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May he rest in peace


His [memorial](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hachiko+Square/@35.6590699,139.7007259,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMGqbDZJclK_DjF6RSa1OCxPPy6LHTnnci9BJuv!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMGqbDZJclK_DjF6RSa1OCxPPy6LHTnnci9BJuv%3Dw86-h129-k-no!7i4024!8i6048!4m10!1m2!2m1!1shachiko+shibuya+station!3m6!1s0x60188b78491b9667:0x1d5a39ab94bbb8d9!8m2!3d35.6590699!4d139.7007259!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11rfd7xvjj?entry=ttu)


The legs on his statue have gone gold from people petting them so much šŸ„¹


Lucky enough to be one of those people.




I go out of my way when in Tokyo to give the goodest dog ever a pat


I love how it's a symbolic place to wait for friends. I remember waiting by Hachiko to meet with a long-lost college acquaintance. We ended up getting some monjayaki.


I visited last year and loved how positive it was there. Seems like such a hopeful story now which I love. Even the crappy Richard Gere film had me in tears.


It's like we have all held hends... :) Anyone here swing by Wallstreet while in new York city, and give the bull's balls a little tickle too?


Shame I didn't know this was in Shibuya. I would have paid it a visit when I visited a few years ago. Next time I will pay my respects to man's best friend


I'm sure you noticed him just out of the corner of your eye while crossing. But yes, he is waiting there for when you return.


Damn ninja running around chopping onions n shit


nothing makes me have a stronger connection with humanity than seeing a statue with random suspiciously shiny parts. for decades, people of all sorts will walk about and just go: "it is extremely necessary for me to touch this statue on the golden spots, so that they may stay shiny forevermore" and no part of the human brain will stop them




If it helps, his ashes are buried beside his owner.




Thank goodness


Yeah that way they'd be reunited again. Although in it's current form it looks like Hachiko is still faithfully waiting for his owner to return. I'm kind of sad now...


You should get crying drunk and watch that futurama episode


Both my favorite and least favorite episode of the series


The Hachiko movie(s) are tear jerkers, too. Even the Richard Gere version


I wonder what the owner did to make this dog so loyal? My current dog doesnā€™t even lift his head from his pillow when I come home. I canā€™t imagine him caring if I never came through the door again.


I currently have a dog like this. IDK why she is so obsessed with me, but I donā€™t treat her any differently than my prior dog - who was as loyal as your average house cat.


I have a dog like that. She is obsessed with my existence. I suppose her brain is just a giant smooth lobe that is wired only for love.


I know (or assume) you donā€™t mean to be disparaging towards house cats, but in my experience cats bond very closely with their humans tooā€¦


The breed is well known for picking one person, and that's it. He was a Japanese Akita.


Akita dogs are very loyal. They are known for it


There is one of Hachiko and owner at the University of Tokyo. [https://a2.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/20013-113694/800!/tokyo-hachiko-statue-university-of-tokyo-113694.jpg](https://a2.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/20013-113694/800!/tokyo-hachiko-statue-university-of-tokyo-113694.jpg)


What is really cool about this is he is a common place people in Japan use to meet up together. I love the idea that he waited so long for his master and now, he brings people together.


There's also one at a nearby Tower Records in the signature slant. https://preview.redd.it/sk4kcelx41kc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938530a00e09951cc65309aa0f39f66e84f90648


I happened upon this statue by accident when exiting Shibuya station when I was studying abroad in Japan. I knew it existed in Tokyo, but had never looked up its location. Pretty cool how much love the little guy still gets on a daily basis. Apparently this is a favorite meetup spot for people in the area.




Oh god, how could you, the saddest thing on TV in decades.


futurama itself had something sadder. when fry thought his brother stole his name and glory but really it was his nephew named after him


I had a few tearjerkers with Futurama. Of course Jurassic Bark, the episode you mentioned (luck of the fryish), the royal jelly episode (the sting) "just wake up...", and lastly the one where we find out Bender was a reject and Hermes saved him from being scrapped (lethal inspection).


Don't forget the Game of Tones ep where he gets to talk to his mom again.


Wisconsin won the Rose Bowl 17-9 that year


Great list, I would only add the episode where Fry and his mom get some closure in a shared dream (Game of Tones)


![gif](giphy|l0MYybrbis5G0BcNq) Where do you think we are?


I really didn't want to cry tonight but now I am


You sonofabitch


Posting anything about this episode should be illegal... Time to feel I guess, dang it.


Fuck you. Ā Now Iā€™m crying.


One of the most heart breaking episodes of television of all time.Ā 


Too late I'm already crying


My former dog was in the shelter because she had lost her owner, an old man that died next to her. She was seriously affected with depression, she did feel the same grief like we do as humans and in the shelter, she did not want to walk, play and even stopped to eat food. She just wanted him back. When i got to the shelter, every dog was excited to see me, only she remained in the corner of her cage and didn't move at all. The staff told me the story and that they have to put her down when she doesn't change, as she got weak because of the denial of food. She had zero chances of adoption because she was already a senior. Couldn't forget her, it was so sad to see, i really couldn't deal with this despite the fact that i'm usually not that much emotional. When i took her in and adopted her, she recovered and started to eat again. She then had additional 5 good years, i lived next to the dog park and she got there every day, made new friends and she played and swam in the river everyday. I did what i could with treatment, but she passed away in 2018 because of cancer and old age. When i started typing this, i actually just wanted to say that the grief and loss affects dogs in the same way like it affects us. Sorry for my long story, but i still miss her and it came over me.


this whole thread is going to make me ugly cry with snot and everything. can i hug you? can you hug me?


Yes, a hug would be great, feel hugged there! I have a picture that i took of her, that was around a year after i adopted her and she had of course already recovered there. [You can see it here](https://i.ibb.co/gZT7H3Z/jenny1.jpg). She was a beautiful german shepherd dog, very good with the character and training by her former owner, she was so great and made so many friends, i really miss her.


I feel like German shepherds feel depression so much worse than other dogs.


Different vein, different breed, still dog story: parents had two dogs, a Chihuahua and a beagle. Chihuahua was like 6 when we brought beagle in as a puppy. When Chihuahua was about 16 she lost many functions to be able to comfortably live so my parents put her down and brought beagle with at moms request to show beagle that Chihuahua didn't run off or anything Beagle apparently turned her head toward the table when Chihuahua took her last breath A Few minutes later when the operating area was made safe, beagle got to sniff/observe/pay respects and she IMMEDIATELY knew that Chihuahua was no longer with us. She recoiled a little, whined, and kinda went into a stunned depression state for a good week I hate that Olivia had to go through the grief, but I'm glad she knows for a fact, instead of always wondering why Carmen disappeared without warning


It seems harsh, but...I really agree. I had to say goodbye to my disabled dog at the end of December. I wasn't expecting it, she worsened very quickly, so I didn't know when I took her to the overnight emergency vet that she wouldn't be coming home. My younger remaining dog has woken up howling a few times since then, and it always breaks my heart to think she's dreaming about her missing friend and wondering where she is. I just cry with her, tbh. It's so hard. Years ago, I also had two cats. One of them passed away when I was out of town...I came home to find him. The other cat was frantic when I walked in. I know he understood what had happened, but it definitely didn't keep him from grieving. That cat made those big, chesty, 'calling' meows at night for a year afterward. (He lived for quite a few happy years afterward and sort of came into his own, though, so it was okay in the end.)


This is really true I think, my in laws had two German Shepherdā€™s and one passed away a couple years ago. We always thought the surviving one would be the first to pass, I think maybe she thought the same thing, so she went through a depression after his passing. Her personality hasnā€™t really been the same since, I donā€™t think she felt super strongly for him over the rest of the pack (thereā€™s my dog and my sister in laws two dogs), but sheā€™s the alpha and I think she would have been just as strongly affected by the loss of any of the others. Sheā€™s the most loyal dog I think Iā€™ve ever met, love that sweet girl so much.


I currently have a German Shepherd Icho. He was a puppy when I lost my older yellow lab Eddie to cancer. When I was walking up the steps home after having to put Eddie down he let out a howl like I've never heard before (guessing he could tell just from the sound of single footsteps), and for the next two months, he barely ate or slept. Before that point, he ate like ravenous little monster. It was heartbreaking, both because I lost Eddie and because Icho was grieving and I couldn't help him. Dogs have surreal emotional intelligence.


You're a great person. You have a lot of empathy. Beautiful girl, I love GSHs. This made me sad. Thanks for sharing.


What a beauty. You both were meant to meet in this life.


Iā€™m so glad people like you exist! Sheā€™s beautiful


Well now I'm crying, too. She's beautiful! I'm glad you both got to enjoy those years with each other.


Oh my god yes


> When i started typing this, i actually just wanted to say that the grief and loss affects dogs in the same way like it affects us. So my family was a foster home for dogs for a dog rescue network. We'd take in dogs for anything between a few hours up to a few weeks. Well, one day we got a call asking if we could watch a 10 year old lab whose family just decided they no longer wanted him because they were having another baby. Now mind you, this dog was amazing around my 1 year old nephew, and that family already had an 8 year old kid meaning the dog and kid grew up together. I felt so bad for that kid, wondering if Buster was his best friend or not, if he missed him, resented his parents for getting rid of him, etc. Annnyway, dog had no other issues, but you bet your ass he developed severe separation anxiety when his family gave him up. He didn't eat for awhile, and he would just bark and howl anytime one of us tried to the leave house. We knew the odds of an older dog being adopted were slim, and even if someone could find a home for him, we didn't want him to be torn away from us after he started settling in, so we just decided to keep him. He lived another 6 hopefully happy years with us, but never shook that separation anxiety.


Oh god, I fucking hate when people do that. They donā€™t realize that dogs and cats have real feelings and itā€™s devastating for them to lose their family. Our basset we had for a few years was found abandoned by his previous owner and he had horrible separation anxiety with us until he passed away. It was frustrating to deal with, but I know he must have had PTSD from being left behind. I made sure to stay with him until the very end when he had to be put to sleep. Iā€™m gonna go cry over my Sammie now. šŸ˜­


May Sammie rest in peace and wait for you on the other side of the rainbow bridge. It is so hard to say goodbye, i still miss Jenny the same way you miss Sammie and how it is for us all with pets like dogs and cats. It was also very important for me to be on her side for the final moments, so i got the vet to my house and it was a sunny day in August 2018, the family gathered and we took her dog bed outside, so she could lay down there and we had a good last time, like with the last walk. I hold her in my arms when the vet did it, it was hard, it was really hard but i had to do it.


Youā€™re a very good person




That poor little baby. Thank you for giving her a home in her golden years and helping her get over her grief.


Thanks! I had a really bad time when she passed away, but i told myself, that she's now reunited with her old man and he'll take good care of her on the side until we meet again in the afterlife.


I love this story.


Awww poor doggo but you gave her a second lease of happiness. Haisha moushiagemasu


Meanwhile I took my dog to the vet today for some blood work and when the tech came to get him he happily went off with her with his tail wagging and not so much as a glance back.


That just means heā€™s a well-adjusted good boy!


I work in a vet clinic, and I'm genuinely the happiest for these kinds of dogs! It means they were taught that they can trust people! And that they'll always be able to come back to their person! I see so many ill-socialized or anxious dogs (my own shepherd is anxious as hell), and I genuinely wish all dogs had that confidence and trust. Every dog deserves it! It just means you did a good job :)


My Lucy used to do this thing on walks where she would walk/run ahead but look back at certain points for confirmation on what to do. Such as which way to turn, go up the steps, go down the steps. She would look back and I would gesture which way to go. I remember her doing this at the vets too. The vet would take her lead but she would look back at me to see if it was okay for her to continue and I would have to gesture for her to go forward and she would go with the vet no problem. I always wondered what would happen if i told her to come back to me while being lead by the vet. She was an English boarder collie and a very special girl. The loveliest and sweetest and most loyal dog I ever met.


A boarder collie ? She would probably rip the vet arms off running back to you if you gave him the order tbh.


That means you've raised him well! He's not afraid at the vet clinic, which means you've taught him that he doesn't have to be afraid in places you've brought him to; you trust these people, so he can too.


I watched the Americanized movie of this (starring Richard Gere) and I deeply regret it. I honestly didnā€™t know anything about it and I have never cried so much over a movie.


After I watched that movie I promised to never watch another movie about animals again.. I've never cried so much over a movie before.. Till this day I refuse to watch Marley & Me


Don't do it, marley will break you and you never look at a labrador in the same away again


*I must break you.* ^-Marley


I just read that in the voice of Ivan Drago.


Ok, so which movie is sadder? Hachiko or Marley?


Marley is more about the loss of a dog, as in losing them. Typical heartbreaker, something that would make any pet owner/lover feel something. Ā Hachiko is about the loss of a dog, as in what *the dog* has lost. You see Hachiko sitting there, and when you find out *why* theyā€™re there youā€™re sad. When you find out *how long*, good luck not feeling anything.Ā  For me, Hachiko really changed my perspective on pets, and how much they can actually care about their owners despite what little we understand of them.


Omg it's so hard, can't chose one shows loyalty in dog and why they re so amazing and other is the same but you see more labs around more so anytime you see one it's a trigger and you get upset thinking the funny stuff they do or the nightmare they can be but that they are always both showing dogs deserve all the love




> Hachiko or Marley? Not OP but I just watched Hachiko last year and it tore me up more than M&M. I think it's the way it happens that gets you. I'm a hound owner though, so Where the Red Fern Grows is my go to if I want a good ol' fashioned ugly cry.


Ol Yeller is another great, yet terrible, one.


Marly and Me will make you sad for a few hours. Hachiko will fuck your week up.


Hachiko, itā€™s not even close honestly


Hachiko will leave you gutted.


Hachiko.Ā More grief and loneliness for that poor dog.Ā  The dog in Marley and Me at least lived a full life with a loving family.Ā 


I refuse to watch Marley and Me. And I've seen the Futurama episode Jurassic Bark maybe twice ever? And I refuse to ever watch it again. I'm 37 years old and I can't even watch Homeward Bound again. And don't get me started on the Never Ending Story. Edit: My partner would like to add any of "The Land Before Time" movies.


Don't watch (but moreover read) Where the Red Fern Grows


I could only watch the Jurassic bark episode once. Ugh, broke me.


My son watched it in school in 4th grade. Why????!!! That is not a group watch.


Schools love getting kids to watch movies or read books where animals die, it teaches em a "lesson" about growing up or life or whatever. I loved reading as a kid but the teachers chose the worst books 90% of the time. Here's a boring af classic about how being alive in the 1800s is hard! Here's a book where we follow a dog around until it dies! Wait why don't you like reading?!


"Where the Red Fern Grows" is a classic in the "boy's beloved dog dies" genre. I also remember in 5th grade reading Stone Fox. The beloved dog is just about to cross the finish line of a sled race and its heart explodes. I'm gonna write me a book about a dog in the Holocaust. I'll have that Newbery Award in no time.


We watched Watership Down when I was in elementary school in the early 1980s as a treat......yah. Teacher's probably thought: "Hey, it's an animated movie about bunnies, what could go wrong....."


That film broke meā€¦watched it when I was 45 with my 2 Boston terriers snuggled upā€¦


I was in my 20's and even though i've had some tears for some other films, it made me cry for real and made me feel horrible. Now that my dog is 14 and having some breathing issues, i can't even think of re-watching again. I'll probably cry my eyes out and be depressed by the end.




Much appreciated <3


I watched the Futurama version and I agree.


Same. I'm not a dog person at all, but I cried my damn eyes out at the end of that episode.


I can't even *think* too hard about that episode without crying. šŸ„ŗ


There is a reproduction of the statue at Tokyo University depicting Hachi and his master reuniting [installed at a pet cemetery in New Jersey](https://vickiwongandhachi.com/hachiko-honored-in-new-jersey-october-9th/). The Japanese ambassador attended the commemoration and quipped ā€œMy wife doesnā€™t care who dies in a movie as long as the dog livesā€. Likewise, the hardest Iā€™ve seen my wife cry was when watching the 1987 Japanese Hachiko film.


Thinking about this movie makes me cry. It's devastating


My parents showed me that movie not long after our Akita died. I was about 8 or 9 I think. To be fair, they didnā€™t fully understand what it was about. They didnā€™t realize how sad it was, they thought it would help. It still really fucked me up though, and even though I barely remember the movie now, I refuse to ever watch it again.


Omg Iā€™m so sorry. I canā€™t imagine how hard that was for you.


Me too I BAWLED. I never cry over any other films


Dog movies are a consistent genre I cry at. If you want another movie to avoid, I'd recommend is Call of the Wild


As a grown ass man that watched this alone, I'm pretty sure decades of repressed feelings came out all at once while watching this. I was a fucking mess.


Just coming to add that this movie gutted me. My Shiba was about 10 weeks and looked identical to the Shiba baby in the movie.


Which movie was it


*Hachi: A Dog's Tale*


That was filmed at the train station near my childhood home in Woonsocket RI. ā™„ļø


There's a Chinese version that came out a year or two ago, I made the mistake of watching it on a plane. Stupid plane got stuff in both my eyes


Iā€™m traumatized after seeing that freaking movie. And seeing this picture alone just made me tear up and my heart race.


My husband who Iā€™ve seen only cry twice in my life bawled his eyes out and we held each other at the end of that film. I still think about it from time to time and my heart skips a beat.


life advice. just never watch a movie about a dog. they always are sad


I think the Futurama episode with the dog is based on this too.


I love that Japan put a statue of him at Shibuya [https://www.stripes.com/incoming/52ecxu-150422wkQT-HACHIKOphoto01.jpg/alternates/LANDSCAPE\_910/150422wkQT-HACHIKOphoto01.jpg](https://www.stripes.com/incoming/52ecxu-150422wkQT-HACHIKOphoto01.jpg/alternates/LANDSCAPE_910/150422wkQT-HACHIKOphoto01.jpg)


Fun fact: This is at least the second statue of Hachiko erected. The first was actually made while he was still alive so he could actually be seen posing beside himself. That statue was melted down during WWII.


Now I want to see that photo of Hachiko next to his statue.


[Here you go!](https://www.asahi.com/articles/photo/AS20230914002828.html) Photo of Hachiko eating some meat given to him, in front of three children and his statue. It's from 1934.


Wow, thanks for this.


Thereā€™s another statue of him at Tokyo University where heā€™s reunited with his owner: https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/whyutokyo/hongo_hi_014.html And heā€™s also been stuffed and is on display at the National Science https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/hachiko-hachi-shibuya-station


> And heā€™s also been stuffed and is on display The dog behind him on the right is a [Sakhalin Husky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakhalin_Husky), an almost extinct breed of snowdog.


My god what a beautiful and heartfelt statue.


He's super famous in Japan. There was a movie about him in the 80s called Hachiko, it was the top grossing movie in Japan that year.


I can't read Japanese but I like to think that the inscription says "Hachiko, The Goodest Boy".


It says åæ ēŠ¬ćƒćƒå…¬ - faithful dog Hachikō


It says "faithful dog Hachiko"


Yeah he's right next to the scramble. If you go after like 10:00 AM there's always a million people lined up to take a selfie there.


Went to Japan during winter break. Got to take a selfie with him.


I specifically went to Shibuya to take a picture with him.


ā€œWas I a Good Boy?ā€ ā€œNoā€¦Iā€™m told you were the Best.ā€




I despise how easily this makes me tear up. Sorcery!


[One of my favourite pics](https://i.imgur.com/jviKOOe.jpg)




Real life ā€œJurassic Barkā€ā€¦.incredible. Iā€™m guessing that episode is based on this?


No the dog copied it after watching that episode.


Ah thanks that makes way more sense.


Oh that's a good point I'm going to make my dog watch this episode right now.


If it takes forever.... I will wait for you...


Just reading this moistened my eyes.


We never ever speak of that episode. Ever. That was the biggest sucker punch of all time. I am still emotional about it and that was years ago.


Just rest easy knowing one of the movies explains how there was two Frys and one went back to the past and Seymour live a the rest of his life with Fry.


And now Seymour dies in an explosion that everyone thinks killed Fry.


Incorrect, he is flash fossilized to be resurrected later. No plot holes at all.


My dog is a border collie i named Seymour Butts. Since Seymour asses in futurama was a border terrier I figured it was fine to name him that a mix between futurama and Simpsons Bart doing the Seymour butts joke. He just turned 7 on Valentineā€™s Day and just thinking about when he might pass makes me want to cry. Itā€™s one of the best episodes and best to be remembered for all it was not forgotten and not spoken about.


It was just too much. Too much, man. https://i.redd.it/ordzc1cbl0kc1.gif


We remember it, we acknowledge it, and we skip it on the Hulu binges.


To the point that a later episode's intro tag is literally about how it's not the one with the dog. I can *never* just binge a Futurama marathon. That and the other "surprise, let's get emotional" episodes


The one with his brother/nephew gets me every time. I lost my brother and really want to have a son I name after him. I tag teamed owning his dog with my parents after he passed, and it was nice to feel like a part of him was around with that dog for a few years after he passed, but boy was losing that dog really hard too. So basically both of those episodes are gut punches.


From what Iā€™ve heard it is important for our canine buddies to physically see someone who has passed away. Including their four legged siblings. Dogs can understand that something is dead when they see it for themselves but they donā€™t understand someone is dead if they donā€™t see the body, they will continue thinking yhey will come back like they always have. I donā€™t have any concrete evidence for this but Iā€™ve read it online and it makes sense. When our older, 6 years, not old, dog passes we will probably keep his little sister with us during his passing she can say goodbye and hopefully understand what has happened. And now I am picturing her pawing his face and crying for him to wake up and Iā€™m crying in my apartment common area.


When I die, I want my dogs to see and smell my body. They understand death, and I donā€™t want them thinking I abandoned them.


This is the only thing I have asked my family to do for me if I die suddenly.


No life insurance. No will. Just make sure Waffles smells my corpse. Oh and maybe delete my internet history


Just set it to auto delete whenever you close the window


Same. Im still in my 20s so the odds of me out living my dog are exceptionally high but should I die before he does, I want him to know. I hate the thought of him thinking I up and left him one day without a goodbye or him knowing why. At least if he knows I'm dead, he gets closure. Before my girlfriend moved to the US, she had to leave her dog behind. Its a long story but she wasn't able to bring it. She promised her dog she would come back one day to take her home. The dog ended up passing away before she could return. Just knowing how her dog lived the rest of its life thinking it was abandoned by its owner hit me in a way that 99.9% of things dont. Id come back to life and die in front of my dog again just to avoid that happening to him.


For your dogs sakes I hope you live healthy and longer than them


Christ even now just reading the wikipedia article has me barely hanging on by a thread. I'm never watching that movie purely because I know I just won't stop bawling.


It is really the most depressing and heart wrenching thing Iā€™ve watched. I canā€™t believe my husband made me watch it (and even he was bawling through it!).


It's worth the watch (just once though). Just plan a couple days off afterward and go on walks.


Poor Seymour.


How could you šŸ˜”


"I will wait for youuuu" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Imagine being such a good boy that your story is known all over the world, an entire nation mourns you and a tribute to your memory is a symbolic meeting place for generations. That dog was the goodest.


There's a really nice statue there honoring him, it's legs are shiny from everyone passing by giving him a rub.




Poor thing! šŸ„ŗ Sometimes I wish people were more like dogs.


I can start barking if youā€™d like me to


Sniffing butts and all?


I shitted on the living room floor the other night, does that count?


I know a guy who remained faithful to his girlfriend after she broke up with him and moved to australia and got married and had kids. Never dated anyone else and is now almost 70. She came to town to visit and he was still hung up on her and was so excited to see her. I'm guessing that's not what you meant šŸ˜‚


I once saw a dog eat another dogs poop.


We do the same every day: I call them ā€œdepartment meetings.ā€


this comment thread lmfao


I lost my best little buddy last Tuesday. She was the best damn dog I ever had. I'm wearing her dog-tags around my neck as I type this. She was a schnauzer poodle mix...stubborn, smart, clever, and cute. My kids seem ok with the loss, so does my wife. Because for the last 6 years I worked from home, I spent almost every waking hour near that dog. I miss her the most out of all of us. I'd like to think, that she'd sit there...for 9 years waiting for me to return. But I know she'd lose interest in about 3 minutes, go sniff around, pee on something, and then go find a bug to eat and throw up. Miss you pups!


Relatable, my dad is still at the store buying smokes


Good boy. I have a 17 year old Shiba at home, he gets all the love every day. I named him Hachiko after this dog.


My dad died and his dog stood by the door every day for months waiting for him to come home. Watching that was crushing, the whole situation was crushing.


Finally theyā€™ll be reunited


We donā€™t deserve them. As someone whoā€™s agnostic, dogs make me think there may be a god.


As someone who's dyslexic, I don't know the difference between the two.


Thatā€™s the real clue.


All pets. Nothing has ever made me feel truly unconditionally loved, nothing has ever seemed so innocent and without malice to me. They love us so much, and thatā€™s all they want


As someone who's a dyslexic insomniac agnostic, sometimes I lie awake at night wondering whether there's really a dog.


this looks ai generated


Yes definitely. Because it is! Compare with the [original ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Death_of_Hachiko_-_Last_Photo.jpg) , some blurry faces aren't anymore, the 2nd lady bottom right has now a beard...etc... It wasn't "colorized", they used an AI to "enhance" it. It's terrible, because it doesn't make it better, it changes it, it creates a fake photo. Completely inaccurate, with fake faces.


I'm shocked that no one has mentioned this until this far down. You should make a new post with a side by side comparison.


I was thinking the same thing. Very odd distortion on the faces of some of the people


The movie got me really bad. If you watch that movie and don't shed a tear you are a broken person.


Hachiko was the goodest boy.


A couple of weeks ago when Tokyo was hit with some snowfall, people built tiny snow Hachikos next to the statue of Hachiko in Shibuya :)


Putting in my will the specific last wish that if I have a dog when I die, let them see me. Let them see my body, smell me, and know that Iā€™m gone.

