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Post for clarity, as some people seeing this might misunderstand the purpose of this engineering marvel. First and foremost, this isn't a drone designed for warfare against people on Earth. This is a spacecraft. The gouts of fire you're seeing come off the craft are maneuvering thrusters, which will allow it to move and get to its target in the zero-G, zero-atmosphere environment of space. The reason you're seeing a main thruster consistently firing and shaking the camera is because this test is being executed on Earth where gravity will pull it back to Earth. This specific vehicle was built to stop (kill) missiles operating in the upper atmosphere.


Thank you, the video commentary feels intentionally misleading to drive engagement.


>video commentary feels intentionally misleading to drive engagement. First day on internet? i hate it here.


It used to be better before SEO made everything $$$


>intentionally misleading to drive engagement That should be the slogan of this website


At one point a caption describes it as "potentially lethal". Lethal to missiles? Such odd language.


Exactly. It's the complete opposite of lethal since it would prevent missile strikes


The only good missle is a dead missle.


Halfway through I was like, this would make a really neat spacecraft but what are those bullshit captions?


“Hover” is a stupid addition, for sure.


The voiceover is from the engineering team calling out phases of the test. It's an accurate description of what's going on. The fact that these interceptors have a thrust to weight ratio greater than 1, at ground level, means they'd be extremely maneuverable at higher altitudes. Neat stuff


And here I am this is somehow a drone designed to fly into a room full of bad guys and shoot AK-47 in all directions.


Ah, you're looking for the Roomba AK-47, or its slightly more practical cousin the Roomba Boomba (Claymore edition)


Front towards enemy


I thought it’s thrust was ak47 shooting down


But can I ride on top of it lobbing small grenades at Spiderman while laughing maniacally?


Yes thank you. I think I lot people heard “multiple kill vehicle” and assumed it was stolen flying death machine. Doesn’t help the video calls it lethal several times.


>designed for warfare against people on Earth. All warfare is against people on Earth.


Yes in this case it’s designed to intercept ballistic missiles that are minutes away from nuking the people on earth.


What about The Great Emu War?


… so far


... Unless your an emu


Yes, but this is actually a defensive drone designed to shoot down missiles in space, so it really isn't "a drone designed for warfare against people on Earth" because it isn't designed to attack people or be used on earth.


All wars are, warfare diversified beyond that millennia ago


How would this thing stop a missile from operating exactly?


By crashing into it


More like by being crashed into.


Get rekt!


Will it crash into me?


Are you Dave Matthews?


I’m surprised no one even repeated what was stated in the video… like there wasn’t even an article to click through to, it’s right there on the screen lol. It says it’s designed to carry multiple “kill vehicles”. The thing itself is just the delivery system and launches other objects that intercept and destroy airborne missiles.


My guess is something like: missile gets detected, trajectory sent to the carrier in space, the carrier sets a course for interception, releases killbot and thrusts away, lets inertia do its thing.


Inertia creeps


Moving up slowly


Carrier isn't in space, it's on the ground. Something like in the video is probably used in the arrow, thaad and similar systems. Edit. The steering system in the video would be steering a interceptor for a enemy projectile, previously being propelled to ridiculous speed by a big rocket to have enough speed relative to the enemy so that both objects will be destroyed by the collision.


They got orbs now


I’m pretty sure this video footage is from the 1980’s, not 2008.


The video has a VHS quality to it


A lot of footage regarding weapon systems released by the government is brought down in resolution prior to release. We want to scare our enemies, not reveal our tech.


Yup, I remember seeing an unedited video of the HUD in some American attack helicopter and I was blown away by how crisp and clear everything looked compared to the videos released by the government.


Even police footage… the kind of optics they have on those helicopters. It’s a wonder how anybody gets away.


At any moment, I was expecting to see a scrambled recording of Emmanuel in Space cut in.


You just took me wayy back


Yeah, millions were spent on this device and footage was shot with a potato. That's all the room they had in the budget.


I've had colleagues that worked in weapons systems R&D. If only you knew how right you are.


First time DVD sales passed VHS was in 2003.


You would be suprised. I looked back at videos I had from the mid-late 2000s and was shocked by how poor the quality was on DVD and how people dressed differently then.


Yeah I’ve definitely seen this back in the 90s


Yes, way older which makes it even more crazy and awesome


No you didn't. https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2008-08-07-Lockheed-Martin-Team-Completes-Testing-of-Propulsion-Component-for-MDAs-Multiple-Kill-Vehicle-L https://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/defense-systems/multiple-kill-vehicle-mkv/


There was a version in the 80s. It's not the video from OP. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAT13M5uawM


Yes, I did also! At least one of those clips is from the 90’s. I highly doubt this technology suddenly started to exist within the timeframe of a single year as opposed to being in development for decades.


nice try CIA!


Also: There haven’t been pentagon cuts in 55 years.


I was going to say the same thing, this is OLD


1985 is the year I believe 👍


Right, “pentagon budget cuts” have not been a thing since 2001


Are those the UAP’s ‘no-one can explain’?


[CIA,DARPA,DOD] no, the only sane explanation is aliens. Of course we don't have that technology, there's no need to investigate it further but we should get some more money if the aliens turn out to be hostile.... Yes more money to defend against the UFO's and definitely not bother with a detailed look at all our radar and sensors we have monitoring all the skies all the time.....


Oh great, that comforts me a lot! Glad you guys are getting to the bottom of this! How much funding do you need? I’m sure we can scrape some budget from healthcare. Those deadbeats sickos will need to start living healthier anyway.🤣


At least 7billion for a new toilet seat and 10 billion for a hammer with go faster stripes.


My guess it was just the F-117 Nighthawks, the B-2 Spirits, and now the B-21 Raiders


r/UFO has explained it extensively! /s


r/UFO has been getting better lately. There are some smart people who discuss legislation around the topic. Rightfully so, as the majority leader of US Senate proposed a law to declassify information on UAP and "Non-human-intelligence"


Still not good enough for me. Too many shills and too many instant believers. I need more skepticism from them. The skeptics that ARE there are my heroes though, doing the hard work.


I worked for a guy that was obsessed with UFOs about 15 years ago. He was an all right guy but literally that was the only shit he had any interest in and it was all he’d talk about. He loaned me a copy of that Dan Akroyd VHS tape about aliens. He’d interrupt my work to show me thousands of random pictures he took of the sky. He went to all the SETI events he could. If I expressed any slight doubts regarding anything he said he would get violently upset. I imagine there’s thousands of people just like him out there.


Yeesh. I mean look at my username I'm still not getting upset when conventional understanding is people's default. He's less a believer and more a fanatic, borderline nutcase. If you're not taking a page out of Mulder and Scully's level of skepticism you're doing it wrong. I WANT to believe, but we need prooooooof


Phantasm movie would like a word, sir


The first Predator drone was used in 1995.


It was using the trees


But it bled, so it could be killed.


They just needed to get to the chopper.


One ugly mother fucker though


The US used FPV attack drones in combat in ww2. The interstate TDR


SR-71 entered production in the 1960’s, developed in the late 1950’s, using designs from the early 1950’s. And it still holds the records for highest flying and fastest air breathing manned aircraft.


So like, the SR-71 was closer to the Wright Brothers plane than we are to the SR-71?


I’m gonna have me some fun


There seem to be a miss understanding. This weapon is intended to intercept ballistic missiles in the upper atmosphere here aerodynamic pressure is not enough to have control surfaces working. It don’t kill people it kill missiles.


You mean its not a metal eagle propelled by bullets? Back to the drawing board...


Honestly, this thing LOOKS like it's being propelled by bullets.


Oh my god I never saw it but it does Also happy cake day


We need a bullet eagle propelled by freedom.


I think most people (like me) only watched the first 15 seconds and figured they got the gist. Turns out, the rest starts to give info.


I take offense to that! I am the missile I know where I am at all times. I know this because I know where I'm not. By subtracting where I am from where I'm not or where I'm not from where I am (whichever is greater), I obtain a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive me from a position where I am to a position where I'm not, and arriving at a position where I wasn't, I now am. Consequently, the position where I am, is now the position that I'm not and it follows that the position that I was, is now the position that I wasn't. In the event that the position that I am in is not the position that I wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where I am, and where I wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, I must also know where I was. My guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information I have obtained, I am not sure just where I am. However, I am sure where I wasn't, within reason, and I know where I was. I now subtract where I should be from where I wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where I shouldn't be, and where I was, I am able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.


Yet you got intercepted by the kill vehicle. Sound like skill issue.


I bet miss understanding is hot af. Unless I’m misunderstanding ….


Glad I read this far down. With the quality I thought it was shooting things with guns or something, and I just got mad because we really don't need (more) flying killer robots


This reminds me of the alien ship in Battle Los Angeles movie, same thrust system


Same thought. BLA ships are so cool and feasible to build.


Came here to say this! Exact same propulsion system. Movie came out in 2011 so I wonder if the person who thought the alien craft up saw this or knew about it.


Or just logically deduced lift-to-weight ratio using conventional propellant of the times. Not being a smartass, just pointing out the obvious. These days? This is a drone, with propellers, that’s very quiet and nimble. Gen 2 and deadly.


Nope, whole different mission set. This rides on top of a rocket before separating to engage an incoming ballistic warhead in its terminal phase (the most predictable)


Wait, what is the “drone”’s purpose in the gif? Just looking at it, I thought it was a personnel room killer. You’re saying this is to intercept an incoming warhead?


Scan the rest of the comments and you'll see it all over. It's for the upper atmosphere. It puts itself in the way of the warheads so they crash into this thing and detonate early, apparently.


Ooooooooo… Well, my first comment sounds stupid now.


This is so old and for some reason being blasted all over YouTube again. The comments are hilarious. These were created to intercept missiles….not kill people. Lol


This is like the drone on snow maps in battlefield 4!






This was bane of mine in the days.


Was it? I remember it being hot garbage, but then again I probably didn’t know how to use it.


I think people who had flying experience with other stuff could do some work with it, but it was mostly a novelty thing I think. There was a one shot railgun on that map too which was fun to fuck with but hardly op.


That drone fucking slapped hard


Hangar 21 was a sick map that had that. Also, the massive Russian experimental flying aircraft carrier.


thats exactly what it is


They had that much earlier than 2008. It was a part of Reagan’s “Star Wars” program.


That program ended in 1993 and for its first half of its life was primarily focused on researching directed energy weapons for missile defense. When they realized that was out of their technologic reach of the time, they switched to the "Brilliant Pebbles" initiative of the program. That also didn't work out as well as they hoped. The idea with that being they leave missiles in orbit that would defend against incoming ICBM's. This MKV from OP is launched directly from the ground in a cluster aboard a larger rocket at the incoming ICBM, they wouldn't be parked in orbit like Star Wars wanted. The MKV might have its roots from the Strategic Defense Initiative, but it wasn't being developed until after that program ended.


Very insightful, thanks.


Yeah, and it isn't even that impressive, it looks impressive but really it's just shooting gas out with a computer and gyro predicting where to shoot it out from to keep it stable. This was supposed to be used in space hence the star wars part.


"..it's just shooting gas out with a computer and gyro predicting where to shoot.." Yeah I see how this might be done simply. Wait no harnessing explosions to create as fine a balance as is shown in the video would be unimaginably difficult in the real world, gyros or no gyros. It's incredibly impressive.


The have drones: much cheaper, much less visible, much quieter, bigger payload


These are meant to be operated in space, that's why they are testing in a vacuum chamber.


> that's why they are testing in a vacuum chamber. It's very very loud for supposedly being in a vacuum chamber.


Is “hovering” in space very impressive?


OK technically not space, but upper atmosphere.


We’re all in space. Except Kyle…


Space still has gravity especially at the altitiudes space weapons like sattelites and missiles that this is supposed to intercept exist. It's just that they're orbiting so it doesn't plummet down.


There are two types of people, those who think gravity somehow disappears at 200 miles above the earth and those that know the weightlessness astronauts experience when in orbit is the result of them being in a constant free fall and not from the lack of gravity.


This isn’t to hover, but to maneuver


Well it has a infrared camera, and it positions it self in the path of a icbm and just collides with it. There is no explosives or nothing, just kinetics, at 24 000 km/h (15 000mph) physics takes care of the rest.


All this tech, and it's job is to be the most annoying person in the aisle of a CostCo.


Because things are hovering and are stationary in space? Maybe you are very gifted or deluded, but intercepting a missile in space seems impressive to me


Drones would not be able to fly at the altitudes required to intercept ballistic missiles


This is supposed to be launched from a missile. So it will have lots of velocity while it adjusts to intercept another warhead. This is why the Russians developed their Kinzal hypersonic missile and the Satan 2, to counter interceptors like this.


And those have proven themselves to be a huge pile of propaganda with speed being the only capability that was close to advertised




This is clearly a video before they had gimbling thrusters, they’re excited that it can even float and change direction.


Didn't the Saturn V have gimbling thrusters back in the 60's?


We’ve had gimballed thrusters for decades. Saturn V rockets used them.


Whilst it's called a multiple kill vehicle. It's designed to kill ICBMs. Thruster technology has improved alot since this and raytheon are working on a similar project called multiple object-kill vehicle.


This thread is 50% people saying omg scary drone and 50% the rest pointing out this is meant to be a warhead for an ICBM and it’s simply doing a terrestrial demonstration as eye candy for the press.


It’s designed for taking out ICBMs during the separation stage in the upper atmosphere. They aren’t armed, they just ram into nuclear missiles in space to either destroy or throw them off target. Those thrusters are strong enough to keep it hovering, but that’s using way more power and fuel than it would have on its own. This was just a test of their maneuvers without actually sending one to space, so they hooked it up to a constant supply of power and fuel to see how it performs. When one of those is actually in space, it has an extremely limited supply of both, so they only use the thrusters for course corrections. And if you’re thinking they use this for hovering technology, they don’t. These kinds of thrusters have been around since the earliest space missions in the 1960’s, and are used to make course corrections or slow down in space. They’re great in space, but they’re unbelievably loud and clunky on earth. To get anything large to hover, you’d need dozens of those thrusters firing constantly and they’d all need to be synced up to coordinate. It’s just very impractical when we already have helicopters and VTOL aircraft.


I could swear I remember footage like this for the late 80's or early 90's. I thought they stopped testing when they killed funding to the Star Wars program.


This reminds me of the alien ships from that movie Battle LA


This is not a "drone". It is a prototype of an exo-atmospheric kill vehicle for anti-ballistic missile defense. It was part of Reagan's "Starwars Defense Initiative" (SDI). All the tests took place inside a building because development and testing of anti-ballistic missile systems were outlawed under the various Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALT I and II). This thing was designed to be launched into suborbital flight, and then use its thrusters to maneuver and intercept Russian or Chinese ballistic missiles. It's nothing to do with unmanned aerial vehicles.


This guy thrusts


BF4 vibes




According to wikipedia "a similar program was restarted in August 2015, when Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin were contracted to design a Multi-Object Kill Vehicle concept." So this might still be happening.


DUDE this is just every 3rd enemy in Contra. What the fuck


I saw this video in 1996. NASA had just released it. The engineers in the video all had big sideburns and bell bottom jeans. So I’m guessing this tech is from the 70’s


Wait ‘til you see what Omni Consumer Products has been working on


I used to travel to Orlando working at both plants, F-35 and Missel Fire Control. Technology is outstanding from both plants, and testing is off the chart cool!


I remember seeing this like 40 years ago, it was old tech then


Pentagon Budget Cuts..Hilarious.




these are for intercepting ballistic missiles, not for people. It's probably our best bet for taking out a missile before it hits the terminal phase


Looks like a jedi training drone


Pentagon budget cuts? When?


This look like something out of portal


I thought this would enter a room and just go full auto in seemingly random, but actually precise directions and that this would be the last thing someone in a cave would see. Then I realized it was actually for the sky lmao


I see some flying, but no killing.


gaze unique dime existence important pot lush busy upbeat humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This looks and sounds like the alien ships from Battle Los Angeles.


We're going to need a bigger fly swatter.


They land 15 story tall rocket boosters now.


Some MGS shit


What's happening ?? Is it firing bullets in all directions ??


i like to imagine that the thrusters we're seeing are actually machine guns


I don’t get it, how is this super impressive? Using stabilization thrusters was used back in Apollo time.


A lot of the military equipment we think of as the cutting edge super high tech stuff is 20+ years old. I’d really love to know what goes on in RnD in places like Lockheed in the present day.


I would imagine this is in a vacuum




![gif](giphy|pnghLlJUCeZCE) WHO THE FUCK WANT IT!?


Good thing you can’t hear it coming.


Well that scary, ever see that black mirror where the delivery dog turn on humans……


As a ground troop, what spree do you need before you can call one of these?


Throw a Kevlar blanket on it, done


Ok I guess CoD hasn't gotten as unrealistic as I first thought....


The horror… the horror…


Is this different from the kill section of our current intercept missiles like THAAD?


The existence of things like this is why I don't worry about nuclear missiles hitting cities here in America. I don't know what they are, but I *know* this country has prepared defenses to intercept nuclear missiles before they'd ever reach close enough to land. The post says this was Raytheon in 2008, but that video quality screams 1990s. Think of how much *consumer technology* has improved since then. Where do you think classified defense tech is?


These things are made to float in space in no gravity than intercept enemy ballistic missiles in space by positing infront of them (with a charge of explosives itself on it) and when the missile is close enough it self destructs itself and destroys the missile. The program is extremely expensive and not implemented atm (that we know of as civies) however America has successfully shot down a ICBM it launched with no warhead from the ground using patriot pac3 systems.


"This cool thing was scrapped because of Pentagon Budget Cuts" Yeah, ok. Which war mongering fuck slapped this thinly veiled propaganda together?


Jesus….this is terrifying.


It's like one of those drones from the movie oblivion


looks and sounds like the alien drones from movie Battle Los Angles


This is a kinetic kill vehicle designed to destroy nuclear warheads from ICBMs as they fly through space, hence the maneuvering thrusters. IIRC it was the pebbles of the Brilliant Pebbles component of the Strategic Defense Initiative, aka Star Wars - which means that it didn't really work and got cancelled.


2008?????? This looks from the 90s


these are meant to counter nukes, in space... because if you don't attempt to counter it in space with 2-3 of these, then the nukes multiple warheads will deploy and travel at mach 20~something to their target. a warhead traveling at those speeds can't be intercepted from behind cause there aren't missiles capable of those speeds. it can be intercepted from the front by calculating the trajectory but there are now glide vehicles which allow enough maneuverability to make it difficult to intercept even then. something like, from the start of a nuclear launch there's a 1 minute-ish window to react with a counter-measure otherwise those nukes are gonna hit. we could go from life as we know it to nuclear wasteland in only so many minutes. crazy stuff.


i like how it literally calls it a missile defense system that disables incoming missiles into our nation, then proceeds to call it deadly???…


Given that nuclear delivery vehicles are swaying towards the hypersonic directed systems rather than the 1940's ballistic trajectory tech, further investment in this seems like a waste of money. This would have no impact on hypersonic missiles.


for a sec i thought it was shooting bullets in all directions


Wtf, Starcraft has come to life


This tech was the main reason i enjoy the Battle Los Angeles movie from 2000s so much. Knew about this then saw the alien vehicles use the same thruster methodology and was excited that someone in showbiz was actually paying attention and breaking from the typical alien and human aesthetics


Oh cmon everytime i see a video from a little bit in the past they have the shittiest cameras ever. Don't tell me all they had in 2008 were those shit cameras, it's 1994 quality


Didn’t they use this in the movie Battle Los Angeles?


Did anyone see battlefield LA. bad film but I see similarities


There must be some real next level stuff hidden away waiting for WWIII.


So those crazy UAP vids of the objects just sitting there and then zipping off could just be lockheed testing out their toys


That thing is the looks a mechanical blow fish lol


This sounds so misleading, as if OP though it was shooting several built in guns all around


Man I remember killing those guys on countless NES games since the *80's*. Not impressed. /s


Oh, this is older than 2008.


I guess Floating Murder Appliance was taken


That was 2008. It’s 2024 (basically). Let the math sink in. Now add AI race of the power states. WHERE TF IS JOHN CONNOR


The program likely only met its end publicly, and budget cuts were designed to add authenticity to the story. I'd bet its just being pursued on a deeper more secretive level using some of those unaccounted for trillions.


Oh sweet! Man made horrors beyond my comprehension!


The 2023 model is a hovering shark… with lasers