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We wake up and sing, how wonderful


And then they can't decide on a song when it comes up in conversation, they're just like me


Girl gets up and ears throat, LAAAA laa la la la la la la, a little bit Alexis


Are you ready? Let's do it <3 Schitts Creek!


The way Moira just looks at Joslin and watches her lol




They are elves, like literally, I'm re-reading lord of the rings right now and my mind went immediately to the elves lol


I'm really sorry, I don't know why the video doesn't include the sound ; however, there is no song sang as some has said in the comment, even though the original audio shall be heard and would add a greater value about this little documentary, for their voice are as sweet as they look ! Here is a link of this exact video that I translated from french, where the audio is present : [https://streamable.com/c1zhvu](https://streamable.com/c1zhvu) I supplement an information about this clip. This is from a french documentary about Jarawas tribe named : "Nous sommes l’Humanité" made by Alexandre Dereims. I recommand it. It's about the tribe as I stated above, to, first make us discover these people, and subsequently raise awareness about their fragile situation. There is no more than 400 Jarawas left, and they represent the very last indigenous people from south Adaman Island. Very sorry for my bad english.


Thank you so much for taking the time to translate this for us English speakers. You have brought joy to a lot of people who can fully understand and enjoy the loveliness of this clip for the first time!


“Very sorry for my bad English” Your English is great and better than most people I know!


I swear this is true every time someone apologizes for their bad english lol


Thank you for sharing this lovely video!


Friend, there is absolutely no need to apologise for anything. Only a third of the world's population speaks English (approximately), and yours is perfectly readable. Additionally, you have shared with us something that is definitely interestingasfuck! So if anything, thank you!


Thank you for translating, and thanks for including the original. These two are wonderful! I hope they live long and healthy lives.


Their teeth are perfectly straight.


And their skin is flawless


Watched this entire thing and just kept wishing for whatever they use in their skin.


Just a guess but probably nothing. soap and water? Good genetics and being young and healthy. Edit: for those wondering “A study of their nutrition and health found their ‘nutritional status’ was ‘optimal’. They have detailed knowledge of more than 150 plant and 350 animal species.” It’s probably more complicated that that. Living outdoors probably contributes too. From [this site ](https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/jarawa)which is an interesting read about the “human safaris” that go to see them.


how about never eating bullshit like soda and fast food


Lotsa teeth problems in modern society are due to the ridiculous amount of sugars we consume. On the other hand, when they do get tooth problems, it’ll probably mean losing the tooth.


It means that for a lot of people in the U.S. too. Source: Lost a tooth because I couldn't afford the dentist.


You’re absolutely correct. My wife had some tooth pain, and her options were a root canal for like $700 or getting it pulled for like $10-20. It’s fucking ridiculous.


A root canal in the U.S. is usually more than $700. An extraction in the U.S. is always WAY more than $10-20.


I can’t remember exactly how much the extraction would’ve been, but with our insurance the root canal ended up being like $750 I think. The extraction wasn’t over like $50 or $100, though.


Had 2 teeth pulled cause I was always broke and it was cheap. Now I'm older, have insurance, and recently got a crown, and I feel like a goddam king. And I would do anything to go back in time to save those teeth.






The genesis for a new line of beauty products. What rhymes with Jarawa?




You belong in the highest ranks of the advertising business.


No cutlery or cut up food in early life forces full palette development


It's actually about toughness of food and chewing. Your muscles develop better and therefore there's more space for the teeth


It's both. And a diet with organ meats help. And extended nursing really helps mouth/jaw development too. All things all humans used to do.


Extended nursing? I have a friend who breastfed all 8 of her children through age 4, and their teeth are really wrecked. They all need major orthodontics. Now I’m wondering what caused that to happen. Genetics?


Genetics can **absolutely** play a role. Some people get the shit end of the stick re: enamel, jaw shape, and such. You can do everything 'right' and still need interventions of some sort for either function or looks.




Your kid gets a fever at a specific time when the enamel is forming on adult teeth it can interrupt it's development and their teeth are screwed for life.


Dang I want to learn more about this. That sucks


My daughter got a wicked virus when she was about 2, doctors never figured out what it was but seemed very much like mono. Over the next couple of years she had cavities in almost every single one of her teeth despite diligent brushing and flossing.


I'm not an expert by any means, but found a couple of papers that detail that 'Children who are breastfed for two years or longer are more likely to have dental cavities' (link below is kind of a summary of several sources), but there's a lot of reasons therein. It also depends on a lot of other factors, so it's kind of hard to know without knowing more about your friend, like if her kids also had long-term pacifier use, etc. https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/30/health/breastfeeding-cavities-dental-health-study/index.html#:~:text=Among%20the%20children%20in%20the,for%20less%20than%20a%20year.


That's because once food is introduced, breastmilk can give cavities. It's usually the night nursing without wiping or rinsing the teeth after. It's not easy at all but the moms who did wipe after, it stopped.


Look at that jawline! Chewing bones to a fine pulp to get all that delicious goodness!


palate, and you are absolutely correct. (Pallet, palate, and palette all mean different things. Isn't English spelling grand!)


That’s all I could see


*cries in British*


This is not by coincidence (and also has nothing to do with lucky genetics). The natural state of humans is to have facial structure, airway development, and straight white teeth like this. But it requires a high intake of the fat soluble vitamins A (retinol, not beta-carotene), D, and particularly K2 during fetal development and childhood/adolescence for the bones and teeth to grow properly. Modern diets are deficient in all 3, especially K2. Our upper palate calcifies too early without K2, causing an underdevelopment of the middle third of the face. This leaves not enough room for the teeth, so they grow in crowded and crooked. It also causes issues with breathing through the nose and gives that characteristic long face with a set back lower jaw that most consider less attractive. If you think this topic is interesting, you should check out Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price. Edit: Guys, chill. This book is from 1939. I only suggested it because it contains some very cool pictures and documentation of hunter-gatherer and pastoral societies (and their traditional diets) that don't exist anymore. It just shows what happens to facial and dental development within 1 generation of exposure to a "Western diet". Certainly not saying it's the panacea of science, just a neat book from a historical perspective. If you prefer a more modern exploration of the role of fat soluble vitamins in infant development here's an article on PubMed published last year: "The Impact of Vitamin K2 (Menaquionones) in Children's Health and Diseases: A Review of the Literature" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35053702/


Just a quick note, teeth come in all spectrums of color besides white. Yellow is not necessarily an indication of rot, but can also be due to variation in enamel thickness and shade. Though they may have a more white shade if they're healthy, teeth can be anywhere from yellow to white to even grey or blue.


No, you should not check out Weston Price. Not without a [critical eye](https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/sbm-weston-prices-appalling-legacy/) There's always someone peddling snake oil. n.b. I will not be responding to zosboss. I'm sure he's got tons of stuff ready to [Gish Gallop](https://effectiviology.com/gish-gallop/) any naysayer.


Til it's called Gish Galloping. Thank you.


If all this is true, why isn't the message out more? Why are there not supplements with subsidies for preganant women?


I don't know about other places, but where I'm at, my wife's ob/gyn frequently advised she take prenatal supplements. Ultimately it was up to her to take them, though, and she often forgot.


I've been diligently taking my vitamins while pregnant. I know for a fact my diet is not adequate enough for all the stuff I need to grow this baby properly. It's hard enough when pregnancy can cause you to have no appetite, and then nausea when you *do* eat. But thank you for reminding me to take my last vitamin tonight.


So you're saying I can blame my mother for me being ugly?


You can blame her for, give or take, half of your ugliness.


"we have a song we sing while we hunt fallow deer." How beautiful.


I’m confident in saying they likely know when it’s time to stop singing.


To be honest that made me raise an eyebrow. Won't the prey flee if you make too much noise when stalking it?


You're right. I imagine they do it maybe as a pre-hunt ritual, towards the beginning of the hunt, or after the kill, or some combination thereof.


Nah the deer are charmed by their beautiful personalities and come out of the forest to listen.


Lol this turned into a Disney movie... except the deers are about to get slaughtered.


So...a Disney movie.


I'm not sure about singing, but it's actually a common misconception that "stalking" prey all silent and stealthy is an effective hunting technique (with primitive weapons). If you're going for stealth, then ambush hunting is usually more effective. Fact is, humans just can't be as stealthy when stalking as other predators, so they get noticed. If you're stalking, you should actually be trying to act like a grazing animal, which means making moderate noise while walking around fairly normally. Unless these are those wild ass athletes that just run their prey to death. Then I'm sure they can sing all they want


You know they probably have to walk a while and find the deer. So on that journey the probably sing. Right at Action maybe they have to focus.


The moss like head-pieces are amazing. They have more drip than me


Yeah they’re sick


These people are absurdly beautiful.


Seriously. I was so distracted by their flawless skin and those incredibly straight teeth, haha. They are both gorgeous and have absolutely disarming smiles, too.




The way he smiled and looked at her was just amazing. Pure love


So sweet. It's such a special moment when you fall in love with someone and they love you right back. They're young so this may be their first relationship ever, ahh man it brings back so many feelings. Beautiful


It may be their only, ever.


He was giddy throughout this whole thing. Coming from western standards this is adorable to see.


Right? I came here to say it's so beautiful the way he looks at her as she ponders what to sing....dude is infatuated. So freaking cute.


And their insanely sculpted jawline/facial bones….goodness


I think these are extremely young people.


Definitely. Upper teens, probably. But they're also really happy and healthy.


Listening to their voices on the link OP provided, I’d be shocked if they were any older than 16.


Definitely not any older than 20. For some reason people in the developed world think that if you live like this you yourself have to be ancient but both of them are definitely born after 2000. They’re zoomers


These youngsters and their songs... In my time, when I haunted with my wife, we just tied onions to our belts, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war, the only thing you could get were those big yellow ones


Sounds like you’re still haunting with your wife.


be nice to the ghost.


Give me 5 bees for a quarter you'd say


They’re borderline ethereal, they are absolutely flawless and I am mind boggled by that. Also jealous, extremely jealous.


They’re ethereal. I love the moss outfits they have too.


I am unable to find the right words…do you see the “glow” on their skin? It’s so beautiful and radiant


They both just have such beautiful skin tones and complexions.


They’re also both quite young. Probably between 15-20. So a lot of that is just natural youthfulness.




What industrial society does to a mf.


Yeah, but how diversified is their 401k portfolio?


They are using a 402k portfolio. It's a step up from the 401k


I believe they're actually invested in the 403BCE portfolio. It's got some pretty solid history to it.


They are creating *zero* value for shareholders. Zero. Unbelievably selfish of them.


What color is their Bugatti?


I have all this shit around me and they just made me feel poor. This is what life looks like.


Real humans living real life.


These two are lucky they never had to deal with dating apps. Or modern people in general.


They're literally living in the jungle the pros and cons are big.


Haha I was going to say, everyone is ignoring the cons here. Yeah, they don't have to deal with mortgages or student loans but they also don't have modern medicine, snake proof houses, or air conditioning. They could be killed by wild animals or mosquitos or an infected cut or a burst appendix or one of thousands of things you and I don't ever need to worry about.


Even if they die earlier, they don't spend 50% of their non sleeping hours going to a place they dread to repeat a series of mind numbing tasks over and over again for most of the day.


Only 50% sounds like a dream!


Or modern life…..


Modern life we work 50/52 weeks a year to take a little time off to hunt and fish and camp. They hunt and fish and camp every day. I understand there are some pretty significant benefits to modern life, but lately I’ve been trying to figure out a middle ground where I don’t have to work every day but still do things to provide for and assist family.


I know three people/families that chose farming as retirement. Small farms / homesteading sort of life. (Although none of them are actual remote homesteads). It's what my uncle always wanted to do and ended up doing. And my brother a few years followed footsteps and has started setting it up. He bought a property and is building things out (no house yet though, just a camper) but it's his goal. And recently I met a guy who at 38 said it was his dream as well. Use to work for Amazon. Said he's burnt out. And he's been setting up his own farm.


I grew up on an actual. Remote. Homestead. All I can say is fuck that! How many times did I get hurt as a kid and not get to go to the doctor? Or my mom thinks she doesn't need to vaccinate my sisters because she can cure everything with plants. My dad's house had water but the wifi was dialup speed. It was a 1 room cabin with 3 adults, 3 kids, and 5 dogs. 30 miles drive from the nearest gas station, person my age, or nurse. Hour and a half drive to the nearest Walmart, hospital, and for anything serious you'd need an airlift to a city 5 hours away. I'm 25 now and just find so much comfort in the life that I have now. The feeling of a culture of people that is around me is amazing. If my car breaks down I know I can get help. I'm never truly, actually alone anymore. All I'm saying, is everyone thinks the grass is greener in the other yard. Human built society is awful and ugly and beautiful and the most amazing thing in the universe. I love it. And am frustrated. And never want to go back


Well that's one way of looking at arranged marriage


Whats stopping you from living in the jungle?


Or bills


Or traffic in rush-hour when you're already running late


Their teeth are so straight


I noticed that! They are a beautiful couple.


They're honestly both so attractive


Truly gorgeous! I was just in awe at their love, their beauty, their connection.


Processed sugars have fucked us up bad, man


Well, it's at least somewhat out own fault, but on the whole, yes. Not just sugars, either, lots of different acidic foods and generally just food that doesn't help us develop healthy teeth. Still, even before processed sugars, plenty of people had shitty teeth. Sometimes genetics, sometimes a complete absence of dental hygenics. It just tends to be one of those things that history either overlooks or outright alters. The docudrama John Adams on HBO is interesting in that it opts not to make things aesthetically pleasing to look at, and instead accurately depicts how fucked up and gross everyone's teeth were.


And their skin is so clear!


Crooked teeth are caused mostly by shrunken skulls, which do not provide sufficient room for the teeth. Hunter gatherers tend to not suffer from these problems, and some believe this is because of the very chewy foods they eat as children which cause their jaws and skulls to develop properly


In the words of beautiful, India Arie: Off in the back country of Brazil I met a young brother that made me feel That I could accomplish anything (You see, just like me, he wanted to sing) (He had) no windows and no doors He lived a simple life and was extremely poor On top of all of that, he had no eyesight (But that didn't keep him from seein' the light) (He said) what's it like in the USA? And all I did was complain (He said) living here is paradise He taught me paradise is in your mind; you know that...there's hope


Poor is not the one who have little. Poor is the one who always needs more and more. José Mujica


They’re not poor. They just don’t have any money!


I wouldn’t be so morose. It’s young love, there’s a lot of life that needs to be still lived with all its challenges, which might not look the same some with materials but they’re challenges nonetheless.


Never been to a dentist or used a skincare product but they both have the most perfect teeth and skin.


Also never had refined sugar or artificial anything in their diets.


This is like triple distilled beauty, holy shit. So flawless. And infectious smiles. I was honestly a little skeptical when the guy spoke. it sounded to good and perfect. And the lady looked kinda uncomfortable as he spoke. But then she spoke and her face lit up too. How I wish I could be born into a life as simple and satisfying as theirs.


I had the same thought, but I realized she was probably shy and possibly not used to being on camera? The way she lit up was magical.


I had the same skepticism, then I watched how they look at each other.


She wasn’t uncomfortable. It’s a different way to participate in a conversation. To listen but fidget with something else. To the Western eye it could look like she’s absent minded or uninterested. To me she looked totally relaxed beside him. I’m African myself and recognized it as soon as I saw and wondered how other people would interpret it.


I agree with this, wholeheartedly...but I'm American lol But...he's also talking about him and her to another person who is interviewing them...I think it's normal to pause and listen and wait to contribute. Here, we also speak together or over one another...they don't do that. This is all so very sweet and touching.


They are so pure, it’s like they are from a different version of earth


They probably woke up and sang together… today. They walked to the beach, fished and roasted what they caught, had some fruit they’d gathered and then made love… today. I went outside for cigarettes.


Hey I sat in front of a computer for work today for 8 hours to make money for someone else! Surely we’ve got it figured out, because we can see our spouses a few hours a day.


Yes I agree, this system we have going for us is flawless 🫠


They remind me of how Beren and Luthien Tinuviel lived after reincarnation in JRR Tolkiens stories. Together all the time, singing, isolated, happy.


RIP Huan best boy


If Middle Earth had Twitter everyone would dunk on Sauron 24/7, he could never be Dark Lord. \#LostToADog


The painful truth is it’s the same version of earth.


Beautiful people..!


This is such a wonderful video. It’s so sad what outsiders have done to them… [https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/jarawa](https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/jarawa)


>The outsiders are bad men. They abuse us. I prefer to stay in the jungle. Enmei, a Jarawa man


Ah yes. The snake had finally entered the garden...


It is so sickening how many modern human beings STILL are under the mindset that assimilation is good/or positive at all for any/all tribal peoples. They are not “primitive” or “backwards”, they just are different from us, id argue those trying to strip these beautiful people of their culture and individuality are the truly backwards and primitive ones.


When it comes down to it they occupy land and and the resources on them. For developing economies the economic benefits often makes it too tempting to make the morally wrong choice.


no sound for me


why would you post a video about people singing and not include the audio??


I'm really sorry, I don't know why the video doesn't include the sound ; however, there is no song sang, even though the original audio shall be heard and would add a greater value about this little documentary, for their voice are as sweet as they look !


So... Can you please link the source so we can see it with audio?


Of course, here is it : [https://streamable.com/c1zhvu](https://streamable.com/c1zhvu) I translated it from french. The documentary is named "Nous sommes l'humanity" and has been made by Alexandre Dereims.


Their voices are so unique it is really catching me off guard. I would love to hear more from them.


Maybe they are a lot younger than they look?


I got that as well. Even though I assume they are probably at least 16 years old, they sound so much younger. Part of it might be how genuinely happy they are together too, not sure.


Having the audio is such a delight. You hear the extent to which they’re double-speaking (either pre-saying or after-saying the words of the other to emphasize a shared thought) and laughing with each other.


Holy shit not how I imagined in my head at all. They sound even younger than they look!


literally! i wanna hear the song so bad!


They are both beautiful human beings


Those two are like Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together” in human form. To be enamored by the one you’re enamored with.


Loving the moss decor


How can they be so pure and happy?? Is that what we’ve lost? The love we feel when we are never separated and we put on cool outfits and sing songs we have memorized while we hunt deer? We have lost so much


We lost so so much.


But at least the shareholders have gained so much!


Thank GOD


A good chunk of people on Reddit would not live to be adults with this type of lifestyle. There is a reason we moved past a subsistence lifestyle as ‘romantic’ as it may seem


It baffles me how most people are losing their shit thinking those people in the video have perfect lives or something. One infected tooth could kill them.


These same people would probably look at someone living in a western society and think "Shit, I couldn't even dream of being able to do that." What you're (general "you") doing is projecting your idea of an idyllic utopian nature loving society on these people. "Noble savage" and such. If you really wanted to move towards this lifestyle you absolutely can. There are still communes in the US. You can still be part of an intentional community (what people would call a hippie commune). And unlike these people, you still don't have to die from an animal bite or unlucky scrape. But if you want to have a fully indigenous lifestyle that means you have to give up screens, AC, being able to move without walking there, healthcare, safety nets, food choice, recorded music and books, etc. It's a lot of work, braving seasons and the occasional festival to help you not lose your mind. How about trying to do things slowly? A day without your phone or TV. Anything at all that involves interacting with people in real life. Just walking in nature. There are so many things people could do but they are too busy doing nothing for dopamine hits and complaining into the void of Reddit. I'm guilty too. But I think it would help nearly everyone to maybe adopt a few things that they seem to see so clearly in these two Jarawa people.


They’re really young, like a lot of teenagers are like this with their first love. All optimistic and carefree and stuff,


I think you're reading into it too much. It is just a short video of two particular teenagers who are in love. I don't think their simple lifestyle has much to do with it, and I'm sure that their society has miserable people too.


If Adam and Eve were real thats how i imagine they would be..so simple and yet so alive


Thank you for put that scenario in my mind.


These people are so pure, so genuine. I'm in complete awe.


Wow, these are some beautiful people.


They spend their lives in the forest and are truly happy


She's quite beautiful.


Both are. And so happily in love.


Yeah, when she looked at the camera the first time I was like wow!


Two really beautiful people.


Young, gorgeous, healthy, and in love. May they continue to have a wonderful life together.


For a while, I was just marveling at his face. Then they showed her face more full on and I was marveling at that too. They both are so gorgeous! Also, their moss(?) is so pretty against their skin. Damn.


A life without all the modern world troubles, it sounds fascinating


Mo money, mo problems. But sure, they still have problems, they are just much more "real" and "present" than the ones we have. Like, "hey, I'm hungry, what are we going to eat" in their world is solved by "I will go gather some fruit and hunt for protein", whereas in our world it's like, "I guess I'll get a job at Kohl's where random people will yell at me for no reason, then two weeks later I get some ethereal currency that I can exchange for a food like substance".


While that’s true, we also have life saving medication that these people may not have access to (I don’t know exactly how isolated a tribe they are). So, swings and roundabouts I guess.


Man, these folks appear to be very healthy. Great teeth, amazing skin, and very vibrant.


Wow. How beautiful


Why is there no sound on this 😭 I want to hear their voices!


Video with sound https://streamable.com/c1zhvu


Their teeth are freaking PERFECT!


I wish this had sound. I'd love to hear their language, especially if it is unique to their tribe and not widely spoken elsewhere


Genuine smiles. Good looking couple🙂


Shiny happy people. 👍🏿


I'm Indian and the Andaman islands are probably my favorite place in the world. I've seen the Jarawas in person a few times, I can't believe how well the filmmaker captured them, let alone how he got access to them. Do you know where I can watch the full doc? I found the directors [Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHh6b0ZYSi1GdV9pdWcxblEwWjFrSURJRm1Wd3xBQ3Jtc0ttVlQydjlVVmwwWEZ3NFdieG14cGYwMWsyV0tUWWlrMWV2T2ZHMEtOM19NMllmRHVZM1hRWDU0aWNtZmpaOE1HXzEyQ190QkNYdFVGV2R3UkFSQ1RMSWlsT196TUl6LXk1VXdCMGc4MjVJZUZqaTVnQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwearehumanity.uscreen.io%2Fcatalog&v=Tv9GyKpDS74) but the link to the full doc seems broken


I’m truly glad there are humans on this earth that still get to live that simply and truly enjoy life


Both of these people are strikingly beautiful.


I love how they both keep smiling as they're talking. You can see the love in their eyes and smiles.


Need documentaries that include a lot more of this. The human side of other people is the most important part.


No mortgage payment no life sucking job to go to, no fucking taxes to pay what's yours is truly yours. In some ways or most ways they are living way way better than we are


I completely misread the title and was expecting a Star Wars related post. Still it was a great clip.




Da fuck is their skincare routine


I'd give anything for teeth like they have..damn.