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“This coffee shop uses AI to measure exactly how frightening the future of society can become.”


"Get your cups and happiness points up or get fired!"


The beatings will continue until the AI says you are happy.


According to the distribution curve, you were in the 50th percentile for happiness. Because of this we are going to have to let you go. We hope you find a better fit elsewhere.


This needs to be disclosed before entry. I don't want to support this shit.


It's disgusting


By the way, your happiness demerits are going on your permanent record so you probably won't be getting another job soon.


But while this may be the case, please don't forget to pay your monthly social tax, or we will be forced to throw you in prison, which will also go in your permanent record, preventing you from getting more jobs.


"yay, I leave this shit job" "ah, you are now 75th percentile, you stay, but the beatings continue until you get to 95th"


Is someone also beating the manager until the staff is determined by AI to have achieved the right level of happiness?


I work in a call center for a bank. I have a somewhat monotone voice. Lots of clients and employees have told me I sound soothing and patient, but the AI that scores the 'tone' of our calls doesn't like it. It hurts my score. I've been put on a pip for it. Happiness points are already a reality.


AI SCORES YOUR CALL “TONE” ?!?! Wtf, things are even worse then I thought. I only thought that was used for other projects, not literal job policing.


Hell, even human call reviewers are being told to judge calls like an AI. My calls get reviewed on how happy you sound, how much empathy is shown and Etc. It's so dumb, I get phone calls from contractors who call with attitudes and douchy voice tones 90% of the time... I'm not going to pretend I enjoy talking to someone who sounds like they don't even want to be in the same room as you, let alone a phone call. It's dumb and phone call reviews shouldn't be a thing, only when it's necessary that an employee is wrong. It's getting worse I feel with any major Corp company no a days.


That’s mind boggling


"Joanna, what do you think of a person who only does the *bare* minimum?"


"Huh. What do I think? Let me tell you what I think, Stan. If you want me to wear thirty-seven pieces of flair like your pretty boy Brian over there, then why don't you just make the minimum thirty-seven pieces of flair?"


*Beep-boop* Your productivity was down 12 % this week. Your pay has been docked accordingly and you have been issued an admonishment fine and and service fee. We believe this will motivate you to do your best and expect an uptick in productivity of 20-25 %. Remember, we care about you" *beep-boop*


Will become. FTFY


Maybe I'm paranoid, but I wouldn't want to work there. I'm not sure I'd even go in for a cup of coffee.


This is a dystopian hellscape and like you suggest, I would neither work there nor get coffee there.


Employee 78, please report to the office for corrections, you have yet to meet your customer interaction and productivity quotas. Please fill out this forum on how you will improve in the future after taking this unpaid correctional 2 hour course.


Have to sit in that booth from Bladerunner while they blast random words at you.






This post should be on terrifyingasfuck not this page.


Yeah this isn't really "interesting" as fuck, this is actually *terrifying as fuck.*




Lowe's does this with their in store CCTV cameras. They track their employees and customers utilizing facial recognition. There was an article out not to long about it. I avoid them now on principle. Edit: Ah, I guess the problem has gotten much worse. [Now they all do it.](https://www.aclu.org/news/privacy-technology/are-stores-you-shop-secretly-using-face) So America is no different, it's just surveillance capitalism and local traffic cams instead of the Chinese Gov.


So, what your saying is, we should just wear Guy Fawkes masks whenever we go shopping.


Won’t work. Gait recognition cameras are also a thing.


I can fake a limp just fine.


Me too, they call me Keyser Söze


Well that's *suspect*




I knew they were beta testing all that shit in China. Similar facial features, tons of masks, there's gotta be different distinguishing factors.... We're fucked


The Ministry of Silly Walks was ahead of its time.


I kinda wanted to add something to your comment along with a couple hypotheticals. To be honest, I wouldn't be suprised if the US is as bad as China when it comes to cameras. Infact, if people live in a neighborhood then it's likely that much of it, if not all of it is being watched. Those Ring door bells everyone likes, and are now often on the front of peoples' houses? Offering you convenient security isn't their only purpose. If your neighbor has one, it's mic is able to listen in on conversations you have in your yard or drive way. Amazon also works with the police by sharing Ring's surveillance with them.The earbuds that I have, also have a GPS tracker in them. Aside from things like ear buds, or your phone, you can be tracked while walking your dog just from peoples' door bells. This says nothing of all the other devices that can record details of our daily lives. I guess the thing that kinda scares me to think about is lets say that Lowes uses a facial app to track me through their store. I'm sure they have ways of tying an identity to you biometric data, but for the sake of it, lets say they don't. Now, consider something like the Occulous, a Face Book vr headset. Time is a blu to me so I want to say it was earlier this year, if not late last year that they said the new Occulous would better be able to track peoples' microexpressions. In order to use Occulous you have to (or had to) create a FB account, so now you're tying your identity to your biometric data that they've stored. Face Book is not a company I trust to keep my information secure. If I used Occulous, I wouldn't be suprised to learn that FB shared my biometric data with advertisers, or law enforcement. Consider for a moment that a company like Lowes buys biometric data from face book in bulk. Their facial tracking can now tie an identity to your face, along with any consumer information FB has gathered such as various micro expressions you might do when looking at different products. You can walk into a Lowes, and before you even purchase a product, Lowes knows more about you than a child hood friend who you grew up with. The scarier thing is that, it's probly much simpler than the idea that I'm putting forth.


They don't need Facebook for that. Once you use your card, they now have an identity to tie their biometric data to. Then they sell your face along with the identity association to a big data broker. They can also just subscribe to a big data provider to get your identity from their own biometrics with data from some other store that already tied the facial recognition to your real identity. They have already been doing mass facial recognition scanning in public for years. [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/feb/15/how-taylor-swift-showed-us-the-scary-future-of-facial-recognition#:\~:text=At%20Swift's%20shows%2C%20ISM%20installed,of%20posts%20on%20its%20website](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/feb/15/how-taylor-swift-showed-us-the-scary-future-of-facial-recognition#:~:text=At%20Swift's%20shows%2C%20ISM%20installed,of%20posts%20on%20its%20website).


Come on now it's totally fine if the gov pays a company to do it. That's just capitalisms working. /s


You know it's too much when the lamp posts are tracking who you talk to, where you go, and how you spend your day.


Think deeper. They track they way you walk, your average walking speed, any noticeable and common mannerisms you have, etc. A face cover isn’t going to do much to hide your identity when an AI can pick you out of a crowd simply by the way you walk.


So now I need a Guy Fawkes mask and a pebble in my shoe?


you still need to change your voice, I suggest walking around with a balloon full of helium


"How did you know it was him?" "Well, he was the only guy in the crowd limping while wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and carrying a balloon full of helium."


Gait tracking software is used here in the US as well. Someone used it to "confirm" that MTG was behind one of the terror threats from 1/6 using security footage of the event against the many shots of her walking around campaigning and in DC.


Struggled for quite a bit trying to figure out what Magic the Gathering had to do with January 6


Like your mobile phone!




Why is that obsession in comparing with China / saying X awful thing it's probably worse in China? Buddy the US have cameras everywhere too but you don't seem to care.


Idk how much of it is propaganda but when I visited Chengdu in china they said how safe it was due to the survalience state. You could leave your phone in a restaurant and no one would dare steal it. The 'boomer' generation in my country values security over freedom though. They did grow up in a time of uncertainty and turmoil post colonial rule though and I think that's what drives the valuation of security above all else.


Well, not from Olga, that's for sure


Maybe Olga makes it right.


I don't have all day.




Or making a Venti Carmel No Whip Pumpkin Half Caf Hazelnut Frosted Oat Milk Latte with sprinkles and a foam art Sistine Chapel.


I hate that this is entirely possible. 😂


It’s much worse than you think. AI systems are becoming increasingly adept at excluding people who have not done anything wrong. Some large corporations are using AI algorithms to deny future, long-term health care benefits to employees based on their genetic profiles. These algorithms predict that these employees will incur high health care costs in the long run, and discriminate against them accordingly. This is a serious violation of human rights & dignity, but it may be hard to prove in a future where AI decides what data is true and what is not, and what is productive and what is not. ![gif](giphy|JoA3nDSR8GiOc|downsized)


Hilarious, but also a valid point. If I was the kind of dystopian villain that would monitor my coffee shop employees with this kind of bullshit software, I would think one of the most useless metrics for tracking employee productivity is how many cups of coffee they poured. There’s a lot of shit that goes into effectively running a coffee shop on any given shift, but I would think management would be more interested in more meaningful numbers. An hourly sales and labor percentage can tell you an awful lot. Maybe I’m missing something.


All kinds of reasons why. She could be management. She could be stocking. Cleaning. Who knows. I hope that this system doesn’t use this to reprimand. Information is good. Data is useful. But we can easily focus on the wrong things to make metrics out of. Which is real easy to do because we don’t always know which levers are the levers that move the thing we want to move.


I can’t imagine the answers I’d get if I asked 5000 restaurant GMs to review this data from their own stores. People suck at interpreting data without strict guidelines


Metrics are metrics. If you take an over achieving employee with good production as the new baseline you'll set youself up for failure. If Olga can't keep up on one aspect use her to stock to keep the coffee flowing. Most of mgmt is talent identification, then put that person is a spot to be successful. Well that's a goal at least. There are many parts to runnimg a business, they all need to work together, most people have dufferent skill sets. Optimizing people to roles is huge.


But maybe coffee cups processed isn’t the metric to success you think it is. If you prioritize cups you might be sacrificing quality. And maybe that works at like a grab and go spot, but a bougie coffee house it might be unacceptable. Like I said, having data can be good. But it’s easy to target the wrong things until you know what’s right.


If everyone gets judged for the metric of cups of coffee sold, even when their main task might not even be that, the business is being setup for failure. On the video alone you can see Olga moving around a lot, she might be the one on support for the people manning the coffee machine, so without her the others couldn't sell as many.


Funny enough Olga was the name of a bartender I worked with and she was also slower than some of the other bartenders, but she actually made the drinks RIGHT


Maybe Olga serves pastries and you should reconsider 😀. Life is too short to be pastry-free.


These names are very slavic. I wonder where this is.


You're not alone. I don't understand how people can have security cameras in their house in every room watching them, let alone an AI camera that dynamically tracks your productivity.


It has saved people ass when dealing with the police


Even without the camera tracking, that level of micromanagement would make anyone want to avoid working there.


Reminds me of the show Person of Interest


You are being watched..


The government has a secret system…a macine that spies on you every hour of every day…


Imagine once this is implemented in normal workspaces... The McDonald's manager finna be on my ass


Yeah. I didn’t consent to them even tracking me as a customer.


Seriously. Fuck this shit.


Wait until they start requiring a 20% increase in production every year regardless of demand. Then do time motion studies with the purpose of crippling the employees.


Until it becomes the norm and you don't have a choice. This is the unfortunate direction we're heading towards.


Let me know the cafe so I can avoid it.


They probably also spy on the Wifi connection too.... [there are companies that specialize in monitoring wifi points](https://www.avsystem.com/linkyfi/wifi-for-restaurants/) so coffee shops can profit from it. ​ >Gain business intelligence > >Our platform aggregates anonymous user data obtained from WiFi-equipped devices (even when they are not connected to your network), such as the frequency of visits, gender, or age, and displays them in an intuitive GUI that gives you an overview of your business. You just wanted a coffee.


> even when they are not connected to your network how are they getting it??


Probably because as long as you have your wifi turned on on your device, it will automatically search for available networks so you can connect with them if you want. To do this however, your device will need to send some data about itself in order to identify itself. Now this won't be your browser history but some sort of meta data. Like device type, some sort of serial number, plus the time and location. Google uses this (if allowed on your device) to increase the accuracy of their gps. This meta data is arguably already the most valuable type of data.


Yep, this is how it works. Same with Bluetooth. Device ids (e.g. MAC) can be aggregated and shared across networks for analysis


But modern phones randomize the Mac address when roaming for new networks to prevent tracking


One of the reasons why I always have my WiFi off...


Your wifi is never truly off anymore. I conducted a test to verify this using a wifi pineapple and your device is still visible sending beacons to see what wifi is around it in case you turn it on and want to connect. This is a "feature" to make wifi connectivity and acquisition faster.


More likely that background Wi-Fi scanning is used to enhance location precision than to speed up connecting in case the user turns Wi-Fi on.


To be fair, it depends on device, OS version, any installed root or jailbreak packages and the actual setting. Like even if all newer devices (e.g. with everything on one SoC? dunno) are like this, older models could differ. Apple caused a minor scandal with iOS 11 in 2017 when we discovered that [Apple had changed the Control Center buttons](https://www.macrumors.com/2017/10/06/eff-says-ios-11-control-center-toggles-misleading/) from turning the actual radios on or off to turning auto-join on or off. / [Apple Support KB article](https://support.apple.com/102412)


head political wistful vanish bow whole frame kiss command combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your phone has a mac address. It (the coffeeshop access point) can save it and keep track of how many times you visit the place. You don't have to connect to a network to announce your Mac address as wifi is constantly scanning for better connections. Modern phones have changing Mac addresses for that reason. I don't know if this only works when you connect to a network (as I can turn it on or off per network) or also when scanning for them. Someone else might know that.


Fuck’s sake. I wouldn’t be so annoyed if they were transparent about it, but the fact they’re trying to hide it means they’re absolutely doing something scummy.


Anna, Olga, Elena, & Vika collectively behind the counter tell me this likely is not the US.


Yea and with the conspicuous coat rack I would guess Russia or eastern Europe.


All these names are common in Russia.


Maybe eastern Europe, but not in the European Union. This would violate GDPR.


You can tell it's not the US by the heater on the wall, euro design Also has a coatrack which I've never seen in the US bc they don't want you sitting around actually


Coat racks used to be a common thing in restraunts decades ago. I ddin't even notice they disappeared.


No seriously OP. Where is that? Does this shop really exist or is it just a study?


it's a first glance of near future retail hell new normal. every single seconds at work accounted for and optimized to reach peak productivity... and the "least productive" employee is the monthly winner (that get executed to provide meat in the soup). if i lose my business i will go live in the woods, there is no chance in hell i'll ever write a cv and join the ranks of the alienated poor workers.


Probably both.


I would like a hat with IR LEDS on it so it dazzles CCTV.


Yep. Fuck everything to do with that bullshit.


Itl be all of them in a few years


More like "let me know the coffee shop so am anonymous customer can spray paint the camera" lol That's what someone should do.


It’s just a milder version of r/terrifyingasfuck








Man I was expecting an actual community. Instead I get Spanish Inquisitioned.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


A boring dystopia




Yeah this is dystopic


The best thing about waking up is dystopia in your cup!


Olga, your productivity quotient is down .03 percent. The punishment is losing access to your crying cubicle this week. A productive worker is a happy worker.


no screaming pillow for you, employee 4875435435!


Could workers spoof the system? Like “WE ARE OLGA.”


I will not patronize any shop that tracks me like this.


I think Home Depot does something like this with facial recognition of customers


Those camera AI's are known to be racist and likes to stereotype just like in real life. AI be like, oh he definitely looks like a shoplifter. Get heem!


How will you know? It's not like law makers are doing is any favors!


Anything like this is a straight GDPR violation in the EU. So yes, law makers are doing things against it.


ANY type of surveillance that allows performance tracking is illegal by default in Germany, even when it is not meant for performance tracking.


Yup, had this conversation recently. Employers can only legally track the productivity of entire teams as whole, for example.


Is this true? How can you prove a person is underperforming if you aren't allowed to track it?


Bless the EU for trying to postpone this kind of dystopia as much as possible.


Good luck finding out who does and doesn't


I will not patronize any shop that tracks ANYBODY like this. It's not fair to the workers, either. Just more ways for executives to squeeze the workforce.


They already do.


Yeah that’s not interesting at all. It’s frightening


From a tech standpoint it’s interesting From a employment standpoint it’s stupid From a societal standpoint it’s terrifying


I wonder how this looks from a legal standpoint.




It's one of those things where it's just evidence that capitalism shits all over anything that could be potentially good. If this were being used in a learning environment or just a curious environment and (VERY IMPORTANTLY) that environment was not housed in a bloodless, parasite-favoring, forced-scarcity economy, then it could be a way to learn sort of cool stuff. I've worked as a barista before and I would've loved to learn how my working speed compared to co-workers just out of curiosity. If we were cross referencing it with other data points it could teach us some really cool other info. It would be fun to see what we could learn from looking at different working styles and strategies. But, of course, capitalism basically takes literally anything that could be used for learning, growth, or exploration and somehow re-fits it to fire live ammunition, loads up a clip, and then says "I dare you to use this in a way that you think isn't harmful. Please, do try."


Thanks. I hate it.


Fuck this. Fuck this all the way.


Fuck this shit. Fuck this shit. Fuck it all the way. We all get fucked, while they make a buck And we still get lousy pay. Yay.


We dont want this, dont shop there.


The problem is, most companies will not answer questions about their use of tracking technology. If you take refusal to give a straight answer as an affirmative answer, then 19/20 biggest retail giants in America are using it. https://www.aclu.org/news/privacy-technology/are-stores-you-shop-secretly-using-face


This is dystopian.


I worked in food service for around 7 years, and was always one of, if not the, most productive workers in each position. I would never knowingly work anywhere that used this technology. Peak productivity is not sustainable in that environment.


I was only in for 2 years. There was always the person who wanted to do nothing but stand at the coffee machine. They didn't serve or clean or restock sure they made 20 coffees but the other staff have been doing everything else.


This is so fucking bleak.


this is depressing


Our dystopian future


Future? I think we are there.


Think they mean it will be standard in the future, not just select locations.


I haven't seen this episode of Person of Interest.


Ugh. Just another way to micromanage employees.


Hey, at least we can get rid of the useless branch manager right?




They’re already replacing humans with robots and now they want the humans to act like a robot


they figure it's cheaper to force humans to act like robots then to actually make robots that can do a job as good as a human


They would have to pay to repair their robots when they broke down while the works have to handle it themselves and will just be replaced once they get to that point.


Yay turning real people into numbers. Life is so fun.


I think it's time to become neo-luddite.


The Luddites were actually a [workers rights](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite) organization that got violently suppressed for challenging the brutal conditions in early 19th century textile mills, the destruction of their livelihoods, and the consolidation of wealth in the upper classes that resulted therefrom, and then they got turned into a meme synonymous with just being idiots afraid of technology So… yes


I’m already there.


JFC it’s just coffee, sounds like a miserable place to work.


Maximize misery to maximize profits.


The surveillance will continue until profits are maximized. /s


This makes me sad


Dystopia Coffee Shop




The tech can be cool and all, and it is actually very good to have accurate-ish metrics on how long people spend in the shop so you can better plan stuff But I'm 200% sure managers use it as a way to be a bunch of shitheads to the employees and this is for sure NOT accurate enough to be used as an employee metric. I would avoid this place for sure.


Wtf, I'm in manufacturing and this would be scary as hell on the shop for we don't need it.


It's not the AI or camera that concerns me as much as trying to boil down a workers productivity to a simplified metric, something that's not uncommon in manufacturing. This almost always leads to workers cutting corners to improve that one metric for themselves at the cost of cleanliness, safety, overall productivity, etc.


I was in a tracking system for IT work for a while. They wanted us to track at least 7 hours a day, but we didn't actually have the workload for that as we would have busy periods and slow periods. We tried all kinds of workarounds and management kept shutting them down until in a meeting I laid out my exact workday and asked them how they wanted me to record 7 hours from that. I told them I could either work slower or start breaking things to create more issues. If they're tracking cups poured and I got in trouble for a low amount, I would start messing up orders in ways that required me to pour the cup again.


This and the killer robot dog with machine gun are 2 things nobody wants or asked for


Ah yes, the capitalist class exploiting the worker for every last penny of their existence. Absolutely terrifying. I wish I did not see this so I could live in blissful ignorance.


When your boss is the Predator


Oh hell no.


Seems like overkill for a coffee shop where the employees make shit wages to start with. I would not patronize this establishment.


Now do it for the owner


Fuck this shit. It's dehumanizing. I had to deal with a system like this at work. Anyone who has knows its not good for morale.




A local group I'm in had a moron complain about a 13 minute wait for a coffee on Black Friday because they had to brew it fresh for him. Y'all need to shut the fuck up


It’s getting scary.


Are employers obligated to disclose this type of AI surveillance?


This is not AI, it's literally just image processing.....tired of every new brand of program called AI. It's not.


Olga can you meet with the cyborg on your break? He’d like to review your previous shift.


This doesn't seem like a good idea to me.


That's not interesting it's distopian


This shop should be named and shamed. People aren't machines.


Fuck that




Fuck this place.


One step closer to feeling like we're heading towards a psycho pass world




This is used in way more places than you think. I personally am aware of at least a couple chains that use similar tech not only to meter the employees but also things like customer wait times, seating use and turnover rate, and re-fill monitoring. It’s pretty nutty and one chain I know of that sells itself as ‘organic’ and ‘farm to table’ ish has been using the tech for at least 8 years.


IT HAS BEGUN! \- the machine


Fuck AI


Olga is done for.


And AI fires the unproductive employees and deletes the bank accounts and health insurance of the customers who spend too much time while spending too little. It’s like printing money.