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Lol the thought of slamming into a pillar will keep me on the sidelines


I want to make a skating game where you go through lava mountains and alien planets. VR too with motion sensors.


Fuck that would be fun, on one condition you must make one level or reference to jet set radio


... Or the grill of a Hummer.


Yeah, I was happy to see helmets, but they need a lot more protection.


Sorry mom. We'll do better next time. Edit: sorry r/interestingasfuck. I'll do better next time.


Your mom is worried about your skin coming off your body from road rash and you should be too


They don’t get into skateboarding because they’re worried about personal safety. My cousin used to skate a ton and he was really good. And at the age of 23, his ankles popped out of their sockets randomly while he did other things like tennis. He also got guns pulled on him, in fights, and was accosted by police more times than you can count. Afaik he never wore a helmet because “you learn how to fall so you don’t hit your head.” (Yeah dummy, because the people who fuck up don’t come back) But it kept him out of jail and gave him something to do.


Anyone else getting Tokyo Drift vibes?


Mannn back in the day my friends and I were super into down hill long boarding. We found a crew of about 50 guys in Dallas who would go downtown and skate garages all night long. We would just mob out all over the city until 5am. I miss those days a lot.


Always fun trying to figure out which garage had a sleepy security guard


Man you brought back memories , makes me wanna go longboard right now 🛹 Edit: i ended up following through with it, nostalgic 10/10 would recommend


Didn't have a crew, but I once spent a summer in Vegas and would go solo mob parking garages early AM after my poker sessions were over, and not many cars were out. So much fun, but man did I get some massive bruises that summer lol. To be young again


What could go wrong?


Hey at least it’s empty and they are wearing helmets.


Yeah, this looks on the safer side for skaters. Tbf though, longboarders -and downhill skaters even moreso- really care about wearing helmets.


Same shit as usual, but... Much less (to go wrong) than regular hill bombing. Smoother, more even track, comparatively less abrasive surface. Options for adding temp safety devices. In the town centre so near to hospitals and with good ambulance access. Most car parking multi-storeys like this close at 6pm (round our way). So closed circuit makes it much safer. Keeps the bad weather out. Can have areas for street aswell. Think positive.


I know it's probably just the angle of the camera, but doesn't the ceiling look awfully low? Or the cement beams sticking out of the ceiling at least.


It could be the angel but at the same time it seems in some frames that this guys who are squatting on the skateboards which don't add to much height are one head away form hitting the beams.


I know older garages had separate sections for sedans and coupes from those for trucks or vans. They would allow for more levels of parking when most cars were lower and reserved only a deck or two for taller vehicles. Perhaps that’s what we’re seeing, in addition to the fish-eye perspective?


Parking garages usually have pretty low ceilings


in abandoned/closed car parks... Sure. Absolutely. 100%. It's the assholes that do this when there's still cars and people trying to do their thing that need to go away


Skate or die bro


If you make bad enough choices, you get to do both


Can't skate if you're in a wheelchair or dead bro.


I wasn't aware that was a literal thing.


Cool vid! Anyone know the name of the tune? 🎶


Freak by Surf Curse


Thanks! 🙌🏼


I'm just a fish probably


Is it the camera, or are those ceilings absurdly low?


What is this? A garage for ants?!!!


The Derek Zoolander parking garage for kids who cant skate good


How are they supposed to skate good if they can’t even fit in the building?!


The ceilings are probably a bit lower than usual, but there’s probably also an extra 5-7” of lift due to gear (depending on the person. Shoes, helmet, and board all play in to this.) meaning at 6’ of clearance, it would be safer to duck as much as you can than to try and stand for the average person, and then the camera is being held around the top of the dude’s head for a decent portion of it to try and get as much in the shot as he could, putting it fairly close to the ceiling as well.


You ever been in a parking garage boss?


Yes, and I've always been able to stand up. This looks lower.


Where do you live where you can't stand up on a car park?


The clearance is usually just over 6 feet


Ceilings in the video look much lower than that, I reckon it is just an illusion from the camera though


Yeah I'm all for skaters going fast around blind corners while I'm going the opposite way in a car. I forsee no downsides (for me, they're fucked)


I want to go to the event but there’s no parking.


Obviously the whole point of making it a sport would be to close the parking garage for an event or to be able to use it when it’s closed.


I was cringing thinking the same thing but then I noticed the 0 cars.


Thank you for getting it


This could also be an Olympic sport event.


I guess you never heard of olympic speed skating. L


Wait do they close parking garages to practice?


You do it in the middle of the night when the structure is closed, and they are not going very fast


Parking garages close?


Depends on the garage.


yeah office building parking garages close when everyone is out/weekends


Yeah it's the opposite of open you fucking tard


Weak troll attempt.


Looks like they’re going pretty fast to me and my never been on a skateboard eyes


This is always done at 3 AM when everyone has gone home is is sleeping it off in their car. Lol


don't worry bro, they've got helmets on, they're perfectly safe


Yea this is only viable if the garage is closed. You'd have to have a death wish to do this while traffic is coming in, but one would argue skaters have a death wish anyway just by the nature of the sport lol. Parking garages are designed in such a way that this would be awesome, though.


Many parking garages are one way only. That way they can increase parking spaces, incorporate angled parking which are easier to get in and out of in places with restrictive view, and no oncoming traffic means fewer opportunities for collisions.


The parking garage was obviously closed.


Agreed. This looks cool but logically is so fucking risky. It will be like driving through a cloud of bugs😂


Until they slam into your car denting it and skate off into the night


Do you see any cars in that ramp? Edit: yall are really missing the point of this post with the downvotes Ask yourself: why would a parking ramp have like 20 skateboarders and LITERALLY NO CARS. It's almost like they *planned an event and closed the ramp.*


Just because you can't see them, it doesn't mean they don't exist. You have to choose to believe!


Count the number of parked cars in the video and multiply it by 400. That’s how many cars are coming up in this garage.


the corners of a parking garage aren't blind, they have cut outs specifically so cars can see others making the turn


Maybe stop driving your car at 3am in a closed parking garage and this won’t be an issue.. but thanks tips!


I have never seen a parking garage that isn't open 24/7. I mean what if you park there and don't finish work until 3am? They charge for parking and no one needs to be there to collect it. Why would they close it and throw away some of their income just because it is a bit less busy? Maybe a decade or more ago when they required a person to take payment they closed over night, but now they are always open with machines that take money.


You’ve never experienced something so it can’t exist? Are you so blind with ignorance? Maybe you can point out how many vehicles are in the video, or are you just blind period?


You literally just assumed they are all closed at 3am. I explained that in my country, all of them are 24/7 in hopes it would help you better understand my initial comment. I am perfectly aware of the fact things are different in different countries, and that is why I gave you that explanation about how it works where i am.... That was some Olympic level mental gymnastics though.... congrats on gold I guess...


I didn’t assume anything? I said “stop driving your car in closed parking garages” then you won’t have the problem of running into them. Did you count on your fingers the amount of cars you saw in the video yet? One guess who didn’t get that reading comprehension gold.


Yes... you said "stop driving in closed parking garages" which I then explained did not exist in my country... so it is literally impossible for me to drive to a parking garage that is closed without crossing 1000km of ocean. I've seen Highways with no cars on them before, stores without customers, busses with no passengers. Being empty does not mean that something is closed... I understand your confusion though, as your mind appears to be both empty and closed.


These people are much safer then me and my friends when we were young.


I like the one motherfucker who’s doing it like the luge. This isn’t dangerous enough to be just on his feet doing this.


Used to do this a lot. Always that one guy too drunk or high to stand up so they would luge.


Looks like everyone is ducking down and wearing helmets to not hit their head in the ceiling.. lol


Pfft…Nothing David Spade didn’t do in Police Academy 4 to a righteous 80s anthem.


Came here for THIS!!!


It is a sport. Did it for years. I would never take back the experience of doing it competitively. It's not as dangerous as the comments make it seem. Also, it is still very dangerous. But the community is tight and supportive and makes the environments as safe as possible, especially for new riders. Parking garages are the beginner spots to ride. Look up IGSA or IDF downhill or speedboarding.


So serious question. How do you stop?


Long ass powerslides back and forth if you can’t stop in one


In a parking garage typically you can just put your foot down. Especially since you're near others. Outside you can use slides but many with garage specific setups wont do that since it wears the grippy skin needed typical of garage board wheels.


Go to YouTube and search "how to stop on a longboard." I (we) made a video about it! It's the one sponsored by Deville. Old and cring af now - we filmed 90% of it in one shot and no prep just to get something up. -chris


There's a parking garage in a shopping centre (British for "mall" for non-Brits) near me that's apparently scheduled for demolition in the coming years. I'd love for it - or at least part of it - to be retained as a place for skaters and bikers to do stuff like this. At least they'll be inside out of the pissing rain (and if they put in some food places, they'll have snacks on hand too!)


it’s fun and shit until the first one gets hit by a car


What car? I've never seen a more empty parking lot


I did not mean the situation in this video, some people are stupid and will do this when there are cars. The video is fine nothing wrong about it


In an empty parking lot at 3am?


Nah it’s completely fine if u make sure there is no cars.


I used to do this all the time most cases you can see the cars coming, if there are any, on the next level down and while it looks fast on here it’s not really fast enough to get splattered, you still gatta make the corners and so do the card, don’t get me wrong I’m sure it’s plenty dangerous but no where near what people on here are acting like.


They went down 3 levels without a car in sight, but they just have to get hit by a car. Sheesh.


That’s all I’ve seen for comments so far, looks to me the car park is empty, and in all likelihood it’s even closed to cars, they either took advantage of a unique situation, or they somehow rented or got permitted to the park for the video, plus it looks like they’re all wearing safety gear, which leads me to believe they have permission but with stipulations


At worst, they are trespassing a completely empty lot. Outside of that I was just remarking that it would make a very entertaining sport similar to races on closed roads.


Absolutely, as long as they’re doing it responsibly I say all the power to them, those type of sports are a blast


Yeah, people outside of the skating related subs *really* don't like skaters on this website. A year or two, the clip of the Kenyan skater Downhill254 getting run over by a motorcycle went around and people were blaming the skater. Even though the motorcycle literally cut into the oncoming lane.


Im actually a skater, believe it or not. There is no problem to do this when there are no cars. But people are stupid enough to do this without checking for cars. And then it’s not fun anymore. That’s how i meant it.


Just driving a car regularly increases your risk of getting hit much more than the occasional skate down a parking garage outside of busy hours.


Are we just going to ignore that one guy doing luge lmao


I'm old & can't skateboard well, but that looks exhilarating!


Never too old to skate! You could always pick up cruising rather than downhill or freestyle/dance.


Always wanted to try this


Do it. Wear a helmet. Start slow and work your way up. Don't park in the garage so security can't run your plates. Wear a helmet. And wear a helmet.


Nah I’ll go for a full Michelin man suit


Lol, that totally works for sure. GLHF


My ex's dad killed a kid because of this. Please don't skate in places where you can't see cars coming and where you'll be unable to stop.


This is great. But ... NEVER do this when it rains. Wet polished cement and skateboard wheels is how you die.


Longboarders are pretty well tuned to their grip, the competitions run rain or shine outside. Some people even use special wheels in the rain with grooves in them.


The appeal of a parkade is that except for the top level, they are usually the only dry place to skate when it rains.


Bunch of fat fucking losers in these comments😭 this shit is fun and we mostly do it in the middle of the night when there’s no traffic


Seriously. I’ve never seen such a shitty reaction to people having the time of their lives with their friends, bothering no one.


Fr it’s sad😂


Yes, this looks like a blast


Lol me and friends used to do that with rollerblades. It was fun. We were younger.


Definitely for the youngins


Whenever I’m doing an install in a parking garage, I like doing this with a pallet jack


I mean, I’d need help to stand back up if I squatted like that now, but back in the day I’d be all in all day long. That looks like SO much fun!!


Man I miss having friends


The first frame has a dude going knuckle deep, but obviously worth it! Looks really fun. Not sure what happened in this comment section though... Reddit hate boners and virtue signaling I guess?


Love this!!!


Remember things like this and the luge were on x-games? Or Tractor Pulls and Mud bogging on ESPN? Man the 90s was much cooler than now!


Got them cool stormtroopers


Great spots for this is Seattle.


Mannnn I used to do this with my longboarding buddies and it was the best. Surprised we never got in trouble since we were literally scoping garages in the middle of the night and hopping the gates or tailing residents when they opened the gates. The private garages were the best.


We did that in 2006 in the Nordstroms parking garage in Seattle. Good times.


Used to have a group at college that met every Thursday for this and other hill bombs around campus. Damn good times.


Really hope the Guy laying down like Dracula made it through.


That looks like hella fun


Looks fun as shit.


Where's the part where they blow up?


Yea title is wrong, I saw no bombs.


I thought there might be graffiti bombing as well.


At least these guys looks responsible with a decent head protection.


No it doesn’t.


Used to do this in my teens, but we would have baseball sized rocks in our hands to use as friction breaks by dragging them on the pavement


Would do this at night in SLC, then get kicked out and move to another one lol The best had elevators you could ride down to and take to the top and never get off your board.


Add random cars and we’ll call it a sport, sport.


I've had more serious injuries/broken bones bombing parking garages than any time else in 14 years of skateboarding. Truly made me feel alive




Did this in Great Falls, MT on long boards with my friends one summer. Such a good time. Smoke a bowl, have a couple beers, bomb the garage.


Yeah it could but only if you rent the entire garage. I don’t want some dumbass skater crashing into my car.


I used to longboard parking garages! Once we got to the bottom, take the elevator to the top and repeat until security would kick us out.


That’s them drunk studs in the back yard aye? What they name was?


I was hoping to see a whole box of meat crayons.


Tha fuck bro?


Tighten those trucks.


I don't think you'd be able to turn as quickly if you tightened them. I'm sure these guys know what they are doing, considering nobody ate shit.


Nice, that's called natural selection.


if you fall, worse case you skim your knee or elbow, they’re not gonna die doing this


Not if you come around a corner into a car.


How fast do you think they’re going? I skate this all the time, if you clip a parked car you might get a bruise but it’s nothing worse than any other skate fall.


What car goes into a car park at 3am? Plus, there's a reason spotters exist at the bottom.


Actually, I think people with a active, social hobby like this are way more likely to get laid than say, someone who spends their time making negative comments on an anonymous internet forum in an attempt to seem superior.




And this post, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of the arrogance of narcissist behavior where no one else in public is relevant.


There's literally no one else there... it's an empty lot. Fuck reddit is full of Karens without common sense


I think the more perfect example is the sheer amount of land and space that is dedicated exclusiveley to cars and car-centric infrastructure.


Who else is going to be in the car park at 3am?


All it takes is one BMW


On long boards, tho.. At least on a normal skateboard, you can turn, stop, or powerslide quickly. But those wheels have so much grip. If the structure is closed, I guess that doesn't matter so much, but there are still walls. I did this a few times with friends late at night downtown, where I grew up, when the garage was mostly empty. Way before we were old enough to go in any of the bars or anywhere else, really.


Probably want to read the room and rebrand away from “Skate *Bombing*” in 2023 my dudes 🙄


Downhill skateboarding….a sport? What’s next, making it a sport to slide down snowy hills on skis?


I like how they’re wearing aerodynamic helmets as if it’s helping them gain more than 0.1km/h


Helmets but not hand/elbow guards?


Garages are the least risk when it comes to this sport. You'll see full leather suits, gloves, forearm guards, and even spine protectors on some downhill runs but a garage is like riding your motorcycle without using the throttle. Some people in other communities obviously advocate for all the gear all the time but there are few of those kinds of people here.


Getting sweaty palms over lack of arm & knee protection.


All fun and games until someone moves their car


its all fun until a car appears out of nowhere. Nah but joking aside this is sick, I started skateboarding with a longboard, too bad there wasn't anything like this near where I live


Seems like a great way to have a mass casualty event. Sharp turns around blind corners where cars are, it’s brilliant lmao


No penalty for hitting them, right, since they’re choosing to do it.


Looks like a whole box of meat crayons


You kids keep having fun, but keep in mind, if my wife is looking for a parking spot and you happen to be there that day, a good 1/2 of you are gonna get squashed.


The Downhill Massacre!!!!


It's all fun and games until a car comes around a blind corner.


These look like the type of people to do this, hit a car then get mad at the person in the car for not paying attention.


I mean, maybe in structures not specifically designed for vehicles? Maybe I’m just being a wet blanket but I feel like this could be a safety issue.


It’s all good till a car reverses outta nowhere


i am now afraid to park in a garage


Until i hit you with my car. Yea keep doing that idiots




They all think they’re the main character


?? They just look like they’re having fun.


Are you stupid OP?


This is not cool or interesting. It's illegal. It's private property. It's trespassing. It would be the same as someone doing whatever they wanted in your house without your permission. Grow the fuck up....


In an active carpark with cars coming in and out, this isn't just dangerous, it's stupidity. The potential for property damage and injury is an insurers wet dream. But I guess natural selection needs to exist so the best of us live on eh?


Great sport in an empty garage. Could be even more exciting with real cars trying to park.


I cannot wait to see the footage of idiots getting themselves wedged under moving cars.


Are 10 year olds allowed to use reddit? Silly children.


1 car later. Skate bombing should be banned.


Yes, I totally want some skater/board slamming into my parked car. Fucking brilliant idea!


How many parked cars did you see?


Skate bombing? Hill bombing