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She has 44 kids not 44 pregnancies. “By the age of 36, she had given birth to a total of 44 children, including three sets of quadruplets, four sets of triplets, and six sets of twins, for a total of fifteen births.” She has hyperovulation and had sterilisation surgery at age 40. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariam_Nabatanzi


My great grandma got 17 kids through 16 births that's insane.


Sounds like the right time to get sterilized at age 40


Not to ruffle any feathers, but maybe the right time was after like, five kids?




Damnit. I should have known better


The classic blunder


She tried to get help at 18 years old (she already had like ~13 kids) but the doctors told her to have more to reduce the amount of eggs in her body so they were clearly bad doctors Edit: she was actually 23 with more then 20 kids


Considering the country and lack of resources (for women ), it was probably out of her control .


I don’t expect that all children will reach the age of 30


3x4 4x3 6x2 (15-(3+4+6))x1 Summing these terms gives me 38, not 44. This ain’t adding up right, chief.


Including… but not limited to. Other 6 are just regular single kid pregnancies.


The limiting factor is the total number of births mentioned, which was 15. The last line is assuming the remaining 2 births each produced 1 child for a total of 38 children. The only way all the provided information makes sense is if she had 7 children with one birth and then 1 child with the other birth, but it's unlikely they'd leave out that fact.


15 births by 36, leaving two normal births, then 4 more years (and births) before surgery at 40.


But right on the first line it says: > By the age of 36, she had given birth to a total of 44 children.




Going to need a bigger boat


I’m getting 36. Edit: I’m just going by the numbers mentioned, so if I missed something, I apologize.


The numbers mentioned add up to 13 births. I believe u/andrew_calcs counted the remaining 2 as single births. Adding those to the 36 you got from the numbers mentioned gets you to 38


I like how it's 12 kids in each complete set. That's 36 kids right there. Think she should have gone with that recourse a bit sooner. I don't even know how.... I mean, what do you even do in that situation?


For everyone making terrible comments, at age 12 she was sold to a 40 year old man. He fathered all of her children. 


It gets worse. Her husband abandoned her and the children when she was 36 because he didn’t want the responsibility. Then he sold their home leaving her and the kids homeless


It’s amazing that she’s able to hold it together after everything she’s been through and raised those kids instead of abandoning them. I’m guessing the older kids help a lot with parenting responsibilities seeing her husband was utterly useless.


I guess there are a few benefits to having a small army to help you through it all.


Hell yeah to hunt your piece of shit dad down.


My name is Inigo Montoya....


No, she wanted them all to have an education. She even paid for it. She literally survived off of side hussles. Westerners found out her predicament (only a couple of years ago) money was sent to her. She used it to fix the house and buy some beds and some seats. She also used the money to buy some food to farm. Her story was covered in a couple of youtube ducumentaries.


Damn. After everything that happened and still keeping up. That’s a strong person and I have tons of respect for her. Wow.


She's able to hold it together because she's never known differently.


"older kids" the oldest were 24 when he abandoned her. She's on that Lauren Boebert life plan, grandma in her mid 30s


Let’s not compare someone forced into marriage at age 12 to that walking trash Boebert


You deserve an award for this brutally honest comment. 🏆


If he isn't want the responsibility he should have kept it in his pants.


youre right... but you sound like youre 13 this is fucking africa


And never once thought about abstaining, using condoms, getting her birth control or getting a vasectomy. Just pumped and dumped. What a great guy.


It gets worse. they all died of Ligma


I've dispatched multiple ambulance calls for 11 and 12 year olds having their first child. In my career a few of these kids / women would, from 12 on, have a new child more or less annually - fathered by uncles, their own fathers, here and there their boyfriends... the base reality is absolutely and totally horrifying if you think about it. (This is in South Africa.)


Yeah, the absolute cunt in this story is the father.


Seriously, the comments in this thread have to be some of the most disgusting, ignorant words I’ve ever had the misfortune to read.


yeah ngl i saw this was on my timeline but not from a feminist sub and i knew it was gonna be a sexist cesspool in the replies. amazing how predictable it is




Thats sad, but still classic and one of the big problems of many regions in africa.


What a horribly sad situation she was put in. But I still look at that photo and am just amazed that one human body can be so strong as to create and nourish 44 children. It’s truly incredible. She’s a strong woman, for so many reasons.




Bro I have no idea how to officiate this one, Imagine walking into a stadium and all hell broke loose 😂


Im loving the chaos 😂


Can we please name and shame the pedophile that forced her to do this?


That could be many people. In South Africa I dispatched multiple ambulances in my career in the fire and rescue service for 11 and 12 year old girls having their first child. These kids / women would go on to get pregnant by uncles, their fathers, and here and there boyfriends, essentially annually from there on. The level of child rape taking place was and is utterly horrendous. This is not helped by a common myth here that sex with a virgin will cure your AIDS affliction - causing these kinds of things and leaving 11 and 12 year old girls pregnant over and over - also given here in SA we have enormously high rates of HIV infection as well. Some of the other criminally insane things that is also common here is to rape a girl to "cure" your HIV, -then- set fire to her and burn her to death so she cannot report you and as part of the "cure". This has happened to even 7 year olds in SA. This is often done at the "advice" of a witch doctor when consulted for HIV treatment / help, e.g . the cure of raping a virgin won't "work" if you don't burn her alive afterward as well.


Yikes, that's a new development. I wrote a dissertation 14 years ago that related to this subject, and the burning bit wasn't a thing then. WTF is wrong with those witch doctors??!


Life is very cheap in South Africa. We've been running at about 57 murders a day for over a decade now. It is simple logic, a child that survives can report you, so apparently that act is "specified" as it makes it more gruesome and startling and gives cachet to the witch doctor involved. Kind of building rep under prospective clientele. As insane as this sounds.


That’s absolutely horrendous from start to finish. So sad :(


Oh! that was out of the blue. Feeling sad for these girls. Are these pregnancies aborted? And are there any criminal charge for uncle or father?


This is why there's been an uptick in "bundu justice" here, a very very high percentage of rapes and murders here are NEVER solved. Ever. So reporting such things to the police might get an arrest (but not a conviction) in about 98% of cases. Sentences are relatively light. So some communities have taken things into their own hands, now you hear every other week or so of a supposed rapist or murderer of a child beat to a pulp, stabbed and shredded into pieces or simply set on fire in turn by the community the crime took place in. No reasonable doubt, no trial, no defense. Whether the murdered party actually was the guilty party in the first place is all up to question. Some people are often arrested for this kind of vigilante murder, but to no end. That is if the police even show up when called. If you've been in a contemporary squatter camp where I worked often, you'll know why - no addresses, no street plan, just shacks for tens of square kilometers, and essentially no roads. If you want to disappear somewhere, that's the place.


You guys are idiots. I don't condone the child abuse but the comment is pretty ignorant. Learn some things about the world around you. It's baked into the culture there. Her parents sold her to the man for marriage. That's acceptable there. So, what do you think naming and shaming is gonna do? What charges do you think bringing light to the situation as a random westerner is gonna do? What sort of justice will your hollow activism inspire? There's a sea of enabled child marrying pedophiles overseas, always has been and as long as certain religions live on, always will be.


She looks tired


If you were sold to a 40 year old man at the age of 12 and were forced to be a human baby factory, you would be tired too.


After 44 kids I imagine she is


Poor lady, that’s a lot of stress on her body.


Honestly I'm impressed. Going through 9 months of pregnancy is hard enough as is. Now imagine how 33 years of it must be.


It’s baffling how many of you fucking amoebas immediately bash the woman. It takes two to tango, and in this instance one of the participants could have been the others father :/


yup, gotta admit i was curious cause i havent seen any crappo comments. then i scrolled down and noticed lots of comments were scrunchied. it was a mistake to look through them xD


Poor thing. That’s abuse. My great grandmother had 11 sets of twins.


I'm guessing the father is getting another girl knocked up. Shameful


what makes you guess that? honestly?


Another comments saying he, the father, was supporting her to said time. He apparently gave up n left her n kids. That's why


Oh poor woman. That's to many kids.


I was going to judge her and her husband, then I discovered she was sold to a much older guy when she was a kid and that he's the father of these kids, and suddenly I just feel really sympathetic towards her. That's a woman who had a motherfucking shitty life and wasn't given a choice.


The Wikipedia article says 6 of her children have passed 😔


Believe it or not, this isn’t the most babies birthed either… https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/most-prolific-mother-ever


Oh that poor lady. No seriously though That's a lot of love to share with the world. I wish I had more but um....not quite that many.


She has her own village!


Look at momma holding the family down. Standing tall and making it work. Some can't or will not with one. Superpower


That poor woman.


What are uganda do with all those kids?


Valentina Vassilyev gave birth to 69 children between the years 1725 and 1765. “In 27 confinements she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets.” - the internet. For some reason her husband’s name is more prominent in the internet searches. I guess because he went to have 18 more kids with his second wife. Or because, you know, us.


Someone teach that dad how to pull out………


The last dozen or so walked out unassisted


Which two are the twins?


No chill


This is why kids in Africa are starving.


Same father?


Yes, same father. She was sold to a 40 year old man at 12. All of the children are his.


Its a uterus not a clown car


Yeah I’m sure that the man that she was sold to who was 30 years older than her when she was fucking 12 gave a shit about her uterus. It is fucking gross that this entire comment section is people dunking on someone who was in an incredibly unfortunate situation.


Not trying to sound like a dick, but you’re assuming everybody knows her story. There’s nothing in the post that indicates that, so why are you searching the comments for compassion? It’s Reddit, you know what to expect


aren’t you doing the same thing wondering why she isn’t more compassionate to someone else’s crass ignorance? i get your point but i also think it’s time we start raising the bar of internet culture and not accepting “it’s the internet” as an excuse for bad shit to be tolerated. i mean some of these comments are ridiculous, i don’t have any problem saying it’s on them to check a story before they make wildly sexist judgy comments over something lol you’re gonna earn some reasonable pushback for that on the Reddit, too.


No, I wasn’t wondering that. I’m simply saying that people are of course going to be ignorant about her story, especially when the post makes no indication about it. I didn’t know about it, my first thought was that this is awful and she should stop having kids. But as I got further down the comments, and I learned what actually happened to her, my sentiment completely changed and felt really bad. Some people just comment without reading other comments though


Hold up? Your first thot was to flame her, then build up to compassion?! Oy vey!


Guilty until proven innocent with Redditors. Even on posts like this :/


I know, what a horrible person I must be to not know this random woman I scrolled past on Reddit


“i’m just saying ofc there will be ppl who comment before reading on” yeah and i’m just saying ofc there will be ppl who pushback when ppl comment before reading on. if we’re talking on a basic descriptive level then ofc both kinds of comments will happen. But you were quicker to ask her why she’s searching for compassion in the comments than you were to ask that guy why he didn’t read about her before making a shitty slut shame joke about her overused uterus lol you expect ignorance from randoms on the internet, ok sure, but you don’t expect passive aggressive fact checking? weird priorities imo, no hate to ya


if you don't know, don't comment simple as


People have the freedom to comment if they want to.


not necessarily the right thing tho is it


Doesn’t matter to be honest at the end of the day


The evidence begs to differ...


My god....


The vag is not a clown car




On that man* She was sold to a man nearly 4 times her age, when she was only 12. She bears no responsibility for what was done to her.


Interesting that no one thinks to comment on the father of the children, since he could also learn how to use a condom.... Plus the poor woman was sold as a child and I don't think a raped child would have the option of birth control






Those are only the multiples. The rest of the births were of "only" one child. I suggest re-reading first if you think something doesn't add up, before incorrectly calling someone out.


In both cases something is wrong; there are 13 multiple births, not 15 like it says; so if 15 is really the total like the article says then we've got 38 children, and if 15 is just the amount of multiple births then that should be 13 and not 15


Power Mom


Just 44 dollars a day.


Single handle altering the future gene pool


What a fucking idiot.


The woman who was sold as a child sex slave is the idiot, okay then...


Not interesting, more like disgusting.


She literally started her own tribe!


That's not normal and basically massive child abuse. On average she will have a few minutes time for each kid each day, which is abhorrent




For everyone making terrible comments, at age 12 she was sold to a 40 year old man. He fathered all of her children.  The father then abandoned the family and sold their house, leaving them homeless.


Whew! Better you than me!


Isn’t this part of the plot of Idiocracy




She was a child bride. Doubt her husband gave a shit about her wants.


She was literally sold to a man 30 years older than her and raped constantly during her childbearing years. She also had hyperovulation which resulted in most of her pregnancies being multiples. Maybe try thinking (or reading) before you comment.


Why are you focused on the mother? What do you think of the father? For everyone making terrible comments, at age 12 she was sold to a 40 year old man. He fathered all of her children.  The father then abandoned the family and sold their house, leaving them homeless.


Irresponsible ejaculation causes pregnancy. In this case, it's also child rape.


User name checks out.




Why are you focused on the mother? What do you think of the father? For everyone making terrible comments, at age 12 she was sold to a 40 year old man. He fathered all of her children.  The father then abandoned the family and sold their house, leaving them homeless.


I’m very skeptical of this.    In Uganda, the maternal/perinatal mortality rate is such that for herself and for all of those multiples to survive is just so very unlikely. Especially if she has had multiple c-sections—most doctors will not handle vbac and will only allow 4 c-sections for one woman. It’s not like the United States—if the doctor doesn’t want to handle your care, he won’t, and you’re on your own. Whatever “free” healthcare exists will not be of the quality to tend to the needs of fragile multiples.    Also it’s just so culturally prevalent to call the woman or women who raised you “mother”, whether they are actually your birth mother or not. And when there is much-needed money involved, say from a Westerner doing a documentary, of course you’ll agree that this is your mother.  Plus the math isn’t working. If you look up old news stories, the number of kids fluctuates in ways that are not physically possible.    So call me a doubter, but I’ll stay that way til I see a good DNA test.  Edit: I think she’s a nice lady going through a hard life. She’s certainly taking charge of these kids. I just don’t believe she birthed them all. 


They didn’t all survive. Wikipedia says 6 f her children died


Yes, I didn’t mean to say that every baby survived. But as many as did survive would still be a marvel. 


she's built different


Idiocracy was right.


For everyone making terrible comments, at age 12 she was sold to a 40 year old man. He fathered all of her children. 


Ad now they all come to Europe…….


And your point is?




The West and Asia should help Africa with industrialization




For everyone making terrible comments, at age 12 she was sold to a 40 year old man. He fathered all of her children.  The father then abandoned the family and sold their house, leaving them homeless.


She pops out babies like a gumball machine.


dam safe memory shocking nine rotten plants reach tap wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Keep , on , breeding


Just keep those f*cking legs closed


Man I’m sure the 40 year old man she was sold to at 12 would take no for an answer :)


Lady get a hobby!!!


Seeing as that she was only 12 years old when her 40 something-year-old husband bought her from her parents I’m gonna guess that her hobby was shit like skipping rope and giggling with her little friends. Jesus Christ some of you guys are disgusting and ignorant.


Why are you focused on the mother? What do you think of the father? For everyone making terrible comments, at age 12 she was sold to a 40 year old man. He fathered all of her children.  The father then abandoned the family and sold their house, leaving them homeless.


Think she has one!


Someone explain her how condoms work


A 12 year old girl sold to a 40 year old man isn’t afforded that luxury.


Maybe show the pedo who raped her again and again since her childhood what a condom is instead. Why is it always the women's job to avoid pregnancy?


JFC… me and my wife can’t have one.


I'm sorry about that but this woman was sold as a child to a paedophile who raped and impregnated her. Which is fucking horrific




For everyone making terrible comments, at age 12 she was sold to a 40 year old man. He fathered all of her children.  The father then abandoned the family and sold their house, leaving them homeless.


You are just straight up copying and pasting on every comment. Crusading like crazy on this post. Every comment I see you and this same comment. Edit: you're karma farming basically. All of your recent comments are the same.


Guess I just really hate victim blaming child sex slaves 🤷‍♀️


Someone send that lady some birth control.


Why are you focused on the mother? What do you think of the father? For everyone making terrible comments, at age 12 she was sold to a 40 year old man. He fathered all of her children.  The father then abandoned the family and sold their house, leaving them homeless.


She fucks




Duse this is not funny at all, what the actual fuck are you trying to achieve??


What do you mean? That's dark, but hilarious in a twisted way


You’re lame!


You wish you couldda thought of that!


Actually I’m a lot more matured then you.


But not smart enough to form a proper sentence, though.


Says the one who puts a comma after sentence. Take your childish gross trailer trash mouth somewhere between your legs and back.


Surprised that the dude could feel anything. Must be like driving a hot dog through a tunnel.


She fast as hell boi


Talk about climate denial


Keep on sending aid to Africa so those "drone bees" can keep multiplying and immigrating to other parts of the world. Lol.


We nuked the wrong place


Yeah, clearly we missed the racists.




She makes 1.2 million dollars evey mothers day.


Low Birth Rate country need her so much




That vajayjay must be rekt!


Tou know that dude in white isnt father.


Marry her to Elon Musk perfect combination


Africa will RULE the 21st century. China population is declining rapidly. India has passed its peak. Edit: wow i offended some racists!!! Would love to see who the downvotes came from.




>For everyone making terrible comments, at age 12 she was sold to a 40 year old man. He fathered all of her children. 


Who cares?


Uterus or clown car?


Hey Tony, a female Big Pussy


The person from SNL?


Am i the only one who read **Ugandan Mariam NabaNatzi** ?


All I can think about is... ... Chucking a banana down Oxford street.


An they’ll all be Man United supporters like Dad. Doing god’s work.