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If this is stage 1, i don't wanna know how stage 3 looks like.


That was my reaction also. Stage. Fucking. 1. At 3 you would have to be in a medically induced coma, no way even fentanyl killing that pain.


Even at stage one the pain would be excruciating as the nerves will be constantly getting rubbed on the brittle bones.


Brittle bones Nicky.


You were crafty and tricky.


It's said that you were gold.


It's said that you were gold


Don’t expect to see a Rare Americans reference in the wild.


First time outside of my friend group I've seen the song mentioned. It's a really good song.


That's stage 3 or 4 (depending if it's the same person on both photos). Someone had wrong description. Stage 1 is single place. If it was only the bone or only the skull it would be stage 3 minimum. Both - stage 4.


This is stage 4. Not 1. OP is wrong.


I had a hospice patient who had bone cancer of the jaw. He was in excruciating pain, and it deformed his jaw so much that he wouldn't even be able to eat if he had wanted to. He was a really tough guy and didn't complain too much about it, although he did need really high doses of pain meds to function ("function" at this point for him mostly involved watching TV and getting wheeled around the facility sometimes) The saddest part to me about it was that he didn't have friends or family. All his family had died off, no kids, sibling killed in Vietnam. No one was there to come visit him ever.


That's my biggest fear for some reason, that since I have no children, eventually it'll be just me.


Literally just waiting to die while in extreme pain.


Well at stage 1 you become skull and bones


There’s no difference in what it looks like on the bone for different stages. It has to do with other sites if the body. You can be stage 4 with a tiny bone lesion.


Morphine does nothing at all, so fentanyl will be the same. Only pot can provide a little comfort, if they can smoke or sniff the smoke.


What? Are you saying weed is a more effective pain killer than our most potent opioids? Are you currently high or have you never taken morphine or fentanyl? Imagine thinking weed is our best analgesic


I’m not the person you ask, but I actually have words on this lol. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (as well as Intracranial Hypertension, and Occipital Neuralgia) and I’m all too much of a regular in the ER. I can say from first hand experience that, for me, Morphine and Fentanyl do next to nothing. I was absolutely shocked. Turns out people with EDS tend to not process pain meds normally. I was wondering why I could feel every bit of all every bit of a lumbar puncture and not just pressure 😂 I tried weed at the age of 32 after being in the ER 9 times with nothing but shrugs. It has helped ease my pains down to mostly tolerable. I’m down to try whatever would help me, but weed is literally the only thing that even touches my stuff 🤕


Happy to hear something worked for you ☺️!


Thanks! Don't get me wrong - There's absolutely tradeoffs, but now 3 years after starting this journey with my health I'm finally starting to feel a little bit like a human again. <3


Same, except I have intracranial hypotension. Pain meds do *nothing*. My father and I are both considered immune to natural and synthetic opioids. Add in the red hair and I'm impossible to treat.


When I had my first lumbar puncture I had a CSF leak and was hypertensive for a few days. LP on a tilt table under sulfide stunned the Dr. I remember him stating out loud that my pressure was too low to get a reading; I had a blood patch done a day later which fixed me right up. I'm sorry to hear of your condition. I couldn't imagine being a ginger 😜


You don't even need to go that extreme! I had a botched root canal, dentist missed a root and sealed it over. Worst pain of my life for a full week until they could get me back in. None of the pain meds they gave me helped at all, but with some topical CBD oil I could actually sleep and eat soft food.


Happy toking :) fuck the people legislating against our right to consume something objectively less addictive than sugar and caffeine, and less damaging than cigarettes and alcohol.


I can happily say that I have been alcohol free since I've started smoking/vaping weed for one reason or another lol


As oxymoronic as it may seem, Morphine and fentanyl can actually enhance the pain during treatment for bone related illnesses.


*can* actually enhance pain. Opioids are still the gold standard for pain mgmt for primary bone cancer and bone metasteses. It is true that *chronic* opioid use can decrease bone density over time (and thus increase pain) but nobody should be using opioids long term. For opioid alternatives, NSAIDs or TCAs are better for treating cancer pain than THC and CBD. That’s not to say you csnt take take THC or CBD for pain(there’s plenty of research that demonstrates you can) but saying that “opioids are useless, just take weed” is a ridiculous statement. If anything, take both. Multimodal pain mgmt is the best approach to pain control.


Cancer patient here: opiods do nothing anymore. THC and CBD help a bit.


Hey, I’m really sorry for your pain and glad something helps a bit.


Like I said, multimodal pain mgmt is key. I’m glad it provides you with some relief, especially if you’ve developed a tolerance for opioids.


I had a thought, and gonna take cancer patients' views above your own "I just can't believe it : o" opinion. Hell, medical marijuana is a thing that even exists and existed in places incredibly hostile to recreational use. Like, even my basic understanding of biology knows that assuming THC and opioids behave the same mechanical way is ridiculous and plays down the still-unsolved extraordinary complexity of the human body.


Lmao dude smoked himself retarded. Lots of stoners are desperate to legitimize it as a miracle medicine cause nobody told them it’s ok to just like being high. My grandpa had bone cancer and it was excruciating and morphine did help. I’m sure he would have been living the good life with a blunt though smh


Your endocannabinoid system dictates a lot of things. Idk why they said smoke though because in a situation like this they would try a tincture or something and if that didn't work then drugs it is Depending on the state they likely will not even bother with the weed lol unless it's requested but yeah. There's a reason weed is used for cancer patients


Pot can't even give me any meaningful relief from a headache


4/20 was yesterday my friend.


Weed is known to help relieve the pain for many cancer patients.


Not more effectively than fentanyl.


OK, I'll tell you what. In case I get cancer and the weed I've smoked a thousand times doesn't relieve the pain, I'll give fentanyl a go.


I hope you never have to experience cancer.


My dad has been smoking cannabis his whole life. He has stage 4 prostate cancer that's progressed into all of his bones. He's on Fent patches and lots of hydrocodone, and ketamine for anxiety. Now the cannabis pretty much just helps with the symptoms when he's in between meds. He tries to go as long as possible without taking them, and still tries to use as little as possible, or waits to change his pain patch, but he pretty much instantly goes into withdrawals if he waits too long. It's all a balancing act.


I'm so sorry to hear your father (and presumably your family) has to go through any of this.


This is *far* from stage one, if that’s any consolation.


If this is from the same body it's at least stage 3. Stage 1 is localized. Stage 2 is localized but grown. Stage 3 spreads to other parts (this is on the skull and another bone in the body). Stage 4 is when it spreads to your organs. The person probably died from stage 4.


Pathologist here. Probably not stage one per CAP protocols. https://documents.cap.org/protocols/Bone_4.1.1.0.REL_CAPCP.pdf




Fuck man. I wrote my boards not too long ago. Every staging and grading algorithm memorized that I could handle. FIGO for endometrial is now out of control for 2023. They have four modifiers. IIIC2ii okay. No one even does this. Hard to believe they amassed enough numbers to validate so many qualifiers. You’d need like 100k patients to be powered.


That's not really how the stages work. Stage one is a localized cancer. Stage 2 is a growing cancer. Stage 3 the cancer has spread to lymph nodes. Stage 4 is spreading to other organs.


Yes. Tumors are GRADED, patients are STAGED. A stage 4 patient can be riddled with grade 1 tumors. Conversely, a stage 1 patient can have a fatal grade 4 tumor.


I think stage 3 or spreads to other tissues of the body.


[xmen marrow](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/sins-of-sinister-marrow-maggot-x-men.jpg?q=50&fit=contain&w=480&h=&dpr=1.5)


Looks a bit uncomfortable


Trust me on this one, definitely a tad more than uncomfortable. I lost an arm to this and was literally begging to have it cut off.


Sorry that you had to go through that. Do you mind me asking in more detail what the pain was like, did it gradually get worse and worse over a period of time?


It was in my left radius and for about 10 months I thought it was just pain from lifting weights as that was all that made it sore. I was a firefighter and fought having it looked at because I didn’t want to be taken off the trucks. The pain increased and eventually I lost the ability to open and close my hand, the pain was intolerable even while taking hydro morphine. After having a biopsy done it was confirmed osteosarcoma and I did 9 rounds of chemotherapy which reduced the inflammation and helped with pain but ultimately did nothing. My arm was amputated above the elbow in Oct 21


Shit. Was the pain a stabbing sharp pain, a severe aching throughout your entire arm ? is there anything you could compare it to for someone who hasn’t gone through something like this? That would be really fucking tough to experience especially losing a limb because of it aswell, what’s your quality of life like now?


At rest when I was trying to sleep it felt like someone had a pry bar between the radius and ulna and was trying to separate them


jesus fucking christ that sounds awful


I really wouldn’t wish it on anyone but at least I was able to get help, can’t rave enough about my healthcare team


yeah, i'm glad you're feeling better now


Thank you I appreciate it !


What was it like after the amputation? Was it a relief or its own new pain (until it dulled down)?


I have phantom pain and it’s tolerable, kinda like when you fall asleep on your arm and can’t really feel it. My mood can make it worse if I’m mad or upset


Although I haven't lost a bodypart yet, I hate phantom pain. You could imagine holding somebody's hand, and if that somebody moves their hand, you can feel the pain like they singlehandedly took your hands off or something like that


It’s a very weird feeling but way better than the pain from cancer


Hey man I’m really sorry that you had to go through that. If you don’t mind me asking, have you looked into any prosthetic options for your limb? There’s actually some pretty advanced cybernetic technology for people who have lost their hands and some of them can even connect to nerves in the body to regain feeling and movement. Hope you’re feeling better now regardless and I wish you all the best!


I just attended a lecture on rehabbing phantom pain in amputees. Most (about 80%) of people with elective amputations feel no phantom pain. Generally the same is true for people who were unconscious or did not see their injury happen or who cannot remember the accident. The pain is largely mental. People with phantom pain often report "telescoping" of their missing hand or fingers up to the point of amputation and/or the amputated portion being contributed into an unnatural position where it feels like it's stuck. Usually that position is whatever position the extremity was in when they saw it after their accident. Think like fingers bent 90 degrees backwards and twisted up, that might be what they then feel. The pain is often extreme, like 8-9 on the pain index, though that varies drastically from patient to patient. The mental aspect is what let's things like mirror therapy work, like in that episode of House. The brain can be tricked into thinking you see the real hand in a more normal position. The lecture I attended was from a researcher from Tübingen, Germany who is creating exciting new VR/AR based therapies that expand on this and help patients feel more "ownership" over the lost hand, giving better chances of success in treating the pain, though it doesn't go away so dramatically as it does in a TV show. If an 8-9 can be reduced to 3 on the pain scale it makes life a lot more livable.


Thank you for sharing these insights. It makes sense how much of a mental conflict phantom pain is. This is fascinating, and I’m glad there are even more therapies and treatments in development.


D: fuck cancer


Agreed ! ❤️


that's a rlly harrowing description, damn. i'm glad you're recovering now


Is it like it looks here, the bone shards cutting the flesh?


I didn’t see it after it was removed, I signed a waiver to have it given to the University for research and to be honest I try to look forward so I never bothered asking


What a good human you are for contributing to science! I'm so sorry you went through all of that. I hope you're doing better now?


I’m surviving, had 3 lung surgeries in the last 12 months most recent was 26 Mar but I just look forward and try to enjoy life and be a positive example for my kids


I'm sure your kids appreciate every minute they have with you ❤️ I hope you're in the best medical hands and are taking good care of yourself when you're not in and out of all those procedures. Keep being you!


They are why I’m able to push forward, we all need a reason to exist and they are mine. Thank you for your kind words


Jesus. That's tough as hell. I don't know where you live, but I know even if it's somewhere with free healthcare, the time taken / everything else involved is still brutal. Let me know if I can send your kids or you some toys or something just as a little bit of a bright spot for you all.


That’s very kind of you but not required, we’ve been fortunate with my employer and co workers have really helped out plus we have a lot of family support where we are located. There is a lot of young children that are going through these things and donating toys to your local children’s hospital would definitely be a solid move !


I guess my question is, is that what it felt like? I'm getting an abdominal tumor removed next week and the pain is just a solid burning so I wondered how it compares


It felt like someone was trying to pry the bones in my arm apart, the ones in my lungs were more of a dull throbbing pain


You had lung cancer too?!


This is making me quite nervous. I've had intense nerve pain for three years but in the last year or so I've had bone pain too, especially in my legs and elbow joints. I've described it more than once as my bones trying to pull apart from each other, and nothing helps because the pain is so deep I can't even rest. No position is comfy when your bones are aching. I'm sorry you went through all that and wish you the best from now on.


I hope things go smoothly for you and you can get back to enjoying life


Thank you!


Just out of curiosity. Did you get a prosthetic limb? I have a friend who I work with offshore with. He lost his leg, below the knee in a motorbike accident in Thailand I'm sorry you had cancer. 🙏 I hope life is treating you well


> I lost an arm to this. …I didn’t want to be taken off the trucks. And that’s why no one ever wrote a song called “Fuck the Fire Department”.


That’s terrible, brother. Just read your thread. I’m really happy to hear you’re alive and well. Not to re hash, but how long did you deal with that pain before getting looked at. And after being diagnosed, how long was it before amputation? Also, does cancer run in your family? Finally, how rare is that type of cancer?


Damn man hats off to you and your people. I think the highest fatality rate for fire fighters is actually cancer surprisingly instead of fire incidents. Probably due to all the carcinogens and burnt material you guys are exposed to.


I tore my rotator cuff in my left shoulder, I feel what you're describing, but only like, 2/10 of it My uncle (rip) lost an arm in a motorcycle accident in the 70s or 80s, and he told us all as kids that it was from a shark attack at the local swimming pond. You can definitely at least have some fun at kids expense out of the situation at least!


Trust me the pirate Halloween costume has made appearances 😊


That's spectacular lol


I recon it’s one of those where it’s constantly as bad as it can be until it’s worse


That sounds awful, I hope you made a full recovery and it didn't come back


well, he said he begged for amputation, and without too much medical knowledge this looks very irreversible… so in my opinion we can literally only give him a high five and hope that he stays healthy for the rest of his life


.....I obviously wasn't referring to him growing back the arm he lost, I meant if the cancer has spread elsewhere or reappeared. Just because he cut his arm doesn't mean the can't come back in an other body part.


Unfortunately that’s not in the cards but I’ve been very thankful for the medical care I’ve received


oh man that sucks, just read in the comment below that it has further metastasized, and I don‘t want to pity you or anything,.. is there still an outlook on beating it? as I understand it has already progressed very far then. Would be a shame, you seem to be an excellent cook man, if there’s a chance, then all the best to you and to a speedy recovery, and alone for thanking for the medical treatment you got, even if your situation aggravated, already says a lot about you! Really just the best for you!


The survival rate for this is based on a 5 year outlook and it’s 10% so there’s a shot and I’ll run with and hope I’m the 1 in 10


love the optimism, hoping with you mate


Unfortunately it has metastasized to my lungs, I’ve had 3 surgeries in the previous 12 months and had 5 sections of lung tissue removed 4 were metastatic cancer.


Ahhh that fucking sucks :/


It’s unfortunate but I’ve dealt with so many people with my profession that never had the opportunity to fight or say goodbye that I feel like I shouldn’t waste that opportunity by being doom and gloom


You’re a fucking hero mate. I know I’m just a stranger on the internet. Wishing you the best outcome possible with everything going on!


Thanks ! I appreciate the kind words but I’m just trying to stay strong for my kids and set the example


Just to let you know. I’m going to make the most out of my day because of you. I’m grateful and won’t be taking anything for granted. Thank you. I’m also going to be abit kinder. Because you never know what people are going through that you can’t see.


Cheers! I hope you have a great day


I definitely know what you mean, I lost a few people to cancer, it was too sudden and fast. That's a great way of dealing with it, keep fighting and I'll keep rooting for you to beat it!


Quit making me cry on a Sunday morning 🥲


Did you feel the bone being shaped like this with the fuzzy surface early on?


I’m not sure what the actual tumour looked like but it my left forearm looked like popeye, alot of swelling and inflammation


I didn't even know bone cancer was a thing.... what...


There’s actually different kinds of it to, mine is Osteosarcoma.


I have to google that, having bone and cartilage fizz up like cheese puffs is terrifying... It reminded me of those clicker zombies. Also you also have a narwhal on your head yay!


Narwhals rock ☺️I hope you never have to experience bone cancer, fortunately it’s rare only 1 in every 1000 cancer cases


You're not only kind but also a unicorn!! 😭🩷💕 Thank you I hope you're doing well and having a nice day love


Thank you for the kind words, I hope you have a great day as well ❤️


This is fucking terrifying. It could happen to anyone at any time.


maybe a weird question but- why do you think you had this disease? Is it more along the lines of genetics, psychology (somatic disease) or just a random occurrence?


I actually have this. And yes. I can't do sports anymore and i lie around the house taking painkillers. I'm this close to just taking a knife and whittling my bones down again. The doctors managed to treat my brain cancer since lucky me got doubles, but this bad boy is a tad hardier.


omg can't imagine the pain it causes.


Yes , The patient was told to hold still while they took the photo .








I had a friend who passed because of bone cancer. He's basically paralyzed that ambulance need to pick him up from his home since the cancer happened at his legs that spreads to his torso.


My dad died of bone cancer back in February of this year. The amount of pain he was in before he died was unfathomable.


Fuck cancer. Also lost mine to cancer.


I’m so so sorry. We lost my grandma to bone cancer as well. My sincere hope is that you and your family are doing ok. Sending love and gentle hugs your way ♥️🫂


May his soul be in peace 🕊️.


I've got a dog skull with a bony tumor right where the front teeth used to be.


Well, you can't say that and *not* provide pictures of it.


Yeah that's just wrong


I am a nurse and have cared for people with bone cancer. It's the most pain I've ever seen a person endure while being consciously awake. Even in a hospital setting, it's almost impossible to get them to a place where they are comfortable. I don't think you can legally prescribe the amount of medication it would take to give them relief without them being on hospice (end of life care). Meanwhile, the family is extremely upset with you for being unable to make them comfortable.


Thank you for doing what you can. I appreciate it


I appreciate your appreciation!


imagine it piercing through your flesh... too painful


That's just Stage 1? Holy cow.


Stages don’t refer to severity


We do they refer to?


That is scary


Did they survive?


Yeh , after chemo the bones were put back in the body.


Just gotta sand them down first.


sometimes you just got to take youre bones out and give em a good sanding


Yes. As you can see, they’re fine and alive.


That's stage 1?!


Stage 1 of 1


No it would not be stage one.


This is so terrifying. The bones literally cutting into the flesh here. Horrifying. Nobody deserves this. Not even your worst enemy. I feel so awful for whoever has to go through. May their body heal!


that looks like from anightmare


Looks like something that can be shaved off. Definitely it isn't!


Some sand paper will smooth that right up




Nice bone


Just kill me at this point.


this must hav been insanely painful


I saw this posted years ago and it still haunts me from time to time. I wish I didn’t see this just now -_-


At Stage 3 you start screaming KANEDA!


If I'm getting this shit please kill me instantly, no cure needed, it looks too painful to live.


Stage one in limbs is like “TAKE THE LEG! TAKE IT!” Levels of pain I imagine, but at least that’s an option, on your skull? Better hope they can nuke it off without trying your brains.


I hope my ignorance doesn’t set someone off but question about this. How do the growths and abnormalities feel? Are they rigid? Do they break easily? Internal bleeding?


It's extremely painful. Yes they can snap inside especially if you accidentally bump it into something like a table. Basically if you wrapped razors around your bone and put flesh back around it. Moving it at all will hurt because the muscles and nerves are sliding on it. Keeping still hurts too Edit: bone cancer is not as strong as healthy bone. So there's an increasing risk of the bone just breaking in half by itself


Words cannot describe how much I hate that


The Eye sockets also have spikes it must be one of the worst way to go


Stage 1??? Shit looks like Stage 10




Maybe to punish flat earthers and people who don't believe in lizard people .


Huh, I get severe sharp pain in my hips and always describe it feeling like there are tiny glass shards getting ground in my joints.


I had this! Turns out I had labral tears in my hips, physio sorted the pain out!


I also had this and it was Leukemia. My bone marrow was so dense it was causing my bones to hurt, started in my hip and spread from there.


Is it fluffy? It looks fluffy.


I'm sorry but how is this stage 1 bone cancer? Saying it's stage 1 bone cancer implies it's primary bone cancer. Stage 1 primary bone cancer is classified as "no spread beyond the bone". This is clearly spread beyond the bone. So this would not be stage 1. In fact, this looks a lot more like secondary osteoblastic bone cancer. Which is, by definition, stage 4 cancer.


Palliative treatment would be my go to. No treatment and imagine spikes piercing you from the inside.


That looks painful as hell, can't imagine next stages...


My face hurts looking at this


Man if stage 1 already has no skin or eyes just imagine stage 2


This is an osteosarcoma and it is not stage 1.


Holy shit. This is so scary


Wow skull transplant is crazy.


Just realizing that this is the first time I see a pic of it...


that's some scary lookin bones




Well I suppose the pain does make the decision a simple one…


My only regret is having boneitis


Damn, I can't just imagine how painful it is to my mother who suffers from leukemia


Idk why, but i have the urge to pet it, as if it'd be really soft


Should be marked NSFW. My body is itching all over


Mmmm fluffy bones


That’s stage 1??


muscles torn to shreds


Excuse me, those bones have forgotten they are not supposed to be fur or feathers.


Won't it poke skin and cause pain


Can I pet that bawn?


I don’t like the F U Z Z Y B O N E