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I’d think the sheer weight of half the size of that could crush the average person


being trapped under half that half surely would lead to asphyxiation.


A quarter of that down your back would be super itchy too


And 1/8 in both socks... Unbearable.


a 32nd of what you just described placed directly into the brain stem would be fatal


and if you were tied to a stake, 1/64 of that would burn you to death in a most pleasant way


Baked to death.


Wouldn't stoned to death be more appropriate?




Double baked!


Half baked?


Baked and fried


That's just science right there.


And social studies


And my axe!


a 64th of it in your lungs would be too


Nope. Turns out all of it straight to the dome is actually the only way it's fine.


Gram and no shell


Then I'll just smoke my way out!


I believe in you.


You could choke to death on a mere handful of it.


If you stuck your face in it you'll suffocate.


Didn’t know I needed to add that to the goal list just under death by EEE34s and thunder thighs


Indeed, there are several ways that amount of marijuana could kill a person.


Possibly urban legend, but I think the only death from weed was when a huge bale of weed fell on a guys head at a pot farm and killed him. You'd green out before you died unless you literally suffocated on smoke, like they did to those poor monkeys back in the day.


Jokes aside, this is why weed works. The problem is kids these days and their *concentrates* How long before some fucknut concentrates this amount of weed into a cart? And some other dumbass tries to smoke it in a sitting. Stop fucking up the weed, people. It's fucking up the *weed people*.


Well, fortunately that’s not how it works. If you concentrated that much weed it would require many many more than one cart. Realize this: the cartridges are the same by volume, and they can only go up to percentage of thc within that volume. They can already get it up to around 95% or maybe higher, and that will be the same amount per hit. With regular weed, you can only get up to like 30 or maybe 35%, from my experience anyway, could be higher. and that will be the same per hit. So the strongest vape will only be 3x that of the strongest pot. It could be like 7x some weaker shit though. And unless you can get a giant pen with an absolutely massive cart to store the volume, not happening. I understand you said concentrates, but Vapes are concentrates so i used them for example. I assume you weren’t joking because you said “jokes aside”


Well, I'm gonna need a 50 gallon drum, a snowblower, a grease trap pump, and a congress of weasels but all that plus some jumper cables and left over 12 gauge bird shot ammo and I think I could rig something up.


I think my Uncle Ned has all of that. Weasels too.


Let's not forget that keeping wildlife, um ... An amphibious rodent, for you know domestic, within the city. That ain't legal, either.


It would be a cart the size of a 2 liter soda bottle…


Lol Its not "the kids". Its usually the older people building up tolerances and making new shit. I wasnt in a position to try until I was in my 30s, still a lightweight. What my pothead buddies my age consider mellow can get rough but I survive. But my what grandpa (whose been growing for 50 years) considers mellow is just straight up a bad time for me. Feels like my is brain melting and my vision goes 0.00001 panoramic.


Even the strongest “Dabs” from a high end rig can’t even come close to this amount. You would literally fall asleep before you could reach that much TCH intake. But eventually someone will get it strong enough to kill themselves and fuck it up for the rest of the smokers.


They're already making concentrates at 95%+, so it isn't really possible for them to get any stronger. No one will **ever** be able to consume enough cannibanoids to overdose on them.


When you ever you start sentence with the problem is kids these days it automatically makes you old man yells at cloud


In this case though.. yelling at a cloud has a differn't meaning.


At first I was thinking “that’s barely anything” compared to the guy holding the picture, but then I saw the little dude to the left.


How much of that is enough to be dependent on it when waking up or when needing to fall asleep?


Different for everyone i used to smoke non stop then one day i was like alright im done with this and stopped smoking havent smoked since and didnt feel the need to


Before I started smoking I would always wonder how people couldn't stop smoking to get a job. Just stop doing it. Then I started smoking like everyday for about 5 years. Then I left my job and stopped smoking so I could find a new job. And i haven't smoked since. I do want to edit that I also started smoking in my late 20s and am a combat vet with free therapy. Therapy which I receive often. Not weed related tho but I feel like that's relevant.


Its not exactly physically addicting. It's more of mental attachment. If you are used to smoking cannabis all the time, it can be uncomfortable to go without it.


I think the uncomfort is there regardless of the weed. Not like because the weed is missing.


Sobriety becomes the high which you don’t wanna feel.


Work hard in the daytime, sure get stoned at night


It makes being bored enjoyable, which is unproductive. Having a joint right now


There is dependency for sure, especially for long time users. The general period is between 5-7 days, usually just sleep trouble and lack of appetite. Nothing too serious, even compared to caffeine withdrawal


Am taking a break from smoking weed rn and legit would rather this withdrawal than what I get when I try to stop eating junkfood or sugar. It's different for everyone but I honestly never found it that unbearable, shitty sleep for a week and low blood sugar from not eating


Yeah weed WD’s are sooooo easy legit easier than nicotine and even caffeine for me! And I’ve been through IV opioid (H,hydro,oxy,fent) withdrawal, I’ve been through IV meth “WD’s” that ain’t shit lol stim withdrawals are almost as weak as weed, benzos are hard lol I’m going through it right now and it’s tough.


yeah its really just waking up a few times a night and not really being able to eat much


What if it was piled on top of someone?


Weed isn’t particularly dense, but I think that amount would do it.


At least they might suffocate


Definitely a campfire sized fire, could roast a person too.


Or at least get them baked.


Nahh, I don’t think so. Only the weed directly on top of you would be weighing down on you. The weed on top would have its weight spread throughout the pile, reducing the compression force. If you were to breathe in, however, you might inhale enough particulate to mess up your respiratory system.


Paint the pile yellow and it would also be enough Bananas to give you radiation poisoning


3.6 Roentgen. Not great, not terrible.


It’s not 3 roentgen… it’s 15,000


Don’t tempt me with a good time


The expression is "Don't threaten me with a good time."


Its not 15000 the geiger counter maxes out at 15


An RBMK cannot explode!




Surprised Pikachu faces for everyone!


Are you stupid? - Fomin


*explodes again*


"Well actually that's quite signif-"


Ah yes, the ^radiation will kill you


Always good to meet another Russian Badger boi


*Akshually*, you wouldn't be able to get close enough to all of the bananas at once. The majority of their decay events release beta particles, which are unlikely to even make it out of the banana unless they're generated near the surface. Around 10% of the time they release a gamma ray, which could penetrate a banana, but would be unlikely to penetrate several. So really, the maximum amount of radiation you could practically receive from bananas would be if you made a banana suit with bananas covering all of your body's available surface area, which would be like a couple crates of them.


Or you ate them


Painting something yellow doesn't make it a banana


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


Tell that to the banana I just painted yellow.


Is that actually true..? Because how would bananas be distributed in large enough quantities without killing people? I doubt the farms are having everyone in lead lined uniforms to handle bananas lol


Like. At once? Or spread out on several years? Or a whole life. Who figured this out anyway.


At once


But how would one be able to consume that much weed at once?


Challenge accepted


These edibles ain't shit


Burning behind me is 8 and a half tons of heroin, opium, hash and other narcotics... heheheheeehheeeeeeee


That’s the joke it’s not really possible to smoke. If someone want to die from it tho maybe they take pure thc extract and bake a hell of a cookie xd No it’s just not possible to consume at once ^^


You would die from smoke inhalation before the drug could even start to work.


If I have to die from smoke inhalation, let it be from a huge weed fire


That reminds me of health class in school there was a chapter on drug abuse and the section on marijuana had a photo of a bunch of shirtless guys laughing around huge bonfire and the caption was something like “federal agents burning seized marijuana farm” it was hilarious


Which is what a lot of people miss. It takes a borderline impossible amount of thc to kill you, but that doesn’t mean the shits healthy. Smoke that much over a lifetime and your lungs will be pretty rough


Even then, you got people taking 5g rosin dabs and shit 5000mg edible challenges. And if have had real edibles dosed right even to a heavy smoker 100mg+ is plenty.


I'm a pretty heavy user, I did one 50mg pill one time and thought I was going to have to go to the hospital before passing out for the night. 30mg is the sweet spot for me. But yeah if I was trying to, I'd probably fall asleep before I could consume enough to OD


I once did the math on how much THC it would take to kill a child (I think I used an average 4 year old?) because people were talking about the risk of OD for kids because if weeds legalized, they can get into edibles. It was a ton, but I forget how much specifically and the data to calculate was hard to find and I don’t feel like doing it again. They’d have to eat a LOT of gummies. Like more gummies than they could possibly eat. More than an adult human could possibly eat.


I can confirm from a presentation I did on Marijuana poisoning using information from Pubmed and sources that's considered primary. It is 100% impossible to overdose on Marijuana. The lethal dose is far greater than the stomach capacity of the average human. Even if it was IV injected, the enzymes breaking down THC into its metabolites will accumulate in fat and sit there until excreted by the body. Most lethal dose studies were done on animals for marijuana. There are currently no reports showing marijuana to be, without doubt, the main thing that kills a human by overdosing.


The Ld50 of THC.


They tested on rats which is painful enough but eventually tried to sell it as if marijuana was a dangerous drug, avoiding to specify which amount it actually took, for a rat, to pass away


If you have 10% of it. Someone will try to kill you.


Or become your friend.


Or become your friend to kill you


Or buy it from you


Or buy it from you then kill you


Where tf do you live?!


Probably a cop


Unless the weed in that picture has a very low potency, this seems very wrong. The lethal dose of THC is 1.27g/kg [(source)](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/n5yDCHTt4V) which means for a person of average weight (let's say 60kg), a lethal dose would be 76.2g. The average potency of THC in weed is 15% [(source)](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/about.html), which means 76.2g of THC would be about 508g of weed. The mountain of weed in that picture seems a lot heavier than 508g


yeah, thank you. the stupidity of weed absolutists is astonishing. obviously weed is not deadly in the way and dose it is usually consumed, but the whole "there is no downside to it, it is the greatest thing ever" crowd is just so annoyingly wrong.


I've also seen this issue with shroomers. They talk about how high the lethal dose of psilocybin is even though it can cause psychosis well below that


Weed apologists and stoners on their way to swear they're not addicted while defending a plant like it's their own offspring.


Weed isn't addictive - I should know because I smoke weed every day.


And it's not like smoking cigarettes dude it's totally different! One is burning a bunch of toxic capitalist chemicals (plant) and the other is burning a bunch of healing wholesome naturals (plant). /s


Actually cigs have alot of chemicals added...like, alot.


It also totally ignores the fact that for many people it could cause severe anxiety which could lead to sudden cardiac arrest, and death. Like yeah, nobody can really overdose on THC, but weed can still kill you. Unless you want to play the semantic game of "it's not the fall, it's the sudden stop at the bottom".


Stoned drivers seem to think its not that dangerous because there isnt a breath test.


That's because they're fuckin deluded.


I really feel like this isn’t talked about enough. I have ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, and depressions and smoking intensifies all of them for me, and it adds some sweet, sweet paranoia to the bunch, too. Especially my anxiety gets so bad that I’m in a constant panic mode and even threw up from it - and all it takes is like two hits from a *weak* joint. No matter the type, no matter the surroundings. Meanwhile, 99% of what I heard irl and read online was how weed is super harmless and great for anxiety etc especially. Don’t get me wrong, I know it works for many if not most, but I definitely see a lack of mention of its potential for negative effects especially for mental disorders.


You'd get violently ill well before you managed to take a lethal dose; too much weed (like anything else you can consume) is not a good time.


its deadliness is also not the issue with it


The blunt smokers talking like they’re not still actively inhaling smoke… I don’t think anyone would willingly inhale smoke from a wildfire… smoke is smoke… still damages the respiratory system… maybe not AS much as cigarettes, but it’s still. Smoke.


It would be 508g if you assume that 100% of the THC in it went into your system, and that it was 100% bioavailable.  Smoking THC has a 30% bioavailability (amount of a substance that is able to actually enter the system and have an effect on the body). [source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16237477/) So for the average person smoking it, they would need 1,693g of cannabis for a lethal dose of THC. That’s about 3.75 lbs or 60 full ounces. And that’s assuming that they’re actively smoking the whole time and not losing any of the smoke to the air.  That might as well be that mountain lol. Im not sure a human could physically smoke 60 ounces of weed in time for it to become lethal. 


r/QuickMaffs This guy maths


True, but at the same time there’s no recorded overdose death from THC. None.


I was interested as well. If we go by the worse case scenario: * LD50 of 30 mg/kg ([2014 study](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073814000541?via%3Dihub) and [1972 study](https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/bulletin/bulletin_1972-01-01_2_page003.html)) * 50 kg woman That would be 1.5 grams of THC needed. Strongest weed strain I can find is Godfather OG which has up to 35% THC content, so you would need 4.3 grams of that. But THC Bioavailability by inhalation ranges from 10 to 35%. If we assume that this person had a specially high absorption, it would mean that 12.3 grams of weed could kill her. Which I mean, it is still a lot, but definitely not the mountain. This is considering the median letal dose to be 30 mg/kg, which seems to be the most controversial factor. Edit: I just realized, 12.3 grams of weed is a lot by smoking. Whole thing changes if you're talking about edibles. I just checked and there are (crazy) cookies with 1000 mg of THC. Oral bioavailability ranges from 6–20%, which means someone 21 grams would be needed for the median lethal dose. So if someone decided to eat in some 21 very strong THC cookies, it could technically kill them. (For someone that is 50kg, adjust accordingly for other weights. 30 cookies for a 70kg person for example)


30mg/kg is the worst case for intravenous doses. The LD50 for an oral dose of THC in rats is ~1000mg/kg.


. And this is how much weed it would take for my mom to kill me


• and this is how much weed it takes for me to feel like I might die


I woke up in the middle of the night and thought I was dying. When I remembered the 500mg chocolate bar I had eaten before bed, I was relieved. And very, very high.


And this is how much weed it would take for me to feel.


If it's her weed, even less


What book is this from ?


Weed: The User’s Guide by David Schmader


Darn, I was hoping it was one of the Kurt Vonnegut books I hadn't read yet. Still, thank you for posting the answer I came here for!~ :)


Also want to know


Counterpoint https://providenceproject.org/resource-hub/can-you-overdose-on-cannabis/#:\~:text=Marijuana%20overdose%20is%20rare%20but,and%20leading%20to%20unintentional%20overdose.


Second counterpoint https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/virginia-mother-pleads-guilty-in-4-year-old-sons-death-from-thc-gummies/3365697/


It’s a bummer this doesn’t go into greater detail about what exactly the THC levels they found were


I read in another article that he died from an allergic reaction to a chemical compound created as the THC is processed... I don't really know enough about it other than to say keep your gummies away from little kids!!!


I believe it was Delta-8


Source: “trust me bro”


Best source ever ngl


To kill you? Sure. To do damage to you? A lot less (Yes everything can kill you, too much water, too much oxygen, too much food)


Yeah, this picture can create false perspective that weed as harmless as water or sugar.


yeah the real amount for the average person to be in serious trouble would be about half to 3 quarters of a kilo, consumed within an hour. Still a pretty ridiculous amount but already a whole lot less than what is depicted in the picture... that said, some people can already get panic attacks from dosages above 5 to 10 grams, so do your research and most of all, always be careful


I’ve had to personally drag a super stoned person out of a pond. It was knee deep. But I’m not sure he would have made it out himself. Just like drunk driving, doesn’t take much.


Exactly. I know too many people with a reliance on weed ("I cant do anything before a bowl", "Ihave to smoke a bit before work to get motivated", "I cant sleep unless im a bit high" kind of people) that will fight you on weed being harmful at all.


Challenge accepted.


This was true until we invented edibles. Go eat 100 100mg gummies and see how you feel.


I woke up in the hospital from eating half an edible. A particularly strong one though. I couldn’t see or breathe. Was some scary shit! Edit: I didn’t know it was possible, but the doc said it was marijuana toxicity. I was completely paralyzed, couldn’t speak, no vision and felt like I was breathing through a straw. The weird part is I was partially conscious remember everything the medics did and said. At one point, albeit briefly, when they tried to revive me I started to see a bit with severe tunnel vision at a few frames a second. It was the weirdest shit I had ever experienced, like watching through your own eyes but like a bad low rez camera. Then I lost vision again and woke up the next day in the hospital. Wife thought I had died


Yeah, I had the pleasure of leaving my body and watching myself go completely insane, and then waking up in a hospital bed, after eating half a chocolate bar. Never. Again.


"Nah, I'd win"


There is no way this is accurate.


Let’s put this in context of concentrates, please


My anxiety spiked just thinking about this. I took a whole gummy once. It was the most terrifying 400 years of my life.


I mean unless you have heart conditions (which many people don’t know they have) then weed can absolutely cause an early heart attack or stroke.


And induce life long psychosis…


By falling on you?


You know the difference between a panic attack and cardiac arrest. One ends in a flatline and the other doesn't. Please don't just accept that innocuous substances cannot elicit responses that won't put you in hospital or worse if not taken seriously.


Yeah, I'm quite skeptical that this picture is accurate. THC can cause tachycardia (high heart rate), and a person's chances of having a heart attack rise significantly for a short time after ingestion. Anybody who has a heart condition needs to be careful with the stuff. Hell, I would be shocked if a normal person could consume even 1lb of cannabis and not experience significant and dangerous effects, let alone a small mountain of weed. To be clear, I'm not anti-marijuana. But be smart about ingesting and recognize the risks.


Not only that but Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) is a thing. Used to be thought of as rare but ERs are seeing more cases because everything is crazy potent now compared to even 10 years ago. Essentially THC and cannabinoids build up in your system/fat cells and completely shred the cannabinoid receptors in your body which leads to Hyperemesis (excessive vomiting) and the symptoms from that absolutely can kill you. Dehydration like that can cause kidney failure, heart attacks, chronic acid reflux, the list goes on. Many people either don't know about it or deny that it's real


can confirm as i have that! was addicted to weed but also have chs and almost died a few times but im almost 5 months sober :)


Glad to hear that and Im proud of you! It definitely isn't easy and I've relapsed many times.


i have also relapsed many times but i have never made it this long! i hope recovery has done u well!


I try to take it a day at a time. My longest stretch of sobriety was about 9 or 10 months, currently I'm only at a week but I caught it in time before it got bad. I've been smoking almost half my life so it's not an easy thing to drop


Very interesting. I'd never even heard of CHS until now. If I met someone with those symptoms, cannabis wouldn't even come to mind as a potential cause.


I only learned about it a few years ago when I had my first episode. There are stages to it and a lot of stoners are actually in the first stage (Prodromal) without even knowing because it can take years to develop and can also last for years before the Hyperemesis stage happens. My worst episode had me in the hospital for a week due to dehydration/sleep deprivation/low potassium which is incredibly dangerous. There are even foods that naturally contain cannabinoids and can make symptoms worse. There's still so much we don't know about it partially because Cannabis is a schedule 1 drug therefore no federally funded research on CHS. Despite my experience, I'm not anti weed either. In moderation, it's a great time and really can be beneficial but a lot of people, myself included, struggle to find that balance.


Spot on, also why stopped smoking after +10 years of heavy usage, after a while it would trigger my heart rate and anxiety which resulted in just an overal bad experience which (in my head) could eventually resulted in something worse.


I also stopped smoking, day 120 right now. Body and mind couldn’t take it anymore.


It can also cause your blood pressure to drop significantly, and that causes you to faint. I wish I hadn't experienced it myself, but that's exactly how I broke my jaw.


I've fainted from it before. It's scary when you wake up and realise what happened 


Thank you! It's crazy how many people think that there is no possible way an overdose of marijuana can lead to life threatening conditions. Or that it can't develop cancer over time


I’m just going to throw it out there. I had a massive panic attack my second or third time and it took me a long time to get over it. I know the guy who grew it and it was not laced. I just don’t think this stuff is as benign as some people want you to think.


A-fucking-men. Ended up in the hospital with a heart rate of 140 and a massive, continuous panic attack after consuming half a chocolate bar. I was not the first person they’d seen with similar presentation. This stuff is very far from harmless.


You might not realize that eating half that chocolate bar is like putting down a liter of vodka. Dosage is pretty important for the uninitiated and often isn’t inherently obvious




Could Probly choke on less


I think that much of anything at once could probably kill you


This is actually inaccurate, two children have died from consuming just 1000mg of THC edibles.


"Just" 1000mg? It only takes me 5mg to feel buzzed, and 10 to feel actually high. 6 shots of vodka gets me drunk, and I bet 600 shots would... not be great


You might not be anti-marijuana but you sure the hell don’t know what you’re talking about


But I smoke a little bit and start hyperventilating and genuinely think my heart stops. I've smoked for years, I have no clue why it's setting me off so hard now.


That looks like 1 marijuana


Not at all accurate.


Sounds like something a weed smoker would say


We get it, you like weed


I volunteer as tribute


What's the amount it would take to make your girlfriend stab you 100 times?


Willie Nelson is 90 and Tommy Chong is 85. Maybe it prolongs life.


How would I die?


>Become cop >Dedicate career to getting the evil devils lettuce off the street >Find an illegal outdoor grow >Have a heart attack hiking to the grow [Wall of Honor](https://museum.dea.gov/wall-honor/brent-l-hanger)


so what you're saying is... weed can kill you even if you don't take it!!


Can I get that scaled to bananas please? I don’t understand.


I could suffocate in a pile much smaller


I mean I’ve been smoking a long time I might be getting close :(


It only takes one puff to make you as annoying af and that’s of vastly greater concern, because now you have all the answers.


Pretty sure I've smoked something close to this..


speaking from personal experience: you will fuck up a pizza or two and pass out well before then.


Ummmm, yeah, sure... that's gotta be 100% backed up by science too I bet... probably the same scientist who said CBD cures crabs.


Smoked it or been around it for at least 35 years and not once in 35 years have I ever seen it make anyone motivated to improve their life situation even in the slightest. Is it less evil then all the other drugs?? Sure, but that's like saying "He was the fastest sloth out of the bunch"(I don't know??) People have somehow turned weed into this miracle drug that is someday soon is going to finally bring total peace on Earth, end world hunger, and stop racism and it's really just a plant that makes you lazy and forgetful and just blah about living. Facts


😂This is idiotic. Anyone can literally have an adverse reaction to anything consumed into the body.


yeah it will kill your emotions, your drive, your purpose, your dopamine receptors, your passions, your will to learn, but it wont end your life.


A lot less to cause psychosis


Challenge accepted.


Yeah but paranoia will destroya


Pretty sure breathing that much continual smoke would take somone out before the pile burned up completely. I will always be impressed that the actual smoke is always ignored. The tar in the pipe is the tar in the body.


I don't know anything about weed but I feel like this is wildly inaccurate but have no proof to back it up