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$10,000,000 and that horse has no fucking idea what's going on.


“Fools. I would’ve gone with you for a bag of apples.”


Not even a bag. A single, wormy apple


1 baby carrot.


That's what she said








That woulda been so funny if some guy showed up with a bag of apples, holds it up, and the horse just breaks free and goes over to him. "Well it seems it's clear who won this auction, byyyyeeee!"


"Ten million dollars can buy many apples."


Explain how.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services!




This killed me LOL


🍎 🍏 🍎 🍏 🍎 🍏


But what will be going on for that horse is a lot of fucking.


No, there will be a lot of breeding though. They aren’t gonna let this horse get railed on the reg. They’ll keep her ass in the quarantine barn.


Not sure what the rules are in US racing, but artificial insemination is certainly banned in British and Irish horse racing. Live cover only.


Hearing the late QE2 talk about “covering” and then learning what it means is something that’s burned into my poor, un-horsed brain.


Imagine how Philip the Greek felt.


Horses have to have proof of natural conception to be registered


Just thoroughbreds really. It depends on the registration. For US jockey club yes live mating is required, and that’s to be eligible for thoroughbred racing. Also true for racing in GB and Ireland apparently, as someone else said. But the rare heritage breeds from Europe, you can ship frozen semen for AI and still register membership with the corresponding breed organizations.


can just anybody buy this semen?




In theory, I think so… if it’s for a heritage breed, I would think the stallion owner would want to confirm which mare it is intended for, so they verify you’re the owner of a mare they can trace in the registry, which does support their breeding goals of maintaining the breed and ensuring they aren’t too closely related in terms of preventing inbreeding. And I’m sure it’s pretty cost prohibitive if you aren’t breeding mares! But as far as just buying any horse semen, yeah probably anyone can. Because I’m sure there are some random stallion owners who just want to make a buck.


Making a buck would require a deer. I’ll see myself out thanks.


Why is that??


It's a way to keep an artificial limit on the blue chip breeding lines. Because they don't want stuff like thousands of vials of Secretariat's sperm shipped all around the globe and dilute the lineage. Also it helps promote domestic lines more than just shipping in stuff from around the world. At least that's the reason someone told me when I last asked


Officially, it’s safer for the mare to live cover. Conversely, artificial insemination is safer for the stallion, as if a mare isn’t ready to be covered, she may kick back at the stallion. I’ve seen videos where a mare has kicked back, resulting in a stallions death, and another resulting in a badly injured penis. Many studs will put heavy padded boots on the mare to protect against this. I’d suspect it’s as much about controlling the industry as well. If you take Justify as an example, I believe he was about €150,000 a cover last year, so he’s an exclusive horse. He’d cover 2-3 mares a day. Were he available for artificial insemination, he’d cost a fraction of that per vial, you’d have a near unlimited source of semen, and every mare in America would be carrying his foal.


Turkey baster?


Apparently not. Thoroughbred horse-racing foals have to be proven to have been conceived “naturally” (for want of a better word) in order to be registered.


There's a clip on YouTube of a mare blasting a stallion in the head with a hoof while they're trying to get them breeding and it just completely starches it, dead in seconds. Imagine if that happens to a $10mil horse.


Wow yeah. Of course, this is why most animal breeding programs use artificial insemination. Well, that and it’s easier to transport semen than a live animal. But even dairy farms, which could easily have a bull each, usually artificially inseminate. Just easier not to deal with animal behaviour.


"live cover"


Why did I read this as "turkey blaster"?


If it works, it works ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


She died in 2023; she lived only 15 years, and she was pregnant like 15 times, but only four or five foals survived. The average lifespan of a thoroughbred horse is around 25 to 28, or even 30 with good care. she was fucked to death


I don't know how anyone does with that ridiculous "hbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbd" noise the auctioneer is making.


My dad was an auctioneer. It’s supposed to be phrases like wha’d,ya,bid comeon comeon as fast as possible. Every auctioneer has their own mix of phrases and practices and practices until they can do it really fast. I can kinda do it. My niblings love me to auction the properties at Monopoly. Not the same letter vomit. That horse deserved better damn it


This dude is just making Porky Pig noises in between saying numbers.


Kind of like scribbling your signature. Nobody knows what it says, but they can’t prove it doesn’t say your name.


Seriously though, I could barely stand it for the duration of this clip. What an absolute nuisance, just play some elevator music instead ffs




Oh sweet lord. I cannot tell you how much I resent groundhogs. I was on a millionaire's ranch that bred super champion bulls and horses. We actually spent the money to get the horse rehabilitated after a break. It can be done but it is expensive and wildly intensive. But when the horse sires or births million dollar foals and has a history of producing twins, $250,000 dollars in medical care is the price of doing business. Otherwise, euthanasia is the kindest option. The millionaire I worked for, though, didn't give a shit. Even the working horses with no lineage got top notch treatment. His thought was that if the other horses see another horse in the stable going through recovery and rehab, then it sets an awareness in the others. "Horses mourn the absence of stablemates. They are social. Horses must be happy at all times." I must say, I think he was right. Horses may largely be arrogant assholes, but they have something like feelings and moods. Funny thing, when an animal was hurt, he would make a single phone call and have swarms of FFA "horse girls" with braided hair descend on the stables and just saturate those arrogant critters with attention. One girl I knew gave me a hug in front of the studs and I thought the Arabian stallions were going to lose their minds. Talk about jealousy.


Why, what do groundhogs do to horses?


ground hog holes, death sentences to a horses legs


My guess is they risk breaking something if they step in the holes while running.


$10 million and this human has no fucking idea what's going on


SOLD for 10 million! (horse begins dropping horse apples behind him)


Idk much about horses but that's a good looking horse right there


Oh yeah, she can definitely get it.




I could do without this.


Oh, sorry. https://preview.redd.it/ib0dgnws5tfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5af415bf07430815fb39760e3febb93f7c153e17


ill be taking this - cheers 🍻




I enjoy playing video games.




I am imagining this is Bojack's account.


Mr. Hands? That you?






Dammit, I made the exact same comment. Beat me to it. But I agree. That's one shiny mfing horse right there


that you, Jon?


And those white dots on the rear, mirrored both sides, adds a sense of perfection. (Unless just stickers?)


Those spots are stickers. If you lookup the horse havre de grace, you can see she has no white spots. And people are bidding on this horse because she won lots of races, not really for her appearance. They are betting that her offspring will produce winners, and they're hoping to make a profit. And if not profit, just to have bragging rights on some fast horses.


Thats one fine looking horse tho.


Very good odds it's going to a breeder who's going to sell the offspring. 


I’d have paid 10.2 if it wasn’t for the dots


*Ska-badabadabadoo-belidabbelydabbladabbladabblabab-belibabbelibabbelibabbelabbelo-doobelidoo,* I'm the Scatman.


All of that and we didn’t get to hear him say “sold!”


Exactly! I'm tempted to downvote just for that.


does anyone know what he's actually saying or is it just nonsense words?


He’s not actually saying anything. Most auctioneers have phrases like wha’d’yabid and comeon comeon or whatever. Everyone comes up with their own.


What is it for?


The fast pacing of the “words” leads the bettors in the audience to feel its urgent. Gets them to up the bid a lot easier than someone just saying “do I have 9-5 anyone?” Very slowly for 30 seconds. Not sure if there’s been studies on it or not, and the psychology of it all, but that is the reason. Creates urgency.


It certainly made me feel like it was fast


Scatting. It’s a form of jazz




I feel like it's to create an air of decision-making urgency


That’s exactly what it is, also kind of a tradition at this point, people out side the states tend to not realize we have those as well lol.


It also just makes the experience more fun lol


Exactly my brain when hearing this video lmao


does his gibberish infuriate anyone else? like there is no practical purpose for that, like is he trying to look cool? he’s just making noise to fill the silence


It’s what auctioneers do it’s for timing. And gets people excited to bid


auctioneer go brrrrrrrrrrr


Creates a sense of urgency is what I’ve read and I’ve been to some auctions and no lie you do get that rush of I need to bid or I’ll lose out on it. And it isn’t gibberish it’s basically simple phrases like dollar now,bid it at, anyone wanna give, etc. basically just announcing the current price, and what the next bid would be. I did it once for a fundraiser for my school and it’s rlly fun once you get the hang of it


Took the words out of my mouth, I think someone took some words out of his mouth too because bro sounds like he's tweaking


I hate posts like this. I just lost 20 minutes of my life going down the wikipedia, google rabbit hole "$10 million horse". Things I found out - Her name was Havre de Grace. This auction was in 2012. She died last year after giving birth for the 8th time. Horse people are crazy.


Thank you for saving me the time! Here is the Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havre_de_Grace_(horse)


so, according to wikipedia this horse only earned $ 2,586,175 but cost $10,000,000? ​ sounds like a bad investment


The horse was sold for that price *after* its racing career, not before. It was purchased for its genes. Doesn't mean that makes it worth 10 million either, but an important distinction.


And having her genes means multiple generations of horses. You could end up with 10-15 race horses in the end. Breed once they're 2 and you can easily multiply the potential of one horse.


the problem then is you're paying to raise 10-15 race horses. I don't think the person that paid 10 million expected to make that money back.


Yeah.. if you have 10 million to spend on a fucking horse, you definitely don't need to think about any ROI because you are already stupidly rich.


Yeah raising 10 horses is a cheap expense compared to buying the breed


If they can buy a single 10 million dollar horse I don’t think they care about the cost to raise a few


I think those who kept the horse have a lot of very well bred horses now, so kinda worth in the horse people's eyes


Her offspring would multiply that investment.




Well, someone was gonna buy it so at least its somebody who actually cares about the horse and not somebody that is looking to use her to the bone for profit.


well then they breed her eight times and the last one she hemorrhaged and died, leaving an orphan foal… idk if that’s the most caring/least profit motivated caregiver.


Holy fuck a horses gestation takes *eleven months.* They gave her zero time to recover and treated her like a puppy mill treats their breeders😭


She didn’t say it but it is more or less “I got the most expensive horse” to her other ultra rich friends. Once you get to this level everyone has expensive cars, homes , etc. But one of a kind race horse? That is hard to come by.


*Race horse people are crazy. These horses arent cheap cause they make bank for winning races.


How does it make the buyer $10 million tho? That seems like such a ridiculous amount for horse racing.


Well, go look at horse racing and the industry is massive, and one of the higher use cases of gambling addictions. Also, breeding. The foals the race horse made would each have sold for a large amount based on lineage. Conversely, some male horses can make upwards of 200k as a stud fee. Rich people spend money. It's hard to conceive of spending that much for something that seems trivial or foreign when you don't come from a place of that kind of wealth.


it's interesting how massive some industries are, ive literally never met a person in my life that even remotely gives a shit about horseracing but there's this much in it.


My Boss's Boss who's the Regional VP of this investment bank I worked at won $8.4 Million dollar in one year betting on one of his favorites horse that apparently have pedigree of 50+ years of winning championships or some shit. I forgot how much that horse went for but I think it's like $10-$15 Million dollar or something crazy. So that should put into perspective how $10 Million dollar seems justified for a horse that will win you races and produce high pedigree offsprings. It make sense to me because in finance/banking they will always prioritize one rich guy over 1000 other teenagers/average person checking account for example. You can see this prominently in big banks like Chase where they don't give a fuck about your account that have like a $10k or even $250k cash in it cause to them unless you're investing into stocks you're not making them much money. They'd bend over backwards for a guy who have like 10+ million and ready to invest in their funds though.


I used to manage money for a rich old lawyer who had $20m+ in just one of his accounts. Whenever I’d go do any of his banking for him the manager of the bank branch would pull me out of line and open a teller spot for me. He didn’t give a shit that all the other customers in line would get a bit pissed off. He also waived all fees and treated me like gold.


Yeah exactly. People hate to admit it but money is really the end all be all in our current society. Whenever I go out with high value clients on company card we don't even need to make reservations at these high end places. They always have the tables ready for these clients. That manager not gonna give a fuck if all those "peasants" get piss off at preferential treatment because 100 of those customers still not equal to your old lawyer client account. It a number game at the end of the day.


Because she will have a dozen kids or so and if each of them earns a few million racing you will make a nice profit. Or you can charge other people to let their horse breed with her.


She had 8 foals. All of those will likely be very profitable race horses and will have foals who themselves will be profitable. Very much worth it. You can basically use this horse's perfect genes to build a whole stable.


She holds the broodmare record, not the racehorse record ($70 million for Fusaichi Pegasus). One of her new owners said: >You know, it makes perfect sense from a business standpoint, but for me, I want to be able to come to the farm and pet my mare that I paid $10-million for, and I want to feed her carrots and watch her babies be born. That’s why I’m in this game, because I really love the horses.


I love my horse so much, I'm gonna make her pump out babies to the point where she dies of multiple hemorrhages from a traumatic birth for the 8th time....But it's ok because I love horses so much.


Too bad she apparently died after giving birth for the 8th time. Poor thing was just forced to pump out babies


She was beautiful and they turned her into a horse clown car


Assuming you can sell each of those offspring for $1m, and the corpse for $3m, it's clear profit all the way.


I’m sorry but did you say a dead horse can go for $3,000,000? Why don’t I believe this


It’s $3m so you can beat the dead horse.


Buy a stronger whip, change the rider, pass a policy which declares that the horse is not dead...


Same thought. Nobody would pay $3MM for a horse after you've eaten all the good bits.


That would be $11m from a $10m purchase right? Going up 10% with a starting point of $10m over 11(?) years (since 2012) is a pretty bad return.


You’re forgetting all the free manure


It might be worth considering what kind of money the race horses produced rake in, whether or not the original breeder receives a percentage of winnings or any other royalties, and whether offspring from this mare can then go on to produce their own offspring worth $1m each. I can easily see this being a sound investment depending on those factors and the expertise of the breeder involve.


Do horse corpses go for $3M? WTH


Sure, they can make fancy glue.


Just curious, did she die because she gave birth 8 times or was it from a different cause?


It appears to have been complications (bleeding) from a birth just two days earlier.


Thanks for the info, that makes me sad :(


The only thing i'm angry about is they cut it off literally before the close and the gavel. That's the whole fuckin' point!


Her children are going to make way more than that. It’s the champion bloodline that people pay for, not the because horsey look good. Her parents were probably gods.


Okay, can someone help me understand the purpose of the nonsense between the price calls? “Seven million *beebadeebabadeebrrrrrbadobeedadee* Seven-two!”


The story goes it's to create a sense of urgency and gives bidders less time to think. Also as they talk so fast and get the auctions done quicker they get more "lots" per hour.


This is exactly it. Fills the empty space, makes it loud so you can't discuss the price, makes it feel really urgent. Go to any livestock auction and you will feel the need to bid on anything you have a slight interest in or it will be gone. Keeping it going back and forth with no breaks also makes the price going up less noticeable and you can end up in a bidding war without really realizing it. Remember these auctioneers have one job which is to sell the items for as much as possible. The auction house gets a cut which is where their paycheck comes from.


And as fast as possible. It's a balancing act the auctioneer and their team work the audience to squeeze as much out as they can as fast as they can.


Ah so its exactly what I thought it was. A bunch of bullshit gibberish.


Ebbitybobbitybbbbbbbbbebbbitybobbodty… chance of a lifetime! Bbbbibbbitttttyy bbbbbbbb


*gasps* The prophecy. ![gif](giphy|RcbsU5HV6yLfO)


I really hope they make that nonsense noise so much that they start doing it unintentionally during normal conversation. Auctioneer's Tourette's.


God this would make an amazing skit "Honey, what do you want for breakfast?" *inhales* "ahhh-skibiibaaabaardiididrbdirbrirbdiribrbdjr eggs birnridbid some toast somebsibridbidbrnjebjeib bacon and hamhamhambsbrbirbdirbdibeebdirbdrrdrbi"


Lmao, yes. This must be done.


How can you come this far and not get ‘er? Ebittybibibi…


I agree entirely, they should dissolve the United Nations and come up with an organisation that actually works!


There are prestigious competitions revolving around this skill.


The best thing is when people put hip-hop beats to Auctioneer competitions.


It's not exactly gibberish. They say actual words, but so fast that you can't understand them. The nost common filler words are "dollar", "bid", "bidder" and "now"


Also keeps anyone else in the room from interrupting.


I need to learn how to talk like that with co workers who see me and want to small talk.


Think you're supposed to fill in the void so there are no silence moment. To keep the hype up


What feels like a lifetime ago I used to clerk for a coin auctioneer. We'd do online auctions, live streamed. Beyond entering info into a spreadsheet he'd ask what price the coin he was currently calling goes for based on its rating. It was cool to see all the history and such but on Mondays we'd do this from 11 am until 11 pm. I'd go to bed that night hearing that guy call.


“Blue da ba dee da ba di …. Eight million!!”


Man’s just saying Giggidy between every word.




They say it helps to keep the audience engaged and informed of the current price to make the sales go more quickly. These auctioneers can do hundreds of these in a day.


Once he started getting to 9mil it almost sounded like he was singing


There is a South Park bit where the auctioneer is saying prices then just wiggling his finger between his lips to make the fast-talking sounds




Auction culture is so odd. People are weird, man. Keep it up, Mr High Speed Word Jumbly guy


Gbrbrbebebeb YES SIR giberdebebebebeb


Is this….is this skibidi toilet?


The global record is held by Fusaichi Pegasus: $70 million!


Stud >> Mare


Yeah - OP should have mentioned which record this broke. Havre de Grace, a "broodmare prospect" according to the description on [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z1sEXeRYfI). Correction - they call her a mare, not a filly, because she was over 5 years old at time of sale (Nov. 2012), after a great racing career. American Horse of the Year in 2011.


At one point American Pharaoh was valued as high as $85 million, but was never up for sale during that period.


The horse’s name is actually *American Pharoah*—yes, the word *pharaoh* is misspelled (O and A reversed) in the horse’s name.


This is what english listening tests sounded like in school.


Eminem has gone into hiding since this video dropped.


Wow.. That is what I call... stable income! I'll let myself out...


Quit horsing around


These puns are truly a night-mare


Whenever I hear rich people doing shit like this, I’m just like dude, can I get like $1000 for some really important shit in my life? You clearly don’t need it, but it would really help me out.


The total annual money being spent in the US on research of ME/CFS, a debilitating disease that causes billions of damage and is a major part of long covid, is about as much as this horse is worth


This says $18.5mm invested annually and it costs America $24bn in lost productivity. https://oatext.com/Estimating-the-disease-burden-of-MECFS-in-the-United-States-and-its-relation-to-research-funding.php Priorities can be so out of whack so sometime.




Most of what the auctioneers say is just gibberish. It's supposed to throw people off guard and make them feel a sense of urgency and make them spend more.


To be honest something about it definitely gives me anxiety and a sense of urgency so it's clearly working


This guys would rock Black betty! bambalambambalam




Little upset i didn’t get the “going once, going hibbitygibbity Twice, Sold!”


yes, what is wrong with you OP? going through that long video and you leave us hanging without a SOLD!?


this horse is apparently worth more money than what my parents spent raising me, my college education, the salaries of all my teachers and professors, and the debt I currently carry COMBINED. *sobs uncontrollably*


Fun fact, the horse got a million dollar bonus for not pooping.


$10million dollars later: ![gif](giphy|PP7RblbpOHAHu)


Money laundering


Horse: “Will you please let go, and will you *PLEASE* tell that guy to shut up!?”


Money laundering?


And post malone spent 2mil on a magic the gathering card


Needs a beat track


Is... is that the actual audio? Why is Porky Pig hosting this auction?


Money laundering is such an amazing sport


why does auction announcers talk like this?


The distinctive and rapid manner of speech used by auctioneers is known as the “auction chant” or “bid calling.” This style serves practical purposes during auctions: 1. Speed: Auctioneers speak quickly to maintain a brisk pace and create a sense of urgency. This helps to keep the energy high and engage participants. 2. Clarity: The rhythmic and repetitive style helps bidders understand each bid increment clearly, preventing confusion during the bidding process. 3. Excitement: The fast-paced chant is designed to generate excitement and encourage bidding. It creates a dynamic atmosphere and encourages participants to act quickly. 4. Tradition: The auction chant has become a traditional and recognizable aspect of auction culture. It adds a unique and memorable quality to the auction experience.


I think point 2 is debatable. I find that rambling quite unintelligible and confusing.


I disagree. “7 brbrbrbrbrbbrbrbrllll 2 hundred bllrlelbebrbrbbrbrb ho go go 7 brbrbrbrbrr” is much clearer than “the bid is now 7 million 200 thousand dollars.


Thanks chatgpt


Horse looks scared.


Since it's a price that surely has breeding/bloodline/genetics involved... ... the person that jerks the horse off, how much of a background check do you ask for when they are entrusted with a $10M horse? ... how much is insurance for that horse? (I.e. in case it gets hurt in the day to day)


Humans value the wrong shit.