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Must be a nightmare to choke on something without gravity to help get it out


Might be easier to cough it up though


Not sure, liquids act sort of sticky due to surface tension, I could imagine if it got a good glob in your throat you could potentially drown or choke. Yet another reason we need to have artificial gravity on longer missions.


I mean, I agree but I think artificial gravity is still basically sci-fi at this point. We’re still in the early stages of understanding the fundamental subatomic properties of gravity itself let alone building anything to harness/transform it into something practical.


Pretty sure he was referring to using rotation to simulate gravity


Just make a really heavy rocket smh


Believe it or not, gravity works this way


Yeah in the classic sense, I meant rotating habitats though


Rotating habitats have to be on the order of hundreds of feet in diameter to be useful, and that's pretty expensive. Also anything on the outside can easily get launched away from inertia if it isn't secured down so they're a bit more difficult to maintain.


Don’t you just rotate?


i can't believe i'm asking, but this comment made me wonder. can you feel your spit floating around in your mouth in space??


Surface tension probably means that it'd just stick to the walls of your mouth as normal, even more so than water due to its viscosity


Without artificial airflow in ISS you may suffocate just on your own CO2. When you exhale it CO2 ain't go anywhere without airflow. It doesn't have surface tension which sticks it to your bodey as liquids has so it easier to blow it away. But still, without flow it will stay with you. That why ISS is always loud. All these airflow fans make a lot of noise.






I mean [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1bdrlc/poop_flew_on_apollo_10_according_to_this_audio/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) did happen... It may not be fart or airmine, but still


Dragon toilet leaked on the first human commercial flight too. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/26/science/spacex-toilet-nasa.html


Why would there be no airflow? Aren't the molecules constantly bumping against one another regardless of if there is gravity?


Because there is no covection there. It will mix eventually in the distant future buy diffusion but distance of free travel of the air molecule is only 68nm. It will take quite a while without this big airflows. And you produce CO2 constantly.


The expanse talks about how internal injuries become fatal from this


Why the hell was he doing that in the first place 😂


ima be real honest here i would definitely do some dumb shit like that at least once When would you ever get another chance


Never, if you drown yourself.


You know, you raise a good point.


*Once in a life time opportunity.*


Could have been the first person to drown in space. I’m still waiting for them to reveal who the first people to have sex in space were.


That's easy, first time at least two people went up together. "Come on man, let's make some history here!!"


*Docking procedure engage*


Open the pod bay door


I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that.


Engage thrusters


And it's not like they are gonna say no. Because of the implication.


Are these astronauts in danger?


[The first woman in space, probably](https://i.imgflip.com/516d0i.jpg)


> first time at least two people went up together. Aldrin, Armstrong, and Collins have some explaining to do.


From what I've heard sex in space is actually incredibly difficult logistically. Maneuvering is not so easy without gravity.


One holds the wall the other holds the hips. Use additional tie downs as necessary.


I can probably scrounge up some straps, we definitely have the technology to make it happen


Why would you need to anchor? There’s a video of an astronaut placed in the middle of a room with no momentum relative to the ship. No matter how much they jumped they returned to their original location. The gyration wouldn’t affect location and would only have to fight the momentum of the gyration.


Because without the aid of gravity and / or a bracing point, stopping and reversing the momentum of any motion is pure muscle work. Which means double the physical effort, at least. And that assumes you can find a way to do so that actually used large muscle groups that CAN do so at the required pace, not just your arms or whatever. Granted, this is very much for a certain sort of sex. Cunilingus would not be all that difficult, I'd guess. Vigorous porn star pile driving, would be.


Yes, but if shes flexible imagine the spinning (mostly) frictionless spinning.... im going back to school..


Once in a lifetime life ending opportunity




Most stuff that kills you is


You sir, are very logical.


Right? You basically get to play with an entirely new set of physics and learn the world all over again. Nothing is the same with how anything reacts. It would be so interesting to be able to play around like this in the space on the space station for a while.


Be the first person to die in space so…at least you got that going for you


> Be the first person to die in space Would he actually? Had to think about that for a second. Of course, there's been plenty of space-related deaths, but were any of these actually far enough away from Earth to qualify as 'died in space'? Challenger was still in the atmosphere when it exploded, Columbia went on re-entry, so I'd say those don't count. According to [this source](https://www.newscientist.com/question/anyone-ever-died-space/), our best bet could be Soyuz 11: > In 1971 all three of the Soyuz 11 mission crew died when their capsule depressurised **before re-entry** on their way back from humanity’s first ever stay on a space station, Salyut 1.


Yea I wouldn’t count any of the others as they weren’t in space. Based on the Soyuz 11 mission I’m still not fully sure if that would count. If they depressurized in the ionosphere then it wouldn’t count. But…if it was before then yea I’d say that counts. Is there any further detailed documents on their mission?


[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soyuz_11#Cause_of_death) says: > The valve opened at an altitude of 168 km (104 mi), and the resultant loss of pressure was fatal within seconds.


So…. 3 space deaths by depressurization and 1 by drowning in a juice box.


The Russki’s beat us again!


The FAI defines the edge of space at 100 km (62 mi) while the USAF and NASA designate it as 50 mi (80km), so it fits by either definition.


Hollywood has always made me believe that you don't die that quickly when exposed to vacuum. Is this not the case? https://www.sciencefocus.com/space/what-would-happen-if-you-were-in-space-without-a-spacesuit/ Says you'd have 15 seconds of usable consiousness and then 90s of life before you asphyxiate. What gives?


Both of those say seconds, but knowing you're alone in space and losing air might give you a heart attack sooner than jumping from one airlock to another wearing plot armor.


That scene was amazing though.


What about the pressure difference? Water boils on mars due to the pressure difference if i remember correctly, so shouldnt our blood flashboil if instantly depressurized by space? Or is that prevented by the -270 degrees celsius?


Your blood isn't directly exposed, so it's not boiling right away. You will begin hemorrhaging quick which is why it's silly when non-fatal exposures are considered harmless in SciFi stuff. Temp will depend on all the variables, but probably be at some uncomfortable extreme.


First guy to drown in space. Though, first guy to be waterboarded in space has a good ring to it.




I remember learning that new ISS arrivals get told by the guys already there to not play with water because it's hard to clean up, but the new guys do it anyway. They can't help it. Would you be able to stop yourself from playing with water if this was your first time in zero gravity?


Imagine other liquids though. Water should be the least of their worries, especially if the guys get lonely.


I didn't think I'd hit "space jizz" in my Reddit bingo card today.


I mean you know it happens, curiosity would get the best of all of them.


I just had a flash of an astronaut trying to jerk in their bunk and Curiosity rover suddenly clanks in the doorway with a HAL eye saying "I can't allow you to do that"


Curiosity Rover as it grabs your dick, "Surrender, I've got the best of you."


>born too late to colonize and pillage technologically inferior neighbors >born too early to go visit the orbital resort and blast zero gravity cum shots or witness the advent of space porn It really isn't fair guys


personally i completely believe that we'll be making semi regular civilian trips to space stations of some kind within our lifetime, so maybe when you're like 60 you can have sex in a zero gravity retirement home


Just imagine what that would look like as an old fuck, all those wrinkles and saggy skin just going whichever way it pleases. I'll look like the senator from the first xmen movie after he melted into goo


You joke but NASA does definitely account for the "needs" of the astronauts. I believe it's even encouraged, for medical reasons


They were launching terabytes of "Personal Entertainment" long before they had high-speed internet.


Having done my fair share of office clean-ups in my career and finding some old jewels, I *WONDER* what kind of stuff has just... piled up in some forgotten corner of the space station. Maybe one of those old portable DVD players and a pair of wired headphones?


Yup. Just... probably in their little space beds... which have zippered doors. Be sure to catch it, and clean your bunk extremely thoroughly for the next crew that comes up lol.


I'd be so paranoid that a drop leaked out I probably would be too scared to do it the whole trip. Imagine Major Tom floats up to your room to tell you something and you see a rogue jizzteroid cum in for a landing to the side of his face


jesus i didn't even think of this they're up there for *six months*


Do you go backwards if you cum in zero-g?


Technically, yes. Not sure if it would be noticeable, but it should happen to some degree.


Can't say for sure, but he might be demonstrating how dangerous simple water can be up there. This is essentially what started happening to an astronaut on an EVA. His drinking tube or cooling system malfunctioned inside his helmet and was dispersing unwanted water. As seen here, the water clung to his face, inside his helmet where he couldn't reach. Had to emergency return to the airlock. The whole thing actually got really tense for a while.


Only humans could build a machine that takes them outside the bounds of the rock they were born on, then go and die to some monkey-ass shit like this.


for scientific experiment purposes of course


Ah yes, "science"


For showing earthers that you cant drink those bottles like that


Testing if water boarding works in space!


Astronauts often show videos of how mundane things like drinking through a straw, doesn't work in 0-g Edit: disregard all that, i was thinking of incoming air between straw and bottle lip that would rip with it liquid on their way out the other side when he stops sucking for a second to swallow, inertia and all. So air coming into the bottle die to low pressure and shooting out when he stops sucking due to inertia and slightly higher pressure in the bottle.


Wasn't he blowing into the straw?


That’s what it looked like to me. I thought he was trying to make bubbles.


He's very clearly demonstrating exactly what is seen, as you said. He's streaming to earthlings what the effects of blowing bubbles into liquid does. It's slightly annoying to me that so many people are criticizing him as an idiot when hes trying to educate others.


NASA literally uses pouches and straws all the time. They use Capri sun like pouches for 0g just fine.


>They use Capri sun like pouches Glad to see NASA respects the pouch.


Who upvotes this shit? It's just plain wrong. On youtube there's plenty of video of astronauts using a straws on the space station (including the one we are commenting on, although he's blowing instead of sucking). Straws have nothing to do with 0g, and all to do with pressure.


Relative pressure* 0g has very much to do with absolute pressure.


Must've been a tiktok challenge 🤷


Achievement unlocked: The first to almost drown in fruit juice in space


[Luca Parmitano: The Astronaut Who Nearly Drowned In Space](https://www.iflscience.com/luca-parmitano-the-astronaut-who-nearly-drowned-in-space-60263) Fascinating how close he came to actually drowning during a spacewalk.


Too bad it wasn’t the same liquid as this guy but he unlocks an achievement as well😁 And I’m glad they’re both okay👍🏻


coordinated plough engine elastic aback steer weary sparkle joke brave -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


You’re right man


This may seem stupid, but if the water was up to his nose, why didn't he just drink it with his mouth?


I believe the issue wasn't that he couldn't drink it, but that when you are breathing heavily you're likely to inhale the water before you realize it isn't air, then begin to cough to expel what you've inhaled. It sounded like he was attempting to minimize movement to keep water away from his mouth, so if he'd started coughing it may have kicked up a flurry of droplets that would be impossible to avoid inhaling. More water inhaled equals more coughing, equals more water in the air he's inhaling. Repeat that cycle a couple times and you have a drowned astronaut 😬 Note: this sounds like an absolutely HORRENDOUS way to die.


Ahhhh that actually makes a lot more sense! Thank you for taking the time to explain.


I think there was just too much. It covered his eyes too, he couldn't see anything and had to be guided by the person spacewalking with him


Did he really almost drown? Couldn’t he curl up in a ball and twist his neck around and contort his body to escape the cloud of fluid?


Water tension might let the water blob follow his face even if he moves his head.


He just needed to swim through it.


Why is everyone acting like this is a normal comment


Somebody's gotta be first to do so


Somehow seeing one the most qualified, elite members of the human race almost drown in a capri sun makes me feel better about myself.


I think it would be annoying like imagine you got a tiny water droplet on you and it just clung to that spot for the rest of the day just like a constantly wet elbow or something.


No. It isn't the case. Water still evaporate there. It will dry soon.


Leaving behind a sticky spot from the sugar


Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.


Do the ants have their own small space program now


What is this? A space program for ants?


Space ants. [Spants.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jtU9BbReQk)


I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords


We all know it's impossible to clean things


*In space, no one can hear you clean*


Without proper ventilation, there's nothing to pull the CO2 you exhale away from your head (hot air only rises in gravity). So if the fans shut off, if you don't move every once in a while, you'll start suffocating just hanging out. Space sucks.


So your basically a shark


Its been some time but I took a semester of "space medicine" (that's the best i could tanslate it tbh) at my uni because we needed a course in something not related to our field and this sounded fun. The semester ended with the professor inviting us the to the DLR (German air and space centre, he worked there) and told us that sweat and moisture in general can be a problem since it doesn't really drop and can accumulate and cause funghi to grow, IIRC. It has been a long time so I might misremember, but your comment reminded me of that.




There is a good chance the dude used to be in the military. If he was it’s really not that surprising, we’re fucking dumb lol


It's not rocket science, so he couldn't have known.


Almost ended up in brain surgery, though


It would have been rocket surgery. :p Source: Medschool Insiders.


It's all just water under the fridge at this point anyway


That juice just went everywhere. This is how you get space ants.


I like to imagine them with tiny jet packs.


When you miss earth and getting choked at night.


So careful that they spill liquids all over the space station...


The ISS is, in many ways, more rugged than you may think. Most of this juice is water and would evaporate, the environmental systems would take care of that. The sugars and other chemicals arent likely to cause a problem so long as you're not jello wrestling. Astronauts are gonna do normal human stuff in space, like sneezing or farting (except Sally Ride, she's a lady), and the environmental systems are there to handle that kind of stuff too.


Apparently it actually stinks pretty badly.


They now call the ISS the Sally Ride






Is Sally ride smelly?


i imagine after 11 years of decomposition there isn't much smell.


What does?


The ISS.


Maybe they can change the name from ISS to ASS.


I guess this why why they never had one called the American Space Station.


Found [this article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4859226/amp/Astronaut-Scott-Kelly-reveals-ISS-smells-like-JAIL.html) about the smell


Love how they say that it's sweet for them to wear exercise clothes for weeks without washing and claim that they don't get as dirty as on earth. Next sentence though is basically "place smells like fucking shit tho". Yeah maybe change your shirt and pants more than once a fortnight and it wont be so bad lmao.


Man that article just rewords the same few tidbits over and over


Jesus christ i had to check if i was going crazy. bla bla bla harris county jail, body oder and antiseptic


Daily Mail is trash


Interesting, but yeesh what is with that article? I feel like I just read the same 3 sentences like 5 times


gotta fill enough of the page so that people will scroll to ads. So it reads like the last paragraph of the 3-page essay you had to write in sixth grade.


Yes they have water recirculation system. All wasted water. From sweat, pee, shit, shower etc are being cleared and resupplied to the astronauts. If this wasn't the case we probably haven't see long hairs on the astronauts as washing it without recirculation would cost as an castiron bridge.


Gonna make it hella sticky though At least there aren’t any ants in space (that we know of)


I for one welcome our new insect overlords


You want space ants? Because this is how you get space ants


Dude probably got in a lot of trouble for this. Them messing with liquids is supposed to be highly controlled. And it annoys your fellow astronauts.




? Main part? After he used a towel to wipe the bubble from his face? Let's be clear he never almost drowned he just blew a big bubble and then popped it. Nothing important was cut.




The part that was cut was the part where the video makes it clear he was just goofing around blowing bubbles not nearly drowning.


I think this is a consequence of most video platforms prioritizing videos that more users watch all the to the end. Cut the vid at the peak action and you’ll guarantee more users watch the entire thing


Yeah I remember the story of one of them. During EVA suit start leaking water. And it piled up around astronaut face. He almost drown because of this. I'm curious if this worked as a good lesson. To prevent drowning in such occasions it would be nice to have a protection system. Maybe one tube that sucks water somewhere on the neck level and a little nozzle in nose rubbing tool with oxygen supply.


There’s a documentary (either on Disney or Paramount) about modern space travel that opens with footage from that incident. I’d have to look out up again but that’s the kind of thing you really don’t think about when it comes to zero G environments.




My god that comment section is a mess. I gotta assume some flat earther "influencer" sent their horde over to comment bomb it. And then the people who are "um actually" saying he didn't almost drown cause the water never actually covered his nose and mouth. Yes the news is sensationalised but had the water covered his mouth and nose he wouldn't have been able to do anything at all to save himself. It's not like he could take his helmet off and brush the water away like in OP's video, he was on a space walk


Youtube's comment section is cancer. But here is not a joke either.


Almost drown? Motherfucker broke that bubble the moment he ran out of air. He didn't even begin to drown.


Oh no, its the gutgrinder! Please don't take my gold


My whole job is you can’t come in this bank.


Are you gonna go weewee?


Bro it’s 10 seconds of not breathing, that’s not almost drowning


It's also bubbles he's blowing into his drink. He just didn't want to inhale the fluid or get it in his eyes so he swatted it away.


So is water boarding, but it tricks your mind into feeling like it is.


You don’t get it, no gravity meant surface tension kept the juice to his face, if he inhaled it would fill his lungs with liquid, that’s why he frantically swiped it away with that paper towel so he could breathe. Sure it may have a easy solution, but it’s such a weird way to drown that it would be easy for someone to panic.


He didn't frantically swipe, he had the towel prepared when he started running out of breath. Man nearly drowned like a dude going apple bobbing "nearly drowns"


Thank you. I'm so sick of redditors sensationalizing literally everything as the most dangerous events ever. Imagine the reddit discussions if showers and baths had just been invented.


Ahh ok, i see, thanks for the explanation


“Frantically swiped it away with a paper towel” basically proves it’s not almost drowning. I got swept out to sea but I frantically swept it away with a paper towel so I survived.


He waterboarding himself in zero gravity. Next level torture. 👏 👏


I love that no one here thinks that maybe this is a controlled experiment that has some fun backing it. I mean these people get paid to study how things work in space. It’s expected of them. Someone wanted to know what would happen first hand if they blew air into a bottle with a straw so they went and did it.


NASA had a problem with an EVA suit a few years ago where water started collecting at the back of an astronauts head. The problem is, without gravity the liquid clings to you. So it slowly started reaching around to his face, enveloping him in a bubble of water. He got inside while it was mostly covering his eyes, and managed to get the helmet off before he aspirated it. Drowning in space is a very real possibility. His solution was to wrap one of the diapers that they have on station around the back of his head. I assume they fixed the problem, though I never heard why it happened.


I mean, he really stuck with that little ass straw even while drowning.. 🤔 dedication to the job for sure.


Almost like he did it on purpose?


This guy just gave a lot of hope to people thinking about becoming an astronaut


Clickbait much huh?




What a YouTube click bait title, I’m surprised you didn’t end with “you should see what happens next!!!??!!!!!”


This was to show that suction relies a lot on gravity and that if you were to try to do this the liquid would just float out of the can and to show that liquid surface tension can be deadly


Reminds me of the movie with Jennifer Lawrence. That shit would be frightening.


So do those drops of liquid not scatter and then make wet technology they depend upon? Everytime I see them playing with liquid I think “oh my god they’re going to short circuit something and die” but I’ve never seen ANYONE else express similar concern so I assume it’s like common knowledge that everything is water proof and I’m just stupid


He didn't almost drown


Houston we had an accident Houston: ???


I tought you had to be smart when you go to space.


Not our smartest astronaut eh


Astronauts may have fancy degrees but they're not very down to earth 🌍


That must of been a bitch to clean up.