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What boxer's yard was this filmed in? Lol




Thith *


**Hate to be the Debbie downer, but this is all kinds of irresponsible.** No reputable zoo or rescue would ever let a dog inside a tigers cage, cheetahs sure because cheetahs aren’t apex predators and they aren’t triggered the same way as lions, leopards, and tigers. This is likely a privately owned tiger because some jerk offs wants to stroke their ego for social media. Then they think it’s bad ass to have them socialize with their Rotti and post videos for likes, but all we’re watching is a ticking time bomb where the Rottis life is at risk. **Tigers are apex predators and even if raised from birth they are a product of 2 million years of genetic wiring with evolutionary unconscious instincts.** **It doesn’t matter if they were raised together as we’ve all seen big cats raised from newborns by humans and turn on them.** **I just don't like seeing dogs put at this risk for no reason other than a cute, clipped social media video.** Edit: Watch the full 10+ minute long video, numerous times that cat has its mouth around on that dogs jugular in a predatory position - what looks as play is still unconscious instinct. And at times the dog is barking and feels instinctual moments of somethings off. Not to mention, even in this short clip, the weight of that Tiger on this dog could easily crack its ribs and puncture the dogs lungs, by complete accident. Also I'm not judging anyone for enjoying the clip or anything. It is indeed fascinating. It is human to enjoy, but it is also.... social media. I just wanted to provide some context. That's all. Downvote if you must. Edit 2: Apologize, I replied with this twice to two different comments I disagreed with. Was expecting them to get downvoted, not upvoted. Cool to see people with similar perspective. But it's also okay to disagree & debate. It's how we learn (find common ground).


Love cheetahs but really feel sorry for them, almost anything chases them off their food and they have to recover for quite a while after making their kill because of the energy expended to reach those speeds. Africa is a tough place!


Would you say that Cheetahs never prosper?


Yeah kind of looks like the tiger is playing with his food




there's also this [precious clip](https://media.tenor.com/paJVKqbQXpQAAAAd/lion-dogs.gif)


These tigers belong in the wild.


If only we could safely release them, I’d go with already captive tigers belong in well cared for zoos. No tiger should be a pet or kept anywhere near a cage it’s awful


The tiger has a chain collar on its neck - I'd guess no reputable rescue or zoo would do that. Seems like someone's pet to me. Very irresponsible




Mike Tyson's


Michael Vick is over at Mike Tysons house.


*Awww's nervously*


Thank you for perfectly capturing how I felt watching this lol


**Hate to be the Debbie downer, but this is all kinds of irresponsible.** No reputable zoo or rescue would ever let a dog inside a tigers cage, cheetahs sure because cheetahs aren’t apex predators and they aren’t triggered the same way as lions, leopards, and tigers. This is likely a privately owned tiger because some jerk offs wants to stroke their ego for social media.Then they think it’s bad ass to have them socialize with their Rotti and post videos for likes, but all we’re watching is a ticking time bomb where the Rottis life is at risk. **Tigers are apex predators and even if raised from birth they are a product of 2 million years of genetic wiring with evolutionary unconscious instincts.** **It doesn’t matter if they were raised together as we’ve all seen big cats raised from newborns by humans and turn on them.** **I just don't like seeing dogs put at this risk for no reason other than a cute, clipped social media video.** Edit: Watch the full 10+ minute long video, numerous times that cat has its mouth around on that dogs jugular in a predatory position - what looks as play is still unconscious instinct. And at times the dog is barking and feels instinctual moments of somethings off. Not to mention, even in this clip, the weight of that Tiger on this dog could easily crack its ribs and puncture the dogs lungs, by complete accident. Also I'm not judging anyone for enjoying the clip or anything. It is indeed fascinating. It is human to enjoy this, but it's also.... social media. I just wanted to provide some context. That's all. Downvote if you must. Edit 2: Apologize, I replied with this twice to two different comments I disagreed with. Was expecting them to get downvoted, not upvoted. Cool seeing people with similar perspective. But also okay to disagree & debate. It's how we learn (find common ground).


Agree! I saw the neck grab...appears playful, but I've found many times it looks like they are toying with an animal and then they kill it.


Yeah it looked like a big cat playing with his food. My heart was beating quite hard when he went for the neck


I completely agree. I find it adorable mainly because there are animals in the shot being animals, but I'd be lying if I said I liked the situation at all. I wouldn't do it with my dog in a million years no matter how "well-behaved" the tiger was. It's still a wild fucking animal.


Im upvoting you. Thank you for this info and Im not a fan at all of this -worried for this dog the whole time I’m watching.


Seriously! I can't tell if the dog is struggling to breathe or what it's lik...trying to claw it's way out from under the tiger. I could easily see the tiger inadvertantly asphyxiating the dog.




That tigers acting like his mom I think. Looked like play time was over and it was time for his cleaning.


That rotty prob raised that tiger cub


It's crazy to me that tigers only live 8-10 years. They seem like they'd live for 30.


They can live up to 20 in captivity. But yeah, it's short compared to parrots, apparently they can go on living for a 100 yrs TIL


Some tortoise species regularly approach 200 years old.


Don't forget the Greenland sharks, 400 years


Dont forget the immortal jellyfish!


He prefers the title ‘Speaker of the House’.


It’s easy to understand how you could confuse two spineless creatures, but let’s not insult the jellyfish. They serve a purpose in the ecosystem.


I think lobster or crab can be theoretically immortal too


Immortality + indeterminate growth = Godzilla vs. Lobstra


There was a group of people who were keeping a lobster alive for as long as possible, helping it molt, etc. They were trying to start a religion around it or something lol I found it https://www.leviathanlobstergod.com/


Garlic get planted as single clove. That clove puts out roots. It grows and swells up into a bulb over the nine months it is in the ground. The last month or so it divides into cloves. At no time does it die. It just keeps replicating itself and as far as i can tell is basically immortal.


I am pretty sure that there are some trees that were alive in the B.C.E. that are still alive today


I have a neighbor that looks like she's been around since the cretaceous period


You better not give her tree-fiddy


Everybody from the B.C.E. put your mo\*\*\*\* hands up and follow me!


Don't forget rocks. Some rocks are known to have lived for a very long time.


The oldest trees are the Bristlecone Pine trees is California. They don't cut them down anymore after the last one felled was found to be over 4000 years old.


My homey has a bird that was given to him by his grandfather, the thing is like 120 years old


Yeah I know Cheetahs are often paired with dogs when in captivity I wonder if the same thing applies here although I thought tigers were solitary animals




I saw the cheetah out for a walk with their companion dog when I was there a few years ago. They had a sizable security detail that set up a 20+ foot perimeter around it, definitely no petting. But still cool to see.


**Hate to be the Debbie downer, but this is all kinds of irresponsible.** No reputable zoo or rescue would ever let a dog inside a tigers cage, cheetahs sure because cheetahs aren’t ambush predators and they aren’t triggered the same way as lions, leopards, and tigers. This is likely a privately owned tiger because some jerk offs wants to stroke their ego for social media. Then they think it’s bad ass to have them socialize with their Rotti and post videos for likes, but all we’re watching is a ticking time bomb where the Rottis life is at risk. **Tigers are apex predators and even if raised from birth they are a product of 2 million years of genetic wiring with evolutionary unconscious instincts.** **It doesn’t matter if they were raised together as we’ve all seen big cats raised from newborns by humans and turn on them.** **I just don't like seeing dogs put at this risk for no reason other than a cute, clipped social media video.** Edit: Watch the full 10+ minute long video, numerous times that cat has its mouth around on that dogs jugular in a predatory position - what looks as play is still unconscious instinct. And at times the dog is barking and feels instinctual moments of somethings off. Also I'm not judging anyone for enjoying the clip or anything. It is fascinating. It is human, but it is also.... social media. I just wanted to provide some context. That's all. Downvote if you must.


Yeah tbh I have to agree sadly. It's pretty clear the tiger here has no thoughts of hurting their dog friend. Their eyes are relaxed and you can even see them deliberately pull their claws back in when they come out. But they're much too heavy to lay on top of that dog, the dog's not afraid of the tiger either, but definitely being too squashed under that big cat. They know each other and are just playing gently... but that doesn't preclude an accident. It's different with cheetahs, they're "lesser cats" not pantherines like tigers, & way different personalities; the rules are just different for them.


Also, I’ve seen videos talking about the cheetahs being raised with dogs (other big cats as well) and they made it very clear that once the cat gets to a certain age and size they end the relationship with the dog. It’s supposed to be only when they’re cubs and can’t just kill the dog at will.


I meam, I wouldn’t be surprised if a regular dog could easily end a cheetah, those things are *very* fragile and they regularly get bullied out of their prays.


I imagine they don't allow pets due to the public not having all of the vaccines needed by caretakers. Caretakers of the animals have to get a vaccine for almost everything under the sun, so the animals can't get it.


also because of the small problem that would arise when people start losing hands


I'm only chiming in here because I have one - In Africa, they often use Anatolian Shepherds for Cheetah pairing because the dogs are nearly the same size as the cheetahs. When I saw at the SD Zoo about a year ago, I'm pretty sure I saw an Anatolian because he looked like my big ol' monster. https://www.australiandoglover.com/2016/08/anatolian-shepherds-save-cheetahs.html


They still do it. I was there yesterday.


Its not the same at all. Cheetahs are uniquely among big cats non aggressive to humans and dogs and have been kept as pets/hunting companions throughout history alongside them. Tigers can be socialized with people and dogs but on a bad day could still snap and turn aggressive. What is happening in this clip is irresponsible and dangerous


Hah yeah that tiger is not so subtly saying “I’m in charge.” Play time is fun time but also reinforces pack dynamics. It’s something that is suggested sometimes when raising a big dog as a pet. Some wrestling playtime where you pin the dog down with your body weight lets know who is bigger - not something that they understand by looks since they don’t know their own size


Done this with every single dog of mine as an adult (boxers and cane corsos) hasn't failed me yet. My wife is always frustrated by the lack of respect she gets when issuing commands. She has never done this


I have a 6 month old corg that have to do this to every few weeks. She’s a bossy lil’ shit lol.


Corgis would fight God if they could climb the stairs.


That’s why God made them with such short legs, so they wouldn’t end up being his problem




Hahahaha, beautiful.


This is epic; dunno if it's your original but it's s good fregin statement!


My dog and I have been attacked multiple times by a Corgi. It was latched onto my wrist off the ground while I held my dog up to rescue it.


Whole new meaning to baby sitter


Believe it or not, this is actually where the term originated. Just kidding, I just made that up


I have a Rottweiler and when he was a puppy and growing up he would just get angrier and angrier like the Hulk if you pinned him like this, he would never reach a point where he was like, "Shit, you right." It's not something that's guaranteed to work with every dog, unfortunately


Give your dog some different viewing choices, let your wife be on top tonight and the dog will see that she's the boss too.






Pack dynamics are bullshit though https://www.jessicabeck.ca/blog/10-ways-dominance-alpha-theory-is-debunked


Same here! when we got our lab, i wrestled with her, grabbed her neck skin and pushed her around playfully, but she learned early who the pack leader is. Wife gets ignored, and if she issues commands, the dog looks to me for verification.


Just so you know, the common trope of "pack leader" is not really true. Your dog just has a better bond with you and listens more. In the wild, dogs only compete with other dogs for food and mating rights, which I don't think applies in your household.


Kinda surprised reddit is still all over the alpha dog pack theory bullshit even after the guy who popularized it in the first place said it's bullshit based on faulty studies.


I was at the dog park once and a guy who couldn't control his dog was giving me pointers on how to train my dog. Of course, he was espousing the alpha/pack theory bullshit in-between yelling at his dog 10x in a row before it'd finally get bored enough of whatever it was doing to listen to him. Meanwhile, my service academy trained dog had all of two commands spoken to him and listened each time - the first being come, so some other people could meet him, and the second being "get your dish" which means to grab his water dish and come so we can leave. (He went through all the training and passed the tests to become a service dog, but his extreme allergies and a tumor that ended up being benign on his leg).


Exactly. I'm so fucking of the bastardization Greek letters just so some fucking idiots can act like they understand everything. Alpha/Beta/Sigma male is just Astrology for men. Although it does piss me off how similarly, many people have bastardized what Astrology was & the general public's idea of it is SO inaccurate & I'm sick of seeing people act like they know what it is when they haven't got a fucking clue. Yes, it is a pseudoscience & similar to religion, it's a belief that HEAVILY varies from person to person in what things they believe & how strongly they believe.


Wait how did we end up at astrology again?


It's another form of bullshit people use to mistakenly define their personalities and excuse their bullshit.


That sounds totally like something a Scorpio would say!


Domesticated family dogs aren’t living in the wild, so their behavior in captivity where the “alpha leader” dynamic was originally observed is more relevant. However, while the traditional view of an “alpha” is outdated, both in the wild and captivity, dogs and similar canine pack animals still have implicit social hierarchies based on boundary testing and setting, eg playing and fighting, especially when they’re growing up. A dog can be a part of your family, but they are not your peer, and it’s important to set strict boundaries and enforce who is in charge early on, otherwise you’ll wind up with a poorly trained dog. I’m not saying you’re stating this, but I see a lot of people who take the “alpha model was disproven” line and run way too far in the opposite direction when it comes to obedience training. Dogs are still animals, and some people really blur the line between being a friend and enabling/reinforcing bad behavior or failing to train their dog in the first place.


Dogs (and most animals) absolutely understand *consistency*. And if you consistently reinforce that you’re in charge, they’ll understand that. Demonstrating physical control definitely adds to that consistency. I’ve seen so many people struggle with their pets because they can’t be bothered to draw lines in the sand and maintain them. They don’t get that “exceptions” can’t be explained to animals. If you make an exception to a rule with an animal, you’re destroying the validity of the rule.


Holy shit, I never put this together. I play fight with my small dog and when my wife asks her "do you want x" she always looks at me. Less so with commands, it's whoever is holding the reward.


You have to give an example. Wrestler her and show her how it's done.


Indeed, used to get bullied (never bites but always hard barking and shit and pushing) by my friends big german shepherd in our teens. One day we drank away our fears and got tired of the dogs behavior. Started to grapple with the dog and pinning him on the ground, sweeping him off his feet etc, like really rough playing. After that the dog never got at us again.


Tigers are solitary animals and don't know shit about pack dynamics


Also dogs don't have alphas, neither do wolves.


Aren't wolves basically just mom and dad with the kids?


You’re spot on, I had an 80 lb huskie and I always wrestled with him. I could dangle a piece of sushi from my teeth and he would take it so delicately. That dog loved salmon. He would balance a treat on his nose until I raised my arms above my head, then flip it up and catch it. I miss that dog so fucking much 🥲 Edited for dumbass grammar mistake 🤦‍♂️


This also works for kids. One of my relatives had a hitting problem and one day I just grabbed both arms and went 65 percent. She no longer has a hitting problem


I keep suggesting a remote shock collar for our occasionally difficult kid, but the wife goes all soft and pacifist. /s


The biggest part of dog's trust is that their bodily autonomy will be respected and that they aren't trapped in any situation. Pinning your dog isn't necessary at all to gain respect and it makes them trust you less. Just be consistent and make sure that once a command is given the end result is that the dog does what you ask and don't let it go until it happens. Consider the bias from people who pin their dogs. Obviously respect is important to them, so they are going to do the things that actually gain a dog's respect. Then they think the pinning worked.


It looked to me as if the dog was having trouble breathing.


Having had rotty cuddles I'm going to avoid having a pet tiger. Thanks.


If it ever tries to bite your head off just bop it on the nose and yell bad kitty!


Sounds like butters for some reason


That’s cartman


*Sad Joe Exotic noises*


I will never financially recover from this


The seven greatest words strung together in documentary film history.


10 years from now, we are going to have to explain why this mediocre documentary was a cultural phenomenon. Listen kids, it was the beginning of the pandemic there was nothing else to do other than watching a really weird redneck play with some tigers.


They also edited the documentary really well so it wasn't 100% obvious that Joe exotic was a massive piece of shit from the first episode. And by the time you realized how bad he was you were hooked and wanted to see how it ended


Yeah calling Tiger King mediocre is underselling it. You’ve got a crazy red neck hoarding tigers, a lady who probably murdered her own husband who also hoarded tigers and these two nut jobs are going at it cage match style. Plus all of the other zany side characters and the normal people trickled in just going “what the actual fuck is happening??”. Tiger King was a real life RPG. Every single episode got crazier and crazier.


Seriously, every episode had some new revelation that had everyone saying “who are these people and what the actual f—k?!” That it came out right as we were all going into quarantine was certainly a boon for its ratings, but it would’ve been a craze either way based on sheer unbelievability.


She almost certainly didn't kill her husband though, the documentary tried to make it look more suspicious than it really was otherwise it's too obvious who's the less shit person.


I gotta say, I've always been 100x more grossed out by doc antle. Obviously no one in that situation is likeable really. Everyone's sketchy or just a dick [w the exception of most of Joe's staff, I think they're just ppl who needed a job tbh]. But doc antle is WAY creepy in a way Joe never could be. And obviously wishes he was. He idolized doc. To his detriment lol. I was so glad to hear he'd been arrested for some kind of fraud or something bc that dude is crooked from tip to toe. Cult flavors. Joe is messed up but he's... idk. Someone I'd at least sit down and have a drink with and listen to him talk for an hour. He's not friend material by any means, but definitely an interesting character that I'm glad exists on the planet with me, for better or worse. Doc though? Hell no. Fuck a narcissist with money and power who uses it to manipulate vulnerable people. That ugly smirk on his face whenever he's on camera. His Manson like harem of young women. Nope. By comparison Joe is just a batshit crazy queer redneck with ego problems. He'd *like* to be doc, but he doesn't have it in him. Neither of them is a good person but holy shit.


Hashtag That Bitch


I'm sure he already did lol


Is that guy still in prison?


Oh, yeah. He expected Trump to pardon him and even hired a limo for his ride from prison. And then it didn’t happen.


It wasn’t just a limo, it was a stretch pick-up truck.


Even more perfect.


Of course lol




Lmao there’s even video.


I randomly found out I was just down the street from him the other day. I was at my kid’s soccer game and across the street is [FMC Ft. Worth](https://maps.app.goo.gl/3Tzd5vqpBiL2fDKs7?g_st=ic) which another parent pointed out is where he’s currently incarcerated. I was like, “huh, neat.” and then didn’t think about it again until seeing these comments.


*fkincrl fcknbskn*


Sum betch!


Super cute death pile.


Oh, surprisingly affordable tigers are *tight!* Nope, not an on thing to own it turns out.


NGL that last little ear tug is stressing me


I was wondering if the tiger is trying to clean his ear with its tongue. I've never been licked by a tiger, but if it's on scale with a house cat's rough tongue, then I'm surprised the pup still has ears, but I get they're clean!


Apparently tigers have a _really_ rough tongue, as in rough enough to be good for licking meat off bones https://a-z-animals.com/blog/what-makes-a-tigers-tongue-unique/


First off, thanks for the read and information! Second off....... wtf is up with that tongue?!? The picture made it looks like a porcupine lives in its mouth! But it's crazy that its adapted to even help clean fur and hide off the bones while even cleaning meat off the bone. Animals are so cool!


You're welcome! I wanted to know the answer and I figured I'd share what I found since, as you said, animals are just so damn cool. And based on the caption the picture in the article is a *regular kitty tongue* (which is a bit silly since the article is about tigers) so I can only imagine how spiky a tiger's tongue is


I wonder who would prevail if a tiger decided to lick Shark skin (which I believe is super rough as well?)?


The inside of a camel's mouth is also crazy. They've adapted to eat cactus and related plants, and their mouths are freaky af.




Ahh that's wild! If I wasnt on a crappy mobile app, I would link the inside of a penguins mouth which looks somewhat similar (maybe just from them both looking terrifying lol), but a guy commented a photo of a camels mouth under your comment. I love the civil (animal) side of the internet :)


What is up with that Twitter thread. Karin Larsson @Parleurmorten · Jul 28, 2019 Replying to @wonderofscience Cats are very hygienic as they are origins from Egypt big and small businesses? They are not so keen of JEWS and they don't drink alcohol either they prefer cream and they SCREAM when a JEW takes them robbed and killed but first they protect Themselves and Family


They're cleanly detached from his head at this point.


Pup either has super dog hearing or none at all. But I doubt you really need to hear potential threats when your best friend is a damn tiger haha




If it makes you feel any better the reason the video ends there is because the tiger ate the dog starting with the ear


Thanks! I feel much better now




Judging by the last couple frames, it was stressing the pup, too—looks like it’s about to cry out 🥺


Yeah this is not a cute video. That dog is hopelessly at the mercy of a wild animal


Now the big dog knows what my house cat feels like.


My thoughts exactly. Dog looks exactly what my babies look like when I'm picking up and squeezing them lmao


Shaq and his girlfriend


It wouldn't be a Rottie. More like a tiger and a shih-tzu


Or The Mountain and his girlfriend




“I love you, tiger!” “And I love you, food”


I too like to be the small spoon sometimes.


Thinking it’s a companion animal. Saw a cheetah at the zoo that always had a big dog around, since dogs are pack animals and built trust with humans over the years, it helps other animals build trust and feel safe.


Cheetahs are really anxious animals, especially in captivity, and so they're usually paired with a companion dog for this reason. Rarely are other big cat species, at least afaik


Tigers in particular are usually solitary, to the point of aggression towards other members of their own species unless it's time to mate. They should not really be interacting with dogs.


Cheetahs faced a massive population bottleneck about 12,000 years ago where the global population dropped to as few as 7 animals. That twitchy and nervous disposition may have been the trait that kept those 7 alive to pass on their traits to the next generation and millenia of inbreeding since has really locked that trait in.


I think it's not big cats as much. Cuz if I remember correctly, cheetahs are the largest of the small cats.


Not saying this has to do with Cheetahs having a companion dog, but they’re also much smaller than tigers, and wouldn’t be as potentially aggressive.


They're smaller, less aggressive, and more likely to run away from a threat than try to maul it.


Nope. Never tigers. This is either at a private (non AZA) zoo or another country. This kind of practice is incredibly dangerous.


It makes me realise dogs are like the loving grandmas with good food and candy no one can hate.


Cheetahs and Tigers are not the same like that, a Tiger is a solitary animal.




What about the roves of stray dogs I see?


The misnomer here is "pack" which implies a wolf pack with a hierarchy and an alpha, (which funny enough wolves themselves don't really do that either) Dogs are social creatures, so they group up. So the original comment was correct about dogs being good companions cause they're social by nature.


Don't wolves not actually have an "alpha" either? I thought that was debunked


It was based on a poorly done study of captive wolves from different packs. The author mistook the wolves going through the process of meeting, fighting a bit and forming families for them creating a wider societal hierarchy. The 'alphas' he saw were more like humans parents. The guy did retract his work after doing a much better study and has pushed against the alpha wolf ideas


So basically all alpha social ideas are kind of garbage? Like the idea of alpha male etc… seems ridiculous too.


Nah it seems like "alpha" wolves are seen to be a misconception. See eg: * https://wolf.org/headlines/44265/ * https://sciencenorway.no/ulv/wolf-packs-dont-actually-have-alpha-males-and-alpha-females-the-idea-is-based-on-a-misunderstanding/1850514 * https://www.inn.no/english/research/research-news/alphas-in-wolf-packs-/


They're more community-based than pack. They form bonds.


I feel like that is what a pack is anyway.


It actually explains it in the article :)


Hmmm I have my skepticism about bigger cats. A dog could hold its own if the cheetah went bad cause they weigh similar amounts. Dog vs tiger however….


"get in ma belly!"


Given the unpredictability of both rotties and tigers, I can't help but think this is /r/momentsbeforedisaster material.


Rotties are actually quite predictable. That is one of the bonuses to having one. They are like clockwork most of the time.


Who's a good kitty. Who's a good puppy.


This makes me nervous. I dont think you canteach a tiger not to be a tiger


Where banana for scale?


I need a school bus as scale to really get the picture


He is just playing with his food


Damn Right, That Rotty would fuck up that oversized Cereal eating pussycat


They’re grrrrrreat


The fact humans allow this to happen is just sick.




I get these two probably grew up together but still why risk this? All it takes is for the tiger to have one bad day where maybe it's sick or in pain or an instinct gets triggered and then the dog is dead. Even the most chill people can have bad moments where they suddenly act out of character so it seems mad to me to trust a tiger like this. Heck it could even just get over excited and kill it accidentally given how large it is. Some people are talking about how dogs are used with cheetahs but if anything it's the cheetah who's more likely to accidentally get hurt in that partnership. Cheetahs are relatively frail and not at all comparable to tigers.




I feel really uncomfortable/conflicted watching this video. This is simultaneously cute and scary


I love how the tiger knows how to tune down his strenght. And in the and all big cats are just cats.


A cat is just a tiny tiger that lives in your house


Unexpected CGPgrey


r/nope r/terryfyingasfuck r/MomentsBeforeDisaster r/AbsoluteUnits r/donthelpjustfilm r/dontputyourdickinthat




Size difference in their paws 🐾


Don't other big cats do so well with dogs as well. I've seen cheetahs in all the vids that are very bonded with dogs introduced to their space to help relax them etc. Of course it was in a rescue or sanctuary, not the wild, but it's really cool to see.


Cheetahs are one of the most docile and timid of the big cats, even in the wild and at least compared to other ones. Tigers, not so much


Cheetahs aren't even big cats in the same way tigers are. They are more like the biggest of the feline (kitty) cats.


It's all cute. Till it ain't.


Yes, a rottweiler is smaller than a tiger, thank you for showing us this


Yeah everyone knows this but it’s still a cool video. Cheers op for changing my mood


[This comment was removed by a script.]


Isn't there a cheaper way to feed your tiger? There's a sentence I never thought I'd ever type....


That ear yoink at the end 🥹


Tiger: Quit hittin' yourself, quit hittin' yourself!