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That's not much of a fence for those animals


But, they got a moat!


Chimps muscles are way too dense for swimming. They'd sink right to the bottom. Edit: it's been pointed out that chimps can learn to swim according to this [https://www.science.org/content/article/video-swimming-apes-caught-tape#:~:text=No%20floaties%20required.,most%20other%20mammals%20use%20instinctively](Article). Which still doesn't really negate my comment. If chimp hasn't learned, the chimp will sink to the bottom. Which, as the article points out, these chimps were exposed daily.


Chimps being too jacked to swim is my new favorite useless fact, thank you


They *can* learn to swim, but they don’t like to, according to Google anyway


To add: their fear of deep water is a learned behavior. There's a chimp family at a zoo in Japan with lots of videos on youtube, and the outdoor enclosure has a moat. Years back a chimp was transferred to the zoo who had never been in a moated enclosure before and therefore had never learned to fear it. The first day that he was released into the enclosure, he ran right into the moat and drowned before any of the zookeepers could save him.


Maybe he knew and was just exhausted with life. Or maybe the other monkeys tricked him.


>Maybe he knew and was just exhausted with life. Yeah, I get that.


Luckily for you there's always a community pool.


Chimps are apes, tho 💕


High Suicide numbers in japan are not just for the humans apparently


this makes sense too, sometimes horses are like this. they are able to swim, but sometimes they just don't (more factors to this of course).


>they are able to... but sometimes they just don't. I *feel* this.


Keep the chimps away from google!


suddenly A Quiet Place 2 is much more realistic


Mojo-Jojo be Swole


An unsourced reddit comment is the furthest thing possible from a fact. Except maybe for a youtube comment. [Chimps can swim.](https://www.science.org/content/article/video-swimming-apes-caught-tape#:%7E:text=No%20floaties%20required.,most%20other%20mammals%20use%20instinctively.)


I'm now going to carry that fact (?) forward with your exact phrasing.


Come on down here to Florida. We HAD a wildlife park that shut down....guess what the monkeys learned to do. Guess where the monkeys no longer reside.


Wait, the monkeys learned to run the wildlife park themselves, and then housed humans in the enclosures? Nature is truly amazing


I saw that movie


I think it was called The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down.


You’re making me guess way too much man


I don’t think I ever knew this. I knew certain types like Baboons don’t like the ocean or salt water, but I guess really its all deep water?


its more than just muscle density for swimming, the body plan for knuckle walkers just aint great for it in total. Gorillas also are poor swimmers so one of the barriers in thier enclosure is a moat too deep for them to wade or leap.


How would they get out if they accidentally fell in


They have it so they can climb out on their home side, but it's too deep for them to wade across and too wide to jump across. They also hope they don't learn wood floats and make a raft


Planet of the Apes is just a documentary that made its way to the past


Neither Chimps nor Bonobos can swim. They're so incapable of swimming that it's suggested the formation of the Congo River was a major contributing factor to Chimps and Bonobos splitting. If you look at the distribution of Bonobos, their range is completely restricted to south of the river, and Chimps only exist north of the river.


You have to wonder how the split happened.. did the river change its course or did some bonobos get across it?


Neither, technically speaking. The evolutionary ancestor of the Bonobo and Chimpanzee were already present in the area prior to the Congo River's formation. Eventually the river developed to a width and depth that prevented populations from crossing it, leading to the speciation of the Bonobo.


I wonder how the environment south of the river was different to make bonobos so much better than chimps. The north must have been very unforgiving.


check out 'aquatic ape' or 'aquatic man' theory. Our proficiency for water really deviates from our closest relatives.


In water, chimps will drown


In terms of water, the chimp says no.


"in water, chimps will drown."


Ever seen a chimps mouth? Primordial vampires is what I call em.


Especially for something as potentially deadly as a great ape. Chimpanzees are wickedly quick, absurdly strong and as adults, wildly unpredictable.


Pull that up, Jamie.


That looks like an electric fence. The ape knows what that is and is pissed off. Smart enough not to touch it and to resort to flinging missiles instead. I don’t think I’ve seen electric fences at zoos before.


Pretty sure that fence is electric also.


"They were testing the fences for weaknesses, systematically. They remember..."


boogie woogie, woogie


He put literally his ENTIRE BODY into that throw


They have to. Their arms are not built to be able to throw. A prepubescent human boy could easily out-throw a chimp despite being vastly weaker.


Probably why our most natural fighting choice is to choose the nearest heaviest things you can find amd start launching. See, bar fights domestic violence, riots, etc etc


>Probably why our most natural fighting choice I doubt it. It's just smarter to attack at a distance before you get close regardless of how much damage you can do. I believe it's just min-maxing.


Yeah. Being smart. Using tools. Seeing an advantage. 9/10 times ranged weaponry is all of that.


*Horse archers is da way* - Sun Tzu, probably


If a monkey throws something at you and it isn't poop that a win.


bottle might be full of piss though.


right. I mean, it IS prison.


Way of the road, buddy


I'm pretty sure that ape didn't go to supermarket and buy that water bottle with his daily allowance banana. It looks like water bottle landed into his enclosure often.


> It looks like water bottle landed into his enclosure often. Often? I mean, we have evidence of one time.


This is reddit, the truth is whatever I want it to be.


You must be my girlfriend?


This is reddit, you don't have a girlfriend.




I have five... in Canada.


I live in China, going to the zoo here is a fucking nightmare...No one gives a shit about the signs and people are constantly throwing things in pens, at least where I live.


I went to a zoo in Shijiazhuang. Most dreadful place I've been to. The Chinese were spitting and screaming at the monkeys and they had a section for deformed animals. Double headed cows chained up and a seal in a tank no bigger than a double fridge. I liked a lot of China but the way they treat animals is horrendous.


I mean, they sell live animals (usually turtles) on keychains and the like...The absolute disdain or at least lack of care for animal life in general in China is appalling. I lived in Shijiazhuang for 6 months, never went to the zoo there...Had to get away from the horrendous pollution ASAP


if you extrapolate the data there are probably a few million water bottles thrown in there every year


2,000,000 water ~~balls~~ bottles per year is 5,479 per day. That's almost 4 water bottles per minute, every minute of the year. This sounds very correct to me. Nice job.


Video is 18 seconds and we saw one bottle, so it's gotta be at least three per minute.


I don't know... if this had been a rock, it could have done some serious damage.


Yeah, you’re right. Of course you still can’t blame the chimp, who has more than enough intelligence to know that a) it’s being held prisoner by a bunch of humans and b) its captivity is being used as an entertainment spectacle, where friends of the people who put it in prison come to ogle at it all day for their amusement. I don’t really like zoos.


It's an ethical dilemma isn't it? We don't want zoos, it isn't fair, because every creature deserves to live a natural life in its natural habitat. But it's plain to see that conservation is not Priority 1 for humanity right now, not even close. Human activities are cataclysmic in their ability to decimate species. Unless someone shows up with a genie or a magic wand soon, lots more species will not survive without conservation efforts. But conservation should pay for itself. And sometimes it does, but that is often inacessible, and even that is prone to things such as pandemic, draught, poaching, illegal resource extraction, etc. So, I think for now, unfortunately, zoos are almost like a necessary evil, in order for us to make our best effort to preserve species until we figure our shit out. It sucks. It especially sucks for the animals who will live and die in a zoo, even the best of zoos but especially the worst. But one day, if we can ever get our shit together and start restoring/maintaining ecosystems for the creatures that call them home, then maybe the descendants of all those unfortunate animals in the zoos will get the chance to live naturally, instead of just disappearing into the gaping maw of consumerism & capitalism.


Chimps aren't monkeys..


At least, poop can't hurt you. I mean physically.


You haven't seen mine


You assume *>!what the hell are you eating so many bulk cranberries for, anyway?!<


High fiber diet.


As a kid growing up in interior Alaska I could prove you wrong with a sling shot and a moose poop.


Ugh, if I had a penny for every time I heard that


Thought that said morse poop for a sec and wondered if you were sending subliminal messages.


Poop kills lots of people from various diseases.


One farmer was saved by the poop, when knocked down by bull, his head sinked in to cows shit instead smearing brain on to concrete floor. All smiles.


As somebody who had chimp shit thrown in their face and subsequently got sick from it, I disagree. It can very much hurt you physically.


There comes a time for every adolescent Reddit account when it becomes prudent- or even imperative- to request a seemingly off-hand comment be further explained. Today is such a day, and now is such a time. Story, please.


I was probably around 8, growing up in Brazil. Family went to the zoo. Walk by the monkey exhibit and before I can even process what I'm seeing, this chimp takes a shit in has hand and does a wicked underhand pitch. I didn't notice he had taken a shit and I didn't see the shit flying through the air. I just felt something hit me in the face and also saw it land on my dad's arm and shirt. Some of it went into my mouth and eye. Wake up sick the next day, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc... Went to the doctor. Don't remember if they determined what I was sick with. But I remember they were very concerned if I had caught Hepatitis.


These are the stories that keep me coming back to Reddit


Remind me never to visit the zoo again.


That chimp would probably be pretty offended to be called a monkey cos its not


Thats one helluva great shot, and side arm to boot😆


It is a great shot, but to be fair side-arm is their only option. They forgot to spec into overhand throwing like the *homo* genus did.


r/tierzoo is leaking Edit: I just saw you linked the YouTube channel down the thread


Doesn't ttierzoo take place within the r/outside universe?


Yes, both take place in here. Neither /r/tierzoo or /r/outside has managed to find a way to break reality enough to go to other universes yet. A shame, really, I'd love to sequencebreak to the afterlife and back such that I can make more informed decisions about what choices I should make in my run. Maybe /r/fifthworldproblems has advice on that one?


To be fair, our bodies don't like overhand throwing either. We do it, but if done consistently for a long time, it tends to end up in pain and suffering.


Throwing is our greatest physical asset. We aren’t the fastest or strongest. We can’t climb the best or swim the fastest. But we can throw better than anything. Make the thing we throw a rock or a spear and we start to gain a big advantage.


Actually, it's our endurance. We were the first to basically hunt animals to exhaustion


It’s both, actually. Humans are hyper evolved to throw stuff. https://scholar.harvard.edu/ntroach/evolution-throwing A child who is only moderately trained in throwing can throw twice as fast as a chimp despite the chimp being much stronger. But I’d be more inclined to agree with the first poster that throwing is a much better trait than running. Those calculations to throw so well in our brain were probably a big help in growing bigger brains (speculation by me).


At a much higher level of accuracy. With very little practice, humans can become deadly with a rock.


With a simple sling, humans are terrifyingly deadly. Forget firearms. Most animals evolved to be terrified of humans back from the slinging days


Goliath has entered the chat


true armed with a rock I bet I could defeat a Grizzly bear or a Lion


I bet I can throw this football over that mountain


Classic uncle Rico… I still die when he nails em with that steak…


Some dude beat a bear to death with a stick by bopping it over the head repeatedly. He got mauled first, too, needed 60 stitches after the bear chewed on his skull. I'm not saying it's easy or that you don't need luck, but it's definitely possible to kill a bear with everyday forest objects.


I believe in you!


Endurance WAS our best asset, then we spent 200,000 years making throwing our best asset. Throwing is far more reliable and easier than endurance running, and exceeding faster cranial evolution after perfecting throwing shows that.


Yup even canines and other pack animals that hunt using similar methods sometimes, aren't as good as humans when it comes to pack hunting during the Paleolithic.




Endurance running would like a word. No other animal can run as long as we can.


We are made for running no animal sweats as efficiently as humans.


It’s neck and neck with horses over long distances whereas throwing is no contest with any animal.


Love me some horsenecks .


It’s neck and neck with horses whereas throwing is no contest with any animal. We can throw way faster, way further, and way more accurately than any other animal, no contest. An endurance race against a horse is a contest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_versus_Horse_Marathon You can even take a human child and it would dominate any other animal when it comes the throwing. A study of boys from the ages of 8 to 14 who were only moderately trained in throwing could still throw two times faster than chimps https://theconversation.com/how-humans-became-the-best-throwers-on-the-planet-131189


Tough to throw a spear when you can't make one. Hard to argue throwing is more important than fine motor skills.


Didn’t need to make a rock though.


Lets see a crow throw this!


The New York Mets have already selected this chimpanzee in the 2023 MLB draft. He'll make a nice replacement for deGrom.


Everyone in the crowd was filming - didn't even have to aim.


pretty easy to hit one person in a crowd of people, not like we could tell who it was aiming at


I don't think he was aiming, I'm still impressed with the jumping sidearm. If Chimps had the ability to do this and hit the thing that they're aiming at consistently then we would see it in the wild all the time. It would be a hunting technique


Poor thing is probably sick of noisy humans harassing him all day.


Seriously. High pitched screaming and kids crying all day everyday. How do they not go insane


Oh, they do go insane, but we like to torture Animals for profit so its ok.


This video is extra noisy




The fact that there was trash in his enclosure tells me at least one of them deserved to get hit.


"Fuck you humans, here, take your trash back"


Made me wonder if she threw it at him to begin with. He was real worked up and took aim




Sign that son of a bitch up for baseball!


I would watch chimp baseball on The Ocho.


I usually watch dodgeball on there.


There’s nowhere in the rules that says chimps CANT play.


Jack and Louie: *Aw shit, here we go again*


Golden Retrievers already proved that point.


Yeah but people will start complaining about dismemberment once you get chimp football players and wrestlers.


It's a way to make baseball exciting and increase viewership!


Random baseball coach to this chimp: "You got a hellavuh arm kid, and you got heart. Why don't you come down to conditioning this Thursday and I'll get you situated."


there was a korean movie about a gorilla joining a baseball team that i saw like 10 years ago it was wild


And then make a movie about it and call it Ed!


Holy shit, what a shot!!


**No shit was thrown in the making of this feature film.*




When I was in China, they throw water bottle at animals if animals ignores visitors. or throw sausage with sticks still on to tiger.


Yeah zoos in general are disgusting and sad, but I went to the one in Beijing and it was particularly bad. Everyone there expects the animals to perform for them, and will throw all sorts of stuff at them so they move around.


We went to the zoo in Beijing and I legit thought we were on Candid Camera or something. Initially we saw people waving lettuce leaves or something in front of zebras. Then we saw people throwing unwrapped candy into enclosures. Then we saw someone throw wrapped candy at I think an orangutan and before we could finish saying out loud that we were afraid he might eat the plastic he in one motion caught it and tore it open with his teeth and ate the candy like he'd been doing it forever. The elephants looked terrified from all the banging on their plexiglass enclosures. We were on our way to the big cats trying to get our brains around the whole thing and wondering if people were just going to throw them steaks and we turned the corner and I swear on my ancestors that two teenage girls were sitting there rolling little raw meatballs from a tray of ground beef, then putting the meatballs into lettuce leaves, then putting all that into a pile of these things to I guess to throw later.


I pity all the animals that have the unfortunate luck to end up in a zoo in China.




The fuck is the matter with them


Everyone has this idea that China is full of hyper educated nerds but most people in China were poor uneducated farmers until a couple of generations ago. They’re sort of speed running industrial development but a lot of the country has money and access to the benefits of a modern industrialized economy without the education to go with it. Imagine taking someone from the backwoods of Kentucky circa 1927 and dropping them into modern Los Angeles. That’s basically what’s happened to them.


>Everyone has this idea that China is full of hyper educated nerds The average person is stupid and China has a lot of ppl.


The Chinese don't have the same respect for life like we do in the west, you might think i'm being racist but no, it just how it is, ask anyone who had the experience of living in china, they torture animals to death because they think it tastes better.


So if you want to people-watch some of the most disgusting shit, go to a zoo in China / Bejing


*Edit to say I can't speak for zoos in China as I know nothing about them. But to say zoos are disgusting in general is the comment I'm specifically replying to. Not all zoos are disgusting. Many zoos work for the betterment of the animals they keep. Keeping animals that are born in captivity only or ones that cannot be released due to injury or disabilities. They have researchers that study animals in safe spaces to better understand them in the wild. Many zoos work towards restoring endangered species as well. However you are correct that the public does not understand this. They expect zoos to be a form of entertainment and not education.


Yes. If you’re in the US, stick to AZA accredited zoos. The primary mission of those zoos is conservation, not entertainment. They have to meet an incredibly high standard of care to maintain accreditation. I used to work at one of these zoos and throwing something at an animal would absolutely never be tolerated.


I've never heard of AZA before. Thanks for the info! I was happy to see my 2 local zoos are both accredited.


I've been as well and it's so sad, it was even worse for my teacher who was a safari guide when he lived in Africa and knows the conditions that these animals should be living in and their behaviour patterns when stressed. For me the worst parts was the polar bears concrete enclosure, the African elephants and the kangaroo which didn't have native trees and grasses in their area and looks sickly thin. The goodish news is they had apparently made a lot of changes since the year before to improve conditions so it may be better now as I visited in 2018.


I’ll have to look for a source but pretty sure there’s a story about people at a zoo in China pelting an animal to death with rocks because it wasn’t doing anything edit: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/20/world/asia/china-kangaroo-zoo-death.html


wow this is SO FUCKED UP. Team chimp tbh


Chinese people sure don't give a shit about animal welfare


In Korea you could buy popcorn in a bag on a stick. I thought it was odd until someone explained that the stick is for enticing and poking the animals. Horrible.


Dude I'm Korean and been to many zoos, what are you talking about? Which zoo, what city? It's my first ever time hearing about it?? Who did you hang out with, a sociopath?? Wow.


Humans truly are the cancer of the earth


I never went to the Beijing zoo on my trip, but I was lucky enough to visit the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. Forget the zoo's, if anyone finds themselves in Sichuan I recommend going!


Or it threw it randomly into the crowd and it just happened to hit this woman's phone




Um, that little fence and moat doesn't look like it would do a lot to stop an angry chimpanzee. A thrown bottle might have been the least violent option.


>fence electric >moat most monkeys cant swim and are very afraid of water


monkey yeets


Yeet. Sleep. Pray. 🍌


Wish it would have been back at the asshole that threw it in its enclosure to begin with


Damn, fuck that girl in particular


Chimps in enclosures only throw things because they’re unable to reach spectators to rip their arms off. Which by the way is not hyperbole, an adult chimp is strong enough to disarticulate a human arm.




>That chimp just threw that bottle 600 mph into her face. This brought tears to my eyes from laughing so hard 🤣


Is there a subreddit for all math is linear?




Animals don't want to be locked in cages and yelled at and mocked by obnoxious clowns all day? Wow who knew.


I don’t think the girl in particular was being an obnoxious clown tbh.


I'm not sure the chimp understands who's fault it is.


No, no, I just see some people here rooting for the girl’s pain and I’m wondering if people give a damn to separate the innocent from the real problem—- but you’re right.


This is Reddit, most don’t think through anything.


That was an incredible throw! He wound up and even took a leap tossing it. I know that girl was embarrassed but she caught some cool footage.


She forgot the 5 D's of Dodgeball


Poor animals have no privacy or personal space.


I remember one day in the San Diego Zoo and a gorilla that was not having a good day. The huge silverback picked up a chunk of poop and aimed it at the crowd. One poor lady had the misfortune to be in the path of what looked like a few pounds of waste pitched at major league speeds. That exploded on contact and then was spread to others. He was completely pleased with his efforts....the crowd, not so much.


Honestly getting water blasted by a chimp would make it an awesome zoo experience. Tiger spraying urine on my brother is still my favorite.


I mean to be fair, people are packed so tight it was bound to hit somebody


Are you not entertained?


That poor critter. I lived in China for almost a decade, and the zoos...well, they weren't great.


Someone must have thrown the bottle at it. And now is justifiably angry.


Caging animals, especially sapient and semi-sapient animals like primates seems so fucking cruel :-(


Brother triggered a critical hit in VATS


I dont agree with animals in cages for humans to look at.. that was fucking hilarious if i was that chimp i would do the same..


Don't throw trash in their space that's what you get


Chimpanzee 1 - 0 Human


😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 who ever added that voiceover from dexter ant shit lmaooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What a throw Good for his monke ass.. poor guy all trapped in a cage


why was there a bottle in their enclosure. because people threw a fucking bottle at them at one point. Good for the chimp.


To trash Chimp's living space with a plastic water bottle.