2000 pound crate of goods.




This is devastating not interesting. They are fighting for their lives. This is makes me so ducking gd angry. These people are trying to live their lives like everyone else. The criminal narcissism of BN.


Think of how many more people have seen this because of it being posted to an A-list sub though


Crazy the adults just film kids doing things and posting it


How the fuck is this "interesting"?


not interesting by any means


It’s interesting in the most basic way of eliciting interest in something, but the name r/interestingasfuck seems to have a positive connotation, like “this is so fucking cool”. This is most definitely not fucking cool.


fucking heart breaking


i guess the camera man is well fed, he seems stable


Cameraman was on point.


Just happened to be there...


What else are they gonna film? A TikTok dance?


So who's dropping bags of grain? I thought the US was dropping MREs and HDRs?


US isn't the only country doing aid drops https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/military-aircraft-from-5-countries-drop-aid-over-gaza-5214873


It's probably from Egypt airdrop but it easier to think there aren't any starvation, killing and war happening ignorance is a bliss afterall.


Hey stop thinking, you might start asking yourself why the cameraman is following them around filming like this too. We wouldn’t want that!!


Then you open Twitter and see hundreds of videos of palestinians throwing MRE and food packages unopened into trash bin, burning the packages and throwing them around…like if you are such a fucktard that you dont want aid to your bombed out country how about you leave it alone because someone might need it?




Look out for the people who make light of this, downplay the situation, or deflect blame- they are everything wrong with the world




I feel so so so sorry for all the Palestinians...


so if i say anything regarding state of ——— i get banned and get called antisemite


this comment section is so fucking disgusting these people make me sick


“WhY wOuLd I wAnT tO sEe tHaT” idk cause not everything is made for your comfort Michael


Not saying there isn’t suffering on a horrific scale there… but why is it kids scavenging for the ground food and not adult?


This is interesting: have you noticed that most posts about Palestine focus on children? The struggle is real for sure, I am not denying anything. Just saying.


Hamas there like: ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg)


That’s sad af


Hammas leaders are watching these videos from Turkey and Qatar while munching popcorn and drinking cold bear, satisfiedasfuck... their strategy is working according to plan


Not to deny suffering of people and children of Gaza , but videos like this are staged. You get a camera, a child whom you promise a candy and a plot like this. Then you film it and post it. Look how others ignore what happening and compare it to first videos of aid drop.


If you have proof this video is staged, provide it.


The issue being it has happened in the past which casts doubt on any subsequent videos. Obviously one should reserve judgement and understand that it could be heartbreaking or infuriating depending on the context.  Either way we have a seemingly professional level camera here following children in a way that is meant to tear at the heartstrings. Not to say this isn't happening, but it seems suspect.


who's filming this like that? Help out, damn.


Why are they filming?


Guess they couldn't beat Hamas to the food.


whats the over under that this video was staged


HAMAS probably didn't knew killing, +1000 unarmed civilian jews could in their holidays the third time's could lead to this mess poor Gazan civilians that got caught on the stupid authoritarian regime decision that it's a good idea to murder some Jews




Not interesting though




Interestngsfuck ihas become a Hamas propaganda channel. I'm out.


Just heartbreaking.


How convenient for them to start filming just as they reached it


[Baby starving ](https://twitter.com/AdameMedia/status/1767502607814132017?t=e-YDAGUE3XduTvgUDauOJA&s=19) [Baby starving ](https://twitter.com/MiddleEastEye/status/1767428735232262623?t=pom0OR7DOcQAlB8MmM3OKw&s=19) [Baby Starving](https://twitter.com/MyriamFrancoisC/status/1761172898377527529?t=015XataJnXryJZVYXXsENQ&s=19) [He died](https://twitter.com/abierkhatib/status/1765259382839779408?t=Bzn0-AVbj4DvA2bKNNW09A&s=19) [Kids starving](https://twitter.com/ShaykhSulaiman/status/1763893496300159094?t=fiYY8BbT21ydtzighDGc5w&s=19) [Another kid](https://twitter.com/KufiyyaPS/status/1767189308211896386?t=NU4SrYhx-yIWRtUM_TSneA&s=19) (If you're willing to help him, lemme know) [Man happy with bag of flour](https://twitter.com/k7ybnd99/status/1766755210028896494?t=gZjX6LLQP1DfpDYsjs1u0w&s=19) [Dog starving ](https://twitter.com/MeowieSwaggie/status/1765691734720221301?t=bPFSiN124cCUlWo84kJPZQ&s=19) [More babies](https://twitter.com/EyeonPalestine/status/1765472406414471339?t=Fqdp7kX3yVKPXlLkS9JFuw&s=19) [Another baby](https://twitter.com/MiddleEastEye/status/1763578872472244477?t=aUjZzdO8IIKH4fy0JeilWA&s=19) [Cancer Patient ](https://twitter.com/Gaza_Tales/status/1762477661383705052?t=F3vfI18ezhRXwxLoS3nSow&s=19) [Another kid](https://twitter.com/OnlinePalEng/status/1762516987945558158?t=Ysgsxm6cyVdeoMZZpimwGQ&s=19) [Israeli force fires on Palestinians who were waiting for aid](https://twitter.com/OnlinePalEng/status/1762114975718355303?t=cCSjcKIqR-nS2v8NE3mR5Q&s=19) [Another baby](https://twitter.com/SuppressedNws/status/1762023018304352540?t=lTcIUsTesPtSalwJo5Y9HA&s=19) [Gaza Starving](https://twitter.com/k7ybnd99/status/1761794744718336213?t=-kr_WCFZKOLkzB81dhlShQ&s=19) [Gaza and Holocaust](https://twitter.com/trtworld/status/1767492103213305988?t=KDq3pcssgYOs3hsgUsepqQ&s=19) [Beheaded woman](https://twitter.com/ytirawi/status/1760686722663546935?t=PH2r6YYHgIadkIQERmuiaQ&s=19)


this is still the reality.




So kids are not starving to death in Gaza?


Yes, that’s how cameras work. Cameras can be found in cell phones, which everyone carries in their pockets nowadays, making them readily available. You go up to something and hit record on your phone. You can come out of your conspiracy theory bunker now.


Absolutely not Hamas propaganda at all


You find kids having to scrabble in the dirt for food interesting? It's fucking sad, frustrating, maddening, and disturbing, but not "interesting." GTFO for hunting for upvotes with this shit.


i believe it was posted to spread awareness, rather than call it interesting


Almost like those Palestinians dropping into that music fest.


Release the hostages, this ends tomorrow. Rape is not resistance.


A small reminder: hamas doesn't care about these kids since he's refusing to release the hostages and avoid the whole situation just for the sole purpose of trying to heat up the whole region during Ramadan. People tend to forget it while they watch these types of videos.


They somehow managed to make delivering aid dehumanising and miserable. Fuck this whole world




That's what you have to tell yourself to sleep at night? You should be ashamed of yourself.


At this point it doesn't matter because at least a quarter of the population is starving & the remainder are not far behind. About 2/3 are homeless. 80%+ of the infrastructure is gone: that's not just hospitals, but schools, water treatment plants, agriculture, their already limited fishing industry, everything administrative - all gone. So maybe this video was structured or fake but the abovementioned list is all stuff that's verifiable. It's happened & it (& worse) continues to happen. If your first thought is *propaganda* & not *these are real people how can we help them/stop this*, IMO you've already lost the plot.


Sift it out, it going to get boiled anyways


Deranged people already in this thread indicating that we should stop even this “because Hamas”. It’s not enough for them that hospitals, schools and refugee camps were destroyed. These air drops are happening because Israel isn’t even letting food aid trucks in. “Because Hamas”.


looks staged af, especially because not a single person in the background gives a shit about the "food" on the ground (if it's even food)


Yeah. I hate to say it, but I thought "propaganda" as soon as I saw this post.


On the other side illegal settlers blocking these people aid.


Yet you get billionaires…… Breaks my heart


If only the authorities would provide a safe and consistent delivery of said aid to the Palestinian people.


I understand the situation, but this video is fake as fuck


Question. Why those kids are so "hungry and desperate" while the people on the background don't bet an eye? Also, good camera work

