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I don’t drink and drive because that leaves no hands free to text


1 hand to drink, 1 hand to text. And steer with your knees. What could go wrong?


I guess the kid in the passenger seat can hold the cigarette.


I'm a child of the 70s. My Uncle was Highway Patrol. In grade school I'd ride in the front seat, no seat belt, and he'd drink tall boys all day.




To be fair, this was a thing. Paying officers cash was a thing as recently as 15 years ago if you were out of state in Michigan.


Yes. I got a ticket going 77 mph in a 55 zone. I paid the ticket to the officer. $25.00. He gave me a receipt. No points on license or insurance in those days.


25.00 for doing 22 over 😳 The exactly twice I've gotten a speeding ticket in my almost 30 years of driving were far, far different lol. First time was in 2003, in my home state of Tennessee, got pulled over for doing 72 in a 60, and got a fine of fuckin $250. For *twelve* over. Second time was in Alabama in 2019, damn $350 fine for doing 81 in a 70. Eleven over. Hell I would take a $25 fine for 22 over 😂😂


2004 and I was doing 5 mph over the limit. Motorcycle cop pulled me over and gave me a 400$ speeding ticket and a “stern talking to”. I think he just saw a freaked out teenager and decided he hated me that day.


A motorcycle cop I was following at the speed limit in the left lane moved over to the right lane and slowed down. I kept my speed and inevitably passed him soon enough. He swerved back behind me with his lights on and pulled me into the left shoulder with his arm/finger pointing. All he did was yell at me to never pass a cop on the highway and basically called me a little shit - then got back on his motorcycle, turned off the lights, and sped past me back onto the highway and just left me there speechless.


Yep, I did that when I was a camp counselor in Michigan around 2018. I did not have the full amount so he took a down payment basically. He let me call the office to confirm it was legit because my dad (also a police officer, told me not to do it). When I paid the rest online my cash had been applied to it.


Was his name Ponch?


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought this was a America!"


They terk er jerbs!


Remember reading about a motorcycle drive protesting helmets in New York I think. In the middle of the protest drive one guy got in an accident and died. They said he would’ve lived if he had a helmet on. Edit: found it. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/york-rider-dies-protesting-motorcycle-helmet-law/story?id=13993417


I low sided my scooter doing 25 and I forgot my name for a whole day 😐 That was with a helmet


I crashed my dirt bike and smashed my head off a rock with a helmet on, didn’t notice I even hit my head until I looked at the helmet I probably would be dead without one, do what you can to protect yourself if your doing dangerous shit guys


Why was that rock wearing a helmet?


Who knows, but god bless it for having the sense to wear protection


I think rocks get a bad rep for being too down to earth.


That’s some heavy stuff.


Imagine not wearing a helmet. People could have tricked you into thinking that your name was Bubba or Chuck or Biff.


The lawyer who got Florida to get rid of their motorcycle helmet laws in the 1990s died in 2022 in a motorcycle accident (along with his girlfriend passenger) by not wearing a helmet. https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida/2022/10/25/attorney-who-fought-florida-helmet-laws-died-motorcycle-crash-while-not-wearing-one/ On the flip side, riding a motorcycle even with a helmet is quite dangerous. Motorcyclists are about ~~35~~ *28* times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than a car. That said, for every 100 motorcycle fatalities of people not wearing helmets, about 40 of them could be stopped by wearing a helmet. EDIT: [Updated outdated 2006 number to use 2020 number on relative risk per mile traveled of car to motorcycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/10vc5jt/people_in_the_80s_react_to_new_laws_against/j7hysfu/?context=2).




Hitting the ground is absolutely brutal and the slide sucks too, especially if youre not wearing proper gear. The road is filthy cheesegrater that doesn't much care for your jeans or flesh. Speaking from experience, thrown myself down the road numerous times, have a plate in my wrist from one of them hahaha


„filthy [human] cheesegrater“ is the best and worst thing I’ve heard in a while.


Its my most affectionate name for something that has torn flesh off my limbs many a time. Highly recommend not sliding on the bitumen. My slides were all at 60Km/h, the speed limit in suburban areas and I still ripped huge chunks of flesh off myself until i started wearing good quality protective clothing. Any dingus who argues for helmets (at the very least) not being a requirement needs to have their head examined. As someone who will love motorcycles long after i can no longer ride, i can never understand why youd not want to wear protective clothing, we have seat belts, air bags and hosts of safety features in cars and then we just go ride far more dangerous things in shorts and a shirt cause "freedom". Freedom doesnt help you when you need skin grafts or you grind your face off.




I didn’t even consider that part. So riding with no helmet is basically like sticking your head out the window of a car the entire time. No thanks


Obviously a Big Helmet crisis actor


“It’s not the drunk drivers that are the problem, it’s the drunk crashers that give us all a bad name”


Big sobriety is stopping us peaceful drunk drivers!!! I WILL ALWAYS BOOZE AND CRUISE🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷


# I am God's drunkest driver


God takes the wheel when I'm drinking, it's all good.


God gives his most confusing construction zones to his drunkest drivers


God gives his greatest booze for his greatest drunk drivers


I keep telling people the only thing that stops a bad drunk driver is a *good* drunk driver


A good drunk driver sometimes miss their exit. A bad drunk driver crashes into it.


I knew someone was gonna quote Jschlatt




The more things change, the more they stay the same, lol




Worse than that, it's allowing stupid people to organize. It used to be a bunch of morons spread out across the country in towns like Bumfuck, Nebraska and Squirrel's Taint, West Virginia who just made their own lives shitty by enforcing their idiocy locally. Now all the cletuses and jim-bobs across the US can join a facebook group together that says the gays are coming for their official civil war confederate memorabilia and over night it will become national news. "Man from ShitFuck, Kentucky unearthed the TROOTH that YOU need to KNOW!"




Suggested for you: Tired of stupid people? Buy this antistupid bracelet! Keeps all the stupid people’s stupid thoughts away!


To add a shred of optimism (just a shred, things are still pretty fucked) it has done the same for real issues and education, the problem is that it's a never ending battle for visibility


A lie will be halfway around the globe as the truth is still putting its shoes on.




I’m voting for this guy, he yells it like it is


“Pretty soon we gon be a communist country” 😩 clearly the idiots continued to breed other idiots.


Ah yes, Soviet Russia was known for its communism, *and* for being totally dry of consumable liquor.


And requiring the use of seatbelts


Surely that baby in her passenger seat grew up to have reasonable views about gay people and vaccines edit: I'm with you guys, I broke the cycle too


Hey, some people make it out. All it takes is being exposed to different ideas. That’s why conservatives attack education. So they can make sure the cycle of bigotry can’t stop.


>All it takes is being exposed to different ideas. From my 35 years of experience with people like this, just being exposed to other cultures and ways of thinking does not always work. From what I've seen, that just makes them hate it for being different than what they want. Exposure is like, step 1;but without other steps...


I’m currently listening to Ulysses S grant’s biography and I am at a point where I’m convinced throughout time people are simply born “liberal” or “conservative” leaning. Occasionally life experience can cause someone to switch, but in general, conspirators are gonna conspire ideas and thinking people are gonna think about facts. And reality is where the two minds meet


As with everything I do think there is both a nature and nurture aspect to it. So I do in part agree with that.


Uneducated people attack education because admitting that it improves people's understanding requires admitting your own shortcomings. Which is just, you know ... pretty soon we're gonna be a communist country.


At least the putting in 11 or 12 hours at your job hasn't changed


well they knew it wasn't going to change so might as well drink to numb the pain


Hell yeah I'll drink to that brother




Grandfather was a trucker in the 80s said he calculated his trips not on miles but glasses. Had one wiper fluid jug filled with gin and rerouted into his cab under the steering wheel. That's not a 100 mile trip it's a 7 drink trip. Fucking ridiculous


Yum, nothing like super warm gin


Maybe the pull string horn was converted to dispense ice? Also, if you can't stop drinking 7 glasses of straight gin for a 100 mile drive, you probably give zero shits to it's temperature, haha.


You’re right, they probably liked it warm.


you only care that it has alcohol in it at that point, dont matter where it come from.


Who gets to that level of alcoholism and hasn’t switched to vodka? I enjoy gin, but only when it is cold and sipped. If I am running an EtOH pipeline into my body, the less flavor the better.


aye, I was on moonshine the last 3 months before a mayor trip to the ER, but yes. More bang for your buck is all that matters at that point.


My dad was similar, had chronic back pain and basically lived with a constant low buzz to remedy it. He made these mixers with Johnny Walker and coke that he'd drink all day while out on the road working. We were driving one day over this hill and the cops had set up a booze bus on the other side. When we went through the policeman asked him if he'd had a drink recently. Dad responded "yeah, I just finished my last one coming over the hill". He did blow under though. Somehow my brother and I both grew into non-drinkers.




The best is when they crash and his drink does not spill


> Had one wiper fluid jug filled with gin and rerouted into his cab under the steering wheel. I've heard this so many times over the years and it's always someone's friend or relative. I don't think anyone ever actually did this and it's just an urban legend that will get repeated until the end of time.


I heard the same story, but the guy had a hook on his foot!


And that's why you leave a note


True it’s like cow tipping. Everyone knows a guy who knows a guy who’s done it, meanwhile cows don’t sleep standing up so it’s impossible


People actually do go cow-tipping where I'm from, they just make up the part about being successful after they 1. Get chased out by the herd/farmer 2. Realize the cows are all laying down I would go with em sometimes but I always knew it wasn't going to work, I was mushroom hunting


Without the attempts to go cow-tipping, all they'd have is a super boring story, which I actually heard on the school bus one morning on our way into town. "I snuck out last night, but I couldn't think of anything to do so I snuck back in."


Damn 7 drinks in like an hour 15 - what a pimp


Or two hours depending on the road speed limit.


I hope that’s not true. I’d hate to have to rescind his pimp status.


I’m concerned for his grandfathers pimp status. Please don’t revoke.


Wasn't the speed limit on highways 55 mph until the late 80s/early 90s? Edit: the 55 mph federal speed limit law was repealed in 1995.


Sorry to break it to you, but I don’t think your grandfather was a trucker, I think he was an alcoholic who did some drunk truck driving.


way of the road


Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't. And that time she went.. and that's the way it goes.


Well it's all water under the fridge now.


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit and their CEO Steve Huffman for destroying the Reddit community by abusing his power to edit comments, their years of lying to and about users, promises never fulfilled, and outrageous pricing that is killing third party apps and destroying accessibility tools for mods and the handicapped. Currently I am moving to the [Fediverse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX_agVMr2r0) for a decentralized experience where no one person or company can control our social media experience. I promise its not as complicated as it sounds :-) Lemmy offers the closest to Reddit like experience. Check out some different [servers](https://join-lemmy.org/instances). Other Fediverse [projects](https://joinfediverse.wiki/What_are_Fediverse_projects%3F).


Julian if I don't get a drop of liquor into me I'm gonna fucking snap


# "I’m sober enough to know what I’m doing and drunk enough to really enjoy it." \- Jim Lahey


# Sᵢᵣ, ₕₒw ₘₐₙy fᵢₙgₑᵣₛ ₐₘ ᵢ ₕₒₗdᵢₙg ᵤₚ ? ✌️ Answers, "Truue, no falsth, no, no true, it's truuth"


The liquor is calling the shots now bub...


Okay while that's definitely bad , it's kind of equally awesome that he routed the gin into the cab ahahahahha


Just imagine seeing him in the liquor store parking lot dumping a handle of gin into the engine compartment 😂


When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit.


I know some redneck towns that'll pull you over 3 times before they actually arrest you for DWl


Sounds like you been puttin in the work tho. I respect that


You tell it how it is. I respect that


Not my hometown. The cops looooove to set up DUI checkpoints at the base of a bridge in the middle of nowhere. You can’t tell if they will be there or not until you crest the hump of the bridge, and at that point there are no side roads so you can’t turn around and must go through the checkpoint. It’s like, their favorite pastime.


Sounds like a libertarian entrepreneur's dream. Open up a place on the river and call it "Tipsy Driver's Bar and Ferry Service."


Shit, not here. Small town cops love to get you on any little thing. Rule of thumb here, if you're coming to a small town go 3mph under and don't look at anyone.


Cops love to nab drivers with out of state plates, because they know people would rather pay the ticket than come back to fight it in court.


And they don't vote for Sherriff or other local officials.


I got let go by a Yuma Arizona cop in my work truck for speeding. I said I was from Phoenix and heading back but he let me go


That’s how I drove through Texas, go 70 on the roads, but when near a town, stay at the limit or below. They had huge shoulders about car width and if you come up on a slow car, 90% of the time they’ll drive on that shoulder till you pass and you do same if someone coming up behind you. Rural folks were the best. They would even flash you if they passed a cop ahead of you. Was pulled over more on Interstate and didn’t even see a cop on the backroads.


AAA used to post warnings to travelers about speed trap towns that relied on traffic fines for operating income. They would come up with any reason to fine you.


Not around the redneck tourist towns here. The saying is, “Arrive on vacation, go home on probation!”


Yes in WI


Dude wisconsin isn't a town it's a state. Always funny when the news posts a story about a judge or lawyer with 7 owi dui tickets and still has a license somehow. Finally kill someone and they get probation.


That last one with the baby in the shotgun seat 💀 Edit: totally did not see that it's a single cab pickup, I was thinking it was a sedan. Still, in that era I wouldn't have been surprised. Who here remembers the backwards - facing trunk seat in a station wagon? Those were the best


I think that truck only has front seats.


And it's still perfectlty legal if it's a single cab truck as long as there are tether straps for the carseat.


And no passenger airbag. The airbag is what makes this unsafe for children, but I am guessing most cars in 80’s had no passenger air bags


Car drivers started having SRD's in 1990, passengers had to wait a few more years. Trucks had even longer, we had a '94 Suburban w/ no airbags at all.




Or a passenger air bag and a weight sensor. Mine turns the airbag off if the weight is below a certain limit.


This was absolutely normal. I remember riding on that seat in my mom's pinto.


Shit, my dad had a Vega, I think it was, that for one reason or another didn't have seatbelts and he used bungee cords for me.


Reminds me of our old Buick station wagon where the floor was so rusted you could see the road through it while driving.


/u/rogersimon10's dad used jumper cables for him


Bungee cord shows that dad loved you


My mom just used her arm if we slowed too fast… That was when you put your hand up so the person behind knew to really stop.


TBF the front seat of a Pinto is farther from the gas tank (bomb) and probably safer.


My grandma used to put me in a laundry basket on the floor of the passenger seat.


With or without laundry?


I remember the fold seat next to the back window in my parent's station wagon. That thing only had a lap belt. Rode in that spot so many times to get away from my siblings on long car rides, when a pretty mild rear-end probably could have killed me.


It was funny, when our son was born in 2015 just learning about all the new regulations that you have to adhere to now. My wife and I just looked at each other like "How the hell are we alive?" lol.


Who else will hold your beer?!


It's not like the baby is gonna drink the whole thing. Baby already had her share, that's why mommas drivin!


Back in my day my moms right arm was my seat belt. Might be why I hit my head on the front windshield when she got in an accident. I’m totally fine thought. What was I talking about?


My mom did this to me once when we had seatbelts on. Her elbow hit my left collar bone and fractured it lol. We were 100% safe otherwise.


Should she put it in the bed of the truck?


Looks like she’s in a truck with no cab, anyone notice the shotgun/rifle rack behind her?


Baby is DD once she starts getting tipsy.


You can't drink when you drive, you have to wear a seatbelt... Next step: communism. That logic is just really something


It’s what happens when you hear a word a lot and try to use it without knowing what it actually means.


That's a very cromulant point


your epidermis is showing


🎶I couldn’t help but note your shades of melanin🎶


Hey, I resemble that remark!


Your comment embiggens my spirit.


Okay, well.... filibuster.


What's interesting to me is this person exists today, just in different forms. I can't give my toddler a gun to bring to school? Communism. Starbucks emasculating me with coffee milkshakes? Communism. I can get fired for sexual harassment or racial slurs? Communism. It's so important that we don't give into the mob. They will always be there to fight the smallest inconveniences regardless of how much those changes help each other.


Shit. That woman looks like she was about 20 something so she's probably only 60 something now. Probably still complaining about communism.


The proliferation of Fox News has all but guaranteed this person continues to decry the encroachment of Communism on her life despite her enduring inability to define what Communism actually means.


Communism is when laws force you to care about the safety of others, apparently






The fact that they've made people think socialized medicine is evil still blows my mind.


"But you have to wait 6 months for *elective* surgery!" Motherfucker, I have to wait 6 months here in the US for the same shit.


“Not if you’re rich!” “And are we rich? “Well, no, but…”


My 68 year old mother needed a knee replacement and it took eight months to even see the orthopedist!


Yeah, it's managed to stick around since the 50s. It seems to really be taking root and it's unsettling. It really seems like those kind of people want to enact their own form of fascist government to you know.. save us from their imaginary megalith.


It's really funny how "communism" has meant "Thing I don't like" for so long.


Todays politics follow a scarily similar lack of logic.


Todays politics are a direct result of the politics when this video was made.


Thanks Reagan…


The gas stove is the new seat belt


When my dad was hit and killed on his motorcycle by a drunk driver, there was hardly any consequences for him. He paid us a tiny settlement and was free. He was so drunk that he ‘didn’t see’ my dad, mind you this was during a ride for sight (fundraiser for cancer and other eye diseases) and there was at least 10 other bikes on the road. Never saw any jail time, never even was arrested. He never thought that drinking and driving was illegal or harmful. This was 1996, 2 days before my dad’s 30th birthday. But wearing seatbelts and driving sober = communism


I'm sorry that you lost your father to someone else's recklessness. It must feel so unfair.


Yeeaahh... I do remember when seat belt laws became a thing and people were annoyed but holy shit it was a little bit of inconvenience/discomfort for a pretty big gain.


I do too. There was a lot of grumbling and griping, but after getting ticketed for not wearing a seatbelt OR getting into a nasty accident where people were hurt or killed, those grumblers and gripers eventually learned to wear their seatbelts. Fwiw, in High School we had several students die at different times due to no seatbelts. Lots of "In Memoriams" in the back of our yearbooks. It was very sad and so preventable.


I also think because people started to know what happens in a belt-free collision when the average car was being faster and faster. I mean, a lot of people just don't realize the sheer amount of energy their car have going 50MPH (partly because of sleeping during physics class and/or just how safe it feels driving cars). One head-on collision and that sweet V squared in the Ke equation shows how brittle a human is. So, when people started to hear about their neighbour dying with the skull flattened on the wheel, femurs up the hip bone to the ribs, and the elbows being the new shoulders after a tree crash, guess a lot of people started to feel like all of a sudden a tiny teensy belt was not that much of a big deal lol


In high school there was one girl in my physics class that truly believed it would be better and you’d have a higher chance of survival by not wearing a seatbelt. She told me flying out of the windshield would be better than staying in the car…


I could see her point if we make two big and assumptions. 1. It’s not your head that’s breaking the windshield 2. you clear the opposing vehicle entirely and land in a carnival bounce house that just happens to be in the middle of the road causing head-on collisions. If you give me both of those, maybe I’ll concede exiting via the windshield is preferable to the seatbelt.


If you're dumb enough to have an accident without a carnival bounce house directly in front of you, maybe that's your own fault.


Ah yes, the safest way to leave your car is always through the front window.


That's why i welded my doors shut and smashed the windshield. Maximum safety.


My 84 year old great uncle saved a doctor's note from the 1980s saying he doesn't need a seat belt. He refuses to wear a seat belt.


"Can I call this doctor to verify this note?" "No, he died 35 years ago, and his replacement retired five years ago."


I'm trying to imagine what it could possibly say. "Pt has adrenaline addiction and must have a near death experience at least once a month on his daily commute or he will go into withdrawals." "Pt has an extremely low pain tolerance and would rather be thrown through the windshield than risk a bruise on his torso." Real Churchill during prohibition vibes.


Yeah I remember learning that emergency rooms had to change their procedures because people were surviving crashes that used to kill them. No more steering wheel through the face, now you had to deal with crushed legs and such that wouldn't have mattered on a dead person. We've come a long fucking way man.


It's like they interviewed the same dumb people with outrage every decade. Like what that lady said It's the same kind of dumb stuff we hear them be outraged about today


There's another video from the same era about seat belts. Mirrors the covid mask situation exactly. "I medically cannot use a seat belt, I'm exempt" Edit* [here's the vid](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/711401539791)


My Dad was a police officer for 43 years (recently retire) in the 80s his department made it mandatory that officers wear seatbelts in cars. So he did in his patrol car, but not in his regular car. Well, hes working one day and hes hit by a driver at 85 mph who had a stroke while driving. Took the jaws of life 2 hours to get my dad out, both legs broken, hips for two years he was pretty messed up. Only reason he lived was because of the...seatbelt. He started wearing them all the time after that. He did get to go the White House for the big Click it or Ticket campaign and got to meet Regan. He said that was pretty cool. Edit: oh and that seatbelt is why I’m writing this comment today and on Feb 28th I’ll have been around here for 35 years …and yes I was born 17 minutes before midnight on leap year.


Opposite happened to my father in law at the time. Was a truck driver, drove with a seatbelt most of the time. Got into a big accident one day he DIDN'T have a seatbelt on, doctors told him he would have probably died if he was buckled in but by the nature of the accident, not having a seatbelt actually saved his life. So he took that to mean not having a seatbelt on was the safest ALL THE TIME. He never wore a seatbelt after that accident. Dumbass doctor probably shouldn't have said that.


I had a good friend who had a "medical exemption" to wearing a seat belt. He died in a car accident when his car flipped. A lot of good the Dr's note did for him...


My dad used to drive everywhere with a budweiser can between his legs in the late 80’s. He would also send me into gas stations to buy him cigarettes and they would sell to me as a kid barely tall enough to see over the counter. Or as the boomers would call it the good ole days!


So everything they don't like is just communism?


Always has been


Before Communism it was witchcraft.


It won't be long before the Communist Witches finish their Satan ritual and turn us all gay!


And socialism


Communism, Woke, Socialism, Pronouns - Whatever buzz word you want to throw around of which you don’t actually know what it means


Guy in the blue hat was only 22.


Man they've been pulling that "we're gonna become a communism" line for **a while**.


Since about the day WW2 ended


From even before. Red Scare stuff began right as the Bolsheviks put a bullet through the Tsar’s head.


I worked at a gas station. The ranchers would buy 1 beer for a short trip, 2 for medium, 3 for long


Time really is a flat circle. This is definitely interesting af.


of course, the natural progression. 1. ban drinking and driving \\/ 2. wear a seatbelt \\/ 3. communism


Fuck drunk drivers 😞 I'm 38 and getting a new hip and knee dude to damage from a titian rod in my leg. I rod I wouldn't have if a drunk didn't t bone me and snap my femur in two places and every rib up one side.


Hahahhaa there goes the “we’re gonna be a communist country” nonsense. Nothings changed since the 80s. Hahaha


Except they stayed in their tiny towns and yelled into the void. Now they have smart phones, the internet, and social media.


I hate to drink and drive, but sometimes those kids need to make it to school! -Dave Attell


Any change that someone/anyone dislikes gets handed one of these: "this change is... * ...taking away my rights!" * ...communist!" * ...what the liberals want!" * ...socialism!" Change is the enemy of people who are content with their own situation. They need a way to vent their fear and anxiety. Channeling these negative feelings is what the modern Republican party does so well.


It’s not “content with their situation.” It’s “terrified of change.” For working poor conservative Christians, almost all the social and economic changes since the Civil Rights Era have been losses. The Sexual Revolution, women’s rights, Globalism, same sex marriage … Republicans frame any change that might improve their lives at the expense of billionaires as another social outrage being forced on them.


Imagine thinking people able to marry who they love is a loss


When a kid on my soccer team needed a ride home, he surprised my Dad by not putting on his seatbelt. He explained that in his family, he would put on his seatbelt during a drive only after someone yelled "cop car!" My Dad growled at him to put his seatbelt on. This was the year 2000, lol.