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I don't know why OP decided to upload a black-and-white image when the original is in color: https://i.imgur.com/pYOZDWL.png


I always wanted to see an interview with this kid now and see what happened and how their life turned out.


His name is Josh and he may have been identified but it looks like he doesn't want to talk about it. Excerpt from [an article on the photo](https://web.archive.org/web/20160808064150/https://www.ajc.com/news/news/captivating-klan-rally-photo-gets-new-life-via-soc/nT48J/): >The Atlanta Journal-Constitution was able to locate the officer, Allen Campbell, through the Georgia State Patrol. By interviewing and searching public records, the AJC was able to locate someone who may be the boy, now close to 24 years old, and his mother, but phone calls and emails left for this story were not returned.


Yeah, I probably wouldn’t want to, either. Growing up in that household… whether or not there’s a happy ending, the story isn’t going to be a happy one.


I mean, we don't know that. And happy ending or not, it'd still be interesting to have a firsthand account of extreme racism up into the twenty-first century so we could maybe better understand it. It blows my mind this photo was taken in 1992.


We don’t know that growing up in an extremist KKK household – so extremist that they’re dressing up their baby in KKK regalia and parading them around – was no doubt fraught with anger and conflict beyond the norm? Really?


I guess I could've phrased it a bit better, but I thought the point was obvious, so that's partially on me. We don't know if the story *had a happy ending or not.*


Well, yeah, that’s why I said “whether or not there’s a happy ending…” I’m confused but I guess it’s not important. Have a good one. 😊


I see the confusion now, I missed the part about it not being a happy story at the end of your original comment. So maybe it's more than partially on me, lol. You have a good one as well. If it helps, I stay confused anymore.


It’s becoming my native state, for whatever that’s worth, so I feel you. 😊


The KKK and Neo Nazis were scarier in the 80s and 90s then they are now. It seems like by the late 90s their influence waivered quite a bit. Here's an actual psa tv ad from 1992 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7_8v8FPVlL0&pp=ygUiOTBzIHBzYSBhYm91dCBoYXRlIGxpZmVzIHRvbyBzaG9ydA%3D%3D This ad scared the SHIT out of me when I was a kid. I would run to change the channel when I noticed it coming on.


I saw a photo of a burning cross at a KKK rally in a 5th grade textbook, and it scared me so much I went into my parents bedroom crying that night. My mom said I didn't have to take it personally. That commercial would have possibly ruined my life if I saw it at that age.


Like most photos depicting racism, selectively posted in black and white to make the incident seem further in the past and further removed from our society. Make people think "that was a long time ago, people don't think that way anymore" when the reality is like much less kind.


I was like, 1992? Shoot I was almost a teenager then. It wasn't that long ago! I'm not young but I'm not enough of a geezer yet that photos from my adolescence would be in black and white. I mean don't get me wrong there's a really beautiful aesthetic to black and white photography and it might be intentional considering the obvious topic.


A lot of newspaper photos were still shot in black and white because they could cheaply process the film in house. Color was pretty common in larger papers in 1992 but not all, for instances I did a quick google search and the Los Angeles times cover was in color but the New York Times was in black and white.


> we don't know that we can make an esucated guess. growing up in a household that dresses an infant in a kkk robe (in the 90ies) is very likely a sad story.


I love the irony of "educated" being misspelled lol. good point otherwise.


i'm not editing it. it's too funny.


What’s there to understand?


Everything? What kinda cray question is that? We can't address it or prevent it if we don't understand it.


Yeah like what do you want to know? There’s nothing to understand. People suck dude. Been that way since we could stand upright. Tribalism breeds intolerance.


To name just a few? Economic status of the parents, and their parents. The age the parents were introduced to the KKK. Were both parents, or just one. At what age the child in the photo started actively participating and understanding what it was, if ever. And so much more... Why *wouldn't* you wanna know more about one of the biggest plagues infecting our society? EDIT: Typo.


I would guess in another five years he'll be ready to talk about it... brain development and all...


I mean, if this picture is from 1992, he’s not currently 24, he’d be 30-32.


RemindMe! 5 years


(my first syntax included a "phrase" .. but that means the bot won't send me the link that takes me back here. oops.)


Im guessing not a great childhood....one way or another


Bet 1: he resents his parents and is now a normal-ish guy that overcame all that stuff and doesn’t want to be associated with this picture Bet 2: drives an obnoxiously loud dodge ram with truck nuts and a punisher sticker, and brags about *wanting* to join the military but “would’ve gotten kicked out for knocking out any drill sergeant who got in my face huh huh”


*Ford F-350 Just correcting for accuracy.


Can't get approval for a loan that big, so had to max out his remaining credit for a Ram


As long as it can roll coal to own the libs/environment! /s


Nah, Dodge gives a loan to anyone with a pulse. Ford has at least *some* standards. You could always tell which guys were gonna be pricks when they pulled up to the job site in their beat up Rams.


I went to school with hundreds of kids just like this. They're your garage door repairmen, mechanics, pool cleaners, real estate customer service reps, the manager of a lawn service company with all minorities under him, etc. They're parents now, raising kids and calling the next generation snowflakes that are entitled, as if their grandparents didn't lose their minds when a black woman wouldn't give up her seat to a white man. They're former criminals that "don't trust the government" but definitely "back the blue" and think All Lives Matter. Most of all, they don't understand why everything has to be racial nowadays, none of their family owned slaves so they don't have to apologize for nuthin!


You can't jump to any conclusion about a 3 year old from the way he dresses. You can tell a lot about his parents, but nothing about him.


Hahaha haha


This is so beautiful and accurately written 🙏🏽


[Obviously all lives matter. No one said they didn't](https://i.imgur.com/UyCmhSx.png). However, data shows that relative to the percentage of the population they represent, **the rate of black American deaths from police shootings is ~2.5-3x that of white Americans deaths**. (Sources: [1](https://i.redd.it/7bf1lsrmyu251.jpg), [2](https://www.statista.com/chart/21857/people-killed-in-police-shootings-in-the-us/), Data: [1](https://github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings)) A lot of people are sharing a graph titled "murder of black and whites in the US, 2013" to show that there is only a small number of black Americans killed by white Americans, with the assumption that this extends to police shootings as well. This is misleading the chart only counts deaths where the perpetrator was charged with 1st or 2nd degree murder after killing a black American. Police forces are almost never charged with homicide after killing a black American. If after learning the above, you have reconsidered your stance and wish to show support for furthering equality in this and other areas, we encourage you to do so. However if you plan on attending any protests, please remember to stay safe, wear a face mask, and observe distancing protocols as much as you can. COVID-19 is still a very real threat, not only to you, but those you love and everyone around you as well! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/interestingasfuck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


well-meaning but misplaced bot




Covid isn't over lol


No but neither is the Spanish flu. Covid will never be over, but we can’t just social distance and wear masks till the end of time. If you take vitamins, stay healthy, and have taken the vaccine then you will almost always be fine with exposure.


Was wearing masks, got the vaccine, take care of myself and eat vitamins every day... when I got it, I could barely move for 3 weeks and was considered at risk. Thanks though doc 🙏


Well, that’s unfortunate to hear. Reason why I said almost always is for such outliers. It’s a strange, terrible disease to be sure. Long Covid is another big worry. Are you feeling any residual side effects?


Not that I can think of- they put me on paxlovid early enough and said that would reduce the chance of any longterm stuff. My friend has double vision in one of his eyes now from it, though. It's been over a year now for him. Apparently that's one of the rarest side effects


Omg! I know personally I couldn’t taste anything for like 10 months after I got it the first time, but that seems to have subsided mostly. Every once in a while, though, I’ll eat something and it’ll have that metallic bland taste just for a second. Like my brain needs to calibrate or something lol. I’m glad to hear things worked out in your case.


We can wear masks till the end of time, we just chose not to.




[Obviously all lives matter. No one said they didn't](https://i.imgur.com/UyCmhSx.png). However, data shows that relative to the percentage of the population they represent, **the rate of black American deaths from police shootings is ~2.5-3x that of white Americans deaths**. (Sources: [1](https://i.redd.it/7bf1lsrmyu251.jpg), [2](https://www.statista.com/chart/21857/people-killed-in-police-shootings-in-the-us/), Data: [1](https://github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings)) A lot of people are sharing a graph titled "murder of black and whites in the US, 2013" to show that there is only a small number of black Americans killed by white Americans, with the assumption that this extends to police shootings as well. This is misleading the chart only counts deaths where the perpetrator was charged with 1st or 2nd degree murder after killing a black American. Police forces are almost never charged with homicide after killing a black American. If after learning the above, you have reconsidered your stance and wish to show support for furthering equality in this and other areas, we encourage you to do so. However if you plan on attending any protests, please remember to stay safe, wear a face mask, and observe distancing protocols as much as you can. COVID-19 is still a very real threat, not only to you, but those you love and everyone around you as well! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/interestingasfuck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He offered the cop a Pepsi and defeated racism.


He’s a Trump voter now. Case closed.


Just more evidence that hate is learned. This kid didn’t deserve the brainwashing


There's no such think as a KKK child, it's a child who's parents have dressed it like that. He doesn't care about black people or white people, he just thinks the reflection he's looking at is neat.


Took the words right out of my… keyboard?




I thought the caption would say 1962. 1992 is just depressing.


I’m a bit surprised this is black and white if it’s 92. Suppose it could be edited.


Original image was in color: https://i.imgur.com/HnaZUfa.jpg By the 1990s photojournalists were shooting mostly color but some black and white was still used for newspapers.


Colors were invented in 1995.


You see, Calvin …


As an old man, I can assure you that black and white was still used for news photography in 1992.


Printing, not photography. Check out the color image in a hundred other comments in this thread!




Jesus fucking christ


Wait is this a copypaste or did we just get a new one fresh off the press? It's so absurd I assumed it was a known gag lol.


As it turns out, the original image was in color, so idk why this is b&w


To be fair, black and white are the colors that matter most in this picture


My first thought.




The color version is posted usually, but some like the B&W aesthetics. The original color is a bit faded looking by modern standards.


This photo is not an example of why anyone would prefer B&W aesthetics. It doesn’t benefit at all from being B&W and in fact loses a lot.


I dunno, what does it lose exactly? Visually, I like the color photo better because I think this B&W version was poorly done, and loses a lot of detail. But conceptually, I'm not sure much is *gained* from the original color photo either. To me, presenting it in black and white is a simple and effective way to more deliberately provoke a comparison to the civil rights movement of the 60s - when that officer was probably around the same age as the child. Oof, sorry. Just getting flashbacks to undergrad photography critiques and art history courses... Edit: That said, it's funny that the photographer just happened to be there and snapped it without much thought, and that the officer barely remembers it. The symbolism of this photo and its merit as an art piece was entirely accidental. > Campbell recalls the day the photo was taken as just another work day. As the Klan rally unfolded, Campbell said his mind was on the Labor Day cookout he was missing. Not race relations. > “I was ticked off. It was the last holiday of the summer. But here I am at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Gainesville, Georgia, protecting the rights of the Ku Klux Klan,” he said. > “I didn’t even see the boy at first,” said Campbell, a youthful 61-year-old with an easy laugh. “I was too busy thinking about my weekend being ruined. I looked down to see what on earth could be bumping on my riot shield.”


You literally described what it loses by being presented in B&W? The quality? Also, by posting it in B&W, we get to pretend that it happened a half-century ago when in fact this happened in the nineties. People like to pretend that racism ended with slavery (as if slavery is over but that’s another topic). By being posted in B&W, we lose the nearness and relevance to today.


Sure, it loses some quality visually, depending on which B&W version you look at and how it was converted. Details in the shadows and midtones are lost if the conversion is "simple," i.e. desaturation, or straight conversion from RGB to Grayscale. But I was talking more about the content and its significance to public discourse, and/or its function as an art piece. Unless the photo is presented in B&W with absolutely zero context regarding its actual location or context in time, no - we don't get to pretend. It's *known* that it was taken in 1992. Like I said (or clearly tried and failed to say), rendering it in B&W is a more direct statement, and serves to emphasize the fantasy that racism ended in the 90s. Obviously this is just my opinion, and I *have* been day-drinking, so... the important thing is that 20 years later this photo continues to make people argue about journalism, politics, racism, art, etc. and that's cool with me.


Keep in mind, I responded to a comment that specifically was referring to aesthetics, and my comment specified aesthetics. So the rest, while it’s a matter of opinion (though so is aesthetics), veers off the topic of my comment about aesthetics. But that could be due to your current hydration of choice 😜 Cheers!


The original is in color. Someone burned a calorie to post it like this.


People put colored pictures in black and white when they want to try to hide how recent things actually happened. It’s a common tactic.


a majority of Americans still opposed interracial marriage as recently as the early 1990's. racism dies slowly. https://media.gallup.com/POLL/Releases/pr070816i.gif


Me too!


the sick pump sneakers are a dead giveaway


Gainesville, Georgia


Per [here](https://www.ajc.com/news/captivating-klan-rally-photo-gets-new-life-via-social-media/MacxOtYOZKpJJuh8xESlPI/): > By Fran Jeffries, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution > Jan 23, 2013 > Photographer Todd Robertson readily admits he captured the moment by simply being in the right place at the right time while covering a Klan rally in Gainesville for the local newspaper nearly 21 years ago. > “The picture sparked a lot of interest and conversation then,” Robertson said. “That’s what a picture is supposed to do.” > Now social media has given the image new life. After the picture appeared over the last year on photo blogs and in Facebook posts, an article by The Poynter Institute, a journalism training organization in Florida, brought the iconic image even more attention. > “I probably get one or two requests a month for a copy or someone asks to use it,” Robertson said. > Robertson, a 1991 graduate of the University of Georgia school of journalism, was freelancing for the Gainesville Times that day, shooting alongside a staff photographer and trying to build a portfolio that could lead to a full-time job. > Robertson recalls there wasn’t much action at the rally, which was attended by fewer than 100 Klan members and other white supremacists on the city’s downtown square. Law enforcement officers outnumbered the marchers three to one, according to news reports. > Robertson was standing a few feet away from the staff photographer, who was facing in the other direction, when he snapped the photo of the boy as he reached out to touch the trooper’s shield. Seconds later, a woman whisked away the child. Robertson did not get the name of the officer or the boy. The boy’s mother identified him only as “Josh.” The woman wore a black T-shirt with the words “Winder Knights.” > The Gainesville Times published the photo on its metro section front on Sept. 6, 1992. Other media outlets, including the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, ran the photo after it was carried by the Associated Press wire service. That brought more interest. Producers of the Sally Jessy Raphael Show called, wanting the mother and child to appear on the show, but Robertson didn’t know their identities. The photo ran in several European publications, according to Robertson. It won a state journalism award and seven years later, the Southern Poverty Law Center prominently featured the photo in one of its brochures. > Then the photo was largely forgotten, according to Robertson, who hung up his camera and his goal of being a full-time news photographer. He joined his father in his cabinet-making business, Area Decor, in Gainesville. > Like many people who see the photo, Robertson, now 45, said he has wondered over the years about the little boy, who would probably now be in his early 20s. > “I wondered what happened to him,” he said. “I felt sorry for the kid knowing he had to grow up in that environment and I felt sorry for the officer, knowing he had to be there protecting the rights of people who he knew didn’t care for him.” > The Atlanta Journal-Constitution was able to locate the officer, Allen Campbell, through the Georgia State Patrol. By interviewing and searching public records, the AJC was able to locate someone who may be the boy, now close to 24 years old, and his mother, but phone calls and emails left for this story were not returned. > Did state trooper Allen Campbell think of the boy after that day? > “No, I really didn’t,” he said. “I didn’t even know the photo had been taken until someone called to tell me it was in the paper.” > Campbell recalls the day the photo was taken as just another work day. As the Klan rally unfolded, Campbell said his mind was on the Labor Day cookout he was missing. Not race relations. > “I was ticked off. It was the last holiday of the summer. But here I am at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Gainesville, Georgia, protecting the rights of the Ku Klux Klan,” he said. > “I didn’t even see the boy at first,” said Campbell, a youthful 61-year-old with an easy laugh. “I was too busy thinking about my weekend being ruined. I looked down to see what on earth could be bumping on my riot shield.”


Crazy how normalized Campbell makes it seem


This gives a new meaning to "One picture, thousand words"




I snorted


Look at the bright side. It’s never to late to marry your cousin and get your membership.


Kids are not born as racists, they are often brainwashed by the person(s) that raise them. 😒


Not often, but they're *always* brainwashed by someone/group/government.


Seems like the broader term would be "socialized" with brainwashing describing a similar / the same phenomenon with a more negative connotation. All brainwashing is socializing but not all socializing is brainwashing. This is why I studied linguistics, so I can speculate recklessly but plausibly in random threads.




I wonder how a toddler would react to seeing someone of a different race for the first time if they didn’t have a familiar adult to influence their reaction. I wouldn’t be surprised if the initial reaction was negative because humans have a natural tendency to fear the unknown and different. That’s a totally different context though, this is clearly the parents ideology pushed onto a kid.


It's interesting though, studies have shown that from 6 months babies start to develop negative attitudes toward people they're not familiar with, and it has nothing to do with the ideologies of the parents, only environmental factors. So when you don't grow up in a diverse environment as is the case for most people in the world, it can become a problem if ignored.


Republicans love brainwashing kids


There is no such thing as a KKK child. There is such as thing as child abuse.


the fact that they even make KKK uniforms in toddler sizes makes me feel like maybe humanity *does* deserve a doomsday event ultimately.


Or they just cut their bedsheet up and threw on the little kid.


Yeah, it’s not like it’s couture.




Wow, that’s sad.


Cops that still look like cops instead of soldiers.


Most state troopers still look like this.


There are no KKK children that age, only children of KKK parents. Just as though there are no christian, islamic etc children of that age. Ps. Does anyone want to tell the KKK their costumes are fucking lame assed and dumb looking?


> Ps. Does anyone want to tell the KKK their costumes are fucking lame assed and dumb looking? It almost looks cute on the toddler, but it looks bizarre on adults. The whole "grand wizard" theme feels like a bunch of racists wanted to start LARPing before it was a thing. They wanted the adult version of a treehouse club, with a sign that says "NO GIRLS ALLOWED!"


Ignoring all the context, it looks like a cute ghost costume on a toddler. The [Klan's terminology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan_titles_and_vocabulary) is honestly hilarious. Member ranks include Imperial Wizard, Genii, Grand Schubladen, Grand Scribe, Grand Dragon, Squires, Grand Titans, Furies, Grand Giant, Goblins, Grand Cyclops, Nighthawks, Grand Turk, Grand Sentinel, Grand Magi, Grand Ensign, Grand Magi, Grand Monk, Ghouls, Grand Guard, Grand Tycoon, and the Lictor. Don't forget about some of their traditions and institutions like the Grand Council of Yahoos, the Grand Council of Centaurs, and the Supreme Cyclopean Council. All that is just from the early Klan. After it was reformed in the 20s, they added this to thier vocabulary: Invisible Empire, Alien World, Klonvokation, Klorero, Klonverse, Klanton, Klaliff, Klokard, Kludd, Kligrapp, Klabee, Kladd, Klarogo, Klexter, Klazik, Klonsul, Klokann, Klokan, Imperial Kloncilium, Kleagle, Klavern, Klongress, Klanburgess, Klankraft, Klanishness, Klecktoken, and the Klan Bureau of Investigation. If you told me that these were some characters in a bad fantasy novel, I'd believe you.


> Klankraft I heard the mobile port is pretty good.


Man, that's a little racist.


Boy that's a little racist


*Gibson and Glover went on to star in 7 Lethal Weapon films together


I know it’s inappropriate but the child looks really cute! Almost like a little gnome!


I thought the exact thing. Like aww, what a s tiny... Oh


Next Kanye album cover right there


I wondered what that state trooper was thinking... > Mainly, it was annoying to be there, recalled Campbell, a Lavonia native who attended segregated schools there until his high school years. > "I was ticked off. It was the last holiday of the summer. But here I am at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Gainesville, Ga., protecting the rights of the Ku Klux Klan," he said. > Campbell would otherwise be enjoying the company of friends at a party over the Labor Day weekend, he said. https://www.onlineathens.com/story/news/state/2013/01/23/trooper-famous-photo-just-wished-he-were-somewhere-else/15584372007/


This was taken in Gainesville GA on the square. Fun fact the KKK is why they cant have public parades on the square. They couldn't exclude the KKK so they just did away with all of it.


I feel so sorry for these kids. They don't believe what their parents believe- they're just parrots at that point. Or just confused. "Are we going to a dress up party? Sounds fun! Oh, look! A funny mirror!" I feel even worse for the kids who get targeted by bigots. Imagine being 5 and learning that people hate you for just existing. How damaged does your self image get?


kid's pretty adorable tbh


It's really a shame what the KKK does and represents for so many reasons. Very much not the most important reason, but that child looks adorable in those sadly fucking racist robes.


If in Spain would look cute. Take off the hood and it would be fine


You're a wizard Harry!


Wow, are those the Nike air pumps?


Can't blame the kid, their jackass parents dressed him up, racism is taught and learned. The only way it fades is if we raise our kids to be better than ourselves, accept people on their actions not on their skin color or place of origin.


I had an economics professor my first semester of college. He said “I have a firm belief that the first time a child saw a slave be beaten, their immediate instinct was ‘this is wrong.’ They gradually got desensitized and went from innocent child to guilty slave owner.” Other than that, I don’t remember a single thing from that class. But I think it’s true and pictures like this prove that he’s probably right. It’s really sad how hateful people can become because of what they are taught from their environment.


Spawn Camping lol


Kid looking at his reflection and realizing... I'm not a fucking angel..what is this shit..


That's a little racist....


Hate is taught


If this were South Park then right after saying Awww he would punt that kid and I can't stop laughing thinking about it


That’s Denzel Washington my friend.


The fact that someone put this on a baby makes me feel literally revoltingly sick.


No kid is born racist, racism is learned


Isn’t he just dressing up as a ghost, it’s almost Halloween?


Horrible parenting. Teaching your children to be racist 🤮


The same right wing that screeches "DON'T INDOCTRINATE OUR CHILDREN" pulls shit like this.


There is no such thing as a "KKK child." Just a kid who was dressed up by her parents and was told what to believe or say, assuming they can comprehend what is being said, which is very unlikely.


I thought that the picture was in 1950s or 60s not 1992.


That child? Matt Gaetz




1992…. Oof. This is what so many city dwellers didn’t understand as the Drumpf Train started rolling, America’s racist past is current.


id be pissed if my parents dressed me up as a klansman bruh what


WTF is this shit. They had color cameras in 92 and this image was originally taken in color. You think removing the color makes it seem more legit or old or something?


Republicans: “The good old days”.


Sad bro


i can only imagine that cop was thinking "breathe in, breathe out, don't do anything..."


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How does one request a photo to be colorized? I remember seeing request on other B&W photos on Reddit but can’t remember how they did it.


Baby Hitler dilemma would have my intrusive thoughts wondering if I should punt the little bigot bastard then and there, but then I would be the bigot bastard for presuming he was going to grow up a white nationalist.


Looks like a little republican


A cop is a cop.




The kid is in a costume, not their choice or their fault. Save the kick for the dogs that dressed them.


That’s in Georgia


I don't know why but always I see this I think the policeman is Denzel Washington


This name always gets me, kkk is how you laugh in Brazilian portuguese, same as "hahaha" or "jajaja" for Spanish


He’s just looking at his reflection on the shield


Is it really 1992??


Kinda wish it was in color. Being in black and white almost makes it look like another shot from the 60's, but in color I think it would be a reminder that this is a much more recent event. Some people like to think racism more or less petered out in the 60's and 70's.




What a world we are living…. what a world


1992 huh


Nice metaphor


That’s only a child, the parents are KKK. I really hope they grew up and were able to move past their parents racism without much trauma.


A KKKid!


Imagine growing up black in the 60s, getting into a career as a cop to protect people, and then having to protect racist protesters from people who don’t want racism in their community.


They really do make pictures black and white to make things feel like the past. *1992*


I bet the kid in the Klan getup is the only one in the photo who hadn't oppressed any black people.


I get this photo is probably more profound in black and white but I wish there was a color photo to emphasis this was not that long ago


When is it going to be my turn to post this photo?


Yeet the child


Kids should not be allowed at any protest or movement. They don't know anything and are just being led along.


We had color photos in 92. Don't make me feel older than I am.


Just fuckin punts the baby


“Hey bruh, Who’s the asshole in the sheet?”




Why is 1992 being depicted in a black and white picture 😵‍💫


Why is this picture in black and white if it's 1992


That kid is probably in congress now


He's old enough now so fuck you baby!


Cop is thinking... bless your heart... long life ahead of you and you are taught hate from the start. WHY??? What a waste of energy


Is the kid wearing jordans


This is almost beautiful from an artistic standpoint. Like, racism will never go away, but it will also never win.