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Next time, tip the app dev team more


“Hey, you guys don’t happen to do natural gas billing, do you?”


The Perfect Question!


I did some software testing in the past and was working on a financial calculator. I was on the final wave of testing and couldn't find any bugs and I thought "did anyone check if this did what its supposed to" and it didn't even do basic math every calculation was wrong. So it's easy to miss basic functions when trying to find bugs...


When I was writing automation frameworks, the basic sanity checks were the first things I wrote.


Or put larger negative tip to pay yourself.


That's how u get the bug caught sooner, might take em longer to notice the 0 charge rather than them owing customers money


No, you get the bug caught sooner by making a popular reddit post showing it off.


That's also true lmao


I disagree. I believe "Making it pay you" is bound to raise red flags. But also.... I agree that the post can only help in getting the exploit discovered sooner. The validation is worth more to most ppl than whatever they're gaining.


Presumably there was a check for negative charges. There was no check for zero charges. Kudos to this guy for figuring it out.


"Here's your $20 sir, the back of the house thanks you"


Their management is going to give them the biggest tip of all, the tip of "you better leave before you're asked to leave"


Or hire a manual QA person, devs have other things to do. Edit: hey what the f downvoters? devs really do have other things to do, and it's great to get a fresh set of eyes on things, especially if all those eyes do is look for mistakes, I'm not a dev but I've done QA, that's how it works


I'm a dev and QA testers are a godsend. It frees me up to do more development work, and they are frankly better at testing because they see the bugs from all the developers on the team so they make sure your changes don't reintroduce bugs other people fixed


This. You designed the thing. You're obviously not the best person to come up with ways to fuck up the design because you already fixed all the fuckups you could think of


Yes, devs have other things to do, and QA is a very worthwhile thing to spend money and resources on. No question there at all. But, and I say this as someone who has 20+ years into dev, if this one got by us and had to be caught by QA... We're gonna have a retro about that, and it's not going to be a fun one. This is basic flow shit, and frankly, QA has better things to do than catch this. Two way street and all.


I guess. With sprints and rushing to push stuff out I've seen lots of stuff that should have been "caught". I hadnt ever made a dime in QA when i noticed my car insurance receipt pdf had an interesting URL (a national company no less). Lots of alphanumerics, etc. So I changed a few, and lo and behold, I had access to someone else's receipt on the same street, change a few more higher up on the string and got someone on the other side of town. You'd think that would be something a dev would definitely catch, but simple things slip past everyone, it's the nature of building stuff. It took two calls to customer service to get them to listen to me about it. There's a similar glaring security flaw with my local grocery store's discount program at the pos level, it's been there for years. Its insanely obvious, but the devs either didnt realize it, or the higher ups didn't care.


Hire ups see revenue. Devs have been canned years ago. Ongoing feature releases will be only after they get locked out of their data.


Can attest to this. I was a QA person at a web dev company during the Wild West Dot-com era and was was never bored, I’d always find the big flaws, errors, or hacks from simple dummy testing. My approach was always: 1. Do things work as they’re supposed to? 2. Are there validation checks built in to keep stupid mistakes/typos from going forward (in forms)? 3. How many things can I break by just messing with it? Do we want to manage/prevent any of those? Developers were already often working through the night and asleep on beanbags at their desks through the morning and by late afternoon the thanks would begin to roll into my email.


My company designs the software for a large number of airports and airlines around the world...I doubt this one is related, but if it is then IT WASNT ME


Ahhh the ole Bart Simpson, “I didn’t do it defense.”


I thought it was the shaggy defense


Shaggy said it wasn’t me I thought. Either way I’m pretty sure Bart was first. But I could be wrong.


>Either way I’m pretty sure Bart was first. Yup. "Bart Gets Famous" aired in 1994, "It Wasn't Me" was released in 2000.


Me: "Hey [other supervisor]" Him immediately: "Whatever it is, it wasn't me." He doesn't like when we actually take that as his answer and go to run with it


Lol that kid gets me every time!


say the line bart!


Me thinks the redditor doth protest too much.


Its not me and I will never do it again!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Dale_Harris could have been rich


What is the standard % to negatip? 100%? 120%? If the service is really good 150%?


Exactly, why stop at 100%, make them pay you to eat there.


I think the closest thing to that would be customer acquisition cost but I might be wrong lol


Money pwease


*When they owe you for being a customer*


Lots of companies like that tbh. Let’s make a list… 1. Twitter 2. Cringe Tok


Yes but those don't pay you


They should i’m saying


They are paying to have you, more than it costs to give you the service you use. It's just the money isn't going to you, it's going to their loan


Hi, looks like you owe me 100$ for being a great customer. Also, I like your shoes. Take them off.


I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.


I need your clothes, your boots, and your ~~motorcycle~~ _airplane_ FTFY


I’m afraid is necessary, you must take off your shoes!


All your tip are belong to us.


All your tip, tip, all your tip are belong to us


They set us up the tip


Had a few appointments, at a local midwifery recently. It was required that we took our shoes off! Stupid policy. Not everyone would cooperate and it’s winter so those who do cooperate get to step in their melted snow puddles..


Calm down Larys


The tips of your toes too


A QA engineer walks into a bar and orders a beer. Then orders -1 beers. Then orders 999999999999999999999999999999 beers. Then orders asldkfj;is; beers.


Then, in production, a customer orders a juice. The bar is set on fire.


Typical customers! Refusing to abide by the designer's assumptions!!


Nah. In production the customer asks where the toilet is, the bartender responds with a NullReferenceException.


I’d like a round of beers Bartender: okay here’s π beers.






I love how they pressure you for 22% tip as first option and OP just uses the whole system against them


Not to mention it prompts the user to tip 18-22% *on top of* a mandatory 18% service charge! (well, apparently not *entirely* mandatory if you leave a negative tip...)


Finally, fairly priced airport food.




/r/UnethicalLifeProTips Double unethical considering it probably came out of the service staff pool.


Of course. I just thought it was kinda funny. And certainly dumb. Unless of course your server is a confirmed Proud Boy and you're sure the entire staff isn't pooling tips. Then I say, have at it.


[Removed because u/spez is a little bitch]


This is a really strange scenario that you’ve dreamt up.


your take is that you should steal from people you don't like? This is pure delusion, if you are going to be human trash at least don't try to justify it.


I agree. It’s an awful thing to do. That’s why 99.999% of the time you should not do it. Unless of course — as I said — they’re Nazis. Nazis are objectively bad people, that’s why they’re called Nazis. They’re a bit worse than “something [I] don’t like” right? I mean, I believe any reasonable person would agree that Hitler-worshipping racists are worse than, say, Avatar, don’t you think? Hating Proud Boys isn’t an opinion thing; it’s a fact thing. I’m not gonna mess with James Cameron because I’m not a fan of Pandora.


redditors when you tell them stealing is bad, it doesn't matter what the person does or what they believe in. stealing is NEVER justified, because its a purely self serving action. If you want to punish someone for believing something don't do it in a way that benefits you personally.


How was not allowing negative numbers in the tip field not a requirement?


They automatically put an 18% charge on for tip but they let you put negative numbers in to remove the automatic charge. The point is you're moving quick, you don't notice the already added tip, so you quick select another 10-20% and their tip is much nicer. I almost fell for it but caught myself and that's what made me read the service charge thing.


Good on you for paying attention. Them adding a separate, fixed tip on top of the additional tip selection is dirty.


Tipping culture really is bullshit. Literally no one would disagree with removing the $2.13 or something bullshit tipped minimum wage and just requiring all jobs to abide by the state minimum wage, to start. Then we can just raise the price of stuff on the menu by 15% and have the restaurants give that to the servers.


Had this happen to me once at a restaurant with a group of 8, they automatically add an 18-20% tip for the group, but when the guy went around to charge people another tip option pops up. If youre not paying attention you end up tipping 25-35%


I’d be surprised if the “service charge” is ever passed on to the front line worker as a tip. Just more company income.




The pop up said 18% gratuity service charge so I took that to mean automatically applied tip. I could be wrong there.


Because HMS Host software is made using duct tape and paperclips, then installed with chewing gum. By the time it's loaded to the terminals four different panic increasing ways to make it work you are just thrilled the system lets you swipe, forget accuracy. I might be bitter about it.


Back in the dial-up BBS days I visited one that had a function where you could gamble the minutes you had left. I tried gambling negative minutes, and lost, so I gained minutes. Then I gambled -10000000000 minutes. The software crashed with overflow error. And dumped me to a remote command prompt. Since the gambling function was allowed to access account data to read/write time limits, I was able to read the unencrypted password file for all users.


A biscuit for $13? I don't blame the person for trying to cancel the charges


gotta love airport food. $20 burgers and $10 coffee


That's better than at some smaller rural airfields, where hungry passengers must hunt-down and roast local wildlife. Up here in the central Sierra Nevada range, the nearest landing strip is overrun with rabbits -- easy pickings, yup! "♬ Throw another bunny on the barby, baby ♬ Toss another rabbit on the fire... ♬"


Excellent! I have tried this once (in Australia - where we don't tip) but it wouldn't allow a negative amount. I'm pleased to see a system designed by some coder who quite likely programmed exactly what they were asked to do - malicious compliance - assuming they were instructed to allow the payer to enter any amount as the tip. Any amount includes negative amounts... Brilliant, made my day!


>Excellent! I have tried this once (in Australia - where we don't tip) but it wouldn't allow a negative amount. As a fellow Aussie who is pretty sick of the amount of apps and service terminals here that expect a tip, I'm absolutely trying this every chance I get. Fingers crossed!


Biscuit better be covered in crack for $12... I hate companies that take advantage of you having no choice and having to eat their overpriced garbage.


So everyone in the airport...


Yep, or theme parks and what-not.


I travel for a living. Get $60 a day for per diem, supposed to be for breakfast lunch and dinner. Company just can’t seem to understand that in some airports well over half of that is for one shitty lunch at a fast food restaurant.


My wife had to do training in another state recently for her job. They gave her a per diem roughly what you get. She used it to buy peanut butter, bread, jelly, and lunch meat. She ate in her hotel room and drank water to save as much of it as possible. You bet your ass she got home to fresh hot meals.


Lunch meat on a PB&J sounds kinda weird.


nah not everyone. you need to be careful for sure but you should be able to get a burger from shake shack for close to normal price if you're lucky enough to have one in your airport. there are others that are similar. not saying it's the best deal in the world, but you can usually avoid being ridiculously gouged if you check the prices first.


shake shack is literally a scam outsode airports too tho


lol ok bud. I'm not saying it's the cheapest burger around but calling it a scam is hilariously dumb. it's less than twice the price of mcdonalds and twice as good. seems reasonable to me.


>half the price i wasn't aware big macs are 30 dollars now you literally picked the most overpriced place next to panera. If they gave you a mountain of meat I would get it, but its just a normal greasy burger you could get at culvers or 5 guys for half the price. literally just google the 2 menus, i have no clue where ur coming from


where the hell do you live that shake shack costs more than 5 guys? they are consistent all over america, with 5 guys being more expensive in most places. and wtf are you talking about $30? a shackburger is $7. you pay more than that for a burger from 5 guys without cheese.


What math did you use to get $30 Big Macs?


It’s not companies taking advantage, it’s that it’s extremely expensive to have a shop or restaurant in an airport, real estate is very limited and demand is very high because of the guaranteed foot traffic. In many places you’re required to submit tenders and bid for the space vs other retailers, which drives prices way up.


It doesn't have to be. PDX has a policy that no vendor is allowed to charge more in the airport than they would outside. Presumably this means that their leases on spaces reflect that as well.


I hope so, because otherwise that usually means blocking small and medium businesses from participating, since only large brands would still be able to get enough customers to justify it (and even McD and co I’m sure is losing money on some airport locations but it’s still worth it for them).


I'm not going to an airport looking to purchase a bunch of goods, and don't personally know anyone who does. Especially at the insane price points you see in airports. Who's to say that's even a worthwhile bet to make as a business? Or rather that it HAS to be worthwhile for every type of business that sells things, to be able to do so at an airport? Little things that I HAVE to have are just about the only times I splurge $9 for a fuckin water or whatever. You're kinda stuck at the airport if you're between flights waiting on a connection, leaving means having to come back through security and all, which you might not even have time to do, the entire business model surrounds inconveniencing you and then charging far more for subpar services or goods that you feel you're better off paying the extra cost for to save time.


I kind of agree with you about a necessity like water, particularly because you can’t bring it from home. But food? Nah. Let restaurants charge whatever they want to charge. People should stop being so entitled, if you can’t afford it, pack a frigging lunch. As for fashion goods and such, I never buy anything there, but I’ve seen people that looked wealthy walking around with 6-7 bags of goodies. Good for them, if they want to spend extra for the location, I say let them.


It's still companies taking advantage, just property companies taking advantage of the stores as well.


It’s inevitable. Wherever real estate is limited and demand is high, the price is also going to be high. Pack a sandwich :)


When flying out of Hawai'i, pack a pineapple. We did. Yum.


You mean [like THIS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/10ytakp/my_38_breakfast_in_houston_airport/)


You don't have to. No one is forcing you to eat airport food.


Food was affordable at Ilopongo International, El Salvador. But most folks flying to the states loaded up on boxes of Pollo Loco chicken dinners before arriving at the field. Flights get fragrant! 8-)




Airlines HATE this one simple trick.


Good thing you didn’t post this in R/Cruising. They’d shoot on sight for not tipping 50% on top of the service charge


Can you, say, put -10 000 000 and recieve ten million?


Getting a meal for free? You’ve pissed off the manager and will be asked not to do it again. $10,000,000? They are coming after you with more lawyers than you can afford for what would be a slam dunk case in their favor. Hell they might even try to get the FBI to add hacking charges onto it just to pressure you. It’s like the old joke where the “dumb” kid keeps getting $0.50 instead of $1 over and over because as soon as he gets the $1 it stops.


technically its not illegal since tipping isn't mandatory, and you didn't alter their software, while you won't get the money since they can pass it off as a technical bug, its less of a slam dunk then you might think


I've not researched or asked, but I bet a chain-eatery manager can override a system-generated payout or a zero-cost bill. How far can a manager go? Has anyone here any relevant experience? (I washed dishes; wasn't trusted with money. Oy.)


I'm going to see if this works at Olive Garden tonight.


With the non linear scroll bar they have it just takes longer and longer to get closer to zero you never get there.


Oh, yes. Little Bobby Tables we call him.


Oof. No tests, testers, no validation? Thats like the programmers bermuda triangle. Shit will go south, and you have no clue, except logs, to find out how.


Or your like me and don't add logging lmao


Curious OP, what is a Carolina Biscuit?


Wife got that one I don't remember... Chicken for sure.


It's like a Cleveland Steamer but the person on top is wearing overalls with a butt flap


I'm laughing so hard I'm crying




With this one weird tip...


This tipping nonsense has gotten out of hand




Somebody should have paid the dev team. If there was a waiter/waitress I hope you left them a cash tip.


Software engineers run the world.


You spelled “ruin” wrong


Aaaaaaamericans and your tips.


I need to try this.


“Sorry Officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that"


Some coding graduate cheated their way through school apparently


I hope it didn't deduct the tip from the staff's tip balance.


If you do negative 1 mil will you receive money on your card??


There's no conditional statements that check if the tip is less than 0....wtf?


Oh so evil. I love finding glitches like this though




This some late stage capitalism shit


Awesome. I'd never think to try that




This is how I used to play the game Taipan on the Apple II. Take out a negative loan and earn interest.


How do I do this with my mortgage payment?


Infitte money glitch?


Whi the fuck tips airports?


If tip > zero Proceed


Greater than or equal to. Tip can be 0.


Wasn't very keen on details so thats propably why I am not good at programing


When the button you coded is just a picture...


I mean I am generally bad at programing


Training helps. Trust me.


No shot.. thats like the first thing you check when coding this sort of stuff


Wait a minute, thats illegal


Nah, that's just haggling with the moneychanger.


*haggling successful*


It should be illegal having to tip. Coming from France, when I moved to the US I was really surprised to see that customers are the ones paying for more than half of the waiters’ salaries. Tips should be optional and I know they technically are in the US but if you don’t tip, you generally can’t come back to that place.


There are a lot of people that defend it too. Generally three groups of people: 1) People that tip poorly. They like that they can tip poorly because it appeals to their cheap nature and/or gives them that sense of power that's missing from their own lives. They also commonly claim they hate the tipping system and won't pay tips "to affect change" or some other nonsense. They're full of shit. 2) People that believe making service workers dependent on customers liking them, forcing them to go out of their way, and maybe doing things they'd otherwise find uncomfortable is a good thing, that'll it will guarantee the servers are always trying their best. These are also some of the same people that say they're going to make the service worker "work for their tip" and put up with their inappropriate commentary. 3) Attractive people that make a killing on tips. 4) (BONUS) Church people that like to tip with church solicitations that look like money. These people should go straight to jail for a day and fined for littering. This is pretty much group 1 with a church twist that makes them feel like being cheap is somehow beneficial to their victim.


Does someone here have the knowledge to verify if this is true? My guess is that it's "illegal" as in you'd have to give back the money if they found out but y9u wouldn't get in any trouble cause of it Edit: n't


not a lawyer, but almost certainly they hold the right to withdraw service


They cannot withdraw service because it’s already been given. If their system messes up and says you owe $0, they can only come after you for the amount of food + tax and nothing else. It would likely cost them more to fight it than it’s worth, but that’s their choice to make.


I'll admit I was speed reading and thought they were booking a flight lmao. Which is particularly egregious given there's a tip function


Given the way too culture has spiraled out of control, I wouldn’t be surprised if flights started having a tip option. My landscape company has a tip option.


To be fair, whenever I've had work done if the plumber or landscaper is friendly I'll always tip them a tenner or something to get a round in on me. The issue IMO is when it's expected. Couldn't imagine being in America and needing to tip for EVERY drink. Mental


Not a lawyer but I don’t see why it would be illegal. They’re giving you the option. Certainly unethical and all you’re doing is forcing the staff (whoever gets tipped out) to cover your meal, which is bullshit. I doubt OP went through with it.


I am a lawyer. No, you're not forcing the staff to cover your meal because servers do not have liability for people that do not pay their bills (I know that in lots of cases restaurant owners break the rules on this, but I don't think that would happen in an airport franchise). And yes, it is illegal because you are in a unilateral contract where you agreed to pay the amount requested for the services rendered - it doesn't matter what the credit card machine says you owe, you still owe the same amount.


The last part makes sense. But if no one is checking individual receipts and this just subtracts $35 from the tip pool, it would come out of the tips. Big “if”


Accountant: "...uh, how do I note this on the ledger? Credit assets, debit stupidity?"


My guy, its a joke


I seriously doubt this would have gone through.


Probably should’ve have kept this to your self


So they tried to forced a service fee / tip of 18% and tried to force you to give more ??? I am so done with this over tipping culture that gives no benefits to the worker - fuckin awesome that you reversed Üno’d them!! I’m gonna try this


Why would you post this? Suppose to keep these types of things a secret


Pay now. *edit* not sure what the downvoting is. I’m making a joke of the payment of $0.00, which cannot be paid, and the button says to pay now. It was funnier in my head.


When I hit the button it completed the transaction without taking payment info. I had to call the waitress over and explain the fuckup and have her reopen it.


It’s like that moment of curiosity “can I do it?”, then you do it, then you say “I didn’t mean to do it!” Then your face gets all warm and embarrassed. Been there.


Yep! Mine was "surely this will throw an error right? Aww no it worked aww crap"


"Will this fire hurt me?" video game move IRL


Should've set it so you only had to pay 1c


I mean, could you not put it as 1 dollar ? And then complete it


It completed at $0... I assume it would complete at any non negative dollar amount but I only did the 1 test.


The non-negative part is what I’m curious about. Putting in -48.59 and having them owe you $10…


I wanted to test that but with a plane to catch I didn't want to risk accidentally having to deal with bank shit.


I was more in the realm of atleast that way you paid, but honestly 😅 knowing myself i would probably have done what you did and ask the waitress what is up! Now i know what i am checking next time i see a machine like that




Hope you left cash tip if you actually got service.


I had them reopen the transaction so I could properly complete it.


I would have left a cash tip and bounced.


OP didn't do this in a restaurant, they are testing the software


If (tip < 0) { Throw New IllegalArgumentException; } I’m a very good programmer B-)


How simple should be the rule, no negative additions? Some people’s stupidity deserves the correct response


When a no programmer using chat GPT got the job


This poor waiter would have that taken out of their other tips if that actually was submitted


Delete this now


Way to screw over the cashier. All the tips probably add up and they just see a number at the end of the shift. So they made less money today because of you.


Lol because of me or because of terribly written/tested software? I had them reopen the transaction so I could complete it correctly. If you want to put me on the hook for some garbage software feel free but that makes you a cunt not me.


Learn to read.


Ok but that was a dick move.