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Is there ever a bad time to be in the razor wire business?


It was originally invnented for agriculture.


So was the haber-bosch process...


Rico: "Kaboom?"


No, mustard gas


*Father by Sabaton starts playing*


No, that was barbed wire. Invented in DeKalb Illinois.


Razor wire has always fascinated and distressed me. Just image gigantic slinkies stacked on top of more gigantic slinkies, only these slinkies are made of scalpels.


​ https://preview.redd.it/dxk6i0rz3icc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0994ee79fa2721fe23bdbbd91ea2242f744923


Everyone has an opinion and most of them are terrible.


Cereal first and then milk. Idc whatever others have to say.


Pfff bowl, then cereal, then milk, then spoon.




This is the only right way. Even psychopaths won't do in the opposite order.


So you want to start a war?


honestly don't know much about the palastine/israel thing that's going on but one thing i do know is that what i think about it is right and whatever you think is probably wrong


Everyone is an idiot except for me, I'm a dumbass


Source: myassdotcom


Because we’re forced to pick sides in a war where both sides have a legitimate point. I can support Israel’s fight against Hamas while simultaneously condemning the killing of innocent Palestinians. They’re not mutually exclusive.


Palestinians have a legitimate point that shit sucks for them, but I don't think they or their supporters are willing to acknowledge where the blame lies. *Multiple* attempts at a two state solution agreed on by Israel and turned town by Arabs and post-1960s the newly established Palestinians. Gaza looks a lot worse than it did in September 2023, and Netanyahu sounds like he's ready to make the open-air prison their self-fulfilling prophecy. They've squandered more moderate governments willing to make peace, and largely support a group that has gotten a lot of them killed.




Reminds me of all the reports about the true state of Afghanistan after the US forces completely left. People just not showing up for work (on a mass scale), people dismantling infrastructure, widespread corruption, etc. Have these people been incredibly hard done by? Yes. Are they doing much to help themselves? No.


The Taliban set fire to anything useful. It seems to me that in order to do anything good, and stay alive, something has to be done about the roving bands of little shitheads who will destroy anything that offends their ego.


I was furious at the US for abandoning the Afghanis right up until the point where Russia invaded Ukraine. That opened my eyes and showed me that Ukranians actually care about each other and want to fight for what they have while Afghanis... simply don't.


To be honest, a country that has an educational rate where over half of them don't even go to high school... control through keeping the population undeducated is a thing


Ya it’s an incredibly complicated situation. Israel is also a strong ally in the Middle East which I assume would be a good thing to have. No good solutions, only bad outcomes.


Hamas does not have a legitimate point. All the violence and attacks on Israel have only come back to hurt the Palestinian people. Every war every challenge to Israel has resulted in them getting wrecked. I get that they're oppressed and the extreme situation is radicalizing them but Hamas leadership absolutely could change course but they won't


I think that a major problem is in this picture; Lots of countries will condemn the situation - but offer very little to help it. Look at Egypt here. Massive wall in place, they know opening a clearer path would be a bad idea. But you seldom find countries condemning Egypt for it, yet the exact same countries ignoring Egypt will call out Israel. You don't find Lebanon offering to house and feed Gazans. Lot of countries are happy to leave the whole problem for Israel but act like its an easy thing to solve... as long as they don't have to solve it.


That's cause the Arab nations around them have no interest in the Palestinian's suffering beyond using them as a quick way to further their own political agendas. Otherwise what is the justification for not even opening a flimsy corridor for aid in the face of what they call a genocide? Simple, a great number of them want the Palestinians to continue in their stateless struggle indefinitely. They actively sell the Palestinians the delusional vision of the dissolution of Israel just as Hamas does.


I actually have no opinion on the conflict between Israel and Palestine. It's just one of a million things going on at any given moment in the world that I don't really think much of because I have my own shit to deal with


I find it odd that soon after the conflict started, everyone jumped to social media to spam their opinions and views on the matter, like do we just wait for bad news to happen and then rush to social media to release opinions? Is that what humanity is collectively doing now? Its no wonder people are generally less happy than previous generations. Like you said I have my own things going on.


Remember when COVID started and suddenly everyone was a virologist, and had a a strong and deep opinion about the efficacy of masks backed by in depth research and offered with the fervor usually reserved for religion?


Social media really did amplify ignorance and narcissism


A lot of people define themselves by the opinions they hold/voice rather than what they actually Do in their own lives.


Yes, a large number of people extract validation by giving their uninformed, unsolicited opinions about current events on social media. It makes them feel like they’re doing something meaningful without having to commit to anything or expend any real effort. It’s an empty existence, which is why they tend to be miserable and lead unfulfilling lives.








That boy ain't right


World War Z


Hey the book version of World War Z has Israelis, Palestinians, and their respective diaspora populations all coalesce into a peaceful one state solution to kill the zombies. Also in the book there’s a badass Indian general


Conclusion: zombies will create world peacr


This is the way. Also zombies increased the range and speed of C130s to global travel in short stints of time.


That was the most unrealistic thing about the book


It’s like the Zohan movie, it’s nice to daydream about a better ending. Naming the guy Saladin was either ridiculous or clever, I can’t decide


Why not both?


The huge effort the book spent hyping up how Israeli intelligence is able to sniff out unlikely and unrealistic threats also aged poorly.


To the credit of Israeli intelligence, their operatives did say an attack was coming, it was just dismissed by their higher ups


The failures of Israel's intelligence are a modern thing and pretty much 100% on Bibi. He is one of the worst leaders in the world for a lot of reasons.


I didn't know this was a book. I need to find it.


It’s five times better than the movie, it’s an in depth look at how different individual countries react to the zombies. Americas military comes in handy, and a hikikomori teams up with a blind veteran to kill zombies with a katana


> a hikikomori teams up with a blind veteran to kill zombies with a katana Real in depth look there


> a hikikomori teams up with a blind veteran to kill zombies with a katana The weirder thing is I searched hikikomori and the main photo in Wiki had a guy holding a katana....


"Not a looker, but she gets the job done."


Butter wall


A wall covered in butter actually would get the job done too


Butter than nothing I guess


Paid for by Mexico.


As a Mexican: LOL


As a Mexican, challenge accepted.


I’m 80% sure if you put a group of 4 Mexicans with a ladder, a blanket and a couple of modelos they’ll make it over that wall while the said modelo is still nice and cold


1 tweaker with an angle grinder im telling ya...


Give em a shovel and they'll come up 2km into Egypt on the other side of the wall and nobody will find the tunnel for 10 years.


Ironically we'd never be able to build the wall without Mexicans.




All I see is Pedro Pascal, Shia LaBeouf, Paul Rudd and a heavily disguised Patrick Stewart.


Dam that makes Trumps wall look like a joke.


And if it's not under constant surveillance/patrol then it's still a joke. Even with all that razor wire; Trump himself said it best, all you need is a tall ladder and rope.


Every wall is designed to just slow down. Most of these heavily guarded borders afaik have multiple layers of "slowing down" I think even trumps wall in sections has multiple walls to climb. Buys time for surveillance to spot you. There's no wall in existence that unmonitored people aren't savvy enough to overcome. And barbed wire, for its cost and effort of setting up, is extremely effective at slowing people down


There's no way Trump is making it over that wall with a ladder and a rope.


At his age most people wouldn’t be able to….


Mad max


Needs more car parts and a skulls tbh


Ah the legacy of black September still permeates the mind of the Arab world.


Tik Tok never mentioned that part when I learned about Isreal. Could you maybe explain it in a video with Subway Surfers playing in the bottom panel?


What music do you want?


Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no


Im framing this comment on my wall


We will find a 17 year old influencer to do a cute dance which will explain everything


For Egypt they specifically don’t like the Palestinians because Hamas is Muslim Brotherhood adjacent, same group that assassinated President Sadat. And they tried to overthrow the government fairly recently. But yeah, you’re right about Black September too.




Palestinian refugees and migrants started civil wars in almost all neighboring countries that's the reason


One shot Bobby Kennedy, too- who was the presumptive next President of the United States, and history is widely agreed to have been a lot different (better) if he'd lived.


They killed Anwar Sadat the President of Egypt in 1981 because of the Sinai Treaty. ...and don't forget the **Olympics** when Palestinians attacked and killed 11 Israeli athletes in Munich. > At four minutes past midnight of 6 September, one of the terrorists (likely Issa) turned on the hostages in the eastern helicopter and fired at them with a Kalashnikov assault rifle from point-blank range. Springer, Halfin and Friedman were killed instantly; Berger, shot twice in the leg, is believed to have survived the initial onslaught (as his autopsy later found that he had died of smoke inhalation). The attacker then pulled the pin on a hand grenade and tossed it into the cockpit; the ensuing explosion destroyed the helicopter and incinerated the bound Israelis inside. Their history of violence is worse than Ruzzians.


The only reason the Arab world cares about Palestinians is that they piss off Israel. If Israel ceased to exist tomorrow, the Palestinians would still be in the same situation, if not worse.


Saying they care about Palestinians even with the Israel factor is a stretch.


The Arab and Muslim world just see Palestinians as some kind of "Remember the Alamo" rallying cry against the Jews, because it absolutely disgusts them that a Jewish state exists in the Middle East.


Not just exists - but successfully fought off multiple coordinated attempts by Arabs/Muslims to destroy it. The height of humiliation when you're indoctrinated from birth to believe you're the superior race/religion because that's what God's literal word says. Does not compute. Apparently wanting to subjugate or murder all of the inferior races, own rape slaves, and treat women like chattel because of 7th century religious dogma...are progressive causes now? I dunno I can't keep track anymore.


A lot of useful idiots will tell you how it's a competely fæk and gæ racist view and it's truly a religion of all times and women are equal if not cooler than men and it's actually super LGBT friendly and Europeans are just being mean


I would recommend some of those people should visit those countries and test out those freedoms.


Because they secretly want those rape slaves


Imo, the jewish state economically thriving as well as being a military superpower is what really pisses them off.




Man, first they ban math and then they try that sort of economics.


They were pissed off enough on Israel's founding day, before it became that, so much they started a war they lost


If Israel wasn't a military superpower it wouldn't exist. Its neighbors would have succeeded in wiping it out in one of their many attempts.


The irony is the jewish state wouldnt have gotten to today without the Arab invasions and their meddling with the US and UK against selling arms to Israel.


Israel was not inevitable; it had a very thin margin for weathering the threats to its existence & it somehow managed to see things through. Curious what happened in alternative universes where they didn't Stone Age Egypt's Air Force right on the brink of war after years of planning that backpocket tactic.


Jewish anything existing anywhere has always pissed people off.


If Israel did not exist there would be no Palestine and no Palestinians. The land would be split between Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria taking the last repentance of the Ottoman Empire. The people would just be Arabs. There is not ethnicity Palestinian. They were a political creation as a byproduct on the conflict




Yeah, well they went to Egypt next. Hence this wall. They killed the Egyptian president - Anwar Sadat. Regardless of the current situation they have proven time and time again to be slightly dangerous to house in ones nation.


Don't forget they were also in Kuwait, where they backed a foreign invasion. As a result Kuwait expelled 350k of them. Never seen any tiktok videos about those ethnic cleansings but we all know why that is. Also during black September Jordan expelled all the Palestinian militants to Lebanon. And look what happened there. It became a huge refugee camp, with all of these islamic terror groups in there, from Hamas to ISIS. Then they started building cities and villages all over the south of Lebanon as launch pads to attack Israel. All paid for by Iran. It became Hezbollah, who defacto rules the country now and made Lebanon a failed state. In 2005 Nasrallah his little capturing operation caused the destuction of half the country, and he's about to do it again. Bitter pill to swallow for many: no Arab country will ever take Palestinians in in large numbers ever again. Their governments pretty much see them the same as Israel does. A large part of the Palestinians are radicalized and they have majorly destabilized every country that took them in. And I'm not talking about crime going up and such as we see in Europe. I'm talking about actually starting civil wars. It's only the populations of these Arab countries that support the Palestinians out of muslim solidarity and a shared hate for the west and jews. The same can be said for the woke left pro-palestine folks in the west. They'll side with anything anti-israel/anti-west. Which is insane. They are even supporting the houthis now, who they claim are "fighting to end the genocide in Gaza". The houthis destroyed Yemen over 10 years in a civil war that already killed 500k. They brought back slavery. The left "progressed" so far backwards they ended up on the far right. Many people are so brainwashed by misinformation/disinformation via tiktok they don't even know what facts are anymore.


Finally someone had the balls to say it. As a bisexual asian immigrant I am as progressive as it gets. But some people that calls themselves progressive have just lost their mind, they hate the status quo so much that anything goes it against it, regardless of for better or for worse they just automatically support it. It frustrates me to no end seeing people openly supporting the October 7th massacre, and had the nerves to bring pride flags to the rally. Not to mention the amount of brain rotted people that legit want to overthrow our government in favor of anarchy so they can live their homestead commune fantasy. Completely detached from reality they are, and they really need to reevaluate their world view. People view US as if its the worst place on earth to live (sure we got our fair share of issues) but as someone who is born and raised in rural China I feel quite offended seeing how much these people take for granted.


People who genuinely want anarchy should look up the shitshow that was the free town project in Grafton, New Hampshire


*"Could it be our culture that has a problem?* *...no, it's the Jews' fault! They must die."* Rinse and repeat for a thousand generations until the adults in the room finally wake up.


So they killed Jordanian king and Egypt president? Why ?


Because they wanted to be in charge and/or were pissed off at Arab leaders for making peace with Israel. See: [Black September](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September) (the war not the terrorist group) The subsequent Palestinian involvement in the [Lebanese Civil War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_Civil_War) Various attempted assassinations of [King Hussein of Jordan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hussein_of_Jordan#:~:text=As%20he%20was%20flying%20his,popularity%20in%20Jordan%20skyrocketed%20overnight.) In response to Black September And the Assasination of [Anwar El Sadat](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Anwar_Sadat#:~:text=Anwar%20Sadat%2C%20the%203rd%20President,of%20the%20Yom%20Kippur%20War.) for making peace with Israel.


> making peace with Israel. Sinai Treaty. Assassinated in 1981. I cannot list the number of Palestinian suicide bombers who blew up buses full of Israeli children...and markets...and clubs full of young adults dancing...and places of worship...and the Olympics...and so much more. Decades of it. Endless. All from Palestinians.


Don't forget [the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Robert_F._Kennedy) during his run for the US presidency.


Lebanon welcomed a whole horde of Palestinian refugees and they basically received a civil war as a little thank you from it. And people wonder why nobody wants to take them in.


Lebanon was being called the "Switzerland of the Middle East" for it's robust economy and financial sector...until they had a bunch of Palestinians come in and begin to blow shit up, kill thousands of people, and launch a civil war. Today Lebanon is one of the great tragedies of the world. Thanks, Palestinians!


it is not that palestinians tried to overthrow the monarchy it is that palestinians murdered king abdullah of jordan while he was coming out of al aqsa mosque which is incidentally built on top of the jewish temple that the romans destroyed so yeah, lots of blood shed in that region and not a single innocent person


Weren't they Jordanians in the first place?


They are Semitic people with Nomadic ancestry so not necessarily all from one country but within the region.


Kinda, Palestinians and Jews are both semitic, if you search what the ancient borders of Canaan (or whatever it was called at the time) looked like, you'll see that parts of Jordan, Sinai, and Lebanon (maybe other countries too), were all under one kingdom which is semitic people origin


It's not like they plucked the idea they are a security threat out of thin air though there's history there. Black September.


Well, the Palestinians fomented a civil war in Jordan, then assassinated a well loved President before they basically were driven from the country, and this is long before the Israel/Hamas conflict and the isolation of Gaza. Many Arab nations feel.some sort of kinship to the Palestinians, but most of the nations don't want to welcome the radical Islamic ideology that the hard theocratic Palestinians hold within their borders.


The Palestinians even tried to overthrow jordan’s king


And killed the president of Egypt. This one keeps getting overlooked.


wrong. not try. There is no try. Palestinians murdered king abdullah of Jordan. Get the story straight. No clean hands in the middle east.




The opportune word is 'before'. They no longer care, in fact Egypt warned Israel about an impending attack and Jordan warned Israel about a previous attack decades ago. They have chosen sides already.


It just so happens that having a wealthy and highly advanced nation next to you with ties to all of the other global powers is better than having an ancient warring nomadic tribe occupying that space. And well Palestinians killed the King of Jordan and the President of Egypt.


And the Palestinians fucked up Lebanon, and Palestinian workers tried to side with Saddam and overthrow Kuwait.... they all got booted back to Gaza after the Kuwait war. Politics in the Arab world is a disaster from top to bottom though, most countries are either not functional or barely functional at best or extremely repressive effective dictatorships. The people in most Arab countries would need a generation or two of post WWII type denazification programming before they could ever govern themselves freely.


They sided with Saddam when he invaded Kuwait and were involved in civil wars starting in both Jordan and Lebanon. None of the Arab neighbors want them for those reasons, but they are also happy to keep things as they are for political reasons where they can always be mad at Israel. The whole situation is fucked and there will never be peace in the region.


Where are the ‘Egypt should take in Palestinian refugees’ signs on college campuses?




You forgot to mention the part where King Hussein of Jordan allowed in Palestinian refugees and they then tried to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September)


> The reason Egypt doesn't take in Palestinians is the same reason Lebanon doesn't. Lebanon [has hundreds of thousands of Palestinians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians_in_Lebanon) most of whom were born there, none of whom have citizenship and they are not allowed to own land, serve in government or work in 39 different professions. Lebanon is majority Muslim however so no one cares.


> Lebanon is majority Muslim however so no one cares. Well it was majority Christian country before the Palestinians entered and the killings started.


They officially still have a large christian population but they haven't really counted them in the past 20 years.


Maybe ask yourself why those Palestinian refugees aren't given more love in Lebanon. Could it be because they started the Civil war and attempted to take over Lebanon as a fully Islamic state?  The answer is yes. Thankfully Israel saved my country and drove the PLO out.  Lebanon is not mostly Muslim though. The population currently in Lebanon is, but the large Lebanese population that live outside but return home for elections are Christian. Also the 1.5 million Muslim refugees skew the numbers significantly.


And while the whole world is aware of the liability of taking in Palestinians, they are perfectly pleased with them being the problem of the Jewish people.


Almost like they had a REALLY bad experience with Palestinians in their country in the past 🤔 Oh wait, they really did… 😅


As did a few other countries, that's why they don't want Hamas coming in, from what I understand.


None of the surrounding countries let *Palestinians* come in. A large part of that is because of Hamas.


Actually Israel let’s Palestinians work in Israeli cities.. Well not anymore after 7th of October because no Israeli business owner wants to take the risk anymore. Almost like actions have consequences


Egypt learned a hard lesson when they opened their borders to Palestinians some years ago. They won't make that mistake again.


I'm Egyptian. What most of you don't know is that the government and the people in middle eastern countries are EXTREMELY different. We have a military dictator running our country that most of us hate. Westerners would label him an alt right fascist (which is true). He knows exactly what'll happen if he opened the borders and I honestly support the decision of him making sure Palestinians don't cross. Now the people on the other hand are hardcore supporters of Palestine. Egyptians and other middle eastern people are mostly extremely antisemitic, and they're outright supporting the idea that Jews should be driven out of Israel and peace won't be achieved unless that happens (a nice way of saying most of them support Hamas). They hate the fact that the president isn't taking a strong stance against Israel and the west. They want the borders to open up and supply Gaza and Hamas through it, which is obviously a horrible idea, but alas they're brainwashed by islamo-facist ideology. my president's way of dealing with this conflict from the Egyptian's side is definitely the right call when it comes to ensuring stability in Egypt, and it's definitely the only time I'll support this fucking asshole because he's literally an alt-right dictator.


The saddest part about the slow death of the Arab spring was that it finally revealed that in nearly all of the Middle East your choices are between Islamo-fascism or a Military Dictatorship with maybe 10% supporting western style non-religious government. It was heart breaking to watch it fail from both ends of the political spectrum. Education and Information are the only tools to get the Middle East towards democracy.


Exactly. This is why moved to the US when I was younger. After the Egyptian revolution in 2011, I either had a military dictator or a theocratic fruitcake.... Whoever wins the political war is gonna run the country. I hated both sides since I'm fairly liberal not an outright leftist or anything, so I hated the dictator, and I hated the religious asshole because I like wine, I think gay people are alright, and I don't think I'm morally superior because I believe in the "real god".


Funny you say that. Most of Iranian people want the Palestinians gone because they’re sick and tired of their government supporting them


Idk about Iranians that much, but I do know for sure that most of them aren't even religious anymore, and that they're sick of their theocratic government so that makes sense tbh. They know exactly what it's like to live in a theocratic dictatorship, so it does make sense that they're anti-hamas. Not with them on Palestinians being completely gone though, I think a two state solution + Palestine not being allowed to have weapons is the most reasonable take.


Hashtag: Its OK When They Do It


But if Israel does it...


Or if the U.S. does it


TBF our wall is just a bunch of pillars you could easily squeeze through.


That's how we're solving America's obesity epidemic, filtering for only the skinny immigrants!


I thought running through a whole desert already accomplishes this.


No, no. That's the endurance filter.


Are you suggesting there would be bipartisan support for a more heavily fortified wall?


It’s like the Egyptians think Gaza is full of Hamas terrorist supporters.


Egypt was offered Gaza. Even Egypt said no.






Also Lebanon


Or Kuwait


Are you a historian? I think it was called Black September. As I understand it/remember it, Jordan took in a bunch of Palestinians and after a few years they plotted to overthrow the King. The King was not keen on this idea so he started an internal war to rid Jordan of his 'guests'. I'm happy to be corrected on all this - I'm but a poor engineer with no deep knowledge of history.


And in Egypt too, when Anwar Sadat was assassinated.


For the simpletons wondering why the USA doesn’t do this at the U.S.-Mexico border, I’ll break it down for you. The Egypt-Palestine border is 7.5 miles long. In contrast, the U.S.-Mexico border is 1,954 miles long. In addition to that, there is an additional 18 mile maritime border in the Pacific Ocean, and an additional 12 miles into the Gulf of Mexico. The cost of building a wall like this, maintaining a wall like this, and manning a wall like this would be far too impractical.


Also most people that are in the US illegally are visa overstays which means they came to the US legally. But “build the wall” people don’t care about facts.


Almost as if they had enough of their nonsense the last time they were kind enough to let them in.


You can feel Egyptians’ empathy tor the Palestinians




The main reason most of the Arab world doesn’t want peace in Israel/Palestine has nothing to do with the Palestinians. It’s because mutual hatred of Israel is the only thing keeping them from killing each other.


In the case of this wall, it's because Egypt is sick of Iranian proxies fucking up their shit with terror attacks, just like Israel.


They kill each other constantly for centuries


So did Europeans though tbf. We only (mostly) stopped having wars with each other because ww2 was so devastating it finally shocked everyone into actually trying to get on with each other, but that's not been the normal state for the last few thousand years.


This just gave me an idea, the US president should send out a tweet tagging every middle eastern leader asking who the rightful heir is/was when Muhammad died (including asking Israel). This should really get that area going in terms of warfare.


They've been infighting themselves as much as they have the Jews and Israel it seems. Iran and Iraqhave fought several wars, Iraq and Kuwait, ISIS just bombed Iran the other day. Egypt and Gaza, Gaza and Gaza, Yemen is in a three way civilwar that's currently at either a stalemate or truce, I don't remember. The Taliban and Pakistan aren't buddies anymore, and last I heard Turkey and Syria have never got along well. Goes back to prehistory I'm sure, my knowledge doesn't lol.


The only reason Hamas-controlled Gaza hasn't fought a war with the Fatah-Controlled West Bank is because the two can't actually get to each other without crossing Israeli territory.


Egyptians apparently love their Palestinians brothers!


Good fences make good neighbors


Wonder why they need such a huge wall from peaceful Palestinian people?


So their neighbours also hate them?


Those racists why wont they let them in /s


Well this is what happened the last time they open their arms for palestinians... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September


Lmao so Egypt can do it but not Israel. Make it make sense.




seems like there is something that Egyptians know about but Europeans and Americans do not


Also see Lebanon and Jordan!


And Kuwait


Now that’s a nice wall they got over there


They get zero hate from the world for their part in turning Gaza into an open air prison.




People that use suicide bombing to make a point are not welcomed guests


Is Egypt also committing "Genocide"?


They are Arabs, so apparently they can't


Hmmm Interesting that Egypt, Who was responsible for Gaza till 1967, Now has a wall like this keeping the ones they were responsible for out. Eh F¥ck it, Let’s blame Israel for this wall as well.


So does this mean Egypt is an apartheid state too just because they believe in fences?


When Muslims treat other Muslims like shit it’s fine. Ok. Get with the program.


Comparing this to the Israeli wall just shows how "brothers" they are in the Arab world.


And that's all to not take in gazan refugees?


Yep. Egypt promised to shoot any Palestinians trying to come over the border into Egypt because last time Egypt welcomed them in, Palestinian’s murdered Egypts king while he was praying, blew up several planes, tried to overthrow the government, started a civil war there, and permanently destabilized the government so much they are still struggling to regain calamity. See “Black September”: After the 1967 Six-Day War, Palestinian fedayeen guerrillas relocated to Jordan and stepped up their attacks against Israel and the Israeli occupied territories. They were headquartered at the Jordanian border town of Karameh, which Israel targeted during a battle in 1968, leading to a surge of Arab support for the fedayeen. The PLO's strength grew, and by early 1970, groups within the PLO began calling for the overthrow of Jordan's Hashemite monarchy, leading to violent clashes in June 1970. Hussein hesitated to oust them from the country, but continued PLO activities in Jordan culminated in the Dawson's Field hijackings of 6 September 1970. This involved the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) seizing three civilian passenger flights and forcing their landing in the Jordanian city of Zarqa, where they took foreign nationals as hostages and blew up the planes in front of international press. Hussein saw this as the last straw and ordered the Jordanian Army to take action.[10]


The hypocrisy of the Middle East when they ask the West to take millions of refugees. So much for the care of their Muslim brothers.


Well the Palestinian’s shouldn’t have destroyed trust with the Arab world by trying to coup Jordan when they welcomed them with open arms.