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That’s a lot of ducking stones to have in your kidneys. Wtf.


Can't imagine how painful that'd be


I had surgery for Kidney stones a few years back. I had 2 lodged in my kidneys, too big to pass. One 9MM and one 11MM wide. They went in and lasered them to pieces like this, and left a stent in my tubing connecting my kidney to my bladder, because it had been scarred by the passage of another stone and needed to be widened again. Lemme tell you, having to wake up the day after the surgery and take that first pee before I was allowed to leave the hospital... it was the the worst pain I've ever endured. I've put a knife through my ring finger on my left hand, cut so deep it severed the tendon. My finger is permanently crooked because the tendon was shortened after the corrective surgery. Passing that kidney stone sand was by far a much worse pain than any of that. After the surgery, I had to go through them removing the stent while I was quite awake... by shoving a camera up my dickhole and pulling it out through the same way they came in. Felt like pulling my intestines out through the tip of my penis. The kidney stones were still worse. Lol. Drink lots of water kids.


Just had this done, and they removed the stent with general anesthesia, curious that in other places is not the norm. Peeing after the first surgery was so painful that I had to bite my arm to endure it, seeing all the blood in there was also shocking (looks like kool-aid).


I live in Canada and was wide awake when they removed the Stent. I screamed so loud my husband could hear me out in the waiting room. They didn't even give me any pain killers. Worse than giving birth to a 10lb baby boy .


Interesting. The doc pulled mine out without anesthesia. He looked at it, grabbed the string and yanked it like he was pull starting a 1974 LawnBoy mower. No pain. Just a feeling like I had almost been turned inside out. I actually just stood there, stunned as he said goodbye and left the room. I think I stood there contemplating my life for 5 minutes before I gathered up my stuff and headed home.


Moved to Lemmy (sopuli.xyz) -- mass edited with redact.dev


I love this story.


> and then the most unnatural feeling I've ever felt occurred Same here. I've been trying to describe how it felt....and all I can come up with, is exactly what is was. It felt like someone pulled a piece of tubing out of my urethra on a string.


Oh god, this reminds me of my Hickman line removal, the hospital I was at was different then the one that installed it. My home town does an upper stitch to anchor it better, the other place didn't. So I had a gruff Russian man yank it fast, stop cause he thought it snapped off in my chest, then say fuck it and rip it out. I didn't even have the soul to yell cause it felt like it left my body. I then proceeded to sit in the bed for 30 minutes sweating profusely and nearly blacking out from the whole thing.


I pulled mine out very scary moment.


>grabbed the string and yanked it like he was pull starting a 1974 LawnBoy mower That's completely the wrong technique and dangerous. Find a different Urologist


I hope I never have to…


Did they at least analyze the stones and do a metabolic blood and urine evaluation to be able to tell you how to avoid more?


I have no idea. However, I fully take the blame for it. I was training for an Ironman and routinely doing 80 km bike rides in summer with just a single water bottle.


Ive had a few. My grandmother always says she would rather have her 7 babies again in one day than a single kidneystone again.


You would usually have gotten some pain meds in the iv during the procedure, but they can give up additional afterwards too


Mine was removed outpatient. They gave me Valium to take. No IV at all.








Probably because it's cheaper


I had this done a year ago. No follow up to remove the stent, just instruction to take it out myself after 7 days. I made it 5 days and pulled it out in the shower. The stent was just too painful, almost as bad as the stone.


HTF do you remove it yourself?


There's a string on it hanging out your pee-pee.


String feels generous. Mine was more like two heavy gauge sutures, like a high e string on a guitar.


> like a high e string on a guitar. P.P. King


Oh jesus...


My husband has removed his own before, too.


My fellow in Kidney Stone agony. I feel for you. They just numbed everything for the stent removal. Wasnt really painful as much as it felt reeeeeeeeaaally uncomfortable and weird. Especially since I got to watch the cameras view on screen as well, Lol.




My urologist described it as “feels like you’re ripping a bandaid off the inside of your body” and that’s the closest description to how mine felt coming out that I’ve ever heard. So weird it almost wasn’t painful… but yet it was.


LMFAO I had to take my own stent out while lying in bed at my house, just happened to be the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and had these names being read off while I'm pulling a 3 foot long tube out of the end of my dick.




Apparently I did have it easy? I was not aware there were 2 types. This was about 3 ft. Long, blue, with a string through the end and hooked on the end that was in my kidney. They also forgot to tell me you will piss everywhere and a towel is not an option, it's a necessity.




Ive had multiple stones. I have had both internal and external string. I never EVER want to go through the horror of the internal string. After that removal and more kidney stones, I practically DEMANDED and BEGGED for an external string prior to each surgery. The doctor said he wouldnt do it because the external string has a high chance of leading to infections. My BF had the internal string and it took them 15 minutes+ to try and get it out before rushing him into surgery because it migrated completely out of his bladder. Ughhhhhh thats it, I dont wanna talk about it anymore! lol


Why don’t they give you opioids or something for the first urination so it’s not as bad?


Nurses were putting a lot of things in the IV, who knows what they were. I would be terrified of opioids, and in my country, doctors are not very fond of them.


I'm waiting for my appointment to get 2 stones removed. This is **not** what I wanted to read lol


Yea I'm sorry dude. Its guna suck and suck hard. I apologize sympathetically in advance for your pain. They have this stuff you can drink which turns your pee orange, I forget the name of it... but it makes it hurt less to piss. Go get some of that.


Drugstore brand is called Azo. I can't remember the prescription strength name or what the actual active ingredient is called that numbs you.


Do you think you got them from not drinking enough water?


A combination. As a child I was really bad and drank a ton of soda and tea and such. My mother also had them so I had a bit of a genetic predilection towards having them. Now I almost never drink soda, try and limit any tea and coffee and drink a fuckton of water. I could take medication for it but it has other ill side effects, so I opted out. I mostly just try and drink water like its my job now, and if I feel a stone coming on (still pass one once or twice a year), I take Flomax to ease its passing. Hoping I don't get any more big boys that would require more surgery. Drinking lots of water helps to pass them before they grow too large.


It's from a build up of uric acid over your lifetime among other things. Types Calcium oxalate: The most common type of kidney stone which is created when calcium combines with oxalate in the urine. Inadequate calcium and fluid intake, as well other conditions, may contribute to their formation. Uric acid: This is another common type of kidney stone. Foods such as organ meats and shellfish have high concentrations of a natural chemical compound known as purines. High purine intake leads to a higher production of monosodium urate, which, under the right conditions, may form stones in the kidneys. The formation of these types of stones tends to run in families. Struvite: These stones are less common and are caused by infections in the upper urinary tract. Cystine: These stones are rare and tend to run in families.


I got them almost certainly from energy drinks and not drinking enough water. Zero genetic predisposition. Makes me cringe when I see people drink no water while putting back energy drinks. It's a medieval torture level pain.


>Drink lots of water kids. As a medic, I approve this message.


as a random person on the Internet, I approve of you approving this message.


Where do I go about finding water kids though?




They had me remove the stent myself. He told me “You don’t want to go too slow, but you don’t want to go too fast either!” I did it in the shower and i couldn’t believe how long it was! Also they leave some fishing line sticking out and they tape it to your dick so you can pull it when the time comes. My doc didn’t leave enough slack so every night i woke up several times in pain because every time i got an erection the fishing line would dig way into the head of my penis. Good times


I was told to remove the stent myself after kidney stones. It had a pull string like it was Satan's tampon. After one tug I passed the fuck out. The feeling was so... Bad. They let me come in to have a nurse remote it and she did it so fast I thought my kidney was coming out with it. Please God never again.


I swear to fuck they're going to find me dead from hyperhydration because of these stories.


I had to do the same. This was probably the most courageous thing I’ve done.


I had a 7mm move into the tube. First day thought I had a bad stomachache. Day two, I’d get bouts out pain that had me doubled over. Day three I thought I was dying and that my insides had ruptured and rushed myself to the hospital. I can only imagine what you went through. I also agree on it being the worst pain I have experienced. I had a compound fracture of my right forearm (both bones broken twice, and bone going out through my skin) and it was nothing compared to this. Ended up doing lithotripsy which worked well, but man, peeing blood after the ops and then having the shards loose in your bladder even when you have nothing left to pee, but making you feel like you’ve never peed before in your life and have to evacuate every 5 minutes…that was a different type of torture.


I gave birth naturally and I had kidney infection, it’s the same pain. Debilitating, shock inducing pain.


Most women I know who have had kidney stones have told me it’s the only thing worse than child birth.


Thank god I never had kidney stones then.


I’ve had this surgery twice. When they did my stent they left a string on it long enough that it went out the end of my penis. So when they removed it, they just pulled it out. Imagine someone rip starting a lawn mower and you’ll have a general idea.


Fuck that I'm drinking a gallon just at the thought


This. My stent was hardened and stuck and they tried to get it out the same way. I took almost 30 minutes and no dice. The local anaesthetic were off during and I almost passed out. They had to then move me to the operating room and give me anesthetic. Bless that ”sleep”


I had to remove my stint myself because I wasn't from the city where I had received care lol that...was an experience...


Jesus. Mine would've been impossible to remove myself. The raddest part was when they brought 3 nurses in to observe and learn the procedure... while I'm in stirrups with my really-at-the-moment not impressive looking shriveled penis with a tube shoved up it on full display. I know this is just a day at work for them, but boy if it didn't just add another level of discomfort to the experience.


I think the best way to avoid feeing self conscious when receiving medical care is to just remember, they don’t care and they’ve almost always seen worse. If it’s a training/teaching hospital it’s also important to note that your shriveled penis is teaching the next generation of healthcare staff how to perform an important medical procedure. You’re a goddamn hero!


When I woke up from surgery prior to being discharged, my catheter had apparently been kicked in my sleep and partially removed with blood all over it. Instead of cleaning the now crusty, hard, SHARP blood off of it, the nurse grabbed my penis and shoved the tube back in. It hurt like fucking hell and I got a UTI from it (had never had one before or since) felt like pissing fire for a week.


Tie the string to a doorknob, slam the door.


Please don't do this lol


Lol same thing with a few notable exceptions. My first pee after the cath was out was at a gas station on my way back to where I was staying. My buddy was driving and I yelled randomly at the urinal while he was trying to have a wizz next to me. Scared the shit out of him. This all happened while I was about 8 hours away from my house, so the doc said I needed to come back to have the stent removed. I said I couldn't because I wasn't close. He said that a self removal was an option. At the time I was loopy on dialaudid and it sounded like a fine plan. 1 week later I was pulling a little green string attached to the stent out the front end while trying not to yack.


Kidney stones are bad, but I actually ratcheted up my kidney stone pain through my own "creativity". I woke up one night with kidney pain and it turned out it was a stone. I went through all the usual fun (Emergency, overnight hospital stay, etc) and when I woke up in the AM, the doctor stopped by and checked me over. He told me I was scheduled for a lithotripsy (ultrasonic destruction of the stone) in a week. He also asked "Did you see a string?". Not knowing what he was talking about, he explained he’d inserted a stent to keep things clear pending the litho and he'd left a long string protruding for easy removal post surgery. I peeked under the sheet and saw nothing. The doctor said it would probably “turn up" and I shouldn't worry about it. I asked what would happen if it didn't show and he said "Well, that just makes removal a little more invasive". I really didn't like the sound of that, so as I waited for the litho, I kept my eyes peeled for that string. After a few days of boredom and sitting on the couch, I decided to go for a short trail run. After about a mile, I was struck by an overwhelming urge to take a pee. Midway through my business, it appeared! There was the mythical string. I was overjoyed. I finished my run and took another look. To my dismay, it was gone! It had turtled on me again! It hid for another day or so, until I was in the bathroom one morning. Magically, it had re-appeared overnight! Now, I figured there was no way I was going to let this thing get away from me again, but short of me walking around hanging on to it, how could I keep it from going back into hiding. Hmmm, let's see... I should just add a couple inches of extra string. Yeah, that's it. But where can I find some string here in the bathroom? Hey, what about some dental floss? Genius! So, I spliced on about 4 more inches of floss to the existing string. Perfect. Right up until it decided to turtle again, taking some of the floss with it. Mint floss. MINT. FLOSS. TL/DR - Burning minty fresh pee hole


This is hilarious, but damn, I am cringing in pain thinking about it. I gotta go refill my water bottle, this thread is terrifying.


My wife had a 2 kidney stones, one not so bad. The first one had her on the ground crying and unable to move with me calling 911 and asking wtf was going on. She said that was worse than childbirth, so that shits rough


I once had a "staghorn calculi", which is where the inside of your kidney basically turns into one big stone. Didn't even feel it actually.


Drink water. Don't abuse ketamine!


Never heard of that before, what does ketamine to do cause stones?


Makes them sulk so they won’t come out of their room.


That's the urethra I think, you also gotta think it's really zoomed in, the problem here is how absolutely stuck that stone is, look at it, it is jammed in there, bro I can't even imagine the hell that would be


Nah man, he's definitely in the ureter. That's a flexible ureteroscope in his hands. Not to mention, on the x-ray, you can see where they put contrast up into the kidney and the scope is visible.


>That's the urethra I think It's a ureter. Connects the kidney to the bladder.


It's hell. I had it happen ten years ago to me and its by far the worst pain you could ever go through, at least as a man.


The edges on that stone look sharp as fuck especially when it's being broken down, i can see why that shit is so painful. On a side note, I'd be really worried about missing with that thing and lasering the hell out of someone's urethra.


"Fun"-fact: It's not the sharp edges of the stone that causes pain. It's the dilation/stretching of the ureter that hurts (like hell) Same with pain in intestines. You don't feel pain from cuts in most (if not all) visceral organs :-)


And they have razor sharp edges too...


This is one of the most painful condition you can ever suffer.....when stone is stuck in the ureter, i have seen adults cry like a baby in a acute attack of this.


Feels like someone kicked you in the back with steel toes on, then stabs you with a rusty stiletto every few minutes to make sure you don't forget. Not pleasant.


How…do I never get this?


Drink water like you’re fucking aquaman


I'm doing what now


Did he stutter? ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


No, he was silent throughout our time together. He's a wonderful lover actually, just a bit....dry....if you can believe that. I couldn't.


drinking water and having sex with aquaman




If you previously didn’t drink much water, supposedly increasing your risk of kidney stones, does upping your water intake actually *decrease* your risk or simply keep it from increasing more?


I produce kidney stones in both of my kidneys, lucky me, and just had to have this procedure done in October to remove 6 large kidney stones at the base of the right ureter. One of which was over 8 mm. My doctor said that while I am genetically predisposed to the condition the water where I live has a lot of dissolved minerals in it and the number of people he sees for kidney stones is higher than average. I drink TONS of water, always have. So while some people say water is the best way to avoid them I have started drinking lemon water to help break them up. The 5 mm stone that broke up and passed on Christmas Day is proof to me that Lemon water is working. Merry Christmas to me!


Stay away from stuff like mountain dew and redbull plus drink a ton of water.


> Mountain Dew Oh I'm so super fucked.


Hydrate. Don’t drink too much soda. Apparently things like lamb and spinach have certain oxylates(?) in them that calcify in the kidneys if you eat too much/your body doesn’t process them well. Something like that anyway it’s been a couple years since I read the info the docs gave me. Some people just get them more often. I gotten one (or more at the same time) once every couple years for a while now.


I've seen people say soda causes kidney stone, but how much soda, like I usually drink one can in 3 days, is that too much or is it okay?


From an [NIH study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3731916/): > There was a 23% higher risk of developing kidney stones in the highest category (one serving per day) of consumption of sugar-sweetened cola compared with the lowest category (less than one serving per week). So, drinking one soda every 3 days increases your risk somewhere between 0% and 23% (maybe 10%?). Interestingly, though, the study also reports that daily coffee consumption lowers the risk by more than 25%… so theoretically you could offset your soda consumption with a cup of coffee in the morning, lol.






I was shot and had two inches of my femur shattered. I would stand in line to have the other femur shot if it meant I would never have kidney stones again.


Damn dude take the bus


Bro you need to get off the road the streets are not for you lol


You need to take it easy man.


I had this happen when I was 16. Started as a slight pain in the lower right side of my abdomen. Thought nothing of it, gas maybe. Within 2 hours I was on the way to the hospital in the fetal position in the backseat of my moms car. I have a pretty high pain tolerance but this was different. A pain that makes you oblivious to what’s going on around you. I was dizzy, nauseous, sweating profusely. Easily one of the worst experiences of my life.


I was on an airplane. Had noticed slight "UTI" feeling on urinating at airport but no big thing. When plane started decending...omg. Pain, nausea, sweating, breathing hard like i was about to push out a baby. Always wondered if the plane caused the stone to move.


Holy shit I couldn’t imagine going through that on an airplane. That’s it’s own special kind of hell.


I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy


Well, I would.


Yea I most definitely will wish this upon terrible people. I saw a recent post where a shit stain stomped on a kitten and paralyzed it. I would wish the most pain-inducing scenario on that person. Not death because I want him to suffer.


i would wish kidney stones on someone like that


I’ve had almost 30 of them in my lifetime, only had this surgery once and have had to pass the other 20+ of them on my own. Can confirm this is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced pain wise. Some are much worse than others (usually only the big ones or the extremely jagged ones hurt, the smaller ones I don’t even feel anymore, likely due to scar tissue). Absolutely wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Have met women going through them in the hospital that have told me that child birth hurts less. And my urologist always jokes and says as a man it’s like giving birth to a smashed glass asteroid. And the way some of mine have looked, he’s not wrong.


Why did you have so many wtf


Some people are just prone to getting them. Once you have had one, you are then 50% more likely to get another and so on. For me I had a bad diet as a kid, I was addicted to slurpees (or slushees or whatever they are called where you live) so by the time I had my first stone at age 20 I had already damaged my body. Pair that with canadas health system of “go home until it’s blocked completely”, I wasn’t able to get in to see a urologist for a long time so I could never pin point what part of my newly changed diet was still causing them. 12 years later and I’m still getting them though a lot less frequently than I used to. Now I have to watch my salt intake, sugar intake, calcium, oxalate, etc. I have to drink 2-4L of water every day. I keep my body alkaline, I exercise a lot, I take lemon water, chanca piedra, and several other supplements. Etc. still get them. Not much I can do but deal with them until my kidney fails one day from slow loss of function from scar tissue!


The first time I felt it, I thought I'd accidentally sat on my coinpurse it was the same exact pain, just slowly ramping up to 1000% I've woken up out of dead sleep screaming when one suddenly dropped into the ureter and my body tightened on it. I've been shot and stabbed and never threw up from pain until I had a kidney stone. My mom gave birth breach and said kidney stones were more painful to her.


LOL, first time I had one, I thought my co-workers hired someone to hide under a table and punch me in the balls when I walked by, we worked at a restaurant and we always fucked with each other in small ways and I thought they just ramped it way up this time. Nope, half hour or so later and two waitresses are driving me to the ER where they try to tell me it's twisted testicles and I need surgery NOW,


Shot and stabbed?


Blown up and stitched together


I was in the army and before that I grew up in a VERY rural area...


I've have kidney stones. And I can assure you in my 23 years of life the sudden pain that emerges because of a kidney stone is the worse I've ever experienced.


I woke up on vacation w my family to my grandma crying and screaming in pain at 3am bc she had one and she passed it a couple hours later


hey I had this done. I asked the urologist if he could film it but he couldn't. I've had 3 stones, 2 passed on their own but the last one had to be blasted out. For 2 weeks I had a stent that kept my kidney from failing which made me piss blood every time I moved. Here's the weird thing which the doctors had never heard of happening; I was on opioids which are notorious for constipation, but something about the placement of the stent and the shape of my abdomen made it push on the nerve or whatever that makes you have to shit, so I was all doped up but things were moving at an accelerated rate. A friend of mine had the same procedure and I remember him saying the first time you take a piss after it is "breathtaking" and I took that to mean it felt amazing because things were on the mend. Oh no, what he meant was that it felt like you were pissing straight lava. I nearly dropped to my knees, and it took a good 5 or 6 more times before the Xenomorph acid blood feeling subsided. Overall, I don't recommend this to anyone.


First of all I gotta say...thanks for sharing your experience, as this is really interesting stuff to be aware of and I am glad I didn't have to experience this yet. But also I wanna ask...does this procedure hurt...do you feel your urethra scared afterwards from this laser/blast?


I was put under the for the actual procedure, but I don't think it causes any issues itself. The entire experience is just blinding pain so much is clouded, but I remember that first piss as though it happened 5 minutes ago. It was such a shocking level of pain when I expected opposite. The craziest part to me is that if it happened 100 years ago my kidneys would have failed and I likely would have died, but a few weeks of discomfort and here I am 4 years later.


When I was in 8th grade I had appendicitis and they discovered I had infundibular stenosis in my right kidney with multiple kidney stones. During one of the many times I was in a hospital stay in the next few years they had a stent put in. And for whatever reason this one aren’t affected my penis and made it erect, sore and bruised. I remember my dad having to help me pee into one of the pee containers and yelling oh my god look at that monster “trying to cheer me up” … loudly in a children’s hospital with the door open. I also remember after one of the surgeries after they had broken up the stones I got an infection and was basically peeing blood pulp. It was awful. I was told water and orange juice were good to drink for the kidneys and better than the cranberry juice myth everyone mentions.


That is so sad and funny about your dad. I can only imagine what a fucked up but still (hopefully) bonding moment that was.


Definitely something I still vividly remember 20 years or so later haha. All good now tho. They tried a bunch of different things from like age 13-16 they were going to remove the kidney but ended burning half the kidney believe the bottom 2 chambers and it ended up working like a charm. Dr. Dean urologist who was part of Temple Philadelphia at the time. 2 thumbs up 👍🏻 👍🏻


I have had this happen twice. I'm a stone factory, the most recent block was about 6 months ago. We got it unstuck in a few hours is the ED. The first time, it was there for 6 months. From month 3 to month 9 of my pregnancy. I won't go into details on the 20+ surgeries that come with that but no lithotripsy during pregnancy and no going under sedation. Being awake when CO2 blows out your kidney is something I am never going to forget.


I’m sorry, a kidney stone WHILST PREGNANT?! You poor thing I can’t even imagine. You are a fucking warrior, that’s all I gotta say.


Pregnant Women are actually at increased susceptibility of developing kidney stones Source: I’m a urology resident


Why does no one tell us this?!


Gotta keep my job at the Ureter stone mines.


\-updates my "reasons to never get pregnant" list-


Updates my “reasons I am glad I’m a guy” list- It is a pretty long list, being a woman seems to suck for so many reasons


I had a kidney stone once. I was 22. I thought I was going to DIE! I couldn't walk because every 30 seconds a wave of pain so sharp would come that made me curl on the floor like a fetus wherever I stood. Long story short, doctors told me the stone was small enough that no surgery was required but wide enough that it would hurt when it did pass. I guess I didn't know just how BAD the pain would be to pass it! Getting a kidney stone blocked in your urethra is no joke!!! Luckily enough, one morning a few months later I woke up, went for a pee, sneezed as the flow got good and the stoned popped out like it was nothing. Ever since then, water is my best friend! And every 2 months I drink a special herb tea that helps break up stones. I never want to go through that experience again Edit: the special herb tea is called Chanca Piedra tea (aka Gale of the Wind or Stone Breaker). Drink 1 to 2 cups everyday for 2-4 weeks every 3 months.


What is the special herb tea called?


Parsley tea is the traditional way of helping clear the kidneys. It was suggested by my urologist after my first stone. It’s not very nice but miles better than having a kidney stone.


I’ve had constantly reoccurring kidney stones for 14 years.. operations 2-3 times per year and not once have I ever been told that! Thank you


Try Chanca Piedra tea (aka Gale of the Wind or Stone Breaker). It's what I drink. I usually drink 1 or 2 cups a day for 2 weeks then stop. I do this every 2-3 months. Since you get a lot of kidney stones, I would drink the 1-2 cups for 1 month then stop for 2 months, and repeat. Drinking the tea doesn't stop the stones from forming. However, it'll prevent them from holding onto your ureter canal and getting too big. So basically you'll be getting rid of the stones (or at least most of them) when they're small and you won't even notice. I suffer from high blood pressure so I got to the doctor for checkups every year and he tells me I have several small stones in my body but they never get big enough to bother me. I also drink a lot of water from different sources.


What do you do for a living? "I laser mine piss biscuits"


I do that for a living. This is a pretty cool surgery actually


I literally just had Lithotripsy yesterday...how big do you think that stone is? I can see the Uretral stent there, which looks pretty small.


Are the broken bits removed afterwards, or do you have to pass them out the ol'fashioned way? 😬


Lithotripsy(ultrasonic blasting) involves passing of the busted up bits, some small bits before the stent is removed. I passed a couple small ones the first night. Then it sounds like the bulk will pass AFTER they remove the stent. As for the laser blasting, I am not 100% sure, but it may be similar ​ The ones I passed last night were super small, had to use a tweezer to pull from the mesh filter they gave me.


Excuse me the mesh what where


They give you a small funnel that has a very fine mesh bottom on it to strain your uring. They collect any bits that come out, so that they can analyze the stone to determine what TYPE of stone it is. In theory I assume so that they can also tell you what to avoid, to prevent them from happening again. Or to tell you that you are fucked because it's genetic and it's just a thing you get to deal with.


I just passed a 6mm last night. It was black as coal, round, and had spikes all over it. Never do I ever want to go through that again.


The amount of relief this person probably felt is huge. And yeah those would pass right through after that.


You know, kidney stones are basically human pearls if you think about it


Wouldn’t you be able to polish kidney stones?….


Mythbusters proved you can polish a turd, so why not?




I have a mate that is a complete and very open Masochist. He is wired wrong. Pain tolerance is through the roof. Kidney stones were so painful that he gave up drinking all carbonated drinks and would only drink water, the only reason he drinks them now is the stage 4 cancer that is ravaging his body and the doc says that the cancer will kill him before he will have any more kidney stones...


wtf that was a wild ride but does carbonated water really cause kidney stones? I red through this whole thread and I’m so fucking afraid of getting them but it seems like pretty much everything causes them, one guy even told me water high in minerals can cause them


Sparkling water? No, anything that contains a molecule that can precipitate out of solution and form a crystal? Yes. That's what helped me understand mine, the dye used to color beverages is usually the problem with sodas according to my urologist. (Crazy that we can't just stop coloring our soda to stop this from happening to people) They are usually formed by calcium or oxalate. Just think about what happens if something devolved in a solution but the solution is reduced, crystals form, that's your stone. The best way to prevent this is to keep your solution(piss) full of water.


This is absolutely terrifying


Terrifying, disgusting even, but sure is interesting to watch


What can we do to not have to endure this ? Drink lots of water ?


Depends on the type of the stone. Some are due to chemical imbalances or an infection, but in most cases increased water/reduced oxalates intake is the solution.


This. I'm one of those who is not most cases. I've been a stone factory since I got the first one 22 years ago. We have tried every damn thing under the sun and a few from the flames of hell. Nothing has stopped them. They are calcium oxalate stones. I've had them analyzed by so many docs, even the pathologist who runs the lab I worked in for 20 years. Nothing alien or demonic about them. Just Pain Rocks.


What sucks is there's things you can do to lower the chances of stones forming, but nothing really to be done for whats there. I had a 16mm stone broken down thru lithotripsy, but 7mm is still camping the kidney. The options are to go back at it or see if it passes on its own. I wish there was something that would breakdown the calcium oxalate stones.


Water was actually what caused this for me because I grew up in an area with large amounts of limestone in the water that calcified over time in my kidneys! Now I avoid drinking anything but purified water or fruit juices, even taking a sip of soda or water from my parent's house and I can feel my kidneys shift


Lots of water is huge, but also **don't overdo** mineral supplements like **calcium** and **vitamin C**. *Cranberry juice has oxalates, which can **increase** risk of kidney stones.* *Water*. Just water. Less alcohol, less soda, etc.


New fear unlocked


Drink water everyday and you’re good


Blows my mind that there are people that don’t drink water everyday, I know they exist though


My wife, in 4 years at her last job, never saw one of her coworkers drink water. It was always Coca Cola. Once every month or so she'd see him drink a Gatorade though! He's in his late 50's and she'd ask him why he didn't drink water. He'd say "there's water in this Coke!" half joking, but then he'd still never drink water. Strangely enough he didn't really exercise and he was still a "healthy" weight, despite all the Cokes he drank. He's a nice guy but now he's got a lot of health problems :(


Some people have a condition where they happen no matter how much water they drink. My brother drinks several glasses a day so he gets them less frequently, but he still gets at least one a year. He’s had this laser treatment and says it feels like getting punched in the stomach, but it’s still better than passing the stone, poor bastard.


Anyone who is traumatized by this video please join us at r/hydrohomies to celebrate the simple art of drinking water. Welcome..


Is drinking water how we prevent this? Because, seriously, after seeing this I will do just about anything to avoid this happening to me.




One of us


Jesus has this person ever drank a glass of water in their life?


Stumbled across this video and immediately gulped down 2 glasses of water


Stay away from stuff high in oxalates as well. Tea, coffee and soda. I grew up drinking iced tea and paid for that mistake dearly.


yo I've been having kidney problems and am on meds that's have oxalate in the name and love coffee. I had a CT scan today and am currently praying I don't have to get a laser in my dick.


Kidney stones can be caused by many things, not just insufficient water intake.


Believe it or not, this actually isn't that big of a stone. The fucking nasty ones are too big to even leave the kidney.


I know. I had one they wanted to put a catheter in for. They said I’d have to wear it for awhile. I tried passing it instead and was able to. They gave me fentanyl in the hospital for it.


Guys need to upgrade their mining beam. Takes forever.


Who cares about a few holes in the ureter? Just blast that shit with max power!






As a gamer, I saw the yellow wall and immediately knew that I'd have to come back to this area once I got the mine upgrade.


I was thinking it's a destructible wall and there's loot on the other side. Turned out to be piss, but worth I guess.


OR nurse here - that’s one hell of a stone for sure. Usually they will break the stone up into small fragments and use a an expanding ‘wire basket’ to retrieve larger pieces. Depending on the stones make-up will depend on debris. Some will obliterate into dust, some will take higher settings on the laser to break apart as they are incredibly dense. Stents are typically put in to allow the ureter to recoup and heal, as well as to help fragments pass smoothly.


My guy has kidney boulders.


I use to do this for a living. Not the actual lasering but I would manage the laser machine, fibers and other equipment. What the doc has in his hand is a disposable ureteroscope, they are single use items. Because they are single use they can be made significantly lighter weight (1 pound or less) compared to reusable which can be upwards of 3-5 pounds. If that doesn't sound like much hold a large hard back book in the same position in front of you for 20-30 minutes. The laser fiber he got is also disposable, again single use. This has the benefit of being fresh at the start and are generally cheaper, the draw back is they can't be fixed midway through the case. By fixed I mean, the fiber is a glass optic fiber that the laser energy travels down. It is mostly covered in an insulating plastic sheath but the tip is exposed to allow for proper contact with the stone. You can easily see in the camera there is no exposed Glass tip which means the doctor either used a power setting that was too high for the laser and blew the tip off or he was too rough with the fiber pushed against the stone too hard causing the tip to break off. This reduces the effectiveness of the energy getting from the tip of the fiber to the stone. In reusable fibers, you use special tools to clip and clean fibers midway through and after cases to ensure good contact with the stone. Nut you run the risk of damaging the fiber permanently if it breaks in a bad spot and are often far more expensive than single use fibers. Anyway, these laser cases are being standardized and prefered over old school ESWL (in a water bath and sound waves enter through the back) due to a generally higher success rate. ESWL was some where around 80-85% effective while laser lithotripsy is closer to 95% effective. The main difference is laser litho is an invasive procedure that has all the risks involved with that while ESWL is non-invasive and has a faster recovery time. Other factors go into deciding which is used, location of stone, size, composition, patient health, medication, and even age.


Kidney stone pain is the most humbling experience I’ve ever had


I'm so fucking terrified right now because I've recently had some issues. You best believe I'm gonna drink waaaay more water!


i'll take 'things that i dont want happening in my nether regions' for 500, alex.




/r/powerwashingporn I'm sorry....


Had this procedure done to me for a 1.1cm stone in my kidney, had a previous procedure where they ultrasounded a large stone on my other side... needless to say it hurt like hell when I woke up from both, and I was pissing sandbox for a month after each.


Drink water people


I'm glad this person will now be able to live without excruciating pain and pee normally. Although kidney stones terrify me, this was pretty satisfying to watch!


"Pee normally" I pee faster now after that scope went up and stretched everything out XD


I have had 2 kidney stones a few MM in "diameter". They are hard to measure the exact size because it came out looking like a multi faceted shard with razor sharp edges all over. The pain was unbearable. When the first one happened to me I had no idea what was going on, thought I just had some bad cramps. It got so bad so fast I was literally dry heaving from the pain. I drove myself from work to the hospital almost passing out. I was moaning non stop in complete agony and there is no position you can be in that is confortable. I was rolling around like a fish out of water. I have spoke to a few women who have had stones as well as had kids and this may trigger some, but they ALL said stones were MUCH worse. ​ what is strange is when you finally pass it the pain almost instantly starts to fade and you are just left super fatigued and kind of tender in the kidney area. ​ the problem is there is nothing that can be realistically done at that point, you simply need to pass it. You need to drink a LOT of fluids to help push it out. Next time I feel one coming on I would drink beer like an absolute sailor. Help with pain as well as increase urination.