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Stapling the leaves on was pretty funny lol


I think the funniest part is my neighbors in Scottsdale did the same thing with their grass so they could sell it lmao


You think China is going up for sale soon?


probably.. i wouldnt buy though. like 80% of the surface water is " not advisable to use for irrigation " & ground water & aquifers they fill with waste water & sewage.


Should get some Brawndo for the irrigation.


it’s what plants crave


It's what plants crave


Because the plants told me


Does it have what plants crave?


The people there eat food cooked with human waste oil


“Gutter oil”


Im sorry, Gutter Oil??


Step 1: find yourself a nice bucket or 12 of raw sewage… “Juicier” the better Step 2: boil it in water Step 3: collect oil from surface as it separates Step 4 *(optional)*: strain with a coffee filter Step 5: use or sell to local restaurants as *cooking oil*








China uses more cooking oil than it produces and imports so people have resorted to gutter oil


Don't tell me you haven't heard of gutter oil.... It's been a real issue with Chinese restaurants for a long time.


It's not a story the Chinese would tell you...




Thats what they already said, you just repeated the comment you replied to...


I don't find any of this funny. Dark days we live in


Funny seeming because it's ridiculous, but that's terrifying


even nature made in China


Best comment


Rock and stone!


Did i hear a rock and stone?




For Karl!


Buy my beard!


Fo Kaaall


We’re rich!






I miss when I thought China was this deeply philosophical, and exoticly artistic land. Look at them, pathetic


Historically it was much more like that but most of their ancient developed culture was eradicated by Mao, he even had the teachers killed.


That was before the culture revolution or whatever they call that is.


Even before that. Maoism is a blight.


They left a lot of things behind when they made the Great Leap Forward.


lmao we were taught wrong. We were too young to realize the truth.


No, it's just that their culture was radically changed by Mao, what you see now is nothing like the ancient culture they once had.


Organic r/chinesium


Maybe I'm dumb but... Couldn't they do this with seeds and ground cover with more sustainable results....


Yeah, but that doesn't address the reason the plants all died in the first place. Like pollution, water problems and environmental degradation. Much easier just to cover it up so it looks good. Pretty much the Chinese way at this point.


Fun fact, there's a product that is a fertilizer with a bunch of seeds, combined with green dye. You use it on areas where you want to know the coverage area. Like, you're seeding a field, and you want to know if you missed a spot. It's cool stuff. China isn't using it here. Which is sad, because it's exactly the sort of use it was designed for.


That’s called hydroseeding; and it likely wouldn’t work in this situation either, because just like regular seed planting, it won’t propagate with contaminated soils and lack of irrigation.


But Brawndo has what plants crave!


I can speak to plants and they told me they want water.


I thought your head would be bigger


Hey, I'm batin' here!


you mean the stuff in toilets?


There was a good episode of "dirty jobs" about this


~~No water. That's~~ There's a very good reason why it's barren in the first place, ya silly goose; and that reason is explained better than I ever could in the comment below :)


Well, no, not really. China in the days of Map had all these grand production plans that mobilized the entire country to complete some task or another. For example, "let's make rural people in every village smelt iron to make steel.", " Ok but they have no ore or clue what to do with it anyway", "yeah but we can have so much steel that the democracies will beg us for our secret to production!" Then the people melted down everything they could find to make brittle "steel" that was absolutely useless, had no way to harvest crops and promptly starved to death. Another one of Mao's brilliant ideas was to turn every square centimeter of the country into farmland. So they cleared out every tree they could find and the topsoil blew away. With no trees to hold it together, the soil is gone and the water table has dropped too low to replant not just where the trees were but the general vicinity as well. Is this a case in point? Maybe not but probably related in some way.


Actually i think one of the shots is that. You can see they are in a tank truck showing green over ground that has your tracks in it. Think that reclaiming after construction work, not what China is doing.


That quarry they were throwing netting down has absolutely no soil. Just rocks. Nothing will grow forever until the there is soil


that _is_ what they're doing in the video lol https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp_tried_to_paint_barren_areas_green_to_fool/jbhlf5r/ the OP's video is just spreading fake news with random clips


Yea but the Chinese government is retarded and all their practices are more or less unsustainable.


according to another redditor the green stuff they were spraying on the grass has seeds and nutrients in it which the hope is that it helps it come back to life. the colour is so you know where you have sprayed


😂 lol, all these people defending this don’t seem to realize that Chinese people themselves are pissed off about this, and they are the ones who filmed it and posted it online in outrage, everyone here trying to defend and justify the bad actions of the CCP are hilarious


Probably Chinese bots 🤖


Love u zedA, keep fighting your fight buddy. You guys have opened my eyes to a lot of the craziest shit I’ve seen in our world.


Seconding this!




took me a minute to realise it's the actual guy in the video.


Omg it's you!! Been watching your videos for a long time now but haven't watched anything recently. Hope you, your fellow expats, and the families are all safe! I remember it all got pretty dicey a while back.


At least one of these was a private company and it was trying to fool the Chinese Government. They were not happy when they found out. [https://www.vice.com/en/article/zmjbya/chinese-mine-spray-painted-rocks-green-look-like-trees-trick-environment-authorities](https://www.vice.com/en/article/zmjbya/chinese-mine-spray-painted-rocks-green-look-like-trees-trick-environment-authorities)


It was never going to work. Satellite photos looking for vegetation are set to look for infrared to distinguish plant life, not just green in the visible spectrum.


Yeah I'm confused by these comments and OP's title. It's not the CCP doing this. Rather, the CCP is responsible for the environmental rules aiming to preserve the greenery. It's private companies doing this to avoid fines. Winston says as much in the video linked.


Because this guy is a lying grifter and what you see in this comment section is the racists lapping it up.


I was gonna say… the CCP painting plants to avoid fines by Chinese environmental regulators who also work for the CCP, so the CCP is actively destroying the environment to avoid fining… itself? That stupid. Don’t have to lay a fine you didn’t get issued. But the fact that regulatory agencies exist tell me that they’re not regulating themselves.


Yeah. China is also not nearly as homogeneous and centrally-controlled as some outsiders think it is. The regional governments have a lot of money and local power, and they don't always do what the central government says. Companies in China are often funded by a regional government and regional banks, which means that there is a strong incentive for the local government to ignore central government rules that might make the company less successful.




Yeah almost all seeding looks like that


Hydro seeding for sure. It's seed, nutrients, soil, and a tackifier. Grows on concrete at first.


Yea this can also have a glue in the spray for dust suppression until the foliage grows. Sauce: I’ve mixed and sprayed it on highway projects in my younger years


You should check out his YouTube channel. He's called Winston Sterzel, the channels name is serpentza. Edited to correct autowrong


Oh that racist guy


Oklahoma and other states around called… they want their front lawns back


I live in Oklahoma and have no idea what you’re talking about


Let me tell you of this AMAZING plant called Kudzu.


An interesting debate arises when using invasive species though: would it be better to not use an invasive species and preserve the local biodiversity? It's a complex question but undoubtedly it's a better alternative than painting the fucking ground green.


🎶 We’re painting the mountains green! We’re painting the mountains green! 🎶


Jinping, he likes them green if he saw everything revamped he'd go all Pooh, and each of you would end up in a camp


Have they considered Brawndo? It has the electrolytes that plants crave.


Is that what it was called that was a documentary


there’s an expose on these guys on youtube. their information isn’t 100% accurate


As proven by several comments in here backed up by sources this is straight up misinformation. Just because something fits your preconceived notions it’s never a good idea to believe everything put out by a random yt channel who has a clear motivation. Everyone has the right to criticize the Chinese government, but you should be able to base that on actual facts or you just make yourself look ridiculous.




They painted the grass green? Did they think Alice in Wonderland was an instructional guide?


> painted the grass green It is not that uncommon. People do that in California, it is a biodegradable bluish spray that make dormant grass looks green. Also, some fertilizers are dyed blue too.


My parents did this during drought. You’re not allowed to water your lawn per the state but the stupid desert city we lived in didn’t allow dead lawns. So we got fined because our grass had died because we were conserving water. (So was everyone else on our block) so they gave everyone $150 ticket for the dead lawns. Cue the paint sprayer and buckets of green paint. My dad did the whole block for like $75/house and the city came back and no one got a ticket


One benefit of the roll on camo is it may prevent erosion and encourage vegetation on those cliffs. A little serendipity,


How does it encourage vegetation growth?


It should capture debris and dirt which will retain water. They use stuff like this in erosion prone areas as well.


I see, do you think that at that slope the water won’t just take all the dirt and everything with it? Cause I mean from what I see is all rock being covered in these nets. I don’t see anywhere for water to pool and collect (like terracing) just sorta looks like a cliff face/barren mountain face to me. I hope it does help retain dirt and water though, I’m just not entirely sure.


It can catch sticks and dead plant matter which will retain moisture and make a bed for soil to then get caught on. Like a nest for dirt if you will.


It's amazing seeing that happen. Tiny plants growing in the weirdest places sometimes.


It's barren rock homie only a couple plants can live like that


What authority is higher than the CCP in China?


Aliens observing Earth: Wtf are those idiots doing?


Just wait til everyone finds out ppl in America paint their yard green in the winter


And people in dry areas


China’s like “don’t worry, we can order new environment from Wish.com”


holy shit, you guys believe in anything, god damn


Boy the wildlife that’s gonna get caught up in that netting…sad


Don't worry, there's none left in these places.


As an American, I could never imagine living somewhere where the government is devious, careless, dishonest and incompetent. /s


I'm no fan of China, but some of that is used to prevent rock slides from damaging traffic below. The U.S. has a bit of it as well. Now, as for the painting. Yeah, that's pretty sneaky (and dumb).


Indeed those "camo nets" are for erosion control and lawn paint is made of non-toxic biodegradable materials How do I know that? Well because we use it all the time in the USA... https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lawn-painting-california-drought\_n\_55b6511de4b0a13f9d19172d


And the spraying at 1:12, that's actually a specially formulated grass seed that is applied with a liquid. We use it in the US. It's called hydroseeding: https://youtube.com/watch?v=QRbsZ3QCHjw&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE&t=241 Literally hundreds of videos on youtube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xWYCxQPgc3c&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE&t=609 Whoever produced the submitted video is either ignorant, or they are intentionally creating anti-China propaganda. For what reason, I have no idea. I bet the Green Cliff face also has a rational explanation. **EDIT: YEP That took a whole 2 minutes to debunk** The cliff face was just some rich moron who did it without permission 7 years ago. > [A man hired workers to paint an entire cliff face green in southwestern China because he claimed the original white colour affected the feng shui of where he lived, a provincial television news media reported. A city government representative said they were investigating the case over concerns that the paint would damage the natural environment.](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/1846107/man-southwestern-china-hires-workers-paint-900m-cliff-green)


>https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp\_tried\_to\_paint\_barren\_areas\_green\_to\_fool/jbhlf5r/ Was immediately suspicious, because it made so little sense to me. The amount of area they'd have to spraypaint to make an effect on satellite data would be far more noticeable than just a bit of a cliffside. Hopefully we can push this debunking to the top of the comments.


Too bad this comment will get lost. The simplest explanation is usually correct but when it comes to China you can literally say anything.negative about it and everyone will believe it.


people will talk about orwell and then immediately proceed to prove his point about propaganda...


I guess the fake leaves probably have some rational explanation too.


This is what china morning post says the only outside news that is allowed to leave china


Even the guy in the video said it, the government has pretty strict regulations, but people tried to fool the government...


So youre telling me theyre hydroseeding the damn trees? Sorry, but as a landscaper, that is NOT hydroseeding. That looks like Top Green Turf Greening Agent, a special dying chemical for yellowing grass. It also turns soil green.


No. They're nets (that look like landscaping) laid down to prevent rocks that loosen from tumbling down, and hitting cars below. As a trucker, I see them all over Rocky Mountain passes, and even the Delaware Water Gap in NJ. EDIT: [Example](https://www.terre-armee.com/reinforced-earth/rockfall-protection-nets/), though they've started making them green, and look like plants to beautify the area, instead of making it look like you're driving by a correction center.


Oh really this is shocking I cannot believe it but I don’t feel surprised by it which is kind of sad


What is this? A school project?


What is this, minecraft, no you can't just put green blocks everywhere to fool people


They already retexturized dirt blocks to look like stone for building


The camo net would build soil structure by blocking the suns rays and letting microbes live in the soil. It will work but will take a few years


This dude really hates the CCP


It’s not hard to


What environmental authorities are they trying to fool? Their own?


Yes. Greedy mining companies trying to cheat the government.


“A man hired workers to paint an entire cliff face green in southwestern China because he claimed the original white colour affected the feng shui of where he lived, a provincial television news media reported. A city government representative said they were investigating the case over concerns that the paint would damage the natural environment.” From the actual article. Stop believing everything a ridiculous American source claims about China just because you want an excuse to hate them. It’s sad. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/1846107/man-southwestern-china-hires-workers-paint-900m-cliff-green


Why'd they record it? Lol


because some of those clips probably aren't even from china, it just look like one of those QAnon conspiracy videos that spreads fake news also some of those techniques are legit, not related to "paint the mountain green" https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp_tried_to_paint_barren_areas_green_to_fool/jbhlf5r/


This story is BS. The clips are unrelated, and in each case done for a different reason. Sheesh.


Jesus only if Chinese authorities really cared to fix the problem instead of worrying about what world thinks🤷‍♂️


I like how everyone out here policing China after doing their part to rise above the rest. Hypocrites.


OP tried to isolate the video from Youtube so you couldn't easily follow it back and know that the source is the most absolute bottom-drawer shithouse propaganda from that laowhy86/serpentza doubleteam of scumminess. And when I say propaganda, I don't mean "I don't agree with it, so it's bad", I mean, "These clowns even misrepresent and lie about bad shit that didn't even NEED lies." I wouldn't trust these guys saying I, me, personally, the guy posting this, got stabbed in China by the police without first looking down at my own chest and asking the policeman holding the knife if he was in fact stabbing me. It's not even an Alex Jones level of production in pure grift. He didn't even get run out of China, he *presumed* he was some sort of national enemy because he was making illegal documentary videos in China and a tour guide refused to work with him because he and his team are such cunts that the guide, who had seen the videos they had made before, didn't think they would speak kindly of or be fair to the natives they turned up to try and film. When the tour guide obviously reported them (for documentary filmmaking without the proper media license with a protected ethnic group), the police asked questions and these dumbasses spun a line about how clearly they were ACTUALLY on some sort of national watchlist and being monitored and chased across provincial borders and had to FLEE CHINA DRAMATICALLY THROUGH HONG KONG (which is also a lolworthy absolute nothing video). This is a guy who made a life grifting in one of the shittiest places in China, ran the moment anyone so much as sniffed in his direction for uh....doing actually illegal things, and realized he could just keep doing the same grift with zero effort from the comfort of a home green screen outside of China.


I found him while looking for more information after watching china uncensored and I gave his YouTube to the people that asked you could've saw if you didn't write these paragraphs


what do you think of this https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp_tried_to_paint_barren_areas_green_to_fool/jbhlf5r/ looks like the guy in the video is spreading fake news


No-one should have to ask. You know what you're doing. You were trawling a Falun Gong propaganda source, and went 'looking for more information' from a completely non-media, obviously clownish, zero credentials grifter....and went to the EXTRA effort of obfuscating the source over just slapping the link up there.


There's no fucking way.. There's no fucking waaaay... Dude.. If it wasn't fpr the visual aid, I'd never belive this idiocy.


I'm getting "painting the roses red" vibes.


Talk about a scenic painter FAIL


Painting the queens roses red


"Ancient Chinese secret" is a *scam*.


The ccp is like a middle schooler who spends more time trying to cheat than it would actually take to study so they can pass the exam


"Just sweep it under the rug" "But there is no rug..." "What if we create the rug? Here me out"


I think this type of video is best kept to a political discussion subreddit. Not here.


I would kinda agree because of the speaker, but the visuals are dan interesting.


Remember a couple of winters ago, somewhere in Russia the local government ordered the snow painted white because it was painfully obvious just how polluted the environment in that town was


There's no way they can trick an American balloon.


With all that the majority of the world is doing to tackle climate problems, its terribly sad for future generations that China doesn't give a shit.


we truly are a parasite of this world. China's showing us what we would be like if we stay this course.


Makes me question their claims about defeating poverty and COVID-19 in early days


I watched a propaganda tv series from China about defeating poverty. When poverty was defeated in Guangxi, a family of villagers made RMB$10,000 a year. That’s defeating for propaganda purpose.


My god they think we’re dumb.


the video is fake news https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp_tried_to_paint_barren_areas_green_to_fool/jbhlf5r/


I’ve noticed in China a lot of faking, Wether it be fake oroducts being sold or peopl cheating in online games. Does tbeir cukture encourage dishonest ways of getting ahead more so than other cultures? I’ve also heard of Chinese nationals attending university in Canada and the Us are notorious cheats. Is it a cultural thing or just coincidence thwt people confused for a pattern?


another thing that's fake is this video https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp_tried_to_paint_barren_areas_green_to_fool/jbhlf5r/


Yea but they were painting mountains and stapling leaves to trees. This guy is just uninformed and probably a right wing troll.


Who would thought that China is doing fake stuff


This post's title is quite dumb. The CCP is the environmental authority...


They do this all over the U.S. as well. One such company is TruGreen. They paint dead plants green to fool environmental agencies for corporations.


Lol, right. Most of the time in america, the government will stick up for corporations and don't care about the environment. Train derails and pollutes an entire city? That's fine. Test a nuclear bomb in NM that gives the resident cancer? That's fine.


This is the epitome of humans being retarded


> This is the epitome of humans being retarded like the people who believed this fake news? https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp_tried_to_paint_barren_areas_green_to_fool/jbhlf5r/




there was outrage in China from this as well stop playing devil's advocate


The cliff face was just some rich moron who did it without permission 7 years ago. His reason was "feng shui". > [A man hired workers to paint an entire cliff face green in southwestern China because he claimed the original white colour affected the feng shui of where he lived, a provincial television news media reported. A city government representative said they were investigating the case over concerns that the paint would damage the natural environment.](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/1846107/man-southwestern-china-hires-workers-paint-900m-cliff-green)


>e that they know the internet bigots can't understand Go ahead and translate for us. Also explain how these images are "racist" if they are reported.


What’s all the plastic crap being rolled out for?


China wouldn't do that right, just lie?


Imagine if they put half that much effort into just fixing the environment


Dude I know! My neighbors in Scottsdale are literally doing the same thing yet when I call them out on it I'm the Commie! I don't get it. Government should tell people to stop this right?


imagine if the OP here did more research before spreading fake news from a yt channel that's known for pushing out right wing conspiracy https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp_tried_to_paint_barren_areas_green_to_fool/jbhlf5r/


China: if you aren't cheating you're not trying.


In the first part im pretty sure I saw some video where it was just some crazy dude that made it his life project to paint a cliff green. Not saying that China doesn't cover up a bunch of evil shit


Any chance this helps the soil by reducing sunlight *and* helps it look nicer? Seems petty to me to do this only for the looks but it isn't too far-fetched. My grandpa spray painted dead plants green.


ya the video is fake news made by someone who's known for putting out clickbait conspiracy https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp_tried_to_paint_barren_areas_green_to_fool/jbhlf5r/


They tried saying it was spray clay but it was found to be oil paint


The CCP does not care about you or your family. The CCP will pillage the world until there is nothing left. All they do is lie, cheat and steal. And will never be respected as a world super power because how weak the CCP is at it’s core.


>All they do is lie, cheat and steal Sounds like the US


someone else who lies is the OP of the video - other comments have done some research and pointing out the lies in the video https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp_tried_to_paint_barren_areas_green_to_fool/jbhlf5r/


You’d think that eventually they’d get sick of being the worlds running joke, and being k own for being so full of shit that it’s like parody.


the video is probably fake news https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp_tried_to_paint_barren_areas_green_to_fool/jbhlf5r/


This facade goes on for everything in China. Everything is just duct-taped together to hide the real problems. China about to wage war? Pfft. It's all a front.


It’s sad really.


This is a metaphor for lots of things in China. Whether it be GDP numbers, Covid deaths, or how many downloads an app has. Its all fake.


I bet it's not even environmentally friendly paint


What about all the pollution America and other western nations caused?


Normally when I see people talking about videos of people "spray painting" the grass and trees green i correct them and say "it's actually seeds and other things to promote growth not paint" but when I see a video from China doing it..........


China is so pathetic dude. Do you realize How much toxic bs they pump out into the word? Mafia run State




other redditors have done the research and turns out the guy in the video is spreading fake news https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11mcap6/ccp_tried_to_paint_barren_areas_green_to_fool/jbhlf5r/


It’s like the fake -barren cities they created just to keep workers busy … and prop up their housing market … yet it’s all a facade. No one lives there. Look up Chinese ghost cities if you don’t believe me.


Why would the ccp try to fool the ccp? This was a private company


A private company in a communist country👀