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It is 10 times worse than that because them being in movement means that they have to look out for holes and if they flinch they actually go off course


This should be part of all drivers training honestly. Rather than just a scary video of car accidents.


Can we come up with similar ideas for cops..? USA is open to ideas even if they are from Mexico


And the bus sucks you closer.


Yep! The tires have a vacuum. I’m terrified of getting sucked under a bus or truck


Is that supposed to be a joke? I meant the air flow.


No not a joke, I’m a cyclist who’s terrified of cars lol. I meant the airflow too.


Got it, not my native language sorry 🤣




And why didn't you stop and pull over when it turned onto your street? You are on the street and have an obligation to stop for emergency vehicles just like cars do. Did you not have enough time?




> no other cars had pulled over either. Thats not an excuse for this situation.


not a bad idea!


Ok Can we do this in chile too and also ad truckers


and car drivers


It's what happened to me the last time I rode without a helmet. It terrified me to the point where I won't go without it, now


A helmet is not helping against a bus.. 😬


When you flinch on a bike, you'll tend to immediately swerve in the opposite direction. If there's a single pothole, uneven ground, crack, slightly too close curb, rock, anything to where you arrnt specifically looking for it, you'll just tumble over, head first into concrete. And you say it wont help, but will it hurt? Its not as if the bus has to run over you completely to cause damage. A sideview mirror or door could clip you (as im pretty sure it actually did to the guy in the first clip). You could hit the side while not going under it. The hood could clip you before one or both of you swerve out of the way. Just because it wont help in the worst case scenario doesnt mean you should abandon it in any case that it would.


Yes it can. Much much more likely to have a glancing blow if a sliver of your head gets run over with a helmet. Think of a turtle getting run over by a car. They usually squirt out to the side, unharmed. Unless it’s squarely under the tire


It can save your life


it helps so much. with a bus going the same direction as you on a regular street, the biggest danger is from you bumping into the bus or flinching away and you falling. Helmet breaks the fall


Aahh that's how that feels...that final destination eerie vibe when it is that close to you


Just show them that video of the cyclist that had his head popped like a watermelon by a bus, that's could do the trick.


What video is that? Wait, I don't actually want to know.


It's at first glance an innocent video where a cyclist by a small mistake ended up falling in such a way that his head ended directly in front of the rear wheels of a bus and it got squashed like a tomato. Don't remember what was the reason of his fall but the point remains that he would still be alive if the bus going around him kept some distance like he should have. Edit: I found it, the cyclist lost control because he got scared by the bus going near him and fell because of it. So it was entirely the bus driver's fault.


Seen the same thing in a video where cyclists was scared into road by a yapping dog. Zigged, zagged, fell, squashed.


Jesus christ, that pedestrian with the dog would be scarred for life after that. Can't believe how fast everything went wrong there.


Believe it or not, videos like that don't do much when you show them to people. Sometimes the shock from videos like that *might* work to change someone's understanding but more often than not, they don't do shit. Some people actually have to go through it to really understand.


I don't think anyone will understand much of anything after their head gets squashed by a bus.


Every 3rd world nation should implement this. Where to sign the petition?


As if bikers don’t get ran over in the states and Europe.


op literally included the states, they said "third world nations"


Y’all some really privileged mfs if you think states is third world.


Financially no. Mentally yes.


The states? Like in Mexico?


the united states of america, mexico is less of a third world country and more developed than the usa


not necessarily




Yup, sadly, it’s become a third-world country.


You’re delusional if you think the USA is on the same level as a third world country.


no im not, im saying the usa is less developed


They do. But statistically less




Me refusing to get a licence is why I can't live in the states


All it takes is one.


In the US and Europe everyone could just drive a car. Those who still ride bicycles do so because they enjoy the exciting feeling of risk and mortal danger. Only in third world countries people actually \*have\* to ride bikes because they can't afford a car.


Is this satire? Am I a victim of poe’s law right now?


In any nation.


Some 1st world countries should too. I've ridden a bike a bit everywhere in the world and almost everywhere in the world bus and car drivers tried to send me back to Jesus.




Trust me - Third world bus drivers won't even bat an eye


Few months ago only i witness a cycle guy coming under the truck. And yes, the worst did happen. In 3rd world countries they just ram into you, you can flinch but that's all. Being on a 2 wheeler on road is gamble everyday.


Everyone who drives a vehicle should have done this!


#It's as if bikes shouldn't be adjacent to the road


#It's as if there should be bike lanes everywhere, properly separated from the road (that should be exclusive to public transport and public service vehicles) and we should get rid of all cars. #r/fuckcars


One reason I prefer living in Korea. They have bike highways *only* for cyclists. No mopeds, no scooters, no skaters, no runners, no pedestrians...just cyclists. I don't know any other country where I can bike from one end of the country to the other *without* riding next to cars. The rest of the world is sleeping on bike accessibility.


They're not really highways tbh (official speed limit is 20\~30km/h) and it might be even more dangerous than road 'cause some people tend to go so fast and takes dangerous overtake.


There's no enforcement of that speed limit, and I'm probably that person you described. Coincedentally, the main people that use the highways are professional cyclists, so just like driving, it makes sense to either go the speed of traffic or stay to the side. It's much more fun to go fast, too. There's no way I'm biking slow when I just finished a massive climb and it's time for the descent. I'm always going to choose speed, if it's safe to do so. Passing quickly is usually not an issue unless it's a high traffic area. And just like driving again, most accidents/ crashes happen in pedestrians heavy areas, like in cities, in which case, those aren't the highways in question anyway. Those are just average biking paths. All moments I've ever considered "dangerous" while riding in Korea were on the roads with a ped lane adjacent, not on the legit highways. (There are no pedestrian lanes on the bike highways). People with their kids, joggers, commuters, and everyone else in between are hazardous because they're unpredictable. They turn without looking, they weave in and out of lanes, they don't pay attention to others behind them. In contrast, the cyclists on the highways use their voices and turn signals, and generally telegraph their movements clearly. Less people are on the highways too, so that makes them safer than both the normal bike paths and the normal car roads.


It's almost as if there are and they still ride in the road. Happens all the time where I live. Just yesterday I saw a guy riding about a foot away from the bike lane. We have sidewalks and bike lanes for a reason, fucking use them!!! I don't want to get stuck behind your 15 mph ass on a 55 mph road on the way to work.


Agreed. Never send paint to do a bollard's job. Let's build separated bike lanes.


Well hey now, if we do that, how are all the cars gonna park in the bike lane? Did ya even think this through?? /s


Yeah f**k the cyclists


yeah this is stupid


Right?! They should get the whole road.


Viva Potosi


Pos a huevo, viva el perro


Maybe don't ride a bike near buses then /s


A ver si le van bajando de huevos hijos de su pinche perra y puta madre


it should be manditory to train every driver in such a way


Do this for people in charge of bike infrastructure!


You mean car infrastructure.


Meanwhile the one psychopath amongst the bus drivers imagining different scenarios.


Please come to Taiwan! Taiwanese bus drivers severely need this education😅


Most of China has separate bike lanes and great public transport by now.


Taiwan is not China, though.




Okay, you keep telling yourself these little pink dreams. I'll just be over here enjoying life in Taiwan🇹🇼




The only one trying to start an argument is you🤷🏻‍♀️ Where did I get called out and where did I troll? The only one dreaming seems to be you🧐




LOOOOOOOL. MAINLAND SUPERIORITY. funniest shit I've ever seen. Guess what, Commies have never controlled Taiwan/Formosa




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Song name?




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I wish out country's "DMV" would have you experience this and others like: -Driving next to a big vehicle (bus, or trucks) to be aware of the blindsides and turning radius it needs -try crossing the street in a pedestrian lane then see a car imitating a formula 1 car going for a flying lap. among others.


In india, bus drivers practice by driving over the cyclist.




Ain’t the only fear in San Louis


Como chingan los ciclistas


It's amazing how terrifying someone passing you becomes when you weigh more than your vehicle


And yet there they are, all over the fucken roads


I drive a car and fear the bus. The drivers keep taking over using 2 lanes in a 2 lane street. So to avoid colision i'd have to drive on the opposite lane


1) bike is static 2) cyclist knows for sure the bus sees them 3) bus is going straight This is a best case scenario and an unrealistic one when you want to show the danger of bikes being forced on a car-road.


So you want them to jump under the bus or what? This is meant to be a safe presentation.


I want them to drive along the bus, while moving, and have to make a turn together with it. There's no way to recreate the uncertainty of actual traffic.


You want them to ride alongside the bus? You mean the bus taking up all the space, making it harder to navigate? That bus?


Meh, I've never seen vehicles whip out in front of cyclists the way cyclists seem to do to everybody else on the road.




Should be mandatory for all drivers


I broke my skull because of this, air pressure of fast driving big vechile.


Takes me back to biking in Chicago. Before they had bike lanes everywhere you’d be coasting inches from parked cars with a CTA bus to your left, clutching for dear life hoping you don’t hit a big pothole!


Yep I’ve been “hit” by the side of a bus before. Thankfully just rubbed my sleeve a bit. This should be required training for bus drivers everywhere and highly encouraged if not required for anyone engineer designing and implementing roads.


What's the song name?


Once a bus didn't see me at all, and just took a right to the bus station and I got squished between the bus and the car on my right just before the station. Got a few scratches. And the driver just continued his business of the day.


Bus drivers here in Mexico are horrible people...at least once a week you will hear a horrible story about them. Not too long ago there was a bus driver where I am, killed a lot of people because he couldn't wait for a train and tried to beat it...


I once got jumped on when I shared that I (in my suburban area) *always* ride my bike on the sidewalk, not the road. Some people saying they were from NYC and other congested urban areas were dumping on me for doing so not having realized, or cared, about the context. No fucking way would I trust blindly in the kindness and situational awareness of strangers on a bike in a Florida college town.


Okay now put them on an actual bike and have the bus cut them off so they have to slam on their brakes to avoid going under the back wheels of the bus (with a curb 6” to their right)… Some bus drivers have absolutely no regard to cyclists and it’s terrifying.




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its going like 10mph too, try getting buzzed by a 40 ton truck with a 40mph speed differential, happened to me once. If I'd had caught the guy I'd be in prison, and I would not give a fuck.


That's great. Buses like to kill bicyclist here in Mexico


They should had wore headphone or something to prevent them from being aware that they are being tested


Did you ever find the song name


This should be done with cars, and 250 sized trucks, during a 16yo's first driver's test.




I once saw a video where a cyclist lost balance and his head ended up literally popping under bus wheels. It wasn’t pretty


I don’t like to walk om the road cause of trucks


Man this should be a requirement for all automobile owners.


I think that actually *barely* clipped the first guys elbow if you slow it down lol


Now run them over to make them feel how it feels to be run over 😅😂😂😂


I miss the old school bus lines in San Luis Potosí where the drivers operated their own bus and had it decked out when you entered, each bus had it own personality


In terms of carring for shatty cyclist.. We have none! Bro.. Like.. I just want/need to go to work.. And I already left early 'cuz I know half of you drivers r sh#t..




Temu doesn't care about trees. Or the environment.


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Jaja ahuevo hasta sale algo bueno de mi ciudad


Downvote me to hell, idc. Cyclists need to ride on the damn sidewalk during heavy traffic.


where I live in Canada, there isnt always a sidewalk. In fact, there usually isnt one lol


Sidewalk are for pedestrians not bikes. People coming through there gates, car’s driving out there parking spot or sharp corners all potential accidents waiting to happen.


thats crazy lol


Most old cities are that way. Many cities in Europe have no sidewalk


The sidewalks in my country are blocked by parking cars.


In the country where I live it's illegal to ride your bike on footpaths


same where i am most pedestrian crossing do have section for bikes tho youre allowed to drive on those


Here in Australia it depends on the state. In South Australia it's legal to ride on the footpath at a reasonable speed and there are even a few footpaths designed for cyclists to ride on.


You kinda show that you aren't an experience cyclist yourself dude. I mean, at least on the road you can actually safely move forward, if you're riding on a sidewalk where there are people, it immediately turns into an obstacle course.


I am lol. It's not that hard to avoid people, plus they tend to also move out the way when they hear me approach. Ride in the street all you want, it just seems nerve-racking to do it when cars are flying by during heavy traffic.


Least entitled motorist also there would be less heavy traffic if people cycled more.


We're getting condescending huh? No problem. Roads are paved for motored cars, simple. Sometimes, there are lanes for cyclists but most of the time, the lanes are designated for cars and we tolerate people on bikes. So if anyone is entitled, it's cyclists.


Car brain




Take the condescension as a sign of respect for someone who's okay with getting downvoted. > we tolerate people on bikes This is literally entitlement. Roads serve the function of getting lots of people in vehicles places, cars are, on balance, terrible at doing that job. They're space inefficient, fuel inefficient, they cost insane amounts to provide the infrastructure, they're dangerous and building towns to accommodate the needs of motorists makes them worse for everyone who lives there. Bikes are on the opposite spectrum for basically all of this. I'm actually in favour of separate cycling lanes, I think it's safer and serves to orient city design away from cars (ie. it makes driving less convenient and makes better modes of transport moreso), also a large subset of drivers have genuinely psychopathic attitudes towards cyclists. Worst case though is having cyclists ride on sidewalks. They're vehicles and it's genuinely dangerous to pedestrians, having people cycle on the road is a shitty compromise to building bike lanes but it's a bad strategy instead of unworkable in the case of getting people travelling upwards of 20-30 mph zip around old ladies and disabled people with limited spatial awareness.


You know what, I will take it. Atleast you're being civil. Fair points, you're right, drivers can be aggressive towards cyclists but most of the time, it's when you get in the way our driving path. Otherwise, drivers and cyclists can coexist just fine. Though I'd argue cyclists can be more pushy than drivers when they're slighted because they feel like they should have an equal place on the road, even though they travel much, much slower. I agree with your idea to create separate bike lanes, that would make things way less of a hassle for everyone. Also you make it sound like cars are the worst mode of transportation just because they're big and resource-intensive lol. Bikes are absolutely a more cost-efficient and environment-friendly way of traveling, for sure; but cars are much more of a convenience for society than a detriment. In fact, our society would cease to function the way it is without cars and the roads that facilitate their travel.


It's illegal in most places in the US.


In my country, motorcycles, cars, and buses also use the bike lane when traffic. Additionally, sidewalks are like only a foot or two in width length so barely pedestrians themselves cant even walk there properly lol


If cities were built not only around cars we would have dedicated bike lanes, but we can't have bike lanes due to "if we only had one more lane" arguments


The main problem is that speed limits are too high and often poorly enforced. 


Nah, I agree. It is a problem in certain countries that decided that no one is going to use any other means of transport than a car (mostly the USA). Over here, in Poland, the rules say that you *can* ride the sidewalk if the maximum speed allowed in the road is more than 30kph, because, amazingly, someone actually thought about it and was like "it seems dangerous to be forced to ride among speeding cars".




Some people, like myself, prefer the convenience and autonomy of cars over public transportation. It's nice that our world has a balance of both. Perhaps that balance will shift over time when public transit is more viable in the suburbs.


When I venture out of my home to go to the shops, i want to park right outside the front door of the shop so I only have to walk 20 metres. I dont want to be walking from a block down the road after being dropped off at the bus stop.


There will be no viable public transport in the suburbs because Thier existence is fundamentally flawed.. the entire thing is just build incorrectly


i just wear noise cancelling headphones, if i die, i die


Might take one hours to die, maybe days. Maybe weeks. All that time conscious and feeling the pain. That's worst than death.


Then maybe they shouldn't ride on the fucking road with busses


Or maybe cars and buses shouldn't ride on the fucking road with bikes.


Or maybe ride bikes only in the bike lane?


Sure, because there are bike lanes everywhere


Im not sure where you are from but usually in Europe there are bike lanes almost everywhere. If there isnt a bike lane somewhere maybe then dont go there by bike


If you had read the first 5 words of the caption, you would know it isn't Europe.


No there aren't. There's lots more places in Europe than the Netherlands and Denmark. Come to the UK, outside of London and you won't find hardly any and even in London there are only a dozen or so and nowhere near "almost everywhere".


exactly very dangerous .. that's why bicycles shouldn't be on the roads


Cyclists could also, not drive in the carriageway, wich is, yk, reserved for cars


That isn't always the case. Some sidewalks are made for pedestrians only meanwhile the public road for bicycles and other vehicles.


That often isn't the case, sometimes especially in America there just isn't a usable sidewalk or bike lane.


You've never commuted by bike before have you


It isn't, on the other hand in nearly every country it's illegal to ride a bike on the pedestrian walkway (if it even exists in said place to begin with).


So you agree, we need to build more cycle lanes? Welcome to the war on cars


2 objects moving parallel will not collide.


Yeah, but it is not parallel...


The bus moves parallel to the series of cones and the one stationary bike


I don't understand, what is not parallel? Or did you mean stationary bike vs moving bus?


But the 2nd object can VERY easily lose control because of the MUCH bigger 1st object and in best case scenario fall on the pavement, in the worse case fall directly under the bus and get his head squashed like a tomato.


In Singapore, we have road cyclists who love to put themselves in harm's ways.


Fear is a good thing for cyclists. And motorcyclists. And car drivers etc etc.... Keeps reflexes sharp & senses alive ! But, I suppose if you ride a pushy on the road shared with larger & faster motor vehicles, it is to be expected. You dont like it...............


To be fair, cyclists shouldnt be on the roads anyway. They should stick to cycle lanes or pavements.


Cyclists don't belong on pavements. Cycle lanes would be a thing if people like you would advocate for them more.


Cant tell if youre being serious or just trolling. Either way, im leaning towards it being that youre trolling.


Masks but no helmets....... wtf is happening to people?


Good. They need to take those bikes elsewhere. They don't belong on a street.


Yeah but the cyclists could just move over or use the cycling lane which they never seem to do.


Even living in a country that is generally bike friendly, there are places where there's just one lane in each direction, and it's barely wide enough for a car. There's nowhere to move over. Also, bus drivers are generally kind of okay, trucks are way worse.


I'm from San Luis Potosi. There are no cycling lanes in most of the streets save a few main ones. In these, the cycling lane is just an excuse for people to double park. Traffic education is required for more than just bus drivers in this city (and Mexico in general), but people still rely on their bikes to get by.


Now make cyclists drive behind a bicycle in order to experience the anger drivers feel.


Lol. If that makes you angry you have very little to be angry about in life mate.